Thursday 23 May 2013

Size need be no object.

I don't know why some people believe that Bessler's wheel would prove to be too weak to produce sufficient energy to be of any practical use.  

Take a look at this project,

It is huge!  The two brothers, Ribeiro, from Brazil have been in touch with me from time to time over many years, but when I saw their latest venture I had to rethink my ideas about the size of Bessler's wheel and how big it would have in order to be really useful. I have no idea of the value of their project but seeeing the pictures of it got me thinking and when I considered the sizes of various energy devices throughout history, I realised that Bessler's wheel could be whatever size it needed to be to produce useful electricity.

John Rowley designed and built a new tidal wheel to pump water to Windsor Castle, from the river Thames, nearly three hundred years ago. I quote from the records 'John Rowley, master of mechanicks, for making a dam before and behind the engine, for clearing the old foundation, for setting down a new frame,  for the new wheel of twenty-four foot diameter and twelve foot broad; for the new brass engine with brasses to the crank, forcing rods and a new crank etc' . OK it's just a tidal wheel for pumping water, but the size was not a deterrent, even 300 years ago.

Newcomen's engine had an enormous beam, over 20 foot long in some instances, and capable of pumping hundreds of gallon of water a minute, albeit using an excessive amount of coal,and it was incredibly inefficient.  But making it big enough was not a problem, even three hundred years ago

More recently, Aldo Costa's wheel - about 60 feetr in diameter - is huge and of doubtful use for energy, but the size did not deter him and he wished to build one of over 150 feet in diameter!

My point is this.... if Bessler's wheel produces any energy at all .....then it can be scaled up to produce a useful amount of energy, and if the size of the Kassel wheel could only produce a small amount of electricity then the wheel could be made big enough to do the job required.

Karl the Landgrave wrote that , 'He [Bessler] has no doubt that once the sale of the machine has been accomplished, a much bigger machine can be built provided that more space is made available and more assistants employed.'

Bessler himself suggested that it should be possible to construct a machine over 35-40 feet in diameter and there is no reason why several such machine could not be supported on the same axle.  If size is limitless then so is the potential power it could generate.




  1. Some of my original wheels of 1711 and early 1712 were 6 to 8 food wide.
    Eventually I worked out how to do it on a thinner wheel .
    It would have been easier to build them wider.
    Today I do not have the materials to build anything.

    1. Correction i meant 6 to 8 feet in depth , and 9 or 10 feet wide .

  2. Ealadha, you talk rubbish , I feel you may be mentally ill. If not, then you are not funny, just boring and tedious. Time you were banned or just shut up with your rubbish.

    1. They thought I was mad back then as well.

  3. John, I'm with you there! I would be prepared to dedicate a whole room, basement or garage to a Bessler wheel just to be independant from the grid.
    Hoping it will be soon.

    1. Well in 6 days you can enlighten us.

    2. I mean will (not can).

  4. I think tg calculated that a hundred foot diamter wheel with a dozen one ton weights could constantly power a single block of high efficiency electric homes. He based that on scaling up the power of the Merseberg wheel. It might be possible but would everyone want a ferris wheel sized Bessler wheel power plant on their block? People are already complaining about those annoying wind turbines. With solar panels on everyones roofs much the same can be done but you have to be able to store some of the unused power in batteries for use a night. Batteries are getting better every year. Something tells me a hundred years from now we'll be seeing those solar panels everywhere and if Bessler's wheels are ever duplicated they'll be in science museums to entertain the crowds and show that pm is possible. Not much will have changed in four hundred years!


    1. Isn't it amazing that mike knows so much about what TG said or is thinking.

      Come on man, you're just making a fool of yourself, everyone knows you are TG. It's time to grow up and start acting like an adult, assuming you know what that means. However, considering your approach to solving the wheel, maybe not. Oh well, probably better to hide behind mike so know one really knows what a nut job you are. Oops, I almost forgot, we already know.

    2. I'm sure the 'Delusionati' on this blog 'know' I'm tg, but reality is that I'm not! They probably also 'know' the earth is flat and that we never landed on the moon either! Tg departure here is sort of similar to when Elvis Presley died and for months later people were claiming that they saw him all over the United States! Tg was a very powerful force on this blog and some still can not accept that he is gone and probably not coming back to reveal the latest results of his dt portrait based research. I know about what tg said because I was following his comments here for over a year and copied anything and everything he had to say about Bessler wheel inner mechs. I would recommend that anyone do the same if they are really serious about solving the wheel (see all of tg's or 'technoguy's' comments made between Aug 30 2011 and Jan 8 2013). But then again I don't expect losers like you to follow my advice because your really not serious about anything as far as Bessler is concerned!


  5. ... Size need be no object ...

    Well that may hold for businesses and country locations, but you certainly would not have 50 Bessler wheels in your backyard, the Ribiero brothers wheel, or the Aldo's wheel. Not only because of space considerations, but I don't think they would pass local ordinances or neighborhood association by-laws. People whine about hanging a flag in your window these days. The only solution will be one that can fit in your garage or basement and not take up too much space.

  6. The bessler wheel I was trying to sell was the least powerful one.
    No one bought so I got to keep it.

  7. Gravity isn't needed.

    Bessler's secret was a mechanically asymmetric interaction. Yes, it was an asymmetric gravitational interaction, but that's incidental... any force will do.

    An EM wheel could have a power density many orders of magnitude beyond Bessler's.

    1. Oh ! Though art such a Djinn . Demonstration please , references ... anything ?

    2. @ Vibrator

      I agree. This is what Shawn McCarthy was attempting - so far without success.

    3. Hey Grimer, glad you're still knocking about here.. i believe Steorn DID nail it though, however they're exploiting variations in material response times - the difference here is that Bessler's mechanism doesn't depend on any fluctuations in field densities or the properties of mass or gravity themselves, instead relying only on mechanical balance. Hence it's what you might call a 'force agnostic' exploit, and could be driven by ANY applied force - inertial would do... (obviously inertia and G are equivalent so this example seems almost trite - EM's the thang..

      @Anon. - you get the picture.. knowing nothing specific about the mechanism, certain first principles still apply.

  8. The three "obvious" possibilities for increasing the power output of a Bessler wheel are:—

    1. Use larger masses (or "heavier weights").
    2. Make the masses move more rapidly.
    3. Increase the overall size of the wheel.

    In the models I'm currently investigating, there is a fourth possibility, which I'm finding difficult to exploit well. If my approach is similar to Bessler's, I think he must have managed to exploit it to some extent, to achieve the reported performance of his two large wheels.

  9. Ealadha, your an idiot. Please go somewhere else!


    1. Yes I am idiot , I should not have burned the MT drawings.
      Now greedy ******** are trying to patent it for themselves .

  10. Ealadha, dont bother with your (not so smart) replies, just shut up and fuck off.

  11. Only those football (soccer) crazy Brazilians could invent a machine that will look like a "Mexican Wave" when it's working!

  12. My email address is ealadha0 at yahoo dot ie

  13. The weekend approaches...enjoy the big race...and when you wake up on Monday, the world will once again be reunited with the Bessler Wheel thanks to Trevor, and that's an iron clad guarantee from him by the way. Way to go Trevor...saving the world all by your newbieself.

    1. The bessler wheel is not going to save the world, they will patent gravity and then not allow anyone to use it, like they patent everything and not allow anyone to to use anything, they do it to seeds and then cut down the rainforests to plant their soya .

    2. The BW boys say Tuesday is the magical day.

    3. Ealadha, lucky for you no one has patented stupidity, or are you not telling us something?

    4. All of them on BW dot com are trying to steal my wheel .

    5. Come on ED we know you're the anon that's mocking my efforts,..own up!
      It was not an iron clad guarantee.If you read my post I said I would produce a working wheel if I can sort out the mechanics in time.
      Any way, I'm entitled to two extra days actually because I don't work on Sundays for myself.
      Look at the big picture,..what does it matter when,so long as it materialises in the next few days.

    6. Trevor, I haven't commented on here is days and I sign my name. Stop being a twit and making baseless accusations and own up to the fact that you have, and apparently always will have, nothing!

      - ED

    7. Mock!
      Mockingbird, don't-everybody, have you heard?
      Have you heard?
      She's gonna buy me a mockingbird...
      And if that mockingbird don't sing...
      Bird don't sing...
      She's gonna buy me a diamond ring.
      Diamond ring...
      And if that diamond ring don't shine...

    8. Hey Trevor, keep your eyes on Christo, I hear he's got some coffee for you.

    9. pretty bird ... pretty bird ...

  14. John,
    just heard of something called a TOKAMAK reactor, apparently it takes 70Mw of energy to start the reaction, but gives out 500Mw.
    The only problem is they cannot maintain the reaction for very long.
    So, what of the scientific view that you cannot get more out of a machine than you put in?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Monsanto will probably alter gravity and then patent the altered gravity. Then is all they have to do is replace the existing gravity in the world with the altered gravity by engineering the earth so that only the altered gravity will work. Then we all will have to pay them for using their patented gravity .

  17. Maybe after the magic wheel is unveiled, then it could be made bigger.

    Step right up folks, see the magic gera wheel!
    Come one, come all, the ninth wonder of the world! For the first time ever!
    It turns by itself, forever, until the parts wear out!
    Only 25 cents to see the magic perpetuum mobile wheel! No peeking, no touching,
    stand behind the rail, please, keep the line moving!
    It sure is warm today, folks, try a cool glass of lemonade to
    quench your thirst for only 5 cents!

    Thank you all, the next showing will be in 5 minutes, after the wheel
    has a slight repair! I'm sorry, there aren't toy versions available!

    Tell all your friends to come see the magic pm wheel,
    before it is smashed to bits! Don't miss your only chance in a lifetime to
    see it!

    1. Are you implying by " slight repair " that it required winding ? I guess the name says it all . IMPOSTER .

    2. That's right folks, just a slight repair! No need to worry, the Perpetuum Mobile needs very little maintenance! I've plans for a wheel that will turn for weeks at a time, with no interruption! My wheels can pump water from wells, lift weights in either direction! All yours for the low, low price of 2 million dollars! No haggling, please! Harrison got it, so can I! If it's not worth it, you can have my head instead! Step right up, see the magic wheel! The magic wheel will only be in your town for a limited engagement, don't miss it!

    3. If you were smart enough to figure out the secret can I assume that you would shut up ?

  18. Wed May 15, 2013 12:00 pm
    Yes!..a working wheel is only days away if I can sort out the mechanics.

    25 May 2013 10:53
    If you read my post I said I would produce a working wheel if I can sort out the mechanics in time.

    “…in time.” Oh I see, I forgot to read Trevor’s fine print.

    I don’t work Sundays, Afternoons on Monday, Thursday, or Friday, Braunschweiger Day, Father’s day, Mother’s day, Hannakah, Merry Kwanzaa Day, Columbus day, Prophet’s Birthday, Emancipation Proclamation Day, National Freedom Day, Groundhog Day, ½ Off Everything at Happy China Day, Chinese New Year, Birthday of Anyone Named Lincoln, St. Patrick’s Day, Palm Sunday, Palm Monday, Palm Tuesday, PalmWednesday, Palm Friday, Palm Saturday, Secretary’s Day, First thru Last day of Passover and Under, Yom HaShoah, Yom Kippur, Tax Day, Father Damien Day, Our Lady of the Butterfly Day, Mamushka Day, Arbor Day, National Transportation Day, Flag Day, Upside Down Flag Day, Any Which Way Flag Day, St. Genewa Day, Baby’s First Poop Day, Parent’s Day, National Senior’s Day, Labor Day, Rosh Hosh Kabosh Day, Stately Wayne Manner Day, Pocahontas Day, Spleen Awareness Day, September Equinox Day, Feast of the Plenty Day, All Saint’s Day, Child Labor Day, and any other day I forgot to mention.

  19. See Trevor, other people can come up with ways to mock you all by themselves, but I know; many anons praising you means those are all different people, many anons being negative on false claims means its just me! Right, go on believing it, you're just wasting time.


  20. Trevor is all but done, and now it sounds like Chris Wilson is throwing in the towel. They need to hop on a hog and head to Aspen California for a much needed break.

    1. Anon,

      At first I didn't get it. Then I remembered the reference.
      After my laughter died down, I thought "but if Trevor and Chris Wilson are sock puppets of the same person...".
      But, then I realized that it would still apply, and I laughed some more.


  21. How did you know it was called the magic wheel ?

  22. There are those who constantly offend the sensitivities of others, and always foolishly.
    They drift into a crowd with ease, but they part with difficulty, having quickly worn out their welcome.
    No day is complete for them without its hundred annoyances.
    They put their understanding on the wrong side of the discussion and find fault with everything.
    Unable to do anything right themselves, they call the efforts of others wrong.
    A constant embarrassment to themselves and to others, it has never occurred to them that to think before uttering a negative word provides the power to control the random ravings of the mind.

    Baltasar Gracian

    1. Is that all you have, well time is running out on you Trevor. No more excuses. Put up or shut up time. BW is going to be rather unfriendly to you if you fail again.

    2. No not Trevor, it's the YAHWEH/ lanternise anon.

  23. deflect deflect deflect, the sign of a seasoned failure

  24. Trevor doesn't build on Sundays, he only has enough time to frequent BW.

  25. If only I had the materials I would build one.

    1. Bessler circa 1713 could get the materials. Why can't Bessler circa 2013?


    2. Because I do not have the finances.
      That other bessler in 1713 had loads of materials and stuff.
      And I have none .

    3. The actual Bessler also had multiple skills that he used to obtain the finances to obtain the 'loads of materials and stuff'.

      Apparently you have none of that as well?


    4. Like Bessler I can do anything, I do not have to learn how to do anything because I know how to do everything.

  26. It's time for you all to ask yourselves what kind of person it would take to solve this problem all over again ... seriously , and then consider how you yourselves have fallen short of it . If I can do it ... and I am ever more confident that I can then I will gladly both give and accept apologies to whatever extent is reasonably possible . Too many of you think it's a joke and it's apparent in your behavior . If anyone wishes to insult me ( for SEEMING so presumptuous ) please identify yourselves or your comments will be ignored .

    1. QUOTE: Chris Wilson (since he tends to delete posts, instead of standing behind his words):
      "It's time for you all to ask yourselves what kind of person it would take to solve this problem all over again ... seriously , and then consider how you yourselves have fallen short of it . If I can do it ... and I am ever more confident that I can then I will gladly both give and accept apologies to whatever extent is reasonably possible . Too many of you think it's a joke and it's apparent in your behavior . If anyone wishes to insult me ( for SEEMING so presumptuous ) please identify yourselves or your comments will be ignored . "

      My answer:
      Not someone who claims "I have found THE solution", again and again.
      Not someone who is conceited enough to believe that he's the ONLY one who is making an honest effort towards a solution.
      Not someone who is so conceited as to believe that no one but he himself is capable of truly comprehending Bessler's legacy.
      Not someone who accuses everyone else of "falling short", like it's their duty to find a solution and present it to him.
      Not someone who expects apologies from everyone that reacts quite naturally to each of his whiney tantrums.
      Not someone who believes that his half-hearted apologies nullify his neurotic behavior.

      These are NOT insults, they are definitions of character.
      And they do not apply to only "Chris Wilson".

      (signed) Registered Anonymous Poster #259.

    2. So YOU decide who can and can't figure it out . That is good for a laugh . If I was publishing my designs for your scrutiny I could understand that , but since you DO NOT KNOW
      what I am talking about then NO ... your opinion is mute .

    3. BTW anonymous is anonymous ... you are a joke .

    4. " Not someone who accuses everyone else of "falling short", like it's their duty to find a solution and present it to him. "

      So wrong . See , to me the problem is not someone owing ME something but rather acting as if they are experts when after all ... well , you know what I mean . If everyone were content to either shut up or let the wheel speak for itself , then there would be silence , because no one has produced anything and yet some are content to be pompous .

    5. pomp·ous
      Affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important: "a pompous ass".

  27. John ,
    It's over ... seriously . Time to build the Bessler
    Wheel !

    1. "It's over...seriously".

      Looks like Chris has really done it this time...seriously.

    2. Trevor and Chris have been secretly collaborating. Something they posted on YouTube.

      Looks like with their combined abilities we can expect some serious results.

    3. Seriously !

    4. You guys think you are asleep , in dreams you can think of something and it instantaneously appears . You are all a lot of pitiful JOKERS joking , sleepers sleeping . Grow up !

  28. Here's MY definition of your character . You are a coward , and you don't understand nor are you capable of judging ANYONE . You don't have a clue as to the nature of what you are trying futilely to PROTECT ! It either is or it isn't , YOU saying it ISN'T means nothing !

    1. Chris, obviously I am not a doctor, but it seems you are bipolar type II, and it's in a severe down swing. Better get that looked at. Mention hypomania to the doc.


    2. I dare say I WILL , ( as John said not too long ago ) " let the working wheel speak for itself " . I suggest you all reserve your judgment for just a little while longer , that is if you truly want to be on the right side of things . That's the same thing Bessler asked anyone to do . God put no mark on him that said , " Leave this man be , he is the true discoverer of Perpetual Motion " ... yet he was mocked and hated apparently because that's what people had in their HEARTS to do . Why are you so concerned with me and my sanity ? It's because in your HEART ... you have ill will , and your non-believing and discouraging leader , Scott Ellis , has let his tainted opinions spread far and wide . You have all become Wagners . So go build your Wagoner's wheel and leave Bessler device to more capable hands .

    3. That's Vagner to you, and there is no ill will. I'm actually trying to help you. You see quite disturbed. You are also in everyone's face, so how can we not be 'concerned' with you?


    4. That's right , precisely ...IN YOUR FACE !

  29. Also , anonymous #259 , luckily I don't require your support or anyone else's for that matter to continue . I am here because John deserves to be informed in the events of my PROGRESS . Unlike you John knows that the device could be discovered by anyone , anywhere , and that his views however educated ... could be WRONG .

  30. As I mentioned earlier, Trevor and Chris are doing some private collaboration. I found another one of their videos. Looks like they have set out on an exciting journey.

    1. You guys think you are asleep , in dreams you can think of something and it instantaneously appears . You are all a lot of pitiful JOKERS joking , sleepers sleeping . Grow up

  31. John ,
    I can take no more of your " followers " antics . I will keep you informed as promised .

    1. But we should put up with your antics?

    2. Well since we know Chris will not produce a runner, looks like this it the last time we will hear from him.

    3. Lol . Seriously .

  32. They should all stop joking about this, it is a very serious subject.

  33. We bid you a fond farewell Chris and Trevor. You two would make a great addition to any traveling carnival. Who knows, maybe some day you can do some barking for the Yak lady.

    1. please take Ealadha with you...

    2. Maybe you can eat $#IT and die ... just a suggestion .

  34. If I had the materials I would build a G force rotational machine, I know how that works. You see a couple of years ago I downloaded the video of it and watched it in slow motion, I even done tests to see how it works .
    I know how to build it .
    You see because I am keeping all the Bessler inventions for myself, I will only build other peoples inventions .

  35. 5-28-2013 is the day Trevor promised free energy for all. Will he live up to his promises or will he spend the rest of his life in Chrisdom. We will all know very soon.

  36. Whatever words come out of your mouth , even anonymously , plan to be eating them . You will find that they come out a lot easier than they go in .

  37. I won't get upset over your insults and doubt , but I look forward to the day when you wonder how in the world I got the best of you .

    1. "John ,
      I can take no more of your " followers " antics . I will keep you informed as promised ".

      Your promise to leave lasted 7hrs 14min. A new world record for you.

    2. The fact that you used " world " in the above pretty much exposes you as a moron .

    3. I give you guys too much credit for being intelligent , as has been said before , it takes a special kind of person to seek after perpetual motion ( yea , short bus kind of special ). I forget that I am the exception rather than the rule .

    4. If you are tired of my insults all you have to do is SHUT UP FIRST ! Lol

    5. No matter who I tend to associate with I end up despising them for their inability to think and learn and I end up attacking them for their core ignorance . Some would say it's a matter of opinion and listening is what's important . So I listened and what I heard was someone invading my privacy .

    6. XXXVII (b) Here Wagner apologises for the fact that his
      turnspit cannot revolve as fast as my wheel, but adds that it
      doesn't need to.

      See Wagner's childish nonsense. He says that my Mobile turns
      too quickly. It should be different, and not go at such a fast,
      regular clip. No Mobile should revolve so fast! Wagner, don't
      take it amiss, but where, in your Bible, (or whatever other book
      you read instead) does it say this? Please show me the passage!
      Seriously, aren't you concerned that people are going to laugh at
      you? Just because your device doesn't run very fast, you lay into
      mine! If I was to make a slow-running wheel, again it wouldn't be
      worth much, would it? But this I dare to claim - if God allowed me
      a long enough life I could make my wheel go really slowly, with a
      gentle rhythm, and it would still be able to raise even greater
      weights! Then what would you say, Wagner? I could write more,
      but I must press on to the finish. It's no matter - I don't wish to go
      into the details here of how suddenly the excess weight is caused
      to rise. You can't comprehend these matters, or see how true
      craftsmanship can rise above innate lowly tendencies (as does a
      weight above the point of application of a lever)

    7. It's always best to take in a little Bessler in the midst of all the nonsense , think ye ?

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. It's funny the way people word questions according to their understanding ... making them basically unanswerable ... like a trick question . I suggest , instead of assuming anything ,
      you ask a different question .

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. No , I'm being instructional . You are being defensive . Ask the correct question ... do not intertwine it with assumptions and preconceived notions . The " excess weight " question you propose is essential , having to do with the structure and function of the device in question . There is nothing superficial or secondary about the design .

  38. tic tock tic tock tic tock ... the time draws near Trevor.

  39. I remember my first beer...

  40. John,..I am so sorry but I am no longer going to frequent this blog or
    These anons criticise freely and yet have not the guts to show their face.
    I will contact you personally when the wheel goes into production.

    1. I guess that we'll all have to follow your progress over on your Blog, eh, Trevor?

      Oh, wait...

      (signed) Registered Anonymous Poster #259.

    2. Trevor was probably born with his arms folded.

      Trevor, stop blaming anons. BW forum members are not anonymous so what is your excuse there?

      Production? LOL. You will never learn about over commiting yourself.


    3. Everybody ready. Tomorrow is day 10. The day Trevor promised to unveil his gravity wheel. Looks like Trevor will be the great savior of our time. I believe in you and I know you won't let everyone down. The others here are just trying to get you to give up your dreams and stop building. Don't let that happen. I will be checking the blog all day tomorrow looking for your announcement. You will put everyone in their place. Go Trevor. saj

  41. Not to worry Trevor ... all will soon be arranged in each it's appropriate place , even the mouths of the unidentified will be silenced .

    1. CW: "your opinion is mute"
      and "The fact that you used " world " in the above pretty much exposes you as a moron ."

      No, mute is what you should be. Moot is the point of all your experiments and "builds" (a.k.a. drawings).
      Defined by your own words, how appropriate.

      CW: "anonymous is anonymous"

      Actually, one of the few things that you've said that's actually true.
      Isn't that right, "Chris Wilson"? No, wait, you're name's really TODD... or, is it?? Not that anyone cares.

      CW: "luckily I don't require your support"

      LOL. No worries, dude. You wouldn't get it in the first place. I've seen the "concepts" that you repeatedly proclaimed as the ultimate answers (Besslerwheel Forum), and it's safe to say that you have no ideas worth contributing to.

      CW sock puppet, speaking to Trevor sock puppet: "all will soon be arranged in each it's appropriate place , even the mouths of the unidentified will be silenced ."

      CLICK !!

      (signed) Registered Anonymous Poster #259.

    2. How long has it been now since I've been on BW ? You're a joke .

    3. You do realize that you cannot undo what is already done with that computer , keyboard and internet connection of yours , correct ?

    4. How long has it been now since I've been on BW ?

      you mean kicked from BW

    5. Actually I returned to BW then I decided that you all were still a bunch of assholes . Scott told me , " don't bank on the unconventional " , and I never take anyone's advice that reeks of defeatist dogma . I told him , " fuck you and your asshole friends " .

    6. you were band for child acting like kenb hu is tg and mike

  42. Ealadha fuck off your a waste of electrons.
    Chris, you too.
    Tom Boyd
    south London resident, address available on request.

  43. That would be " you're" , not " your " . Check your grammar .

    1. you are so f'in enlightened it's not funny. keep your pea brain thoughts to yourself.

    2. Fuckk offf, check that for grammer you mouthy cunt

  44. Dude is messed up. Drugged up, head been kicked too much, don't know. Been thrown out of every site requiring brains. Only reason he's here is John is too nice. He's gotta go.

  45. Tomorrow is Trevor's big day. We will be watching with great interest.

    Will he back his words with actions, or will he pull a Christo and become another laughing stock.


  46. I remember my second beer...


  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Hello everyone, I'm'e a newbie here, am just wandering if iv'e gone wrong somewhere with all this nasty and negative backbiting from you contributors.
    I thought this site was for SANE minded people discussing and experimenting with the by now ANCIENT ART of BESSLERS WHEEL,


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...