Sunday, 17 July 2016

Masonic Codes, Pythagoras and the Rosicrucians - or are they Red Herrings?

There are several people who have discovered hidden codes within Bessler's writings, which appear to allude to Pythagoras, Masonic and Rosicrucian secrets.  Now some of those codes have also been found and investigated by myself and for me they have been useful, but I didn't need to involve the connections currently pointing towards the above more mystical origins.

I'm not suggesting that those who have described their own findings relating to the above, are wrong, but I think that Bessler, immersed as he was, in the 18th century fascination with all things of that nature, literally filled his books with conundrums of a poetic, prosaic and artistic nature, but they were also informative for those who could separate the former from the latter.

Consequently I see posts on the forum which appear to me to be half right but which have missed their intended point which was to inform us, who came after, how he did it.

There has also been much discussion on calculations and maths - this seems to me simply a distraction from what we are all trying to achieve.  Right from the beginning I always sought to imagine a mechanism which operated in a certain way to achieve Bessler's results, but I didn't need any maths to work it out - and with the help of the hidden information which is to be found in Bessler's book, I'm certain that it will prove possible to reconstruct a working version of Bessler's wheel.

What evidence is there that Bessler intended to leave valuable evidence for future readers of his books?  Bessler leaves several hints that there is more to be found in "Apologia Poetica", than might at first reading be visible.  On page 244, he writes "Let every reader give me the benefit of the doubt and ponder on why this book was written".  On page 246 he writes, "I feel forced to write this book, so that all who read it carefully will end up wiser than they began." On page 295 he writes, "Those who are keen to ask questions should ask them of this little book.  My work shall not be revealed prematurely."  On page 309 he writes, "How will things go for me and this book of mine?  Will people truly understand what I'm getting at? The things that remain to be revealed will have to be left for a future ocasion." and so on.

Bessler commented,  "Let every reader give me the benefit of the doubt and ponder on why this book was written"; so, why was the book writter? If the book was written as an aid to sell his machine then he could have made a much better job of it and made it much shorter.  If it was written as a guide to future readers on how his machine worked, by hiding the necessary information in the book, then that makes more sense.  The inclusion of the various encoded mysteries would have been more easily recognised in his day and thus a search for the hidden information more likely to be started.  But even he had doubts, "will people truly understand what I'm getting at?" he asks.

I will be posting some of my decodings in the next few posts and perhaps these will help convince people that there is information available to those with eyes to see.



  1. Yes John you're right, the solution is actually very down the earth material physics and not mysterious or mystical.

  2. Do the codes that you've decoded reveal a picture or mechanisim that shows an actual part of Bessler's working wheel? Or, do the coded words just reveal the clues to more words that once decoded, will reveal more secret clues that will take another 300 years to decode?

    1. The codes I've revealed do show a mechanism, but it is in separate parts due to its complexity. Neverthe less it isn't complicated to understand, but I am certain that no one has described ths idea to date.


  3. "There has also been much discussion on calculations and maths - this seems to me simply a distraction from what we are all trying to achieve. Right from the beginning I always sought to imagine a mechanism which operated in a certain way to achieve Bessler's results, but I didn't need any maths to work it out...".

    You may have not needed "maths" as you call it to work it out, but if you have the knowledge, why would you not use "maths" to prove the concept. You are sounding more like Trevor and less like an engineer. Bad show chap.

    1. Why use maths to prove a concept which you can prove more convincingly with a working model. Maths has not proved reliable, possibly because maths does not permit the option of a gravity enabled wheel -apparently.


    2. Agreed, but under the right conditions, the math might be simple enough that you can prove OU and that would give you further incentive to build. Math isn't for everyone, especially if you are not well versed in Calculus.

  4. Thank you for your good words John, for each of us, a conviction that there IS actually a solution keeps us on the path of discovery. The planet and all of its inhabitants are counting on us. Eagerly awaiting your next lead

  5. "How will things go for me and this book of mine? Will people truly understand what I'm getting at? The things that remain to be revealed will have to be left for a future occasion."

    That last line sounds like he really had no intention of revealing the secret of his wheel mechanics in AP! Of course, I'm convinced that the "future occasion" he alludes to takes place right in the front of DT and involves the two portraits (but, I've also recently found a few incredible clues in the Merseburg wheel illustration as have you, but they're not the same ones as yours). I'll be looking forward to seeing what you've found in AP, John.

    1. Somewhere, I forget where just now, Bessler's says that if he doesn't find a buyer he will be content to be acknowledged after his death. That could only happen if someone found out how his wheel worked, and that would have to happen by finding the information Bessler had hidden.


  6. You know, I love it when you belittle Trevor's approach using math to confirm the viability of the working wheel because it is only going to make its success so much sweeter by virtue of his vindication... Trevor.

    1. I wasn't picking on Trevor, particularly. Read the forum, many people opt for the maths approach, it's just not my preferred approach.


  7. Oh yeah, tell that to the marines!

  8. John guarda questo video
    questa una mia interpretazione degli indizi lasciati da Bessler.
    Giuseppe Pelotti

    1. Clever idea, but I'm not convinced.


    2. problem is activator arm at 6 needs to swing to right sooner to keep cg on right side. that not happen and it not work. good that you use dt portait clues.

  9. tis enlish guy turns ap 55 right into parts for his wheel!

  10. Hello John, I was just wondering if you could share just one aspect of your wheel and that is: does your wheel have more weights on the descending side than it does on the ascending side?

    1. I'm not going to answer that because the answer does not help. If I say yes, that isn't strictly true, but if I say no, that is also wrong.


  11. if bessler was fake maybe tis is how he did it?

    1. and it run hammer machine!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...