Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Update for 6th June 2019

Today’s the day I am supposed to reveal all, but unfortunately I haven’t finished my wheel yet although it's nearly done.  I’m sorry I’ve missed my date for proclaiming a finished and working wheel and then revealing all, and I know there will be some amongst you who will doubtless, see this as just another  broken promise.

I had my doubts about putting a firm date down for completion of my wheel, but my primary reason for doing so was to get a move on and finish the wheel, and I thought I’d have enough time to complete the task.  But there is so much going on in my private life that time for wheeling has been limited.

I am going away for three weeks so I won’t be doing any work on the wheel ‘til I return, but I have very little left to do and without making any more specific promises when, I expect to keep my commitment as soon as possible after my return.

Mine was a voluntary commitment which I took seriously and to miss the date by one day or one month makes me feel both sad and disappointed.  I obligated myself to reveal all whether the wheel worked or not and I stand by that commitment, and as soon as the wheel is finished, I will honour it.

I believe that explaining how I interpreted Bessler’s clues and deciphered his code, will help many of those who believe in Bessler to attempt to reconstruct his wheel, but without a working wheel, the rest of the world will simply ignore my revelations.  For that reason I prefer to try to finish a working wheel which will do far more to attract more attention, than a booklet by an unknown amateur.  This is the design I am convinced will work, but if it should fail I will publish everything as per my original commitment.

I apologise to all those who were expecting a revelation today, it will have to await my return.  I will post details both here and on the besslerwheel forum, as soon as I have something to publish.

Please share the following link and donate if you wish to aid

  my granddaughter's treatment for CRPS and FND

PS.  Comments so far seem to assume my wheel has failed to work, because I was unable to provide a video and photos, but I ran out of time to finish it and there is no doubt in my mind that when it is finished it will work.  I understand the scepticism and I intend to prove I'm right at the earliest opportunity.

Perhaps I am like a leopard and I cannot change my spots, but then I have never made a public committment before, only revealed my intentions and sometimes they can go astray.  I write what I believe to be the truth and I would never have gone public in such an assertive way if I didn't intend to carry out the details of that commitment.



  1. Unfortunately, nothing else was to be expected. Too bad.

  2. OK...Well...Have a good holiday then...

  3. lol! now you all see i 100% right. lepard can not ever change the spots. it is early morning of sixth june over in england now and what we see? nothing! not one picture not one vid only excuses just like i predict at end of last april. when he get back from vacation, sunny spain again?, he forget all about showing any thing and it be busines like always here. now maybe next june we finally see something. but don't count onit! all got excited for while but now time to cool off again. no new spots this year! lol!

    1. You are despicable. Why even come here and make negative comments? If you are not in support of the Bessler Wheel, go somewhere else and bother others.

    2. sorry to tell it like it is. turth sometime hurt. i like john but i dont think he know how wheel works. he only guess and hope to gegt it right some day. he guess for rest of life.

      i use fake name from now on if i make more anonymos coments here. i call myslef "mr. lepard spots" from now on. lol!

      mr. lepard spots

  4. LOL! I don't have to eat crow either.

  5. The Great Promised Day has finally arrived, and too soon is to go.

    Sadly and not unexpectedly, what was promised so positively/encouragingly WAS NOT TO MANIFEST!!!

    Such go directly to credibility or it's lack. This now-common pattern shows zero promise of ever changing. (How could it?)

    Dedicated followers moving on to the next, and the next, and the next LURE never-to-be, are only fools for so-dong. (Sorry!)

    Here, it is with no little sadness and regret that FINAL GLORY was not to be forthcoming, from this quarter of John's.

    Even though this, he will not be forgotten nor discarded being 'the father' of Bessler Wheel research. At least there will be that remaining, and that is quite a lot.


  6. Ah, dear John, what a disappointment. As expected however.
    PS You need to give up on your obsession with number 5

  7. Hello, I find it unfortunate that we denigrate John at this point. This is a search to help the human being and that's already a lot of things brought by people like John. Even if John is mistaken about the revelation date, even if he is wrong on the wheel diagram ... it does not matter. He will have brought a lot to all the researchers we are. The true researchers are often those who do not criticize others because who better than they understand the difficulty of the task.
    Let's stay positive and wish John good luck for the rest of his research. . .

    Robert . . .

    1. Thanks Robert. I appreciate your kind comments. The problem is clearly the missing video, photos and explanation, without these my words are empty husks.


    2. John, I think you are aware that this is exactly how scammers work. The never-ending promises cycle. There is always an excuse for the demonstration. I always remember Keely Motor Company scam.

      I am in no position to give you lectures about PM, but you know this subjects suffers A LOT due to the scammers.

      Hope you to have beautiful holiday with your family.

  8. Looks like that "leopard's spots" anon had JC pegged right all along! He's a great judge of people, apparently. By failing to produce even a single crude sketch of the wheel design he's convinced must be "the" one Bessler used as he vowed to do on this special day, JC has given his detractors and Bessler skeptics more ammunition to use against him and this subject. Now they will further dismiss him as just another free energy bs artist who can never deliver anything real. Why? Because they will conclude that there is actually nothing real to deliver. They will now be even further convinced that the whole Bessler saga is just another scam that never got uncovered and anyone pursuing it today is an idiot who is only wasting his time. JC has tried to smooth everything over by saying he will finally reveal all as soon as he can, after he's back from vacation, when he manages to find time, when he finally has a working wheel, etc., etc., etc., blah, blah, blah. That could and most likely means never! Consequently, I'm no longer looking to JC for any answers to the secrets of Bessler's wheels although I remain firmly convinced that Bessler was not a scammer and he did have a overbalanced type perpetual motion wheel that worked. I just no longer believe JC is even close to the solution or he would have produced something today even if it was only a crude sketch that would have captured everyone's imagination. However, we still all owe JC much thanks for his efforts over the years to keep the Bessler story alive so serious researchers can pursue it and, hopefully, someday solve the mystery.

  9. John, I am glad you are taking the time to finish your wheel. It is the result of all your hard work and you deserve the right to complete it. Enjoy the time away. zoelra

    1. Thanks guys for all your comments both supportive as well as critical. I have always resisted the temptation to delete comments which I find unacceptable or unpleasant because all feed back is useful. I understand the frustration felt by those who were hoping for some real information and I regret deciding not making it available, but I followed the path I had decided on.

      There are several who think I’m operating some kind of scam and I can understand that point of view to, although I cannot see what advantage I could gain from prolonging the inevitable conclusion such a scam would meet.

      I look forward to the day when I can prove that my claims are genuine.


    2. So the race is back on … I look forward to beating you to the finish line. zoelra

    3. "... I cannot see what advantage I could gain from prolonging the inevitable conclusion such a scam would meet."

      I can. Maybe the main purpose of this blog is to sell books to keep funding your yearly vacations! If so, then you really don't care if the solution is ever found, actually hope it isn't, and you'll keep pretending you have all the answers and are on the verge of revealing everything as long as you can! That keeps everyone talking about Bessler's wheels, how they might work, how you're "working" on "the" solution and about to "reveal all", visiting this blog, and, of course, buying the books you have for sale about Bessler so they can figure it all out and reveal it before you do. You have a nice little cash cow here and if it dies, that's the end of your vacation money!

  10. In the end, it's a mental problem that's behind this, I believe. That could be true for everyone in a similar situation. John, of course, has no commitments to provide anything regarding the BW story. But the way of communication naturally raises expectations. And that's what I really don't like and what makes myself disappointed too. Many people have already done it several times to announce things that they cannot even know if they will accomplish and to what extent. So for what reason this scenario repeats itself again and again?

    However, John, when it comes to your physical wheels, I already made a important suggestion how you should build your models in the future to save a lot of time and effort. But you still bother yourself with these MDF discs...
    So what to expect here?

    "I look forward to the day when I can prove that my claims are genuine." -> What else? Everybody will do that including myself.


    1. Remind me of your advice S. O. P. M, please.


    2. Dear John, I advised you to use a toy construction set entirely, in my case K'NEX. There're so many advantages to do so. I claim to be able to build your model within 1 day with ease! I've no family, a part time job, so these are optimal requirements to get things finished quickly. I'd love to help you but we both know what the typical problem for that is...

  11. Setting aside your ever-faithful supporters of blind loyalty (referenced above by myself as "fools"), this latest and hopefully last wing-ding proves destructive utterly of whatever credibility you had remaining, John.

    I've had numbers of Aquarius in-and-out my life (but now no-longer) and have found (tho helpful and cooperative always) these uniformly to be STUBBORN and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE to a fault and, that no one nor anything, not even painful experience, could ever work to dissuade them from their steady path downward to the bottom!

    In every one of those cases known to myself, only disaster and tragedy have been re-payment for such Aquarian mono-mindedness, i.e. of self- and will-worship and, blindness to the demonstrated follies of others gone-before.

    I've no inclination toward making imputations as to any ultimate ulterior motivations here, as the writing commenter of previous alluded-to.

    Perhaps it is mental disease that's the problem with too many P-M seekers - that these just cannot let-go after multiples of failures.

    Yes, these just compounding and becoming then The Fool's Play itself: doubling-down forever, on a BAD BET made from the outset! As to this surely, I could not say nor would I desire to attempt it.

    Years ago, over at the BWF, then-esteemed member Patrick wrote in the "Fraud" section a fine lecture on it. Not too long after tho, HE HIMSELF perpetrated his own little misleading wing-ding, doubled-down eventually losing all credibility on account and finally, disappeared into the mists of welcoming anonymity.

    Talk about guts and hubris!

    As I commented there at that time regarding the fun, if I had tried that same or anywhere near it, my enemies would have strung-me-up on a lamp post at high-noon, my being not quite so beloved as he, to put the matter very leastwise? (We might remember too, that Bessler himself was reputed to have had a very nasty way about him. Likely, as given Human Nature which has not since changed, it was quite necessary. I understand.)

    Review it here:

    (Too, it might be noticed there that 'yours truly' had the last word?)

    This tragic credibility loss of yours of today, John, will not be easily repaired, excepting for in the eyes of your loyal, slobbering and sucking-up coterie of hangers-on.

    (THIS year . . . IT is to appear . . . I promise! - Burma Shave.)

    C'est la vie!


  12. I think the best thing JC could do at this time is just post a sketch or photo of what he has whether it is completed or not, tested or not and let others make simulations and physical models of it to see how it performs. If it works, then it works and he's famous. If it does not work and no reasonable amount of modification makes it work, then it's time to discard it and move on to another approach. God only knows how many have wasted years chasing hopeless designs that could have been better spent on some other more promising approach.

  13. Like all of us John has succumbed to the Bessler madness. The brain can't cope with years of an unsolvable problem. Some get very sick from it. Some get deluded. The perpetual motion forms in our brain, this spinning thought wheel that never stops as it has nowhere to go.
    I can see what sadly has happened to John, like it has to most of us. I am angry but sad for him too. And can understand.

  14. Next - step up Glorious Steven, your time to shine has arrived. Redeem thyself and pull back the curtain for John.

    1. yes!! i ready to climb ladder ring bell and pul open the curtain. if steven glorious have answsers then he become our new leader! all hail new king of bessler info! old king now gone long life to new king! lol!

      mr. lepard spots

  15. What a bunch of whiny brats. Get over it. Shut up, find the solution for yourselves, or go away.

  16. Is the leopard's head the lighter weight ?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. it means click bait and bottles wings

  18. The wheel design JC does not want to show us is probably derived from this with some springs and cords added to it:

    1. Wow, its been a few years since I posted that! I guess you could say that my design was derived from that in that there are five mechanisms, but that is where the similarity stops.


  19. Hi John,

    According to my Amazon order history, I took the first glance at your book, An ancient mystery solved?, in 2002. Where's all that time gone? Since then, it's never been very far away from my night table and I doubt a full year passes without its pages being turned.

    And years later I started following your blog.
    I'm in no way as passionate and dedicated as you are, never built any model but I enjoy the intellectual exercise of throwing ideas on paper and try and "see" the thing moving.
    You've got me hooked, and even if it's seasonal and low-key, it's been there since 2002 :-)

    I admire and applaud your dedication to the Orffyrean cause and I thank you for sharing your passion and whatever amount of information (either historical or practical) you do. I don't think many of the morons who feel it's quite okay to leave resentful feedback would themselves commit to even a fraction of what you did. So let them just all go play in the microwave and keep enjoying what you're doing. You don't owe anyone anything (not in this circle anyway).

    I do hope you succeed, or anyone for that matter because our world really could use it. And if you don't, you're still left with a fascinating hobby.

    So never mind the vinegar flies. Keep thinking. Keep trying. Have fun. And if possible, keep writing!

    Best regards,
    Chris, Belgium


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...