Sunday 14 June 2020

Bessler’s Pentagon Rotated.

The pentagon shown in the previous blogs is inverted and concerns have been raised about the evil connotations associated with this figure, so you will doubtless be pleased to discover that perhaps Bessler was also concerned, because he left information about how to rotate it to a more virtuous position, although not necessarily for reasons connected with his soul. 

I’m jumping the gun a bit here but to calm those God fearing souls who are worried about my publishing an inverted pentagram, I am posting some information earlier than I originally intended to.

The Merseburg illustration contains a list of numbered parts. The numbers run from 1 to 24, as was used in the original version of the illustration printed in his first publication Gruendlicher Bericht (GB), but in his later version, the padlock which should be numbered 24 seems to have got its numbers the wrong way round, it reads 42.

For those who think it’s a typo, rest assured, it isn’t. Apart from the fact that printing from a wood block, or woodcut, requires skill and patience and the result is checked throughout to ensure accuracy, the numbers in both illustrations add up to 660 for reasons to be explained shortly, which means that he must have removed a number 18 in the second version to retain the same total, and that is what he did. See the illustration below to see how and why, 

The red line shows the path of the rope as it passes behind the wheel, and also indicates the starting place to obtain the pentagon.  The green line runs from the point on the padlock up to the point where the  top end of the red line crosses the edge of the wheel. The numbers on the padlock need to be rotated to read 24 and the green line should also be rotated 180 degrees.  This rotates the pentagon too.

In the illustration the inverted pentagon is shown in yellow, and the upright one is shown in blue. Notice that it is still slightly tilted to the left, for reasons which will become clear later.

Sorry this is a short blog, but I’m very busy working to finish my wheel.,

NB.  I'm adding a brief explanation of the number anomalies found in the drawings in GB and DT because I did not explain my reasoning in the above blog due to lack of time

Bear in mind that Bessler wanted to provide clues but we have to work at explaining some of them, and he also usually provided more than one way of discovering his intentions.  So here goes:-

In GB the items are numbered from 1 to 24, in DT they are also numbered 1 to 24, plus the lone
number 42. This looks like a simple printing error but of course I have always maintained that
Bessler deliberately introduced such anomalies as clues. I’ll discuss this one later, first we need to
look at some of the features apparent in the numbering.

It becomes quite clear that some of the items are ‘over-numbered’. By that I mean that Bessler
seems to have labelled the parts with a particular number more often than one might think was
necessary. For example the main pillar supporting the wheel is numbered 4, four times. The
slimmer pillars are numbered 12, and two of them to the left are numbered twice each, yet the
other two are only numbered once each. Some numbers appear more often than others and not
just because they are attached to more similar pieces. After number 18 the rest of the numbers are
lone examples. I speculated that this was done to achieve a certain total, and having identified each
part once with its number, he then sought to add to the total by labelling the same parts more than
once. Obviously the higher numbers would make the jumps toward his desired total too big so he
started at the lower end of the range and gradually added numbers until he had achieved his
desired end.

The numbers in GB total 649 and those in DT 633 - not apparently significant, but let’s look more

In GB there are two number 18’s yet one has been omitted in DT. In GB the number 5 is barely
visible in the box at the bottom of the sideways-on wheel, yet it has clearly been omitted in DT. In
GB the weights at the ends of the pendulums are numbered 11, there are eight of them, yet in DT
one of them has been omitted. Finally in GB there are two number 24’s attached to the padlocks,
yet in DT one of them has been reversed to become 42. Its almost impossible to see but in the first
drawing, GB, the second number 18 is almost invisible, having been squeezed into the small hole
through which the rope is supposed to pass. It is undoubtedly not there in DT. How can we explain
all these anomalies?

The omission of 5 and 18 in DT is explained by the fact that 5 is the most important number to
Bessler because of its connection with the pentagram, and 18 degrees is the basic angle of the
pentagram. Changing the number 24 to 42 can be explained by the omission of 18, because 42 - 24
= 18. He might have done this because of the difficulty of identifying both the the 5 and the second
18 in GB, and this lends credence to the idea that the numbers must add up to something
significant. Of course I have offered an explanation for the reversed numberr 24 in my blog above.

Bessler ensured we got this information by altering the second drawing. First he removed the 5
altogether plus he omitted one of the 11s, and 5 x 11=55. Then he assumed that we would
compare the two drawings and realize that the second one not only omitted these two numbers, but
also when totalled, the numbers add up to 633, and 633 from 649, the total of the numbers in GB,
equalled 16 (or 5 + 11).  As we know, 55 figures abundantly through out Bessler's works.

So, in the first drawing (GB) the numbers, composed from 59 numbers, add up to 649, which is,
interestingly, equal to 59 x 11 (both prime numbers). In the second drawing (DT) the numbers add
up to 633, which is 16 short of the 649. In the second drawing the numbers 5 and one of the 11s
has been omitted, which is why the second drawing does not match the 649 of the first drawing. In
both drawings the picture cuts off the left hand end of the drawing and in the process cuts off one
of the number 11 weights. If, in the first drawing, this is added to the 649 of the first drawing it
produces the number 660, and because we then have 60 numbers, 660 divided by 60 equals 11,
but more interestingly, 660 divided by 12 equals 55! How do we know that he intended us to figure
this out? Because in both drawings there is an additional geometric feature which confirms it. The clock  I described in my blog in 3 September 2016

I had noticed early on that the perspectives used in both drawings ran through the centre of the
main wheel, and I just assumed that this was done from an artistic viewpoint. However I had
already drawn all these lines in by extending them from one side to the other, in the process of
which I noticed that there were twelve lines, marking out the face of a clock. I had wondered if this
was deliberate but now I knew why it had been done. Twelve to six, three to nine, one to seven,
eleven to five and ten to four all followed lines of perspective.

To cinch the argument, the only one that did not, was two to eight o’clock, but interestingly the line
exactly lined up the number eights attached to the weights, and there were two of them. That line
defined the eight o’clock line.

So extending all the perspective lines available to us, which cross in the centre of the wheel,
provides us with a clock face. Using this we can divide up the picture and therefore the numbers by
twelve. To recap, in the first drawing,649 = 59 x 11; add the missing 11, making 660 (60 x 11) the
clock hints at 12, and 660/12=55! In the second drawing we can do the same - 633 + the missing
5 and the 11, plus the other 11 from the left side of the picture = 660. 660 divided by the twelve

equals 55.

I hope this clears up any confusion?

I’ve just added a clearer picture if the GB wheel.


Copyright © 2020 John Collins


  1. The most obvious reason for the reversal of the digits in the 24 and 42 numbers used on the two padlocks is to indicate to the reader that the Merseburg wheel shown was also reversible making it a two direction wheel which it was. But, here's how a numerologist would interpret this at a deeper level.

    JC noted correctly that in order to make up for the use of an item numbered 42 in the sum of the drawing numbers for the Merseburg wheel, Bessler eliminated using the number 18. That then allowed the sum of all of the item numbers to be 660 in DT as it was in GB. But there's more to it than that. Bessler is actually calling our attention to the number 18 by its omission in the Merseburg wheel drawing. Reason? That number actually stands for the 18th CENTURY. Now add all of the individual digits in 24 and 42 together and you get 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 12. What does that stand for? It stands for the 12th year of the 18th century which is the year 1712. That of course is the year of Bessler's first public demonstration of his wheel in Gera, Saxony. Now look at the digit sums of each number separately. That gives 2 + 4 = 6 and 4 + 2 = 6. Meaning? Those numbers stand for the 6th month of the year 1712 or June and the 6th day of that month.

    So we see that this is yet another clever way that Bessler hid the date of his first public pm wheel demonstration in one of this drawings which was June 6th of 1712 and which coincidentally passed only 8 days ago.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Makes perfect sense. Thanks SoS!

    2. After studying the DT Merseburg wheel drawing for a while I think I've made an amazing discovery about some more secret information hidden in it. I don't have time to reveal it now, but will try to post it later today. Hint: I think I know exactly what is the significance of that number 660 that the item numbers in the drawing sum to and it has nothing to do with the geometry of any polygons the drawing may contain. Get ready for a surprise!

      Sayer of Sooths

    3. I was going to ask that question earlier for both DT and GB. But comments had been shut down until you got through.

    4. I’m intrigued SoS. I wonder what you have found? JC

    5. Okay, here's what I discovered in the DT Merseburg drawing which may have escaped the attention of others.

      Notice that in the drawing's two wheels, which would have four pendulums, you only see three of them since one is hidden behind the drum? Also, note that a pendulum is actually a device that can be used for measuring TIME. I very highly suspect that the number 660 refers to a time span of 660 YEARS and that since there are three pendulums visible, we are to multiply that time span by 3 to get 660 x 3 = 1,980 years. Since Bessler was a Christian those years begin with when he thought Jesus Christ was born. So that means the 1,980 years refer to the year 1980.

      What happened in 1980? Things like the start of the suicidal Iran / Iraq War, ex-Beatle John Lennon getting killed, Reagan getting elected as the US President, etc. Not much actually pertaining to Bessler's wheels. We need to look past that date. But how?

      There's another time keeping device in the Merseburg wheel drawing, but it's very easy to miss. It's an hourglass!

      Look at the right side full face wheel drawing and notice where the long pendulum rod hanging down crosses in front of that rising rod from the axle that operates the pendulum's top cross piece. The two rods form an X shape. That shape represents an hourglass and this one is unusual because it has no bottom! The darkest portion of shadow on the left side of the vertical axle support labeled 4 looks like black sand running out of the bottomless hourglass and then hitting the piece of wood surrounding the bottom of the vertical axle support. After that the sand is deflected to its left side and onto the floor. It appears there as the longest dark floor shadow which is intended to draw our attention to it. The constantly emptying hourglass symbol represents a time period that is going to be extended.

      Above the right corner of the X you will see the two diagonal braces for the pendulum's top cross piece and they form a V shape. V is a Roman numeral with a value of 5. Then we notice the hourglass's X shape again and realize it's also a multiplication sign! Bessler is telling us we have to multiply 5 by some number. Near the lower left corner of the X he's placed the number 8. We multiply the 5 by the 8 to get 5 x 8 = 40. Again since this is gotten using a timekeeping device, the hourglass, it represents a time period of 40 years OR LONGER since the hourglass has no bottom and can never fill.

      Add 40 years to the year 1980 and you get 1980 + 40 = 2020 which is THIS YEAR we are now in!

      Again, I think this fits in well with the year 2020 that I previously obtained from Bessler's logo symbol and which is used at the top of each of these blog pages.

      I'm beginning to think that Bessler was doing some Nostradamus-like divination of his own which was probably based on his knowledge of astrology. He is pointing to OUR present year and the years beyond in the DT Merseburg wheel drawing as being VERY significant as far as his wheels are concerned. In particular I think it may have been his way of predicting what year his wheel design would finally be known again to the world if his invention did not sell during his lifetime which it did not.

      Sayer of Sooths

    6. @ JC and SOS .. I'll have to take your words that the numbers in GB and DT both add to 660. Are you sure ?

      The DT pic is missing one of two 18's present in the GB pic. The one located inside the inspection hole at the bottom of the wheel support.

      What I've noted before is that I couldn't find a 5 or 19 in either the GB or DT pic (DT with the 42). What I also noted was that there appeared and extra 11 in the earlier GB pic located down at the pendulum bob of the face view wheel at the rim, which is not present in the DT pic either.

      Do you have any thoughts please ?


    7. Ok .. compared the GB and DT pics and found the 19 in DT above the window frame the rope passes thru. Still can't find a 5 in either pic. Totals not the same as far as I can tell. Open to suggestions.


    8. @fletcher

      I also cannot find the number 5 in the DT Merseburg drawing, but I'm sure JC is well aware of where it's hiding. Interestingly, he said in his blog above:

      "...he must have removed a number 18 in the second version to retain the same total, and that is what he did."

      But I can see number 18 as plain as day near the rope to the right of the floor pulley of the left side view of the DT Merseburg wheel!

      Something's not right here, JC.

      Sayer of Sooths

    9. In GB there are two 18's. One in plain sight (as you've said) and the other inside the square inspection port at the bottom of the support post, right figure face view, of the DT image. That's the one missing the number 11 (by the pendulum bob of main image) as well, as far as I can see. Neither the GB nor DT images have a 5 as far as I can tell. BTW the physical number placements are almost perfectly aligned between the two images which was how I found the 19 and 21 I couldn't read in the DT image.


    10. @fletcher

      Your right, the missing number 18 JC refers to in the DT Merseburg wheel drawing is the one in GB that is located inside the rectangular cutout for the rope while both GB and DT show a number 18 near the floor pulley's rope.

      I think I've found the number 5. In GB there are two of them on top of the two wood stamps shown in the left wheel drawing. They are the two leftmost stamps of the four stamps that are beginning to rise. The two rightmost stamps each have number 6 above them and they have already risen and are about to fall. However, in DT it looks like those two 5's over the leftmost two stamps were both replaced with 6's. Or, maybe they are 5's but Bessler made them look like 6's to disguise them? Could have been done to confuse anyone who was trying to sum up the numbers.

      I shall be looking forward to JC's explanation of all this and, in particular, how he gets 660 from both the GB and DT Merseburg wheel drawing numbers out of them. That analysis I gave earlier above is critically dependent on HIS sums of 660, at least for the DT drawing, being accurate. I did not personally sum the numbers myself, but trusted the value he gave. Hope my trust was not misplaced!

      Sayer of Sooths

    11. I will post something about the numbers at the end of the current blog by way of explanation, later today.


    12. @JC

      Thank you for your additional explanation. Your method of obtaining the 660 sums in both GB and DT is convoluted, but I will accept the identical sums you've gotten as being valid since I need them to be for my own year 2020 analysis above to be valid which I'm quite sure it is. I am convinced that Bessler purposely left clues in both his logo symbol and the GB and DT Merseburg wheel drawings which point to this year, 2020, when "the" pm wheel design he used would finally be known if he did not sell his invention during his lifetime.

      Now, here's something else interesting I've found.

      I mentioned previously based on an analysis of Bessler's logo symbol that in our year of 2020 there would be a competition between two designs, one with five levers and the other with eight levers, to be acknowledged as "the" one Bessler used. Is that competition of designs indicated in the GB and DT Merseburg wheel drawings? The answer is YES!

      Look at that bottomless hourglass in the right side view of the wheel. It is formed from the X shape of two crossed metal rods. Now focus on the longest right slanting rod from the pendulum pivot down to the ball shaped weight at its bottom.

      Above the X shaped hourglass we see the V shaped diagonal brace pieces that form a Roman numeral V with a value of 5. That V represents the five lever mechanism design JC is promoting. His design uses, I assume, multiple levers in each mechanism and two weights which, IIRC, he called "prime" and "shifter" weights. The multiple levers in each mechanism are suggested by the diagonal braces pieces and the long cross piece at the top of the pendulum. The two weights, prime and shifter, are suggested by the two block like weights at the ends of the pendulum's cross piece.

      Now look at the section of the long rod to the ball shaped weight below the X shaped hourglass. It is only a single lever with one weight at its end, the ball shaped weight, which has another number 8 written by it. It must represent KB's eight mechanism design where each mechanism is a single lever and has a single weight at its end according to what he shows in his youtube video.

      This may sound fantastic, but I'm now convinced that Bessler, in his GB and DT Merseburg wheel drawings, was actually predicting the coming of both JC and KB whose designs, both radically different from each other, would be competing for recognition as being "it" in the year 2020! How could Bessler have foretold something like that would occur about 300 years in his future? The only way that makes sense to me is that he must have used astrology. He must have seen something in a zodiacal chart of the planets for the year 2020 that really caught his eye and allowed him to make such an incredibly accurate prediction and then hide it in his Merseburg wheel drawings.

      When I can, I intend to obtain a zodiacal chart for this year of 2020, perhaps for the month of June, and see if there is any arrangement of planets in it that is very unusual and would explain Bessler's prediction. I'll be focusing on the positions of the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn since Bessler does mention them in that AP poem of his.

      Sayer of Sooths

    13. For what it is worth, here are my thoughts.
      Playing with numbers and angles, finding hidden messages and secret codes, is extremely interesting and may well allow us to gain some information. Where i have difficulty, is when i feel that imagination has been left to run wild, and the conclusions, or suggestions, have become so outragiously complex and fantasist, that i tend to lose interest in the reasonable suggestions. It is a problem of credibility. I'm fully aware that imagination plays a very big role in finding the solution and understanding the clues, but the role of imagination is to allow us to use our intelligence to look at, and analyse, things that only our imagination can find. Letting our imagination do the thinking all the way to the end of the process only results in nonsense.
      I can understand the wish to believe many things that our imagination can think of.
      Am i to assume that because my intials are JG that there is no point in me wasting the last half of this year because it is sure i will fail? And that next year, and all the following years there is no point either, even for those who do have the magic initials?
      If you take two of the dots on the drawing of Bessler and extend it through his hair, you will be able to count the number of hairs that the line crosses. Multiply this number by the number of degrees in a circle and devide it by the square root of the number of pages in the book infront of him. This may allow you to have an idea of how high up the scale of nonsense your prediction falls.
      This is just my opinion, i do believe there may well be some things to be found, but there are limits and i think you have crossed them.

    14. I have to admit that I have found SoS's analyses interesting and really not that fantastic. He seems to have found evidence that Bessler was predicting something BIG was coming along in 2020 and now here we are with John finishing up his wheel and about to reveal it and already Ken having published what his research showed him was Bessler's design. Even if both are eventually shown to be wrong, at least we seem to be moving in the right direction and getting closer to "the" solution.

    15. RH46 wrote "Am i to assume that because my intials are JG that there is no point in me wasting the last half of this year because it is sure i will fail? And that next year, and all the following years there is no point either, even for those who do have the magic initials?"

      IIRC that "magic initial" thing was started by SoS. He claimed that since 13 is an important number in the Bible and was important to Bessler, then someone whose two initials had alphanumeric values that added up to 13 was destined to rediscover Bessler's wheel. JC and KB both have that sum of 13 for their two initials. But I think SoS also suggested that if a pm wheel chaser's initials did not add up to 13, he could still discover a working pm wheel design, only it probably wouldn't be the same one Bessler had. So there is hope for the rest of us!

      But we also have to keep in mind that Bessler's two initials, JB, only added up to 12 and he is the one who discovered his working design! I'm less worried about clues, codes, fortune telling, numerology, and prophecies and mainly interested in RESULTS. They will speak louder than everything else put together.

  2. Replies
    1. Trevor,
      can your system lift 4 pounds as 1 pound comes down the same distance, without any back force ?
      if not, then your not in the race.

    2. Yes I does but it must be born in mind that gravity does all the lifting by virtue of the special configuration.

  3. DT in the description lists 5 as the rack structure , to the stampers and box.

    Where as 6 lists the description as the stampers themselfs being raised.


    1. Yes I noted that fletcher, but for me the fact that the number 5, seems to be missing from the illustration itself, is because he didn’t want to include it in his number count. He had included it in his GB picture, but it was so obscure as to be easily missed. He has always hinted at the number 5, sometimes by omission, encouraging one to look for it and/or speculate on its purpose, likewise with 18.

      If you consider the reasons for over-labelling (which seems obvious to me) he must have been aiming for a specific total. Given his obsession with 55 (and mine 🤔) we should be looking for a number which might be a multiple of 55. The discovery of the clock suggests 12 times 55 to get 660, in which case we are encouraged to search for the missing numbers to accomplish that.


    2. Sorry JB I mixed up yours and fletcher’s comments, but it can be for both! JC

    3. I've often wondered why he changed the number 24 to 42, and not 23 to 32 and left a different number out.
      If 24 is the lock, then 42 can represent the key. The sprocket with the Buzzsaw (handmade) has 42 teeth.
      660 could be the number of degrees of each cycle that the weights take.
      360 / 42 = 8.5714285714
      300 / 35 = 8.5714285714
      perso, i find that far more interesting than turning a pentagon upside down.

    4. JC wrote: "He had included it in his GB picture, but it was so obscure as to be easily missed."

      No it's not. You can easily make out two number 5's over the two stampers on the left.

      "Given his obsession with 55 (and mine) we should be looking for a number which might be a multiple of 55. The discovery of the clock suggests 12 times 55 to get 660, in which case we are encouraged to search for the missing numbers to accomplish that."

      Yes there are two 5's written next to each other in GB. There are also two 6's and two 7's next to each other. Why aren't you looking for multiples of 66 or 77?

      To me it sounds like you are just guessing at all of this because none of the sums of the numbers in either GB (649) or DT (633) actually is 660 exactly. If they added up to other numbers less than 660 you'd then be playing around with whatever numbers you could to try to force them to add up to 660. This is all pure guesswork that you seem to want everyone to accept as some sort of big discovery you've made. Sorry but I don't buy it and don't think anything real will ever come from any of it. I agree with RH46 who wrote:

      "...i do believe there may well be some things to be found, but there are limits and i think you have crossed them."

    5. You are wrong. Zoom in on the GB and DT images. Above the four stampers are four 6's. Below them on the axle are two pegs to the left marked as 7's. Also on the axle is a 3 in the same line to the right. There is only one 5 inside the stamper box in GB clearly not present in the DT image.

    6. Here's the GB Merseburg wheel drawing from the BW forum:

      I can see how anon 22:22 would think that the two numbers on top of the left two stampers are 5's. They are not well formed. That may or may not have been intentional by Bessler. But anon 22:22 is right about the two 7's for the axle pegs though.

      That's the frustrating thing about Bessler's writings and drawings. There's enough ambiguity in them to let a hundred different people view them and then come to a hundred different conclusions as to what they mean. No way of telling who is right until a working wheel comes out of one of them. No working wheel = just a pile of guesses that has no more chance of being valid than anyone else's pile. At this point in time all John has is his particular pile of guesses. I'm sure over the years he's presented all of these elsewhere and got the same kinds of allergic reactions to them that he's getting now. When (if!) he gets his working wheel from them then the allergic reactions will come to stop.

    7. Everything is up for discussion and debate until a working wheel comes along. We're all trying to connect the dots to success. My point regularly made is you shouldn't pay too much heed imo to anything B. said or drew. However in JC's case he is sure that the DT image leads to some relevant wheel mechanics, and he's working thru his processes. So we follow along free to ask questions. Any one of us can misstep but you only find out from questions being asked testing assumptions. He probably has valid logical reasons. In this case to get the digit number totals of 649 in GB I needed 61 numbers (I could find). To get 633 I needed 58 in DT. That's why I question the use of those numbers to arrive at conclusions downstream from them. In anon's case zoom the image you have provided above to 150% (click on image and >control>+ a few times. Then ambiguity goes away. There are four clear 6's above the stampers. Two 7's on the axle at the left most pegs, and a 3 by the wheel in the same line. In the stamper box is a faint 5 which is clearer in better quality images available elsewhere (which I checked in JC's digital copy of GB).


    8. Anon 22.22
      RH46 was refering to Sayer Of Sooths, when he said "i think you have crossed it", refering to the line.
      John Collins, i think is hovering very close to the line, but i wouldn't say that he has definitely crossed it. because i don't know where the line really is. I am fully aware that we all put the line in different places and i can respect this.
      SOS's line is in a different universe, in my opinion, which is why i can't relate to it. i have had a few short visits to his universe and generally regret it and i am pleased to return to mine.

  4. straight line between two points on leverage is a double block and tackle it has a 4 to 1 ratio

  5. Mornin John .. thanks for pointing out where the 5 was in GB, I had forgotten.

    Like SoS I have no trouble following you to your digit total 660 for both GB and DT by way of your explanation of your interpretation of adding in the missing numbers. GB 649 + 11 = 660. DT 633 + 5 + 11 (16) + 11 = 660. N.B. the missing 18 is compensated for by the additional 18 in .. 42 - 24 = 18. So lots of reinforcement for 55 (5 x 11).

    What I'm about to comment on I don't think is being pedantic nor impacts greatly on your digit sum conclusions, but in the interests of reinforcement reliability, accuracy etc, it's probably worth discussing imo.

    JC wrote : ... "So, in the first drawing (GB) the numbers, composed from 59 numbers, add up to 649, which is, interestingly, equal to 59 x 11 (both prime numbers).

    ... If, in the first drawing (GB), this (11) is added to the 649 of the first drawing it produces the number 660, and because we then have 60 numbers, 660 divided by 60 equals 11, but more interestingly, 660 divided by 12 equals 55 !

    To recap, in the first drawing (GB) 649 = 59 x 11; add the missing 11, making 660 (60 x 11). The clock hints at 12, and 660 / 12 = 55 ! In the second drawing (DT) we can do the same. 633 + the missing 5 and the 11, plus the other 11 from the left side of the picture = 660. 660 divided by the twelve equals 55.

    I hope this clears up any confusion?"

    I put together a spreadsheet for GB and DT. Looking at the frequency of numbers uses and totals etc etc.

    I get 61 numbers in GB to your 59. Add the missing eleven and that brings my total to 62 numbers v's your 60.

    Your analysis of 649 = 59 x 11 (both Prime Numbers) and 660 = 60 x 11 is certainly very tidy and does point to the use of Primes and 55 so it seems.

    My numbers of 649 = 61 x 10.64 and 660 = 62 x 10.65 is not, by far.

    Which number totals are correct to use ? I may have missed some reason you used 59 and 60 respectively ? Thanks.


  6. P.S. I should have said I get 58 numbers for DT + additional number eleven would equal potentially 59 numbers used.

    But I can't seem to get to 60 for 660 = 60 x 11 etc. I must be missing a logic jump somewhere ?


  7. My brief astrological research revealed this rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn on March 26, 2020. Here's an interesting photo taken of the New York City skyline that shows the three planets which all appear in the constellation of Sagittarius:

    This particular conjunction for our year might have been what caused Bessler to make his 2020 prediction and hide it in the GB and DT Merseburg wheel drawings as well as the following qualities associated with the three planets which I found on the web:

    For Jupiter:

    "In Astrology, Jupiter is a planet of plenty. It is tolerant and expansive...Jupiter has generally been associated with good luck and bounty...The more negative manifestations of Jupiter include blind optimism, excess, and overindulgence.

    For Mars:

    "In astrology, Mars is the planet of energy, action, and desire. It is the survival instinct and can be thought of as the “leftover” animal nature of man...This is the planet of action rather than reaction. With Mars, there is no contemplation before action. The drive associated with self-assertion rather than the assertion of the will; it is raw energy rather than creative energy."

    For Saturn:

    "In astrology, Saturn is associated with restriction and limitation. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts. Although the themes of Saturn seem depressing, Saturn brings structure and meaning to our world. Saturn knows the limits of time and matter. Saturn reminds us of our boundaries, our responsibilities, and our commitments. It brings definition to our lives. Saturn makes us aware of the need for self-control and of boundaries and our limits."

    Also Sagittarius, beside being a centaur or half man and half horse, is a hunter who uses a bow and arrow. Bessler, IIRC, was into archery, horses, and hunting and would have been naturally drawn to this particular zodiac constellation. Perhaps he imagined the person finding the secret of his wheels to be like an archer who hunts for his prey and finally manages to find it and hit it with an arrow? Successfully hitting the animal with the arrow being symbolic of solving the Bessler wheel mystery. The triple planetary conjunction in the constellation of Sagittarius surely would have gotten his attention.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. I wanted to see how rare the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn being all in Sagittarius at the same time was. Turns out it only happens once every 793 years! Then I wanted to see what "big" thing happened during the previous triple conjunction of those planets in Sagittarius which was in the year 1227. Only major thing I could find was the death of Genghis Khan (his real name was "Temujin") who was the founder of the Mongol Empire. He left his empire to his third son and over the next two hundred years his kids expanded it as far west as the city of Krakow in Poland. That empire was actually twice the size of the Ottoman Muslim Empire and four times the size of the Roman Empire! At one point he was the most powerful man on Earth. Now they are not even sure where he was buried!

      He was a ruthless warload type blamed for the deaths of up to 40 million people. But, he also did some positive things along the way such as:

      Established freedom of religion.
      Banned torture.
      Incorporated enemies into his armies.
      Left conquered cities along.
      Promoted people based on individual merit.
      Outlawed slavery.
      Established universal law and a universal writing system.

    2. SoS writes "Sagittarius beside being a centaur or half man and half horse, is a hunter who uses a bow and arrow."

      I am into archery using compound bows and I can tell you from personal experience that trying to hit a moving target while also moving, either on horseback or in a jeep, is next to impossible unless maybe you are Robin Hood or something. Maybe Bessler tried some game hunting on horseback and realized how difficult it was and that's why he was attracted to that sagitarius zodiac sign of a hunter whose human half fires the bow and whose horse half cases after the prey. Sagitarius's hunting with the bow and arrow could be Bessler's way of describing how difficult it is to find the secret of his wheels.

    3. I’m not aware of anything concerning horses in Bessler’s life, nor archery. I’m sure that he would have used horses from time to time to pull his wagons during moves. They were the only means of travelling. I’m sure he was aware of archery but I don’t recall him mentioning it.


    4. @ SoS - was there any auspicious astrological and planetary lineup for Bessler in the year 1712, and any of the years in-between? You'd expect there would be for such a significant invention.

    5. I'm sure that Bessler would have been well familiar with hunting with a crossbow because, although firearms were coming into increasing use in his day, crossbows were still very popular in Europe, especially Germany, in the early 18th century. Here's an image I found of an early 18th century crossbow:

      Here's some of the metal tips they used on their arrows which were usually referred to as "bolts":

      Crossbows offered some advantages over guns for hunting. They almost never jammed up or misfired, were silent, quickly reloaded, and had low recoil. You need a minimum bolt speed of about 250 feet per second to kill a bear or deer with a hit to the heart or lungs and their crossbows could easily exceed that. Crossbows are still allowed for hunting in many parts of Europe today and those early ones are now considered as collectors items and fetch a high price if in good condition.

    6. @anon 09:38

      I used an online orrery to check out our solar system for late 1711/early 1712 when Bessler would have gotten his working pm wheel prototype running. I found something very interesting. The planets Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter were almost in perfect alignment! Saturn was on one side of the Sun and Mars and Jupiter on the other side. This is referred to as an "opposition" of Jupiter and Saturn and it happens about once every 20 years. Here's what astrologists expect to happen around that time:

      "Jupiter Opposition Saturn. Like most Oppositions there is a polarization between the two planets that cause you to bounce from one pole to the other and Jupiter Opposition Saturn is no exception. You tend to move from being very cautious and conservative to boundlessly optimistic and progressive."

      That would certainly describe Bessler around that time when he went from carefully working away on his prototype wheel and praying for success to finally achieving it and being overjoyed by his discovery.

      I was also able to use an interesting site called to calculate Bessler's natal horoscope which tells the type of personality he would have in later life and which would be an important part of making his discovery. I guessed his actual birth date to be May 6th, 1680 at noon local Gera time, Germany time (I remember reading this date somewhere once). It's probably off a little, but this natal horoscope for him should be mostly accurate. It's amazing how well it describes his future personality! Here's some of what was predicted for him based on his astrological chart:

      Based on the Sun being in Taurus at the time of his birth:

      "You spend your fortune and your energy advisedly. You are realistic and you distrust revolutions, sudden changes and love at first sight. You are very attached to your roots and you create a steady basis for yourself. You may be considered to be stubborn and you grant your confidence after thorough reflection only. “Resistance” is Taurus’ keyword. This sign is believed to be untiring, hard-working and stable to the utmost. People readily credit you with the ability to remind everyone of the necessities of concrete situations and to moderate people’s excesses. In principle, you are apt for long-term management, you can protect the foundations of an activity as the reliable guardian of assets and the guarantor for stability. Your distrust for novelties is your strength. It requires much more than an alluring idea to persuade you to change your direction. Scepticism is a quality here: it is safer to take advantage of past experiences rather than to rely on very hypothetical sporadic strokes of luck. Taurus is not a weather wane! However, it is important that you learn to question yourself and to respond to new opportunities in a timely manner."

      And, based on having Leo as an ascending sign or "ascendant":

      "Your psychological nature is powerful and full of self-confidence. You are a leader whose strength and nobleness command your entourage’s respect and adherence, with unchallenged legitimacy. Your ability to order, the prestige and charisma that emanate continuously from your person inevitably put you, under the spotlight, wherever you go.

      With this Ascendant, you come across as proud, determined, wilful, loyal, solemn, generous, ambitious, courageous, heroic, full of vitality, creative, confident, seductive, happy, daring, majestic, honest, magnanimous, charismatic, responsible, noble, brilliant, radiant, dramatic, affectionate, full of humour, demonstrative, swaggering and self-confident. You can also be domineering, conceited, touchy, authoritarian, stubborn, intolerant, self-centered, irascible, violent, and nonchalant."

      The above was determined by using the complete astrological chart for him. Here's a link to that chart:

      Sayer of Sooths

    7. Very interesting info as usual, SoS. But Bessler was born in or around Zittau, Saxony and not in Gera, Saxony which is about 150 miles west of Zittau. But, it probably won't make much difference in his natal horoscope.

  8. Prediction is notoriously difficult. Even with the benefit of hindsight, but especially about the future.

  9. I’ve added a better quality version of the GB illustration in the blog for those who wish to study it.


  10. Thanks John .. giving it some further thought perhaps you found the number total 59 this way ?

    DT has 58 numbers used (by my reckoning) totaling 633. But there is no 5. If we leave a space for it then there are 25 'place holders' so to speak instead of 24 actual numbers used. So 58 + 1 place holder = 59, and 649 / 59 = 11.

    59 + 1 (for the missing 11) = 60, and 660 / 60 = 11.


    1. I included the 5 because it’s mentioned in the part list.


  11. What's the figure beneath the 1 and the 8 on the left side of the main face wheel, level with the 10 at the axle? It doesn't look like a number and would change the number totals if it were. Could be a printing anomaly?

    1. I think it probably is a printing anomaly but I’ll check some other versions of picture


    2. It doesn't show up in the image used on bwf:

      Might be due to a digital artifact in the version John uploaded which also looks too dark to me.

    3. I’ve also checked two other prints and it isn’t on them either. JC


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...