Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Deciphered Code I Published Previously

I know that most will be aware of this discovery, but just as an introduction to some codes I've deciphered I'm starting with my first real advance, which was the discovery of the pentagram in Bessler's drawing of his wheel in Gruendlicher Bericht and again in Das Triumphans.  The picture below comes from  my own copy of Das Triumphans and the one below that shows how I found the pentagon.

In the next drawing note the coloured lines.  The red line traces the path of the rope as it passes behind the wheel on its way from the pulley on the floor up to the window.

The green line is drawn from the wheel's centre of rotation perpendicular to the red line grazing the edge of a weight on the left end of the 'T' bar and terminating at the period which immediately follows the double x's above the top line.
These two lines cros the circumference of the wheel at three points lines allowing us to fill in two of the five chords which make up the pentagon.  The third point lies at the base of the central support column and the point on the circumference of the wheel, which is missing is provided by the blue line which crosses the wheel from left to right aligned with the 'T' bar on the left side of the drawing and runs through the centre of the wheel and wher it crosses the circumference on the far side, identifies the final point of the pentagon.

The fact hat the pentagon is so obviously intentional does add weight to my contention that there is much more hidden information to be discovered and decoded.

So we have a pentagon; so what?  More will be revealed following subsequent explanation of more codes within the same drawing and it will be seen that there is a perfectly sound reason for the inclusion of this particular geometric design, one that has a mechanical importance.  There is no need to summon the assistance of the 'golden mean' or any of the other mystical sciences.



  1. Hi John

    I very rarely post here, more of a lurker, to busy looking at drawings :-)

    I have also studied this picture and have found connections between
    the one pentagon you show here and others, this connection is very precise and is taken from the shape itself. I also have identified what the pendulums show?. This connection shows up in MT and the other main drawings
    as well as the portraits so I am getting quite confident that they were meant to be found. I have racked my brains over the last year to see if I can see any mechanical advantage to what I've found but so far no luck.

    I don't know if what I have found is in anyway similar to your findings but we are both believers that there are clues, once you find them you think how could you miss it.

    Anyway if you hit a brick wall with your wheel design (I hope not) perhaps you can get in touch and I will show you what I have found it may bring us all a step closer to the answer.


    1. Thank you Terry, and you're right, the clues are obvious once you find them. I'll know if I'm at a brick wall once I have my workshop ready, which probablwon't be for a few week yet. I may be in touch then.


  2. shadow at base of main column is reversed, reinforcing clue to suggest placing less obvious 5th point behind column is correct, do you think ?

  3. Hi John(and welcome back) - Can you confirm if the pentagon is Symmetrical? - many thanks A.N.Other

    1. Yes the pentagon is symmetrical but it will alter its dimension as we shall see.


    2. If the six o'clock position is the bottom of the pentagon then wouldn't the top side be horizontal to be Symmetrical?

    3. Yes. You can draw it with the six o'clock position pointng to the right side of the bottom of main column where it crosses the circumference. A line drawn from there to the left side of the main column at the top is then symmetrical.

      I showed it the way I did because the hash lines within the wheel align with the bottom left chord, which crosses the wheel's circumference at the bottom of the centre of the main column. The reason for this will become clear later.


    4. OK thanks John.

    5. you use spring in your wheel? tis guy has working sim with springs.

  4. Hi, John, hope you are dong well. Good observation. Here is "my 2 cents": You have drawn the pentagon, as like the rope covers a 72x2 = 144 degrees angle and that is not the true case. That is why the pentagon can't be symmetrical. The rope covers about 147 degrees. I think 3 degrees off is a little too much to be of scientific value? Though I think your 72 degrees opening that covers 36 + 36 degrees on each side of the straight line from the left pendulum, is correct. So in reality you only have three valid points, creating a triangle that is split in the middle...Just like I found in the 2nd Kassel drawing. This has been discussed on the BW forum lately. Here by intersecting the circle (as shown in the lower pendulum weight, observed by Fletcher), and using standard geometry to arrive at the rope position.

    1. Hi Øystein, thanks for your comment. There are further pieces of information which will correct the pentagon, which I'll post at a later date.


    2. Hi Øystein, John

      If my clues I have found are to be believed then this pentagon is not upright it is at least 3 degrees off of upright actually its a little more than that, its been very accurately placed by Bessler to coincide with other objects?.

      I have known about this positioning for sometime and its very frustrating not to know the reason why they are placed where they are?, as I can calculate the exact position and know where it comes from , this could send you average person slightly mad :-)

      There are two positions Bessler uses again and again with regards to pentagons and they are both calculated in a similar way but have different values. They appear in MT as well as the toys page etc

      He shows the two values in many different ways, the man deserved a prize just for his genius at hiding information in front of everyone.


  5. The problem (IMO) is that the points we are talking about are not all spaced 72 degrees apart, anyway how you draw it. So either we must ignore them, or we must simply conclude that those three points that actually fits the geometry creates a triangle with the angles 36, 72 and 72 degrees. This triangle is then pierced in the middle, and this is one of the basic figures used in Orffyreus code. (A figure that actually can be seen in the Kassel secunda proposed/imaginary pendulum). This was among the first, and later proven codes, I found back in 2012.


  6. John, here's a way to improve the regularity of your Merseburg wheel pentagon that I came up with. First, draw the red line between the centers of the rope pulleys. Next, draw the green line from the crank center to the inward pointing corner of the left pendulum cross beam block weight. This will make the red and green lines perpendicular to each other. Keep the blue line as you had it. Finally, draw in the yellow line segments for the sides of the pentagon, but their lowest vertex is placed where the right edge of the vertical support beam and drum rim appear to intersect. Here's a quick sketch I made to show you my suggested changes to the pentagon you found:

    1. Thanks Ken. Your's is one way to get symmetry, but as anon says below then the hash lines don't align. I hope the situation will become clearer when I post the next piece of decoding. I think Bessler deliberately incluedd the hash lines in this second version of his drawing to point to the irregualrity and encourage us to search for further clarification of what seems on the face of it to be a couple of inaccuracies.


  7. But then it doesn't line up with the hashed infill as John says.

    1. is good enough and angels close to 72 deg each one

    2. We might need the help of angels to crack this one!

  8. Stop seeking treasure.

    BIBLE is not as we understand it to be.

    All papers/ AP is by a group, not the work of one man during his pursuit of the wheel.

    It is a wheel of nature, DON'T MESS WITH NATURES LAWS.

    The man from Kassel is certainly described by all that has gone before.

    I read that a thing to be prized more than a ton of gold
    would be the invention of a Wheel which could turn of its own
    accord. Soon I could focus my attention on nothing else, hoping
    that through such a device I might become seriously rich

    But the point is, dear readers, I tell you straight - searching for
    treasure is vain foolishness. It's a pity there are people silly
    enough to have anything to do with it. It doesn't lead to blessings,
    it leads to curses, and only the Devil gets anything from it. If
    anyone should come across any such books on the subject, they
    should consign them to the flames. Stick to your craft or
    professions, and work honestly, though your hands bleed.
    Search for the true treasure, and thereby a more lasting blessing
    shall be yours. Tell the zealots to put a stop to their deceit, for
    they seduce young and old alike. Many have been reduced to
    begging through it, not to speak of risking life and limb - and soul!
    I know of people who, in ruin and despair, have died before their
    time, so let me give here the most solemn possible warning -
    anyone who persists in such reckless behaviour is, in my opinion,
    a complete idiot. I speak from experience here, and I earnestly
    beg you to heed what I say.
    treasure indeed, fit to be
    kept in a gold and silver casket,

    A man can be too clever to understand anything."

    My mind is fixed entirely on Heaven, for I am no longer involved in earthly
    without a shadow of doubt the good comes
    direct from God, and you can ascribe the bad to the Devil "if you
    But now I shall have to pause, and live with my cares. How will
    things go for me and this book of mine? Will people truly
    understand what I'm getting at?

    God alone is worthy of praise, who alone accomplished great
    works! Let Him, I say, reveal such works to the world, how,
    where and when it shall please Him.

    And are ye yet without understanding?”
    Were I to reveal my art, the -- -- might enslave you.
    This has been known long ago.

    More than a wheel it is, The principal can create, it can destroy all.

    In this era, the world's not ready, may the forces prevail to deny it's existence until mankind is apt.

    1. i think if we can handle atoms bomb we can handle bessler wheel.

    2. I'm all for the wheel, though see a bigger picture.

      John, please delete the post above.

  9. tis looks good.

  10. here is one for magnet buildeers.

  11. Good morning, troops. This is a test post to see if my attempt to make a Working Model 2D simulation into a smoothly running .avi file and upload it to my photobucket account worked. The model shows a "classic" design that has been tried many times in various forms over the years without success. In this 3 foot diameter wheel the pistons weight 0.5 lbs. each and, as the wheel turns, the connecting rods are supposed to move the pistons in their guides so as to always keep their center of gravity (indicated by the black and white circle icon) on the descending side of the wheel. The wheel gets an initial clockwise torque of -0.025 ft-lbs. for 5 seconds to rev it up. After that it promptly comes to stop. Why doesn't it work? The reason is that all of the wheel's outputted mechanical energy must be used to raise the pistons as they travel from 9:00 to 3:00 and from 3:00 to 9:00 and so none is left over to accelerate the wheel or perform outside work. After only about 2.5 seconds of "free wheeling", aerodynamic drag eventually dissipates the initial kinetic energy I gave it to rev it up and it stops completely. Lesson learned: Although a wheel's center of gravity always stays on its descending side, that is no guarantee that it will be a "runner".

    1. Your sim was perfect Ken!


    2. Thanks, John. Uploading sims to photobucket is nice because people can view them without having to have Working Model 2D installed on their hard drives. If you have a design you want simulated, then just let me know.

    3. "Why doesn't it work? The reason is that all of the wheel's outputted mechanical energy must be used to raise the pistons as they travel from 9:00 to 3:00 and from 3:00 to 9:00 and so none is left over to accelerate the wheel or perform outside work. Although a wheel's center of gravity always stays on its descending side, that is no guarantee that it will be a "runner"."

      Nice avi upload Ken. The simulation doesn't have excess torque to accelerate after a push because the shown GG is located on the line of shortest distance the TWO centers of rotation, that being the wheel and fixed cam. Therefore it circulates on the spot which means no CG height loss and potential to build excess torque.

    4. Yes, it looks like it should work, but does not. Many, many chasers after pm have constructed machines similar to this only to discover, after spending a lot of effort, money, and time on them, that they are unworkable. The design I show will be in balance in any orientation that the wheel is rotated into. In order to make something like this work, one would have to figure out a way to shift the piston weights about without having them connected to anything outside of the wheel; that is, they would only be connected to each other. In the design I have for Bessler's wheels, that is exactly what happens: the weights shift themselves and take turns being the movers and the moved.

  12. In a 1721 letter to J. T. Desaguliers, Joseph Fisher mentioned that if a man tried to suddenly grab the rim of the Kassel wheel to stop it abruptly, the wheel had enough angular momentum accumulated in it to raise the man off of the floor in the process. I've often wondered what that might have looked like. So, here is a quick WM2D video depicting it that I made yesterday. The little man is a little shorter than 6 feet tall and weighs 170 lbs. He walks at a pace of 0.5 mph toward the ascending side of the Kassel wheel which is rotating at 26 rpm's and weighs 800 lbs. Upon reaching the rim, he grabs it tightly. To keep it simple, however, I just have a hook on the rim of the wheel grab the man's elbow and lift him off the floor. The wheel stops completely after he rises a few feet and, as he falls back to the floor, he imparts a bit of kinetic energy to the wheel to make it begin rotating in the opposite direction. To make the video more realistic, I added some color this time.

    1. Interesting video Ken. I think that the wheel was closer to half that weight so it will not have so much much angular momentum, so the effect might not have been as impressive as you portray. But I must admit it's a fascinating excercise, well done.

      If Fischer was reporting a gut feeling in an effort to demonstrate just how much power was in the wheel, then that was a good way of explaining it. It seems necessary to temper my seemingly negative reaction to your video, Ken, by saying that I had imagined the same scenario as Fischer described and thought that the braking effect caused by the man grabbing hold of the rim of the wheel would be less effective than it appeared to be in your video.

      In other words I thought that in real life the man would not provide an instant brake because he could not grab the wheel's edge so effectively, his hands would slip or his grip fail, so that in fact Fischer's imagined scenario might indeed appear more dramatic than in your video, despite the wheel having less mass than yours did.

      Excellent job Ken!


    2. Thanks, John. I've reached the conclusion that the Merseburg wheel weighed approximately 400 lbs. and the Kassel wheel double that or 800 lbs.

      Fisher's comment in his letter reads "I then stopped the wheel with much difficulty, holding on to the circumference with both hands. An attempt to stop it suddenly would raise a man from the ground." To me it sounds like this "Kassel Wheel Ride" stunt was something he personally tried! The Kassel wheel did have a somewhat prominent molding around the circular edges of the drum which would allow that to be done. One could just reach over his head and then feel the molding rushing between his two hands at about drum's 9:00 position. Then one would grip the molding suddenly and hang on for dear life! Sort of like applying two caliber brakes to a rotating bicycle tire near the same spot at the same time. At the highest point of the lift, one's head might make momentary contact with the drum's outer rim wall.

      What's amazing about this video is that it dramatically shows how really little energy accumulated in the Kassel wheel despite its speed and mass.

      I also figured out how to add sound effects to the WM2D models so I might try those in a future video. After looking back at my video version of the Kassel wheel ride now, it reminds me of something out of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum". That is, it would have made a good torture device for the Inquisition!

  13. thank you ken. that was most intersting and i wish i could make same vids like you. heres what i have to show today. he is future wheel buildder no doubt.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...