Saturday, 4 September 2010

Bessler's Windmill for sale - One Euro!

A correspondent has kindly pointed out that the famous windmill that Bessler was building when he fell to his death is up for sale, for the princely sum of .... one euro!  That's about $1.28!

Of course when you look more closely there are conditions attached to the sale which could cost the buyer hundreds of thousands of pounds.  There's a brokerage fee of 950 euros for start (correction that should read 5,950 Euros!) - not too much considering the investment opportunity, but the building is 'listed' and in England that is like buying a large hole and throwing your money in!  Nevertheless if I had the money I'd buy it just for me! 

Imagine walking around it and seeing Bessler's own work and looking to see if he had scribbled any messages or left documents mouldering away in some hidden cavity .. sorry I'm letting my imagination run away with me again!

Here's a couple of photos from the 'for sale' site.  I visited the windmill myself a few years ago but never went inside to see what it was like, but I hope to do so one day.

Sadly, in my opinion, they fail to mention the guy who built it!  After Bessler's death the building provided somewhere for the start of the porcelaine industry in that part of German, and that is all they say.



  1. John, maybe a few of us could pool our resources to preserve this site?

  2. Excellent idea Ed! I hate to think what might happen to it if a developer gets his hands on it - listed or not. I know what can happen in England to listed buildings. We had one here where I live and one day a bulldozer driver 'accidentally' knocked the whole thing down! Of course the owner had a huge fine imposed on him, but the land was worth far more than a puny fine. Now there is a small development of residentail homes for sale there.


  3. I have long believed that if any clues were hidden, this is the last place they might exist. I'd love to have a couple days alone in that building (with a shovel, ground penetrating radar, and a metal detector of course). Preserving the building is a tempting idea. I get the feeling the locals would love to have it torn down. (Of course tearing it down might finally reveal missing pieces of the puzzle).
    If anyone is interested in forming a group to purchase this property, you can count me in. -Steve (ssmyser)

  4. I maitain the only reason why I would want to possess Besslers house is because I beieve we will never find the solution to the wheel nor will there ever be. Well thats not the case.
    Perhaps when the wheel is launched this year Germany will declare it a monument especially in terms of it's age.

  5. How much money do we need, realistically? I think it's a great idea to preserve this building.

  6. I've contacted the agents and asked for details of the purchase requirements and, if possible, detailed plans and photos of the interior.

    I'll post details as soon as get them.


  7. I understand that the agent has suggested a figure of 500,000 Euros to completely restore the building. That's about £417,000 or $645,000. I don't know how many Besslerphiles would contribute but lets say there are about 250 (optimistically) we need 2000 euros from each. That seems an unlikely amount to get from anyone let alone all you, so there has to be another way.

    There is the New York based World Monuments Fund which was founded and established in 1965 to spearhead the preservation of historical, architectural and cultural sites worldwide. Its non-profit making.

    World Monuments Fund (WMF) is the leading non-governmental organisation for the protection of cultural heritage. WMF Britain is the largest affiliate office outside WMF’s headquarters in New York.

    The British website is :-

    and the head office web site is:-

    I don't know if its worth approaching them yet but possibly worth consideration.


  8. Are we not getting distracted? Can you imagine how all that money could go to wheel research which will then bring in so much more money that you even buy the Castle Weissenstein too! Lets keep our focus on the priorities.

  9. But John, you are mentioning prices to restore the building.

    At this stage thoughts should only be with regards to purchasing the building AS IS.

    The big question is, how much do they want!

  10. I second DrWhat here. Restoration can wait for now (and I have some ideas on that issue as well). But let's see if we can acquire the property within reasonable financial constraints.

  11. It is a condition of the purchase that the building is restored, Damian, because it is a listed building, unfortunately.


  12. Dr. What and Andre, unfortunately, restoration is almost certainly an obligation of the contract, hence the $1 price tag. (Although I agree it would be nice to buy the place and give it a good going over, which is exactly what you are thinking.)

    John, I'm guessing that the World Monument Fund would probably ask what the 'cultural or historical' significance of the location is. I'm afraid that the second you supplied that answer, walls would suddenly spring up and ears would be plugged. A large man would then show you to the exit door:)

  13. One Question?...How is aquiring the building going to help in solving the wheel?

  14. Trevor, from your recent posts, it seems that you have a definite runner, you don't need to worry about the purchase.


  15. Thanks guys, I thought I was being ignored.

  16. Trevor, your not being ignored,
    your giving me sleepless nights.
    hope its not the same principle as the design i am working on.

    Had recently read Ramananda's web site,DIALOGUES AT THE CASTLE OF WEISSENSTEIN , due to references in a few of your posts,
    many of Besslers descriptions especially about the columns, clubs the planets, match my design.

    Is Ramananda's work a different interpretation of Bessler, or is it part fiction as there is much that i had not read in johns book?


  17. How can I put this? Its his interpretation of the stuff I've published. Its not factual because it does not accord with any documents that I'm aware of, but in some ways it is no different in principle to my own efforts to interpret the clues that I believe I have found.

    So one can bear in mind that it as part fiction, but maybe find it helpful in getting to the truth?


  18. I'm not sure how much of it is fiction but it does sound pretty logical. Lifting the handles at 3'0clock struck me as being a clever way to reposition the weights.The only thing is to test it.

  19. thanks for clearing that up john.

    Trevor, hope your test goes well, i am way off completion, teaching myself how to use a lathe.


  20. I agree with concentrating on wheel building task we would be paying the greatest tribute to a great soul.

  21. Yes, and I find that translating our theories into mechanical action presents the greatest drawback in terms of delays. I think it's because we do not have access to adequately equipt workshops. Anyway we will win in the end.
    I just hope my enthusiasm about my progress will serve to spur others on to keep this cause alive.

  22. Well trevor, I wish you all the best on this birthday occasion...tell us where you are getting delayed...bessler wheel problem can be easily solved if only we could pool our knowledge...

  23. Yes, thank you but I don't want to burden you with my problems. I don't think I'm going to complete the test today but maybe toward the en of the week.

  24. That is ok..but you don't sound as enthusiastic as before...are you really going to succeed??..

    Anyway...this wheel is really a big mystery...sometimes we feel it is going to work and sometimes it lets us down...what could actually be the problem?? Are we really sure about it?? Anons may think otherwise..We should show them a runner soon...

  25. Oh no! I am just as enthusiastic, may be more. The quandry is there is more than one mechanical configuration one can used to reap the force of enertia and it takes a little time to try each one in order to test which is the most efficient.

  26. What I could conclude so far is that there is one beautiful lever-weight arrangement which also happens so simple that once properly fixed to the wheel inner circumference would start to rotate continuously. This can also be stated as an artful arrangement.And till this design is conceived no one can achieve success...

  27. 4) “a work of this kind of craftsmanship has, at its basis of motion, many separate pieces of lead. These come in pairs, such that as one of them takes up an outer position, the other takes up a position nearer the axle. Later, they swap places, and so they go on and on changing places all the time."....Bessler

    This quote from bessler'clues clearly indicates that the total number of weights has to be in even number..i.e., either 4 or 8 and certainly not five, for that matter....

  28. You guys must still not realize that Bessler was a fraud. There is no energy to be stolen from gravity. Believe it or not the laws of macro physics are fairly accurate. What we lack is thorough knowledge of quantum physics and even chemistry. There have to be elements yet to be discovered & something like cold fusion or an entirely different anti-gravity could come from it. I'll spare you my long list of reasons that Bessler was clearly a fraud but I guarantee (as most of you also could) I could build a self starter using pre-loaded springs inside of hollowed "weights" that could run a clockwork for a very long time or lift weight over a short period. I could thoroughly deceive observers, even without a cover. Bessler had one guy ever look inside. ONE! I can find more people who will swear that they have seen real leprechauns than that. Placebo effect. Bessler learned a lot in his youth. How to be shrewed and deceiving to earn money. He was a pioneer alright, a pioneer con.

  29. btw, I expect some contention over using the placebo effect to describe this, but it's medical implications fit Bessler. He became a master at manipulating people through rehearsed or even spontaneous dramas into believing that he had done them a service. The wheel was just an extrapolation of that skill. In many cultures perception is more important than reality. All one needs to be a successful con is a little cleverness and a LOT of deceit. Maybe some nice long oaths threatening hellfire to those who would expose him. He knew how deeply religious his victims were. So he catered, but I honestly doubt he believed one word of it. Just used it to coerce people.

  30. Oh victory is going to be sweet! My meschanism has evolved into something so good that the only word I can describe it as,"sweet." There going to be a lot of blushing academics thats all I can say.

  31. The wheel does not work by shifting weights as most designs or ideas show.
    weights move that are mostly balanced. there is a completely different mechanism that allows the transfer of power, that uses weight to capture,then store the power for the next part of rotation.
    it works in a completely different principle as any shown in the drawings.
    using levers to shift a lighter/heavy weight will never work
    cannot say much more.
    Trevor has probably beat me to it.


  32. I'll be the first to congratulate you, but as of now I would say you are probably just delusional.

  33. Great come on don't keep us in more suspence. Tell us a little more...How many weights have you employed?

  34. Wind, you are only thinking of gravity.
    CF is important.
    Bessler's clues are cleverly disguised, in many different angles.


  35. In the wheel, weights are lifted with weights, but in a very short space of time. Did he not say, one weight goes up and another goes down. This is why Bessler said his perpetual motion does not contradict newtons laws. Think of the wheel's motion, as its state of rest, in order to maintain equilibrium.
    Why scientists get so up tight just because they think we are breaking the rules of life by manipulating gravity. After all, we owe our very existance to the son's energy which has been handed to us on a plate for thousands of years.

  36. Suresh, there only two weights required, as I've said before. If you cannot get get two two work then you won't get eight to work. There will ultimately be eight for smooth reliable power but it's not necessary for proof of prototype.

  37. If this wheel ran on supposition and gullibility, it would run for a million years!

  38. Spinning tops, are basically the trick.


  39. Time will tell,..We will see how relevant Bessler's own words are when the wheel turns!

  40. I agree with you Trevor....I am sure that you are on the right track which we kept discussing earlier...But I am wondering why some people have difficulty in realising that Bessler wheel is possible...Perhaps, it is not their fault at all...300 years of desperations and frauds could be the main reason for all this...any way, it is nice you are near the success point...kindly say a little more about your progress or tell us if you did face any further difficulty or is it all going fine as expected and how long more it could take...

  41. I am blown away by a whole new revelation of simplification. I now understand why Bessler was reluctant to reveal the principle before he was paid because people would say there isn't much mastery to it.
    All of Besslers words are all that is needed to make the wheel turn.

  42. congratulations Trevor,
    sounds like the wheel runs.
    is your system basically a special mechanical spinning top - flywheel setup ?
    would save me countless hours wasting time on a lathe, if it works using a different principle.


  43. I am thrilled to see such words from you Trevor..

    You are really great...we knew the wheel would be possible this year...

    Now come on..spill the beans soon...don't keep us all in suspense like bessler did...but take due care and ensure your rights are protected...


  44. What happened to John's last blog?
    John, I hope you still plan on correcting errors. Thanks, Justsomeone

  45. Sorry about that Justsomeone, I removed it because I decided I am going to do some corrections by means of an errata sheet rather than trying to insert corrected text. I understand that Stewart Hughes will be making his own translations available in the future, and it therefore seems unnecessary to do a complee rewrite. I am very busy writing a new bio on Bessler and it is taking up the rest of the time when I'm not working on my own wheel!


  46. Please don't jump the gun guys, give me a chance verify my findings! The closer I get to the answer the more I am convinced that the mechanism is based on a natural phenomenon that he observed in nature and its relation to what I have discovered. I am making a test in the morning which should verify things, otherwise its back to the drawing board.

  47. Oh Trevor....This yearend is the deadline....much has been discussed on the subject in this internet the moment, only a handful of us appear to be on the track and that too, even fewer on the right track...

    Your clues indicate that you are on the right track...try with eight weights...if it was possible with 2 weights then the original bessler wheel would have had only two weights...hoping for positive announcement from you..all the best...


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...