Sunday 2 August 2009

Priorities, patents and publishing

The realisation hit me yesterday that I had got my priorities all wrong. How could I be sitting on the biggest discovery of my life and wasting time on other persuits, some related to Bessler's wheel and others not? Time passes at an alarming rate and it seems scarcely credible to me that I have understood the basic principle that lies behind Bessler's wheel for over a year and yet I have not yet completed a wheel that actually runs incorporating this principle.
The time has not been entirely wasted as new insights have come to me through building what I thought was what Bessler intended, however time is now the most important factor to me and I am going ahead with finishing what I started. All five mechanisms are finished and three are attached to the backplate but I ruined two of them by drilling holes in the wrong place and I am having to rebuild them because the cannibalisation of old parts which I have habitually used over the years has made some of the material I use - unusable!
Assuming that the wheel works, what then? Advice from a good and knowledgeable friend has made me rethink my decision not to patent. His argument being that I can still give the design away if I wish but at least I would retain some potential for future financial independence. That seems like sound advice but also raises its own concerns. Suppose this model works - do I announce it? Or do I say nothing and get the patent applied for? If I say nothing I will be chased by those many others also researching this subject and working on their own projects who are expecting me to say whether this model worked or did not.

If I announce it and also apply for the patent will I withstand the pressure to say nothing further until the patent process has made it safe for me to share what I know? Actually I think I have the answer now but I need to think carefully about it.
But then again, just like a hundred times before, maybe I'm fooling myself and it won't work - again!

In order to concentrate on the project I have removed much of the information I had published about the so-called code. The reaction to the publication of my speculations about Bessler's encoded information disappointed me and I realised that I have been too close to it to see it objectively. I may publish it again at a later date but I think it is best left safely filed away until I can reassess what I have written in the light of another day.



  1. I believe your best course of action is Patent and then release. You deserve the credit for making the leap, and financial rewards as well. If 10,000 manufacturers started producing these today they could not keep up with demand. Patent then release

  2. If you can harness gravity the fame and accompanying financial recompense will be more than enough to provide for a very comfortable retirement. If, Jade, was it? can make a million think how much more you could make as the man who first harnessed the force of gravity.

    If you can you should publish openly before someone else does. No one is interested in who comes second.

    Are you sure that you are not using patenting as a delaying tactic because you do not want to face the possibility that you do not have what you believe you have.

  3. Hello John

    Since finding your website I have thought of thousands of configurations of gravity wheels, drawn hundreds and found about ten worth building. All my wheels to date have been stillborn.

    Despite the stillborn wheels I believe that all has not been in vain. As Besslers stillborns were not in vain. Overcoming failure is on the learning-curve to success.

    I too, believe that I now am at the stage where I know the principal upon wich Bessler built his wheels. The one that I am currently designing, I am definatley going to build.

    Since encountering your website in about 2001 and reading all on offer about Bessler and his wheels, I dedicated much of my life to the re-invention of Besslers wheels. I have vowed that if I never discover a PM gravity wheel then I will die trying.

    Once discovered I will niether patent nor withhold. I will shout it from the rooftops.
    It will be "The Freewheel" and it will bring freedom to many. And what shall be my reward? The wheel itself is the reward.

    Again, thank you, for telling the story of Bessler to the world.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...