Thursday, 16 May 2013

Thought for the day - String's the thing!

I have long believed that Johann Bessler used some cord, or string if you prefer, in each of his mechanisms.  I'm sure that this statement will please at least one contributer to this blog, but I insist that there was only one cord per mechanism.  In his Apologia Poetica, XLVI, Bessler included a strange passage which contained the following comment :-
The dog creeps out of his kennel just as far as his chain will stretch.
This has always seemed to me to describe a flexible link from the 'kennel' to the 'dog', and a piece of chain is similar to a length of cord in that you can pull with it but you can't push.  It is a reversable, one-way, force transmitter.which can only pull.  In his Maschinen Tractate No 9, Bessler writes
nothing is to be accomplished with any device unless my principle of connectedness is activated.
I think his  principle of connectedness referred to the cord or chain he described in the first quote above.  As I've said before, the word connectedness implies a  degree of connection and also leads one to conclude that two items are indeed connected, no matter that it is not a rigid connection.  What would be the point of such a connection?

If the 'dog'  'creeps' out of its kennel, it seems like a slow action as if it is dragging a weight. Before this action Bessler writes:-

cat slinks silently along and snatches nice juicy mice
This looks like  a much quicker action and it takes place before the slow action of the dog,  I think the mice refer to weights as do the horses mentioned later in the same passage.  So a quick action followed by a slower one might be the falling of a weight (quick) then the slower replacement of the same weight.

The point of having a flexible connection seems to me to suggest that the weight drives its second weight into the desired position, but gravity is allowed to act in returning it because if the connection is rigid the mechanism will remain balanced.




  1. An air pump could be used.

    1. You could try using your penis pump in reverse. Too bad it's so small.

  2. The dog is restrained and not eating , the cat is unrestrained and eating , the man is eating , also the crab . The sparrows that Bessler mentioned are eating . I just ate some chicken and dumplings :) . Wagner was told by Bessler to wash his hands before eating ... just his way of saying that he ( Wagner )didn't understand his machine and that he followed the teachings of man and not God .

  3. Designs like MT9, where the ascending weight is not lifted, but rather hangs and falls into place on the way up simplifies the design. That is, no lifting mechanism would be needed. The only concern would be the lifting of the weight between 12 and 3. I have my reservations about this type of design, but I have to admit, it is a simple approach.

  4. I am pleased to see Collins mentioning the need for strings in Bessler's wheels. But, I think you will need more then one per lever. Tg claimed he was working on designs that used dozens of strings for the eight levers of a one way wheel (newcomers here should read all of tg or 'technoguy's' comments from Aug 30 2011 to Jan 8 2013). That's several per lever! These strings or cords must be what Bessler meant by his 'connectedness' principle and helped synchonize the shifting motions of the levers as a wheel rotated. These levers all had a cylinder lead weight attached to their end. If the center of gravity of a wheels weights (thats for any type of overbalanced wheel) does not stay on one side of the axle (descending side) as it spins then it wont keep spinning. I think that AP's slinky cat that 'snatches' the juicy mice is a poetry description of the mech used to lock down the unused levers inside of a backward turning wheel inside of rotating two way wheel. Tg claimed that each two way wheel always contained two one way wheels and the one forced to rotate opposite its normal direction had to have its levers locked up in their starting positions (so their end weights made contact with stops attached to the outer rim of the wheel) by a special mech for the two way wheel to be reversible. In his last post here he mentioned that he was working on finding this mech from clues in the dt portraits.


    1. If Bessler's 2-way wheel actually included two back to back 1-way wheels, then it would only make sense that each wheel free-wheeled in one direction and drove the axle in the opposite direction. In this way, only one wheel was spinning at a time. There would be no need to use cords to lock down levers. This is all subjective since there is no factual evidence yet of how the 2-way wheel worked.

    2. Yes Anon 18:88, but the cords only 'coordinate' the levers of whichever one way wheel (tg called them 'sub wheels') that was actually driving a larger two way wheel. The remaining unused one way wheel that was 'along for the ride' had all of its levers end weights locked up against their rim stops and their many cords would just be limp and bowed outward by centrigfugal forces. No lever coordinating was needed in an unused 'locked down' one way wheel. The 'locking down' of the one way wheel's levers that were not being used was done through some sort of latching mech and it did not use cords. This latching mech must have slowly grabbed onto a lever at some point with some sort of hook or catch that reminded Bessler of a cat slinking along and 'snatching' a 'juicy mouse' which would have been the part of the lever the hook grabbed. That means in a two way wheel with sixteen levers there was sixteen of these latching mechs. I think Bessler said getting them to work right gave him many headaches!


  5. There would only be one string on a mechanism because one string is wrapped around the axel with a weight on it .
    It is just so simple.
    Are you all yet without understanding !

  6. A 12ft diameter wheel, turning at 22rpm, produces a centrifugal acceleration at its periphery equal to the acceleration of gravity. Interestingly enough, eye witness reports put Bessler’s wheel turning at this speed.

    Near the top of the wheel, approximately 100% of gravity is negated by CF. At 45 degrees from the vertical, approximately 70% of gravity is still negated. At 60 degrees from the vertical, 50% gravity is negated.

    My point being, if you plan on using a weight to drop and lift/shift another weight, the lifted/shifted weight better be small in comparison to the dropped weight, or you better do it near the horizontal.

    Further complicating the idea of a mechanical drop and lift/shift is the fact that you will probably only have a few degrees to complete it. A wheel running at 22rpm turns 132 degrees every second. Lets say you want to complete the shift in 10 degrees, you will have .076 seconds to do it. Not much time for a weight to fall on a lever and shift a weight.

    Well, something to think about.

    1. You are right, and then you do the same calculation on the Merseburg wheel, and you will see that the basic principle simply can not rely on one individual weight lifting another (or pair), for the reasons you mention above. And John is correct, it is clearly written in MT that flexible connections are needed. (I claim that Bessler did not use strings, but another type of flexible connection, but the difference is not important)

    2. Great post anon. I wish I knew who made it. Justsomeone

  7. It is laughable to me that the subject of this blog ( strings ) and it's very existence ( as a stomping ground for some alleged CODE ) also inherently reflects the dis-understanding that keeps such a device from surfacing into the real world . I , luckily for some , have taken it upon myself wholeheartedly and with ravenous appetite to soak up the abundant pool of clues and speculation concerning the thing transparently , and now conclude with little reservation it proper to assume that such a device can be produced on earth and subjected to scientific scrutiny , and furthermore ( guess that ) it will not be a matter of impossibility but rather trouble ( lack of understanding ) with those who have tried to invent it that has been the reason for it's long awaited arrival .

    1. What's laughable is you think you are so enlightened. Unlucky for you, you are not. The only thing you have soaked up is your own bullshit. A little humility may serve you well.

  8. Listen to the mouth of the consensus ! Anonymous doubting mislead coward boy ! He doubts that there is even a solution to be found by ANYONE ! Why ? Because all of his friends are so smart and have search ( however not so relentlessly as your truly ) to find the real and provable solution to the problem . Your true desire is for all of the wrong to be right . And you guard ignorance as if it is sacred , all , no boubt , for the sake of you and your friend's inflated egos and their need to feel as though they have acquired some knowledge all this time . Keep it up and you , along with anyone else who is paying attention will discover that the battle is already lost , and thet the matter of this will be ( sooner than you think ) settled .

    1. You just don't get it. It's not what we think about finding the solution, it's what we thing about YOU finding the solution. Ain't gonna happen.

    2. How do you know about my ideas in order to judge ? I have shown some of them already . I assure you my understanding has only INCREASED . You all are stuck in a hope;ess rut of self-aggrandizement and deception , EXACTLY like the situation you think that I am in .

  9. The Bessler wheel is stupendously simple. As one comes in the other comes out and weights come to be placed together one against the other .

    1. I think I get it. Something like as one end of the pencil gets close to your ear, the other end gets farther away. Luckily for you there is all that empty space between.

    2. In one ear, out the next, ay mate.

  10. Immortal words :
    "Dear Orffyreus, what will you do, then? Will you keep your skills to
    yourself, and grow old with the secret?"
    "No, my friend," I reply, "no need for that, for a man who has some
    commonsense, and also God's helping hand, can make the proper
    arrangements in matters of great importance such as this."
    Let those who may read this little book reflect that my wishes
    were centred on Him alone. And then let him look favourably
    upon my Art. Finally, in one word, I wish that every place on
    earth should possess my device. He who desires to have it is
    truly a man of understanding. But he who reviles my device and
    insults its inventor should read carefully this saying :-
    "A man can be too clever to understand anything."

  11. That is so true!..John you right about the one cord per set of weights,..that's all I can rerveal at present.

    1. John has already revealed there is one cord per set of weights.

    2. I'm just confirming it ,..Okay!

    3. I thought your wheel used chaotic pendulums. Oh wait, I remember, the chaotic pendulums help shift the weights. I guess the weights are interconnected with cords.

      You seem confident on BW, are you still using chaotic pendulums or have you moved on?

    4. Yes,..I have moved on to more co-ordinated pedulums because they can be controlled better.

    5. I knew you would. Chaotic means uncontrollable and unpredictable. How could you possibly get anything down with them. Well glad to hear you are making progress. When you say pendulum, I'm guessing you do not mean pendulum in the conventional sense of a swinging back and forth type pendulum, but rather a weight on a lever that gets flung out (maybe falling too), creating CF. There wouldn't be time for a conventional pendulum to swing (say horizontal to horizontal) in a fast turning wheel.

    6. These pendulums are quite short and have a swing of half a second duration,..that's plenty of time.

    7. I hope you did the math. A wheel rotating at 22rpm turns 132 degrees every second. In your case, every 1/2 second the wheel turns 61 degrees. That's a lot of rotation and tilting of the internal mechanisms.

    8. Sorry, I should have said 22rpm is just an example. It is rather slow (about one revolution every 3 seconds). If your wheel would turn faster, then every 1/2 second, the wheel will turn even more degrees. I personally like a slower turning wheel because more can happen like a pendulum swing.

    9. Bssslers first wheel turned close to one turn every second. That would make the wheel turn almost 180 degrees every 0,5 second. I can assure you that pendulums in traditional sense where not used.

  12. Reveal x 2 ! ROFLMAO

  13. I can also confirm it is possible to pull a wheel around with a string.

  14. If a weight is attached to the end of the string .

  15. Ealadha, Tie one end of a string to a piece of poop, and the other end around your waist. Run down the street and confirm that the poop follows you.

  16. Another way to tie a dog is to run a cable the length of your garden, and then fix a chain via a loop, so it can slide along the cable.

  17. Wait a minute,
    parametric oscillation,
    one cord,
    one weight moving up and down,
    children playing,
    isn't that a YO-YO ?

  18. B. also said, " when the eye opens and closes" when describing his machine.
    What do you think o that comment?


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...