Thursday 7 May 2020

Is there a Guiding Hand?

Looking at the bigger picture one could almost conclude that a guiding hand might be taking a role in the human activities on this planet.  I’m not religious, not even slightly, but sometimes I think I can detect some kind of action which could be seen to be helping or guiding us when we err too much?  It’s not so much a caring guide, more a pragmatic one.

Let us begin with Johann Bessler, who made no secret of his strong faith.  I have always believed that he invented his machine about 300 years too early.  He produced his perpetual motion machine at the very beginning of the steam age and the competition was too great for him to flourish and he died an unhappy and disrespected man.  The age of the petrol engine followed the steam age and each ran in parallel with the development of the electric motor.  The steam engine was the biggest polluter of the planet since humans first emerged,  but it wasn’t so effective as the petrol engine, which developed from nothing to what we see today in about 130 years.  The steam engine took about 300 years to reach the same level of efficiency.  Yet despite the much quicker development time the petrol engine has caused more pollution than the steam engine did and over a much shorter time.

But without these engines and their subsequent development we would not have been able to take  full advantage of the power of electricity and all the extraordinary things we can use it for. So we could assume that without the steam and petrol engines, we could not have reached this point in the evolution of electricity generation.  Therefore I conclude that Bessler’s wheel was born too early, but given the strength of scepticism which surrounds any discussion about Bessler’s wheel these days and his claims for it, perhaps a device like his simply could not be invented today.  So he had to do it then and leave us the strong evidence that he succeeded in building something which is  still thoroughly rejected by the mainstream.  But which I’m certain will be replicated this year, because he left sufficient clues for a reconstruction of his wheel.

But I had already perceived the faint glimmering of a ghostly guiding hand after I became fully aware of the pollution spreading across the face of planet earth, causing global warming. There have been increasing calls for a reduction in greenhouse gases and they become ever more strident.  As the  level of pollution rises amid the increasing concerns about the oil industry, demands for investment in new ways of generating electricity become ever louder, but the results so far have been dismal, ineffective, costly and still result ultimately in more pollution.

It is self-evident that the ocean levels are rising due to the global warming.  Ice sheets and glaciers are melting. The demands for action has become desperate.  Reduction in the output of pollution-creating industries is planned but it is still too slow and still not treated as urgent.  Worldwide public demonstrations against the burning of all forms of fossil fuel are taking place.

But what can be done to mitigate the effects of pollution?  Some people are calling for the cessation of  all aircraft flights! Others demand that we stop driving our cars! Ban the burning of fossil fuels!

To achieve all that inter shortest possible time, there is only one thing that could solve the problem.....inflict a global pandemic on the entire human race. Isolate every member of every nation.  Lockdown everything!  Would this have the desired effect of reducing pollution at a stroke, bring global warming to a gradual to stop?   Certainly that would work, but for how long? Unbelievable and unpleasant as it undoubtedly is, to see it from this view point, you only have to look at the photographs of polluted cities before and after the lockdown to see the impressive reduction in pollution and the improvement in the air quality.  This won’t make the problem of pollution go away, but it is to be hoped that the onslaught of deaths due to the pandemic and the effect on the survivors, will galvanise those who have the power to do something, will take the necessary action required to maintain the advantages demonstrated by them.

Finally, finding the solution to  Bessler’s wheel and developing it into a machine that can  provide enough electricity to run any kind of home with clean free energy will go a long way towards resolving the continuation of the global warming crisis.

It almost seems as though every development, everything that has happened, has been leading to this point, are we being guided to adopt a new life style which can allow humans to continue to live and flourish on this planet - instead of drowning the estimated number of 250,000,000 people, who live on land expected to be submerged by rising sea levels, and which puts the predicted worst case current death rates due to Covid-19 at 250,000 to 300,000 deaths into perspective.  Fewer deaths to save humanity?

Is it coincidence or has someone or something intervened to steer us in the right direction?  Are they  addressing a problem in a purely pragmatic way, considering that the end justifies the means?  My problem is that as an agnostic I believe that it is impossible to know of such a being, but some people might, however, suspect it’s presence by its actions.  Thinking along such lines would require the dismissal of coincidence, which might seems an unlikely option considering how powerfully accurate the timing has had to be, to deal with the consequences of pollution.  Or is this just a natural process which offers solutions and potential opportunities for humanity to grab hold of and use to its advantage?  I think the latter is more likely, but there are some who can see the hand of God.



  1. One thing is certain;God is in control,he is a gentleman so for the sake of our freedom he will not interfere if we go our own way resulting in chaos.Commit all our ways to God and he will direct our paths.

  2. Setting aside whether God is a human construct, if he actually exists then he is not of the human species. He therefore is an extraterrestrial Alien, or Aliens, which ever way you dice it. Whether he has interventionist tendencies and cares enough to do so is another discussion. We are the bacteria on the surface of a mud ball of resources. Left to our own devices and unchecked we multiply and exploit those resources all the while shitting in our own back yard. The mud ball eventually takes action to right the imbalance. We're just not that bright to recognize our lowly place in the scheme of things, manically hell bent on conspicuous consumption at all cost, disguised as wants and needs. Let's hope the next wave of bacteria that survives to spread out again is mutated to be brighter than the last iteration.

  3. Maybe that hand pushed Bessler from the top of the windmill for you to find the solution at this moment you say?... So, you are responsible for the death of a man and the state of the world today?

    John, it is like you are feeling the famous euphoria of finding the solution and trying to give a meaning all of this.

    Well, put your feet on the ground dear John. First, see the wheel turning.

    1. This sounds too harsh I know. I am not against the idea of God.
      But, it doesn't change the fact that the problem at hand is an engineering problem which requires hard work. Best tool we have is logic and reason.

    2. Bessler died because the cheap SOB he was working for didn't pay him enough to eat properly. That made him weak and he probably passed out and fell off the windmill. He was the victim of some thaler pincher who was probably spending the money he was supposed to pay Bessler on himself. If Bessler had actually managed to complete the windmill he fell from, who knows when or even if he would have been fully paid for his work.

    3. It can be stated in an another way... It is ones karma... Instead of a guiding hand... Whatever deed or action one performs during his lifetime comes back to him as karma... Sometimes in the same life or the next... Good ones begets good and vice versa... Due to some karmic effect bessler couldn't enjoy the fruits of his labour in his lifetime... His soul must have taken rebirth and could be living right here amongst us... And maybe, he could reap his fruits now... Maybe this year or the next...
      Action and reaction are equal and opposite...
      The law of karma is too complicated but definite... Bessler's efforts will not go in vain...
      One way to ascertain if one is bessler remake would be to verify if an intense fear of heights exists in this life... Because, bessler died from a fall from above...
      Also, he was a medicine man... This trait
      could repeat in next life... Bessler desired for big money... Bessler was paranoid... He was very emotional... Religious...
      If above nature matches one can easily assume certainty of bessler rebirth...

    4. "One way to ascertain if one is bessler remake would be to verify if an intense fear of heights exists in this life... Because, bessler died from a fall from above..."

      I guess that means JC is not a B remake because he seems to have no problem hopping on a jet to fly off to Spain.

    5. You are absolutely right... In any case it can't be JC sir... That's why he hasn't come up with a solution yet... Also, bessler died of hunger and poverty... So, the bessler remake would be very fond of food and he would never waste a morsel...

    6. Who amongst us is Bessler, Wagner, Borlach, and Gartner. Fess up!

    7. I could be John Rowley without the skills, means, or ideas.

  4. Then it would be a reasonable line of thought to address Bessler and his deep faith. Is the solution of the wheel given to a man of faith who would profess that he was guided by the very same hand that brought all that is...... into being. Bessler did expound on his enlightenment with great enthusiasm and a belief that he was guided. If that is so, then is it possible the secret can only be revealed to a person who will do the same....? seems logical but only the Truth can set us all free

  5. I don't think there's a god "up there" that is somehow punishing humanity for its sins. It's really humanity that is punishing humanity! Humanity has become like a wildfire that is constantly growing in size and consuming more and more resources so it can live as comfortably as possible with as little effort as possible while a capitalist elite encourage it all because they make huge profits off of it. The result is an atmosphere poisoned with carbon that is causing Climate Change, cities that are growing ever more crowded and can give rise to mutated viruses, and new generations of people who are growing up with no values other than a desire for self-enrichment, status, and hedonistic pleasure.

    As far as Bessler's wheels are concerned, I think they came along about 300 too late. If someone had discovered them in 1412 then by 1712 they would have been so advanced that they never would have developed steam engines and later gasoline engines. We might not have Climate Change to deal with now. The present world could have been much different, imo. Today, if his wheels are duplicated, they will probably be considered as interesting toys while everyone will be looking to solar, wind, and nuclear for real power. Still it will be nice to finally know how they worked.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. The problem at present with wind and solar power, is the need for storage. For an individual installation to be effective, the energy needs to be stored with enough surplus to cover the periods of low or no production. The battery technology of today is what makes wind and solar difficult. How much energy would a Bessler wheel need to create, 24 hrs a day, to make solar viable?

  6. Doubt and Belief are the two opposite ends of a spectrum. It is just as illogical to always Doubt as it is to always Believe. Fortunately the Scientific Process requires neither.

    Empiricism : the use of Empirical Evidence - repeatability.
    Rationalism : the practice of Logical Reasoning.
    Skepticism : possessing a Skeptical Attitude.

    Were, and are, all great inventors and philosophers through the ages, who made huge contributions to the human condition, ardent believers in devine intervention by the hand of God? Bessler was one but on the whole I think it was/is not a formality to finding truth and success.

  7. Diego Maradona, although a world class football player and not an inventor certainly was touched by the hand of God in the quarter-final match between Argentina and England during the 1986 World Cup. Who knew God liked football enough to cheat.

  8. The year 2020 is a numerologically significant year. Add the repeating digits and you get 20 + 20 = 40. The number 40 is a very important one in the Bible and is always used to describe a period of time during which people will have many trials and tribulations. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights before the Flood subsided and Noah and his family could finally leave the Ark and reestablish the human race. The ancient Israelites had to wander for 40 years in the desert before their children, untainted by the corrupt traits their parents acquired in Egypt, were finally allowed to enter and possess the land of Canaan. Jesus had to wander in the Judean desert for 40 days after his baptism by John the Baptist during which he had to fast and resist multiple temptations by Satan before he proved himself worthy to begin his ministry. How important is the number 40 in the Bible? It is mentioned 157 times (btw, add the digits and you get 1 + 5 + 7 = 13 which is another very important number in the Bible).

    I see the next 40 years as being a period of great trouble for humanity. This current corona virus pandemic is really just the beginning of it. There will be more and worse viruses to come and climate change will get worse for decades before it begins to get better. Many are going to die and the human population will gradually be reduced to only a small fraction of what it is now. From all of this calamity a new world will emerge with people having a new set of priorities. The focus will be on preserving our planet and equally distributing its wealth so that no one will live in poverty. Capitalism and the money hungry capitalists who keep it going will be a thing of the past. Wars will become obsolete. The people of the year 2060 will find the way we are living now to be unthinkable. They will make sure that they and their children do not repeat our mistakes.

    Sayer of Sooths

  9. Cue the theme music for Star Trek The Next Generation.

  10. Doubt means death but belief means life; God says I set before you death and life...choose life!

    1. Then why did God require Jesus to die on the cross?

    2. Simply because it must be fair justice;By one mans sin (Adam) the whole world was condemed therefore by one man (Jesus) the whole world can be redeemed...but only if you believe this.

    3. Adam's sin didn't count. He was lied to by Eve just like I was by my ex!

    4. The moral of adam and eve is that it is not very wise to be gullible.

    5. Anon 20:28 wrote: "Adam's sin didn't count. He was lied to by Eve..."

      Eve did not lie to Adam. She told him the lie told to her by Satan and she did not realize it was a lie at the time. She is referred to as a "woman" in Genesis, but that only means "from man" and describes her creation from Adam's rib. She like Adam is a fully grown adult after her creation. She really wasn't a woman as we know her today at that time. She was simply Adam's companion and helper in the Garden of Eden. Her name "Eve" in Hebrew means "living" and only describes her as a living human being. She had no sexual desire for Adam or the necessary organs to produce and nourish babies. She, like Adam, was genderless and sexless. She really only becomes a woman as we know one today after she and Adam are cursed by God and expelled from the garden. Then she becomes capable of sex and bearing children by Adam.

  11. Why can't this work?

    1. Although your design has the CoG of its weights on one side of a vertical line through the pulley pivots, it won't run. The reason is complicated, but it's the same reason that a Roberval balance (invented in 1669) stays balanced even if the two identical weights are placed all the way to one side of the balance's two pans so that their CoG is then located on one side of a vertical line through the two pivots at the centers of the top and bottom beams of the balance's frame.

      What you show is actually just a variation of MT 50 and part of the note for that figure reads:

      "For the mobilists who believe in this model, I note: side E is heavier and one would suppose that it would inevitably cause operation, but the thing remains in status quo."

      He probably tried building it and realized it was a nonrunner. That's the reason he left its figure in MT after he removed and destroyed the figures of the design he had that actually worked.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. maybe he was delusional from smoking too much weed? happened to a friend of mine. thought he was a bird and jumped out a window. he's cut back on the weed since then.

  13. From the final draft of the B.O.R.G. Constitution that can be found at:

    "Should any member of the Group be successful in finding the true origins and nature of Bessler's Wheel, as history describes it, by building and/or demonstrating the first working model, the information will become the sole property of the Bessler Orffyreus Research Group..."

    That line alone would repel about 99% of any who might have been considering joining the "Group". Hopefully, this is no longer in force because if it is and one of the former members who originally agreed to this does find Bessler's secret, he may no longer wish it to become the "sole property" of anyone but himself!

    1. Yes the group disbanded and are no longer a legal entity but you make a good point. I didn’t write the document but I do remember that nobody in the group wanted to add any new members and said so in the emails, and the idea was discarded. I’m not sure if the document was actually signed it was more a guide to the way we could deal with any potential questions which might arise.


  14. The need for energy storage that can be stored and used as required has been moved forward a great deal. One of the most innovations systems is using water as a medium and filling it with industrial scrap materials and teaming up with a few industry leaders and using an advanced technology that can be charged and discharged millions of times with no degradation. Now in service in a number of places including the US Military it is capable of changing how we store and use energy. The company is called VIONX. The president was previously the boss at battery 123 with came us with batteries that made a leap in hand power tools. This technology has NO difficult chemical left overs. Take a look. With a Bessler type wheel, even producing just a small amount of electricity... we could live our lives on our own terms, which is what I would like to see for my grandchildren

    1. Their vanadium redox battery backup electrical power storage system looks good. I think their engineers got the idea for the stackable modular design by playing with Lego blocks as kids!

  15. Thanks for the summary Gravittea .. long term dependable, flexible, and cheap energy storage batteries would be a huge boost for a Bessler Wheel Free Energy Technology. Which could replace temporary environmental sources like Wind and Solar Energy. I read up on Vionx regarding how their technology differed from other Redox Flow Batteries especially looking for what you had said (in the quotation marks after) but couldn't find any reference. Can you give a reference to "One of the most innovations systems is using WATER as a MEDIUM and filling it with industrial SCRAP MATERIALS and teaming up with a few industry leaders and using an advanced technology that can be charged and discharged millions of times with no degradation."

    Cheers -fletcher

    1. I was curious about the above quote from Gravitttea, but although I found several links to research in that area I couldn’t find the actual words used. It looks very interesting and I’ll continue to find more info. Thanks for your comment Gravittea.


  16. The website lists the basis of how the system works, it is essentialy an interesting way to make a capacitor. They talk about the details on their technology on the website.... the industrial scrap they use is basically Vanadium particles that they suspend in primarily water. I was privileged to see a presentation by their President when he came through Dallas and I was blown away. The technology was developed by a large group of large companies and one person figured out that if you add this technology to this technology that would let us do this, and then another technology would let us charge the solution with electricity. Take a look.... there are some real heavy hitters that are involved like United Technologies and is used by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center at Ft Devins MA. They have over 18 years of use with this technology. They have decades of experience in their leadership and have made good use of the wisdom that can only come with experience and the path well trodden. Really great stuff. I think that they would be a great team member for the distribution of the wheel and its great technology as well.

    1. Thanks a Gravittea, found it! Fascinating. JC

    2. I found this description of their "vanadium redox flow battery":

      "The main advantages of the vanadium redox battery are that it can offer almost unlimited energy capacity simply by using larger electrolyte storage tanks; it can be left completely discharged for long periods with no ill effects; if the electrolytes are accidentally mixed, the battery suffers no permanent damage; a single state of charge between the two electrolytes avoids the capacity degradation due to a single cell in non-flow batteries; the electrolyte is aqueous and inherently safe and non-flammable....The main advantages of the vanadium redox battery are that it can offer almost unlimited energy capacity simply by using larger electrolyte storage tanks; it can be left completely discharged for long periods with no ill effects; if the electrolytes are accidentally mixed, the battery suffers no permanent damage..."

      Here's a simplified diagram of the battery:

      Looks like a cheap way to store large amounts of electrical energy. Let's hope it comes into wide use someday.

    3. The only potential problem I see with this system is that it requires two mechanical pumps to keep the electrolyte solutions flowing through the current collectors when the battery is being either charged or discharged. If something goes wrong with either of the pumps, then there's no power. But they could always have a secondary backup pump in a bypass loop that could be used if a main pump failed.

  17. For wind- and solar energy, which is not always present, batteries are very convenient. For gravity I see no added value. Just make your wheel(s) big enough so they can supply the need. When not needed put some on hold, if you want to save gravity. :)

    1. Saving gravity is a good idea. We mustn't take it all for ourselves.
      A wheel that can supply high punctual demands would need to be way more powerfull than a wheel that supplies the daily need over 24 hrs, with batteries to supply the peaks in demand.
      If the wheel takes too much gravity we'll all fall of the planet.

    2. Hmm, hard to respond to the above. 😂


    3. Maybe just burst into laughter like i did?

    4. No wonder JC's wheel won't work! Some other inventor in his neighborhood that JC does not know about must have used up too much of the gravity there testing his own pm wheel and that has caused a deficiency in the spot where JC's wheel is located! He needs to move that wheel of his to another location as soon as possible or it may never work.

    5. Wow, do you think that’s possible? JC

    6. Maybe if you make two non runners and put one of them just above one side of the other, then all that gravity used up by the one on top will reduce the available gravity for one side of the other and the second non runner will work. If it is not the case, we can be sure that nobody will be falling of the planet when we start building thousands of Bessler wheels.

    7. Ingenious! I wish I’d thought of that! JC

  18. If you google vionx redox pump illustrations it shows the tanks and the pumps. Still looking for the handout I received at their presentation

    1. You might want to mention that Vionx is only one of many small companies pushing this battery technology:

  19. Here's an interesting article about one of the most fanatical pm machine builders of the 19th century who nobody's ever heard of:

    1. Great link, anon 09:35. Spear was one really crazy dude. I'm surprised we haven't seen any similar kooks showing up here and claiming to be in psychic contact with Bessler in the afterlife and then channeling his instructions to us as to how to build his wheels.

    2. @Anon 18:49:
      We have many getting "messages" from Bessler nowadays about how his wheels worked, but they are in the form of "clues" that usually only they "see" in Bessler's books. These are only delusions and usually harmless. But if anyone starts thinking that he can actually hear Bessler talking to him then it's time to set up an appointment with a psychiatrist.

      There is a form of dementia called "Lewy Body Dementia" that starts to affect people in their 50's. It affects the front part of the brain and one of the first symptoms, unlike Alzheimer's Disease, is complex hallucinations. The person can start to hear voices or even see strange animals and people that no one else hears or sees. A former long time Bessler pm wheel chaser might actually think he's being visited by the ghost of Bessler who wants to help him build his wheel. He may even believe that he is the reincarnation of Bessler!

      Many times those experiencing such hallucinations will hide them from others because they don't want to be thought crazy. That secrecy can then cause a delay in the treatment of the symptoms which will only get worse and more difficult to treat over time. Like Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body Dementia is a fatal disease about 5 to 7 years after diagnosis which is even faster than Alzheimer's Disease. The best that can be done is to try to control the symptoms with meds and hope for a future medical breakthrough in treatment.

    3. Thanks for that cheerful news anon.23.32. Well so far I haven’t seen or heard any sign of Bessler although I suspect he’ll show up at some point if only because he’s getting fed up with having his clues ignored. 😆 JC


    4. Here's some more "cheerful" news. I read that according to life insurance companies the average person has a 50% chance of dropping dead between the ages of 70 and 80. Then I saw a tv show on Alzheimer's Disease that said that if someone makes it to age 80 then there's a 50% chance he will be diagnosed with the disease based on his worsening mental abilities at the time. That means the average person only has a 25% chance of making it to age 80 and not being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. He therefore has a 75% chance of either being dead or being alive and disabled by Alzheimer's by age 80. I think the last thing someone struggling with Alzheimer's will be doing is chasing after pm. Something for the time wasters out there to keep in mind.

    5. That is interesting Anon 23:32. I was speaking with Elvis the other day about something like that. I was trying to convince him he really wasn't speaking with the ghost of Bismark. I guess you never know.

  20. Bessler appearing and talking to us is above his pay grade. Only God holds that distinction. Just ask a couple of members here.

    1. I regularly communicate with Johann E. E. Bessler. No, he does not appear to me as some sort of ghost. I'm not suffering from that dementia stuff that anon 23:32 talks about. I just go into a deep state of relaxation, helped by about half a quart of Portuguese port wine, and then I can make contact with him. I mentally spoke with him only a few hours ago and he told me that he put all of the secrets of his wheels into the toys page but they are very carefully hidden. He also said those with discerning minds should be concentrating on the principles used in the MT 9, 10, 11, 13, and 18 wheels.

    2. Port wine? Lol! If you swill enough of the stuff I use you may actually see Bessler visiting you for a chat. If you down too much of it you will be the one visiting him for a chat and it could be a permanent visit!

  21. I notice that anon 06:15 used Bessler's full name of "Johann E. E. Bessler" which is unusual in these comments. Most know that his original name was just Elias Bessler and later in life he added the two extra Johann and Ernst names in front of it. Many wonder why he did that. To a numerologist the answer is obvious.

    In my May 8th comment above I mentioned how important the number 40 is in the Bible and how frequently it appears. Now look at Bessler's initials of JEEB. The alphanumeric value of the four letters are 10, 5, 5, and 2. Add the values of the two E's together to get 5 + 5 = 10. Add that sum to the value of J to get 10 + 10 = 20. Then finally multiply this by the value of B which is 2 and you get 20 x 2 = 40!

    Bessler purposely chose those two extra names so the alphanumeric values of their first letters could be used with the values of the first letters of his baptismal name to get the number 40 out of them. This was his way of showing how important religion was to him and to honor the periods of suffering done by various Biblical figures like Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc. He publicly demonstrated his first wheel in Gera in 1712 when he was 32 years old. Perhaps he thought it would take him another 8 years to find a buyer and use the money to set up his "Fortress of Wisdom" which means he would have been 40 years old when that happened.

    You can also get other numerologically important numbers by manipulating the alphanumeric values of JEEB. For example, take each of the E's as being only 0.5 instead of 5 and then add up all of the values. You get 10 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 2 = 13. This is a very important number in numerology and considered to actually be lucky. Bessler would have hoped his new name could bring him luck. It is also a number associated with God and another way Bessler praised God for giving him the strength to find a working pm wheel design.

    Using subtractions with these values gives another very important number. (10 - 0.5 - 0.5) - 2 = 9 - 2 = 7! 7 as I've discussed much in previous blogs is also considered a very lucky number in numerology and it appears many times in Bessler's drawings and particularly the two DT portraits. It is also a number associated with God and represents what the Old Testament calls "7th Heaven" which is the highest part of Heaven where God resides. Another way Bessler praised God and acknowledged that his discovery of a pm wheel that worked was a gift to him from God.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. I am asking this just out of curiosity. What does numerology say about this Coronavirus?

    2. Hard to say for sure, yellow. Corona virus or COVID-19 first appeared in late 2019. If you add 20 and 19, you get 39. 39 can be written as 39 = 3 x 13. These are two important numbers in both numerology and religion. Bessler would have considered the current pandemic as a curse on humanity for having turned away from the Bible and studying God's word. It could be that the crowded and unsanitary conditions in the wet markets of Wuhan, China, a result of the greed of the sellers there, is what caused the mutation of the virus that now plagues us. Bessler was disgusted by the greed of the rich of his day, but tended to overlook his own greed in the asking price for his invention. I think he justified it because he hoped the money he would get would fund something that would serve a greater moral good.

      Sayer of Sooths

    3. Thank you for the analysis SOS.

  22. Imagine recharging your laptop's or electric car's batteries in 1/20th the time lithium ion batteries need! Imagine the cost of these new batteries being only a fraction of lithium ion batteries holding the same energy. It's possible with this revolutionary battery. But, something must have gone wrong because up to yesterday I'd never heard of "dual carbon batteries" invented back in 2014 by the Japanese. Sounds like another revolutionary invention that Big Oil decided would start to make all electric cars a little too affordable and convenient to own and operate unless they got rid of them. They want to make sure that the only cheap car the working stiffs out there will have are the good old fossil fuel burning ones that they sell all of the fuel for.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...