Monday, 13 September 2010

Update on the wheel and some corrections to the translations.

I have had to stop working on my Bessler wheel for the last couple of weeks because my workshop has become so cluttered with old wheels and used parts, and pieces of wood and metal and nuts and bolts and washers......etc. I decided to have a clear out of all the bits and pieces I didn't want to keep - other than for nostalgic reasons - because we are having to move some items out of their usual place to leave room for some repairs to other parts of the house. So I had to make room, for a fridge/freezer, tumbledrier and a range of cupboards. This meant taking out one of my two work benches and some serious rearranging of the place. It's almost done and then I can get back to work on the wheel.

The nostalgic items include some apparatus made to demonstrate my ideas in a lecture I gave a few years ago. They included a twelve foot wheel which I had designed to be easily disassembled but with which I hoped to demonstrate just how big Bessler's twelve foot wheel was when you stood next to it. It was just a skeletal assembly which you could rotate with a simple push but it was never intended to be a self-moving one. Another item was a simple vertical windmill shaft on which I had placed two Savonius windmills. A strong fan was placed so that the wind would turn the Savonius windmills. This was to demonstrate the idea that when disconneced from each other they rotated in opposite directions but when linked they did not move unless given a small push. This push allowed them to turn together in the same direction at half the disconnected speed in either direction as required by the pusher. There were also a number of old wheel backs that were so full of holes that they were of no use to me any more.  I held on to these items for too long but anyway they've have gone now so I have plenty of room!

I had decided to begin correcting some of the translation errors in my publications, which had been identified by Stewart on the besslerwheel forum over the last few years. It was suggested that because I had not kept the books updated by correcting the text whenever an improvement in the translation was published on the forum that I was causing a certain amount of confusion, and I have received some criticism for my lack of interest in updating the books. I finally agreed that perhaps I should begin the task of making these corrections. However I realised very quickly that it was not as simple as it sounded and when I learned that Stewart planned to publish his own translations in the future there seemed little point in making alterations that would be superceded later by improved translations and I could see that I might be infringing his own copyright by using his words. I was unsure how much of his corrections I could use - did I use only short one or two word corrections for instance and ignore longer passages? Anyway I have decided not to issue revised books but may include an errata sheet. I published the books as translated by my own translater who I commissioned to do the job and I was more than satisfied with his work at the time.  And how would he feel on seeing my 'corrections' to his work?  In my opinion the differences in translation are minimal to understanding Bessler.

In addition to this I am busy with my revised biography of Bessler. Acknowledging the various works quoted is a time consuming task on its own and I am still awaiting information on some original documents which have been undergoing treatment for mould. It has been a long time in the writing but it is nearing completion and might even be available for the 300th anniversary if I don't get distracted from it too often.



  1. Good for you John! there's nothing like a spring clean to help get one mind thinking afresh.

  2. John, if you haven't already done so, can I suggest you have a look at a post on, by "lap", entitled "an extremely simple mechanism".
    It is a very simple idea (carpenter's boy, etc) and easy to recreate on Working Model. It has only one crossbar, that strikes a FIXED axle and creates a fulcrum at the point of impact. In doing so, the crossbar imparts a voilent kick tangentially to the wheel. If you play around with the set-up it is simple to get a rthymical action. This is all done with a high friction setting too, so the wheel is doing work. It could just be a bug in the WM program, but I have my doubts about that.
    It should be easy to make a POP model (which I intend to do asap). See what you think.
    - RM

  3. Thanks Trevor! We've lived here for fifteen years and you can accumulate a heck of a lot of rubbish in that time. I feel refreshed and reinvigorated now that I have room to move. My work space had shrunk to a few square feet and it was time to sort out the rubbish anyway so this other work being done in the house has forced my hand and its a blessing.

    Hi RM (anon) I have been watching the post with interest, but the trouble is you know how we all
    have our own theories, well I have mnine too and I am content to see how 'laps' experiments go, while I continue to do my own investigations.


  4. Lets hope this silence means that all budding wheelwrights are busy frantically work on their wheels,..Go well!

  5. Not exactly, Trevor...its work liesure time to concentrate on the wheel in my case...i haven't even started anything yet...though I always brood over it..

    This tight schedule could also be one of the causes for this reinvention not know there is a time for everything..One's destiny too plays a great have to be destined to bring about such inventions into this world..

    Bessler wheel internal structure is too simple and many of us know it...but still it is beyond anyone's reach..why so?

    And Bessler was successful in achieving it but couldn't expose it to the world, again why?

    It is true, every tom or Dick cannot become an original inventor...and any of us here also may not actually achieve it, though we are ardently following every word mentioned here...ultimately, one fine day, out of the blue, we might become too surprised to hear the news that someone somewhere else had achieved it...and that would be that...

  6. Testing,...testing!

  7. No Suresh,I disagree.The wheel is not beyond our reach.Our greatest enemy is pessimism and dispair.Every failure is a guide post to the real truth.
    I've come to far to give up now. Bessler was not a fraud,he was genuine,so just hang in there!

  8. What I am trying to say is that certain things are fixed in the universe..there is a law governing everything..what about bessler's would come into this world again to complete its unfinished job...that is why no one else could achieve it so far...don't dismiss my point simply like that like others do...there could me some truth in there....otherwise, tell me why this great 300 years delay, buddy? We cannot answer this in any other way, can we??

  9. Okay buddy,..No more mister nice guy! be patient just a little while longer.

  10. We're not the only ones working on this, guys. Someone came up with a design that seems to work. Not a Bessler design, to be sure, as it's electromechanical instead of purely mechanical, but the major drive seems to come from gravity. 14 engineers have witnessed it. See

  11. Andre sir...yes indeed, it is very interesting...and you are also keep tab on such things which could further world's good cause..

    The interesting part with this alpha machine is that it need not be fixed to the land unlike bessler wheel. But we don't know much about this machine to analyze...let's wait and see..

    In my opinion, such things are possible, combination of gravity and electromagnetic forces...but nothing to beat the bessler is much more simple and very sturdy...intriguing too..with such a past story...I mean the bessler dilemma..note my word here...when bessler is built it is again going to create such a sensation...

    About eight weights attached to Eight lever mechanism performing the crucial act is all that is needed to enthrall this world...

  12. This silence is deadening....I am wondering still where have all the anons gone??? Isn't there anything left that we could discuss on Bessler and his wheel???

    Comeon, let's make this blog more lively like the weights in the Bessler wheel....

  13. I personally,am busy on my wheel.I've decided not to let the launch of the freefall generator faze or dicourage me so that I give up,just in case there is nothing in it.
    In anycase,the more variations of perpetual power we have,the more we reinforce it's credibility.

  14. In two weeks or so I'll be working on two different implementations of a (electromechanical) version of a gravityconverter as well. Only one moving part for each design - nothing like the Bessler wheel, but a nice experiment nevertheless :-)

    As for the (nasty) anons, I for one don't miss them. I'm curious to hear more about Trevors design!

  15. I personally found the Anon,{Spinner} quite congenial. I am trying to stay true to Besslers design and have every thing work off Gravity. I think the only time magnets would be justified is by using them as frictionless cams,{repulsion}of course.

  16. yes Trevor..We have to glorify Bessler by sticking to his design...he built the wheel successfully but couldn't successfully introduce it to the world...a tragic tragedy at the end..

    If we all focus on the bessler wheel it is possible..He left so many clues in simple simple as his wheel design...a simple man himself..

    Most parts in bessler wheel are involved in the motion very the planets in the solar system...endlessly seeking...

    Some weights get far near the wheel rim like pluto or neptune in the solar system and some quite near like the mercury....if we consider the Sun to axle..

    Do we still not understand ??

  17. I am very close to the truth or disaster.
    It is incredible challenge.I am glad that you guys,don't give up.

  18. Bessler didn't give up till the end...untill destiny had it the other way...

    This year somehow we have to achieve is already taken too long and before some other technology crops up like electromechanical or so the bessler wheel should enter the scene..

    What is it that is delaying this invention?
    Is it true that no one is actually aware of the original bessler design?
    In that case are we required to wait for an indefinite period?

    Bessler's indirect description of the wheel provides us with adequate clues and if we stick to his design ideas we are very sure to find the truth...

  19. I know the feeling Vincent,..When I am about to test a new configuration it takes me a whole day to pluck up the courage to try it out. If it fails it's dissapointing,but if it works I think I will pass out!
    Suresh,just relax now,we are nearly there.I think the most accurate clues are from John Collins' book because my wheel is starting to match up to every one of them.

  20. Please don't mind me repeating this often...

    But the Bessler wheel design is so simple that even while the last mechanism is fitted the wheel would start rotating...I simply don't understand why we need to try different configurations..

    There is something terribly wrong with our understanding of the Bessler wheel design..

  21. I agree, and the reason is,it just won't work with passive weights hanging.It requires a special trick using planetery orbits and just what that is we have to find out by experimentation. One of Bessler's first clues was,'In the wheel there are many small weights' we have to find out how he used these in order to prime the wheel.

  22. The answer is in the solar system...we have to adopt the solar system design in our attempts...the independent movement of the planets..

    I am happy Trevor that you are on the right track..


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...