Friday 29 May 2020

Bessler’s Use of the Orffyreus Codes.

I will begin to post Bessler’s clues and my interpretation of them, in my weekly blogs.  As each new blog appears, I will copy and post my previous one in the ‘pages’ which can be accessed at the top of the panel on the right side of the blog. This will provide easy access to each blog-page and none of the ‘pages‘ will have comments, although the blogs themselves will still allow comments, which will save time for anyone who wishes to read the earlier blogs. I’ll add a copyright notice to each of the ones in ‘pages’.

What follows is my take on why Johann Bessler decided to embed numerous clues in his publications, even though no one was supposed to decipher them before the inventor had received payment for his device

When Bessler set out to discover how to design and build a Perpetual Motion (PM) machine, he had read that such a device would be ‘worth a ton of gold’.  But during the long years of research he  also spent time in considering how to actually obtain a large amount of money for the secret of his machine, should he be successful - sound familiar?

His first and over-riding concern was to keep the secret of his wheel’s construction secure, until he had won his ‘ton of gold’.  Once he had constructed his working wheel he approached a number of wealthy persons of high repute, but he would not share his secret for fear of being cheated, which fact prevented him from obtaining documented verification of his claim. Eventually, as we know, he submitted to the demands of Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse and permitted him access to the interior of the wheel, upon the swearing of an oath. Karl verified the machine and Bessler’s claim.

I believe that for many months both before and after his first successful wheel, Bessler planned a publication extolling the virtues of his machine and later a more impressive account of his journey to success.  This was designed to provide a printed back up of his machine’s design which he could call upon as evidence of the priority of his claim, should the need arise, but he embedded the information within a number of clues.

I think he had already decided on placing coded information about the wheel in his books, long before he decided to allow Karl to see how his wheel worked. This would explain why he put so much time and effort into developing and inserting his coded information, even though he had had his claim validated by the highest authority - before Karl verified his claim, his only guarantee that he could prove his priority lay within the coded information.  He seems to have considered the possibility that he might never sell his machine and thus die without ever receiving acknowledgement for his achievement, so it had an additional purpose although not one he would have expected to happen.

He had become familiar with codes during his time in Prague, and had learned much about several different ciphers.  If he needed to pique someone’s interest about the codes in case of illness, death, imprisonment or some other incapacitating event,  he devised a straightforward clue to initiate the curiosity of a knowledgeable person with the right credentials who would wish to dig deeper, and so he adopted the pseudonym, Orffyreus.

This he created from his name, Bessler, using a well-known mono-alphabetic substitution cipher called atbash,  originally used to encrypt the Hebrew alphabet.  The Caesar shift cipher was similar as is the modern algorithm known as ROT13.  The pseudonym was further refined by the addition of two extra forenames, Johann Ernst, in addition to his given name, Elias.  To the curious eye with some knowledge of the atbash cipher, the three initial letters of his forenames, J.E.E., might spark the idea that here was another cipher but this time it was an alphanumeric one.

Initially one can see that E is the fifth letter and J the tenth. I’m aware of the argument that in Bessler’s day the German alphabet consisted of 24 letters rather than 26, but in our case it doesn't affect the findings of the atbash cipher. JEE becomes WRR, using atbash, which does not seem useful, however we know of another cipher in which letters can represent Roman numerals. The letter W if seen as two ‘V’s, can also represent 5 and 5.  But R is either the seventeenth or eighteenth letter of the alphabet, which doesn’t matter because Bessler decided that the atbash equivalent of E was R, which makes R the 18th letter, so he used the 26 letter alphabet.  The reason for this, as we shall discover is that all these numbers are key angles within the pentagram, and 18 is the base number, but more of that later.  The letter ‘R’ also has another role to play, hence it’s inclusion in the Bessler’s logo as seen above.

So Bessler showed his knowledge of several ciphers and implied that he would be using each of them, plus some others which have not yet been deciphered, in his publications.

Bessler created numerous chronograms which were popular at the time.  One chose certain meaningful quotations from the bible, which contained suitable letters within the text that could be read as Roman numerals.  These when added together gave a relevant date. They were often written above the entrance to a building, to provide an establishment date. This technique was also used by the inventor.


The presence of ciphers was meant to inspire someone to search and find and then decipher each clue. But they could not be made too simple in case someone deciphered them too soon, before the inventor got his money. I have no documentary evidence of this but it was said that Bessler requested and was granted permission for a family vault to be built in his garden at Bad Karlshafen. It seems reasonable to assume that this vault might provide pointers to the hidden information and offer some additional help in deciphering them, to aid those who came after his death, looking for clues about his machine. Unfortunately his vault has never been found. But fear not for I have identified enough clues and deciphered enough of them to reconstruct Bessler’s wheel!

I have posted pointers over the years to the places I looked and found and deciphered clues, and I’ll discuss the specific clues which led me to the solution, with illustrations in the future blogs and this will hopefully spur me on finish my construction, which I have to do in order to prove two things; firstly that this wheel is of the same design as a Bessler’s and secondly the clues I’ve found and my interpretation of them is correct.  As I’ve said before, if the wheel fails, I will continue to post my clues because I believe they are correct.

On that point, I have often said that the mechanism is complex and difficult to build, but on the other hand Karl said it was so simple a carpenter's apprentice could build one if he was given time to study it.  It is difficult to build, at least for me.  If you can see a finished product with all parts in their correct place and all the measurements accessible to you, then yes it could be accomplished more easily.  But working from a huge variety of clues which take time to interpret and then you have to build with a certain amount of trial and error, it is not easy.  The concept is easy to understand and perhaps this was the initial action that Bessler found which encouraged him to keep going.  But getting that action without other actions cancelling out any advantage is a little more difficult.  So even when you think you know the secret you’re only half way there.

Please note that there are no suggestions of links with Rosicrucians, FreeMasons, Numerology, Hermeticism,  Kabbalah, or any other cults, religious factions or other weirdness, they are not required to solve the clues.

‘til next time then.



  1. Most interesting blog but I fear it may "go over the heads" of most who read it and they will be quickly changing the subject and going off in all directions. To be sure Bessler was heavily into numerology and using the alphanumeric values of the letters in a 26 letter alphabet was a critical part of it all.

    I like the way you turned his first three initials, JEE, into WRR using that "ROT13" method. We can then treat W like the sum of two Roman numeral V's placed together which is 5 + 5 = 10 and we then add together the normal alphanumeric values of the two R's to get 18 + 18 = 36. Multiplying these two sums gives 10 x 36 = 360 which just happens to be the number of degrees in a circle! So it looks to me like we can interpret the WRR to represent one of Bessler's circular wheels. But, then there's that last letter B to consider which has an alphanumeric value of 2. Maybe this was Bessler's way of telling us one of his two way wheels actually contained TWO one way wheels? This seems most likely because of the sudden doubling in drum thickness as he switched from making one way to two way wheels.

    I can also see why you are such a big fan of the five mechanism wheel despite the "about eight" thumps heard per drum rotation. You take the sum of R + R or 18 + 18 = 36 and then multiply it by the alphanumeric value of that last letter B or 2 to get 36 x 2 = 72 and interpret that as one of the interior angles of a pentagon or 72 degrees. With the letter J then converted by the ROT13 method into the letter W and considered to be the sum of two Roman numeral V's, you then conclude that one of Bessler's two way wheels had to consist of two one way wheels each containing five mechanisms with one every 72 degrees around its circumference. It certainly seems like a logical conclusion to make.

    But there is another way to interpret all of this.

    In an eight lever wheel we would see one mechanism every 45 degrees around the wheel's circumference. If we just use the letters in JEEB we can get 45 out of them. Write the analysis using their normal alphanumeric values of 10, 5, 5, and 2 as J + ( E x [E + B] ) = 10 + ( 5 x [5 + 2] ) = 10 + ( 5 x 7 ) = 10 + 35 = 45. This is then interpreted as a mechanism every 45 degrees around a wheel's circumference. This analysis is a bit more complicated but does not require that the ROT13 method be used.

    I see this as additional evidence that in our year of 2020, as predicted by Bessler's logo symbol, we will see a competition between two competing versions of Bessler's wheels. One will use five mechanisms with one every 72 degrees around the drum and the other using eight mechanisms with one every 45 degrees around the drum. Only one will finally prevail and be accepted as the version Bessler used. Interestingly, if we add 5 and 8 together we get 13! What is the chance that we would wind up with two major approaches whose number of levers sums to 13? Again, I think this also indicates that MT13 is the most important one in MT, despite having 12 levers or one every 30 degrees, and was the one that finally led Bessler to a working pm wheel.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Thank you for your analysis again SoS, of course I disagree with your alternative interpretation that the 8 thumps were indicative of 8 levers, but who knows, maybe we are all wrong. I like the way you fit the numbers to suit both scenarios, even though I don’t believe in it, numerology. I think Bessler simply used it as it was convenient.


    2. "...I don’t believe in it, numerology. I think Bessler simply used it as it was convenient."

      I can assure you that Bessler's belief in the power of numerology was as strong as his belief in Christianity. That would have been because he had studied the Bible in great detail and realized it was filled with much numerological symbolism. Certain numbers are very lucky even divine and play a major role in destiny while most do not. Bessler would have made sure those lucky numbers would have been used in various ways in the construction of his wheels. Also, using numerology to conceal the secrets of his wheels would have been his natural way of honoring God for having given him the abilities and secrets of building working pm wheels.

      Above I wrote: "...MT13 is the most important one in MT, despite having 12 levers..."

      Even I forgot that MT13 has 13 levers in it and not 12! I forgot the biggest lever of all which is the one hanging on the axle! Several blogs back I numerologically analyzed the structure of that wheel and showed how it contains the exact year and time of the crucifixion of Jesus. Yet another example of how very important numerology was to Bessler.

      Sayer of Sooths

    3. Thanks for your various numerology comments SoS. I find them very interesting. I just noticed that if you look at 45 degree and 72 degree angles between a wheel's outer mechanisms and add their individual digits together you get 4 + 5 = 9 and then 7 + 2 = 9. They both have sums of 9! Also if you take the difference of the two angles you get 72 - 45 = 27 and then if you sum its digits you get 2 + 7 = 9 again!

      I haven't the faintest idea what this could mean but it certainly seems improbable. I can see why you got hooked on this numerology stuff. It can be addictive.

    4. Congratulations, Anon 23:02. I think you've made a genuine numerological discovery of your own which even I did not notice! Here's one description of the Biblical meaning of the number 9 that I found on the web:

      "Number 9 is a symbol of completeness of God and also a symbol of finality. ... There are also 9 spiritual gifts of God, such as faith, wisdom, miracles, prophecy and some others. You may have heard of the Day of Atonement. This day is a holy day for all Christians and it takes place on the 9th day of the 7th Hebrew month."

      I think the major significance of the number 9 here is that it is "a symbol of finality". We've reached the year 2020 and there is now a final competition ongoing between an eight lever, one every 45 degrees, and a five lever, one every 72 degrees, wheel design for being "the" one Bessler used. The finality will come this year when one of them is finally accepted as being "the" one Bessler used. Although Bessler would probably have known the religious significance of the number 9, I don't think he somehow planned what's happening now. That is being determined by destiny and also "the hand of God" which many believe determines all destinies. So be it.

      Sayer of Sooths

    5. A little study of patterns in Math - remember how you learned the 9 x tables ? Probably not this way. They always add to 9. Up to 10 times sequentially increase the left numeral of the total by 1 and decrease the right by 1. The other 'times tables' have patterns within patterns too. Fun exercise to do for those inclined. Makes it easier to recall the answer once you remember the pattern rather than rote learn as when you were a kid. So is it surprising or improbable that 72 (9)- 45 (9) = 27 (9).

      9 x 1 = 09 = 9
      9 x 2 = 18 = 9
      9 x 3 = 27 = 9
      9 x 4 = 36 = 9
      9 x 5 = 45 = 9
      9 x 6 = 54 = 9
      9 x 7 = 63 = 9
      9 x 8 = 72 = 9
      9 x 9 = 81 = 9
      9 x 10 = 90 = 9
      9 x 11 = 99 = 18 = 9
      9 x 12 = 108 = 18 = 9


    6. If the angles for two different wheel designs were, say, 30 degrees for a 12 lever wheel and 90 degrees for a 4 lever wheel, then the digit sums for each wheel's angle would be 3 + 0 = 3 and 9 + 0 = 9 and they are not equal as they are when the angles are 45 and 72 degrees. If you take the difference of the angles you have 90 - 30 = 60 degrees and then the digit sum of that is 6 instead of 9 as it is when the angles are 45 and 72 degrees. There definitely seems to be something special about the relationship of the angles 45 and 72 degrees found only in the 8 and 5 lever wheels.

    7. Because 45 degrees and 72 degrees are not multiples of each other unlike 30 and 90 degrees. The only time they coincide is at 360 (0) degrees.

  2. I really don't like the code idea. I am not a fan of it. I am also unhappy that you are presenting this code idea like a definite fact.
    You may not be aware but we already dealing with a concept which is ridiculed by many.
    Adding another questionable point of view and presenting it as a fact decrease your credibility immensely.

  3. @ yellow .. John already said it is his interpretation of suspected codes and ciphers etc. He believes his interpretations are correct and thus lead to a specific mechanical wheel design. Bessler's mechanical design for a gravity PM wheel. IOW's a sort of blue print to mechanical success.

    Other researchers attempt to also interpret codes and ciphers, and clues etc. Perhaps looking for some sort of guidance towards a working machine. They do not necessarily believe that they form a blue print to be followed once a system is hit upon. So an individual must apply his own knowledge of mechanics alongside the suspected clues pointers, if correctly interpreted.

    Still others, pay no or very little heed to Bessler's codes, ciphers, and clues, using their own intuitions and knowledge gained for direction and inspiration.

    Why not sit back and read what JC has to say about HIS path towards a replication attempt of Bessler's wheel. We don't have to agree with everything he concludes or even his methods. From what he has said over the years he at least is very convinced that he is on the right track towards a working wheel. I for one would like to follow along with his reasoning, as he is generally thoughtful and thorough in his research. Some of it, if not all, should be compelling reading. I wish him every success in his presentations, and his wheel build.


    1. Thanks for your support fletch, you at least have some idea of the clues I’m working with, and I have progressed so much since you did a sim for me.


    2. "Why not sit back and read what JC has to say about HIS path towards a replication"

      I cannot sit back and watch, time passes. If John's "replica" will be based on some information decoded on angles on a picture, I am certain it won't rotate.

    3. It's more than that yellow and JC will connect his dots no doubt. At least from what I read some 5 years ago from John, and it sounds like more 'information' has come to hand since then. FYI I did do some basic sim constructions of his mechanical ideas at the time, but before proceeding I needed to understand the trail he was following to see how he arrived at his particular mechanical principles. I felt that was important for me so that I knew the boundaries within which I could tweak the design if necessary and stay true to his deductions. I did not enter into any discussion with him about his deductions or how he reached them, and stuck to the pure mechanics of what he was proposing at the time, and as directed. It wasn't a collaboration of swapping ideas etc and I was simply attempting to test those principles in virtual world and perhaps if desirable tweaking for efficiency and functionality.


    4. Let's hope the next time you "tweak" his design that you can finally get it running. Without at least a working sim he'll just be another guy with a pile of "clues" he thinks he's found and few if any will believe him anymore.

    5. That's why I'm all for JC sharing his deductions and mechanical principles here and now, and on where a discussion with ability to add attachment files will no doubt ensue. I am not the only habitual sim user here or there, and there are some very mechanically competent people who use sims to augment real builds to increase the gene pool. Between us all, including those who stick to real world builds, we should be able to explore most if not all permutations of his ideas in a short space of time.

      For the record I am actively working on my own concepts and directions which as far as I can tell at this juncture are very different from JC's of 5 years ago. This is another reason for my interest in his current directions. Happenstance may have dictated that we have arrived at a similar place today and that coincidence will be then be revealed. In which case I would be free to acknowledge him as first to publish and I could conceivably openly and unfettered contribute alongside others with equal or better skills working with his ideas.


    6. John finally gets a call telling him that a very carefully made sim of his five mechanism wheel is working perfectly!

  4. Many will dismiss these interpretations of various clues and codes as totally subjective. They will say that both John and SoS can find any angles they need to justify a wheel with any number of levers in it that they want. I think you'll find those pm chasers aren't really interested in "the" design Bessler had. They want any design that will work and all the discussion of clues and codes will be meaningless to them and even bore them.

    But no one can avoid the reality that Bessler was a numerologist and there is significant evidence of that in his writings. He spent much time picking certain Bible verses, MT drawing letters and numbers, and words because they had hidden numerological meanings in them. Some of those meanings pertained to the secret mechanisms in his wheels. Those devoted to finding "the" design Bessler used should not ignore any information that they can get about any clues and codes.

    I think that many that come here just want John to get to the point and post some quick sketches of the wheel design he has and skip all of the beating around the bush with his various clues and codes. That would be nice, but he's apparently not ready for that yet. We need to be patient and, hopefully, it will all make sense when his final grand revelation takes place. Even Bessler put the drawings of his working pm wheel design at the end of MT and not the beginning! We won't have too long to wait because John's already promised at least three times so far this year to do just that before the end of THIS year! So be patient everyone and let's pay attention to what he has for us now.

    1. anon 04:01 writes " will all make sense when his final grand revelation takes place...John's already promised at least three times so far this year to do just that before the end of THIS year..."

      Lol! Pardon me but I'll believe that when I SEE it. Codes and clues and numbers are nice to read about but they could fit a thousand different designs none of which works. I won't believe he has anything until I SEE at least a sketch of it. Until he can provide that as far as I'm concerned he really has nothing no matter how many clues and codes he shows us.

    2. JC wrote in his blog above

      "...this will hopefully spur me on finish my construction, which I have to do in order to prove two things; firstly that this wheel is of the same design as a Bessler’s and secondly the clues I’ve found and my interpretation of them is correct. As I’ve said before, if the wheel fails, I will continue to post my clues because I believe they are correct."

      I don't think most here will really care about your "clues" if your wheel fails. We want to see the actual wheel design itself. If it's a hopeless no runner we'll soon know and if it has ANY potential to be a runner then we will soon know that too. The question is how will YOU react IF the majority of those who evaluate the design especially after simming it decide it's just another hopeless no runner? I'm betting that if that happens you will still keep right on insisting that your clues MUST be right and the design HAS to be Bessler's no matter how many tell you it can't be and try to prove it to you. This has happened with others on other free energy websites over the years. They become so delusional that it turns them into permanent residents of a fantasy world that is completely detached from mechanical reality.

    3. Let’s hope it works then. 🤞. JC


  5. Hello ,

    if Bessler took the coding "ROT13", it is not by choice but precisely because there was no other pronounceable word with the "ROT" system . I had already tried the different combinations and here they are:

    So, if it is not a deliberate choice, then there is little chance that a particular coding will be included voluntarily and even less by the greatest of chances.

    It seems to me that John had said that the Latinization of names was in order at that time. I think we should look in this direction because going through a "ROT13" to Latinize "Orffyre" might be the way to go. Latinize "Bessler" would have gone unnoticed for a possible clue with Latinization . Why ...

    This obviously remains my opinion, of course ;-)

    Robert. . .

    1. I agree with you that Bessler had to use ROT13 because it turned his name "Bessler" into the pronounceable "Orffyre" version. There's also nother reason he would have liked that name. With the "-us" added to make it into "Orffyreus", it sounded like "Orpheus". IIRC, there was even a newspaper account about Bessler or "Orffyreus" at the time in which his new name was spelled, possibly accidentally, as "Orpheus". I don't think Bessler minded because that was probably another reason he liked the name "Orffyreus". I found this online about the mythological Orpheus:

      "Orpheus was considered one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, and is still a symbol of the art of music. By dint of his music and singing, he could charm the wild beasts, coax the trees and rocks into dance, even arrest the course of rivers."

      Like many Greek mythological figures, Orpheus was probably based on an actual person who was very talented, but whose abilities then became excessively exaggerated as stories of him were told from generation to generation over the centuries.

      Bessler was into poetry and music as well as numerology. He would have identified with the mythological Orpheus especially about having the ability to make inanimate objects like rocks move about like they were alive. That was exactly what was happening inside of his wheels! Lead weights which should have just been just laying there motionless were suddenly coming to life and moving perpetually around an axle.

      The "-us" ending Bessler puts on "Orffyre" to Latinize it is also numerologically significant. Adding the alphanumeric values of U and S gives us 21 + 19 = 40. 40 is an important number in the Bible as I'm sure everyone knows. Also 40 = 5 x 8 and, again, this fits in with the idea that in this year of 2020 we will see a competition between a 5 lever and 8 lever wheel to become "the" one Bessler used. How can I be sure it will be this year of 2020? Just take the 40 and write it as the sum 20 + 20, then eliminate the + sign and push the numbers together to get 2020!

      Sayer of Sooths

  6. Oh boy! How many pages can we expect John.

    1. all depends how quickly I finish this construction. I’m grabbing every few minutes I can find to work on it. I don’t want to give too much away before I finish it, on the other hand I’m desperate to finish it as quickly as possible. At one page a week, a few weeks but not many! I plan to provide and explain several clues on each page, with illustrations but rather than bore you with lengthy explanations, each will be brief but simple to understand.


  7. "knowledgeable person with the right credentials"... better still someone with a lot of time and an animation suite! John, frankly I don't require your clues. Actually they annoy me because if it were simple... as has been said, then why do we need any clues besides the ones printed in the public record? Maybe you should find the codes within those clues. If Bessler was speaking plainly... and I'd swear that he was,then doesn't it stand to reason that our listening is lacking?

    1. The whole idea in a nutshell IMHO is the idea that "weights" by a broad definition, can, under specific conditions, lift each other up "and" _______ ______ ___ _________ . Lol, I'll leave that for later. For now a question: When you build your overbalanced wheel how is it exactly that you plan to raise the driving weight (of which I am assuming you will employ 2 and 1/2 at a time) ? So you will be using 2 and 1/2 weights to lift 2 and 1/2 weights? Another question assuming I haven't missed the mark: If your wheel begins to spin spontaneously given your principle is correct then what advantage or net gain will it exhibit on subsequent rotations?

  8. Then don't read his blog - duhh!

  9. Important Announcement!

    Nice blog about Bessler's clues and codes and I agree that they unfortunately tend to be overlooked by many. Bessler was definitely a numerologist and a serious one. But, it seems like he preferred to "do his own thing" and avoided formal involvement in the secret societies and even the religious denominations of his day. He had his own ways of using numbers and his own interpretations of the Bible and how to practice its teachings.

    Anyway, I haven't posted here in a while and am doing so now to let everyone know that I just got an email from Ken B. I had asked him previously if he intended to do anything special to celebrate this year's "Bessler Day" which is June 6th and now only about one week away. He replied that he had not planned to do anything, but my question made him start to think about doing something. So he said that he will celebrate this unofficial pm holiday this year by releasing a new Bessler video on his youtube channel which he wrote "should greatly excite Bessler fans everywhere". I'm excited already just knowing it's coming!

    However, he said its release will be scheduled for exactly 12 noon on Saturday, June 6th over in Gera, Germany to honor Bessler's first public wheel demonstration there 308 years ago in 1712. I checked and found out that when it's 12 noon in Gera it will be 11 am in London, 6 am in New York City, and 3 am in Los Angeles. Mark your calendars everyone because something tells me his use of the word "greatly" means this will probably be his most interesting video so far. It can be a nice prelude to John finally revealing the details of the wheel he's been working on for so long and which I am also eagerly looking forward to seeing.

    Henry L.

    1. Sounds interesting. I've marked my calendar and am also looking forward to his new video. Months ago Ken B. made a nice video of the Kassel wheel lifting a load of bricks up the side wall of the Weissenstein castle and released it at exactly 2 am Kassel time on the 2nd day of the second month of February because that time had the very rare palindrome sequence of 02/02/2020 which reads the same from left to right or from right to left. Supposedly that date was believed to bring unusual good luck to anything done then.

    2. Considering it's coming from Ken B, this video should be an extravaganza of some sort. His huge ego would settle for nothing less. If he had lived in the 19th century he and P. T. Barnum would have been best buddies!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    3. Nice to read he's got something special planned for that day. In a reply to a comment on his youtube channel he said he's no longer an active Bessler wheel researcher, but I think he hasn't quit 100% yet or he wouldn't be making another Bessler wheel related video. Should be interesting to see what he's made.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. While John presents his findings, I want to talk about some clues;

    There is a comment about the wheel repeated by witnesses numerous times.
    "When a weight starting to fall, the wheel starts to rotate."
    What does starting to fall exactly mean? I mean is it starting to roll down?
    Most of us believe he used these noises for hiding the real mechanism.
    This exact accusation was made by Wagner, and Bessler replied; there was no trickery behind the sounds.

    So if we truly believe in him, weights should fall or roll down in operation.

    1. In DT on page 247 it says:

      "He did this with little difficulty, moving it by hand until a single weight inside it was heard to begin falling; it then began to rotate of its own accord with such a force that within a minute it had rotated 40 and more times, and could only be stopped by applying great effort."

      That sound was obviously caused by some sort of impact inside of the drum, but exactly by what against what, in what way, and where is still a mystery. There have been many designs over the years with weights doing all sorts of motions before they collide with something and made a sound. Your guess is as good as anyone else's. Maybe the weights themselves never collided with anything and it was the levers they were attached to that were colliding with something. It's also possible that the sounds were purposely made to mask other sounds from being heard, but I tend not to believe that.

    2. @anon 1251 "heard to begin falling;"

      How does beginning falling sound? I mean there are at least 3 witness accounts like this.

    3. Could be either a poor translation of a well written original or a good translation of a poorly written original or a poor translation of a poorly written original. Probably it should have been translated as something like "...until a single weight inside it had fallen and was heard to hit something...".

    4. Good point Yellow. Rolling seems to me the only option. What other are there? But hearing something rolling or something falling are two different sounds. They must have heard it accelerating. The weights are round and in cases and if he gives his word that the sounds are genuine then the inevitable eight boinks at the end of each case is also explained.

      So we need a case with a certain shape and size to fit within 45 degrees.

    5. "So we need a case with a certain shape and size to fit within 45 degrees."

      Don't you mean to fit within 72 degrees? If not, then obviously you are not a believer in JC's approach!

  12. DT page 247 :

    "He did this with little difficulty, moving it by hand until a single weight inside it was heard to begin falling; it then began to rotate of its own accord with such a force that within a minute it had rotated 40 and more times, and could only be stopped by applying great effort."

    This is a mind trap imo set, not by Bessler to fool anyone, but inadvertently by the witnesses in attempting to describe what they heard and saw. IOW's it smacks of confirmation bias because they are attempting to rationalize something they don't understand in terms of something they do understand. We naturally fall into the same trap reading their first hand accounts and think since they were there it must be a logical deduction that a weight was 'heard falling'. Weights can't be heard falling, they can be heard impacting something that arrests their motion. So the original statement (and adjectives) is a curious one. If they rolled you could hear that also as a distinct sound and they would have said that.

    To take out the confirmation bias the statement could/should read like this ..

    "He did this with little difficulty, moving it by hand until a .. sound was heard .. ; it then began to rotate of its own accord with such a force that within a minute it had rotated 40 and more times, and could only be stopped by applying great effort."


    1. Fletch, we are not changing the witness accounts. These are three different accounts of three different people.
      If there are no translation errors, all of them are saying the same thing. The rotation starts with a falling sound. Again if the translation is correct, the falling has a starting and an end that can be heard.

    2. "moving it by hand until"
      What exactly does this mean?
      Did he move it a few degrees and a weight wasn't heard hitting the boards, and then he did it again, and again, and it was only when a weight was heard, that the wheel started rotating of it's own accord?

    3. Most likely when a two way wheel was stopped, it had to be rotated about until the drum was in a certain position and it was balanced again. Once that happened and if you wanted to restart the wheel, you had to give the drum enough of a push to make it rotate through so many degrees until you heard the first thump again. At that point the drum was unbalanced again and acted like a one way wheel that was self-starting. If the drum had eight mechanisms, then your push probably would have had to make it rotate through at least 45 degrees to get that first thump sound and trigger the start.

    4. If the weight did have 8 mechanisms, because we don't know how it worked, it is still possible that the weight next in turn to swing was nowhere near the point of swinging. This would imply that a turn of way more than 45 degrees is possible before it swings, and "thumps". Did he turn it 45° without a "thump" a few times before turning it 45° to set the wheel in motion with the 'thump'?

    5. It may have taken more than 45° of drum rotation to get that first weight to thump. But remember that Bessler could use only two fingers to push the edge of the drum and start a two way wheel running and no matter how well greased up there would always have been some drag in the axle's pivots and any internal bearings to dissipate any momentum he gave it. That's not much force applied to a wheel that must have weighed maybe around 500 pounds or so for the Merseburg wheel. The drum couldn't have rotated too far.

      Like many, you are looking for information that you won't be finding anywhere in the Bessler material we now have. Maybe it's in some other material like private letters, newspaper accounts, etc. that we don't have and unfortunately may never have. That makes analyzing Bessler's wheels mostly just a lot of guesswork. You'll find many coming forth and trying to meet that demand for more information by offering all sorts of new clues they've found or new interpretations of old clues. Again, all guesswork until something leads to a real working wheel.

      The more serious someone is about solving the Bessler wheel, the more quickly he gets frustrated and the more likely he is to just quit the chase completely or drift off looking for any kind of overbalanced wheel design that might work. Bessler was counting on that to protect his wheel's secret and it's worked well for three centuries now and may for the rest of eternity. Not only did he make a genuine perpetual motion wheel back then, but he also left a perpetual mystery behind.

    6. I fully understand your point of view. My hope is that an illogical way of expressing something in the original text was made logical in the translation in a way that allows more significations or less. It is only by sharing our questions that they risk being answered.
      When we see how some people will fight till they are blue in the face that there was obviously 8 weights because there was eight knocks,one must accept that our perception of things has an influence on what things can and can't mean. If we do ever have a runner that we believe to be Bessler's, i think we will find that the trnslations played a big role in keeping the secret hidden. By no fault whatsoever of the translators.

    7. @Anon 17:16

      For a 12 foot diameter wheel, Bessler's two finger push on the drum's rim would have had to send the spot he touched a distance of 4.712 feet around the rim if the drum needed to be rotated 45 degrees to make it restart. If the drum needed to be rotated 72 degrees to make it restart, then his finger push would have had to send the spot a distance of 7.540 feet around the rim. Seems like restarts would be easier if the drum only had to rotate through 45 degrees which supposedly would be the case if Bessler's wheels used eight perpetual motion structures inside of their drums instead of Collins' five structures. Just a guess though.

    8. Bessler only needs to move the wheel 30 degrees to get it moving.


    9. 30 degrees? Source?

      That's half of 60 and a quarter of 120 which would make up for a wheel with three spokes.

  13. What does a fall sound like ? Can you hear the start of a fall ? You certainly can hear the end of it ! A falling but rolling weight can be heard at the start and at the end of a prolonged travel.

    Most say an impact sound was heard on the descending side of the wheel.

    Wolff comes to mind. "During rotation, one can clearly hear the weights hitting against the wooden boards."

    Once again we have no proof that even Wolff wasn't subject to confirmation bias. Was he as objective as he thought he was ? He was convinced that weights made an impact sound. Or did even he make the picture fit the frame ?

    1. Kind of reminds me of what the Zen Buddhist masters ask their students: "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Makes about as much sense as that too. Next someone will be claiming that Bessler's wheels really didn't use weights at all! He probably lied about that in his writings and those weights he handed around to everyone at the Merseburg wheel testing were just fakes he used to mislead everyone. Most likely we can't trust anything we think we know about Bessler's wheels.

      Why, oh why didn't someone pay him those damn 100,000 thalers he wanted so we could avoid all of this endless debate today?!

  14. I am trying to use the method of elimination to pinpoint the possible candidates.
    It is funny how Bessler casually gave away so many details about his wheel.
    Without hesitation, he said he used pulleys in the wheel to connect duplicates of his core mechanism for increasing power.
    These narrow down the possibilities I think.

    1. I think that you are referring to this quote on page 340 of AP (JC's translation):

      “If I arrange to have just one cross-bar in my machine, it revolves very slowly, just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but, on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys and weights, the machine can revolve much faster."

      Practically everyone thinks this refers to some mechanism INSIDE of a wheel's drum. But by using the word translated as "machine", Bessler could be referring to the drum as well as its attached axle. If that is the case then the "cross-bar" would have been OUTSIDE of the drum and the " my machine..." phrase should have been more properly translated as "...with my machine...".

      Just using one different word changes the entire meaning of this clue. FAWK, those "cross-bars" could have been the steel pins inserted into EXTERNAL compound pulley frames to add pulleys to them which would have reduced the amount of axle torque needed to lift a load and that then allowed the axle and attached drum to rotate faster.

      The translations we have of Bessler's writings are unfortunately loaded with similar ambiguous clues. They have been sending Bessler pm wheel chasers in wrong directions for years now and may continue to do so for years to come. I think ALL of the "clues" we think we know need to be reviewed as carefully as possible to see if they really do make sense mechanically.

    2. Yes, that one. Exact words are not important in this case. I think what he was saying is clear. There is one core mechanism, translation calls it "cross-bar". The word is right or wrong it is irrelevant. Basically, one core mechanism is sufficient but it is not that powerful he says.

  15. Well said Yellow ! Having a single cross-bar greatly simplifies the design, one the carpenter's "boy" would greatly appreciate. And only ONE cross-bar is needed to give continued rotation; Google : bessler wheel or see John's earlier blog for "submitted drawings" A single pulley on the axle permits ganging a pair of mechanisms ( in diametrically opposite quadrants) together as shown in M.T.25.

  16. But what is a cross-bar? Or What is a mechanism? It is relevant.

    Is it a straight bar like in RAFORD's design? Then why call it a cross.

    Or does it have three spokes like in the AP wheel? Maybe you need three spokes at minimum to make it work. With three spokes you can only have (a critical) equilibrium when one spoke is at 6 o'clock or 12 o'clock. He said that one or another of them must apply its weight vertically to the axis. That can only be on 6 or 12.

    Maybe the AP wheel is closer to the mechanism that we think. After all;

    All things belong to one of three kingdoms and you have the evidence before you.
    Without such things as sulfur, salt, and mercury, all things will come to a standstill.The qualities of the elements are necessary to keep things going.
    Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter are ready to join in any battle.

    Why is he hammering on three?

    1. Yes of course for finding out exactly what he did the word meaning is critical but for eliminating some designs the meaning is not that critical.
      I think at least it is not spokes evidently.
      Because this "cross-bar" has to be connected other bars using pulleys.

    2. For me the word is Kreuz, which simply means “cross”.

      “ “If I arrange to have just one cross-bar in my machine, it revolves very slowly, just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but, on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys and weights, the machine can revolve much faster."

      The word ‘just’ was offered to me as an alternative to “but” or “only”. All roughly the same but also subtlety different in nuance. Then there is the word “one”, could he have intended the word “a”.

      Recently I came across another meaning for “Kreuz”; “crossbar” can also refer to the crossed bars in a scissor mechanism.


    3. Yes John it may mean scissor , but then again if that's a scissor then that scissor alone should be sufficient for an overbalance operation.
      I think he put this aspect of his solution very clearly.

    4. Yellow, your guess is as good as mine.
      Maybe his mechanism consists of three ??? pulleys and weights.

      Again, why three? And why does he state that you have the evidence before you? What is the evidence? The AP drawing?

      It's not clearly at all.

    5. That part is open to speculation. do not go there immediately. you can easily lost while trying to understand the ambiguous parts. first I am trying to pinpoint the ones that are very clearly stated by witnesses or Bessler.

    6. One thing that is very clearly stated by Bessler is that you have the evidence before you. Before you is AP from which you are reading that sentence.

      And those of you who are keen to ask questions, you know where to go...

    7. "first I am trying to pinpoint the ones that are very clearly stated by witnesses or Bessler."

      "Clearly stated"? LOL! You must be kidding. When it came to the internal details of his drums, NOTHING Bessler or any of the "witnesses" states is clear. If it was his wheels would have been duplicated centuries ago and there would be no discussion about them now except maybe about how to improve them.

      Look at the left side of the Toys Page. What do you see? It's a toy that in modern German is called a "streckschere" which means "stretching scissors" for obvious reasons. Most of us probably had something like this as kids that we had a lot of fun playing with. No, Bessler did NOT actually use these in his wheels otherwise you wouldn't be seeing them in his Toys Page. That would be too much of a clue. Why did he put them there? Because the PRINCIPLE they demonstrate WAS used in his wheels. What principle was that?

      At the top of that Toys Page streckschere toy you will see an arrowhead pointing straight up. That symbolizes the constant rise of the CoG of the weights in a drum of one of his wheels as it rotated. How is that vertical motion of the arrowhead achieved by the Toys Page streckschere? By ALL of its sections working TOGETHER. So forget all of that nonsense you read about designs using "pairs of opposed weights" and "AP wheel triplets of weights". That BS will lead you absolutely nowhere. How many X shaped lever sections to the Toys Page streckschere? Eight! The message is that Bessler's wheel drum's contained eight levers and they were ALL connected together to produce the amazing effect of constantly lifting their COLLECTIVE CoG as the drum turned so it could always stay on the drum's descending side to produce a constant torque on the axle. That is what his once mentioned "Connected Principle" is all about. Most Bessler pm wheel chasers are thinking in terms of isolated weights on levers or even closely spaced, lever connected pairs of weights flopping around during drum rotation. That approach will lead you nowhere as hundreds, maybe thousands of Bessler pm wheel chasers in the last three centuries painfully discovered. Do you want to join them? No? Good! You don't have to.

      If you guys can't start thinking a lot more "holistically" when it comes to what was going on inside of the drums of Bessler's wheels, you can forget about making any real progress with them for the rest of your lives. You need to figure out a way to connect ALL eight weight holding levers together inside of the drums of your wheels. Of the 143 illustrations in MT, Bessler shows a total of 9 wheels with all of their weight carrying levers connected together by ropes. He did that for a reason that would have become obvious in the end drawings of MT which unfortunately we don't have and never will.

      Sorry if my tone here sounds angry, but I do hate it so when I see well meaning Bessler pm wheel chasers running off in various useless directions that will only frustrate them even more. Life is too short for that kind of a waste of time and effort.

    8. you know what I mean Marinus. I am trying to find concrete information. the puzzle-like parts can be stretched anywhere we want. three spokes, three something I have no idea. who knows.

      if you start there solving, you'll be lost in Bessler's labyrinth.

    9. I'll be away for a long time, I want to concentrate on the clues and want to work on the documents to gather clear information that does not require interpretation.

      Good luck John. If your wheel works, a big congratulation to you.

      see you later...

    10. Good luck Yellow. Hope to see you back with a working wheel.

      If you are trying to find you way out of a labyrinth it is inevitable you will encounter some dead ends.

    11. Wow! Thanks for your MT revelation Anon 20:46. You certainly don't mince words. I like that.

      Yes, there's that number again. 9! I mentioned earlier above that in the Bible this particular number is a symbol for finality. What's it doing showing up in MT? Most likely, it was Bessler's way of numerologically telling us that he finally found success with his search for pm only after he started interconnecting the levers in his wheels. It probably also meant that he would be showing his final working design with such interconnected levers at the end of MT. It's so obvious now that you've pointed it out. He even starts the group of 9 drawings, as fletcher mentioned in his comment below, showing interconnected levers with MT9 to make sure you focus on that number!

      Notice that he only gives you 7 of the wheels with interconnected levers in the first 20 MT drawings? Then there is a gap of 20 drawings until he provides MT37 and MT38 in the second 20 MT drawings which "slipped past" the beginning group of 7 wheels. Was that just an accident? I doubt it. There's very little that happened accidentally in MT at least when it comes to numerology. Of the last two MT drawings showing interconnected levers, the first is MT37. Its number is made from a 3 and 7 next to each other. Both are important numbers in the Bible. The 3 represents the triune godhead or "Trinity" and the 7, as I've mentioned many times before, represents 7th heaven which is where God resides and is also a very lucky number. It's just Bessler's way of telling those who can read his numerological symbolism that the design he found was very luckily given to him by God and requires interconnecting the levers in one's design.

      I was also very impressed by your analysis of that left side toy in the toys page. Again, it suggests that the connectedness of levers is critical to finding a working pm wheel design.

      To understand how Bessler's wheels worked, you have to start thinking like he did and numerology, despite what many who want to just ignore it may believe, was a very important part of Bessler's thinking.

      Also best of luck to "yellow" in his quest for enlightenment. When it comes to Bessler's wheels that can be a very long and arduous quest with an extremely high chance of failure. Like the quest for the Holy Grail, it is a mission suitable only for the most courageous and determined of knights.

      Sayer of Sooths

    12. @SoS. Nice comparison you made of the quest for pm being like the quest to find the holy grail which is described in some of the Arthurian legends that were written from the 13th century onward. For those that don't know, the grail was supposed to be the cup that Jesus used at the last supper and also that Joseph of Arimethea later held up to catch some of the blood dripping off of Jesus as he hung dying on the cross. It is supposed to have magic powers and would greatly benefit anyone who possessed it. A working mechanical pm machine, wheel or otherwise, has been described as "the holy grail of mechanics". That's because its operation would seem magical and finding a design that works would be about as difficult as finding the actual holy grail!

    13. Both translations by MS.

      Bessler wrote in MT : No. 9 ... snip ... , but nothing is to be accomplished with this thing unless one acts out of my connectedness principle; but here I do not yet wish to show or discuss the figure for the time being.

      JC's earlier MT Hard Copy : ... but nothing is to be accomplished with any device unless my principle of movement (connectedness above) is activated; but here I neither wish to show nor discuss the figure for the time being.

    14. @anon 06:35. That first quote you gave for MT9 is not correct and your "snip" of it can be misleading. The full quote is:

      "Because one has learned that little is to be accomplished with the sphere-wheels like those just now seen in the figures and diagrams, one speculates on another principle, namely: on weights! In all places where I have found weight-figures, these weights are seen to be simple and nothing is attached to the belts or chains. Such is the case with Leupold, but nothing is to be accomplished with his thing unless one acts out of my connectedness principle; but here I do not yet wish to show or discuss the figure for the time being."

      Bessler is not saying there that nothing is to be accomplished with the wheel shown in MT9 which has the interconnections between its levers, but rather with another lever wheel design provided by Jakob Leupold (1674 to 1727) that he published in his multi volume "Theatrum Machinarum Generale" which lacks those interconnections. It's similar to MT13 with twelve outer weights on the ends of short levers and also lacks the heavy pendulum weight hanging on the axle. That design can be found in the lower right corner of this page from Leupold's work:

    15. Thanks for that hard to find illustration of Leupold's wheel, anon 10:56. Just from quickly inspecting it, it's obvious that the cog of its twelve weights is not on the left side of the axle center which would be the descending side if it worked. The problem is those three levers at the top whose pivots are at 11, 12, and 1 o'clock. They all lean too far to the right and that then pulls the cog of all twelve weights from the left side right over to a place directly below the axle center. The result is no torque.

      Bessler tried to solve that problem as shown in MT13 by rapidly lifting the weight levers into radial alignment as their pivots approached 12 o'clock using that drawing's axle pendulum's top wheel, but that approach fails. Apparently, his "connectedness principle" could do the same thing without needing the axle pendulum.

      While I think interconnecting the levers with ropes can help, I can't believe that's all that's needed or such a wheel would have been found by others long before Bessler came along. Something extra must be needed. Maybe the springs Bessler used although I can't find him actually saying that he used them. Anybody know a quote where he actually says he uses springs inside of his wheels?

    16. Bessler tended to downplay the use of any springs in his wheels because he knew any mention of them would immediately energize his enemies into claiming that he was admitting that his wheels were spring powered and therefore had to be fakes. In a response to Wagner's claim that his wheels were spring powered, Bessler said the kinds of springs Wagner referred to were not to be found in his wheels. That is, one would not find those tightly wound up spiral type mainsprings found in clock movements which is what Wagner was using in his fake pm wheel. The implication of this is that one would find some other type of spring instead inside of one of Bessler's wheels. How many "other" types of springs are there? A lot actually.

      Bessler definitely did use some sort of springs if we can trust this eyewitness statement by Christian Wolff who was a witness at the official testing of the Merseburg wheel and which he wrote about in a letter to Leibniz in 1715:

      “When he put the wheel onto another support and reinstalled the weights in their previous positions, he pushed down on an iron spring that gave a loud noise as it expanded upwards.”

      Apparently as Bessler was reattaching a weight to one of the levers inside of the relocated wheel's drum the lever slipped out of his hand and, because it had a stretched spring attached to it, the lever flew around and smacked into some sort of stop inside of the drum. The sound was so loud that it startled those present.

      So, if interconnecting ropes are part of Bessler's "Connectedness Principle", then most likely so are springs. These two components have to work together somehow. Springs are nice because they allow a design to temporarily store lost GPE from one location in a rotating wheel and then release it at some other location. But using them is tricky and most pm chasers tend to completely avoid their use. That could be the biggest mistake they could be making in their search for pm. Apparently Bessler was not avoiding their use and maybe that is why he found success while everyone else found only more failure and frustration?

  17. All the best yellow .. the 'clues' and MT are hard nuts to crack for sure. They were intended to be. Layers within layers and patterns within patterns. You are never sure of just how deep you should dive or whether you have reached the bottom. Coming up for air occasionally and reexamining them as you do may bring moments of rare clarity.

    Anon 2 June 20.46 makes an interesting commentary, imo. I would add this further observation .. that all angles of a pentagon (of which John is very fond), both internal and external, appear in the 9 times table, as I wrote about earlier in this blog. Additionally, the traditional in-series rope to lever connected MT's, of which there are indeed nine as Anon points out, start at MT9. Coincidence, or more evidence of patterns within patterns and layers within layers to be deep dived ? Take some oxygen with you ;7)


    1. Good luck yellow, I’ve enjoyed your comments.

      On another matter, I have found that although I can copy and paste the blog page on the BW forum, , I’ve decided not to do any more for two reasons. Firstly I cannot easily post the illustrations and they still require clicking on the link to open in another page, which still includes a lot of text. In fact the project is turning out to be more cumbersome than I imagined it would be, with more text than I thought would be necessary. This is unfair to Scott and the forum and in my opinion I don’t need to duplicate what I’ve already published elsewhere.

      I am going to try to reduce the length of the blogs which may mean cutting down the number of clues discussed and illustrations shown, but I may publish more often than once a week. I would be happy to react to any comments about content on my blog, either there on the BW forum or here.


    2. Do whatever is easiest for you to do, John. The less time you spend posting clues all over the place, the more time you'll have to finish up your wheel. That should be you number one priority at this time.

    3. @fletcher. I also found that anon 20:46 comment most interesting. He basically says "no lever connectedness equals no pm". How many are actually following that advice which seems to be an important numeralogical message Bessler put into MT? I don't know of any except that Ken B. with his wheel he claims he got from his DT portrait clues. No one can say it doesn't have connectedness. So much in fact that it can turn some off. But if this connectedness business is what we have to do to get a runner then maybe we should start seriously considering it. It's been 300 years so far and if we don't consider lever wheels using it maybe another 300 years might slide by with still nothing to show for it all.

    4. FWIW my advice is that we don't interpret things as too literal from Bessler. e.g. Anon's analysis of the Toy's Page SB and Arrow Head weight being an anology for a 8 levers working in concert to continually lift the CoG/CoM an example. Like all things Bessler, in regards to 'clues' and MT, he can purposefully be obscure and sometimes quite misleading, imho. And that imo applies to his "connectedness principle" mentioned in MT9. Having said that the MT9 series (including 37 and 38) are quite important for another reason. In them is found the majority of his perhaps most forthright 'instructions/directives'. Such as the use of his Connectedness Principle, a correct handle construction, the existence of a Prime Mover, use of SB's (Lazy Tongs). N.B. which also get a special mention in MT41 which is very obviously a departure from the run-of-the-mill MT9 in-series connected rope and lever wheels ! I think many of us have taken the 'connectedness' directive very seriously for some time, and explore it to this day. KB certainly does use a connectedness principle in his wheel sims and has previously written about and is very au fait with numerology teachings. So it would be natural for him imo to combine the two as important messaging to be followed. I wouldn't argue against that !


    5. Further .. I have said it before that imo Bessler's motives could be considered quite questionable (perhaps in hindsight after a PM wheel is discovered) in relation to his books contents and even MT after the arrest. IMO to increase awareness and marketability of his wheels by raising the level of interest among the educated and public intrigue in general. How many of us couldn't resist the challenge of unravelling his clues etc ? He sends us down countless rabbit holes with half truths mixed with truths. He includes 'clues' that are layer upon layer. He includes patterns such as found in ancient geometry. It's certainly kept us occupied for centuries. As I also previously said in many ways it might have been better, and less of a head ache, and quicker, to completely disregard his 'clues' etc and solve the mechanical PM mystery for yourself. Some do that, and they might be the wise ones. What we have going for us is that we know Bessler did it ! Because Karl is beyond reproach and vouched for him. If you truly believe that then you know the mechanical problem can be solved for a gravity PM wheel. So to be clear I believe that MT holds the key but it is buried deeply under many layers. And his 'directives' found within are lose approximations for mechanical actions necessary and not to be taken as complete literal truths. IMO they were a record of the original track he went down that led to him formulating his PM Laws. And from there on to a practical solution.



    6. Certainly all good points that you have made. I guess one can approach the B literature in one of two ways. Either accept it literally or accept it metaphorically, symbolically, but definitely not literally. That's the way a lot of people approach the stories in the Bible! I tend to lean toward the literal acceptance approach, but then become quickly frustrated by its vague nature compounded, no doubt, by B's inability or unwillingness to accurately and complete describe things as well as less than perfect later translations of his 18th century German.

      I've always been perplexed by B's use of the term "prime mover" which I find mentioned in MT 15 where he wrote:

      "This ratchet-wheel derives from the previous model, except that the tensions are somewhat longer and have an additional special weight at the external ends. From this drawing alone, however, nothing of the prime mover's source can be seen or deduced although the figure shows the superior weight."

      Here's an image of MT 15 for reference:

      This wheel is supposed to turn ccw and it looks like the "tensions", which were probably supposed to be long thin metal rods with weights at their ends, would have to have started rising by the time that their top weight was about 33.75 degrees away from the wheel's 12 o'clock position. That lifting would have to be done by the short lever whose pivot was then located about 11.25 degrees ccw from the 12 o'clock position. That weight, however, would also have to be raising the weight at the other end of the tension as well as the weight attached to the short lever whose pivot is located 11.25 degrees ccw of the 6 o'clock position. That means that one weight whose short lever pivot was 11.25 degrees ccw from the 12 o'clock position would actually have to be raising three other weights and from the figure we see that weight's short lever hasn't even started falling over to the left yet!

      This wheel obviously can't work, but B seems to suggest it could IF it's "prime mover" was present. I think a lot of B pm wheel chasers assume that there is some extra machine that must be added to MT 15 to make it work. But, maybe that view is wrong and B used the term "prime mover" to describe some small simple modifications that could be made to the design as it is to make it work?

      The obvious addition would seem to just be extra ropes interconnecting the short levers. I'm not sure how one could work springs into the design. Maybe attach them between the short levers and the inner drum so that they got compressed on the wheel's ascending side and then around 12 o'clock they would expand and help push a short lever whose pivot was 11.25 degrees ccw of 12 o'clock up so that it was perpendicular to the inner drum?

      Well, we'll probably never know unless someone decides to sim this particular wheel design and I doubt that will ever happen because of its complexity. I also cannot imagine that B's actual wheels had something this complex inside of them. But, I do think B presents it as a mental exercise intended to make later students of a published MT do a lot of thinking about why particular designs cannot work and how they might be made to work. These wheels were intended for training purposes and probably to make it easier for them to appreciate how the design of his actual working wheels had to work. Drawings of those were at the end of the MT and forever destroyed. We may never know what they actually contained.

    7. MT's 13, 14, and 15 all show an imbalance condition. We probably agree that MT13 is somehow important. There B. metaphorically introduces the concept of someone lifting up weights at D, of which we are all familiar. In MT15 he pushes our limits of belief a step further. Because essentially both designs, whilst similar examples of superior imbalance, and tho also mechanically different, suffer from the exact same problem ! And that needs a physical remedy, not a metaphoric one ! The metaphoric "no one" to do the lifting in both MT13 and 15 is replaced in our minds eye by the 'concept' of a physical literal mechanism, of which there is no concrete clue at that point in the book. And like all things Bessler that is likely not the whole story requiring further study and contemplation elsewhere in MT. IMO.


    8. It's scary to think that the entire fate of the world could have been changed if only Bessler had not destroyed those few pages from MT that showed the details of his working pm wheel design. Aside from having an Industrial Revolution NOT using fossil fuels that is now quickly leading to a planetwide catastrophe due to Climate Change, maybe there would have been no Napoleon, no WWI, no Great Depression, no Hitler and WWII, no Stalin, no Mao, and, as a result, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of peoples' lives could have been spared. The destruction of only those few pages possibly doomed all of those good people to early and often horrible endings.

      What would the world pay now to spare the lives of so many people? By comparison, 100,000 thalers is insignificant. I like to think that if Bessler knew the possible consequences of destroying those few pages, he would have immediately stopped and published them in all of the then existing newspapers in Europe so others could get to work building duplicates. He would have given his invention away freely and gladly and viewed doing so as a way of honoring God and demonstrating his Christian charity and belief in the teachings of Jesus. And, who knows, the fame that release of information brought him might have made him far wealthier than the 100,000 thalers he hoped to sell his invention for ever would have. He most likely would have realized his dream of setting up his Fortress of Wisdom and even managing to insert his views on the proper way of practicing religion into the rest of the world's religions particularly Christianity.

      When it comes to his act of destroying those final pages from MT, I keeping asking myself "What if he hadn't?" It's often better not to dwell on such questions.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    9. If Bessler had not destroyed those sketches of his working wheel design and then freely released it, I'm sure the world would be much different now. We'd probably have a cleaner world with cheaper electricity. But if all of those people had not been killed off because he did destroy the pages, the world population might be 12 billion now instead of the current 7.8 billion. What would the consequences be of over an extra 4 billion people all needing food, water, shelter, medical care, education, employment, etc.?

      Maybe the extra crowding would cause some mutated virus to come along and wipe out a billion or more people? Maybe religious wars would rage across the planet as each one tried to gather as many souls as it could for itself and declared the others to be heresies? Maybe we'd end the human race completely with a nuclear war using hydrogen bombs? We can never really know what might or might not have happened if Bessler had not burned and buried those final drawings from MT.

      What we have to concentrate on today is finding out what his wheels' inner mechanisms were, reproducing his wheels, and then seeing if they can be improved or their principles used to make other and even more powerful motors. With those we can finally get to work seriously straightening out the mess that was made of our planet in the last several hundred years. Better late than never.

    10. There is no point in regretting what's gone before, it's passed tense. Bessler had choices. Perhaps if he had been well off he would have made different choices. Fame might have been able to feed his family but that was not guaranteed. Rally behind JC as he is sure he has uncoded Bessler's secret PM mechanics. And keep our fingers crossed for a better future for humanity post disclosure.

  18. Wise decision Yellow Sir...

    But my heart has already started feeling your absence... I am depressed after seeing you go... You were nice... You were different... You were also interesting and inspiring too...
    Bad to lose people like you...
    How I wish you would come back...
    Wherever you are... May the almighty bless you...

    Best of luck...

  19. Found this for JC's horoscope for today, June 4th, 2020:

    "For such a serious, determined, and practical person like you, hesitating to make any sort of commitment seems quite a natural thing to do....Wearing any shade of blue will help you attract a lot of positive energy throughout the day. The time between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm is going to prove lucky for you."

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. I’ll be in blue today SoS, thank you.

      BTW can you predict the date I, or someone else, completes the wheel, or the date it is announced?


    2. All I can say with 100% certainty at this point in time is that you will definitely know if your version of Bessler's wheel is correct and a runner before the end of this year which means in the next 210 days. I think the advice about wearing blue is good because blue is the 5th color of the rainbow and you are pursuing a design with five mechanisms in it. You mentioned at the beginning of this year that you were born on January 5th which makes you a Capricorn astrologically. Capricorn is also known as "The Goat" and coincidentally the inverted pentagram, which would be present in your wheel somehow, is often associated with a goat's head in various ancient pagan religions as shown here:

      Although it can be considered as a symbol for Satan and used by practitioners of modern black magic and Satan worshiping cults, generally it is seen as a good symbol in the older Wicca type religions that protects one from evil.

      Here's some more lucky things for Capricorns to keep in mind:

      Lucky Numbers are 6, 8, and 9.

      Lucky Color: blue, red, and white.

      Lucky Days are: Tuesday and Saturday.

      I sense that if your wheel is destined to be "the" one Bessler discovered, then that information will probably be known to you on the 6th, 8th, or 9th day of the 6th, 8th, or 9th month of this year which would mean by the 6th, 8th, or 9th day of either this June, August, or September. I think June is too early. Most likely August or September. However, since you don't like wheels with 8 levers in them, I'd eliminate the 8th month and its 8th day.

      My best guess would then be on either September 6th or 9th of this year you will find out if you have a runner or not. September 6th is a Sunday and the 9th is a Wednesday. You were born on a Friday which is exactly two days away from both dates and each is also one day away from your luckiest days of the week so I don't think I can determine which of the two days is most likely to be the day you find out you finally do have "the" actual design Bessler had.

      I don't think you will be the one to determine that though. Most likely you'll receive news on one of those days that a very reliably made simulation confirms that what you have works. It will come from someone whose word you trust. However, if you don't receive that news on either of those two days, you could still receive it between then and the end of this year. If, however, that does not happen, then, most likely and regrettably, you don't have Bessler's design. That will be very disappointing for you and depress you for most of next year.

      Let's all hope that you receive some really good news on one of those two days!

      Sayer of Sooths

    3. Thank you for your comment. You got my birthday wrong though, it’s the 5th February, not January. I don’t know where the January came from, but again thank you anyway.

    4. Oh my goodness! So sorry about that. I recall you talking about your birthday being on the 5th earlier this year and I guess it was around the time of that palindrome date of February 2nd and not early January. Well, that changes matters considerably and you'll have to disregard much of my past two comments. You are not a Capricorn, but an Aquarius. This astrological symbol is known as the "water bearer" and is shown as either a young woman or wise old man carrying jugs of refreshing water and then letting it flow freely. Interestingly, one of Bessler's main intended uses for his wheels was to pump WATER out of flooded mines or irrigate farmers' fields with them.

      Your lucky numbers are: 5 which stands for variety and the urge to be free. And 7 which is a spiritual number that symbolizes deep thought, intuition, and silence.

      I think it's interesting that one of your lucky numbers is 5, you were born on the 5th of a month, and you also just happen to be pursuing a 5 lever wheel and that another number that is lucky for you is 7 which, as I've mentioned before, was a very important number to Bessler for religious reasons and is generally very lucky. These numbers indicate you may have much luck in finding Bessler's wheel. However, I'm still staying with my previous prediction of either September 6th or 9th for the day you learn if your wheel is a runner. Now, however, I'm feeling much better about September 9th because that's the 9th day of the 9th month and as was discussed earlier in this blog the number 9 is a Biblical number associated with finality and also plays a major role in the arrangement of the drawings in MT. Yes, I'm feeling very positive about this September 9th date for you getting that good news you seek. If you multiply 9 by 9 you get 9 x 9 = 81. Adding the individual digits of 81 gives you 8 + 1 = 9 again!

      The luckiest days of the week for you are Wednesday and Saturday and this September 9th just happens to fall on a Wednesday! That's also a very good sign.

      Your luckiest color is gray. Definitely a neutral color and you probably find yourself drawn to it.

      I found this forecast for Aquarius today, June 4th, which for you is probably almost half over by now. See if any of it applies to you:

      "Your attention is likely to wander today. Though work has been piling up, you will probably indulge in unproductive activities. But even this will not help you to relax because the awareness and the worry that you have not completed your tasks will always remain at the back of your mind. Your backlog is likely to accumulate which will have a long term effect on your working routine."

      Not that good a forecast and it might indicate that you are getting overwhelmed by the demands put on you by others and are unconsciously shutting down to avoid them and get some rest. Happens to everyone now and then.

      Sayer of Sooths

    5. Thank you once again SoS, I appreciate the time you have put into your analysis. JC

    6. Actually your forcast for today was accurate. 😀 JC

  20. รวมทุกการแข่งขัน อัตราการต่อรอง ความเห็นเหล่าเซียนบอล ลิงค์การถ่ายทอดบอลสด อัพเดตคะแนนตาราง และสถิติของฟุตบอลทั่วโลกแบบวินาทีต่อวินาที ท่านสามารถเลือก แทงบอลออนไลน์168 ได้ทุกลีกที่เปิดการแข่งขัน และยังสามารถแทงบอลสด ๆ ได้ที่นี่ สล็อตออนไลน์


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...