Saturday 2 May 2020 and B.O.R.G.

As per a recent request I have added the draft copy of the B.O.R.G. Constitution to pages in the right panel.  It does not make very interesting reading but I’ll leave it there for a few days.


I have occasionally mentioned my past membership of a small group of researchers who got together on-line to try to brainstorm a solution to Bessler’s wheel.  This was way back in 1999, it was called B.O.R.G. which stood Bessler Orffyreus Research Group, (we were aware of the other Borgs from Star Trek, no relation!). After a few months we returned to our solitary research, but one member comments from time to time on BW forum plus myself of course, and another is mikeyned, with whom I correspond from time to time. His web site is at  I’ve lost touch with the other two who were involved but I think they moved away from this field of research.

I mention Mikey’s web site because it contains some interesting research into Bessler’s books and drawings and I think it’s well worth a visit to see what he has written. I’m always looking for a new angle on attracting newcomers to this field of research, or hoping that new information will spark a new idea, so take a look at Mikeyned’s web site, it could lead ultimately  to a solution.

The idea of trying to brain storm a solution seemed potentially a good one, but so many ideas and divers reactions led to complex interactions with few designs actually attracting more than a short amount of discussion and study before being dismissed.  I know that sometimes it has been suggested on the BW forum that members should work together to achieve our aim, but I know from my own experience most people have their own ideas and are not so receptive to alternative ones.

I think the way things are working is probably as good as it can be.  Some BW forum members are sharing their designs, some others responding to them, others keeping to their own ideas and continuing to work on their own.  This blog, while it attracts plenty of comments has been visited by  many who pause to read and the move on without commenting, 1448158, since it began, but recently it has attracted a lot more, over 11000 visitors this month!  Of course it could be down to Covid-19! I think that the news about Bessler is spreading at last and I hope this will increase the chances of a breakthrough.

Be assured that when a successful design is achieved it will be shared everywhere, and I’m not just talking about mine! I simply can’t see how anyone who has proof and the evidence of a working Bessler wheel could possibly keep it to himself, or even want to, after so many years of attempting to solve this puzzle.

Good luck to all of you, as I’ve said several times, I would rather anyone found the answer, than no one.

BTW, don’t forget to watch my amazing video at   My video about Bessler’s Codes


Just an update about my gorgeous granddaughter Amy who is now more than 200 miles away instead of 100.  She was moved out of STEPS clinic to make way for Covid-19 patients.  She was making good progress but I’m sure she will adapt to the new place.  She says they talk a different language up there and have different names for things but she is determined to keep improving.  None of her family can visit due to the Covid-19 virus, which we were prepared to do, even planning to stay the night before the lockdown began.

When she first arrived at STEPS she was fed through a tube in her nose, and suffered other indignities which are too unpleasant to mention.  She could not sit up without support, neither could she hold her head up or move it unaided.  She had no feeling in her legs and was unable to stand.  She suffered intense pain in her left arm and hand.  Her left hand and wrist had contorted to such an extent she will have to have surgery eventually to try to get some use out of it.

Yet now she is able to eat normally, the powerful opiates she used to have are no longer needed, the pain in her left arm has almost gone, she can hold and move her head herself, she can sit up unaided, she can manually operate her wheel chair by using both hands although one is still bent double. She is learning to stand up with help.  All this has taken a year of intense physiotherapy, I just hope this new place can maintain her progress.

One last reminder - two years ago she was a much loved primary school teacher.  She had danced as an amateur at the local dance school all her life.  All these recent  problems came about when she suffered an episode of adult croup or whooping cough, possibly caught from one of her pupils, and was sent to hospital.  For reasons which are unclear it was difficult to insert a cannula and after they had managed to attach it, it subsequently became infected.  The rest followed, Amy’s health moved steadily downhill to the point when she arrived at STEPS, but now the only way is up.  A massive thank you to all who have donated, we hope to reach our target of £40,000 in the next few weeks.



  1. "I simply can’t see how anyone who has proof and the evidence of a working Bessler wheel could possibly keep it to himself, or even want to, after so many years of attempting to solve this puzzle."

    What's your particular definition of "proof and the evidence of a working Bessler wheel"?

    1. Full explanation of how it works, maybe a video too, plus of course an actual working model, open to a thorough examination by a credible expert.


    2. FAWK there could be many different OOB type wheel designs that can work one of which someone might by a miracle happen to find, build, and can then submit to some big shot university professors for examination and testing who will then announce that it is genuine. That would be very nice of course. But then the discoverer will have to prove it is the same design that Bessler had if he's claiming that it is.

      That's when there will be a big debate about whether the discoverer's clues are actually clues that Bessler deliberately left. No matter how convincing his interpretations might be there will always be some who will say that they are all wrong and won't accept the wheel's design as having been the one Bessler found. It might never really be possible to prove to everyone that any wheel is the same design that Bessler had.

      Also imagine how awkward it would be if a working wheel is produced one year based on clues and then a few years later another different working wheel is produced using a different set of clues! No one is going to believe that Bessler left the clues for two different wheels in his books. Most likely both wheels will not be considered to be Bessler's design even if they are both shown to actually work.

      But all of this can only be idle speculation at present. First let's get something that can be built and that actually works.

  2. "I have occasionally mentioned my past membership of a small group of researchers who got together on-line to try to brainstorm a solution to Bessler’s wheel...After a few months we returned to our solitary research..."

    Lol! Sounds like it was about as effective for solving the Bessler wheel mystery as would be tossing all of the separate parts for a bicycle and some hand tools into a cage filled with baboons and expecting them to eventually assemble all of the parts into a working bicycle.

    At first the baboons will be curious and pick up the pieces and carefully examine each one. They will smell them, lick them, and even bite them thinking they are edible. Then, as their frustrations grow, they will soon start throwing the parts and tools at each. Finally, in full rage, they will resort to throwing their own feces at each other and screeching loudly while making threatening gestures at one another.

    Finally, hearing the commotion, the zoo keeper will come along and throw some bananas into the cage and all of the baboons will become peaceful again as each concentrates on peeling and eating one of the bananas that landed near him. But each keeps a wary eye on the other baboons near him that might try to steal his banana away from him before he finishes eating it!

    Maybe humans aren't meant to work together when it comes to Bessler's wheels?

    A human pm chaser will always guard his wheel design just as carefully as a baboon guards his banana. But unlike failed pm wheel tests, at least bananas don't leave a bitter taste in one's mouth.

    1. A lot of newbie pm chasers think they will have something up and running in a few weeks maybe a month at most. Cruel reality soon teaches them how naive they were. Success can take decades of constant effort to achieve IF it is ever achieved at all. Bessler only needed a single decade for his success. He was actually incredibly lucky to make a working wheel in such a short time.

    2. There was no bitter taste left in our mouths, it was an exciting and interesting experience, during which we were full of hope and excitement, and we believed that our group was probably the first time such an organised method of trying to solve the problem had ever been attempted. We only stopped because we didn’t make progress towards a solution in a short time, which we believed might be possible. We had a written agreement about how we would work together and deal with encouraging results, but we limited the experiment to a year because it we knew it would generate a lot of stuff to consider and we thought it would bring results quickly or not at all.

      Sorry anon, 06.29, I accidentally posted before I had finished writing.


    3. If that "written agreement" still exists, it would be interesting to see.

    4. It does, it’s two A4 pages. I can post it if anyone’s interested?


    5. There have been several collaborative efforts in the free energy community since B.O.R.G. All eventually ended. Yes, the obvious lack of any real results has much to do with that, but there is another reason that I think is far more pervasive.

      Everyone starts out talking about how much they want to share about their approaches to a solution, but then, over time as emails and phone calls are exchanged, it becomes apparent that some members are sharing a lot more than others. Those not sharing that much are convinced they are the ones who have the designs most likely to work and aren't really willing to share the details of them despite their earlier talk about being willing to do so. That then leads to suspicions and accusations among the members and, sooner or later, communication breaks down as those doing the most sharing all clam up. Once that happens the group is no longer functional and there's no longer any need to maintain the pretense that it is. Emails go unanswered and phone calls are not returned as members drop out one by one and go their separate ways vowing never to get involved in such nonsense again.

      To answer anon 03:43's question, no, I don't think humans are meant to work together when it comes to Bessler's wheels or any kind of pm machine for that matter. Their egos will eventually sabotage any such efforts. They are much like baboons in a cage who won't equally share any bananas thrown in to them. The strongest ones will grab up the most bananas to feed themselves while the weaker baboons will go hungry. Likewise in any group of pm chasers, those who think they are closest to a solution will keep as quiet as possible about what they have while those that are looking for information will be the most willing to share even though they have little to share.

      @John Collins. Yes, please do post those two A4 pages of the B.O.R.G. written agreement somewhere if you can. I'm curious to see what it says about the sharing of the details of what each member was then currently working on.

    6. No matter how wretched some of the pm chasers I've known have been, I'd never compare them to baboons. That would be an insult. To the baboons, that is!

    7. @anon 18:59. LOL!

    8. Hey, never mind the baboons. It'd be an insult to the bananas.

    9. @Anon 21:39. ROTFLMAO!!!

    10. Do anyone still doubt natural herbs? I’ve seen the great importance of natural supplements and the wonderful work Dr Edidia has done in my husband life.I was looking for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD treatments for my husband who was 72yrs old, my husband has COPD and cancer, his condition was very critical which i was very afraid that will not survive it.His white blood count was very low right now and his doctors are planning on starting some chemo or other treatment soon.. I don't believe he will last long if he does this.. His COPD  is getting worse even though he hasn't smoked in 30 years. so i decided to come online to see if there will be better alternative, during my research i saw a lady post about doctor Dr Edidia  who has power over deadly disease, so i decided to contact him because i really do not care about what my husband was talking in all i want for him is for him to get well for me because he was all i have, my husband took the remedies that he send to us through UPS  as he told us and few weeks later my husband stop to notice that symptoms of his disease are begging to leave him so he went back to his Doctor and he was told he no longer has those diseases.
      My husband is totally free of COPD and cancer if not for doctor Edidia who help us rid this problem there is a possibility that my husband wouldn't be alive today.
      their contact info (dredidiaherbalhome@gmail.comor whatsapp +2349074505296 visit his website  or  

  3. Would the description have to be very technical or could be something like a drawing with an explanation like weight a swings clockwise colliding with weight c causing it to swing clockwise which then collides with .......... , causing rotation.
    I do not know all the technical words to describe it, would I need to take a course in physics or mechanics before, and then release it in a few years .

    1. I’ve just read the ‘constitution’ again after many years and it is basically a semi-legal document describing our organisation and it’s rules, voting practices etc. Not very interesting. What was more interesting was reading some of the emails. It is amazing how much we talked about exactly the same things as we do now; many of the same designs, theories and difficulties. Before you ask I can’t share the emails as they are private and I can’t even ask two of the other members for permission as I don’t have their current email addresses. Emails addresses at uk online no longer exist.


    2. I think I did make my post clear enough, I meant for posting it openly online to the world, a working device, how detailed would the description have to be to prevent it from being patented by someone else.

    3. @anon 11:20. I found this online:

      "If you're planning on patenting an idea, it's best to not disclose anything about it in public. Aside from the potential of someone stealing your idea, you risk limiting your ability to patent it later. The U.S. is a 'first to file' system, meaning that someone can steal your idea and file an application before you."

  4. John isn't this a proof of Bessler did something out of the box.
    These many years, these many people, all we have the same ideas recycled again and again.
    I think the reason is Karl's comment. That comment has been throwing everyone on the same path which involves simple machines.

    Evidently Bessler's solution includes "something" requires expert craftsmanship that can only be gained by hands-on experience.

    1. Yes yellow. I can only speak from my own experience, but my design looks simple but there are several features which have to be included which are not so simple to work out. If you saw my wheel motionless you might think it doesn’t look that complicated, but then you would notice some things which look either unnecessary or counter intuitive. I am certain that the design is right, but there are still details which are easy to see and understand but working around them not so easy.

      So Karl must have seen it working but having seen some really complex mechanical devices in his time thought that Bessler’s wheel mechanism was less complex than those others.


    2. He needed months to build his wheel which said to be so simple that a carpenter's boy could build it. Obviously it was not that simple to build.

    3. I think he meant "it's just mechanical" and not "a simple mechanics". People probably imagined anything and everything at this era , and Count Karl probably meant that it was something simply mechanical, without other artifices.
      The solution must indeed have been more complicated to develop.

      Good luck to Amy on the way

      Robert . . .

    4. It is simple alright... Karl is right... Simple mechanics... It is just that no one had thought of it before... Or even after...

      It took months those days because every component had to be handmade... things are different now... Sitting at home you can have ballbearings home delivered same day...

      Yellow sir, I am sorry but you have become a hardcore non believer of bessler's genuine clues... And, there is just no cure for this... BW mystery can be solved but not your skeptism...

      Good day...

    5. Hardcore nonbeliever?...
      Dear Suresh, you have no idea, I am giving Bessler more credit than all of you are giving.
      That man could build a church organ, we can't...

    6. yellow, I think SK is saying that you don't believe in B's "genuine clues". but those clues are only the ones that SK believes he's found. of course, he won't be revealing them to anyone here because "it's not the right time for that". he's whistled that tune here for months now and SG has whistled it here even longer. if you produce your own clues and do reveal them you will see how quick he and others will become "hardcore non believers" in them! everyone tends to have their own private set of "genuine clues" and dismisses everyone else's as nonsense. that's why there is so little progress with B's wheels and will continue to be. real progress will only happen when we can all agree on the same set of "genuine clues" and work with them.

    7. Bessler already gave lots of clues.
      Here is a very good post about them;

      I do believe in those clues.

    8. Thanks for the link yellow. I think that the "genuine clues" that SK is referring to won't be the ones in Rocky's list of 300 clues that most average B wheel students know of. SK's "clues" will be special ones that only he sees and has hinted about here in the past. As soon as he saw then that his hints were being dismissed and ridiculed, he immediately realized that "the time was not right" to give any further hints. It's a nice little game he can play indefinitely that makes him feel like he has superior knowledge of Bessler's wheels without ever having to actually reveal anything and have it put to the test by others. You can be sure that, like JC, he will continue to play that game for years to come.

    9. Thanks yellow .. I haven't seen all Rockys' clues in one place in a long time. Being a policeman he obviously applied his training and experience to rigorously compile them, like writing up a white board to solve a crime. He did an outstanding job. My thoughts were that even given the nuances of translation he has it all there in their different categories, and it would make an excellent Ven Diagram analysis.

      cheers -f

    10. Yellow Sir... Sure you do... But in a distorted way... The clue compilation is great... First time ever maybe in a single place... But, it is to be seen how many of them you really believe in...

      Please note that the wheel mechanism is neither complicated nor difficult to build... But difficult to conceive in mind initially... Because of various reasons like wrong approach or belief system... or even misinterpretation of clues...
      To succeed one should first form the core idea and then compare it with the available clues...
      No simming is necessary... The core idea is very much overwhelming... It is that unique concept... Which clears all doubts... So far, it has not been discussed anywhere... After getting the this core idea right then you will notice most of the clues becoming obvious... It is like an enlightening feeling...
      You were damn right about Ken... I am sure that even an expert's consultation wouldn't cure his illness...

    11. "After getting the this core idea right then you will notice most of the clues becoming obvious... It is like an enlightening feeling..."

      Notice how SK continues to suggest he already has the "core idea right" and has an "enlightened feeling" as a result while everyone else here does not. As anon 20:51 above said, he will continue to "play that game for years to come" while never revealing anything here. You'll see that he will regularly play it at least once per blog.

    12. @ -f and anon 2051

      not at all guys. that's a fantastic post. I like being a part of this community.

  5. The reason that group collaboration doesn't succeed with a working wheel design in Bessler's instance is quite simple.

    Here's an analogy. If Bessler's written works were in an unknown language (let's say Bessler shorthand, for example based on the Masonic shorthand) then a bunch of language scholars would work separately but share their progress. They would apply grammatical rules and hunches, and apply their previous experience and expertise to decipher the text. If they couldn't find a Rosetta stone then they would apply statistical analysis and look for common and frequent words used and substitute. They'd break it down by brute force. They'd know that there are only two types of basic language constructs in the world today, whose grammar is different but known. They'd find what family the language belonged to and then collaboratively unravel it till the text made sense and was readable. Job done. Collaboration successful. If the secret language did not follow the known languages groupings grammar then the job is orders of magnitude harder. The Voynich Manuscript comes to mind.

    In Bessler's case the grammatical rules are the rules of Physics. The order of words, like Latin with the verb at the end of the sentence, the Mechanics.

    But like the Voynich is written in ink and read from left to right there Bessler's mechanics similarity ends. He used a counter-intuitive mechanical method within his wheels, not seen before or since. Yet the mechanics is well known, and simple at a glance. IMO. If the mechanical application is and was unique then the people attempting to unravel it and make sense of what he wrote will have no experience of it. They will have to intuit it on the fly, and not everyone is capable of that, in a group or individually. And then that person must float his ideas against the current of the group dynamics and ultimately persuade them. So the real problem with the private group collaboration approach is the limited gene pool leading to extinction. Better to join a public internet discussion group with a large gene pool and pay it forward. What goes around comes around. IMO.


    1. "Better to join a public internet discussion group with a large gene pool and pay it forward. What goes around comes around."

      Unfortunately, that often leads to one's ideas being lost in a sea of conflicting and often incompetent babble as a researcher finds some supporting his ideas but the majority dismissing or even mocking them. I think for every long time poster we see on a public free energy blog or forum there are dozens who tried it briefly, got irritated as a reward for their trying to share, and then said "Adios" and went right back to their solitary researches. They then decide that they will "go public" AFTER they finally find success which they never do of course.

  6. And that is the point. To build resilience, and expertise in what doesn't work. And when your creative juices are down to a trickle ride it out in the herd till another wave of inspiration takes you on another solitary tangent and journey. All groups have their advantages and disadvantages, background noise and dynamics. Look for the positives. A problem shared is a problem halved. It's a long journey, why not have company for part of the way. Each to their own as it always is ! There is nothing democratic or compulsory about how you must solve the Bessler mystery.


  7. Someone in the last blog suggested that MT137 might have been inspired by Bessler seeing a picture of a wheel designed by DaVinci. Here's a interesting see through type sim someone made of that wheel that shows it does not work:

  8. Update. In the last blog I mentioned a trusted government virus model that had predicted, because of the premature reopening of businesses in some states and also people in rural areas not thinking they needed to comply with the social distancing recommendations because of their states' lower populations, that the total US deaths by August 1st would increase from 62,000 to about 74,000. Well, they just ran the program again using the latest available medical data and now the model is predicting 135,000 deaths by August 1st which is almost double!

    Right now the US is losing about 1,000 people PER DAY to the virus. Another computer model is predicting that figure will rise to about 3,000 per day by the beginning of June which is less than a month away.

    These numbers are very depressing, but they are encouraging a LOT of research into vaccines and reliable tests worldwide. Most likely we will have something to quickly detect and treat the infection before the end of this year. What we really need is something which will work directly against the virus as effectively as penicillin works against many bacteria. That is, we need something that directly kills the virus in one's bloodstream. Unfortunately, research into these kinds of medications is still in its earliest stage.

    Trump, during one of his daily pandemic briefings, wondered if it might be possible to inject people with a "disinfectant" to kill the virus. Some viewers who caught that statement were actually calling their state's Poison Control Centers and asking if it was safe to drink bleach or Lysol to kill the virus! The media immediately jumped on his statement and used it to try to show how ignorant he was. However, I don't think it's such a bad idea although definitely not to be done by drinking bleach or Lysol! It would require, perhaps, some lab made enzyme or combination of enzymes that would be injected into a patient's blood and could then make the protein sphere that the virus' genetic material comes in dissolve and break up into pieces as the genetic material was scattered into the blood after which the body would eliminate the fragments. This might be possible, but it would have to be thoroughly tested for safety and might take years to find, but perhaps much sooner if enough researchers get to work on it.

    Meanwhile, a lot of US businesses, large and small, are on the verge of bankruptcy. Even if they do reopen using social distancing, face masks on everyone, and sanitizing all touchable surfaces in sight, they really need their usual flow of customers to stay financially profitable. A trickle of customers is not sufficient. 70 to 80% of Americans say that they still do not feel comfortable returning to work or visiting a restaurant to sit down for a meal because of the daily deaths being reported. They also definitely don't feel comfortable sending their kids back to school. Expect to see an unprecedented rise in bankruptcies in the coming months.

    Right now the US stock and bond markets are being quietly kept from collapsing by the actions of the Federal Reserve which is buying up any stocks or bonds that are being dumped in large amounts so as to keep their prices stable. It's really a bailout for the super rich at the expense of the future taxes of all US citizens. But without that action a lot of Americans would be losing their retirement investments and our Social Security system might collapse.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  9. Is your latest wheel stubbornly refusing to turn? Are you at your wits end as how to get some results? Not sure what is a clue and what is not a clue? Ready to call it quits? Tempted to just get drunk and stay drunk? Well, don't fret because there's now a simple way to finally get your wheel turning!

    Actually, it won't really be turning, but you can make it look like it is and anyone you show the wheel to will probably agree that they see it turning and will declare that you are a genius and have finally achieved PM. Your wheel will even look like it's turning in a photo or video. Sound impossible? No. All you have to do is spray paint the following design on your wheel. Put it on both sides to make it into a bi-directional wheel!

    1. Here's one for someone to paint on the sides of their Buzzsaw wheel:

  10. That is an amazing optical illusion. I found that not looking at it directly but off a little to one side makes it look more like its turning. It does something weird to your eyes and brain to get the effect. But, I think I'd rather have a wheel that was actually turning!

  11. Thank you once again Robert. We really appreciate this. JC

    1. A perpetual motion or other mechanism is a good thing. But the suffering or the life of a person is much more important. I try to give as much as I can for Amy and your reminder of her state of health helps me a lot ;-)

      Thanks to you John for what you do.

      Robert. . .

  12. Meet another John Collins. Center of gravity, center of spin. This one is much more entertaining. :)

    1. There is a huge difference between that John Collins and our John Collins. What that John Collins builds actually works!

    2. Ouch, that’s a bit harsh, Anonymous 20.59. I used to make those same paper aeroplanes when I was a kid, and they flew just fine!


    3. I wonder how well "that" JC would do if he tried to build a pm wheel? Probably no better than "our" JC.

    4. Made out of paper? Might be able to provide PoP, but not very practical. JC.

  13. I'm 57 years old and female. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I've been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled in just one inch away from my spine, resulting to underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately my smoking just caused more damage to my already under developed lungs. The problem was having is that I enjoy smoking and don't want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don't want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my husband and children's eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solution on their own to help my condition.I am an 57 now who was diagnose COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of  Dr Akhigbe   total cure herbal medicine. my husband saw his testimony on the internet he used his powerful medicine to cured different diseases. we contacted his email   [}   He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and others diseases, will cure you totally and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
    God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life.

  14. Do anyone still doubt natural herbs? I’ve seen the great importance of natural supplements and the wonderful work Dr Edidia has done in my husband life.I was looking for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD treatments for my husband who was 72yrs old, my husband has COPD and cancer, his condition was very critical which i was very afraid that will not survive it.His white blood count was very low right now and his doctors are planning on starting some chemo or other treatment soon.. I don't believe he will last long if he does this.. His COPD  is getting worse even though he hasn't smoked in 30 years. so i decided to come online to see if there will be better alternative, during my research i saw a lady post about doctor Dr Edidia  who has power over deadly disease, so i decided to contact him because i really do not care about what my husband was talking in all i want for him is for him to get well for me because he was all i have, my husband took the remedies that he send to us through UPS  as he told us and few weeks later my husband stop to notice that symptoms of his disease are begging to leave him so he went back to his Doctor and he was told he no longer has those diseases.
    My husband is totally free of COPD and cancer if not for doctor Edidia who help us rid this problem there is a possibility that my husband wouldn't be alive today.
    their contact info (dredidiaherbalhome@gmail.comor whatsapp +2349074505296 visit his website  or  


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...