Monday, 19 March 2012

Farm Studio's Italian documentary about 'Orffyreus' on youtube gets almost as many hits in one week as my seven websites get in a month!

I was pleased to be contacted by one of the three other people interviewed on the Italian documentary about Orffyreus.  I look forward to some exchanges of views, and my recent experience in Rome has shown me  what friendly, open-minded people the Italians are.  In fact I have seen a distinct swing towards Italians buying copies of my books since the documentary aired on RAI 2 on Monday 12th March, and it certainly shows that the film has attracted more attention in one week than all my years of publishing information about Johann Bessler (Orffyreus) on a number of web sites, radio interviews and magazine articles.

Some years ago a radio interviewer described my efforts as like 'a voice crying in the wilderness', and went on to compare my attempts to persuade the world that Bessler was genuine, to Galileo, because when he stated that the sun was the centre of the solar system, he too, was a voice crying in the wilderness. Most people thought he was crazy or evil, or possibly both. I hasten to add that I am not to be compared in any way with Galileo nor the original subject of the quote - and I don't think I'm crazy or evil.....I admit I have sometimes felt as though I was banging my head against a wall but I never considered giving up.  

But it does go to show the advantages of putting the subject out on TV, the potential audience is vast and if they decide to produce the same film with English and other language subtitles the whole world will come to learn about Bessler and his gravity wheel.  In my opinion the more who know about Bessler, the better the chances are that someone will succeed in reproducing Bessler's wheel and everyone will benefit.



  1. Yes, tv is certainly a powerful medium for reaching the masses with one's message. But, still there is that old "demon apathy" at work. For every 1000 viewers, maybe only 1 will be interested enough to pursue the topic to the point of purchasing a book or actually making a physical commitment to a subject.

    But, I agree with you that the more people who know about Bessler, the greater the probability of his secret design finally being rediscovered. That probability can be further enormously increased if we can just manage to get them all on the "right track" with their research.

  2. @ John Collins

    John I'm certainly noticing the Italian Documentary effect on my website, over 300 hits from Italy in the last seven days!


  3. That movie is coming John,..because when the wheel turns the whole story is going to read like a Sherlock Holmes novel.
    The working wheel will give it legitimacy.

  4. Just a thought for anyone out there with the requisite skills (and time):

    1. Put the audio in the documentary through Italian-language speech-recognition software.

    2. Put the resulting text into an on-line translator, to (hopefully) get a recognisable English transcription.

  5. @ Trevor

    The arrival of a working wheel would certainly generate alot of interest in Bessler and his inventions.

    One problem I see is that, even when THE "right track" WORKING wheel design arrives, there will be tons of resistance to it by the hordes of "no track" and "wrong track" mobilists out there that will be miffed that THEY did not come up with the design. They will try to use every trick in the book to discredit the rediscovery / rediscoverer. Expect to see the "wrong trackers" claim that their approach (I say "approach" since none of them will have anything that actually works!) is really the correct solution. They will immediately cite various mistranslations / misinterpretations of Bessler's writings to support their cases. Many of them will, of course, simply denounce the rediscovery as an elaborate hoax designed to sell books / films about Bessler. This conspiratorial denial of the rediscovery will not just stop at the level of the rediscover, but will be extended to cover any impartial "outside" specialists that agree to verify that the rediscovered design works.

    After THE "right track" solution is finally obtained, expect the controversy to continue for many years thereafter. Vindicating and exonerating Johann Bessler will NOT be an easy matter.

  6. They will be no argument,..The working wheel,which is soon to make it's appearance will be there for all to see.
    Furthermore the proof of the perpetual motion principle will be summed up with a simple formula,and I don't have to remind you how these academics like formulas.

    1. Hello , how many centuries have they been saying the working wheel will soon make its appearance .

    2. Hello,
      Almost 3!

    3. Well Hello,..And you are going to continue hearing it from every impending wheel launch so get used to it.

    4. I won't be holding my breath as the laws of physics cannot be broken .

  7. Has been a while since posting,
    curios as to the explanation, When stating that gravity was used to turn the wheel.
    e.g. was gravity used as the prime mover, or was gravity used for rotation due to an imbalance of weight, which was shifted by another device which did not rely on gravity.

    My personal thoughts which have been confirmed, is that gravity is not needed.
    it simply uses leverage without lose of height,
    "seems impossible" apart from the fact that it's how my design works.
    it acts as a torque amplifier, as the output torque is many times the input.


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  9. If you have Bessler's secret then any kind of efficient energy storage medium can be used such as weights,springs,inertial,electricity generation or even water storage.

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  12. I have said this once and I will say it again guys,Perpetual motion does not break the laws of physics because there is a property in physics that has been overlooked.
    Believe me,when you see it you will also ask,why has this never been spotted before?

  13. Trevor,
    any explanation about the system would give the principle away.
    Simply put, it's a type of mechanical feedback loop.
    as long as the structure can handle the force, the levers do not need to be lengthened for an increase in torque.

    P.S. curious as to the amount of work, for it's size your wheel is performing at the moment.

    P 47.

  14. Okay,..The prime source is gravity,but if you use weights as a potential energy storage medium for over balancing the wheel,then the energy/weight ratio is very high.I don't know how you could rate that efficiency because you are getting something for nothing so why complain.
    On the other hand if you replace the potential energy storage medium for springs the E/W ratio is very much better.So it would be classed as a highly efficient engine,weight wise.
    I might add that even thought you are throwing out the weights,you cannot reduce the diameter.

  15. Hi guys,..The closer I get to my goal the more I realize that Bessler's choice of weights to over-balance the wheel using gravity was the least expensive option in the days of limited engineering technological know how.
    It also served to give the impression that the wheel was much more powerful than it was by virtue of its tremendous inertia.This of course made the wheel efficiency in terms of power to weight ratio very high.
    This is why I will opt for springs instead, at a later date,ensuring that I have a much lighter machine.
    After all is said and done I don't really care how powerful the wheel is ultimately so long as we prove the existence of Perpetual motion and shut the mouth's of the skeptics.

  16. What property of physics has been overlooked?

    1. Principles in physics indicating over-unity is possible would probably be intentionally overlooked and equations altered .

    2. A conspiracy? What is the motivation for that?
      Nothing has been overlooked or altered, or "applied" inadequately.
      If they had, trust me, someone would have noticed before now.

    3. The motivation is control by dependency on fossil fuel resources .
      How anonymous is this ?

    4. Control by dependency on fossil fuels? How do you explain the reasoning for that?
      It's all about the benjamins. There are people that don't depend on fossil fuel for much. Fossil fuel is the most profitable for now. When it begins to become more difficult to obtain and less profitable, the oil companies will make the switch to renewable energy. The only reason they haven't already is because it isn't as profitable.

  17. The principles are sound,its the application of them that attention needs to be paid.
    His discovery definitely resulted in over-unity which saved him any further striving.
    A further clue was his remark about being able raise things higher than the point of application of a lever.

    1. His discovery didn't result in over-unity, or even a 100% efficient machine.
      There weren't any principles he applied differently, that anyone has overlooked. It's not that mysterious. The principles are simple, and he had to work with the same ones as everyone else. Why do you think most people think he was a fraud?

  18. Okay,let's say you are right and everybody else is wrong,..That means that Bessler was an even greater genius to deceive so many people 100% of the time.

  19. I'm trying to vindicate him as well, within the laws of physics.
    If what he did was ahead of its time, that would have made him the greater genius, not a deception.

  20. I understand.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...