Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Code contained in the Orffyrean Declaration of Faith - Part Three



Do you have the skills to decipher a 300 hundred year old code which could revolutionise the way we produce cheap clean energy? If the answer is yes, read on.

Deciphering the Orffyrean Declaration of Faith


 Part Three

Apologia Poetica - the clues to deciphering Orffyreus’ secret message.



The Decoding of Chapter 55

 Now we are further along the path to deciphering Johann  Bessler’s secret message we can see that there are provisions made to identify the particular lines he intended us to look at, now we need to know where on that line we should find the required letter or word.


You can see in the above picture that the references are abbreviated which gives considerable scope to adapt them as pointers to a specific piece of text.

These references it seemed to me, held the possibility of a coded message which might yet reveal Bessler’s secrets and were part of the code. I doubted that they are in themselves a part of the coded text but their abbreviated format looked like it might be an ideal device for pointing to specific letters or words within the text. 

In my search for other small anomalies used by Bessler as clues to deciphering his codes I discovered several apparent errors, which, under any other circumstances would be regarded as accidental or coincidental, but here, knowing how Bessler worked, I assumed that they were intentional.  

Among the 141 bible references I found some duplicates. I found this surprising, given the care with which the whole publication had been created, and I speculated that this might be another pointer to a piece of the puzzle? There were five biblical references duplicated; namely, Titus 2.verse 14; 1. Timothy 3, verse 16; 1. Corinthians 10, verse 31; Titus.2, verse 11; and Romans. 3 verse 24. Coincidence and a simple error seemed likely until I realized that there were five duplications making 5 and 5 or 55, again. To add weight to the fact that they are deliberate duplications and designed to be noticed, the first two are on the first page and it’s unlikely that Bessler wouldn’t have noticed this if it was an error. 

A study of the actual texts referenced in the bible revealed nothing of interest and I quickly came to the conclusion that most of the texts to which the biblical references related were irrelevant to deciphering the clues for the following reasons. Firstly there were a number of different versions of the bible extant, sometimes with the texts and/or the verse-numbering varying from one to another.  Another quirk of the bible references shown here, is the frequent appearance of neighbouring verses which you would think should next to each other, but which are quoted in different places, making one wonder why he did not place them together. I decided that if the bible references were a clue then they probably were intended to be used as a pointer to specific words or letters within a certain line or a four line stanza. 

Letters or Words? 

Would Bessler have used letters of words? I decided letters would be better and I was able to confirm this to my own satisfaction by checking so see if there were any German words within the lines of the 55 stanzas, which might be of use in explaining how the machine worked. If the code pointed to whole words then they should appear somewhere within the text. I was thinking of the German for such words as, wheel, weight, round, rotate, lever etc. None of these appears and in any case it would be too obvious. So knew I had to search for the right letter in a certain line within the 55 stanzas.

At this point I realised that I had assumed that the resulting message would be in German, but I realised he might have used Latin in which he was  proficient.  It doesn’t matter yet, but it’s worth keeping it in mind.

Which Letter and which Line?

One thing that struck me was that the upper case letters of each book referenced would make a good pointer to the exact letter in a particular line. The reason for this was that I had already noticed that there were rarely more than about 30 letters in each line so the 24 letters of the alphabet in use then might easily be used in this way.  An upper case "M" being the thirteenth letter in a 26 letter alphabet could point to the 13th letter in a certain line. 

Secondly the verse numbers referenced from the Bible ran from 1 to 172 and the chapter numbers from 1 to 118. There were 55 four line stanzas in chapter 55 so a total of 220 lines, including the four blank ones. The verse numbers did not exceed the number 220 so it could be argued that this lends credence to the idea that the verse and/or chapter numbers could indicate the line number.

According to my speculations then, the upper case letter of each book of the bible quoted pointed to a letter on a particular line and the line to be used was indicated by the verse number or was it the book number or both? This I felt, looked very promising and I set to work to try to identify the relevant line of each stanza. The first bible reference in chapter 55, which was isolated from the rest of the references, being the only one on the first page, did not contain a verse number, just Judae 19.

The bible text to which Judae 19 refers, reads, "These are they who separate themselves, sensual men, having not the Spirit." And the text adjacent to the bible reference above, reads ( As my chattering enemies seem to). Neither items seem particularly relevant. The number 19 suggested line 19 to me, but when I checked, it was on line 18. This was so close I had to double check and it was then that I realised that the first of the four blank lines came in at line 17 and if included in the count made the 'Judae 19' reference, line 19.  I tried to see if the text I quoted above, "

‘These are they who separate themselves..." had any relation to the feature identified with it, and I guess it is possible to see that the blank lines do separate or split the text, but it is a pretty vague connection. "These are they who separate themselves.." might be the nearest quotation that Bessler could get to providing a hint that these were the spaces that separate the text. 

Including the blank lines in the count is a simple but clever way of protecting the casual code-breaker from stumbling across the right clues, too easily. The fact that the line numbering clue is included here in the first bible reference confirms to my mind that these 220 lines contain the encoded message. Some may argue that because the verse references only go to 172, the 220 lines are more than were needed, but remember that there had to be a multiple of 55 to attract our attention to the right chapter, so 220 it had to be, and Bessler needed less than 220 verse numbers to achieve his aim.

Spaces Between the Words?

 It occurred to me that I had omitted to take into account something else. If, as I have suggested, the code is composed of individual letters picked out according to the instructions of the code, should I not allow for spaces too? The letters cannot be allowed to run together in one long stream, so there must surely be spaces indicated to separate each word. To this end I think that this is also indicated in the first bible reference, Judae 19, see again, below.


Notice that the text which accompanies the reference has a bracket followed by a space, then the text, and finally a closed bracket without an intervening space. There are just 21 letters in the sentence, two brackets and three spaces. It might be a coincidence but I doubt it - 21 letter plus 2 brackets and three spaces adds up to 26, the number of letters in the 26 letter alphabet. We have already seen that this phrase in brackets right next to the first bible reference tells us that blank lines must be included in the line count, and now a space is to be counted within the text as well. So we can add to that the possibility that the line number is indicated by the chapter number and the verse number when present.

Does the letter J indicate the letter position? It's the tenth letter of the 26 letter alphabet. So perhaps the J of Judae is indicating the 10th letter in the sentence, including any spaces? 

Bessler made much of the dual turning capabilities of his wheel and even included suggestions of it in his drawings and I considered the possibility that he might just count his letters from the end of the line instead of the beginning. Counting backwards reveals that the space in between 'Schwatzer' and 'feindliche' is the tenth item. This appears to confirm that spaces in between lines and words are to be counted and the letter or space can be identified by means of the upper case letter of the bible reference - and count from the end not the beginning.

I know that I have suggested that the first letter of each Bible reference indicates which number letter on the line is indicated, plus how many letters in lower case are to be included, but in this case it doesn’t include the the number of lower case numbers.  The reason why is that firstly Bessler needed this reference to point to the separations of These are they who separate themselves...".  It’s likely that this was the best quote he could find that included the number 19 and it was one he could use.  It is why it’s on its own on the first page.  The next thing he needed was to point out the the variations in the Bible reference abbreviations.


Typos or Deliberate Anomalies?

 Some of the abbreviated bible books referred to have different spellings. Notice in the example below that Matthew is spelled with one "t" first and two "t"s secondly. For two reasons I think this is part of the deciphering method. Firstly it occurs right near the beginning, in the second and third references on the first page of the main list of references, and there are several more instances in the 141 references; and secondly it provides for detailed variations in the identifying procedure.

We know that Bessler used both alphabetic substitution, as in his pseudonym, and alphanumeric substitution (as in the Romanised capitals used under the Apologia Poetica wheel drawing). However in this case, alphanumeric substitution is out because when the individual letters are added up they come to more than the number of letters and spaces in each line. That this is part of the deciphering process and not careless spelling is certain and therefore there has to be a reason for it.  A clue to its use can be found, as can all of Bessler's coded clues, in his published drawings. In more than one instance we are led to count up the number of letters used for labelling the items in each drawing and in this case I think we must do the same - and total their accumulated numbers.

Consider this. I have said that there are about 30 letters used in each sentence, plus an assortment of spaces to count, yet we have only 26 available to identify each letter. But in fact we have fewer than 26 because Bessler uses the books of the bible to identify the required letter and therefore he is limited by their scarcity. The first bible reference on page 122, the first page of references after Judae 19, is Rom.1.v.16. by picking a letter such as R in Rom (Romans) he can suggest 18 as R is the 18th letter, but then by adding the letters ‘om’, they are just two letters and he can thereby add two to the total. So in the example above, the two Matthews. He can mean M = 13 and add just three to the total and get 16, or in the second example, add four to get 17.  The following letters appear as the capital letters used by Bessler in his bible codes. I have only produced one example of each but there are several.

Act - Apoc - Cor - Col - Deut - Eph - Esa - Ezech - Gal - Gen - Hebr - Hiob - 

Hos - Jac - Jer - Joh - Judae - Job - Levit - Luc - Marc - Math - Micha - Phi -

Pet - Prov - Psal - Rom - Reg - Sap - Tit - Thess - Thren - Tim

Although 34 books are referenced, only 13 begin with a different capital letter, but with several alternative spellings it is possible to arrive at a total equalling any required letter count. Not only is this useful, it is also necessary as Bessler must also have had to count spaces as well as letters to find the right letter position along the line, but also point out a space to be included to separate the deciphered letters into words. These extra letters give him that option.

Returning to the penultimate page again, six lines from the top and apparently the fourth bible reference on the page, is a strange reference,  ‘B.Weisth.7’.  I was unable to find any indication of which bible this came from and if it had been just that, I might have assumed that it was some local book that was familiar to the local people of that part of Germany, but there was an anomaly. All of the fonts used for the actual bible references are in normal Roman script, not dissimilar to that which appears on this page. You can see the font used in the first reference below - two types of font in the first line and note that the usual font used for the references is Joh 1. v.1.14, underlined in the illustration below.

 Notice that the text that accompanies those references, on the left, and is used in the rest of the book, is in the German Fraktur font which was commonly used at the time. But in the ringed reference the font used is the Fraktur one.  Why is ‘B.Weisth.7’ in the Fraktur style too, like the rest of the book when all the other references here are in Roman script. There is one other example of the bible references being written in Fraktur, and it is the references immediately below ‘B.Weisth.7’, I have underlined it at the bottom of the above picture. I suspect that this difference is somehow to be taken as part of the code rather than a pointer to it.  But what did it mean?

The only meanings I could find for the word ‘Weisth’, were a fairly rare last name; a reference to some text in Grimm’s fairytales, and its use as an abbreviation for ‘Weist(h)’or ‘Wistuom’mwhich means ‘wisdom’. It can also be used to refer to a collection of dictums, or sayings and also applies to a ‘judicial sentence serving as a precedent’. This was all very well but I wondered, how was I to find book 7 of wise old sayings. Then one day while checking the translations of some German words I came across ‘Weist’, without the ‘h’, meaning ‘gives’, ‘points to’, alludes to, or alternatively, rejects, repels, expels, identifies, refers to, or transfers’. Quite a range of meanings and yet it seemed to me that ‘alludes to’, or ‘points to’, or ‘refers to’ or even ‘expels’, might just be the desired meaning.  Now this looked interesting and perhaps I was trying to make the clues fit my purpose but it certainly seemed worthy of further investigation.

I tried transposing the phrase, ‘B’, points to 7, or ‘B alludes to 7’. If B was equal to 7, then A must be equal to 5, and therefore V must equal 1. Or it could be reversed and if B equalled 7 then C was 6 and H equalled 1. The last just felt wrong. I was sure that Bessler would have used the letter V to represent 1 rather than creating some obscure relationship between H and 1. V equalled five in Roman numerals and besides, if V equalled 1, then Bessler had in effect moved the alphabet backwards just five positions. Five again. But if B really does allude to 7, did that mean B equalled G, five places ahead, or did it mean that B actually equalled the number 7? I feel sure that it meant the letter ‘G’ as we are looking for a text not a series of numbers.

How are we to know when to apply the alphabetic substitution? Looking at the first reference after Judae 19, we see Rom.1.v.16. According to my theory the capital R, as the 18th letter in the alphabet, means that we should look at the 18th letter, firstly on line 1, (Rom.1.v.16) and then again on line 16, because verse 16 is also in the reference. But should we first, add 2 to the letter ‘R’ for the ‘om’ of Rom to get 20? Yes, in my opinion.

In Part Four I’ll discuss the table details all of the abbreviated bible references as shown in chapter 55. I have attempted to include every single feature of the references as they appear in the original book and have included or omitted every full stop (period) according to the original. In the tables below, the duplicated references are highlighted in similar colours. The varied spelling of the abbreviated references is accurate and according to the original. The page numbers at the head of each column are the ones on which the references appeared in the original Apologia Poetica. Items 126 and 128 appear in their Fraktur font as per the original.

And either the next part or the final part will include copies of the actual pages showing all the Bible references and their numbering plus of course the four blank lines.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

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