Sunday, 23 June 2019

Kassel Wheel, unloaded = 26 RPM, 8 Impacts at Every Turn

There are some assumptions regarding Bessler’s largest wheel and I  thought it might be interesting to reconsider the sounds coming from the 12 foot, 18 inch wheel at Kassel.

We have Fischer von Erlach’s excellent account of his two hour examination of the wheel, which he confirmed turned at 26 RPM when unloaded.  He described the sound of about eight weights landing on the side towards which the wheel turned in each revolution. This was a bi-directional wheel which could be started in either direction with a small push with just one finger in the desired direction. This brief push resulted in the wheel accelerating to its top speed within a few turns.

A speed of 26 RPM means that the wheel took just over 2 seconds per turn, so let’s simplify this and use a figure of exactly 2 seconds per turn, giving a speed of 30 RPM.

Imagine you are standing close to this wheel; it is 12 feet high and wide.  Your average house probably has 8 foot ceilings and maybe the room itself is only 12-foot wide, so this wheel is HUGE. You are counting the number of RPM, but you are also counting the number of heavy thumps you can hear for each turn.  Visualise in your mind that you are pointing your finger at the top of the wheel as it turns and follow it down to its lowest point in rotation and that takes 1 second.  You follow the same point on the wheel as it climbs upwards to the top starting point, another single second.  In each second you have to count 4 noises, 8 in a single turn of 2 seconds.

It’s not difficult to count 8 in 2 seconds, but it does convey the size and power being demonstrated in a way that might not be apparent to the casual acceptance of the facts.

You can hear what this sounds like if you go to ....

With  2 seconds per turn and 8 thumps per turn, you have 4 thumps  per second. Enter 4 times 60 to set the metronome at 240 per minute. This gives you an impression of the number of noises von Erlach could hear for each spin of the wheel. It provides a real time idea of the sound of the wheel. 

It must have been a difficult task to identify which sounds had the same cause i.e., the sound of the landing weights, against a background of reversing mechanisms which were designed to turn the wheel the opposite way.  I know many people favour some kind of reversing mechanism rather than a mirrored one, but there must have been other sounds besides the ones von Erlach mentions.

I also favour the possibility that Bessler reduced some of the sounds by applying felt, something he admitted doing in earlier wheel’s. I wonder if there were any gaps discernible in the 8 sounds von Erlach heard?  He doesn’t mention any so I assume there weren’t any, but also Bessler could have  added fake sounds to confuse his visitors. In other words, although his report is a useful guide,  we  should not get too hung up on the 8 sounds he described.

This is just reminder to find a way to look with new eyes at the Kassel wheel.

And on another matter: 

My granddaughter Amy is in a rehab clinic trying to recover from a series of diseases which suddenly afflicted her about eighteen months ago.  They are CRPS, FND and EDS.  Sorry for the alphabet abreviations but you can google them if you are curious.

Please share the following link and/or donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.



  1. It certainly would be hard to count the thumps at those speeds, but as you say, this is unloaded and we can assume the wheels rotational speed would be greatly reduced when loaded and therefore easier to count.

  2. von Erlach probably put his ear as close as possible to the location of the rotating drum where the thumping sounds issued and were loudest. That location on the descending side of the drum was probably around the 3 o'clock position which would have put it about one and a half feet above his head if he was of average height for the time, standing on the floor, and the wheel's axle pivots were seven feet off of the floor. He would have ignored any other distracting and lower volume clattering and rattling sounds issuing from other locations of the drum that were due to the mechanisms needed to make the wheel bidirectional. I think that the eight thumps per drum rotation he provides is an accurate figure. When using the metronome you linked to, one must adjust it for 8 bpr x 26 rpm = 208 bpm or 208 beats per minute and not the 240 beats per minute you suggest which is about 15.4 % too high. Accurately counting 8 beats or rather thumps per drum rotation would not be that difficult, imo. He did not need a timepiece to do this. He only needed to find some mark on the rim of the drum and begin counting the thumps between the times that the mark consecutively passed some particular location. He would have done that repeatedly and noted he always got a count of 8 thumps.

    1. I used 30 rpm for simplicity in visualising the wheel in action, but yes perhaps it would have been better to stick to 26 rpm. I should have mentioned that the actual speed was slightly lower.


    2. 20 RPM Loaded. Should be easy to count. Count to eight and start at one again. and see if it matches one rotation of the wheel. Assuming it had a visual spot/indication to follow.

  3. Very good post John.
    I think Kassel Wheel was the purest form of the wheel , since Bessler was ready to sell it there. Moreover, he already had disclosed the overbalancing action. So weights hitting just one side of the board was just confirmation of the action. I don't think he used additional noises for distraction.

    1. Probably not, yellow, but I just added it as a possibility. If he dampened any sounds it would create gap in what could be heard, and an added sound would make the sounds irregular.


  4. I would not put all my money on 8. The AP drawing shows a wheel with three spokes. If that is one of the three kingdoms, there could well be 9 strokes. There is a disk in the wheel that is probably swinging and it is not inconceivable that one has missed a stroke because the inner wheel is behind.

    It is a fact that the kassel wheel has the same dimensions as the merseberg wheel. With the only exception of the outside dimensions of the wheel to lift the weights. The dimensions of the design are the same.


    1. Curiously the Merseberg wheel turned at about 40 rpm. I wish we had as good a description of the sounds coming from it. 8 beats times 40 would be difficult to count, if there were 8 per turn, but we don’t know much about it, other than an estimate of one alleged weight.


    2. The last two wheels are almost the same in size. So it is a bit strange that there is almost a factor of two in the speed. I think 26 rpm is not correct as a no-load speed. It looks more like a loaded speed.
      For its last two wheels I keep 40 to 50 rpm unloaded and 20 to 30 rpm loaded.

  5. i think old lepard finaly start to see the light and switch to wheel thatt use 8 weigths. better late then never to change the spots. that make me happy to dance like this cat!

    mr. lepard spots

  6. mr. lepard spots, I am not at all sure that the spots' number and their arrangements have indeed changed. After all, is this newest ruminative offering of our host's but only a review of an actual on-site eye and ear witness's testimony, even though of eight and not the 'sacred' selected five?

    Hot-damn! I'd betcha one of my dollars to one of your dough-naughts, that the favored number is STILL five! Might we have a bet?

    And too so do "I reserve the right to be wrong. - Jim Misch, No.4 on the Dextral Side of the N&N List posthumously.

    1. Five mechanisms for each direction. But five of them moving backwards, so ten sounds, but with one mechanism’s sound dampened with felt, for each direction, leaving 8.

      This is of course just speculation!


    2. John Collins,

      I think there must have been 8 weights; 8 real thumps. You couldn't get that wrong if you tried. Also, back to back wheel may not be a very good idea. You would have twice the size, twice the weight, and twice the cost and half the power. And, if one side canceled out the other, which is what I think would happen, maybe no power at all. At the very least, it can't be the preferred way to do it.
      I think I know how the bidirectional wheels worked. There wasn't a reversing gear at all. I think this is the way it was done. If there were 8 weights, there would be 4 points on the wheel with minimum torque. One of the 4 would be the weakest. At that point load the wheel with enough weight to prevent it from turning, from taking off on it's own. It would always stop or come to rest at the same place. That explains why they had to give it a little push to get it going.

      Sam Peppiatt

  7. Follow up, I suspect that all four wheels were inherently able to turn either direction. The first two were biased in some way to prevent them from turning backwards. The last two would turn which ever way you pushed them, Sam

  8. Lol! With enough mental gynastics one can turn the eight thumps von Erlach counted per Kassel wheel drum rotation into any number of weights making impacts inside of one of Bessler's two directional wheels that fits his particular pet theory. Good luck using that approach to solve the Bessler wheel mystery.

    1. Yes indeed, I confess to adding some idle speculation for entertainment value!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The fact that Bessler added or could have added felt and other mechanism's to produce sound should be enough for everyone to not rely on the number of bangs as an indication of the number of mechanisms. This is common sense and I can't believe this continues to be a matter of debate.

  11. I also don't put much weight on the idea that the wheel thickened on the two way wheels because two back to back wheels were placed inside. It is also possible that the internal mechanism simply changed to incorporate the two way movement. There really is no way to be sure unless information is decoded from his written works stating this to be the case. Time would be better spent working on the one-way wheel.

  12. i get phone call other day from freind who very excited. he dreams dsign for pm wheel after drink cheap wine and fall asleep. he then wakes up and draws it down quick before forget it. it also have 8 weights just like besslr wheel! he convincd it got to work and want to patent quick to get rich. i tell him to makes model first to show it work. he say no necesary to wastes time on that because it got to work. he sends me tops secret skecht of design that looks just like in this loopy vid.

    i tell him it no can spin but he no want to hearit and says i no undertand how the mechs work. he then asks how much mony i wants to invest in his new whel. i say zero mony. what is I crazy he ask?! he say again it got to work and i stupid for no give him mony to help gets patnets all around world for his new revolionay whel. he say i throw away big chance to makes millons and billons of dolars! i tell him bessler promise to let his head get cut off if his pm wheel no work. i asks him if he do same promise. he say sure he no afraid to give same promise. then he asks me again if i help him with mony for his new wheel design. i say no again but say i will go to look for my old wood chop ax and make its blade very very sharp! he hangs up and no calls me back. i think he mad at me.

    mr. lepard spots

    1. Nice animation mr leopards spots!


    2. Most interesting design your friend has there Mr. Lepard Spots. I've never seen anything like it. It's a sort of rotating set of four Roberval balances that cannot work other than in an animation. Thanks for sharing it!

    3. That is an old design, long proven to not work.

  13. It's a no brainier, If the two way wheels had 8 weights, (not counting the shiftier weights), and the one way wheels are half as thick, they must have only had 4 weights. Sam Peppiatt

    1. Maybe the one way wheels also had 8 weights, but they were only half as wide as the weights in the two way wheels.

    2. Or, maybe there were 16 weights 1/4 as thick? Right?

      Sam Peppiatt

  14. John Collins,

    Can I ask you a question? How meany "anonymous's" are there? Is there any way to tell them apart? It seams like they are such secretive, SOBs, or is it just one?
    Can you help? Sam Peppiatt

    1. Hi Sam, sorry I have no idea how many anons there are.


    2. That number shall remain anonymous!! Sam

    3. I resemble that remark Sam.

    4. That's good! What can I say, I love it, (LoL), Sam peppiatt

  15. 12 ft wheel had a circumference of 37.6992 ft ... if it was turning at 26 rpm it was traveling at 980.1792 ft per minute or 16.32 ft per second. I am telling you that standing next to a 12 ft wheel traveling at that speed would be pretty overwhelming.........

    1. Gravittea,

      I agree; what an impressive site it must have been!! I would loved to have seen it-----------------

      Yet these prick scientists want to bury it, why?

      Sam Peppiatt

    2. 16.32 feet per second is about 11 mph. I think you would feel a draft/draught from a wheel that big moving that fast. I note that safety guidelines dictate that a safe and secure merry-go-round should not exceed a rotation speed of 13 feet per second at it’s outer edge and you can definitely a draught there.


  16. Well so much for the anonymous's. Anyway, I think I see how Bessler got the one way wheels to turn in the same way. Assuming four weights, two cross bars; if one leg of the "X" had heaver weights than the other one, the wheel would always rotate in the same direction, after it was stopped. FWEIW

    Sam Peppiatt

  17. big tech news for all! know the kiiking sport the one the old lepard think is princple of besslr wheels? i learnd kiiking now used on cars! i no lie! it now used in some poor countrys where petrol price too high. check out this loopy vid of car front wheel powred by kiiker guy.

    all you do is put a kiiker on eahc car wheel and take off! car cheaper to make becasue no need motor or trnasmision. most impotance is no need for the petrol and no polution in air. great to stop the climate changes like heat waves all over eruope now. i think we start to see kiiking powred cars on america streets soon. also good way to give jobs to poor peoples. when you gget where you wnats to go you gives them few dolars for food and then four new kiiker guys takes their places on wheels for return trip to home. i loves all the new techs for cars!

    mr. lepard spots

  18. Re. the possibility that the bangs might have been non-functional, IIRC Bessler addressed this question directly, claiming nothing about the wheel was 'pro forma' - for appearances' sake only; so, no flab, no subterfuge... the bangs were a necessary part of the energy gain principle.

    Trying to put numbers on anything before we have the low-down is a bit like trying to solve the Drake equation - a lot depends on assumptions - however assuming a per-cycle efficiency accumulator of 25% (consistent with the Toys page, i believe), 8 bangs per revolution implies 200% gain per-revolution at optimum speed (probably half their free-running speed) - that is, 4 bangs = unity, 5 = 125%, 6 = 150%, 7 = 175% and 8 = 200%.

    That's per-revolution however, so only really applies to the very first start-up revolution; from thereon, the first 'bang' of the second revolution is actually number '9' in the series, and so on - losses aside, the net system efficiency just keeps on climbing with each 'bang' successively nudging up the net amount of accumulated momentum, and with it, the per-cycle gain margin.

    Obviously in practice, Bessler's wheels had substantial losses, and friction also squares with velocity, along with KE.. so they reached a coasting speed where they were in a 'shallow' upper end of the exploit window, where the lower gains per cycle equaled the losses to friction.

    Since we also know that everything went around together, with no hidden internal stators, we can also surmise that these bangs were inelastic - that is, more 'splats' than 'boings'; equalising / eliminating a transient speed difference between parts, rather than a bouncing / resonating type of collision. This would also be consistent with a functional purpose for damping the impacts, such as with felt.

    Note that inelastic collisions / things-wot-go-splat are dissipative mechanisms - if the two masses / inertias involved are equal, then the collision dissipates half of the KE difference between them. If they're unequal, then more than half the energy difference is dissipated.. the collisions tell us that Bessler's wheels must've been dissipating at least half their input energy via these banging sounds - or at least, half of whatever energy was used to generate the accelerations that end in these collisions.

    This additional output energy over and above rotational KE would not be skipped by calorimetry.. and it AT LEAST doubles the output power over time..

    As for the mechanical energy, forget about it - the energy density's obviously effectively infinite, and power density's limited only by material strengths. Since KE squares with velocity but only doubles with mass, smaller, faster units are the way to go for peak power densities.

    Bottom line is that it totally blows everything else clear outa the water. High and dry. Nothing else comes remotely close. Any guesses one threw out would likely be way too low. We can currently spin turbines at over 120,000 RPM, FWIW.. gravity's not actually speed-dependent, and we don't need to compromise efficiency for any aesthetic reasons such as to facilitate standing-starts / light push-starts - if the maths say we can get better performance from a break-even velocity of say 100 RPM, actually getting the system up to that speed is not a problem today as it might've been in Bessler's time..

    1. ..on 2nd thoughts he made that comment in regards to the 'scraping / rattling noises' - but it applies equally to the bangs,too; "Nothing pro forma - all outward appearances are entirely functional"..

    2. They really were not "bangs". More like gentle thumping sounds. Probably not metal on wood, but wood on wood impacts. They weren't moving the drum via impacts and were probably only due to each of the eight mechanisms resetting itself at some starting position every 45 degrees of drum rotation. The torque the drum developed was due solely to the maintained overbalance of the eight mechanisms and not their impacts, imo. I think Bessler was mainly concerned about minimizing sounds more for concealing the locations and operations of the mechanisms and not because they wasted that much energy. Such energy loss was probably minimal.

  19. great news to tells all! a genus freind of mine who chase bessler pm for yers finaly find solution! he gives me persmission today to reveal it here first time! besler wheel had no mechs inside the drum! but he did use few flopy weigths inside drum to make noises to confuse peoples. but whels did not need them and could run with empty drum. what make the spin force on drum you asks? anser is trained animals! no not inside drum but outside drum! what? you say no one saw any animals. where they was? they was under wheel drums on their backs. but now you asks why no one sees them.

    simple answer by genus is that all the animls bessler used were invislbe! beslser was alchmist and made a potion to make his traind animals invisible! after they turns invisible they crawls under drums to make whels spin by use their little feets! that make those scratchy noises peoples heared. this loopy vid show how to do it with trained rat. think how would look if you make rat invisibe!

    you bessler pm wheel chaser cats no need look for mechs inside drums now. to make bessler whel copy you just need to find same invsible maker potion he use and train a lab rat or two. i so happy to finaly know the true answr to besslr whel mystery! i going to treats my genus freind to dinner to rewards him for finaly solving this mystery.

    mr. lepard spots

    1. Bizarre! But it's as good as any other theory I've read!

  20. Maybe the only way to be sure, is to build the wheel first; then count the thumps, Sam Peppiatt

    1. Yes, S-P! Problem is that none have a clue thus far (as far as I am aware), as to the one true Bessler Operative Principle. (I capitalize it here because being a title of THE main thing as-yet unknown.) Lacking hard working knowledge of it, all becomes but imperpetual wheel spinning awaiting a Revelation, as hopefully come out of the aether, say.

      All seekers, I believe, should keep ever-in-mind the fact that, according to Prince Karl and Bessler himself, as they stated explicitly, IT IS SIMPLE - "not much to it" and "carpenter's boy" etc. Or, in-short, if it ain't simple, it ain't Bessler's but rather is a wild fantasy of some moment's conceiver bereft of any authentic relevance. There have been very many of these at here and there.

      (I.e. at JCNB and BWF, which presently is languishing into a nothingness - thinned patience with continual disappointing failure there, having had only so-far to go, which after seems now to have morphed into a deteriorating mental state generally sort of situation. It is worse than merely sad; it is dangerous to any individuals so-afflicted, by such a super-vexatious itch, which can never, ever be scratched! Prepare the booby hatches! Get ready the straight jackets & etc.!)

      Criswell Predicts: "I PREDICT that, it will be found that even HALF a cross-bar might actuate power wheels to a continual, rotatory motion. This I predict."

      Just THINK, S-P, of how easy it will be to count but ONE "thump" per!

    2. But James; that will depend on how fast it's turning! S-P

    3. This guy doesn't seem to be having a problem with a solution!

    4. Ha! Well S-P, if it were trucking at, say, 200 r.p.m. it might as you suggest but if half that, I would have no trouble with generating a count.

      The really interesting part, I think, will be in recording the acceleration over the first few rotations. After all, with but only one-half of a "crossbar" (as Criswell Predicts which has netted him his new N&N List position, as others that have of-recent irritated the very devil out of me, have been summarily removed from it) such transiting I expect would prove rather lumpy, even though complete and continuing as every good self-perpetuating motion should be. Comprende?

      PS For any that might be baffled by term "N&N Lists," mosey over to the good old BWF and search for "creepy lists" and you will discover some old history behind it. I am sure that such a search well render but one return. This colorful terminology was coined compliments of a really good enemy of mine, that rules by Greenies Tyranny there.

    5. 23:12 Anon, thanks for that link. Was unaware of it before.

      After viewing I posted thus: "I am just blown away by such cheek. It's the Behrendtian Limit now reached. I smell the sweet scent of a class-action suit for fraud coming on."

      He claims new material for his book, previously unknown. Well, for sure it is a compilation (regurgitation would be more like it) of all that has ever appeared here as well as on The BWF and, doubtless-so, as lifted from our present host's various works.

      It might not be generally known, but YouTube posters (as here) have the ability to delete any offending posts. We shall see how long it takes him to do so with mine.

      Truly, might anyone here imagine a reason to publish such a thing pre- the discovery of the Bessler Principle, other than one purely lucrous or, possibly for the aggrandizing of mad egotism and/or revenge? I cannot.

    6. Sorry my blog is somewhat “thin”, James. I have been on holiday in Spain for three weeks. But more importantly, I decided, after my last foolish commitment, to rein in my enthusiasm for announcing success prematurely and am keeping quiet about what and when. My optimism remains fully loaded but locked!


    7. "Well, for sure it is a compilation (regurgitation would be more like it) of all that has ever appeared here as well as on The BWF and, doubtless-so, as lifted from our present host's various works."

      Maybe not. Behrendt has claimed that he found dozens of previously unknown clues that Bessler left in the DT portraits of himself that give the secret of his wheels. If so, I want to know about them and have ordered the soft cover edition from Amazon. It's a huge volume and someone I know who got the download version says there's about forty illustrations in it most of which he had never seen before!

    8. John, really I should have limited that naughty little criticism to the BWF, which truly is approaching larghissimo, and so I do and apologise for it. Your ever-creative offerings have always seemed to myself fulsome, and provoking of thought, and many worthy of archiving.

    9. Well Anon 09:16, for my part I'll await positive reviews before parting with any coins for a copy. Again I ask, why put out such a thing pre- the existence of a working device? For possibilities I've suggested two and have asked for more. These I await.

      Just now I am informed by YouTube that author Behrendt has responded to my comment. It is not atypical.

    10. he make good youtube vid. but i no chase bessler wheel solution now so i no getting mr. ken behrendt book. also i gotproblem with read english if it too techy. but i can read pics! he no make big book like that unless he very very sure he got solution to wheel. but if he do he find like besslr that to tells truths is easy but chance that peoples will believes them is next to zero! all besler wheel chasing cats only think about own no hopes designs and no interested in other desings. they no have time to sim his design or try built it even if it is besslers. that sad. but if day come they do and it works they all have this look on faces!

      mr. lepard spots

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If the wheel has little torque, then you might want a speedy wheel and use built up momentum (the flywheel effect). I think this may be how the Buzzsaw Gravity Wheel worked. The weights in that wheel moved out about one inch, but they were also really heavy compared to the weights in the BW.

    2. Centrifugal forces would have been something Bessler planned for when constructing his wheels by using a drum and levers strong enough to withstand them at a wheel's maximum rotation speed. The breakdowns of his wheels were due to parts like springs and ropes breaking from wear and tear after a wheel had been running constantly for a long time. His wheel design allowed him to quickly replace those broken parts with spares that he had ready to install. He had to convince potential buyers how easy and fast it would be to repair a wheel. Still the huge upfront and full price he demanded sabotaged a quick sale of the invention. If it had sold, then this blog would not now exist!

    3. Yes you’re last point is well made. I wonder how I’d have been sending the last 50:years of my spare time!


    4. Most likely we'd all be chasing some other historical mystery whose solution got lost.

    5. We can't make any claim of how his device worked or behaved. That is not my opinion, that is a fact. Everyone needs to stop making claims on how his wheel worked. Until someone releases decoded proof of it's design, every explanation is just speculation at best.

    6. Supposedly, Behrendt's recent book does release decoded proof of Bessler's design! Based on what he says in that video linked to above, the last third of his book's 800 page text is devoted to providing that decoded proof! He says that the many clues he's found have been previously unknown which would seem to be impossible. I'm also very skeptical of anyone who makes any claim to knowing how Bessler's wheels worked, but I'll hold off judgement until I see what he's found. He's either just another delusional Bessler wheel chaser or he's finally solved the mystery. I'm really hoping the latter is the case this time. Bessler has kept generations on a merry chase after his secret for three centuries now. Enough is enough. It's time to finally end the chase with a solution that leads to working replicas.

    7. The thing about Ken and his solution is not a trivial one. I think he says a table-top prototype could be built in 3 weeks based on his simulated solution. Why hasn't he built one himself, or outsourced the building of the various parts for him to assemble in his lounge at his leisure? You'd think a working replica would seal the deal beyond reasonable doubt and boost his book sales into the stratosphere. If he hasn't done this there must be a very good reason. All inventors have to have irrepressible belief, in themselves, and their inventions value to society for uptake. Sometimes belief takes on a life of its own, not anchored in reality or merit. That is the importance of peer review. A reality check. A book is a good place to start the discussion. A physical model is hard to argue with.

    8. I found this line in the introduction to his book provided in Amazon's free preview:

      "Apparently destiny, unpredictable as it can be, had selected me to be the first to unravel the Gordian knot of the Bessler wheel mystery after three long centuries of repeated failures by others to do so had passed. That is now sufficient enough success for me even though I must leave the final verifying physical duplication of one of his amazing wheels to someone else better equipped for the task than I currently am."

      That quote should leave no doubt that he is very firmly convinced that he has finally found the same design Bessler used. However, he suggests that he is not able to construct a physical wheel at this time. Maybe he now has health problems that prevent him from building a wheel or no longer has access to the tools necessary to make it? Maybe he cannot afford the cost of having someone else build it for him? Who knows? Maybe he spent so much time chasing down the new clues he claims he's found and using them to make those two thousand simulations he says were necessary to finally determine the actual design Bessler used that he's just burned out and ready to retire? I know I would be after that amount of effort!

    9. We have been following Ken's posts here (mainly under the name Technoguy although he denies this was him) and his claims are based on interpretations of the hand drawn portraits. One interpretation was based on the number of curls in his hair - that had a meaning. This is not a decoding, just interpretation. He also made some comments about gravitons or spinatrons (laughing here) being the reason for the extra energy. I looked back at the old posts and don't see any from Technoguy. Either they were removed or Ken renamed the user to himself.

    10. Interpreting lines on a page is not the same as decoding a document and coming up with actual/readable text. That is proof. Sorry guys, but there is nothing there.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. i see lots bessler whel chaser cats today no build wheel with hands. they use computrs to make the sims. maybe they afraid to get hands dirty? i quits my chase after yers of cuts bruses sweats lots cursing and nothing to show for it. it sad i no smart enough to use the sims. wishd i was. i just find this nice loopy vid of wheel chaser cat who got new sim progam to use. he all excited as he works on new desgn for wheel he convincd will work! good luck mr. cat. you need lot and lots of it!

    mr. lepard spots

  24. With the fantastic understanding of materials and specifically steel, we should have no problem with the bearing issue Stephen

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...