Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Invention suppression or merely paranoia

The suppression of alternative energy inventions has long been a cherished bĂȘte noire in this field of research.  I noted some comments on the besslerwheel forum on the subject and because I hadn't looked into it for several years I did a quick survey via google.  I came across the same old stories about various amazing discoveries in the field of energy, the benefits of which we should all be enjoying, but which were apparently suppressed by Federal Government, Big Oil, Big Energy, MIBs or the inventor himself.  The problem I have with this informaton is that it seems to consist of recycled information - and the authors and their subject matter, seem to be the same ones I read about over ten years ago; there's very little that's new.

There are two kinds of suppression described, one is where the invention is taken by guile or force and buried and the inventor dies or disappears in mysterious circumstances; and the other is where the inventor himself is 'bought off', or paid an attractive sum of money or benefit to drop his research and remain silnent to the end of his days.  The latter is hard to prove or disprove since the mechanics of the action would prevent such knowledge being known - other than as hearsay or gossip and that in my opinion probably applies to all of it.

I confess that I find all accounts of suppression of any sort highly suspect but as I suggested, the very nature of the supposed suppression would be tend to create that effect I suppose.

On the other hand I have been in regular contact with professor Hal Puthoff for many years and we have often discussed the perceived problem of 'big brother' control of new energy systems and he has made strongly persuasive arguments against such reported suppressions.  I'm sure that there are some who will say that professor Puthoff would take that point of view and express it forcefully, because he was at one time one of a number of scientific advisors to the US government on energy research.  However given his own work in related fields and his considerable support for other amateur reseachers as well as my own efforts in bringing information about Johann Bessler to public view, I'm satisfied that he would not support any kind of suppression.

Google can produce over one and half million webpages on suppressed inventions and despite looking through dozens of them, I came to the conclusions that what such websites display owes more to paranoia than actual evidence.  Without exception each author modifies his introduction with such words as 'Some examples may be cause for scepticism', and this apologising in advance for the so-called facts which are about to be paraded for our benefit, and which are in the main indigestible, is understandable.  Of course this incredulity which they invoke should not negate their validity but their very ubiquity does raise the suspicion in ones mind that they are all copying each other and perhaps the original source for the information has been forgotten.

Knowing the intense pressure experienced by all commercial interests to find a money-making scheme to increase profits etc, it is scarcly credible that any of them would bury a new idea.  The only area of doubt, it has been suggested, is the government - any government - they, it is claimed, have a vested interest in suppressing anything which might affect their tax revenues accrued from the sale of petroleum products. However, given the rapid depletion of oil reserves and its likely eventual affect on the tax-take anyway, and the fact that they are all actively seeking an alternative to which they can attach another form of tax revenue which could be equally profitable for them and without the concomitant disadvantages of its predecessor, does throw doubt on that assumption as well.

For those who think that the oil companies would like to suppress any new energies, remember the no-doubt apocryphal, comment by one oil CEO, 'Burning gasoline is like keeping warm by burning Rembrants!'  Remember that one 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make over 6000 items and you can see a list of just 144 at http://www.ranken-energy.com/Products%20from%20Petroleum.htm  petroleum is not just used for fuel and the bi-products are of far greater value than gas.

Finally, however effectively the inventions were suppressed in the past, and in my opinion that fact is of doubtful authenticity, it would prove extremely difficult to do so now, with social networking, forums and online document storage and other facilities available via the internet.




  1. The suppression started with the jealousy and hatred of wagner for bessler, the arse lickers went along with wagners hatred.

  2. Yes, definitely paranoia. Bessler wasn't bought off. The opposite occurred, he was paid to continue his research. He wasn't murdered after losing his invention by guile or force. He chose to remain a question mark.
    An invention that is supposedly suppressed never lives up to its claims. That's why the inventor disappears along with his invention.

  3. No , Doug , nobody paid for Bessler's research besides Bessler , a point he stressed in the AP .
    Once the device was built and perfected ( to a reasonable degree ) then it was no longer considered research but a declared invention . Bessler did suffer from one type of suppression though , the kind associated with politics , ignorance and defamation of character .

    1. Ubi lubove Chrubis. Hube ubis smubart. Uball yubou gubuys ubare dubumb.

    2. otnay umbday eway useay ifferentday igpay atinlay

    3. Karl paid him to improve his "invention". It wasn't an invention, the wheel and axle was in the public domain. He never registered an invention that used a wheel and axle.
      He suffered from a guilty conscience.

    4. Karl enabled him to rebuild his wheel which was invented in 1712 . Just ask John , he knows all the facts .

  4. John,
    not really suppression, but over here in St. Lucia, every so often we hear of a company that's going to create geothermal energy from our volcano.
    But because the local energy company has the sole right to generate electricity for the next 100 years (!) it all gets quietly forgotten.
    Another company wanted to generate electricity from household waste, so as not to create more landfills, because on a small island, as you can imagine, land is at a premium.
    Same thing again.
    It drives me mad, especially when I receive outrageously high bills!

  5. Collins said 'However, given the rapid depletion of oil reserves...'. Actually we're suddenly finding huge supplies of oil out there like under the north pole's ice cap and in the Black Sea and improved ways of reaching and removing it. That bs about 'peak oil' is just that...pure bs! Right now in the US we're using 'fracking' technology and obtaining enormous supplies of natural gas with it. The real problem is that fossil fuels all add more co2 to the air and mess the weather up even more. We really need some way to burn the fuel to release its chem energy without also releasing the co2 into the air. Thats not an easy thing to do. Then there's solar power which gets better each year and will continue to. I read of one inventor that even figured out how to wire up a forest and actually get electrical power from it as the Sun shined on its trees leaves! No solar panels just millions of leaves! 'Suppressed' free energy inventions is just another conspiracy junkie fantasy. These things (except for Bessler and Jackson) were mostly hoaxes that needed to eventually be ended after the 'inventors' sucked enough money out of their gullible investors pockets. Best way to do it is for the inventor to 'mysterious' disappear (along with the loot!) and for the whole thing to turn into a big mystery. While the bilked investors are left behind babbling about 'big oil' or 'government assassins' suppressing an invention that would have changed the world (and made them filthy rich of course), the 'inventor' is down somewhere in South America sipping rum and cokes and getting ready for another night of fun and games with his new mistress! Yeah, pm research can be very rewarding!


  6. About ten years ago I did some research into "premature deaths" of free energy inventors, and others who tried to promote it. I concluded that on a purely actuarial basis, they were in a "high-risk" category.

    The people I looked at were Stefan Marinov, Chris Tinsley, Stanley Meyer, Jim Reding, Alexander Chernetskii, Stan Gleeson, Don Holloman, Andrei Sakharov, Paul Brown, Eugene Mallove, and Czar Peter the Great.

    My notes on these individuals are far too extensive to repeat here, but I note that there are other "high-risk" occupations besides free energy research. Another is germ/biological/chemical warfare research, see http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/07/25/gordon-duff-boston-brakes-no-skidmarks-in-the-sky/ (scroll about 1/3 the way down).

  7. It is a well known fact that a piston petrol engine always runs and performs better in a damp atmosphere than in a hot temperature environment. Myself and other staff sponsored by a well known Oil Co.in the R&D Dept.in our Faculty persued this phenonoma and after many months of developement we achieved 50/50 mix of petrol and water injected at the venturi using high pressure, supercharged enforcing a swirl to cause an agreeable combustable mixture ,the results are obvious and we were delighted....this was 20 years ago!..never heard of since.

    1. A similar concept is used in aviation for some turbo-prop & jet engines on take-off, when max power & thrust is required - water is dumped into the combustion/exhaust process IIRC so that rapid cooling occurs giving better engine performance.

  8. Free energy suppression started in germany 300 years ago therefore you should really ask the germans about it, because what would americans know about germany !

    1. Well considering all the great minds of Germany either defected here or were brought here after the war, I would say we know a great deal about Germany, or a least a great deal of what Germany know. I grew up in a German neighborhood. When I was a small kid I remember my friends dad had a large black lunchbox like Herman Munster used to carry to work. It had a large Swastika on it. How's that for German. Heil Hitler.

  9. Trevor missed his promised delivery date. He now says "A working wheel is only days away!".

  10. OK ... now I get it ... you all are a lot of Taddle Tales .

    tattletale [ˈtĂŠtəlˌteÉȘl] Chiefly US and Canadian
    1. a scandalmonger or gossip

    Noun 1.tattletale - someone who gossips indiscreetly
    blabbermouth, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, telltale,gossiper,gossipmonger,newsmonger,
    rumormonger, rumourmonger, gossip - a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others .

  11. What is narcissistic personality disorder?

    Traits may include the following:
    Self-absorbed and indifferent to the needs of others.
    Believe they are superior to others.
    Lack of empathy for others (although they may mouth the customary words).
    High sensitivity to criticism or perceived insults.
    Fear of being seen as inferior or helpless.
    A sense of entitlement or feeling they’re owed special treatment for no apparent reason.
    Demanding of attention and admiration.
    Demeaning and insulting to people.
    Regularly complaining about being a victim and being taken advantage of.
    They usually deny responsibility for any of the preceding behaviors.

    1. I bet you a quarter I could kick your ass .

    2. You definitely exhibit all the symptoms mentioned above. You might want to have that checked out, but oops, there's that denial thing going on.

  12. And oh , I forgot ... armchair shrinks too .

    1. Definition of ARMCHAIR

      1. remote from direct dealing with problems : theoretical rather than practical
      2. sharing vicariously in another's experiences

      Wannabe Shrink :

      Someone who attempts to judge others mental health based on an informal internet education .

  13. The skillset of the BW member ... running that mouth and poking those keys , hoping to offend to keep the opposition on their knees . Don't forget to diagnose yourself .

    1. Face it you were thrown out because of low class conduct like you show here. Memorize your illness list and when you are ready to say something, don't.

  14. There is pride so foolish that it clings to stubbornness, right or wrong.
    The problem with this miserable trait deepens when the characteristic persists, for there is far greater harm in stubborn actions than in talk.
    In a general debate, the wise man seizes the better side of the argument, whereas the fool, now entrapped, defends the wrong side out of obstinacy.
    A careful man stands always on the side of reason and never that of passion, either because he foresees it from the first, or because he finds it better afterward.
    When your stand has been anticipated by your adversary, quickly find replacement for your argument or for yourself.

    Baltasar Gracian

    Come on guys, this is getting tedious, agree to disagree or something, please.

    1. But I am right as you will see . If I'm not believed I can understand that . Facts are facts and perpetual futility is the status quot . The first thing to do in any worthy debate is to identify yourself and your credentials . I have the former and the latter is on the way . The thing is also , the MOUTH doesn't even have a clue about what research I've done or what concepts I tout so he argues against NOTHING ... but what I possess is SOMETHING indeed !

    2. SOMETHING...really. What is this the 4th or 5th time now you have had SOMETHING that is really NOTHING.

  15. Me and my minion army agree to a cease fire. All we ask is for CW to take a more humble approach to posting.

  16. CW: "The skillset of the BW member ..."

    Let's not leave out the fact that you are still a member of that Forum, eh?

    "running that mouth and poking those keys , hoping to offend to keep the opposition on their knees . Don't forget to diagnose yourself ."

    It's hilarious how your words tend to reflect yourself a lot of the time.

    - Registered Anonymous Poster (RAP)#259

  17. What happened to the language here?
    Chris is vying for attention, and you oblige. Good job.

  18. John,..what is happening about that password option?..please!

    1. Well look who it is. Thought you were going underground until you got your wheel working. I find it hard to stay away too. So give us an update.

    2. Trevor you are a quitter. You bailed when you didn't like the feedback you received for not living up to the expectations YOU set. You should NOT have any say in how this site or any other operates. Go build your wheel, and if you get it working, then come back and we'll see about forgiveness then.

    3. Trevor on May 28, 2013
      "John,..I am so sorry but I am no longer going to frequent this blog ... I will contact you personally when the wheel goes into production."

      Can no one keep their word.

  19. I agree with what everyone is saying about Chris. He obviously doesn't understand how much he pissed everyone off and hurt his reputation. He is now starting to post more aggressive comments so my concern is, if he is bipolar as another member suggested, all of this commenting is further enraging him, and I don't want his daughter to suffer for it. So we all need to step back and cool off, for everyone's benefit. Agreed?

  20. Lol ... this is ridiculous . Has anyone ever thought that I am posting more aggressively because I have a good idea ?

    1. I think you all are suffering from the delusion that I give a damn .

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. All you @ BW suffer the same blindness to your own actions ... you do not notice what you yourselves do to provoke , invade , bully and otherwise alienate others . Such is the case with all message boards where the owner doesn't give a crap .

    4. Chris Wilson 31 May 2013
      "I think you all are suffering from the delusion that I give a damn ."

      Hard for the owner to care when some of it's members don't. You are now being treated the way you treated others. What comes around goes around. It is time to end the cycle, but it begins with you.

    5. Ends with me too .

    6. whatever it takes to get back to constructive and respectful dialog

    7. If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all.

      I hope that's not where we're at; just the weekend I trust.

  21. I have an idea for an orffyrean airplane. Problem is I don't have the materials to build it.

  22. With rivals, and as as a matter of decency when with others, select your words with caution.
    Sharp words can make more wounds than surgeons can heal.
    There is always time to add a word, but none in which to take back.
    Speak, therefore, as in a testament, for the fewer the words, the fewer the consequences.
    Know that whatever words you speak you will also hear, for the wind does not blow only in one direction.
    There are those who do not spare opinions, for they cost nothing.So they think, until they are forced to swallow what has been levied by someone else.
    The astute in business use soft words and hard arguments, for neither a word or a stone let go can be called back.

    Baltasar Gracian

    1. You speak in strange riddles friend, are you not of the body?

    2. I am a real person, but wish to remain anonymous, I quote Baltasar Gracian to try and inject some civility.
      I'm glad someone has taken notice.

    3. Are you here for Festival?

    4. We are born, all of us, with at least one special talent, one skill to hone to perfection with the passage of time.
      This gift must be registered early, in anticipation of that one great moment of opportunity that will light up our sky.
      Seize it, for not every day will be triumphant!
      Fortunately, there are moments of smaller degree in which to display natural endowments.
      Expose these talents, much like the merchant who exhibits wares to attract buyers.
      It was light that first revealed the whole of creation, and it was exposition that gave life to everything.
      Even that which is most excellent leans upon its surroundings.
      But there is a caveat!
      Exposition, closely tied to vanity, easily turns into ostentation.
      It flirts with cheapness and often fares badly.
      Don't exhibit all you have at once, but allow frequent glimpses, always bring forward more.
      Each accomplishment must carry the pledge of another and a greater, and in this way the applause will increase.

      Baltasar Gracian

      No not a Festival, but some of the others postings belong in a zoo's midden.

    5. You are not of the body. You will be absorbed. It is the will of Landru.

    6. Landru is from the country of Fair Helen,
      hence his most most glorious nomenclature,
      Absorber the Greek.

    7. Landru is from Archon not Fair Helen. You are not of the body. Landru seeks tranquility, peace for all, the universal good. You will be absorbed.

    8. Only in the comic book was Landru from Archon,
      Landru invented the computer which took his name approximately 5900 years before the arrival of the Star Ship Archon.
      The locals thought the Enterprise crew were from the ship Archon,
      hence the episode title "The Return of the Archons".
      Season 2, episode 1

    9. Sorry season 1, episode 21

    10. Sweet ... finally pickup up on it.

    11. Fickle memory often plays the villain by forsaking us when we need her most, and appearing fresh and eager to please us when we need her the least.
      The former makes us appear dim-witted, the latter foolish for talking too much.
      The rule is: Think twice, speak once.

      Baltasar Gracian

  23. It's enough that I have to delete the spam comments, I don't want to delete foul language too, but I will. Please moderate your language. I shouldn;t have to remind you that you probably wouldn't address the person you're responding to in the same way if you were speaking directly to him, face to face.


    1. Sorry for deleting your message Ed! It went when I deleted the spam above it. I do take your point though and I agree ;-)

  24. I think the foul language lately has much to do wth the frustration the search for pm produces. It seems so simple a thing to do but is always just a bit out of reach like a juicy fruit at the end of a long branch that you keep slipping off of as you climb out to just barely touch it. The skeptics simply pronounce pm impossible and anyone looking for it 'deluded' (or worse). The 'Ignorami' don't want it found by anyone other then them and they've already given up and now get their kicks by trying to discourage as many 'builders' as possible. Most 'builders' shake off this subtle brainwashing and continue to hammer away day and night usually just repeating designs that are as useless / hopeless todya as they were when other builders centuries ago tried them! There has to be an real escape from all this madness other than the final death of the builder!

    Maybe those ancient Hindu builders had the right idea after all. Think about the Baskara wheel (sp?) with its angled vials of mercury along its rim. The idea was for gravity to make the mercury flow to one end of each vial to always keep the center of mass of the mercury vials on the wheels descending side. That design does not work but Bessler found a mechanical version of it that did. A 'simple' design that started out of balance and stayed that way as the wheel pick up speed. A design that would automatically (without requiring any energy input) during rotation adjust the angles of its weight tipped levers to always keep the center of gravity of their weights on the descending side. He proved it could be done. I think tg was right when he said that designs secret was in the portraits but very carefully hidden in their many angles, ratios, and symbols. Bessler put his secret right where he knew it would get the least serious attention! After three hundred years they are still largely ignored by the pm 'experts'! The most serious of Bessler wheel builders will be studying those portraits until he knows every part of them like he knows his own name and address. Most importantly he will not just philosophize endlessly about them. He will be trying to use the angles and ratios in his builds. He will not quit until he finds success or he finally 'flatlines' and can not be ressusitated!


  25. You are wrong mike, I have recently spoken with TG and he has come to the conclusion that the portraits do NOT hold the vital clues. He is now looking at the same diagrams as 0ystein. Sorry to break your bubble, the portraits are now put to rest.

    1. I stopped by to see TG (sorry no name) and he showed me some of the work he was doing with the portraits. Since he stopped working on this I am free to discuss. The layout of the cords resembles what I would say is a spider web, although some of the parts are missing. The rest was just a variation of a leveraged weight shifter like those in MT. I don't pretend to understand the forces on the levers as there are just too many cords but it really doesn't matter since TG now believes the portraits are just a false lead. We discuss our ideas together but we have drastically different approaches. His new path is interesting but I can't say more. I will leave that up to him. He does stop in from time to time to catch up, but with all infighting, he doesn't want to get caught up in it. So there you go.

    2. Again I would caution all here to ignore any comments supposedly made here by tg ('technoguy') after Jan 8 2013 because there was already a major hoaxing of them which some might remember. Likewise we should also ignore any 'anonymice' claiming email or personal contact with tg and then trying to change what he's previously posted. That's just another 'Ignorami' stooge / troll tactic being used here. Beware! When the real tg returns (and I pray it happens soon!) we'll know its him because we'll again actually be learning new things about Bessler's wheels that we did not know before!


    3. mike is the 'ignorami' troll. I know TG and he has definitely given up on the portraits. Beware of mike. mike is nothing more than an attention seeking stalker of TG. You notice he uses the Anonymous posting. Why. Because he is trying to cover his tracks, to remain anonymous while he misleads. Pay no attention to him. I am the only person on this blog that knows TG.

  26. Hi John,
    I think if you actually had invented a working OU/FE device, and had tried to market it, then your article would say the exact opposite. If indeed you were still alive to write it.

    The destruction of Tesla's Wardenclyffe installation (is one example amongst many that) proves technology supression is very real.

    Not sure what planet you were on when you wrote this article TBH... :-/

  27. What happened to JBs stuff after he died, there were parts of PM wheels in his house, a PM wheel was started elsewhere and do you think there was not drawings explaining all his inventions!
    They took everything except the drawings we have today.
    That is suppression.

    1. Even in those days, no one entered the home of someone deceased. His belongings were likely picked up by family members. He had a brother and wife didn't he?

      We also know that an original version of MT surfaced in America in the hands of a Bessler descendent, so at least some of his writings stayed in the family and was passed down thru the generations.

  28. It was not just the PM wheels , there was other things , a device to save lives at sea and a type of ship, surely he would have recorded all those inventions.
    Where is it all today.
    And who took it all .

    1. Ealadha,
      I take it you didn't like the Book Of Urantia,
      oh well, each to his own.

    2. I have not read it yet.

    3. Assuming there were drawings of all the inventions, where are they today ?

    4. Those were both the same thing .

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. One of them has wings.

  29. If Bessler were here telling you all to drop down off your self risen pedestals you'd be saying the same thing about him . I don't think anyone beside Bessler has ever invented a useful device worthy to be suppressed . There is a market for this kind of words without deeds , the idea itself is marketable without practical plans . Egos can be inflated and pockets filled without so much as a scrap of motion from anyone's wheel .

  30. 'If Bessler were here telling you all to drop down off your self risen pedestals' '..ALL..'? I dont have a pedestal? Who is this referencing? I rarely post here? What are you on about? Is that shotgun generalisation an insult? And 'you'd be saying the same thing about him' What? if I said anything how would you know what I may say? Dont put words in my mouth, especially if you think they may be disengenious in some way. I dont post here bragging, crowing, insulting etc. or whatever you imagine. Maybe 'some of you' or 'named specific individuals' would be better than addressing all readers. Its just simple politeness.

    1. If it doesn't apply to you then obviously it's not intended for you .

  31. Off-topic for the Bessler wheel, but relevant to "suppression":—

    I've tried unsuccessfully to find the original source for this, which I found at http://rense.com/general72/oinvent.htm

    "Engineers at Hitachi Magnetics Corporation have come right out and claimed that a motor run by magnets is feasible and logical, but the politics of the matter make it impossible for them to pursue developing a magnet motor or any device that would compete with the energy cartels. The obstacles to free energy are the big banks who own or finance the energy industries."

    So where did Hitachi "come right out and claim..."? Maybe it's just more misinformation that can be traced no further than Tom Bearden; maybe not?

    A few years ago I wrote a polite letter to Prof Yoshihiko Otsuki of Waseda University requesting an update on the Kawai magnet motor he endorsed in the Fuji TV "Dream Energy" program. Needless to say (with hindsight) I got no reply.

    1. The Kawai motor was patented in 1995 and the closest I could trace that quote to is in a book titled "The Tesla Papers: Nikola Tesla on Free Energy & Wireless Transmission of Power" from 2000, but I suspect you are correct to believe that Bearden had something to do with propagating it.


    2. Ed, Thanks for that reference. A web search on Tom Bearden + Hitachi will turn up pages by Bearden claiming that Hitachi have proved over-unity performance with a Kawai motor, only to be suppressed by Yakuza thugs!

      I don't know what to make of Bearden. Sometimes he gives good, useful references, but at other times he gets into incredible nonsense, like his MEG fiasco.


  32. Still laughing ...

    1. In your earlier days of posting at BW, I used to laugh WITH you.

      Then, later there at BW and here at John's, I used to laugh AT you.

      But now, I've come to the point though, that I only feel SORRY for you.

    2. So then why don't you SHUT UP and feel sorry silently ?

    3. Or , carry on . you are doing a pretty good job of becoming what you claim to detest .

  33. John, I think it's time to either shutdown the blog or re-instate account logins. rick

    1. Yeah, unfortunately, I agree. I guess logins are the only answer.

      At least that way, everyone will be able to read, and just sign-in to post.

  34. Today, the urge to injure one another seems more powerful and swifter than the desire to gain advantage for ourselves.
    Some are happy only when they are at odds with the world.
    They find strange excitement and, more often than not, relief from boredom in stirring up trouble.
    There are varied ways men are judged: men of clear judgment are feared, the evil tongued are loathed, the presumptuous are shunned, the buffoons are detested, and the singular are left to themselves.

    Baltasar Gracian


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...