Friday, 7 June 2019

A Brief Response to My Fickle Friends.

Despite my concerns about failing to deliver the finished wheel, I felt I had to post something to explain why.  I confess I was not expecting such an angry reaction.  I suppose I should have realised that many people had high expectations of learning some interesting information which they might not know and I let them down.

I won’t be making any more commitments, I’ll just get on with my build.  I only made the promise in order to try and drag myself out of the mood of procrastination which was a feature of the general air of despondency which has enveloped our family over the last eighteen months.  It worked to a degree but was not sufficient to allow me to complete my self appointed task on time and I bitterly regret deciding to go public with such an important commitment, it was a mistake and one I won’t be repeating.

I am grateful to those who made supportive comments encouraging me to continue.  Those others are welcome to leave, they will not be missed.  

I have lived and breathed Bessler since I was about fifteeen years of age, in fact a quotation by Swami Vivekananda sums up my attitude.  He wrote, "Take up one idea, make that idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.  This is the way to success,"

So the many disparaging comments from people I believed were friends, in response to my honest admission, have reignited my determination to finish what I started. I suppose I should thank them but I won't, because I'd have finished the project in due course any way.

Please share the following link and donate if you wish to aid

  my granddaughter's treatment for CRPS, FND and EDS



  1. Sounds like you were a bit shocked to discover that hero worship is based upon delivering results on schedule and not based upon missed deadlines and broken promises.

  2. God love you John Collins! Screw the critics! Sam Peppiatt

    1. Thanks Sam. I have certain knowledge about Bessler’s wheel, and I simply have to play the long game. At least I have the satisfaction of knowing that all the critics will have to eat humble pie eventually, even without a working wheel. The knowledge I have is undeniable and accurate and everyone will recognise Bessler is a genius, not just for the wheel but for his extraordinary ability to convey information in a completely invisible manner.


    2. John I like to hear you are confident in your findings, with the end goal of getting the details to the public. zoelra

    3. Dear John Collins, you are a prince, I don't know how you take all this crap, from these hate full people----------------


  3. Don't listen to the haters and keep up the good work! I've followed your blog since the beginning, even became obsessed with Bessler's work myself and created countless computer simulations, as well as one physical device I was convinced would work, but to no avail. I can't even begin to say how many night I've laid awake in bed thought about this, even sprung up a couple times to make sketches with fear that I'd forget my idea by morning time. I am so excited to see your findings, and although I'm a little bummed about the delay, I think they'll be well worth the wait. You're a good guy, and I truly hope your device works, and even if it doesn't it's no matter, understanding Bessler's mind is worth it alone. And I'm very sorry to hear about your granddaughter. Good luck! I'm rooting for you!

  4. The greater majority of the blogs readers have resisted saying anything at this stage. Perhaps they are less emotionally invested but I doubt that.

  5. I have no idea what type of reaction you were waiting for.
    You yourself did set a deadline to declare everything.

  6. todya is day after big day and all we have is zero like i predict! old king of bessler info is soon running off to spain like defeted lepard with tail betwen the legs. we need new kiing of bessler info now. where is that steven glorious guy withhis ladders bells and curtains? he could be new king here but he have to prove to all he is for real. no more hints. we need real info from him so know hes our new king.

    steven glorius if you out there give us proof you to be new king of bessler info here!

    mr. lepard spots

  7. For every person there is they'r own Gartner, Wagner, Borlach and lepard spot or what ever they like to call them. They exist, because you can be and stay stronger... Kõige paremini naerab see, kes naerab viimasena.
    Ther is no hurry John, take your time to finalize all. Life will go by its own path.


  8. It is plain and simple, John you lied to us. Full stop (period).

    1. I don't think he actually lied. He just over promised and way under delivered. That can happen to anyone when he lets his enthusiasm take control of him. However, when he later realized that he could not deliver everything as promised for whatever reason, he should have delivered at least something as a consolation prize so that he did not just leave everyone hanging like he did. Because of that inconsideration, imo, he justly deserves the criticism now being heaped upon him. Perhaps he thought he was so beloved here that everyone would just overlook it all. Big mistake! Even Bessler, after burning and burying the wooden printing blocks and their printed pages showing the design he found that worked, replaced them with the "Toys Page" as a consolation prize. It does not show his wheels' actual internal mechanisms, but it does symbolically show the kinds actions that took place inside his wheels' drums. Future commentators were to make of it what they could. Unfortunately, they generally don't know what to make of it!

  9. "They exist, because you can be and stay stronger."
    I mean come on...Obviously the reaction is nothing personal.

    This is an open blog to everyone who has an internet access. You will see all sorts of reactions.

    If you are not strong enough to handle the consequences, do not post/give promises that you can not keep publicly.

    John is very lucky. This blog's commentators are generally good natured people. I do not see any sinister thing going on or I don't see any "enemies" in the blog's comments section.

    1. You’re right yellow and after nine years of blogs I’m fairly inured to criticism. My reaction was not due to thin skin so much as surprise. But I’m over it and I am lucky, most comments are reasonable and criticism is fair.


  10. lol! you all think you here to find more info about bessler wheel? no! you really here because you wheel not work and you too lzy to work on it. to come here make you think you doing something. also while here you can to kiss the old lepards butt so he feel good andthen maybe he give you more clues to make you whels work. also make sure to buy all the books for the clues he miss. you do that for years and like you see on sixth you only get nothing out of it! if you keep waiting waiting more with more but kissing what be your reward? justmore drip drip of clues from old lepard. those no worth nothing because hehave no workign wheel. all he have is dream guessings. he like old blind lepard leading bunch of blind cats. they all go round in big circle and waste more time and life. if cat leave cirlce because he get bord or drop dead new cat take place. got to keep new cats come in all time to sell them books! lol!

    mr. lepard spots

    1. Every person strives for recognition, attention and everyone has the ambition to give something to this world. In particular, something that others cannot achieve. This is natural and should not be blamed on anyone.

    2. Anonymous 8 June 2019 at 16:00 Said, “...when he later realized that he could not deliver everything as promised for whatever reason, he should have delivered at least something as a consolation prize so that he did not just leave everyone hanging like he did.”

      I agree, I should have posted something, so I’m going to post a selection of brief clues in new blog tonight. It will be short and sweet because I’m catching a plane early tomorrow morning. I’ll check back later in the week for any comments.

      I hope this will take some of the sting out of my failure to stick to my deadline.


    3. this very good sign! shows old lepard have conscous and can change a spot or two. if this keep up i will have to change my opionion of the lepard. but it might just be one time sleeping pill for all. we see what happens.

      mr. lepard spots

    4. mr. lepard spots:

      This "old leperd," the one of which we presently speak, is an AQUARIUS - these being generally affable, respectable, lovable, kindly and helpful to-a-fault no question but, generally too stubborn, bull-headed and combative (gently or war-like) about what they come to believe, and, even tho effectively dissuading by some magnificent and tricky posturing, is still as much-so dependably as the devil is evil.

      John, here, would be my FOURTH with which I've enjoyed interaction over long whiles, one for fifty years. One learns if wise but, a half-century of failed trying makes me not very, tho clued.

      As this most recent 'Taunt-Talk-Fail' routine goes, it is in perfect conformance with this way - incapacity of the bull-headed to let-go as Necessity indicates (dictates, actually). Yes. No doubt well-meaning and all that good stuff but, so-nevertheless.

      If I were John, post all of this most recent frisson (here as imagining that I am not what I am, which certainly is not Aquarius, thank God) I would conclude that my PUBLIC wheel-making declarations do ONLY HARM to my reputation and credibility and, serve to too efficiently irritate that very devil out of many, tho obviously not all of the following, blindly-loyal dedicated coterie. This as once concluded (if it were even possible), would then mandate retirement from all loud, publicly announced wheel-building endeavors and, those that might go on done in-camera, being confined to the blessed quiet of the shed.

      While I am not one of the devilishly affected but rather, only disappointed, those that are have here registered their objections clearly and rightly, the doubtless-so ARMY existing of these, having held back most mercifully. Congratulations.

      For the sake of the preservation of what is left not in tatters, post this latest fiasco-in-miniature, let us HEAR NO MORE of wheel-building intentions made by John the Aquarius, and more of what he IS supremely good-at: Bessler research, analysis, and writing. As to these, he is our delight and hero.

      Sadly though, I must predict that this wise and good proffered suggestion will not come-to-pass as it logically aught and, that post the usual trademark Escape Vacation, matters here will morph directly back to 'business as usual; the Aquarian "leperd" possessing of NO capacity ever observed here, for ever changing it's spots 'round truly.

      I stand-by to be proved dastardly and wrong, and thus delighted. We'll see.

      In closing, to my continuing disappointment I've learned that, just as it is among Nations, so-too it is with "friends" and their making among ever-seeking, breathlessly secret grasping P-M searchers - specifically that both have only INTERESTS and not authentic friendship as goals. Of course.

      Said rare authentic friendships and their forging require tangible contact of a sort; ones as supposed made of the Internet kind, falling way-short of this. ("fickle friends"!!)

      My promise of last STANDS!!!


  11. I am more interested in any unpublished research into besslers code. Such as the significance of 303 or 25 etc. although i have my ideas i would like verification or corroboration especially on any biblical cross references .


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...