Monday, 5 February 2018

Johann Bessler's Secret will be Published this Year.

Today, 5th February, and I’m 73! Still scratching my head over Johann Bessler’s wheel, but confidence is high that the solution is in sight, and that it will be me who publishes the secret, this year!

Johann Bessler wanted fame and fortune so that he could pass on all his technical knowledge to people from poorer backgrounds.  He said that his school for apprentices would have a religious environment, but be non-denominational. He hoped to raise enough money from the sales of his so-called ‘Perpetual Motion’ machine to fund his plan.

I described his machine as a ‘perpetual motion’ machine but he preferred the term self-moving machine.  As he mentioned in his publications, calling it ‘perpetual motion’ was wrong because there was no way his device could run for ever, without breaking down through wear and tear or damage from external influences.

In those days a perpetual motion machine was defined as having a closed system, meaning it had no input of energy from outside the machine.  It was recognised as impossible back then just as it is now. But in those days they did not understand or even know of the force of gravity but thought that the reason things fell was due to something inherent in all things of mass, which they described as ‘heaviness’.  This ‘heaviness’ was part of the mass and not due to the force of gravity, it was intrinsic to the matter of which the mass was formed.

Now if they had known and understood that the force of gravity was the attraction between all things of mass and that this force was the cause of things falling down, then they would have accepted Bessler’s claim that the wheels were driven by falling weights, why?  Because they would have realised that the energy driving the wheels came from outside the machines.  They were not closed systems and therefore not impossible.

Because Sir Isaac Newton wrote his book, ‘Principia’, in Latin, he used the Latin word for ‘heaviness’, which was ‘gravitas’, and this was subsequently translated into English as ‘gravity’. Attached to this word gravitas was the full explanation that Newton gave and this gravity, which used to be ‘heaviness’,  became the new force and ‘heaviness’ was consigned to history, along with all its inaccurate assumptions.



  1. Happy Birthday John , and all the best for this year ( especially health ) . . .

  2. Happy birthday John!

    1. Thanks yellow. How did you come to use yellow as your name?


    2. It is about my surname. My surname is related to yellow :)

  3. Happy Birthday, John!
    And, may you, your daughter (I hope she is recovering and regaining strength) and rest of the family have many, many more.

  4. Happy birthday John, and all the best to you and your family!


    1. Thanks guys, for your kind words and good wishes. My daughter is making good progress and leaves hospital this week, but we won’t know if she’s in remission for six more months.


  5. Hey John,

    Whenever you decode one of Bessler’s clues, does it reveal a picture?

    1. It’s not that simplePman. Each clue reveals a little piece of the puzzle. But it’s a bit like a jigsaw-puzzle, then have to put them together in the right place and nothing is clear until you are near the end. There are points along the way where I took a wrong turn and got lost. It has taken me my whole life until the last few months to get the whole picture. Now all I have to do is build it!


    2. Makes since to me. So, would you classify Bessler’s wheel as a perpetual motion machine, or a gravity powered machine? According to human logic, true perpetual motion is impossible. But, I can see that a gravity powered wheel might be considered perpetual if it stays within the confines of gravity, weather it be earth’s gravity or some other planets gravity. Of course, parts would need to be replaced as needed to continue the process.

    3. Gravity wheel, or gravity-enabled wheel. It’s not PM. Because that is defined as a closed system, and a gravity wheel is driven by the force of gravity making the weights fall, which means that it is not a closed system.


    4. John, I have detected that there is some little changes in your "last" pendulum setup? Also taken from comment "...until the last few months to get the whole picture."

      Just some half or more year ago, I remember we talk that you have about nine pieces in one pendulum setup. But few posts back, you talk allready about ten pieces in one pendulum!?
      Was there happening some minor changes is pendulum setup or was it just some slip with words?

      All the best


  6. I agree with you 100% John, but I would like to add one more ingredient, and that is the differential in mass between the Earth and objects like us or the weights we use in our wheels. Had all masses been nearly equal, then our observations would be significantly different. Instead of a weight dropping to the Earth, or a pendulum bob swinging down and back up, the masses would have moved towards each other evenly, so likely what we interpret as perpetual motion or self-moving motion would not exist. I believe gravity and the mass differential that make us think PM is a reality, when in fact, we are stealing a bit of motion from the Earth, but not enough to detect. JMHO of course.

    1. Hmmmmm,

      Well, if my gravity wheel works, should I present it to a highly intelligent professor or scientist before I go public with it? After all, isn’t the scientific community the biggest critic against gravity powered wheels?

      As far as me being the first to prove it, I’m totally serious.

    2. Do not worry Pman, if it turns, scientific community will accept it immediately. No-one can critic a working machine.

  7. Happy birthday, John, and my best wishes to you and your family.
    I would say that, in my own opinion, the meaning of "perpetual motion" is nothing but "constant unbalance". Nothing more, nothing less.

    1. Well hopefully, my new design will prove just that.

    2. Thank you Michel, and I agree that is a good definition.


  8. Does a gravity wheel have to be balanced before it becomes unbalanced during rotation?

    1. All things must be in balance with each other. Without one pendulum correct measures and relation, also to its weights (sry John for next) and without correct spring characteristics. Where all pendulums must build up and placed together equaly 1:1. Without those, there is not possible to achieve contineus rotation at all. To this mean that all is in balance? Answer can be here Yes and also No?! But why and how? Because all depends... Do we talk or look wheel build up or do we talk about how wheel works?!

    2. In my opinion the wheel must be permanently out of balance. This makes it try to rotate into a position of balance, but for continuous rotation to occur, when it reaches that point, the internal mechanism must have already moved the point of imbalance backwards to the previous point requiring imbalance.

      Difficult to describe, but in brief no point of balance should be present. In confirmation of this Bessler’s wheel had to have brake applied when not in use.


    3. To be in balance is relative. Something can be in balance regarding a special aspect. For a gravity wheel this could be the geometry. A mechanism can be balanced in terms of the forces 2 weights exert to each other. One weight goes down, the other one up. There's a point where they cancel out each other. But that configuration can, at the same time, not in balance when looking at the geometry - masses are not equally positioned around the center axis, thus the wheel could be overbalanced.

      John, I've a problem with the title of your current post. The word 'will' is absolute. It's an announcement you should fulfill then for 100%. How can you guarantee that? I consider to remember you at the end of this year ;-)

    4. Excellent point S.O.P.M. (I wonder what that stands for?) I believe I’ve deciphered enough of the clues to understand how the wheels worked and what components are needed. As I’ve said elsewhere I’m building the wheel and hope to prove it with working model. I’ve also said I would publish details of the design either at the same time as I show a working model, or should it fail, then I’ll publish the details along with pictures of the failed wheel.

      Now I think the reasons for failure will not be due to an incorrect design but due to my poor workmanship. There are are a few areas in which the precise location of a component will be a matter of trial and error, but the basic concept is clear.

      The reason in my opinion for 300 years of failure to reproduce Bessler’s wheel is due to the not-intuitive nature of the concept. I would never have found it without Bessler’s clues. It is proving difficult to describe in words for future publication but I’m working on it.

      So I believe I have the correct solution but without a working model it’s going to be difficult to prove it, so my publishing of what I believe is the solution is all I can do, but I am confident that I’m right. Time will tell.


    5. I'm fully aware about your beliefs, John. Also I remember on your statement when it comes to craftsmanship. Here is what I really would like to ask you: why don't you take the easy way? I don't mean to ask someone to build it for you. No, wouldn't it make sense to just use another method - any of the available construction sets? You could easily change and adapt your configuration without the need for further tools and new materials! And I'm pretty sure the 'secret mechanism' isn't that sophisticated not to get ready using such toy construction sets - like Erector or K'NEX, whatever. In fact, with this method of physical building in mind, you could overcome the issue. The chance to get your models work as needed is much higher. Don't you think so?

      Because you're wondering: (S)ecret (O)f (P)erpetual (M)otion

    6. Ah, I didn’t think of that! SOPM of course!

      You make a good point, but I’ve never used either but seeing as you’ve mentioned it I’ll look at some and see if they might work. Certainly it would be easier than current method. I ordered several length of mild steel of varying widths and numerous new nuts, bolts and washers, loose nuts and stiff nuts, assorted timber - you get the picture!

      The other advantage would be that I could build inside the house or my log cabin instead of the garage which you cannot heat and the outside temperature is consistently around 5C or 40 deg F.


    7. That's good if you're considering. Also there's the factor of costs. I use K'NEX and 50 strong custom made magnets to combine together. A once-only investition and I'm using the materials for years, which is brilliant. Wish you maximum success!

  9. Why not explain now? I know that if you publicly announce details of your design on the internet, it becomes prior art and no one can patent it. Check "defensive publication" on wikipedia.

    1. Because I am determined to build the first working wheel since Bessler, if at all possible, then I’ll publish everything and post videos etc


    2. Well, fair enough. Do you have a schedule on your mind?

    3. ASAP, but I’m still working around daily hospital visits but hopefully my daughter will be coming home soon and I can concentrate more on Bessler stuff..

    4. I overlooked the ‘defensive publication’ advice, yellow. Thanks for that, it looks good.


    5. No problem :) Here is a good example;

    6. Where in your opinion, yellow, would be the best place for me to publish?


    7. This blog and some other public forums/blogs/websites would be good. The information should be easy to find and access on the web. I think you shouldn't worry that much, most probably, it will be widespread information when you disclose it.

    8. Yes I agree, thanks again, yellow.

      Purely out of curiosity I looked for names which might be associated with yellow and found Blaine and Bowie. Am I near?


    9. I didn’t think I would be near. 🤔

  10. Nice comments!

    One more question:

    If I’m the first to prove that a gravity powered wheel is possible, would I be raining on anyone’s parade by going public with it? I wonder, if I prove that it is possible, would I by able to fly for free? Would I get free hotel accommodations with a complimentary car to drive around in?

    If I prove it, then everyone will know who perpetualman is.

    1. It’s the same for everyone Pman. Do what you have to do.

    2. Fame is not a good motivation Pman.

  11. John, really good to see your resolve. Now is a perfect time to bring forward the technology that he was able to master. There is no doubt that the human race, and the planet is needing this like no other time. You have inspired all of us to pick up the torch and move it forward. I am pushing forward as well with another great idea ..... for sure. All our best to your family and great success with the treatments.

    1. Thanks G, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that, you’re always supportive of my efforts and I appreciate it.


  12. John, with all due respect and a little pinch of humor added, in the year 2028, THIS most likely is what we'll here be reading:

    "Today, 5th February, and I’m 83! Still scratching my head over Johann Bessler’s wheel, but confidence is high that the solution is in sight, and that it will be me who publishes the secret, this year!"

    Will it not be nice to have lasted that long?

    (And, THAT is why Scheherazade's Tales were to never end, not 'till her thousandth; and so it is too with Perpetual Motion's Glorious Obsession, and it's last Tale. "Well, what is it to be???" - WAIT!)

    Any decade, now!

    1. Insolent puppy, James! Trust me it will be here this year. But I like the humour and it’s good to have a laugh, even at ones own expense. Thanks for the little ray of 🌞 sunshine you bring.


    2. Per Michel, I see now that you removed what you left for me.

      Why this? I thought it an interesting and not inapt thing for you to have put forth, given the subject.

      Here, let me restore it to visibility for you and so that all might be clear as to what it was:

      "Epistle to James the Miller :
      "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
      (Matthew, 14:31.)"

      There! Not so bad!

      For myself, faith is a fascinating subject. There are definitions aplenty for it but, one of my favorite was often repeated by this pastor to his flock:

      "Faith is: ACTION(s) TAKEN, as based upon the belief in the existence of things unseen and unknowable." - euGENE SCOTT

      Too many definitions for this are too complex, whereas this one seems marvelously simple, and more appealing to that of the logical than not, I think.

      Faith is what it is, and experiential reality quite another.

      Of course, John is correct. I AM the "insolent puppy" as he charges - ha!

      I am brimming-over with faith that John is trustable and, that IT is to be here this year. (But, if actually not for some weird reason confounding of and to present faith, then that is and shall be renewable to the next, and the next again, and the next and so-on forever, for "Where there is life, there is hope." and "Hope springs eternal."

      With such a marvelous name as you have, Michel, I trust that you are French and a fellow, for otherwise if not it would be 'Michelle,' no? I love the French, they with their delicious feigned contempt and petty conceits; their incomparable cuisine, their art-art-art and musique of unsurpassed grandeur and honesty; the Revolution & Marie Grosholtz (later Madame Tussaud making it big in Angle-Land); and the whole nine yards that comes with that territory.

      Any day, now!

      Any week, now!

      Any month, now!

      Any year, now!

      Any decade, now!

      Any CENTURY, now!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you, James, for your long answer! Is our search not similar to the alchemical path, a spiritual path, that can only be pursued with faith? Time passing by, from failures to failures, is mind not transmuting itself and turning into humility?
      [As you guess, I'm French — and you're right: 'Michel' is the masculine form, and 'Michelle' (or 'Michèle') the feminine one.]

    5. Cher Michel, of course, you are most welcomed.

      Indeed! That would seem to be the case, as you have said it and, "humility" resulting from sequential failures following naturally, for any that might persist past some advanced point. Oui!

      On these very pages before, I myself have likened the search to that of The One chosen to remove Great Excalibur from it's stony sheath, being only one "worthy" to so-do but, alas, not ONE word of interest (to say nothing of serious discussion) was to report back! And, over on the MMD blog this very same!

      An utter deafness to any possible spiritual aspect to our quest, seems uniformly pro-forma for modern sorts. Materialism appears the only thing that makes a dent tangibly, in a grasping, drowning ocean of Humanity tied to THINGS and their acquiral, including 'secrets'.

      Well, although relating to P-M, this is not the time to discuss this to any extent, it being about John's encoded secret to be published in a while. Hopefully it will manifest, and on-schedule.

      You do not know, but I design stamp albums for collectors (actually so-far only one - for Egypt), and this first is to be in the English language but, I so want to make one in French language for any French collectors.

      The Egyptians of culture all spoke French and English. The Kings Fouad and Farouk English, French, Turkish, Albanian, and Italian, Fouad not even Egyptian Arabic, the language of the people over which he ruled! (He is my favorite ruler of Egypt, even so!)

      I think it would be best for all if the language of diplomacy were set-back to French. English it TOO literal for this most delicate area of exchange. (Now, diplomacy seems as if it is conducted by sledge-hammer!)

      If you are constructing a P-M or, desiging for one, I wish for yourself ALL the good luck possible.



    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Yes, they certainly are that.

      I understand, and do appreciate your reciprocated kind wish.

      Also, oui I may need help with translations. Fortunately it is technical such as titles, colors and what-not-philatelic but, when things become a bit longer, matters can become complex and not so simple.

      If I might say, your e-mail address there in the open might attract spam-bots, Michel. Might it not be a good idea to, well, cancel the post because? By it's means I will be in-touch and perhaps we then might chat some.

      Merci, Michel!


    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...