Friday 16 July 2010 and the Bessler gravitywheel

I shall publish my revised web site and the principle which I believe governs the running of Bessler's gravitywheel and a description of the mechanism and why it works. The explanations are shorter than I would have liked because of the limited space available - and also because I don't want to lose the reader's attention with too much detail - and of course,there's always a danger of logorrhoea! Something I've been accused of having. I once saw it defined as "a procrastinating workaholic with an unhealthy attachment to words", - not me then!

I hope that my explanation stands up. It may be that it has not been made as clear as I think, so I shall probably try to deal with questions on rather than do it here.

Many people have asked why I didn't just post a simple explanation - well that's easier said than done. It's simple to understand the principle but hard to work out how to construct something that actually works according to it. I hope that someone with the requisite skills, (I can think of some), is able to create a simulation according to my (and Bessler's) design - Or at least the principle anyway.

My reasons for posting my ideas about Bessler's wheel are complex; Of course I would like to have it acknowledged that I had contributed in some way to the successful reconstruction of the wheel, who wouldn't? But more importantly I know that if this leads to a working model by either myself or some else, then it could have a major impact on pollution, offer a potential alternative to oil and other fossil fuels, but also provide a massive kick to the whole world's economy providing jobs and security all around the globe. The number of other potential benefits is enormous and there isn't the space to even outline them here so I just hope that I'm right..........??????



  1. "The explanations are shorter than I would have liked because of the limited space available"

    What "limited space" would that be? Last time I looked, you could put up millions of words on a website, for free. Where is the "limited space"?

  2. Don't you get it!? The Internet is too small to contain that idea!!!

  3. Looking forward to it, John. And don't let these noisy negativists that are always ready to criticize your every move (the same ones that were so absolutely certain that you would never publish, remember) put you off. They will be, of course, the first ones to declare it a fraud or failure - you can wait for it. Just ignore them and continue your great work at your leisure. You are doing a great job!

  4. "(the same ones that were so absolutely certain that you would never publish, remember)"

    Actually, we were the ones asking why John kept saying he was "about" to publish, starting over seven months ago, yet never did....

    So don't try to make out that we were wrong, your strawman argument isn't very convincing.

    I will declare it a failure if it is so. How can it be a "fraud"? Either it works or it doesn't. How can you declare an idea a "fraud"?

    "You are doing a great job!" According to who? What evidence do you have for this? He hasn't published anything!

    Trevor - when? Never probably...

  5. Friday 4th June 2010:
    "I'm approaching the end of my Bessler wheel prototype construction, in fact I should finish it in the next few days. I feel exhilerated and full of optimism and I'm confident that it will work. Of course I always feel that way, otherwise I wouldn't be continually constructing and reconstructing gravitywheels!"

    Hmmm.... Was it ever finished? Of course not.

  6. Limited space refers to the fact that with the web site design I decided to use, I can only fit eight buttons on - and therefore eight pages. Limited space also refers to the fact that I want it to be as concise as possible so as not to overrun the attention span of some people.

    Thanks again Andre, your comments are like breath of fresh air among all the gloom and doom merchants.

    When? This weekend.


  7. Quote : "(the same ones that were so absolutely certain that you would never publish, remember)"

    I wasn't certain he wouldn't publish.. I was certain that his timeline wasn't respected.

    I'm no negative, I'm just saying that I was here patiently waiting for an answer and it didn't come in time.. It's frustrating, a lot, I was really happy to finally see what John had in mind but I was deceived time and time again.
    I hope his webpage will be ready this week-end, at last!

    I don't doubt that John is a good guy, but common, it took far longer than he told us at the beginning; which explain the frustration!

    I still wish he has the answer, I just doubt it now.. And I don't feel as excited for the old-news to come out..

    John, common, you can fit unlimited buttons if you wish, it's just a web page..
    Just make a word document, if you don't have word download openoffice it's free.. If you want to make it professional, make a pdf.. But not a webpage, it's a waste of your time.. If you are to make it web-able, make a wiki, it's easy.

    You could also use the besslerwheel wiki..

  8. It's "Come ON", not "COMMON"...

    Words fail me. How have you managed to get through life and never seen the two words "come on" together, in a sentence?

    "common" indeed.

    "Limited space refers to the fact that with the web site design I decided to use, I can only fit eight buttons on - and therefore eight pages."

    Yes, that figures...

    You can fit as many buttons on as you want. You can make the pages LONGER if you wish, too...

    Excuse after excuse.

    The next thing we'll hear that there is only room for one character on the webpage, so we'll just have to work the rest out for ourselves.

    Now what was that rather famous story about the boy who cried wolf...

    If John publishes the solution this weekend, I will be beyond amazed.

    So what happened to:
    Friday 4th June 2010:
    "I'm approaching the end of my Bessler wheel prototype construction, in fact I should finish it in the next few days. I feel exhilerated and full of optimism and I'm confident that it will work. Of course I always feel that way, otherwise I wouldn't be continually constructing and reconstructing gravitywheels!"

    No comment on that, I see.

  9. Well John has promised to POST this weekend. I guess you all have your answers now to when he would definitely publish.

    Congratulations John. I will be checking every few hours in anticipation.

    And thanks in advance.


  10. Anonymous said...

    >> It's "Come ON", not "COMMON"...

    So fucking what!? Not everybody is a fucking American...

    I speak french since birth, do you!? ..

    Try to speak french just so I can splatter your head on a concrete sidewalk..

  11. I bet you believe there's only one language in the whole universe.. Prick..

  12. LustinBlack: Don't be offended. That's what this guy loves, that's one of the reasons he's here for. Isn't that obvious already? Although you are frustrated, like many, you are way above that. Our resident Bessler/Algodoo/Tesla/JC/Webmaster and all round perpetual Ayatollah Anonymous thrives on ad hominem attacks. He will say anything, distort any truth, deny anything (even his own posts), to offend anybody and anything. He's only here with one purpose - create chaos and mayhem, then get the good ideas, and run with it and declare it his own. That's why he's anonymous and will always remain anonymous. I've seen people like that all my life. The world is full of them. You shouldn't even reply on his rants or be offended. I sure won't. I don't care what he thinks or says about me. And we all know he'll be extremely offensive after my post. That's because that's all he's capable of.

    People like that are exactly the reason that I will back good people like John all the way, a 100%, who obviously completely genuinely try to do something good for everybody, without selfishness or greed. We should immensely respect that, even if it takes more time, WAY more time than anybody likes - JC included. Even if it doesn't work immediately, he deserves immense respect for all the work, time and effort invested.

    There are many good, intelligent people visiting and commenting on this blog. And there are some very nasty ones, with the worst of intentions. You are not one of the latter ones. Just give JC a break. He's not a webmaster or web design specialist. He's not a software guru with unlimited financial means. He's just a good guy working his butt off to try and come up with a practical embodiment of a old but brilliant concept. And he's sharing his life's work and research for free with everybody -including the nasty ones- within the limits of his means and time.

    Who are we to even dare criticize that? How much better can one do? Give the man a break, I say.

  13. I have been following this and the Bessler forum for several years and I am still shocked by all the negative posts. John could just say screw you all and walk away. Some of you act like junkies waiting for a free fix and you get all pissed off because the free high isn't what you expect. Chill out and be patient.

  14. Sorry John, that people seems to think that you owe them something. I just wanted to say that for every single comment (positive or negative) there are a bunch of people like me that think you don`t owe them anything, and want to keep their mouth shut, (so you won`t get tired) and appreciate what ever will be published! (Don`t bite the hand that feeds you) Good luck! My only wish is understand Besslers secret (and pass the information on to my son that is entering the world in 3 months:-) before I pass away. I have Norwegian as my native language, and a lot of spelling misstakes I asume/presume? but..."come on" ;-)

  15. Anonymous 05:47, and Oystein 06:11 - very well put, gentlemen. That's exactly how it is - John doesn't owe any of us anything, no matter what the critics say. I, too, am totally amazed that John hasn't exploded yet and closed the blog. In fact that's what I recently advised him to do. While I understand the (including JC's) frustration, I do admire his patience (and kindness) towards all this negativism. It is any wonder that Bessler in his time got furious? In that respect, nothing has changed, unfortunately. But it's good to see more people are with him, and not against everything and anything he says and does.

  16. Andre, you speak the truth .. I'm a prick too sometimes..

    I have some bipolar problems it seems.. 8]

  17. LustinBlack: Je vous en prie, monsieur. I knew you are good guy. Besides, being of (very distant) French lineage myself, I will never accuse a fellow Frenchman of being a prick or bipolar ;)

  18. John,deserve respect for his work.

  19. Hi, let us stop criticising JC. Let us come to real issue. Let us hope some time some of us could able to invent perpetuel motion machine. So what? I have read some where that if PM is invented also it will be of no use because once you put load on it, it will stop gradually. Any comments on this.

  20. LustInBlack, how stupid of me not to KNOW that you were born a French speaker...

    As for the rest of the apologists - nobody has demanded that John do anything, just pointed out that he has been PROMISING to reveal the solution for over seven months, and not saying "In six months' time I will reveal it" but "I will publish in A FEW DAYS" or "before THE END OF THE YEAR" (2009)...

    THAT is what the problem is. Nobody has a problem with the WORK that John is doing, it's his constant taunting with "I'm going to tell you the secret within the next day, week, by the end of the year" and then not producing anything that is the problem.

    Which part of that don't you understand?

  21. So what happened to:
    Friday 4th June 2010:
    "I'm approaching the end of my Bessler wheel prototype construction, in fact I should finish it in the next few days. I feel exhilerated and full of optimism and I'm confident that it will work. Of course I always feel that way, otherwise I wouldn't be continually constructing and reconstructing gravitywheels!"

    No comment on that, I see.

  22. Anon 9:21 - I don't see any reason why a load would stop it, unless the load is more demanding than the available torque of the machine, i.e. too big a generator or the electrical load on the generator too high (backemf). The only reason it will never be a true perpetual motion machine is the fact that the components eventually wear out or that some external force(s) changes the machine. After all, not even planets keep exactly the same angular momentum forever - entropy rules.

  23. I think the real problem is that John has put on a show by creating this blog. He is getting paid when people come here (ads, yes I realise not much, but still) and he is basically asking for feedback (comments). He (and the people that follow him seemingly without question) have to realise that patrons are going to boo him, make catcalls and throw tomatoes at him for bad performances! He also may get bad reviews in the other press. If he doesn't like that prospect, he should close down "the show" and go to a more FYI approach to his work. This format obviously feeds his ego, even with the negative reviews. I guess any press is good press, to some...

  24. Le fait qu'il est un orateur français n'a pas d'importance. Le fait que vous offensé inutilement qu'importe. Isn't that right, LustInBlack ? ;)

  25. Anon 14:16 - Extraordinary statements require extraordinary proof, please. Or is this another case of "if you can't fight the data, discredit the messenger" as per debunking rule #3 ?

  26. Sycophant 14:27 - Exactly! Now you are catching on. But the saying goes "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof", and John has claimed he knows the principle of a working Bessler wheel. Then by your own definition you should be the one holding his feet to the fire.

  27. Andre, "the messenger" is doing a fine job of discrediting himself! And please show me this mythical data you speak of?

  28. The burden of extraordinary proof, I am afraid, is yours as per your financial accusations above, which, obviously, have the intention of discrediting JC as some kind of fraud trying to make money of us ignoramuses and "worshippers" posting here ad infinitum. Right?
    As for the mythical data, all that is required is an open mind and the ability to actually read and understand (not dissect and quote out of context) his previously written words. "THIS WEEKEND". Rather simple, and not rocketscience. Despite your best efforts, I think the messenger is doing one hell of a job, despite all the vitriol and ungrateful BS.

  29. Andre, apparently you are an ignoramus, because the fact is if you actually open your eyes and look to your right as you scroll up this very web page you are reading right now, you will see something that says "Ads by Google". Google AdSense enables website publishers of all sizes to display targeted ads alongside their online content and earn money. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. You can also check out which I believe is in beta at this stage.

  30. Thanks John.....looking forward to the information.

  31. >LustInBlack, how stupid of me not to KNOW that >you were born a French speaker...

    Let me answer that! You are stupid to ASSUME everybody's speak/write english fluently; thus my comment, which was poking you in reacting to my american comment, which you didn't. It's probable now, that you are american..

    Andre, your french is not bad, it's almost that! 8]

    I however agree a bit with the anon, I don't lke him, but it's true that we were taunted in commenting or waiting ..

    If the final result is success, all of this will not matter at all!

  32. LustInBlack 18:19: Merci. Vincit omnia veritas. And it's worth the wait :)
    Magister mundi sum 17:46: Gosh, did you think of that all of your own? I'm astounded. And now some real proof.

  33. ""THIS WEEKEND". Rather simple, and not rocketscience."

    How does that negate any of our justifiable complaints about being led on by John for over seven months?

    Does "before the end of the year" mean anything to you? That's what John said at the end of LAST YEAR! Seven months ago!

    Once bitten, twice shy.

    Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.


    The 'skeptics' like myself are just exhibiting completely natural reactions to somebody who says "I have the answer to what is probably the most amazing problem of all time", and then doesn't give you the answer, and then does it again, and again, and again, week after week, month after month, and still no answer, despite endless promises that it will be "soon".

    If he publishes this weekend I will faint with surprise. I think there is about a 0.001% chance that he will publish. He will probably run out of 'webspace', or not have enough buttons, or some other such ludicrous excuse...

    In short: I will believe it when I see it.

  34. I am of the opinion that JUST a blueprint or detailed diagram of a Bessler wheel will tell us if it is a runner. I don't believe an 8 page explanation would be necessary, unless the 8 pages links the clues to the design. ( that would be cool. ) Good luck John.
    Signed, Justsomeone

  35. John, I find it strange that you could not find one experienced builder to bounce your idea off that you can trust. If you were going to share the design with everyone anyway, what did you have to loose? Signed Justsomeone.

  36. Anon 20:29: "In short: I will believe it when I see it." No, you won't. You see, there are skeptics, and pathological skeptics, just like in Besslers time. There is nothing wrong with the former, and all the more wrong with the latter. I leave it to your own posts, after John has published, to expose yourself for all to see what category you fit in. I already know. Strange, huh? And yet, I'm hardly clairvoyant - just skeptical of certain people with certain attitudes. Time will tell, my friend.

    Anon Justsomeone 21:13: That's exactly what he intended to do, but that was heavily criticized.

  37. Please just give us a date of publication.
    I want to know whether I'm wasting my time if I tighten the last bolt on my wheel for demonstration.

  38. John, I am following your blog for some time with high interest. But I too have to say to be more and more sceptic as your publication delays. You said the principle is really simple but by far not so the construction. How can that be? Something that is obviously hard to unterstand. There is one principle that I have which fits your decleration well so in my case I can accept this. Two weights come together in a special manner so they can lift each other to create torque in both directions resulting in zero overall-torque at first. But then as one weight is being released and the other locked the wheel will move until the pair's initial state. One more pair and it can be done...
    This is an example of a principle being very simple but hard to build.

  39. So Andre is a mindreader. Nice strawman argument you set up there, Andre... you claim to KNOW what I am GOING to think, when (IF, more like) John publishes his solution. So you're saying I'm a 'bad person' because of what YOU THINK I will THINK.

    Truly pathetic.
    John's solution won't work, I can guarantee you that.

    Now what was it that Karl said about the inside of the wheel? It was so simple that having seen inside the wheel once, a carpenter's boy could build and UNDERSTAND it.

    So why do we need 8 pages of 'explanation'?

    Simply SEEING the insides of the wheel would be enough, IF John had the solution.

    Still 24 hours to go. Perhaps the word "weekend" means something else in John's vocabulary.

    Trevor, there will be no publication. Some 'crisis' will occur and John just won't be able to publish - for the umpteenth time!

  40. Re vera, potas bene Andre.

  41. >Anonymous said...

    So Andre is a mindreader. Nice strawman argument you set up there, Andre... you claim to KNOW what I am GOING to think, when (IF, more like) John publishes his solution. So you're saying I'm a 'bad person' because of what YOU THINK I will THINK.

    Truly pathetic.
    John's solution won't work, I can guarantee you that.

    Anon, are you claiming to KNOW what John solution is going to do!? .. Sure seems like it.

    Your personnal attacks correctly defines you as a troll.. You have given no new arguments since the first time you posted (like 8 months ago) that John will never publish in time..

    Keep repeating like a stupid idiot, the same old thing..

    Clearly, John isn't respecting his timeline, we all got that months ago.. Move on..

  42. After some of the posts above, john should keep the idea to himself or sell it in a book.
    How many years have you people been trying to figure out this wheel!
    you can't wait just a little longer, whats the rush.
    It's only more clues to further work out how the wheel works which is what you have most likely spent years doing anyway.
    Relax- part of besslers tale is to enjoy life and stop wasting it hunting for gold.

  43. After Jc sir publishes it'll be 90 percent clues that is out..someone should be able to succeed then...the wheel design is very simple and there is no doubt in is portrayed as too complicated by bessler and the moment we just need to wait and watch...patience pays..

  44. true, all MT designs are to trick.
    purposely done to get you thinking along the same lines.
    The falling weights are a trick as well, I doubt there are any levers or pendulums.
    the device, once known, its workings are simple to understand, to build this would not be easy as it needs to be precise.

  45. The swinging is true, the hitting is also true, 8 hanging levers too are true, 8 weights attached to these levers is also nothing but the truth...

  46. A combination of levers- falling weights alone will never work, gravity won't allow this to happen ever.
    The system used to complete rotation is not done by levers or weights and never will be, gravity helps in part, the remaining is done by a clever device.
    Sometimes accidental luck comes into play when seeking.

  47. 13 hours to go. Let see whether John keeps or loses all credibility!

  48. Eleven and a half hours to go.
    Now why won't I be at all surprised if John doesn't publish in time?

    Because we've seen it all before.
    LustinBlack, your comments are meaningless.
    John has promised umpteen times that he is about to publish, and then failed to do so. That is all I have complained about. It's very annoying to follow a blog where the owner continuously says they will reveal the truth about what is probably the most important discovery ever made in the history of mankind, and then doesn't do it.

    IF he publishes today, the solution won't work anyway, mark my words.

  49. I agree Anon,that, gravity is only a helping hand.

  50. John, publish the new clues in a book for sale.
    Or keep them to yourself.
    Why give your hard work up for free ?
    This would at least teach some of the posters, posting negative comments to think twice next time more clues are revealed.
    some posters want everything NOW NOW NOW, this probably is the same way in which you deal with other situations in life.
    Do some good in your life, learn to meditate and relax.
    keep going through life with this attitude will only lead to an early grave.

  51. Anon 15:13: Publishing it ensures that suppression (or patenting it and storing it) is no longer possible, and also ensures further development if needed. But you are absolutely right that the way some are demanding things NOW NOW NOW is completely appalling. Yes, he has missed the timeline several times. So what? Do these people never miss anything? If it wasn't so sad it would be completely hilarious.

  52. anon > LustinBlack, your comments are meaningless.

    Wow.. Continue having good arguments like that..

    Who do you think you are!? .. You can't back your ideas with arguments and you can't back your opinions with a name..

    I agree with you with what you say about John. But I still believe you are an arogant mofo ..

  53. The Fuhrer can't wait.

  54. I do understand what John is going through.
    Even though we know how the wheel works it's another matter getting the mechanics just right.
    Even Bessler got a headache trying to adjust it.
    It is so subtle.

  55. The evenly spaced hanging weights, which keep swinging, imbalance the wheel continuosly thus ensuring rotation...All this won't be possible without gravity, ofcourse.

    Springs used and the centrifugal force help in hastening the swing of the hanging weights.. the first law of motion playing an active role can be clearly seen here..

  56. Soo Mr John Colins done it.

    Thank you soooo much for putting it online.

    I hope it will all turn out as you wish.

    Take care


  57. Well, John has done it! As promised - I always knew John would keep his word. It's a fantastic piece of work, well written, and I hope the mattress our anonymous all-knowing Ayatollah fainted on was also of equally fantastic quality. He might hurt himself, after all. But - as predicted - he already declared it (before reading anything) a failure. Let the record show:

    "IF he publishes today, the solution won't work anyway, mark my words". What optimism! How remarkably objective! Not to mention so supportive and grateful!

    Well, I sure hope this anon likes his portion of crow. Now there are, of course, 2 possibilities:

    1) We'll never hear from him again while he's feverishly building it so he can call it his own; or
    2) He will be back with a vengeance to criticize it further.

    Time will tell, but I think I already know the answer. We shall see.

  58. " Hi,let us stop critising J.C. Let us come to real issue.Let us hope some time some of us could able to invent perpetuel motion machine.So what? I have read somewhere that if P.M. is invented also it will be of no use because once you put load on it it stop gradually. Any comment on this." this has been posted by me on 17th july 2010 at 9:21.Similar concern has been shown by comments on 23rd may 2013 at21:29 and 21:43 on by anonymous. Are all of us who are trying to invent P.M.are weasting time for the machine which is of no use for human being.Any comments?


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...