Thursday, 2 December 2010

Addition to

Following some serendipitous studies I found what I believe is an interesting piece of information regarding MT 137 - but only for those who relish the code-breaking requirements of Bessler's  tortuous coded constructions.  It doesn't shed any more light upon the meaning of MT 137, but for me it confirms what I have always thought - that the drawing is only intended to be another secret pointer to the number 5.

I have added yet another page to the web site and an extra button MT 137 C!  I have slightly altered MT 137 A, and MT 137 B although I doubt anyone will notice the difference.  I'm not posting anything on BW forum because I don't think anyone is particularly interested.  That's not sour grapes, its just the way it is.  I don't think that repetitive revelations that yet another piece of code appears to suggest the number 5 will light anyone's fire, not even mine, but I do have an interest in all things Bessler and I am constantly intrigued to find new layers of meaning within his writing/drawing.

The only thing I would say is that after all these discoveries relating to the number 5, I must admit that I am perplexed at the ubiquity of it and concerned that something so apparently important to Bessler should be ignored simply because there is so much of it.



  1. The link should be I believe.

  2. Thanks JD! You'd think I'd get my own web site address right! Now corrected.


  3. This week I am employing my last option in physics that could bring about a working wheel.
    If this fails, then its back to the drawing board for a totally new approach.
    I've realised one thing, that the laws of physics are immutable and fixed,but I will never give up,simply because perpetual motion was accomplished before and it can be done again.

  4. Whatford, don't you have your own website? Maybe you should go back to "Geriatric Jive" instead of usurping John's blog?

  5. Why don't you talk plain English!

  6. Trevor....Nice to know you are pursuing the matter unrelentingly...this is one of the main requirements for becoming a successful inventor...

    We will wait for the outcome from your side....I also want to start my own work on this but haven't decided when...things are not favorable with me...

    Bessler wheel will be really possible when we have the right one as yet has this...but a few are on the right track...

    The mechanism is very simple...when the wheel finally arrives on the scene everyone would sigh why they hadn't thought of it earlier...

  7. Nice to know that at least somebody appreciates my updates.We recognised that this is John's Blos but with out comments how would we keep the flame of the interest alive.

  8. Hey guys, I welcome all contributions, whether supportive, optimistic, constructive, well-intentioned criticism, humorous, questioning, informative, interesting (if only to the writer), lively, updating ... I could go on but you get the picture!


  9. Sorry John, but some guy just accused me of usurping your sovrenity of your blog by submitting my latest revelations, no offence intended.

  10. The most important thing, is not to give up.
    I am still working on the principle.
    And I must admit it is very frustrating.

  11. John,...I think the 'humble tool',was in fact a hammer and anvil,what say you.This explains the pounding.

  12. Is there anyone at home?

  13. Trevor..People must be busy...i am not able to say what the humble tool is....but could it be the pendulum or the wheel itself...hammer and anvil cannot be humble because they make lot of noise by pounding....

  14. I was actally refferring to the hammer which is a primitive simple tool.

  15. I think Bessler thinks of himself as the humble tool, Trevor. Just my opinion.


  16. I'm not so sure John,...The reason why I asked is because I have reason to believe the hammer action plays a big part in the wheel.

  17. Trevor..hammer action doesn't makes any difference to the wheel only produces some sound..we need to think differently...

  18. Yes ,...the hammer sound is only a by product of a process that is happening very quickly.It can be avoided by using pads or different system but it is actually part of the whole wheel principle.

  19. If anyone can figure out how to trick the gravity by using bessler pendullums then he can be said to have found out the solution to the wheel motion...

  20. As I've said before you cannot trick gravity because God's laws in physics are immutable.Even so you can use every force available to you to your advantage. Remember the poem 'A seer sees and a buyer buys'. Some product is traded for another.

  21. Trevor...Tricking doesn't means you have got to cheat the gravity...for cannot move a large boulder with just a pair of bare hands...but this can be effortlessly achieved by employing a crow-bar...aren't we being clever here...this is the sort of trick I am trying to say...

  22. Okay , but remember its not about crowbar leverage and passive weights, but energetic swinging and banging. When the wheel turns,it comes alive.

  23. You are right, trevor....its quite alive....the internal structures resemble our solar system...

  24. Whats happened to the team? Have they all reached a stailmate? Maybe they are busy with Christmas shopping. I know what I am getting for Christmas,...A working Bessler wheel!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...