Saturday, 10 July 2010

The sigmoid curve or elongated 'S' shape

The disclosure on my web site is going well and is almost ready for publication. It's going to be bigger than I thought because I have had to divide it among several pages to make it into more easily digested chunks! I was also able to do some work on my wheel yesterday so I'll know if I have a runner soon.

Some people have dismissed what I have called Bessler's codes as either useless or imagined, so I am looking forward to seeing their surprise when they discover that there is a lot of good information available. I have spoken of the yin yang symbol before both in my first book and also in the Besslerwheel forum. The key to the Bessler wheel lies in the double curve or elongated 'S' curve as seen in the yin yang symbol.

When I was researching my bio on Bessler I spent some time looking for evidence that anyone else anywhere and at any previous time, had ever made a wheel like Bessler's because I thought that if they had it would add support to my thesis that Bessler's claims were real. I didn't find that evidence but in the course of it I did study the history of the yin yang symbol - not the philosophy behind it but the actual symbol itself. There was nothing about how it originated or how it was derived although there are volumes devoted to extracting meaning from it! I speculated that it might have been a graphic record of a gravitywheel from some distant past. To add to this pretty wild speculation I admit, I also found a comment credited to Nikola Tesla that the sigmoid curve formed the basic shape for all energies, now I don't know exactly what that means but it seemed to me that the yin yang incorporated a sigmoid curve and as you will see, I discuss this and how it relates to the lemniscate, the infinity symbol.

To add one more clue to the mix, you will also discover that in 2004 and later, I mentioned on the forum that I was looking into parametric oscillation as a potential key to solving Bessler's wheel. Subsequently I discovered that Scott Ellis of the Besslerwheel forum had posted some interesting facts about parametric oscillation a couple of years previously. I was originally pointed at the subject by Hal Puthoff who had made some significant discoveries in the field of optical parametric oscillation and he felt that there were some parallels in my own investgations.

In my disclosure you will see that Bessler too, used the elongated 'S' shape and indicated this. Enough already!



  1. Finally, things are becoming rosy again with JC sir's decision to go public..This is going to be the best period since this blog started. Hopefully, we are now getting closer to unveiling the mysteries of the wheel, one after one..

    Best of luck..

  2. John, this is very exciting indeed. Oddly, some time ago I had a discussion with a scientist about that yin-yang symbol. In fact in the seventies some NASA scientists did some research on some ancient Maya symbols and decided that a particular one, very similar to the Yin-Yang symbol, possibly symbolized a rotary turbine-type engine. They even came up with a working replica, and measured amazing efficiency. Even Von Daniken, of all people, picked up on it in the first print runs of his books. As for the parametric oscillator, you may have noticed from some posts I made that this is a field that fascinates me as well. I am now, more than ever, extremely curious to what you will come up with. This is great research!

  3. Yes enough already! Enough b.s., there is plenty of evidence why the yin yang symbol originated. Tesla never said a thing about all energies falling back to that form. Pretty wild speculation indeed. No runner. Ever.

  4. Yes I agree. The wheel is straight forward down to earth strategic mechanics.It is greedy and will only work if you feed it. That is why bessler said it does not contravene the law of thermodynamics.

  5. Anon 20:06 - you're wrong, Tesla did state that all energies come from the sigmoid waveform. I quote: "The secret, he felt, lay in the use of alternating current,because to him all energies were cyclic". From Tesla's Biography, Tesla Society, New York. See also
    Furthermore, can you be so kind to educate us as to the origins of the yin-yang symbol?

  6. From

    "There is not a clear and definite way to determine the exact date of origin or the person who created the popular yinyang symbol. No one has ever claimed specific ownership of this popular image. However, there is a rich textual and visual history leading to its creation. Inspired by a primeval vision of cosmic harmony, Chinese thinkers have sought to codify this order in various intellectual constructions."

    Now there are, I grant you, attempts to intellectually explain the origin of the symbol but even though they are inspired intelligent creative guesses, there is no definitive answer to its origin.


  7. I'm sorry but don't you think you are grasping at straws if can not demonstrate the practical relevance of what you say.

  8. Andre. You goof. Don't you know the difference between a quote that someone has made and an idea someone has about someone else? There are other energetic signatures besides the sigmoid wave form. Tesla being interested in sound mechanics would have probably known this. It is not written anywhere that he said what John is sayinng he said. Tesla's "use", and I put that rather loosely, came from his research into attempting to improve the homopolar generator. And why don't you actually read up on that before commenting further.

  9. Hi John,

    just to make it clear, where are you about to publish?



  10. Wow - was about to post in the other thread yesterday about seeing the letter S in drawings, maybe my eyes were not deceiving me, now its highly likely that i have seen the orffyrean rollers in a drawing, as well as cats e.t.c.

  11. Damian

  12. There is no virtue in these symbols.They are just by products of what they were trying to achieve.Even Tesla's sinusoidal AC current was only used because it was the only way he could transform the high voltage low current transmission line down to low voltage high current for domestic use.As with the wheel,it was just the flight path noted,taken by the swinging pendulums.

  13. Trevor...I think JC sir is right...the yin yang symbol is the key to bessler wheel, almost 90 percent clues are out...

  14. OK Have it your way, but hear this,...I am going to be the winner.

  15. The Flight path you refer has been difficult to understand so far...that is why so many years have passed without bessler wheel revival..this symbol makes it easy for us to understand the flight path..this symbol will further aid us in uncovering the core secret...

  16. Anonymous 00:39, I didn't call you names but if you insist, I can do that too. Some people seem to thrive on vitriol. I can assure you that you're not making much sense in your reply, and calling people names only proves ones intellectual bankruptcy. Of course, my noisy friend, we are all aware that are other energetic signatures besides the sigmoid wave form. The point is that you stated firmly and loudly (as always) that Tesla never said so. So don't be angry when you're proven wrong - just reinforce your argument. That's the civilized way. I also note that you cleverly avoided providing us with evidence to your yin-yang assumptions, apparently you can't. So you're wrong there again. As for Tesla, I'm quite well versed, thanks for your generous offer to educate us ignoramuses.

  17. Andre, waa waa waa. Your projecting an awful lot, and typically like someone who can't present points based on facts you spew out a lot of emotionally driven words trying to cover your ass to future readers. Yes, I said that Tesla never said that "the sigmoid curve formed the basic shape for all energies" ( john collins quote ). And he never did. And you haven't proven otherwise. And you can't. And never will. So shut it, or keep on being a moron, the choice as always is yours.

  18. As for the Yin Yang symbol. John will play out anything and everything he can to perpetuate the view he's been trying to present on the internet for over ten years. Oh I'm sure John believes the yin yang symbol is to be found in the Bessler wheel, but as a physical movement of structure, not as a wave form. He likes to throw out the idea, always weighed out to favor him and his agenda, that the yin yang symbol might have some kind of secret orgin -pro gravity wheel or some other secret technology. But he's clever enough to say that the yin yang philosophy is well known. But likes to stir the pot that since he can't put an exact time and date to when the symbol arose that, oohhhh, there's something mysterious there, pro John's agenda. Fact is, most physics and math symbols can't be pinned down to an exact time and birth orgin. A squared plus b squared equals c squared is a perfect examnple of this. Attributed to Pythagoras, but known as much as 1000 years before that time period. Yes, the philosophy of the meaning of yin and yang is well known. And it isn't really a philosophy at all, it's physics. Anient physics but physics non the less. Ancient physics where ancient physicists studied the interplay of energies occuring on the lab they all lived on, the Earth. So, Andre, and anyone else who is pro Andre, if you know what energy is, and what forces play out on the Earth that would be of vital interest to ancient physicists, look for the symbol there, cause that's where it is, big time.

  19. You're quoting out of context anon. I didn't say he said it, I said 'I also found a comment credited to Nikola Tesla that the sigmoid curve formed the basic shape for all energies'. I didn't bother to question the comment here, I just implied that it was of uncertain provenance.

    In the light of this nitpicking I should also correct the sentence, 'The key to the Bessler wheel lies in the double curve or elongated 'S' curve as seen in the yin yang symbol.' to read 'The key to the Bessler wheel lies in the double curve or elongated 'S' curve SUCH as IS seen in the yin yang symbol.

    I was merely saying that the elongated 's' shape will be seen to be an intrinsic part of the design of the mechanism, and it looks a little like the double curve seen in the yin yang shape. The historical reference was to the fact that I did do some research on the yin yang symbol many years ago for my book.


  20. No John I am not quoting out of context, you are reading out of context. I never said that you said that Tesla said that, I provided the john collin's quote at the end of that sentence cause I just know someone is gonna wiz through these posts and not know where who it was attributed to. I did say however that Tesla never said that, and he never did. And you infering that he might have based on someones idea of Tesla is b.s. and is done only to serve your agenda. Your agenda in promoting the idea that you might be onto something. How about finally some real proof?

  21. I thought it was an interesting aside and nothing more, anon. You can dismiss the allusion to Tesla and the yin yang if you wish it makes no difference. As for 'real proof', I doubt you'll recognise when it arrives.


  22. Okay guys! this feels like a 2010 soccer match.I thought this was a team effort.

  23. Providing there is an infinite timeline, the probability that every outcomes are visited is high.

  24. This is exciting John. I'm checking constantly for the publication.
    If you need help with editing, let me know ;-)

  25. There are eight pages/buttons so far so it's going to take me a day or so, Damian. I'll post that it's up on here as soon as its ready. I am trying to slim down a much bigger document and do some new illustrations for the web site. Its all there, I just need to go over it a few times to check that it makes sense - and possibly add one more page.


  26. In these worrying times of global warming, possibly due to carbon pollution; the rapidly diminishing oil reserves and the search for a cheap, clean, alternative energy source, I find it remarkable and frustrating that I appear to have a viable solution to all these problems, namely Bessler’s wheel, but I am not taking any real notice. Those who are taking notice, are, like myself, lone voices in the wilderness. It’s time for me to sit up and take notice!

  27. Good one John Collins. I think the anon John Collins are better renditions than the real John Collins.

    John Collins...

  28. >> it's going to take me a day or so,


  29. Hopefully tomorrow is the day.

  30. Yesterday can't come any sooner.

  31. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

    I wouldn't hold your breath.

  32. "There are eight pages/buttons so far so it's going to take me a day or so,"

    That was three days ago.
    Perhaps Bessler's Wheel had the amazing power to make time speed up...

  33. Is it the day after yesterday?! I'm confused!?

  34. I think you're winding me up guys! A day or so, means very soon and isn't to be taken literally where I come from. I might have said 'in a few days', or 'in about a week' or 'real soon', but I simply don't know exactly when. I do it when I can as I have explained countless times.

    I'll post more about the web site tomorrow morning - and try to give a firm date, which I'll probably miss!


  35. It could as well be in a year.. You could as well just don't give any time estimate! ..

  36. "A day or so, means very soon and isn't to be taken literally where I come from."

    How very true...
    "Very soon" presumably means "before hell freezes over"...

    "I simply don't know exactly when".

    Join the club!

  37. John. will you be revealing the orffyrean rollers ?

  38. I don't think so, anon, I've never heard of orffyrean rollers. Can you explain?


  39. If this wheel runs on sarcasm it's going to be really powerful... don't you think?

  40. Well for sure it will never run out of time! ;)

  41. Well, for sure, it will never run out of time! ;P

  42. Orffyrean rollers? How else do you think he curled his hair so beautifully?

  43. My device runs on the creation and harvesting of centrifugal force.
    Not gravity. Gravity has no play at all except to create friction in some places.


  44. Who pulled your chain?

  45. Next question from anon 19:08.
    besslers wheel contained special bearings which were not allowed to be greased, Why! This is because any slippage on the rollers would interrupt the timing, the wheel would screech to a stop.

    John: I presumed you were building besslers wheel, you need the bearings.
    After your post of the elongated S i was 100% sure you broke the complete code to create a running bessler wheel.
    P.S One would need to have these made, the cost for these are expensive, if these don't work the price would be a huge waste.

  46. Forgot to add, The elongated S,
    From the clues, i have worked out that this seems to be a spring which helps in keeping the wheel turning.
    I may be mistaken, though there are too many representations in the diagrams that have similar shapes of what i believe is the bearings.
    so i don't believe its just a coincidence.
    Will not continue with making these until i have a full understanding of their workings.

  47. A bit of Ying, a bit of Yang. Just to get the thoughts rolling.

  48. Many comments deleted, a bad sign?


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...