Sunday, 11 November 2012

I was contacted recently by a English journalist, Eve Pearce, who offered to write some content for my websites. I thought it was a good idea but as I am so busy at the moment, I had decided to leave my websites as they are for the time being,  so I offered her a guest spot on my blog to see what comments an 'outsider' would generate. I use the word, 'outsider', not in any pejorative sense, indeed I was delighted with her article, but in the sense that she is not part of our somewhat closed community and she can provide a fresh viewpoint to our research.

Her website is at  and here are some samples of her other work:-

Her article follws:-

Perpetual Motion Machines in Use Today

Critics of Bessler´s Wheel would argue that perpetual motion in such instance would be impossible as it contravenes both the first and second law of thermodynamics; while energy is conserved, the energy of a closed system changes due to the transfer of heat and work between it and its environment and secondly isolated systems move towards thermal equilibrium, where entropy is at its greatest, so thermal energy is unable to be transferred for work. However, while they use their theories as evidence, they forget about the best evidence that we could possibly have for perpetual motion machines - those that are in use around the world today. A number of devices have already been invented that allow us to harness the motion in the environment that can go on indefinitely without any further human input; after all everything everywhere is moving - the Earth, its rivers and seas and the very atoms that everything on the planet is made up from. While the Cox Clock - which uses changes in barometric pressure to keep on running - may only be a relic in a museum, we consider another three devices that are examples of perpetual motion machines and are in use today.

 Atmos clock

 This clock produced in Switzerland by Jaeger-LeCoultre is mechanical, but does not need to be wound. Instead it obtains the energy that it requires to run from changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure in its surrounding environment. The clock contains a mixture of ethyl chloride gas and liquid in an airtight capsule. With a rise in temperature and pressure the mixture expands into a chamber, causing a spring to be compressed; the converse occurs when the temperature or pressure falls. The temperature only needs to change by a very achievable 1C or the pressure by 3mmHg every two days for the clock to continue running. The clock is however helped by an internal environment that is almost friction-free and a torsion pendulum that uses less energy than a standard pendulum would.

 Tidal power generator

 Our high energy usage in our homes and businesses requires the use of vast amounts of gas and electricity. Consequently there has been much development in the renewable energy sector in recent decades, one area of which has been tidal power; the energy from the movement of tides is converted into electricity. Tidal forces are the consequence of changes in gravitational attraction exerted by the Moon as it orbits the Earth; in short its attraction to the seas causes their level to rise and water from the middle of the seas is forced towards the shore. Tides occur consistently as the moon has an unchanging orbit around our planet; this makes tidal power more reliable than sources such as solar or wind power, which can fluctuate significantly. Tidal power can be generated through use of a tidal stream generator, which uses the energy of moving water to drive turbines and then generators. Alternatively a tidal barrage uses the difference between the height of a high and low tide; a dam is used to hold back the water at high tide, allowing its energy to build up, and when released at low tide the energy is used to drive turbines.  There is also potential for the use of dynamic tidal power, which could use the interaction between the kinetic and potential energy in a tide.

 Geothermal power generator

 This renewable energy source relies on the energy released when matter is condensed by gravity. Geothermal power plants use the steam produced by geothermal sources to generate electricity. In dry steam power plants - the original method to harness geothermal energy - the hydrothermal fluids are largely steam, which drives a turbine directly; the knock on effect of which is to drive generators and produce electricity. Flash steam power plants are what are most commonly found today; high temperature fluid is pumped under pressure into a tank at surface level, where it is held at a lower pressure, causing some of the fluid to vaporize, which drives the turbines. In a binary cycle power plant the geothermal water or steam is never in contact with the turbines; instead the geothermal fluid passes with a cooler fluid through a heat exchanger, with the transfer of heat causing the second fluid to evaporate and then drive turbines and a generator Having considered these three devices that are driven by nature, could Bessler's Wheel have worked in a similar way through interaction with its surroundings? This theory was pondered by the mathematician Jean Bernoulli, who proposed that the motion seen in nature could support perpetual motion; rather than labelling machines such as Bessler's Wheel as working under artificial perpetual motion, they could move under combined perpetual motion with the help of nature.


  1. Ref.Geothermal Energy.John,that first line is incorrect.
    Gravity cannot condense matter to create heat.
    In fact matter is incompressible.
    The Geothermal heat was there when the earth was formed.
    On the other hand gravity plus heat will form oil and diamonds.
    No offense intended.

    1. Trevor wrote: "Gravity cannot condense matter to create heat."

      Not true! When dying stars collapse, their gravitational potential energy / mass IS converted into thermal energy / mass and their core temperatures can reach MILLIONS of degrees Fahrenheit which is hot enough to trigger thermonuclear fusion reactions. This same process can also cause the core and mantle of a planet to heat up as it condenses out of the debris which orbits second generation stars. Aside from this compaction effect, much of the Earth's interior "geothermal energy (/mass)" is due to the radioactivity of the elements in its core and mantle.

    2. Oh for goodness sake TG. John was talking about the earth,not atomic fusion or fission for that matter.

    3. Trevor wrote:

      "Oh for goodness sake TG. John was talking about the earth, not atomic fusion or fission for that matter."

      Wrong again! That line is NOT JC's, but, rather is from the article by Eve Pearce that JC reprinted in his blog entry. I only mentioned the collapsing star because it is an extreme example of how gravitational contraction can raise the temperature of matter. Atomic fusion or fission are NOT involved in this process. Just compressing air in a bicycle tire pump will cause it to heat up!

  2. JC wrote:

    "I offered her [Eve Pearce] a guest spot on my blog to see what comments an 'outsider' would generate. I use the word, 'outsider', not in any pejorative sense, indeed I was delighted with her article, but in the sense that she is not part of our somewhat closed community and she can provide a fresh viewpoint to our research."

    I'm a bit confused by this "guest spot" status for Ms. Pearce. Is she to take over the blog for you so that it is she who will be making the blog entries from now on to which we commentors respond or will she just be another commentor here?

    Unless she is really "into" Bessler research and, preferrably, also an ACTIVE mobilist, then I wonder just what kind of "fresh viewpoints" she would be able to offer us. However, maybe her contributions would have some value.

    Let's see what she can do.

    1. Not a good idea despite her good looks.Woman sre not technical enough.
      Besides I have just given a most informative refreshing relevant post,only to be totally ignored for whatever reason.
      Maybe I'm too close to the truth I'm being avoided.

    2. "Woman sre not technical enough."

      Madame Curie discovered several elements and even a treatment for cancer!

    3. Good researchers but not good engineers,but of course you do get exceptions to the rule.

    4. In the old Soviet Union they were graduating as many female scientists and engineers as male ones. Any differences between men and women as far as technical abilities are concerned is, I think, mainly due to different childhood social programming rather than to actual different natures or inherent genetic abilities. Girls used to be given dolls to play with while their brothers were getting Erector and chemistry sets under their Christmas trees. This type of overt social indoctrination is, fortunately, starting to disappear and eventually I think we will see as many female scientists and engineers in the West as males ones.

      It's true that there are certain limiting genetic differences between females and males. For example, the average woman only has about 60% of the upper body strength of the average male. However, practically every male engineer I ever knew looked like he would have had trouble doing 10 push ups! Quite fortunately, you don't really need to be that physically strong to be a scientist or engineer.

  3. No need for confusion, TG, she was going to write some webcontent for me and I shelved the idea for the time being and offered to post an article for her here. It's a one-off probably.

    I would have thought that someone unconnected with anything Bessler would be more likely to offer a fresh viewpoint.

    Anyway I think it was a valid summing up of the situation today.


  4. These examples aren't considered perpetual motion machines. If an external source of energy is used, then the machine doesn't fall under the definition for a PMM.

    "Perpetual motion describes "motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy; impossible in practice because of friction."[2] It can also be described as "the motion of a hypothetical machine which, once activated, would run forever unless subject to an external force or to wear"."

    And her summary "generator Having considered these three devices that are driven by nature, could Bessler's Wheel have worked in a similar way through interaction with its surroundings?" - it's what I've been saying forever, bessler's wheels would had to have worked this way.

    TG, your wheel design won't work because the k values of the springs would have to increase and decrease by themselves during operation. I'm surprised you haven't discovered that by now.

    1. Right on the nose!

    2. @ Doug

      I've NEVER claimed that Bessler's wheels were capable of running FOREVER, but, rather, based on some calculations I did years ago, that they could (assuming no critical part failures) run UNloaded for BILLIONS of years or, while performing work, for tens to hundreds of MILLIONS of years. Such a machine is NOT perpetual in the strictest sense of the word, BUT, for all "practical purposes", can be considered to be so. That is why I still use the popular term "PM" when describing Bessler's wheels. I agree that ANY machine that depends on ANY type of power source for its motion is NOT PM and, by that definition, Bessler's wheels would not be PM because they obtained the energy / mass they outputted from their weights which served as an internal power supply.

      "TG, your wheel design won't work because the k values of the springs would have to increase and decrease by themselves during operation. I'm surprised you haven't discovered that by now."

      Not quite. The k values of all of the springs within Bessler's wheels WERE fixed. The question I am wrestling with at the moment is whether the TWO springs attached to each of a one-directional wheel's or sub wheel's 8 weighted levers EACH had the same k value or if they had different k values. It's starting to look like the k values were different. That means, essentially, that there were TWO different sets of springs within his wheels. One of these I now understand as far as its allowable k value range, location, and purpose, but the second type is still a mystery to me. No doubt, that mystery will be resolved by further modeling and testing while keeping an eye on those ALL IMPORTANT DT portrait clues. They ARE truly the "key" to solving the Bessler wheel mystery and, IMO, it will only be solved by someone who THOROUGHLY understands the meanings of the many symbols Bessler used in the two portraits.

  5. A lot of people try to find a " workaround " and have it both ways if only by calling a P.M. device a gravity whatever or saying that perpetual motion is possible because it already exists . I guess we can all just give up now because it has already been done so many times .

    1. my experience Bessler's invention was not a " gravity only " device .

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. TG...How can you compare compressing air to solid matter.Of course air heats up when you reduce it's volume under pressure but solids are comparitively incompressible.
    Geothermal heat originated when the earth was in molten form.Not from radio active decay,otherwise why are we bothering with nuclear power stations.
    There is enough latent heat in the earth to outlast the sun.
    This is why we should actually be exploiting it much more than at the present.

    1. All I can say is that "solids" are not as INcompressible as you might think. For example, if a metal like aluminum is placed into a hydraulic press that applies several tens of thousands of lbs of pressure to it, it will undergo a significant decrease in volume and a corresponding increase in density. It will also heat up as this happens.

      Geothermal heat does come from the interior of the very hot planet whose cooler outer crust we dwell upon. BUT, you must remember that the material that condensed and compacted to form the Earth was originally small bits of space debris that had already cooled down to near absolute zero in temperature. As that matter was collected through the action of mutual gravitation to form a spherical body orbiting our Sun, the particles were crushed together and transformed almost all of their gravitational potential energy / mass directly into thermal energy / mass in the process. As that happened, the internal and surface temperature of our newly formed Earth rose into the thousands of degrees Fahrenheit and that is where the geothermal energy we use today comes from. That source of energy / mass is, ultimately, due to the gravitational coallescing and compaction of solid matter that took place billions of years ago.

      Surprisingly, there IS a great amount of radioisotopes inside the core of our planet and their continual emission of various types of radiation as they decay does produce heat just as does the radiation that is released when fission occurs inside of a nuclear reactor, but there are no fission or fusion reactions taking place inside of our planet's core because the pressures and temperatures there, although high, are still insufficient to trigger them. You really need a stellar core for that. The heat resulting from the natural decay of radioisotopes inside of our Earth helps to maintain the temperature gradient that exists between the surface crust and the core.

    2. But,but TG,..There is another factor you've omitted.If there was any heat produce due to the friction of compaction,it was a one of and not continuous.
      It would never have been onough to raise the temperature to 7000 degrees at the core.
      Besides the earth was molten,why else would it be round.This is just high school science.
      Anyway,we're off the subject so please don't think I'm trying to get you off the subject of cords and springs and things.

    3. Although friction can play a role in heating up material undergoing compaction, it is only a minor role. Most of the temperature rise is due to the conversion of gravitational potential energy / mass directly into the thermal energy / mass of the atoms involved. As the particles accelerate toward each other due to mutual gravitation, they begin to collide and make each other vibrate more violently and this then shows up as a rise in temperature. And, yes, when one considers this effect with a mass the size of our Earth, it CAN cause the core to reach 7000 degrees Fahrenheit, but the material in the core does not become a gas even though that temperature exceeds the boiling point of iron and nickel because of the tremendous pressure there that forces the atoms together.

  8. @ Mimi

    I just noticed your last comment on John's previous blog. I agree — gamers can tolerate some errors, but engineers can't. I've given up on Blender, which uses the Bullet Physics engine for that reason. I don't think it's accurate enough.

  9. I use Blender , but not for physics . If you had my model you'd see it doesn't matter whether the physics is good or bad because it can be implemented intuitively into the animation .

  10. @ TG

    “I would not waste my time with ANY kind of design that has "stork's bills" inside of it. Bessler wheels did NOT use stork's bills”

    Well, that is a great shame for you TG and a great loss to your Bessler Wheel building programme.

    Bessler’s Wheels did use Stork’s Bills. He makes that very clear in his written clues in MT mentioning them 12 times, and he also depicts them in so very many of his image clues too!

    He clearly states that a correct application of the stork’s bills can be found.

    You are dismissing a vital Bessler Clue


    1. I agree, but you need to apply the principle in a different way.

    2. @ JW

      I agree that Bessler does, indeed, show a variety of stork's bill operated wheels and "flip over frame" type machines in MT. BUT, they are ALL incorporated into designs that do NOT work! He also tells us that NONE of the machines illustrated show his secret OB PM gravity wheel mechanics. If you want to pursue these designs, then fine, do so. But, I still think that you will be wasting your time which could be FAR better spent studying the two DT portraits and seeing if you can follow the "right track" approach that they suggest. I DID and now I'm about 99.5% of the way to success!

  11. TG, you ARE Ken B. NO DOUBT in my mind. I don't hate you Ken, just your repetitive BORING, LONG posts. If you could convince some of us that your portrait clues have any merit, it might be different. Curly hair equals springs don't cut it! If you don't want to show your design, I understand but please stop with the daily updates. You have been talking about spring tension forever. ( page 107 of your progress thread on is just one example) If you can't give us a clue example that makes us say " wow you are really on to something, than please stop. If you look in the statistics section over at BW you will see that you are still at the top " word count " in the history of the website.

    1. What's up with this Ken guy? It's like he has some cult following, as well as some angry torch carrying mob out to get him. Yes his posts are long and some could say boring, but they are packed with details. I don't know anyone else sharing that amount of information. Unfortunately, if you look at the flip side, which is knowing nothing and sharing nothing, someone else on this blog comes to mind.

  12. Ok, I lied about having proof that Ken an TG were not the same people. They are. But think about how boring it would be here without him. He is getting close and we need to support him. The same could almost be said for Chris, but we all know he doesn't have a change to solve the riddle. It is our duty to mankind and country to help all the poor bastards out there, even if some of them shouldn't have made it past the wet spot on the bed. It is the burden we bare for being the righteous and courageous overbalanced PM mobilists we are.

  13. @TG Ken B,

    Because you have spent no time on the real clues in MT, but have instead imagined clues to be found in the Fitzsch Brother’s Portraits of Bessler in DT, you will not have seen the link between three of the most important MT Clues, namely,

    The Bellows Clue
    The Unusual Letter A Clue (if articulated)
    The Stork’s Bills Clue

    All three of which have a striking and fundamental similarity of form; two relatively long thin levers hinged at the head.

    There is a fourth important visual clue linking-in to this part of the structure of The Mechanism; you could look again at MT137 in this clue context!

    As I understand it, when deciphering clues, one very obvious thing to do is to look for repeating shapes and underlying patterns.

    This shape, this pattern, this arrangement of levers, will I believe, prove to be an easily recognisable element in a working Gravity Wheel.


    1. If you remove some of the inner lines from MT137, you get a stork's bill mechanism that runs around the perimeter of the wheel. You can see something of what I am saying in the link below.

      Perform a Google search on EXPANDING SPHERE TOY or look in the images section of Google for the above search terms and you will see some interesting toys made up of interconnecting stork's bills. I got to play around with one over the weekend.

  14. Ken B was forever adjusting spring k values in wm2d years ago on It seems the right ratio and right track still alludes him.

    1. Regarding the supposed clues in the portraits. I think we all have to agree that they are quite "puzzling" to say the least, and the alignments of the items TG pointed out is hard to dismiss. I'd be the first to say I'm not very good at deciphering or interpreting the clues in the portraits so I personally think TG is brilliant (well at least compared to me).

  15. Is that you TG?

  16. PART I:

    Okay, guys, if you all INSIST on thinking that I am the elusive Ken B., then there is nothing I can do about it. I guess I should be honored, because I am VERY impressed with his early research. Although he regular included springs in his designs, his big mistake was sticking with isolated "perpetual motion structures" and not embracing the "Connectedness Principle". But, then again, he did not have access to the all important DT portrait clues as I do and that prevented him from traveling to the end of the "right track". IF he had had them then, he probably would have solved the Bessler wheel mystery YEARS ago!

    Okay, there are still some hard heads out there that continue to deny the existence of the DT portrait clues which, I STEADFASTLY maintain, account for about 99% of the clues concerning Bessler's secret wheel mechanics without which one's chance of reverse engineering Bessler's wheels is next to ZERO. Here's a tiny one I recently discovered that may change the opinions of a few who have "open" minds:

    As I've been saying for several weeks now, I discovered that each of Bessler's one-directional wheels and two-directional wheel's sub wheels contained 16 springs that were "assigned" to its 8 weighted levers. I originally thought that the 2 springs on each lever were identical. I now realize that was an erroneous assumption because my testing of designs using two identical springs per weighted lever were UNworkable (remember my commenting that I would not be celebrating the 297 anniversary of the successful "official" examination of the Merseburg wheel by being able to declare the Bessler wheel mystery solved?). Now it's obvious to me that each one-directional wheel contained TWO DIFFERENT sets of 8 springs. I now call them "the primary set" and "the secondary set". Each of the wheel's 8 weighted levers has ONE spring from EACH set attached to it. These springs have DIFFERENT k values and perform quite different functions during each 45 degree increment of drum rotation. I now have the COMPLETE details of the primary set, but not of the secondary set (but, you can be quite sure that I AM working on obtaining those!).

    After an enormous amount of testing, I discovered that the ideal spring constant or k value for the PRIMARY springs used in the Merseburg wheel was k = 16 lb / inch. If one goes a little higher than that, then the weighted levers arriving at the 7:30 position of a CW rotating drum will not be vertical oriented which is CRITICAL to maximizing the projection of the CoM of the 8 weights onto the drum's descending side. If one goes a little lower than that, then the weighted levers from 10:30 to 3:00 will readily collapse if the wheel is given too high an initial acceleration in the direction it "prefers" to rotate in by a hand start and the OB creating configuration of the weighted levers will be immediately lost. 16 lb / inch, therefore, seems to be the PERFECT k value to use.

    Incredibly, Bessler encrypted THIS particular k value into the 2nd DT portait! It took me a while to find it, but here it is:

  17. PART II:

    Locate the screw barrel microscope on the table on the right side of the portrait. Note the lower half which contains a helical spring. This symbolizes the helical springs used in his wheels and the primary ones, in particular.

    Next, draw a straight line through the optical axis of the microscope. If extended upward, the line passes through the center of the clock dial, if extended downward, however, you will find something VERY interesting. If you extend it OFF the illustration far enough, it will end in the middle of the letter "B" of the abbreviation "NB" (which stands for the Latin words "Note Bene" which mean "Note Well" in English). This tells us that there is something IMPORTANT here and we should PAY ATTENTION!

    Notice that Bessler does not draw the letters separately, but overlaps the two adjacent vertical bars of the letters "N" and "B". Here is the way to PROPERLY interpret this clue:

    Imagine that you could take a knife and slice the overlapped NB into two pieces. The piece on the right would look like the number 3 (this is also a symbol for a spring and indicates the clue one is about to interpret deals with springs) and the piece on the left looks like the ROMAN number 4 which is IV, but this can also be written as a 1 and a 5 next to each other. Now, MULTIPLY the 3 times the 5 and you get 15. Next, ADD the 1 to the 15 and you get...16 which just happens to be the "ideal" k value of the primary springs that I found from a LOT of work with my model wheels and simulations!

    Once again, this is only one of DOZENS of IMPORTANT clues embedded in the two DT portraits. Most are more technical in nature than this and pertain to the various angles, dimensions, and ratios incorporated into Bessler's secret PM mechanism. I have decoded about 95% of them at this point in time, but I am continually being surprised by clues which suddenly emerge and only become "visible" AFTER I have done a LOT of addtional modeling and simulation. At those times my pair of Bessler "eyeglasses" suddenly bring more of Bessler's secret wheel design into focus! This "NB Spring Constant Clue" is only the very beginning of what you will find when you agree to don the eyeglasses that Bessler offers you in the second portrait and you begin to "see" details of his secret wheel mechanism you NEVER knew existed!

    1. I think you should end your obsession with DT portrait's ,there are no clues,clues are
      inside Bessler's ,John's book's.The closer you get ,the further you are.
      With your own capability,perhaps,would be good idea to start working on other Bessler's clues,trust me,there are plenty.It's up to you.

    2. Thanks for the advice, vincent, but I intend to stick closer to the DT portraits than a born again Christian does to the Gospels!

      IF it had not been for the vast store of clues in those portraits, I would not have made ANY progress. NOW, thanks to God and the Master, I AM finally on the verge of success! I look forward to having MY "House of Richters" experience and relishing in the thought that I will be only the 3rd person in the last three CENTURIES to have had that EXQUISITE experience. After the WORKING OB PM gravity wheel design Bessler found and used is finally published, then it will be time for so many other weary mobilists out there in in PM land to share in that same experience. It will be a VERY "good" time for one and all...

  18. Justsomeone says: I am speechless.

    1. So was I!

      The problem with most of the clues in the two DT portraits is that they are encrypted so that they will only make sense (i.e., become "visible" to those wearing those Bessler eyeglasses!) IF one actually had one of Bessler's wheels with its exposed internal mechanics in front of him so that he could see how the clues were derived. The primary purpose of these DT portrait clues was to allow Bessler to claim priority should another mobilist duplicate his design after Bessler had previously destroyed a wheel to guard its secret by providing PRECISE technical data about the mechanics of his wheels. This also shows, I think, how VERY confident Bessler was that HE had found the ONLY design that would work!

      Without having such a wheel for comparison purposes, one, such as a FUTURE reverse engineering Bessler mobilist, is forced to continuously construct wheels and then test and vary their internal mechanisms a bit with each version. Every once in a while, his mechanism will suddenly "justify" one of the DT portrait clues and then it's time to test the design to see if it brings one closer to success or not and thereby establish that the portrait clue is valid and not just some "decoy" clue Bessler inserted to confuse the many competitive mobilists who would undoubtedly be reading his works.

      It is, indeed, a LOT of work and because of this I STRONGLY urge anyone SERIOUS about cracking the secret of Bessler's wheels to start using modeling / simulation software and to do so as soon as he can. If I had not done that years ago, then I'd probably only be 10% of the way to the end of the "right track" instead of my present 99.5%.

      BTW. This "NB Spring Constant Clue" is NOT the ONLY one that points to the primary spring constant or k value being 16 lb/in! This, of course, greatly lowers the chance of it just being a coincidence that this number emerges via the numerological analysis that I provided above.

  19. When my wheel begins to turn ... where will you all be ? My guess : wherever you are now . I agree with nearly everyone about TG . I do not bother to read what he posts most of the time .
    On a personal note I made a few (2) giant steps toward my goal in the last couple of days . I bought a certain tool that I needed ( for my build ) and tomorrow I rent a storage ( just 10x10 ) w/electricity so I'll have a place to work . Yes, I FINALLY feel like I have a design worthy of my time and money . Anyone who will , wish me luck .

    1. Best of luck, Chris. I applaud anyone who makes an effort to DO SOMETHING about turning an idea into a working model...whether it's 2D on a monitor screen or 3D and filling up a storage compartment.

      A 6 ft diameter wheel is a good size. Small enough to be portable, yet large enough so that slight imperfections in the placement of its components will not be fatal to its operation (assuming that the theory behind the construction is valid). The smallest wheel that I think would also have these properties would be one that is 36 inches in diameter which is the size Bessler was using when he had his "House of Richters" moment.

    2. Good luck Chris, you are going to need it.

  20. Justsomeone says: glad to see you building. What tool did you purchase? The web is full of woodworking tips. If you build a 4ft. Wheel, start by drilling a 1/8 inch hole where your axle will go. Using a yardstick, draw numerous circles all the way out to the end. These reference lines are quite useful. Use the 1/8 inch drill bit as your pivot point. This is easiest to do before you enlarge the center hole for the axle. Depending on your design, you may also want to divide it into pie shapes. If you are swinging any weights on posts and need some advise as to their construction, let us know. Also if you are using two discs, while the center holes are still small, bolt them together and drill them both at the same time for better alignment. Threaded rod works well for this and is rather inexpensive in the electrical department of the big box stores. Good luck

  21. I'd rather not say what particular tool I purchased . Thx for the advice . The wheel will be 6 ft w/ a 4 inch wooden axle ... 6 inches deep or 1/2 scale of the 12 ft wheel . It will turn one direction for sure and with a slight modification , the other way . I'm not sure how Bessler pulled off the trick of the bidirectional wheel but it may be a feature of the design itself . We will find out soon enough .

    1. I hope you bought a hammer and its a heavy one cause your gonna need it to pound that piece of crap to the floor after you find it doesn't work.

    2. "I'm not sure how Bessler pulled off the trick of the bidirectional wheel..."

      Simple. He used TWO side by side, one-directional wheels on the same axle with their "preferred" directions of rotation opposed to each other. When the drum was given a push in either direction, the wheel, or as I like to refer to it the "sub wheel", undergoing retrograde rotation would have all of its weights locked down against their respective rim stops. This then caused the CoM of that sub wheel's weights to retract to the center of the axle, a location from which it could provide no opposing torque to the axle. The drum was then driven by the remaining sub wheel rotating in its preferred direction whose weights' CoM was displaced onto the drum's descending side. This process was reversible should the drum be manually slowed to a stop and then given a push in the other direction to make it turn that way.

      IF this model is correct (and I certainly think it is), then it is NOT possible to obtain bi-directionality with a SINGLE ONE-directional Bessler wheel.

  22. Justsomeone says: Do your self a favor and build it as a 4 ft. Wheel. You can build the discs out of one sheet of plywood instead of 8 sheets. Bessler's small wheels worked. I have two 7ft diameter wheels in my garage. They are quite heavy.

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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...