Monday, 8 June 2020

The Merseburg Wheel illustration

This is the third decipher blog published early to correct an error in the previous one

In my last blog we looked at the illustration from DT, which I maintain, held a hidden pentagram.  There have been doubts expressed about the figure. Some think it is just a coincidence and any geometric figure could be found, other believe it is badly formed and has unequal chords.

I have placed a corrected pentagram below. Notice where the red line first crosses the lower left rim of the wheel.  Follow the yellow hatching line which begins where the red line first crosses the rim of the wheel, to the right side of the bottom of the main supporting pillar. Next, mark the exact middle of the red line within the circle, and draw a perpendicular line (green) from the centre of rotation upwards through the mark, to the period or full stop on the title line above the drawing.  

The blue line which I included in the previous blog is an error for which apologise.  The illustration I used is just one among many I have, and I used the wrong one!  The pendulum still has its upper almost horizontal chord in the same place and the reason for that will become clear, yes it is deliberate.

In the above illustration the three main columns are numbered 4, but the four supporting ones are numbered 12.  They are of differing heights. The number 12s have two dimensional caps but the 4s have three dimensional ones.  The 12s are designed to act as datum points for an enlarged circle.  See illustration below.

The red circled caps provide reference points for an outer circles which includes the left weight in the main T shaped pendulum, the triangular padlock and part of the chest of stones.  The green circles also provide reference points for an additional confirmation to be described later.  The blue circled caps are not datum points.

Using a set of compasses, place the point on the centre of rotation and set the pencil on the top of one of the two number 12s.  There is room for variation but the important detail is to include the number 11 weight on the left end of the cross bar on the pendulum, and the point on the padlock. The reasons for this will be explained in a later blog.

I will also explain the meaning of the other two (green circled) number 12s in my next blog.


                                   Copyright © 2020 John Collins


  1. Your red line along the rope behind the drum is fine. But I think you made a big mistake with the placement of the end point of your green line which, despite what you wrote, is not actually perpendicular to the red line. I'd recommend that you forget about ending the green line at that period mark above the top border of the figure. Instead try again extending your green line from the center of the axle but end it at that inward, axle facing corner of the little rectangular weight attached to bottom of the left end of the pendulum's crosspiece. If you do that it should then make the green line perfectly perpendicular to the red line and also make the top side of your pentagon perfectly horizontal. You can then place the pentagon's bottom corner right in the middle of the main axle's support beam. I'm not sure if this will result in a perfectly regular pentagon for you, but it will probably be a major step in the right direction.

  2. John,
    My worry is that Bessler may have used geometric forms simply to make the drawings.
    Is finding the geometric patterns telling us how the wheel was constructed or just how the drawings were constructed?

  3. This is an piece of paper older than 100 years , it has folds , waves , and is subject to deformation.

    Note that not everything is squared , not everything is perpendicular , not everything is centered, look at the borders for example.

    Taking that in to consideration ,there is absolutely no requirement for a "perfect" regular pentagon being produced by JC ,in any form .

    p.s There is a difference between a pentagon and a pentagram , what is being depicted here by JC is a "pentagon".


    1. Anon, 10.06. It has been almost impossible to level the upper line of the pentagon, because the lengths of the chords which should be equal are then unequal, so I have assumed it is deliberate. But as JB says, a piece of paper 300 years old has warped due to damp etc and there may be problems in reading the geometry as it was intended. I hope to show why the pentagon (thank you for the correction JB) is not perfectly level at the top.

      RH46, I will show you why the pentagon is a vital part of the construction.

      Thanks guys for the comments, it’s all good.


    2. I'm a numerologist and not a geometrician, but I've taken a closer look at your pentagon problem and think I've found a simple way to get a perfect pentagon out of it for you even though I don't think it's really that important that it is perfect.

      First, follow anon 10:06's advice above about making the top side of the pentagon because it does produce a nice horizontal side. The points where his horizontal line touches the outer rim of the drum will give you two of the corners of your pentagon. Next, you must get the next two lower corners by extending a horizontal line to the right from the bottom point of that blade-like thing attached to the bottom side of the axle near the drum in the left side drawing. Where that horizontal line crosses the rim of the drum of the right side drawing on its both sides will give you the next two lower corners in your pentagon. Finally, the fifth and lowest corner will be at the lowest point of the rim of the right side drum which is hidden behind that large axle support piece and just a little to the right of that rectangular hole Bessler cut into it for the rope. Finally, connect all five corners to hopefully get your perfect pentagon.

      Hope this helps.

      Sayer of Sooths.

    3. So now you have a numerologist helping you to make a perfect upside down pentagon?! He is what is called a "diviner" in the Bible and what he does is strictly CONDEMNED by God as shown in Deuteronomy 18:10-11. That perfect upside down pentagon you crave will have a perfect upside down PENTAGRAM inside of it. Here's what that represents.

      "A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns..."

      What you are trying to do John is an ABOMINATION to God! You need to flee from this immediately because no good can ever come from it. It will only bring great evil into your life. PLEASE delete any files you have with these upside down pentagons and pentagrams in them immediately and stop showing them on the web and spreading them around the world. I don't think you realize the danger of what you are doing. I will pray that you will be able to break free of this Satanic evil that now has you in its grip.

    4. @anon 02:28

      It is true that I am what you would call a "diviner" or one who tries to fortell the future, but I think you've got the meaning of the inverted pentagon and its enclosed pentagram wrong. I tried to give its proper meaning several blogs ago but perhaps you did not see it. Yes, it can be a symbol of evil and Satan in some ancient and even modern Satan worshipping cults. But in the "white magic" type Wiccan cults of western Europe it is considered a good symbol that protects one from evil and brings him good luck. What it does really depends upon the intentions of its user. Evil people will use its power for evil and good people will use it for good. I'm sure that JC has no intention of using it for evil. Remember that Jesus was, on occasion, a diviner even though Christians prefer to call him a prophet.

      Sayer of Sooths

    5. After being transformed into a goat man during a black mass, John pledges his immortal soul to Satan as part of a deal to obtain the information he needs to finally make to his five lever pm wheel work!

    6. @anon 02.28
      You are absolutely right about that rumour of upside down pentagons being associated with satan.
      Satan was the one who started it.It was his cunning plan to prevent anyone finding a way of creating energy from nothing. This was his way of assuring a prominant future for evil.
      Good on you John, for discovering satan's plan and don't delete any files, on the contrary, share some more.

    7. But RH46, anon 02:28 wants John to delete his inverted pentagon and pentagram images to put a stop to Satan's evil plans for humanity. He doesn't want John to continue sharing them on the web which will continue to help Satan.

    8. Anon 02.28 was only right about the association between satan and upside down pentagons. He was obviously under the influence of satan, because he fell for his cunning plan,and this is why he was trying to get John to stop sharing. Now he knows that satan had tricked him, he will be happy that John shares his findings.

    9. Damn anon 08:19! Your comment had me laughing so hard that I accidentally spilled my beer all over my keyboard. If this messes up my laptop then it's all your fault!

    10. The next blog will show why Bessler used an inverted pentagon and what he did with it.


    11. @Anon 8:19. Lol! John looks good with some hair on his head. But those horns will be a problem. They'll be in the way whenever he's combing his new hair. Too bad Satan did not turn him into what is known as a "polled goat". They're a breed that is born without horns. Just two rounded bumps on the head that don't grow into horns. Something for the rest of us to insist on if we also decide to make a deal with Satan for the secret of building a working pm wheel.

    12. There's really no need to worry about whether JC's pentagons and pentagrams are the "good" or "evil" type. If his wheel works then any pentagram inside of it will be constantly changing from the good to evil orientation every 36 degrees of wheel rotation in either direction. That constant changing of orientations will average out to "neutral". Their average orientation could also be represented by this ten point star known as a "dekagram":

      This star is, btw, an occult symbol and found in the Cabala. Here's how one expert on that text described it:

      "...10 points does relate to two pentagrams. The first is right-side up signifying the triumph of spirit over matter. The second is upside-down signifying the triumph of matter over spirit. When overlapped it is a symbol of balanced spirit and matter. Kind of like someone who has achieved spiritual insight, but has not lost their grip on reality. A very delicate symbol not often associated with simple practices as most laymen are either too spiritual or too materialistic to be balanced."

      It is a symbol associate with very delicate balance. As far as JC's five lever wheel is concerned it could refer to a very delicate balance among its levers and weights that has to be upset at precise moments during the rotation of his wheel in order for it to maintain its rotation.

      Sayer of Sooths

  4. The corners of a true pentagram will not line up with the points mentioned even if you move the lower corner to the right of the column. If we are to assume his drawing is not that accurate, then we cannot rely on shapes passing through other points of the drawings. It's all or none.

  5. WTF! What happened to the last blog and all of the comments people made on it? Are they all now deleted forever? If they are anyone wanting to say something he thinks is important on THIS one should think twice about doing that! Deleting dozens of visitors comments on a past blog is an example of extreme disregard for those who posted them! If he wants to move a blog minus its comments over to a separate page for easier reference that's fine, but he should also leave the original blogs where they normally would be. Just imho.

    1. Sorry anon. 21.55. I did not know I had deleted the whole blog plus comments. I was simply trying to post the blog itself onto the “pages”, I must have some how deleted it all. I’ll see if I can get it back, plus comments, it was never my intention to delete it nor any comments. Give me a few hours to see what I can do.


    2. Something tells me we'll never see any of that last blog's comments again. That's a shame because there was some really interesting and informative material there.

    3. I managed to recover the deleted blog plus all of it’s comments! Sorry for the temporary glitch


    4. The are now more blog comments since its resurrection.

  6. Hey John .. Just to change tack for a moment. I was reading the above comments and it prompted me to look at your side bar at some of the labels there. So I called up 'gambling', and read your blog. Does anyone offer legal odds on a true Gravity Only powered PM machine ? I was thinking particularly of SK who is always asking the question about how to make a buck from a successful wheel. If someone does then you could take that bet. Surely some betting organisation offers odds against it ? Mr Tim over at has recently posted about The Amazing Randi's million dollar challenge (James Randi) which has been around for years. Recently I heard on a radio chat that the brand Lego (of Lego Toys) will pay a percentage as royalties to anyone who builds a Lego construction that they then take to market and is a good seller. So my question is could this be a route for SK or yourself ? Build your wheel out of Lego or get them to produce the parts needed (if specific) and let them effectively sell kit-sets for a PM Toy that actually works. Would there be enough mass appeal outside of Bessler nerds to go viral ? And if it was out there would others simply make larger more robust copies for their own or commercial sale and use ? They might be able to side-step Corporate Lego but I'm sure Lego would hold a patent with you recognised as the inventor etc ?


    1. I can just see that now. John's five mechanism wheel made out of Leggo blocks! Lol! But seriously there was a guy who left a comment on one of Ken's youtube videos saying he was considering seeing if he could 3D print parts to make his wheel. That might be the way to go for anyone with a working wheel who is not interested in patenting it. Just release the design and let those who can 3D print the parts do so. They could then sell them as kits for others to assemble or they could assemble them into finished wheels to sell at a higher price. It all sounds great, but first we need that working wheel design. I'd love to own something like that. Let's make it happen!

    2. I remember testing the idea to see if any of the very large gambling concerns here in the U.K. would take a wager that a PM machine would be successfully built in the U.K. but the process got bogged down in questions such as ‘what constitutes a PM machine’? To cut a long story short I gave up!

      But it is an interesting question, what would happen if I knew a machine was being built and would like to bet on it - would they pay up or would they assume I already knew the result?


    3. When we considere the general attitude to PM seekers and many of the PM seekers who believe they have the answer, to only discover they don't, i would have thought nobody would "assume i already knew the result". The most probable assumption would be, another stupid person who didn't listen to his science teacher.

    4. You got that right RH46. I had a real problem even trying to find someone to talk to. I think if I was a celebrity I might get somewhere. JC

    5. If you become a celebrity because your latest try actually works (which i sincerely hope does) you will not be able to put a bet on it, even if someone doesn't think you're a stupid person who didn't listen to his teacher. So it looks like getting rich through the betting shops is out of the question. RH46

    6. I won’t mind if they think I’m stupid if my wheel works. JC

    7. Many people will be able to hold their heads up high and be proud of being stupid, if your wheel works. It will not last long, so make the most of it. The stupid people who thought the earth was round, the sun was the center of our solar system or man could fly were only stupid for a short time, before they lost that previlage.

    8. Fletcher mentioned: "Mr Tim over at has recently posted about The Amazing Randi's million dollar challenge (James Randi) which has been around for years."

      I've heard of that challenge for years too. But if and when someone finally gets a runner, we can be sure there will be some technicality that will prevent any payment of the money from ever being made. Randi's people would claim that they needed to test the device to assure themselves it was genuine. Okay...sounds reasonable. That would take months and then THEIR experts would claim they can't find any proof that the device is actually making energy and not just somehow taking energy from the environment which would mean that the machine is not really capable of perpetual motion. The inventor would then insist that his machine be tested by HIS experts. The Randi people would refuse to accept their analysis because the inventor might have bribed them to deliver a false one so he could get the prize money.

      The whole thing would land in court and then take years to resolve. Eventually some judge would say that there really is no way to tell if the machine was actually making its own energy so no prize has to be paid to the inventor. In fact, the judge would probably declare that such a prize, in the case of an alleged free energy device, cannot be offered because it can never be absolutely proven that any machine is actually making energy and not just stealing it from the environment somehow.

      At the end of the line Randi would keep his money, the lawyers and courts would make millions, and the inventor would find himself having to pay for it all. He would then declare bankruptcy after signing over all rights to his invention to a bankruptcy court that would then turn around and sell the rights of the invention to someone else, probably a corporation, to recover some small part of all of the money the inventor owed to his creditors. The inventor would then drink himself to death and years later some corporation would introduce an incredible new energy "saving" breakthrough device into the market place and make billions off of it.

      Think this cannot possibly happen? LOL! The corporate elite already have it all figured out and are just waiting for the first sucker to take the Randi Prize "bait" to use this way of LEGALLY stealing his invention. I think the inventor of such a machine can save himself a LOT of unnecessary stress by following anon 00:21's advice above. Just release the details of your invention and maybe a video showing it working and let the world do with it what they will IF they do anything at all. Once that's over with, he's done all he can and the rest is up to others.

      Even if Bessler had revealed his wheel's secrets for free at the time, there is no guarantee that anything significant would have come of it. Maybe a few of his wheels would have been build and when they found out they weren't really that powerful, they would have gone right back to using water and windmills again and quickly began using the steam engines when they became available. Bessler's invention would have been dumped into the same historical bin with Cornelius Drebbel's revolutionary atmospheric pressure change powered clock. Anybody using one of them today? Didn't think so.

  7. Yah - I was always suspicious of it also, for the same reasons.

    Pity no betting agency wants to publish that bet eh ! I reckon quiet a lot of punters would take the odds, even if they were astronomical. Like the Randi Challenge it'd all be in fine print. So make it simple i.e. a Gravity Only PM Machine that requires no known source of fuel or energy for operation and outputs work until its parts wear out and need replacement. Specifically define gravity as not a source of energy from known scientific principles and perspective. And appoint an prior agreed upon adjudicator should he be required, to deliver a ruling in a limited period of time. Tie up the contract nice and tight and the lawyers can pry it open.


  8. Looks like interest in this blog is rapidly fading. It is like an old decaying carcass. But we are like a pack of voracious wolves who must have a regular supply of fresh meat to feast upon. FEED US!

  9. I would not be surprised if bessler used some sort of learned drawing perspective techniques or focal points in his drawings and engravings. Many artists use them because it gives the picture more depth and aesthetic appreciation. It simply looks more professionally constructed and executed. I took a closer look at JC's last drawing with the outer blue circle. It may not be a big surprise if points in the drawing should align with particular radius positions as the blue circle appears to show. On very close inspection there appeared to be some direct hits and others appeared near misses, going close but not an exact alignment or node intersection imo. What is the accuracy margin of error that is acceptable to accurately infer something geometrical is shown? It looks plausible.

    1. What you are essentially saying, anon 06:24, is that any geometrical figures John found in the Bessler drawings are only there because they assisted in the drawing of them and they really have nothing to do with the internal mechanics of his wheels. Thus you are saying that John's belief that they have something to do with the Bessler wheel mechanics is simply an unfortunate delusion he is suffering from. If so, then nothing workable can ever come from such a delusion and he has wasted the last eleven years of his life trying to make something workable come from it.

      Something tells me John will have a hard time accepting your suggest as "plausible".

    2. You’re right anon, 06.45, I don’t accept the last eleven years (or more) have been wasted. But your perception is caused, I believe, by my decision to release small amounts of clue decoding, it isn’t working because I’m unwilling to reveal the whole structure I obtained from decoding Bessler’s clues. These small snippets of information are too open to scepticism, and yet I am determined to complete the building of my wheel before I publish everything. Choosing which pieces of information to reveal without giving the whole thing away results in the opinion you have suggested. I may resume my normal blog and leave any more clue sharing until I’ve finished my build.


    3. John writes: "...I am determined to complete the building of my wheel before I publish everything...I may resume my normal blog and leave any more clue sharing until I’ve finished my build."

      Don't forget that you've already promised at least three times since the beginning of THIS year to "reveal all" BEFORE the end of THIS year whether your wheel is "finished" and working or not. Are you now considering breaking all of those promises?

    4. How could I forget, anon. 15,48, with your constant reminders! Why would you think that seeing as I’ve just said I’d do it before the end of September.


    5. I tried to warn you in the last blog with that verse from Matthew chapter 7:

      "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you."

      Now you see that they are already trampling the precious pearls of your clues under their feet and are turning like the hungry wolves in sheep's clothing that they really are to attack you! If you have found out how Bessler made his wheels work then revealing that secret might be the worst thing you could possibly do! God gave the secret of perpetual motion to Bessler as a test to see if he was worthy of receiving it and could handle it properly. But his evil root of greed and carnal lusts caused him to fail that test! Maybe God now wants that secret to remain a secret. Obey God and all will work out for the best. Disobey and no good can ever come from it.

    6. After turning into a goat man again at his next black mass, John decides to finally get even with all those who made fun of his clues and five lever pm wheel idea over the years by putting a powerful curse them. He does this by putting little shreds of paper containing parts of their rude comments that he copied off of the web into a small wax voodoo doll and then burning it up! That should teach his critics never to dismiss his clues and pm wheel idea again!

    7. Lol! I wonder if that could work on my ex-wife and her divorce lawyer? I could shred up their court documents to me and put some of them into the doll. All I need now is some wax!

    8. I recognize those goat man clips being used. They're from a 1975 horror film titled "The Devil's Rain". The goat man was played by actor Ernest Borgnine (who won an Academy Award in the '50's for another film). He plays the leader of a group of Satan worshipers. IIRC the film also had William Shatner of Star Trek fame in it and some other former big name movie stars. Film has a really bizarre ending when the witches all get destroyed.

  10. I think it is likely that Bessler used perspective layouts etc to help set his drawings in DT. And so a geometric circle could be found from that procedural artifact. Equally it could be as John says, that Bessler was the architect of the blue circle 'signs', which on further investigation lead to perhaps mechanical forms and information. Full confidence would be to find a link in the MT drawings and in particular the Toy's Page that ties in closely with JC's conclusions I should think.


    1. Sounds like you don't have "full confidence" in John's clues. But he did say above that he'll reveal his wheel design before the end of this September. That's great news especially if it's a runner. If he can't make it run, then I think he's going to be depending on your abilities with wm2d to produce at least a working sim from his design for him. He has to have something more than just "clues" to show. If you can do that then he can do the same thing that Ken B did last year. Declare that he's finally found Bessler's secret with a working sim and then retire gracefully as he leaves the construction of an actual working wheel to others better equipped to build it. IIRC, Ken B described himself somewhere as a "mobilist emeritus" or some similar impressive sounding title he made up for himself. No reason John can do the same with his own fancy title!

      I also wonder how many others in the future will also be claiming they've found Bessler's secret wheel design, will also produce a working sim of it to verify such a claim, and will then be retiring gracefully? We could have mobilist emeriti all over the place before too long. Lol! Of course if there's only one secret design Bessler had then everyone can't be right about having found it. But with reliable working sims all of these wheels might actually be runners. We'd be going from three hundred years of no runners to a bumper crop of them almost overnight! Something like that might actually change the world.

    2. Now now. Don't be puttin words in my mouth. Actually I have full confidence in John delivering what he says he will. Unfortunately I don't have the gift of prescience so I don't know in advance what he has found these last 5 years. He has said, paraphrased, that his interpretation of the clues lead him to unambiguous mechanical conclusions. I like everybody look forward to discussing his findings and perhaps I will be one of many who will attempt to sim the basic design elements he eventually reveals. Perhaps it will work as intended right off the bat, or perhaps some tweaking may be required. Hopefully somebody will end up with a sim that works for legitimate and not fanciful or deceitful reasons. The modus operandi for sustained torque imbalance should be clear to all to see. The penny drop moment ! Again unfortunately I believe there is only one workable mechanical solution or 'mechanical principle' of gravity PM. So imo we won't be seeing a deluge of 'working' PM sims based on different mechanical principles. Whether Ken's design cuts the mustard in that regard is for everyone to decide for themselves. Perhaps it won't be clear for many until John reveals his design details by way of comparison.


    3. We all hope you can get a sim runner out of John's design if his own building efforts don't pan out. Without that he won't have any verification of having actually found "it". Of course, he'll probably keep right on referring to the clues he's found as being "unambiguous". But, then he has to be able to answer why, if they are so unambiguous, a working sim cannot be made from them? Probably most will just dismiss all of his clues as imaginary due to staring at Bessler drawings too long into the night.

      As far as Ken B's wheel is concerned, I haven't read his book (just saw his short wheel video on youtube) but I've been told that the design depends on a VERY careful counter balancing of its levers. One must use parts with specific sizes, shapes, and masses. Any big deviations from what he says must be used can reduce the design's torque down to zero and result in a no runner. This is because the COG of its weights and levers is only slightly offset from the center of the axle. I think simming his design would be a real challenge and most novice users of WM2D won't be able to do it. Someone mentioned on this blog last year that he had to make about two thousand sims to finally find Bessler's secret wheel design and even then the discovery was a very lucky one. If this is all true then obviously Ken is not a novice with WM2D and I have to agree after seeing his recent Bessler Day celebration video.

    4. Bessler himself said something like the design had reached a stage where nothing was super critical, and an ounce here or there did not make a jot of difference. That means his OB principle is forgiving even if constrained by that same design criteria to low torque. Therefore a kinematic sim should show the same qualities IF you are replicating B's. final robust design, assuming it can be simmed. That means that both KB's and JC's designs should be able to be simmed and 'work' without thousands of attempts and exhausting fine tuning, imo.

      Ken is an accomplished wm2d user. He could have helped himself by doing two things on release of his first video. First, via some downstream method, made the sim available for inspection by other competent users to examine closely and in detail, as verification of authenticity. Secondly to include a disclaimer on his YouTube Channel that the sim is all above board with no deception or shenanigans by him. IOW's his 'working' sim is not an aberration that 'works' from known or otherwise unknown sim problems that import energy into the system, imo.


    5. Thanks fletch, - and to anon, 13th June, 05.06, the information you mention is remarkably similar to other comments made, ostensibly by an anon, but which again, reads like Ken’s style - well written, logical speculation, the use of upper case etc. But I’m sure you’ll deny that you are in fact Ken.

      The requirement for “careful counter balancing of its levers. One must use parts with specific sizes, shapes, and masses. Any big deviations from what he says must be used can reduce the design's torque down to zero and result in a no runner”, is easily dismissed by Bessler’s comment, (paraphrased) that an ounce here or there doesn’t make a scrap of difference.


    6. @John

      No, I'm not Ken B. Just trying to predict what will be happening in the months to come. Actually, I don't think Fletcher's sim of your wheel or Ken's own sim of his wheel will really fully verify anything in the absence of a real working wheel. You would both need to have multiple, independently made working sims to even begin on the path to full verification and those will take time. Ken B's wheel design has been out for over year now and still no one else has duplicated his "working" sim. That, however, could be because they have to buy his book to get the specifications for the parts in it which he claims are critical to making a working sim.

      As far as your wheel is concerned, we still don't know exactly what your "unambiguous" design is, but hopefully that will change, as you promised above, before the end of this September and, if so and if it's not too mechanically complicated, many sims of it aside from any Fletcher made could appear soon thereafter and, also hopefully, they will also be working ones.

      I agree with Fletcher concerning Bessler's quote about Bessler's design being "forgiving" and I'm sure both yours and Ken's designs are too...up to a certain limit that is. Plus or minus one ounce out of a four pound or 64 ounce lead weight is only a variation in mass of about 1.5% and is not that much. But what if ALL of the weights in one of Bessler's wheels (and we still don't know how many they contained except when removed from the drum they could fill up a sizeable box) were off by +1.5% ? That might result in a no runner. In AP where he says:

      " has, in fact, progressed to the point where there is nothing supercritical about the exact disposition of the weights - an ounce more or less, here or there, makes not a scrap of difference to the Wheel, which will hold its course serenely without 'turning a hair'."

      He seems to be saying that only a small variation in a FEW weights is tolerable. If so, then his design might not be as forgiving as some assume it is. If as Ken B claims, his design is depended on a large collection of springs and weights, then there would have been many small random variations in their specifications. I suspect, however, that those random variations would tend to average out so that the design operated as though all of its parts had ideal specifications. If Bessler did put clues into the DT portraits that gave the specifications of the parts he used, it seems only logical that he would have given the ideal values they should have. He said he had to do a lot of math to figure out how to make his wheel work. Maybe those ideal specifications were the result of all those calculations he claimed he did?

      Anon 13 June 2020 at 05:06

  11. And are ye yet without understanding ??? All we need

  12. Update. US death toll from the pandemic is now up to 116,034 people.

    The new evidence is that COVID-19 isn't gone yet as everyone was expecting it would be with the coming of warmer summer weather. It is now slowly rising again and that realization by nervous investors sent the Dow Jones Index on the NY Stock Exchange plunging over 1,800 points yesterday. But it's not just stock prices that are being affected. Many retirees are noticing that their monthly dividend checks from their "safer" bond funds are down about 25%. That's because of all of the little corporations that are filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection which means they can continue to try to stay in business as they reorganize and temporarily don't have to pay the interest on their outstanding bonds as they do. It's better than filing Chapter 7 which requires them to immediately go completely out of business as a corporation's assets are "liquidated" or sold to pay off their outstanding corporate bond debt.

    I mentioned a month or so ago that there was a CDC computer simulation that predicted we'd have about 132,000 COVID-19 deaths by early August. I said at the time that my gut feeling was that the actual figure would be closer to 150,000. I was wrong. The latest computer simulation says we'll have about 162,000 deaths by early August! My newest gut feeling is that the figure by early August will be closer to 200,000 deaths. Will it all finally be over with by then? Not necessarily. At that point we could get hit by a second wave that could be worse than our present first wave!

    Trump has a new method to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. He just does not talk about it anymore. Perhaps he thinks if he ignores it, its feeling will get hurt, and it will just go away?

    The doctors are trying a new treatment for the most severe cases of COVID-19. They transplanted a deceased person's two lungs into a COVID-19 patient and are keeping her on a ventilator and loaded up with organ transplant anti-rejections drugs. I pray it works for her and that her new set of lungs don't also become infected. Considering that alternative, however, it seems like wearing a mask in public, not forming large groups with strangers, and using hand sanitizer isn't too much to put up with.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Unless you are looting and stealing, robbing or raping, or are a warlord in training, you should wear a mask and practice social distancing.

    2. The current US death toll from the corona virus so far is actually about the same as the US death figure for WWI of 116,516 which was the sum of the combat deaths, 53,402, and the deaths due to disease which was mostly from the 1918 influenza epidemic or 63,114. This is actually small compared to the estimated total number of deaths of from 15 to 22 million which involved soldiers and civilians from many nations. Makes you wonder how many will be killed in this century's world wars to come?

  13. the full stop is a punctus, clues to operation (going clockwise): top segment no 'quiet spot'shows weight lifted, next segment (outer circle) intersects weight box, over and above torque proportion,next segment no action, vext intersects lock, latching(sear), tensioning, nos. mirror/flip, next seg, perp line thro' wheel centre hits other pendulum weight in same place in down/not lifted position

  14. When I opened this link in a separate window, it sent me, for a second, to a shortened address and then I was quickly redirected to the site. Here's what I found about sites using

    " itself is ok, it's that stupid little hash after the domain name that's at issue. It may lead to a malvertisement or infection engine. And since you're going through a link shortener, you don't know where you're ending up until after you click the link. Treating all shortened links as suspect isn't a bad move."

    I did play around with the apps for awhile and they didn't seem to cause a problem but the information they provided was basically useless. But, every once in a while one of their links would redirect me to another site called "" that told me my Flash Player was "out of date" and I needed to install the latest update to continue. BEWARE! If you click for that "update" there's no telling what kind of adware, malware, or spyware they will be putting on your hard drive!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  15. A lot of sites like are basically click bait type sites. Their real purpose is to get visitors clicking links on them for interesting free info that sometimes work, but often send them off to other sites that try to sell them something. That's how these click bait sites make money which is by sending traffic to other places it normally wouldn't go. They are generally time wasters and you never know if one of those other sites you land on hasn't been hacked so you are again redirected to yet another site that hired the hacker or, as mentioned in AAPOI's comment, to a "infection engine". Generally, the first time you use a site and you get an unexpected redirect to a url with a different domain name, it's a good idea to immediately exit and don't return to that site again!

    Also we don't know if the "Unknown" who posted that link above that sends you to is the same "Unknown" that signs his comments as "Jon" here. It could be someone else who is actually a shill for and is being paid to post the link on as many blogs as he can. He's hoping regular readers of a blog will mistake him for another "Unknown" who regular posts on that blog and will then assume that the redacted link is probably safe to click on. The fact that the link is redacted and asks you to "Scratch here" on it should be considered a warning sign not to use it.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...