Sunday, 23 August 2009

Tilting at windmills

According to my local paper, The UK government has assigned a large tract of open countryside, to the south of where I live in England, to be used for developing several large windfarms. Naturally the protesters are out in force, claiming that these vast machines will desecrate some of the most beautiful countryside we have, spoiling the view and scaring the wild life.

Some people argue that the sight of these majestic windmills is beautiful and almost other-worldly and well might that be, if there was just one, but a phalanx of them, marching across to the horizon is another matter altogether.

From my own perspective, what I wonder, will become of them once the solution to Bessler's wheel has been found? It seems crazy to be building these behemoths ( I always wanted an excuse to use that word!) when a much better alternative is so close. It isn't until the prospect of having one of these things in your own backyard that the implications of such devices hits you. I can imagine vast acreages of these monstrous windmills standing motionless for years and years, no longer required and too expensive to take down and recycle. I fear that once they're here they'll be here for a long time.

I have been away with my family for the last few days and have been somewhat frustrated to be enjoying the sunshine, food and wine in Spain when I could have been working to finish my Bessler wheel reconstruction - is that stupid or what? Any way, back to work today and I must admit that a few days away has crystallised my thinking and I am clear in my mind about what to do if and when it works. Somehow I always have to include that little word 'if'. It's the same as touching wood for luck except that if I didn't include it I would think I was tempting fate - pride before a fall?



  1. "pride before a fall?"


    Your communications continue to be more and more measured almost like you think you are Bessler himself. Waving around hints to your ideas as though they work. Then when they don't work, if you've completely lost it, you'll think you see "some spontaneous movement" and this will go on for years on end. Now we know for 5 years you've been sitting on clues that could help the community solve this. You could easily have half the answer but are holding out in hopes of getting it all.

    This community does not deserve to succeed and the sad thing is it's not for lack of effort, just lack of cooperation.

  2. I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of me Wind.
    But I have done more than hint surely? I have listed on 14 pages, what I believe to be coded clues on my web site at with my interpretation of them. Do you believe I am the only person who has found this information? Many people have found what I have found, but they have remained silent.

    Perhaps I should have shared this knowledge years ago, but then human vanity is a weakness we all share, even you, and I thought maybe I could solve this puzzle myself. I thought in my foolish optimism, how good it would be to present this device to the world free of patents and restrictions.

    I still believe I will and I am not so blind that I cannot judge a 'spontaneous movement' from a genuine succession of accelerating turns.


  3. If my opinion of you were low I would not bother to read your posts and reply thoughtfully to them.

    I also have read your books from beginning to end. In fact your response, especially the part about "human vanity being a weakness" only reinforces my hope that you will fully disclose your discoveries so that the physics savvy amoung us might get out of our stuper.

    I, for one, have already built more than a dozen unique arrangements only to pile doubt on top of doubt. Despite my own vanity I would surely disclose any upon request and even without request had I thought they were worth a look. So far my most "secret" discovery was a statement that Bessler made concerning MT019 that I have so far proven with 3 pass trials to be false. The "horse" lever, just like most wild goose chases, trades verticle potential energy for horizontal, and actually retards rotation. The more travel it is allowed the more "harmful" it becomes. So unless there is something behind the "most of the time" part he may just have been mistaken.

    It is likely that you are afraid that "human vanity" will cause someone else to steal it from the community. That is the power given by patents and the chance we take when we are part of a community. In fact I would not find this behavior so illogical had we not been searching for 300+ years and so far found nothing but fraud after fraud with a lot of dillusion in between.

    No, much to the contrary, I respect all of the hours and effort you have put into this search. Your role in the discovery is thoroughly established. If the Bessler track is what produces overunity you will almost certainly have played a significant role.

    I just also beg you, please be a model of transparency for our other friends who spend their time in seclusion staring at their secret designs. Most of which have probably been reproduced dozens of times over again.

    In closing, you have to be aware that Bessler had promised over and over that he would share his discovery. He even claims that it was too important to keep secret the day he discovered it. 1717 was to be the year, and it would have been if only no one would have spoken out against him. It's a cycle of rationalization on top of good intentions.

    We are doomed to wait for perhaps ever if we do not overcome our human vanity. Please, just publish your findings and ideas completely. Be an example in our community of a commitment to see this "nut cracked" even if you have to do so without honor.

    May I propose, in cooperation with Scott over at, that you establish an agreement on your private forum. Require members to agree to establish a new outlook on this quest of cooperation and full disclosure. Suggest that any talk of secret ideas could get them removed from the forum. Admit the possibility that we could be ripped off and maybe in the spirit of Bessler himself call it an Oath. Maybe even quote Bessler, concerning this. Despite all your efforts, this contribution of transparent cooperation by example may prove to be your best yet.

    Of course, try to make your wheel spin, but when it won't please get this boat going in a better direction.

  4. Well I'm pleased to know that your opinion of me is not low, Wind! I misread the tenor of your post and I apologise if my response was less than respectful.

    I find myself in agreement with you about former failures of mine,and have no particular desire to disclose them to others, even though those others may find them useful. I find that once the design has proved a failure I quickly lose interest in it.

    Yes, I must admit, I'm coming around to the idea of transparency, given my own failure, so far, to achieve my dream of reconstructing Bessler's wheel. But not yet. I must just finish this model. If it fails then full disclosure will follow. I believe that any failure with the current prototype, will be a reflection on my skills as an engineer rather than faulty design.

    I intend to write at more length about why no success has been achieved in almost 300 years.

    I like your suggestion to work out some kind of agreement with Scott but I fear that even if we were to make a relatively failsafe system, it would prove impossible to monitor everyone's input/output, and confidential information would be scattered far and wide.

    Watch out for the boat.


  5. Yep, you're just the guy to champion the cooperation that will be required to crack this nut. Just the guy!

    BTW, I hope your design does not resemble the "Buzz Saw". I know a lot of respected folks looked really closely at that thing but it seems pretty clear that the inventor may have fooled himself. The large sprocket and stack of weights would have made for quite an impressive, albeit clunky, clockwork. :-)

  6. So it's either gravity powered or wind powered?

    I think an electrical system is and will be released before you have a gravity wheel running, patented and on sale.

    I personally know of a person who's working on space propulsion technology that even NASA couldn't dream of, and he has planned a world tour, demonstrating the tech in front of thousands of people, early next year.

    So you better hurry with your invention before it becomes an ancient toy to the space traveling humans.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...