Thursday 18 June 2020

Science, the New Religion.

The opinion that perpetual motion (PM) and Bessler’s wheel are impossible is so well established under the heading, ‘ science’ that it is incapable of change, modification or dismissal, because it has been accepted for more than three hundred years. The birth of ‘science’ was the eventual and inevitable response to religion and the priesthoods and those charlatans that spouted ‘faith’ as the answer to everything, and it replaced it with testable and shareable facts. Science provides a framework to organise observations which can be referenced and confirmed by other ‘scientists’.

Using inductive reasoning leads to the creation of theories which can be tested and if reproducible can form a basis for further theorising, but sometimes a wall is encountered which seems to bring progress to a halt. This leads to the assumption among established ‘scientists’ that all the facts are known and it is time to move on. But among younger-minded thinkers such stale opinions are open to reinterpretation, they seek a paradigm shift. I use the term ‘younger-minded thinkers’ to describe those who do not accept the tried and tested opinions that were drummed into them in their formative years, they seek innovative, imaginative solutions which weren’t available at the time the old indurate opinions were established.

The method used to acquire knowledge by observation, the empirical method, has been in use for a lot longer than three hundred years, and often we may observe some action without knowing the how or why of it. Bessler’s wheel was observed, tested and thoroughly examined. Rigorous scepticism about the tests was applied, but also note was taken of the opinion of the one man, a person of the greatest integrity, who insisted on being permitted to observe the interior of the wheel in action before agreeing to sponsor the inventor, Johann Bessler.

In today’s world scientists would demand information about how the wheel worked, but they would either have sign an NDA or the inventor would apply for a patent, (or give the solution away), but Bessler had no option other than demand the money after the machine had been subjected to the scientific method, empirical testing, observation and the respected declaration of an honest, knowledgeable man.

Some people say that the publication of the solution to Bessler’s wheel will result in a paradigm shift in what we know about gravity. Is gravity a conservative force? Yes of course it is, but that isn’t actually relevant. Gravity makes things fall, but it can’t make them rise again, it’s a one way force. Work done by gravity depends on the initial and final positions, regardless of the path taken. If the starting and ending positions are the same, as in a circular path, the net work done is zero.

Obviously Johann Bessler told the truth when he said that the weights were literally the actual PM which caused the wheel to turn, but if gravity is conservative, how is this possible?  It isn’t gravity that makes the wheel turn, it’s the weights.  Gravity enables the wheel to turn but it is the action of the falling weights which makes it turn.  Bessler provided the information that the weights were the PM,  but it was dismissed or ignored, but actually what he said was correct.

This whole view of gravity-enabled non-stop rotation was ignored, sidelined or scorned just because no one had ever managed to design a mechanism which could do what Bessler’s did.  It was never impossible, just never achieved, no proof of either outcome before Bessler. But the fact that no one had ever produced a working PM wheel in the whole of the history of mankind, was sufficient evidence, so it was believed, to assume it was indeed impossible.

But look at the evidence; Bessler’s wheel passed every test designed to prove or disprove the inventor’s claims.  A man of unimpeachable reputation validated it. Bessler was never found to be cheating and died still maintaining his claim to have built not one, but several PM machines.  So there is no evidence that it is impossible, just faith in the ‘scientists’ who repeat by rote, ‘it is impossible because gravity is a conservative force’.

It’s been said many times but it is nevertheless true - science is the new religion.



  1. Hmm...blogs about clues suddenly gone and replaced with a generic topic to blather on about. Not a good sign. John must be disappointed that so few are actually interested in his "clues". Maybe that's because they've grown weary of clues and codes and want to finally SEE what his wheel design actually is after their last eleven years of regularly reading vague hints about it? With the disappearance of all of the minor clues that were supposed to prepare us for the major ones so we can really understand how his wheel works, that could mean we're not going to see any of those major clues either. What's next? No revealing all before the end of this September as he promised last blog? A delay of the final revelation until this year's end? A delay until next year sometime? Something tells me things are slowly but surely getting back to "business as usual" around here which means no real information ever about the details of the design he claims he working on and will soon "finish".

    1. Maybe JC is just taking a codes and clues "break" for a while so we can all come up for a breath of fresh air? That last blog was packed with so many numbers, sums, and years that it got overwhelming. If he said he'll reveal his design before the end of September I'm confident he will and he will do that whether it's a runner or not. I hope it is but if it's not then we can watch as others try to tweek it into becoming one. Regardless of any necessary minor tweeks it will still be JC's discovery which he will get the credit for and we can finally discuss it instead of all of the clues we've been drowning in for years now.

    2. Absolutely right. FWIW the numbers weren't that difficult. JC was looking for a reason to add 11 to the DT numbers adjusted total and GB total to end up at 660 IINM. One way is to look at the numbers themselves. DT total 633 + net missing numbers 5 + 11 to get GB total 649 (nb also missing was 18 and 24 but we gained 42 i.e. 18 + 24 = 42). 5 and 11 are Prime Numbers which when multiplied = 55. The sums would look like this 633 + 5 + 11 (net missing) = 649 + 11 = 660. Of the 2 primes 5 is on the list as he said but has zero quantity while there is an 11. Therefore disregard the 5 of the primes and add 11 suggested by the missing portion of the picture. >> 660 / Prime Total 55 = 12 > Clock Face. Ends up at the same place.

    3. Yaggggghhhhhh!!!!

  2. Common guys - why the constant beat up unless you have an agenda ? John has drawn a line in the sand for September. He's upfront about that, and it's a self imposed short leash. The blogs about clues and the ensuing discussions are a distraction to be fair, because all things Bessler related are up for interpretation and discussion by the nature of them. Else we'd have solved this mystery by now. And it's impossible to prove accurate interpretation or insight without a design to compare to. A lose lose for John while he's attempting to finish and test his build. A little compassion for the man walking the walk as we sit around talking the talk.


  3. Bessler's response to skeptics like Wagner was:

    "Because Wagner is incapable of inventing such a device as mine,
    he thinks no-one else in the world can. He's the cleverest man of all
    who live on this earth. But, if only he could thoroughly cleanse his
    ears of the wax of hatred which is blocking them up, he'd soon
    realize, as many honest people do, that the world of mechanics is
    one that no-one can fully fathom. This being the case, why
    shouldn't the great Perpetuum Mobile have a place in it

  4. Very true Anon 5.22.

    "the world of mechanics is one that no-one can fully fathom"

    from Wiki clues "one pound can cause the raising of more than one pound." - "What if I were to teach the proper method of mechanical application? Then people would say: 'Now I understand!'" - AP pg 342

  5. John, i agree with you on this 100%, which doesn't happen often.
    Understanding why we have this wrong attitude to PM is very important. Bessler was able to see clearly what we had done wrong, because he found the right way of doing it. Half of the problem is solved when we can understand that collectively being wrong is not only an eventuality, but a probability. This can only be achieved by objectively analysing the situation in which we find ourselves concerning perpetual motion. It is perfectly clear that we are still making the same mistakes that have been made for thousands of years, defending beliefs is far more important than seeking the truth. This is not only specific to PM, we can see it clearly in the medical world also.
    Bessler was able to overcome the influences that deform our perception of what is the truth, he told us we need to wake up, we need to snap out of it, we need to stop believing and start thinking. Beliefs make us blind, we can no longer see clearly.
    To be able to take of the blinkers, we first need to accept that we are wearing them. Catagorically refusing the eventuality that we have blinkers is our biggest obstacle.
    I hope your build is coming along as you (and many others) hope.

    1. Thanks RH46, and thanks for the other comments. I did post this blog to save time while I gather more clues to post. The build is going quite well, So there will be no problem in finishing it and publishing all by September (this year!)


    2. Making a working pm wheel is simple. Just find some way of having the descending weights lose more GPE going down than is regained by the ascending weights going up as they both move through the SAME vertical distance. Science then and now says it can't be done. Bessler said it could and did it. Who do you believe?

    3. Interesting idea anon 13:15 which might have something to do with that Bessler AP quote (thanks to Steward over at BWF for this translation):

      "He/One shall be called a great craftsman,
      who can easily/lightly throw up a heavy thing,
      and when one pound falls a quarter,
      it shoots four pounds up four quarters. &c.
      Who of this can speculate,
      will soon the motion perpetuate,
      who however [does] not yet know this,
      all that industry is in vain."

      But there is no way a 1 pound weight could drop 1 foot and cause a 4 pound weight to fly up 4 feet. You'd have to have the dropping 1 pound weight lose more than 16 times as much GPE as it normally would or you'd have to have the rising weight regain less than 1/16 as much GPE as it normally would or some combination of these. This is impossible unless you can somehow alter the masses of the weights involved or the gravity field affecting them. Bessler was a smart guy but he couldn't do anything like that.

      Maybe it was a bad translation?

    4. See my next blog anon 13.15 and 03.23


  6. And another future pm wheel chaser begins his research!

    1. Considering a young kid made this video, it's really impressive. It's basically what's called "stop action animation" and had to be shot one frame at a time probably using his dad's camera. It must have taken him several hours to make it. I think he could make a great engineer someday.

  7. here is value in Bessler's words, they point to the basic proposition of weights and the power in the force of gravity that acts upon the weights. i am focused on his words about the cross bar and the principle of connectedness as the clues that will allow us to be able to construct a working unit

  8. Bravo Gravittea!! Yes, the cross bar and connecting 2 pairs of swinging weights ACROSS THE DIAMETER are good points to focus on. Also, in A.P. Bessler's words directs our focus to the 'suddenly flies upward" movement, not the falling weights! ( John): I quote Max Planck: "Science progresses one funeral at a time" !!

  9. I'm afraid you will have to build the wheel first to know which of his words are important, and there meaning-----------------------Sam

  10. Not only is science the new religion, it is fast becoming the new politics.

  11. Update. So far 121,369 Americans dead from COVID-19.

    A few days ago a computer projection estimated the number of US deaths will exceed 200,000 by early October and this is still part of our present "first wave". My gut is again telling me we will hit that number well before early October.

    How is Trump responding to all of this? This Saturday he's going to have a big political rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A million of his faithful followers from all over the US want to attend but only a maximum of 19,000 can crowd into the arena. Any overflow will probably just mill around outside of the area listening to his every word on speakers. Trump loves big crowds at this rallies all shouting approval at him. He really needs it this time because the latest polls show him LOSING to challenger Biden by as much as 12% if the election were held today. Of course he thinks all those polls are just bs because the pollsters don't know how to properly conduct a poll. His definition of the proper ways are any ways that show him instead beating Biden by double digit percentages!

    Attendees at the arena can start entering it at 3 pm and then can wait until 7 pm for the rally to start. No need for social distancing which would cut down his crowd size or even face masks which might muffle the chanting of his loyal followers. Btw, those entering have to agree that, if they get infected by COVID-19, they won't sue Trump. He's already said only a few may get sick so there's really no serious risk. If so, then why the need for a signed release? Virus experts are saying this event will be a real disaster that could increase new cases and deaths all over the US as a result.

    Tulsa, Oklahoma is currently experiencing the highest single day spike in new cases since they started keeping records of them and healthcare workers in the city are afraid that the coming post Trump rally spike in new cases could, in about a week or so, completely overwhelm their local hospitals.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Dear Sir John.

      You forgot that Bessler said about the drops of gravity.
      You accept the knowledge that Bessler left and believe that he has acquired unique skills and that his device can work, why you can't believe that God inspired him and gave him understanding.
      In my opinion, your approach to truth is selective and incomplete.
      Why you don't accept the whole life truth of Bessler, he wrote it himself.
      I believe that the truth opens the bars and puts behind the bars as she put Bessler but I mean the first case.
      Saint Augustine wrote, "If there is no faith, there is no knowledge, there is no truth."
      In my opinion, it is always better to free yourself to take advantage of the knowledge of science that is for the mind of man and the full wisdom that comes from God.
      As a result, our thinking horizons increase and we have unlimited space to use.
      I think it's worth trying because it's never too late for success.

      Best regards.

    2. Hi, Suresh? Sorry if it isn’t you.

      “ You forgot that Bessler said about the drops of gravity.”

      What does that mean? Drops of gravity?

      “You accept the knowledge that Bessler left and believe that he has acquired unique skills and that his device can work, why you can't believe that God inspired him and gave him understanding.”

      I can accept that he was inspired by his belief in God, but his understanding cane from his determination to find the solution to PM.

      “In my opinion, your approach to truth is selective and incomplete.
      Why you don't accept the whole life truth of Bessler, he wrote it himself.
      I believe that the truth opens the bars and puts behind the bars as she put Bessler but I mean the first case.”

      My approach to truth is I believe what I can intellectually accept.

      “Saint Augustine wrote, "If there is no faith, there is no knowledge, there is no truth."
      In my opinion, it is always better to free yourself to take advantage of the knowledge of science that is for the mind of man and the full wisdom that comes from God.
      As a result, our thinking horizons increase and we have unlimited space to use.
      I think it's worth trying because it's never too late for success.”

      I disagree with Saint Augustine if he wrote that. If he meant blind faith in God, then of course there can be knowledge. You don’t need to believe in God to study, learn and share what you know. Wisdom come from learning lessons about life and comes with or without God...

    3. "SIR John"?! I didn't know that he had been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II yet! If so, then isn't that a little premature considering he doesn't have a working wheel yet? Maybe his knighthood is based solely on his clues which will surely lead to a working wheel? If that's that case, then congratulations, Sir John of Warwickshire!

    4. Yes a little precipitate. Nice idea though! JC

    5. That wasn't me JC sir... I never comment anonymously...


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...