Saturday, 8 June 2019

Some Clues.....Belatedly!

Following a fair criticism in comments, I have taken on board the suggestion that I should at least have given away some of the clues I used to discover Bessler’s design for his wheel. I have posted several clues over a number of years but for those who missed them, here are some of the ones previously identified plus some I didn’t mention.  These are not necessarily in order.

The first one I wrote about suggested that the note which was found along with the MT drawings did not only refer to the MT but also to any other drawings.  The most instructive drawings have proved to be  those found in DT.  They contain everything you need to know about how to reconstruct Bessler’s wheel - yes, everything.  The point about MT is that it was planned to be a teaching aid, and he added the comment about other drawings when he was arrested.  There was no intention to leave a series of clues in his original design of the drawings, but he added the Toys page to replace some that led to the ultimate design.  They are numbered, but not all by Bessler, so apart from the first 55, there are no comments adjacent to the drawings.

The second one pointed out the existence of the pentagram in not just one of the DT drawings but all of them.

The third one pointed to the existence of a clock within GB and one of the DT drawings.

The fourth one pointed out that the numbers in the above two drawings added up to 660 which when divided by the number of hours in the clock totalled 55.

The fifth one pointed out that the numbers in the two conjoined drawings used the numbers 1 to 10, which also adds up to 55.

The sixth one discussed the inclusion of the extra E for Ernst, added to Bessler’s forenames.  E, the fifth letter of the alphabet, with the atbash cipher applied produced R.  You can see in his logo at the top of this page that he uses two Rs in opposite directions to each other, to support the O of Orffyreus.  The O is sometimes shown as a circumpunct, which represents his wheel.  The reason for its inclusion is because the letter R mimics the path of his weights.  The two opposing Rs also supports my conclusion that the two way wheels were driven by mirror image mechanisms.

The seventh one discusses the addition of the letter J for Johann in his forenames.  When atbashed this produces W.  W is actually double V, which Bessler includes for its use as the Roman numeral for 5 giving 55 again.

The eighth one refers to the large number of NBs and  NBs in AP.  These are designed to point to the shape of the rope which appears in several drawings.  It indicates the path of the connecting rope between two mechanisms.  The italic NB is added to make you question why?  Because italic ones don’t have parallel uprights, just as the actual ropes doesn’t.

The ninth one is extra to the fifth one.  The two conjoined drawings add up to a total of 90, by adding and duplicating numbers in the right hand drawing.  The left side includes a pentagram; 90 divided by 5 gives 18, the base number of every angle possible in the pentagram. 18, 36, 54, 72, 90 and 108.

The tenth one does of course refer to the drawing in AP which I have demonstrated in the orffyreus codes pages, contains a pentagram and nothing more

These ten items barely scratch the surface of Bessler’s ingenuity in providing clues in front of our eyes.  I haven’t even had to look them up I am so familiar with them all. I can spout them all in quick fire delivery because they are so clear to me.  I could give you another ten tomorrow and another ten the day after. 

Why 55? 5 mechanisms, five for each direction,  

 And on another matter:

My granddaughter Amy is in a rehab clinic trying to recover from a series of diseases which suddenly afflicted her about eighteen months ago.  They are CRPS, FND and EDS.  Sorry for the alphabet abreviations but you can google them if you are curious.
Please share the following link and/or donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.



  1. 5 mechanisms for each direction, 11 directions in total then???

    1. Hello S.O.P.M.,
      John meant certainly only the bi-directional wheel.
      The number 55 is to be read only like 5(to the left)5(on the right).
      The similar is valid also for two V = W ... also puts always 5 in it.
      Me have as thought with the first reading, however, also as you;).

      - John good vacation - my help to Amy has not come yet? -

    2. Oh ok, thanks for explaining. Have a good day :)

    3. Sorry for confusion SOPM, written and posted at high speed!

      Thanks Marco

  2. what? you say one way wheel have five mechs with the weights moving round likeshape of letter r ? i think this dream guessing clue years old now. sad to say thse clues dont tell much for the cats here llooking for new spots of info on bessler wheel from the lepard. they as usless as ash tray on motor cycle! i think old lepard too much caught up with numbers like the 5 number. lot of before beslser artists have pentagram in painting but that no mean they build the perpetual motion wheel. all thse last minte befoe the lepard run off to spain clues just few drips of old wine in new bottle for us. the cats here want new wine in new botle and plenty of it!

    mr. lepard spots

    1. From your nonsense rambling it looks like you've already had enough wine to last a lifetime.

    2. I am not going to give everything away Mr lepard spots (your spelling, not mine) I have worked hard to get all the clues needed to reconstruct Bessler’s wheel, so why should I give you it all on a plate, without having to work for it.


    3. For me, the search for the "eternity-machine" has nothing to do with wanting to be rewarded for an achievement, although I naturally long for fame and respect as well. Rather, as a believing Asperger autist, I see myself in the role of possibly being chosen to make a special contribution to this world and this would be a matter close to my heart. If God wants me to rediscover the (s)ecret (o)f (p)erpetual (m)otion, He will make sure that what He wants for me happens. I firmly believe, anyway, that without complete generosity, this miracle cannot ever be made available to all. Many Free Energy inventors, I am convinced, failed in the past because they wanted to get rich for their invention or otherwise be rewarded.

      This is by no means an appeal to John to make all his knowledge available immediately and freely to all. Rather, I wanted to explain what the search for Bessler's secret means to me.

    4. Of course S.O.P.M and thanks for helping me understand your initials. In the beginning I wasn’t bothered if I didn’t get a substantial reward, but then my granddaughter became so ill. Now I would like receive enough to pay for her treatment for as long as she needs it. But in the beginning I only sought acknowledgement

      I will still share everything ASAP, but I still have to make some arrangements before I do that. And of course finish the wheel!


    5. Dear Mr. John Collins.
      I tried three times to reach you by E-Mail but only this is the answer:
      "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender".
      My question from above is also not answered.
      Sorry to be disturbing, but I hope the donation will be shown some day on the funding site.
      Have a nice day and all the best for all.
      Marco Z.

    6. Dear Marco, thank you so much for your generous donation. I did not receive any emails, but I did find the details in my PayPal account. Perhaps you sent it to the wrong email address. I am sending you an email from my correct address. Apologies for the confusion. Amy is delighted and so am I.


  3. i still 100% right! the old lepard not change any the spots and clue hungry cats here can only follwo him around in big circle that go no place praying he drip drip them few more clues. lol! i shold run off to spain with him and then we drink up all thc cheep spain wine we find. that help us get more dream guessings clues to drip drip to cats back here. also make lot books from new clues for sell here. then the cats buy them all up and the money pay for our drunks. perfect! this we do every year til we drop dead. by then new lepards come along to take our place. only thing pm for cats here is nevr ending supply of useles besler wheel clues! but grape grwoers in spain will love us. lol!

  4. "Anonymous 10 June 2019 at 14:11"

    Your attempt at representing a non-English speaking person is such a failure. You clearly don't know multiple languages as you would know what words are omitted and how sentences are phrased. Guys this is a total joke of a post and should be totally seen for what it is.

  5. John, it might be time to disable Anonymous posts. I just tested posting on my cell and logging in to use my account. If I can do it, anyone can, especially with a computer.

    1. I know zoelra, and this point has been raised a few times over the last few years. I have disabled anonymous comments twice, but there are several people who don’t like the bother of having to sign in etc, so in the end I decided to allow anonymous posting. I can always delete anything I don’t like, but again I only take that action if I think it need to be removed. But I appreciate the advice and I may have to reinstate it when my wheel works!

  6. Hi John .. I'm a little confused so perhaps you can set me straight. I understand you now have a need for a serious financial return on your "investment" over the years, over and above recognition you previously sought, because your family circumstances have changed. Where I am confused is that you appear still are set upon delivering a working wheel to the world shortly, and simultaneously releasing full plans and diagrams etc, and papers outlining your clue deciphering and connections to your ultimate design (the trail you followed)? How can publishing your design, videos etc, here and at achieve your new priority for a financial return ? Do you intend to have a pay for view channel on you tube for example, or market the information in books to be purchased ? And if so won't that take months to professionally orchestrate ? FWIW if that is the direction you are now heading in I will be happy to purchase from you or your publisher your Bessler Wheel Solution book etc immediately it is available.


    1. Hi Fletch. Ok this is my plan. Finish the wheel and get it working, (hopefully). Complete my account of the codes and my understanding of them (Bessler’s wheel revealed). I am already in touch with a literary agent who says he has clients among publishers in mind who will take the codes book, plus an updated bio about Bessler, plus potentially the other Bessler books. Given firstly, the extraordinary fact that a working PM has been achieved, and secondly it derived from a 300 hundred year plus old book, and thirdly from a bunch of obscure clues, it will be in his opinion, a best seller, and get a large up front payment. On his say so, publish the info about the wheel in the form of a video and photos at the same time as the book is launched. I give away the secret via videos. Win, win! But of course these things don’t always go to plan, and I’m open to any other suggestions. Professor Hal Puthoff said he would “globalise” the wheel and get interested parties to develop the wheel.

      I think the time allowed to achieve all this has been over optimistic, but apparently I can receive a significant upfront payment for the books etc. Also in the pipeline are documentaries and a film about Bessler, but I will probably be long gone before that happens, but I hope not!

      I hope this goes some way to answering your questions Fletch and as I said. Any suggestions are very welcome. You are familiar with some of my work and some developments since then have provided me with the impetus to finish it


    2. Thanks John .. I think that fills me in to the point where I understand what your plan is. You are attempting to make some financial gain and satisfy your promise to your PM audience all at the same time. I'd say that might be a hard boat to row. Your publisher, I would imagine, might have a dim view of competing free information circulating at the same time he was trying to sell the book(s)with the same information. It would undermine his revenue making opportunities, and so be bad for business. Unless the business model has a charity element that is.

      Whatever you intend to do it is predicated on having a working gravity PM wheel as I read it. What do you now intend to do if the wheel doesn't work as planned ? Your plan up till a few days ago was to release all you know regardless of whether it worked or not. Can you leverage a non working wheel into books so that you get enough financial reward to satisfy your needs ? And are those needs so pressing and present that you have to publish anyway ? I ask because some people, if a false PM wheel was the result, would go dark and keep looking for the correct solution without releasing any information of value. But it seems you may feel you do not have that choice given current circumstances, and perhaps have to roll the dice ?

      Best whatever happens.


    3. Thanks for your advice which is always welcome from you. I forgot to add my preferred option Fletch, my original plan A. Video a working wheel and put it on youtube, add a second video explaining how and why it works. Self publish my book detailing the codes and clues and how they fit. I might put the book on kindle.

      No large upfront payment, but maybe enough to fund more treatment for my granddaughter. If the wheel does not turn, the concept is right and the failure is down to poor craftsmanship by me. So the deciphered codes and clues are still valid.

      Perhaps we might discuss another sim by you if willing?


    4. You've come this far by yourself JC. See it thru. So the difference is between handing control to a publisher for a cash advance or maintain control of the process and forego the cash enticement.

      If your wheel works then both roads are open. If it doesn't then self publishing seems the only option open, to my way of thinking.

      For those interested, and for the record, I did a few partial simulations for JC 3 years ago on his then design ideas. Since then they have apparently evolved considerably from what was being explored by him back then. I've had no further involvement with John's intellectual property since.

      My answer John is that you do not need my sim skills atm. You are so close to finalising your build and that is the best simulation of all. Additionally I am heading shortly to Fiji for a few months, with limited internet etc, as I usually do. I am more than happy to buy your books when they are available and enjoy the revelations at the same time as everyone else, and the discussions. A bit of excitement to look forward to.


    5. Thanks again Fletch, you’re right as always. Plan A was always the only way to go. No sim necessary and I need to finish all this project with or without a working wheel. Enjoy your stay in Fiji. JC

    6. Doubling Down !

      I suggest you think of it like taking one more step in the giant steps you already have (and we have benefited from reading - thank you). If it works that'll be fantastic, obviously. Either way, whatever literature etc you produce in support (i.e. further books etc) will likely be seminal and enduring for all time. That is important for you because someone else in the next few months or years may come up with a working wheel too. Perhaps on a different principle than your deductions. Then the cross-examination to Bessler would begin with your literature as compulsory first reading.

      Best -f

  7. the old lepard dream much abot all the mony he make after he get wheel to spin. chance of it ever spin next to zero uless he luckest guy on earth. he wil only make downlod of new dream guesses clues for sale from his website to butt kiser cats here that still think he close to solve wheel. in yers to come he have even more downlaods for them but no wheel that spin. have credit cards ready cats to buy his donwloads! here is pic from spain. old lepard very busy geting more dream guesses clues for his downlod to come. you all see i be 100% right again! lol!

    mr. lepard spots

  8. very big news to all! one of old lepards butt kiser cats here use new dream guess clue from this blog to make his wheel finaly spin! we all can now know beslser whel secret!!! much thnks to old lepard from all for help.

    mr. lepard spots

    1. I must say, mr lepard spots, that you feature an authentically unique way of expressing yourself. Might you tell us a little something of yourself? I, for one at least, am curious.

      Thank you.


    2. no much to tell mr. james. i no read englis well so have toruble with read you fancy posts. only get little of them. i read blog here for yers buy all books collect all clues build many many hwels by hand til fingrs hurt. but no can make the sims. what i get out of it all? big nothing! no wheel turn even little. that same that all here will get big nothing. despite what butt kisers cats say old lepard blind like all here. you all find that outin end. next year five yers ten years from now be same as now. you see. nothing can chnge when you chase the whell. is no hope chase! like try to find the gold at end of rainbows.

      mr. lepard spots

  9. Well, thanks for sharing all that, mr. lepard spots.

    I do not mean to write my posts fancily, but rather so as to be complete as to thought and presentation. This does sometimes require the use of detail and some windedness, and so I guess they can appear that way to some that take time to read them. I get what you are saying. I myself believe that there is not inconsiderable sycophantcy and near hero worshiping even, going on here. Such is as inevitable as it is understandable I suppose, given the guru-like reality of here and, the fact that J.C. did start it all generally. (Credit must always be given immediately when and where found due.)


    1. i get some of you post mr. james. i tell you secret. i now at top of old lepards butt kickr enemy list. i think you now second below me on list! why? when sixth june big disappontment day come you kick old lepards butt not kiss like other loyal butt kisr cats do! that make old lepard very very mad like this

      to get back on butt kisr freind list again you have to do much butt kissing here. he have two lists in brain. one for butt kisr friends and one for butt kickr enemies. i think that fletchr guy now at top of butt kissr friend list. that because old lepard need fletcr to sim his no spin dream guess whel desgn to prove it work somway somehow. fletchr big shot on bw that all love so lepard need his blessng on his dream guess whel. without it old lepard got nothin but more usles dream guess clues for sale here. but if fletcr no give blessing old lepard keep it quiet like last times so not to mess up sales of his useless dream guesses clues here. lepard need sales to pay for spain vaction next year when he get more dream guesses clues to sell all here. you see i be 100% right! lol!

      mr. lepard spots

    2. mr. lepard spots = kerry waenga

    3. sorry to dispoint but i not kerry weanga. i got no wheel plan to sell you. i finaly wake up and end my chase for bessler whel forevr. i got no interest in plans clues books or bs. why? because i learn hard way this loopy vid is what wheel chase really like. poor butt kisr cats here still not learn this. maybe i help but probaby no. cats have to leanr hard way like i did. but some not learn before drop dead. very sad.

      mr. lepard spots

    4. "...i finaly wake up and end my chase for bessler whel forever..."

      See ya spots.

  10. Do not believe in codes at all. I think we should concentrate on scientific method more.

  11. more big news to all! other butt kisr cat here get jelous of cat above that make his whell spin by use a dream guess clue drip to all by old lepard this blog . ohter cat say he make his wheel spin with double forces! i finaly get secret loopy vid of new impoved whell to show all. keep his tops secret all! he want to patnet new briliant desing to make big mony!

    mr. lepard spots

    1. Do we have a new spot?

      Old spot said he ended chase for wheel. Usually that means u go away and don't come back.

    2. Lol! Thanks Mr. Lepard Spots. I've got two house cats that are getting fat. I think I'll get one of those for them! Great idea!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...