Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Divergent Thinking

Divergent Thinking - noun, thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions, associated with creativity. 

I’ve tried to avoid that well-worn phrase, ‘think outside the box’, and offer some ideas of how to do that.

I note the interesting point in one of the comments in a recent blog, about how the researchers into this subject seem to be in one of two camps, those who seek Johann Bessler’s solution and those who seek any solution and not necessarily Bessler’s - in fact some try to avoid any of Bessler’s clues.  I think that’s ok although some might see little difference, especially if both succeed, and the end result is the same.

For myself having become immersed in everything Bessler, it is no surprise that I should try to use my knowledge about him to aid me in my research, however I have, from time to time, diverted my attention to areas away from Bessler’s wheel and not just other wheel makers but the science of possibilities. (I borrowed the title of a book by Jon Freeman). 

Having found what I believe to be coded information about his wheels, I’m bound to try to use that information to recreate his wheel, but that still leads to confusion as recent events show, so even though I’m a firm believer in Bessler’s solution I continue to try to approach the problem in new innovative ways.  

I read that we tend to use the left brain for its logical thought processes, but we ignore the right brain for its creative abilities, at our peril. Something that can bridge the gap between the two halves of the brain is, for instance, poetry. I have written poems about the problem and the search for the solution over the years and maintaining the use of the right, creative half of the brain by writing poetry can help us see things more clearly.  You don’t need to show anyone your poem, it’s there to help you.  I have written dozens of poems over the years but I’ve published no more than two or three.

Alternatively draw a picture of the problem, again you’re working the creative right side of your brain. Working the problem backwards starting with the working wheel can help too, anything that helps us to look with fresh eyes may lead to a solution or part of one.

I also read a lot and I sometimes think of something while my eyes are fully engaged in reading but the old right brain is quietly ruminating on the problem and it might be nothing to do with what you’re reading, but something can occur that takes your attention away from the book and you may find yourself gazing into space thinking along a new thread that looks promising concerning the problem.

But is it possible that Bessler’s solution is the only one or might there be another way to get a working gravity wheel? My thinking is this, if Bessler found a concept, a design which worked for him, it seems to me that that might be the only concept that works, but there may be more than one way to incorporate such an action by means of a mechanism which achieves the same concept in a different way. 

I also note that his explanations of how his wheel worked are so full of ambiguity that the right interpretation may only become known once the secret is revealed in a successful wheel.



  1. I have not read the following anywhere, its just what I believe or think - when the first self starting wheel was shown publicly in June 1712 , he said something like ' there is only one way of getting this to work' or 'only one way of doing this' , but what he said was taken out of context, out of context because he meant this in regard to the self starting wheel, that there was only one way to get a self starting wheel to work.
    There was a man there who took what he said out of context and then put out a report to the world that there was only one way to build a perpetual motion machine but that is not what Bessler meant.
    He meant to convey that there was only one way of building it so that it would self start.
    But there are many ways of building a gravity wheel, there was many different types of gravity wheel invented by Johann Bessler.

    1. I’ve always been puzzled by Bessler’s comment that there was only one way to build a gravity wheel, yet on the other hand there were several ways. Good comment Derek.


    2. From AP (p. 363 of JC's version):

      " Wheel is the true device, and is indeed, per se, a genuine Perpetuum Mobile. None better will ever be found upon this earth, for without the principle that I alone possess, there can be no real perpetual motion. Whoever seeks another method is deceiving himself..."

      I don't think Bessler is actually saying here that no other pm devices are possible. He's just saying that he considers his wheels to be the best of them (perhaps because they would be the most powerful?) and any other devices that exist must be based on the "principle" he found and used or they will not be true pm.

      In the last blog is was mentioned that principle was just "preponderance" which means for a pm wheel it must keep the center of gravity of its weights on its descending side as the wheel rotates.

      Bessler Curious

  2. Good point Derek ! In 352,I see "the Draschwitz machine.......worked on quite different principle(s)"!! It's sounds were not "clattering" as before.So, does this mean a different movement is possible that shows up with a different sound ? Also John, by divergent do you mean lateral thinking which Bessler mentions?

    1. The reason that the one direction Draschwitz wheel did not clatter like the two direction Merseburg wheel was most likely because the Draschwitz wheel did not contain the extra mechanisms needed to make it two directional. Some think those extra mechanisms were metal latches that were flipping around inside of the Merseburg wheel's larger drum as it rotated.

      Also, Bessler used some sort of felt cushioning in the Draschwitz wheel to quiet it down that he did not use in the Merseburg wheel. But, it's a mistake, imo, to assume that there was a big difference between the basic pm design in the Merseburg wheel as compared to the Draschwitz wheel. Some Bessler pm wheel chasers want to believe that Bessler had several kinds of pm wheels each using different mechanics. But, there's no proof of that and it would seem to be very unlikely considering the decade long effort he had to make to find a single runner's design.

    2. Yes Richard, I was trying to avoid the dreaded thinking outside the box, and lateral thinking I’d a definite improvement on TOTB.


    3. People who constantly brag that they are "thinking outside of the box" usually want to impress others with how more insightful and intelligent they are than they. Years later these braggarts often have to face the embarrassing fact that they had really just been thinking inside of a larger box all along that they were totally unaware of at the time!

      Nothing really wrong with thinking inside of the box if he can manage to find some little corner of it that everyone else overlooked. Bessler obviously found a completely overlooked little corner of that box!


    4. I liked that comment, Jason!


  3. Bessler formulated his 'Laws of PM'. Also his corner stone 'Principle of PM'. His one-of-a-kind Principle of sustained imbalance, asymmetric torque (excess weight, excess impetus, preponderance) that a runner must employ.

    In MT he shows many different mechanical 'principles' for temporary symmetric OB. And then he makes comments about many of them potentially being runners with additions containing elements of his absolutely unique PM Principle. This suggests many mechanically different designs are possible runners, if his PM Principle is employed and which they currently lack. If in doubt that vastly different designs/principles could be runners then look at the mechanical gulf and spectrum between MT9 and MT's 44 and 48 for example.


    1. Thanks fletch, your explanation was much clearer than mine. One of the confusing things about MT was his suggestion/implication that apparently disparate designs could be made to work as long as they had his special principle involved.


    2. "This suggests many mechanically different designs are possible runners, if his PM Principle is employed and which they currently lack."

      Maybe he was just saying that all of those nonrunners in MT would work IF he attached one of his working pm wheels to them as an extra source of torque? They could also all work with an electric motor attached to them.

  4. That's the way I've approached it for years John. I assume that just about any 'false' OB mechanical design could be a runner, but as we know currently isn't, because of H4W constraints of a closed system, as we always build them. They are missing the all-important 'PM Principle' which is the mechanical 'workaround' for H4W and conservative gravity force show-stoppers. And the PM Principle is a mechanical embodiment of the generic 'PM Laws'.

    Stepping back and taking this wider view forced me to think about what those Laws (terms of trade) might be. And then what the physical PM Principle conditions might also have to be to achieve true asymmetric torque that a runner inherently has and a false OB wheel principle does not.


  5. Anon 20:21 : What would the advantage be of Bessler stating that? Because the non-runners have symmetrical torque then they will have just frictions to contend with, and energy dissipative system losses from internal parts moving around, like a Load. Therefore one of his runners attached to them would also turn that non-runner Load, obviously.

  6. All of the OB designs in MT are useless because they really aren't OB even though just a quick glance at one of them might convince someone it was. If he actually tried to built it he would quickly realize it can't stay OB for very long. All of the sims made of MT wheels show they cannot work. Their problem is not friction. Bessler's working wheels also had some frictions that wasted their energy, but those wheels developed enough constant torque due to being and remaining OB to continuously overcome those frictions and even accelerate up to some maximum speed.

    It really comes down to the mechanics of a wheel. For a wheel to be OB at all times it must have some sort of internal mechanics that starts off OB and then automatically shifts its parts about as the wheel rotates so that it stays OB. Nothing in MT can do that and you can be sure if any of the designs could do that they wouldn't have been left in that work by Bessler.

    A most pm wheel chasers use symmetrical arrangements of isolated mechanisms in their wheels that depend on gravity to shift themselves about during wheel rotation. But, that simplistic method apparently doesn't precisely coordinate the shifting motions of the isolated mechanisms with each other in the right way. Bessler had to have the isolated mechanisms in his wheels, which he referred to as "perpetual motion structures", connected together in some way and, most likely, that involved using cords and ropes between the levers. His wheels' isolated mechanisms weren't shifting one by one independently of each other. They were all shifting together but at different rates and the result was that their center of gravity always stayed on one side of the axle as a wheel turned.

    This seems like something impossible to do. It's almost like laying a 12 inch ruler on the edge of a table so that 8 inches hang off the edge of the table while 4 inches remain on the table, yet the ruler remains perfectly horizontal and does not fall off of the table! Without gluing or nailing the short end of the ruler to the table, probably 999 out of 1,000 people would say that this cannot be done because it places the unsupported CoG of the ruler off the edge of the table. But, Bessler basically did the rotational version of that inside of the drums of his wheels! The CoG of their weights stayed, without support, on the descending side of the drum at all times whether it was stationary or rotating. Again, 999 out of 1,000 people would say that this cannot be done. But Bessler thought it could and he did it!

    anon 20:21

  7. Now all you have to do is think what that mechanical arrangement is, that can turn a non-runner design into a runner with asymmetric torque, and you have a runner.


    1. Something tells me that using springs plays a very important role in finding those mechanical arrangements that turn nonrunners into runners. Unfortunately, 99 out 100 Bessler pm wheel chasers will avoid springs like the plague. They are not used to using them and don't want to get used to using them. Springs are also prone to being permanently damaged if they are pushed beyond their limits. Solution..avoid them and use gravity only mechanics. Meanwhile, those same pm chasers spend year after year after year getting no results and can't figure what they are doing wrong. They think that they are doing everything that Bessler would have been done and using everything he would have used. But are they really? Imo, if they aren't using springs in their wheels they aren't doing everything Bessler did.

    2. Here's an attempt at an eight lever OB wheel using springs. It didn't turn out as planned.

  8. Not so. Sim users have been using springs for years in various designs they look into. Springs can bring forward the timing of an action with a pulling or pushing force but that torque advantage is taken back when resetting the spring later, so are zero sum overall.

    Bessler may have used springs in his wheels and JC thinks they are optional. I don't believe they were the critical difference in turning a non-runner into a runner.

    If you think so share your ideas why.

    1. True. Sims do allow for the easy use of virtual springs. But, I was referring more to the "hands on only" builder types like JC, for example.

      Springs allow pivoted parts in the drum to be suspended in certain locations and for a few moments to effectively become weightless (but not massless). A weightless part can then be shifted about very rapidly at least for a brief time while the part is at that location. That might allow a lever to shift much faster than it normally would without the stretched spring's assistance and that might make the critical difference when it comes to keeping the CoG of a wheel's levers and weights on the descending side of its axle. Springs can also temporarily store lost GPE until its needed at some other time and place. They are to mechanics what capacitors are to electricity. Note what Bessler says about one of the few designs he shows that uses springs which was in the note for MT 18:

      "This is the previous spring-model, and it seems to be good, but seeming is different from being. In the meantime, the principle should not be disdained or entirely disregarded, for it says more than it shows. I, however, will show more than speak of it at the appropriate place."

      The springs in MT 18 are not the helical type but rather the flat strip type. Imo, whenever Bessler wrote something in MT like "I, however, will show more than speak of it at the appropriate place" that was his way of hinting that he would discuss the principle's actual use IN his working pm wheel design at the end of MT. Of course, he removed and destroyed the drawings at the end of MT that showed that working design. But, it's clear to me from this MT 18 note that his working wheel design DID use springs. The question is HOW did he use them.

      Anon 01:59

    2. This is complicated to describe but easy to understand I hope.

      From my own building efforts I can see a place for springs but it doesn’t seem to be generally accepted. If you have point in rotation where a weighted lever needs to fall, there is what I would describe as a hesitancy to begin its fall. This is because just before it needs to fall it is balanced and resting against a stop and even when it should begin to fall it begins slowly and then accelerates. This brief pause before it falls can lead to a lag in the effect of its fall and some of the advantage of its fall is delayed or lost. A simple flat springy piece of metal behind the weight itself which is naturally slightly curved but flattened by the pressure of the weight will, as the rotation lessens the pressure of the weight on the springy metal, encourage it to begin its fall at the earlier correct point in rotation.JC


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Our TOP GURU is in fine form this Thanksgiving Day! He's one of the treasures of this blog and someone whose presence we can all give thanks for as we sit around our dinner tables today wondering if we or the person sitting next to us will be the next tragic victim of the biggest yet corona virus "super spreader event" in US history. Two weeks from now we won't believe what we're seeing being reported on the tv news.

      Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!

    6. Hi Stephen, as usual I’m mystified by your comments. I didn’t do any research into anything, I was looking for another way of saying ‘think outside the box’ and the phrase and a synonym dictionary found ‘Divergent thinking’, I wasn’t looking for an equation so I obviously didn’t find one.

      Nothing on the ‘Toys’ page suggests it to me other than what I already know and I’m familiar with Gobekli Tepe.


    7. Interesting that the Toys Page should be mentioned by JC. I've been studying it of late and made some discoveries of a numerological nature in it, one of which I will share today to celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the US. First, here's a link to an image of the Toys Page so everyone reading this comment will know what I'm describing:

      It has the letters A, B, C, C, D, D, and E in it. Since the only two letters that are part of Bessler's name are the B and the E, he would have wanted us to use those two letters to find some important information about his wheels hidden in this page. Start by drawing a straight line from the pivot of the Jacob's Ladder nearest to the letter B down and to the left of the page and to the pivot of the scissor toy nearest to the oversized letter E.

      If you study that line carefully you will notice that it passes right through both of the hammer heads of the top two hammermens' hammers. It also passes exactly through the pointy tip of the nose of the lower left axeman with the spring body. Message from Bessler? The clue he's providing here is as plain as the nose on your face! But what is that clue?

      When you look at the hammers of the top two men, you see that each has a weight attached to a handle and that each handle is also being held by two visible arms. Bessler is telling us here that each lever in his wheels wasn't just a simple straight lever. Each lever had two extra arms attached to it for a total of three arms per lever. Bessler emphasizes that by placing a letter C next to each hammer which has an alphanumeric value of 3. What was the shape of that three arm lever?

      Look at the three Jacob's Ladder pieces near the letter B. They form the letter Y. Now look at the four letters used on the two central toys with the four little men on them. They are C, C, D, and D. If we multiply the two C's together, then multiply the two D's together, and finally add the two products together, then that gives us (C x C) + (D x D) = 9 + 16 = 25. What is the 25th letter of the alphabet? It's the letter Y!

      I consider these very strong hidden clues in the Toys Page that the levers Bessler used in his wheels were in fact Y shaped. Right now I only know of one person who is promoting a design that uses Y shaped levers and I'm sure that most here know exactly who I am referring to.

      There are many more important alphanumeric type clues in the Toys Page and I'll be pointing them out from time to time in the coming year.

      Happy Thanksgiving Day to all...stay safe!

      Sayer of Sooths

    8. Thank you SoS for your interpretation of the Toys page, you won’t be surprised to learn that I have a different take on the meaning of the page, but there are others too and it’s anybody’s guess which is the right one or perhaps something completely different. I hope that once the working wheel appears it will become clear why the Toys page was produced and what it means - or represents.


    9. @SoS. Amazing analysis as always! Maybe you should be the top guru here instead of that SG guy.

      What you said about the lever shapes being like the letter Y makes sense based on the two hammermen in the top toy holding their hammers. But what about those two axmen guys in the bottom toy with springs for bodies? There are no arms holding their axes. How do you explain that?

    10. Thanks, anon 00:54.

      Actually those two axes sticking out of the bodies of the spring men on the bottom toy are also symbols for three arm levers. The axes are actually pickaxes and the elongated heads on them represent two arms while the handle is the third arm. The spot where the handle of the pickaxe is connected to the pickaxe's head might represent the pivot of one of Bessler's three arm levers.

      Now take a closer look at those two pickaxes. Notice that the one on the left looks like the letter T which is leaning to the right. The one on the right looks like the letter V which is also leaning to the right a little. Bessler likes to use the letter V as the Roman numeral with a value of 5. T has an alphanumeric value of 20 since it is the 20th letter of the alphabet. If we add the value of the T to the value of the V used as a Roman numeral, we get T + V = 20 + 5 = 25. The 25th letter of the alphabet is Y. Again, Bessler is telling us here that he used three arm levers in his wheels that looked like the letter Y.

      What I've revealed in these recent comments of mine are only the tip of a large submerged iceberg of clues in the Toys Page. This page was intended by Bessler to be a substitute for the last pages in MT with the drawings showing his working wheel's inner mechanisms that he removed and destroyed and, I suspect, he actually put information into this one page that can describe EVERY part of his wheels mechanisms! Of course, that would only have any meaning and value if one could properly decode that information. Being a numerologist helps tremendously, but even so it still requires a great deal of work.

      Sayer of Sooths

    11. Thanks SoS. Interesting how you can spot things no one else has ever noticed before!

      Those toys Bessler shows were probably intended to suggest to businessmen that his wheels could be used, with hammers, to pound metal into different shapes in their factories or, with the pickaxes, to chop up big wood pieces. People back in his day were almost all burning wood for heat in the winter and having some pm machine to do the hard manual work of chopping up cut down trees into smaller pieces for their fireplaces would have been something they all would have wanted. A businessman could have made some serious money by manufacturing and selling such pm wheel powered wood choppers to them.


    12. Interesting work SoS. I look forward to more. If the Y is rigid, then it could be easily replaced with a disk with holes at the same points as the ends of the Y, so the Y itself must be jointed, possibly at the intersection of the 3 legs, or maybe up a bit on each leg from the main intersection. Now if each leg can shift a few degrees on either side of a certain point, the 3 angle wedges each leg moves might be represented by the AP wheel.

    13. I got no problem with Bessler using a three arm lever. Many think his final working wheel was made from MT13. That one had two arms on each lever. Maybe he had to add another arm to use springs and whatever else to turn it into a runner?

      You go right on giving us your clues SoS. I think I learned more from your last two posts then I did over a BW forum in the last two months.

    14. I'm no numbers guy like SoS, but here's my two cents. Look at the number on MT13 which is the 13. SoS said something about it having special religious meaning to Bessler, etc. Okay, but look at the number itself. You got a 1 next to a 3. Maybe Bessler also gave that number to that smiling face wheel design that he eventually turned into his runner to tell everyone that you couldn't just use levers with only 1 arm with a weight at its end, but you had to use levers with 3 arms?! Instead of weights the other two arms would have had ropes and springs attached to them somehow. Just a guess but it kind of makes least to me.


  9. "I consider these very strong hidden clues in the Toys Page that the levers Bessler used in his wheels were in fact Y shaped. "

    Total BS... The levers actually used by Bessler aren't Y shaped at all... I must say these are some of the wild guesses adopted by Ken from time to time... A grand scheme to misguide others into buying his book...

    If what Ken claims is true we would have had the BW by now... It is easy to make guesses but it is quite another story to make correct guesses... Ken Just gas no inkling of the BW secret... He knows one thing very well... Just fiction writing... He has written a lot on UFOs... I don't know how much truth is there... Because, I haven't read it... But, this much I know, what Kennis advocating about BW is just BS... He thinks there are many takers... Just self fooling and fooling others as well... This can't go on like this forever... We should stop his onslaught on us... BW mystery is a serious subject and Ken is just playing with everyone...

    Bessler used levers but it is nowhere there indicative in the 141 drawings... So, how can Ken totally claim it is Y shaped?...

    Levers swing in BW... But they don't in Ken's design...

    This itself is enough to prove that Ken is nowhere near the secret...
    The most important thing in Bessler wheel is the secret amazing movement inside... It is just magical to watch... We should be focusing on this aspect first...

    Good day...

    1. "Levers swing in BW... But they don't in Ken's design..."

      100% usual!

    2. The only BS around here is your statement that someone else's idea is BS. You have no working wheel, you make not attempt at a working wheel, and you have no SIM. You have nothing to back up your claims - if that isn't the definition of BS I don't know what is. Sorry if you want credibility, you have to earn it.

    3. SK have you done any math related to rotation of the wheel compared to weights swinging on a lever. Swinging weights just move too slowly, and as the wheel rotates, the pivot points of the swinging weight levers would move and disrupt the movement of the weights. If you need help with the math, just ask for it. There's just no time for any free falling movement. Another hint the weights need to be driven into position is Bessler's comment that the weights must, in a flash, rise.

    4. Do you actually have a working wheel in that you've actually seen the mechanism working?

  10. Thank you SoS for your insights.

  11. As promised I have deleted a comment relating to KB. I will continue to do so as and when I think it necessary.


    1. Then why didn't you also delete SK's insulting comment above relating to KB? Maybe you prefer to only delete comments that defend KB while leaving those that insult him? Will you be deleting SK's comments when he starts insulting you? Should be interesting to see how you handle that.

    2. I think I have to agree with Anon 16:30. Ken pushes his ideas to the extreme but he is not disrespectful, and while very few agree with his, he speaks this way out of a strong belief that he is right, based on his research and builds. SK has been around pushing his flavor of bull for years, all without any builds or proof.

  12. It's very simple for KB to gain the credibility he desires. Put up another sim of his wheel on YT. This one 'corrected' for the lever that passes thru its stop. Show it starting from a standing start and accelerating to its working rpm. Add a disclaimer that this sim is built to the best of his ability and no subterfuge is involved in its making.

    Then employ/invite a close by local person with wood working skills and resources to work with him and make a real world model based on the sim. When it is finished put up a YT video of it replicating the display conditions of the sim, and with the same disclaimer.

    Surely even Ken by now will have realized that he will never get any traction with a faulty sim as proof. Furthermore he has lost ground and now needs to make up ground and win the trust of his audience with real world 'runner' that he claims is so easy to build. Prove it !

    This is the way forward to recover his credibility and prove he has been correct all along. And sell his books. If he does not take these rational and obvious steps then imo there is perhaps greater underlying reasons why he does not !


    1. I agree entirely Fletcher,
      If Ken's wheel is a runner then there is nothing stopping him from proving it. There is absolutely no doubt that his current method of getting the message out is a failure, it is not working and it is extremely unlikely that things will change.
      Is Ken unable to understand this? I find it very unlikely. Why does he insist on his method that doesn't work?
      If the world doesn't want to believe him, he can try convincing the world to believe in a different way or he can try preaching in a different way. The latter is more likely to make something change.

    2. Wow I missed seeing the observation that the weights move past the stops in Ken's wheel. If true, that could be a game changer. I hope Ken at least modifies his SIM to be accurate and to make sure it still turns. Of course the issue with the SIM could be purely visual, that is, the stop is not where the actual position is in the system, and the system is moving correctly and producing free energy. I just don't know as I am not a fan of SIMs as they don't provide and real world feedback to the researcher. By that I mean, if you spend a lot of time working with a lever, adding/removing weight, change the lever length, etc., then over time you will gain a mental sense of how the lever will reach to changes, and you can mentally experiment to some degree.

    3. @anon 21:41. Ken admits in the pinned comment under his video that he somehow forgot to set the collision on ONE of the levers in his wheel sim which, IIRC, was the one that starts at 10:30 and when it reaches around 4:00 you can see it partially overlap its stop until it reaches 6:00. He also says he corrected this in his sim and it still worked. He decided to not upload the corrected sim because that error in the original was so slight that most would not notice it.

    4. "most would not notice it." LOL. Don't worry that my sim is not technically accurate. Don't worry that the rpm remained absolutely steady, even when the lever swung through the stop, just like when all the other levers, which actually hit their stops immediately decelerating and wasting energy as heat, sound, and deformation losses. Don't worry that I could easily upload a mechanically corrected sim with a push of a button. Don't worry that my comments feel like a scam is being perpetrated because I never address the real issues raised. Don't worry, be happy. Trust me, and send no money, except for my book on my amazing sim which I won't personally guarantee.

    5. @anon 20:47. If Ken's wheel was accelerating slowly enough during the portion of his sim that he used for his video, then it might have had a more or less steady speed throughout a single rotation which is all he shows. Of the eight levers in the wheel only one at a time lands on its stop shortly after it passes 3:00 and it's a very gently landing. Yes, he could have uploaded the corrected sim, but why bother if it runs the same as the one with the minor problem with it which he did not try to hide from anyone?

      I think his real goal with the video was to just let people observe how Bessler's "Connectedness Principle" worked during wheel rotation. Basically, it always caused just five of the eight levers to slowly all shift together to keep raising the CoG of all of the weighted levers during each 45 degree portion of drum rotation. Yes, he could have done more, but no matter how much he did there would always be some complaining he did not go far enough.

      I think we should all be glad that he made the effort he did to provided us with what he has. It's a novel design, clue based, and he has a working sim that convinced him that the design is "the" one Bessler found and used. Yes, he's trying to sell books. What do you expect him, as an author, to do? Can you imagine the amount of effort to write and illustrate an 800 page volume and the cost to have it professionally published and distributed? So he's making some royalty off of it. Good. He well deserves it.

      I think his book and the design it presents will be recognized as an important contribution to pm literature and Bessler research, in particular, in the years to come. It will be right up there with the works of Bessler himself, Henry Dircks, Rupert Gould, and, of course, last but not lease, John Collins. There will be many who will dismiss it and continue to say it has to be a mistake or a scam. If and when the design leads to a working wheel, then we'll see all of those people suddenly silenced. Until then Ken's given us a design we can keep in our minds as we read our ways through John's excellent translations of Bessler's writings. I think most will be amazed how Ken's design suddenly makes all of the vague statements Bessler makes about his wheels in his writings suddenly make sense.

      Bessler Curious

    6. OMG! What a load of self-serving hogwash! You redefine delusional!

    7. I was sitting on the fence. Now I see a pattern of calculated and entrenched reluctance to do anything to redress the sim questions raised by others familiar with sims. Or to build a wheel as proof. OTOH I'm now firmly off the fence.

    8. Sitting on a fence too long can hurt the butt. I'm also off that fence. I've landed on the side that accepts that Ken B has finally found the lost secret of Bessler's wheels. So far his design is the only one I've seen that matches all of the clues we have AND is backed up by a working sim. No one else can make that claim at this time and I suspect they never will.

  13. "There's just no time for any free falling movement... Anon 27/11/20... 21:34hrs"

    It is really not necessary that the weights should freely fall... A monkey jumps from one branch to another... Do we call this free- falling?... The jumping of the monkey is actually a time saving act... A large distance is covered in a flash of time... BW solving cannot happen without incorporating this movement... a weight just has to swing as a consequence of its position and the wheel begins to rotate instantly at the point of weight touch down... Things happen in a flash... You will understand all this if you
    really understand how BW actually functions...

    The actual mysterical act in the BW is how a weight is raised in a flash... This is that tricky part... And the most thrilling act... This is not known to anyone so far... This is that thing which is achieved through intuition not through simming... It doesn't happen to everyone... Once this is known then you can say that the secret is out finally... Bessler guarded this from prying eyes... This is not present in your YouTube video... This has never been discussed so far detaily because the details are top secret... This is what Karl had stated as simple and exclaimed about not occurring to anyone before... This action is automatic and takes place in a flash... This is what Bessler also mentioned... These things really don't occur to one and all... You really need to be passionate... Sincere efforts reqd... Honesty is very important... Wild guesses don't really help... It also comes as a flash in mind while deeply contemplating... This mechanical action is not commonly noticed in other machinery... We should be respecting one another and work in understanding this secret principle...

    Let us try to find out what this wonderful movement is... Let us not get strayed away from the right course... Concentration and focussing is key in solving this puzzle... Let us not waste valuable time with wishful thinking... BW is real... Bessler was indeed a honest man but unlucky...

    Good day...

  14. All good points John.

    With your encouraging words to focus and not stray "away from the right course", I hope to wrench from you some "A"s to some of my "Q"s...

    1) Please comment on Bessler's comment related to MT 24:

    "This invention ought not to be scorned...There is something one must learn first before one can grasp and correctly understand the good quality of the invention".

    Bessler, being an honest man, would not have chosen these words (knowing clue seekers would be reading them) unless there was SOME relevant value to the drawing. Right? If not, of what use are ANY of his other words?

    2)Regarding MT13.. Many have commented on this drawing. Clearly it does not work. However, some of my more ambitious design ideas rely on a fixed reference point that weights/levers could interact with as they go around the axle (nothing like MT13 however). Many people dismiss this stationary fixture as part of Bessler's design because Bessler said "no weights hang from my axle". However, I believe this comment was in response to the suggestion that hanging weights were the motivating force (like weights hanging in a grandfather clock slowly descending). Can you categorically rule out an internal stationary structure like the "half moon" disc of MT 13?

    3) MT 138 - I understand the scissor jack on the rights side (A), and see how the toy would simulate two people taking turns hitting the anvil (C & D). Can you give ANY insight about the right side ("B" and "A")? Is B a profile of A ? Are C & D physically CONNECTED to B? Do you know if there are any such toys (from the 1700s) in a museum somewhere?


    1. Most people disagree with my views, so this is just my opinion. MT13 relates to Bessler’s connectedness principle, nothing more, but he mentions it briefly. How he used may not look anything like MT13. I don’t think the axle-hanging weight was used in any of his working wheels.

      MT24 also shows his connectedness principle but used differently.

      I prefer to call 138, 139, 140 and 141 the Toys page for two reasons. I think it’s important to consider all of the drawings on that page together and it’s easier to call it Toys rather than list all the numbers separately and calling 138 implies you are talking about one part of the page. That’s just me being awkward!

      I don’t want to give too much away about my own opinion on the Toys pages but if you go to the small search button on the right after everything else on that panel and key in Toys, you will find two blogs discussing my ideas about that page. My ideas have changed slightly over time but basically what you can see there is more or less my current view.


    2. Thanks John.
      Another question..
      Regarding that pendulum thing on the outside of the wheel. I have read some commentary that it was (like the stamps) intended to demonstrate surplus force. However, I have found one source that says Besssler stated it was needed to regulate speed. Did he actually say anything about it? Is there any reason to believe it was re-attached during the demonstration where the wheel was moved to new supports?

    3. @anon 23:45
      I'm not John but you might find this year old Ken B video of a computer model of the Merseburg wheel pendulums interesting. It compares the speeds of the wheel with and without the two pendulums attached to the axle and you can see that the pendulums greatly reduce the speed. Also read the description under the video.

    4. To anon 23.45. Bessler was reported to suggest the pendulums were to regulate the speed of the wheel, but no one ever described them at any of the tests and exhibitions and the great regularity of the rotation was commented on more than once. In my opinion the question raised referred to the illustrations in GB and DT and they were not required.


    5. To anon 05.26, that video is meaningless because the pendulums were not required to regulate an already extremely regular rotation. Please no more promotion KEN!


    6. You apparently missed the whole point of Ken's Merseburg pendulum video. The pendulums were not intended to smooth out the rotation speed of a wheel. They were intended to greatly reduce the maximum running speed of a wheel. That is why he puts two running Merseburg wheel drums next to each other for comparison. The one on the left has the two pendulums attached while the one on the right has no pendulums and will run much faster than the one on the left.

      Why slow a running drum down so much? The obvious answer is to reduce the amount of wear to its internal parts during each hour that a wheel might be running. That then requires less frequent lubrication of its internal bearings and replacement of failed parts like lever connecting ropes or springs. Ken's video is the only one I've ever seen that makes the drum transparent so we can observe the motions of both pendulums at the same time.

      Notice the unusual way they swing. Ken says there are several ways to attach the pendulums to a wheel's axle, but the one he shows is the only way that would allow a two direction wheel to start up with a gentle push in either direction if both pendulums were attached to it at the time.

    7. You and Ken missed my point. There were no pendulums. Not a single witness ever described them, because there weren’t any.


    8. Further, there were never any pendulums physically displayed, at any time, according to witness accounts which fail to mention them in action. AFAIK no stampers were displayed or observed either. Tho both were drawn in the Bessler DT engravings of both the Kassel and Merseburg wheels. Additionally the Kassel wheel engraving also showed the ability to lift continuous water with a water screw which IINM also was never physically observed by witnesses.

      The only load test that was witnessed was the Merseburg wheel lifting a box of rocks. The Merseburg engravings show pendulums, stampers, and lifting a box of stones.

      The Kassel wheel was reported to turn at a steady 26 rpm without load. And 20 rpm with load. How that loaded rpm was established I can't remember atm, but it might have been Bessler simply stating the case rather than by demonstration.

      If I am in error feel free to correct what I have said.


    9. As far as the two axle pendulums are concerned, Bessler tells us in DT (page 190):

      "...the arrangement has been designed in such a way that the rotational movement of the entire vertically suspended wheel can be slightly modified by the application on each side of small weights..."

      Those "small weights" are the ones on the compound pendulums attached to each end of an axle.

      As far as the stamping machines are concerned, committees examining Bessler's wheels determined that the stampers were not hollow, but don't say what they were made of or how much they weighed. Most likely they were just made of solid wood. In a letter written to Leibniz on January 19th, 1714 by a person (Teuber) who examined the Draschwitz wheel, we are told:

      "It is covered by thin wooden planks in order to hide the internal mechanism. The axle is also wooden, and extends one foot beyond the wheel. It has three teeth which are for moving three wooden stamps similar to those used in pounding mills. The stamps are quite heavy and are lifted and dropped continuously."

      The idea that Bessler only added the pendulums, stampers, and Archimedean screw to his wheel illustrations for decorative purposes is, imo, totally absurd. If he went to the trouble of illustrating them, that was because they were real and used on occasion. Just because the axle pendulums are not mentioned in the FEW letters we have from witnesses describing the wheels proves nothing.

      The pendulums could have been disabled or even completely removed when they were examining the wheels so that they would be able to reach their maximum speed which the pendulums were intended to prevent them from doing as anon 14:29 suggests. Such maximum speeds would have been necessary to allow a wheel to raise a load of bricks to the maximum height it could.

      I think anon 14:29 has it right. The pendulums were intended to greatly reduce the maximum speed of a freely running wheel to minimize its internal wear and tear. Also, imo, they added a look of power to his wheels.

    10. You wrote, “ The pendulums were intended to greatly reduce the maximum speed of a freely running wheel to minimize its internal wear and tear. Also, imo, they added a look of power to his wheels”,

      The Kassel wheel had no pendulums, so it obviously didn’t need them to slow it down. Your final sentence doesn’t even rate a response.


    11. @JC. Are you blind?! Anyone looking at this figure from DT can plainly see that the Kassel wheel had pendulums and that they would have been rather large and heavy ones:

      I think as anon 04:12 mentions, the two pendulums (only one is shown in DT) could be quickly disabled or even removed whenever Bessler had any guests examining the wheel or testing it. Nothing more dangerous than being hit with a heavy football shaped bob weight while examining the wheel. If that weight was cast from solid lead, it would have been very heavy. Most likely the three weights per pendulum were detachable after which the T shaped pendulum remaining would be light enough to be removed in on piece. Bessler must have very carefully planned the lengths of the top cross beams to make sure that those cannon ball size weights at their ends did not smack into the ceiling when the pendulums were swinging from side to side. I'm sure Karl wanted to do everything he could to help Bessler sell his invention, but he probably wouldn't have wanted to see his castle wrecked while doing so!

    12. Yes of course, they are special pendulums, invisible to the naked eye!


    13. You have to forgive John for his refusal to acknowledge the pendulums on Bessler's wheels, anon 15:10. He's been pushing his pet theory of "no real pendulums" since at least 2011 and, so far, only he and a very few others actually believe it. They pin their belief solely on the pendulums not being mentioned in the letters by witnesses of Bessler's wheels.

      But those few letters we have were all written by witnesses present during official or private tests during which time Bessler would have always removed the pendulums. He would have done that so they would not suspect that his wheels were somehow being propelled by the pendulums via the rods connecting them to a wheel's axle.

      If he had left the pendulums in place, then some may have suspected that those large iron weights near the ends of their cross beams which came close to the ceiling of the room with the wheel in it actually contained magnets and were being "pumped" by using even larger magnets (all they had back then were pieces of a naturally magnetic mineral known as "lodestone" to use) attached to a rocking beam mechanism on the floor of the room above the wheel. In other words, the magnetic fields would have actually gone right through the wooden floor boards to pump the pendulums' cross beams which then turned the axle and its attached drum and would have been undetectable to witnesses. Not attaching the two pendulums to his wheels' axles removed this suspicion.

    14. Anon 18.29, I think John is right, they were special pendulums invisible to the naked eye.
      If the ^pendulums were needed for the wheel to run and taken off for the official demonstrations, it then stands to reason that the wheel would not have ran. It would have become a non runner, because the needed pendulums were not present. Removing a needed part to reduce the chances of people with an overactive imagination coming up with some farfetched theory of how he may have cheated, would not be neccessary because the bloody thing would not have worked.
      If they were needed they were present and if not present they were not needed.
      Them being invisible certainly makes things much easier to believe.

    15. Obviously, the pendulums were not needed to make Bessler's wheels run, but I can see from Ken's video what a big difference they made in the maximum speed of the Merseburg wheel. I agree that they were used to reduce the free running speed so as to slow down the rate of wear and tear to their inner mechs.

      Bessler probably had some way of quickly attaching their drive rods to the axle cranks when he wanted to use the pendulums and when he didn't he'd detach the drive rods and just leave them and the pendulums hanging in place. Having to completely remove the pendulums would have been a pain, but since he was always trying to remove any suspicions that his wheels were hoaxed he probably would have made the effort whenever a serious potential buyer or his representative showed up to inspect a wheel. That can explain why they are not mentioned in the letters of others and only by him in DT.

      It's sad to think of all of the work he did to find and construct his wheels and then to try to sell them and it only resulted in no sale being made. It must have been a constant source of frustration and irritation for him. Even today most of the world who is even aware of him dismisses him as a con man with faked wheels. I look forward to seeing the day when that perception is completely changed.

    16. KB's save on wear and tear LOL. The pendulums didn't exist except in Bessler's imagination and engraving illustrations.

      Double LOL - KB's video of his with and without pendulum simulation has the background wheels turning at different rpms via different motor rpm settings, nothing else. It's forced rotation at a certain speed set by KB.

      Pendulums don't regulate a wheel that is already regular. They can slow it down acting as a speed limiter in theory, to mitigate counterproductive effects of internal Cf's for example.

    17. I think the wheels in his video were set to rotate at 16 rpm's for the left one with the two pendulums and 40 rpm's for the right one without the pendulums. He just did that to compare their rotation speeds and it is definitely noticeable. What I find interesting is the motion of the cog of the two pendulums. It neither rises nor falls as the pendulums swing along. It just travels horizontally from left to right and back again over and over. That means that the wheel does not have to use energy to lift their center of gravity or gets energy from it as it falls. He claims that Bessler was using the two pendulums for something called "inertial braking" to limit wheel rotation to the swing frequency of the pendulums which he says was 16 per second. I've never heard of inertial braking before but it seems to have worked by somehow draining off excess mechanical energy from a wheel to limit its maximum speed. It's braking without friction! Very unusual, imo.

    18. Not at all. Pendulum period is well known. However in this case the speed limiting effect of a single or double pendulum is driven by changes in MOI. The fact that the pendulums go through acceleration and deceleration phases, and changing direction. Anytime something accelerates and then is forced to slow down again (Newton's 1st) it must waste energy. It is more subtle in this arrangement. However if you were to imagine the pendulums striking a stop just before reversing then you would expect energy to be wasted from the impact due sound, heat, and deformation losses. That energy must come from somewhere and that is wheel Rotational Kinetic Energy or Angular Momentum if you prefer. Thus there is theoretically a wheel speed limiting effect, much like a Watts governor.

    19. Forget the pendulums, they were never present and to suggest that they were there, but pretending that no one bothered to mention them is harder to believe than Ken’s fake video.


    20. I tend to go along with the "pendulums did exist" crowd. It just seems like there would be no point to Bessler going to the extra trouble of including them in his drawings of the Merseburg and Kassel wheels if they did not exist and were used at least on occasion. The same goes for the water pump in the Kassel wheel drawings. Why bother to include it if it didn't exist. Bessler even puts a drain in the floor and a trough attached to the ceiling of the floor below to allow the pump's tank of water to be drained. That seems like a lot of extra drawing to do for something that didn't exist. There's no mention of them in the few letters we have? So what? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Maybe a letter mentioning them will eventually surface.

      Last June Ken uploaded a nice little video he made to celebrate what he calls "Bessler Day" which is June 6th or the month and day when Bessler first publicly exhibited a wheel in Gera, Saxony. His video looks like it's a wm2d model he made showing the Kassel wheel running the stampers, one of the pendulums, and the water pump all at the same time. I doubt if that wheel could have done all of that at the same time though. But maybe it could. His sim is a little cartoonish looking but I've been told the sizes and timing in it are accurate.

    21. Nice touch with the water splashing out of the tank winding up gushing out of the window of the floor below the wheel room. Anybody at ground level would have gotten a nice little surprise!


    22. Bessler felt the need to 'spice up' his engravings, for two main reasons.

      1. they are incredibly boring without showing their potential to do 'Work', to entice a prospective buyer. Hence the inclusion of the stampers, and the water lifting screw for the Kassel wheel engravings. Stampers for the Merseburg wheel.

      2. they also serve to distract and deceive. The magicians parlour tricks.

      Both the Kassel and Merseburg wheel engravings include pendulums. And that is where the deception is perpetrated, imo. And why there were never any pendulums imagined or real.

      I will probably start a thread at in the near future to explain how the pendulum deception is carried out and why it was necessary. His slight of hand worked a treat for him. And yes it can be verified to a high percentage probability, imo.

      You can most likely work out for yourself what the deception was, and why, with a little thought and investigation !


    23. @Jason

      I bet a lot of people seeing that water being discharged from the window automatically assumed that Bessler's Kassel wheel was capable of actually continuously pumping water up to the wheel room from ground level. But, I doubt if it had the power to continuously raise a column of water that high. The water for the pump's vat would have had to be carried up in buckets by Karl's servants or lifted in a single big container like a barrel which when full weighed 200 lbs like that load of bricks Ken B shows in his video. Once it came to a stop outside of the window because there was no RotKE left in the wheel to keep lifting it, they could have clamped a leather hose to a spigot on it and then let it drain into the pump's vat.

      I'm also a believer that everything shown in the DT wheel drawings actually existed and was used. If Bessler showed something in them, but no one ever actually saw it, his critics would have been using that to ridicule him and add to their claims that he was a crook. Not everything about his wheels will be in letters written by witnesses. They are important sources of information, but not necessarily complete sources, imo.

    24. Sheesh .. the Kassel engraving detailing the water screw in operation shows a 'recirculating' system of fluid to the container drawn from at the wheel base. It includes a drain system for spillage.

    25. @anon 02:10

      Yes, the water in the vat was constantly recirculated. But, whenever Bessler wanted to remove the waterscrew and the vat, he would have had to drain the vat. Rather than trying to scoop the water out of the vat one pot full at a time, it would have just been easier to open a valve near the vat's bottom and let the water all go out into that funnel shaped drain he put into the floor of the room. Something tells me Karl wasn't amused when he found out Bessler had bored a hole through the floor of the wheel room and down into the room below it.

    26. It didn't bother Karl. The water screw system was never physically built. Only an implied function shown in the Kassel engravings! Including the drain away system. The Kassel wheel was unadulterated in any way, and only used for the translocation long duration test, as was its purpose, and you know full well!

    27. Still seems like too much extra work to do to show something that wasn't actually constructed and used.

      If one says the Archimedean waterscrew in the DT engraving was fictional, then there's no reason not to dismiss as fictional everything else in the image other than the wheel itself. That would mean no fork pieces on the back of the axle, no cranks on the ends of the axle, no metal spacing plates between the vertical supports and the floor or ceiling, no fan pendulums, and no double stamp machine. We're just left with a 12 foot wheel between two vertical supports.

      If that can be done then it makes one wonder what in Bessler's drawings can we trust? Maybe that box of bricks being lifted outside of the window was really empty? Maybe those triangular shaped locks to secure the wheels to the floor didn't exist? Maybe that skeptic who showed up here years ago was right when he claimed that the long run test at the Karl's castle was a hoax perpetrated by Bessler and his brother who was sneaking into and out of the wheel's room through a secret passage to stop and start the wheel when the witnesses were out of the room?

      I think in a way Bessler's wheel drawings are to the credibility of his history like the Gospels are to the New Testament. If any part of them can be dismissed as fiction, then all of the rest of his history also loses credibility. One of the purposes of this blog should be to promote the credibility of the Bessler story and not to try to undermine it by claiming we can't trust the illustrations Bessler left us.

    28. I will promote the credibility of the drawings anon 14.26. They have a purpose and their detail is deliberate and precise and all will be revealed once I get my wheel working or somebody else does.


    29. Anon 14:26.

      Anyone trying to tell you that water pumping screw in the DT drawing didn't exist doesn't know his Bessler history. Here's what an EYE WITNESS to the Kassel wheel being tested wrote in a private letter. The letter was written by Joseph Fisher in 1721 to J.T. Desaguliers:

      "But to my astonishment I observed that the rapidity of the wheel augmented little by little until it had made two turns, and then it regained its former speed, until I observed by my watch that it made the same twenty-six turns a minute as before, when acting freely; and twenty turns when it was attached to the screw to raise water."

      Fisher had personally observed the water screw in use. It was NOT fictional. It was a real machine as is illustrated in one the DT drawings of the Kassel wheel. You CAN trust what you are seeing in Bessler's drawings.

    30. There's another obvious reason why Bessler would have detached and hid the pendulums when his wheels were being officially examined and tested.

      He knew that those examining his wheels suspected a hoax and were looking for the slightest sign of it. He also knew that most of them probably knew that he was a former clock maker's apprentice. Now, what does looking at one of his wheels making those big pendulums swing about remind you of? A pendulum CLOCK, of course!

      The presence of the pendulums would have made the examiners suspect that they were somehow acting like a clock's pendulum escapement that regulates how fast the clock keeps time. They would then suspect that, like a spring powered clock, Bessler's wheels were also being powered by hidden springs in their drums. That was the last thing that Bessler wanted them to think and communicate to his enemies who might be in contact with them.

      His solution was just to keep the pendulums out of sight and that is why we don't see them being mentioned, imo. The biggest obstacle to him selling his invention, aside from the high price, was the skepticism people had that it was genuine. So, to lessen that skepticism, no pendulums during any official tests. I think most of us in his situation would have done the exact same thing.

      Bessler Curious

    31. Letter from Joseph Fischer to J.T. Desaguliers, 1721 : ... "Having tied a cord to the axle, to turn an archimedean screw for raising water, the wheel then made twenty turns a minute. This I noted several times by my watch, and I always found the same regularity. I then stopped the wheel with much difficulty, holding on to the circumference with both hands. An attempt to stop it suddenly would raise a man from the ground."

      Letter from Willem Jacob 'sGravesande to Sir Isaac Newton, 1721 : ... "Through the centre of this wheel or drum runs an axle of about six inches diameter, terminated at both ends by iron bearings of about three-quarters of an inch diameter upon which the whole thing turns. I have examined these bearings, and am firmly persuaded that nothing from without the wheel in the least contributes to its motion."

      No pendulum cranks !


    32. No method to attach pendulum cranks observed by either Fischer or 'sGravesande !

      These were highly intelligent professional people accurately recording their observations of deemed importance to them for the Kassel wheel. This was not tabloid journalism !

      They had presence of mind to record axle construction and dimensions, and the rope around the axle connection for the water screw.


    33. Thank you Fletcher, you saved me the job. I’m going to post details of my digital books so people can look up this stuff for themselves if they choose to get copies.


    34. No one noticed the cranks at the ends of the axles when they observed the Kassel wheel running the waterscrew? That's only because when Bessler removed and hid that wheel's two pendulums away, he also temporarily removed the cranks from the ends of the axle pivots which probably only required the use of a screwdriver. He didn't leave the two cranks in place because he knew their presence would generate questions about their purpose. He didn't want the wheel's examiners to even be thinking anything about pendulums being attached to the wheel so, as BC suggests, they would be thinking Bessler's wheels were just oversized spring powered pendulum regulated clocks. Again, as someone else above said, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". The absence of those axle cranks in no way means that Bessler did not use those compound pendulums to slow down his free running wheels in order to slow down the wear to their internal mechanical parts.

  15. While all of you are still stumbling around in the dark desperately trying to find out how Bessler's obsolete low power pm wheels may have worked if they weren't actually hoaxed (which the scientists all agree they were), the genius Maxwell Chikumbutso is being hailed as a new Tesla! Here's a video of his revolutionary Green Power Machine pulling radio waves right out of the atmosphere and turning them into 50 kw of electricity to power an entire house in Zimbabwe! American scientists have verified that he's made a huge discovery that will really shake up the world of science!

    Here's his US based company's website so everyone can start investing in his breakthrough free energy machines as soon as possible. For every $1000 USD someone invests today he might get back $100,000 USD when the entire world finally realizes what Chikumbutso's discovered and wants in! His stocks could be like those of Polaroid, Xerox, and Microsoft were decades ago and that made many of their early investors into multi MILLIONAIRES. Now is the time to GET IN before it's too late!

    1. If those scientists who agreed that Bessler’s wheel was hoaxed are the same ones who verified Maxwell Chikumbutso’s invention, then I don’t have high hopes for it.


    2. This sounds exactly like the ground floor opportunity I've spent years looking for! I've got $10,000 right now that I'm looking to invest in something and this could be it. I read somewhere that he did a demo with his 500 kw machine and actually powered up ten homes in a small rural town in Zimbabwe that had no electricity which is the case in most of that poor nation. If you want electricity you have to buy your own generator, maintain it, and keep feeding gasoline into its fuel tank. Big pain in the ass and expensive per kw hour. His breakthrough needs no fuel!

      He has no patents on his invention due to unfortunately being discriminated against by ignorant patent examiners but I don't think he has to worry about his design being stolen and copied. It uses special electronic parts that only he knows how to make and whose designs were given to him by God via voices he started hearing one day. His machine is nice because it has no moving parts in it to wear out. With his machine who is going to even care if anyone ever figures out how Bessler's wheels worked?

      I think Chikumbutso's major concern now should be personal protection. As Big Oil learns of his breakthrough it won't be long before they have professional hit men stalking him. He and his machines will then somehow just disappear or he'll be found after he has a fatal "accident" and the machines will either be missing or destroyed. His risk of this will go up as he gets more and more attention for his green power machines. The skeptics will then crawl out of the woodwork and claim that it was all a big scam and he is just another clever swindler who is then in some other country with a new identity and counting all of the money he stole from investors. He sounds to me like a very honorable and moral man who would never do anything like that. Not everyone in the world is a crook. Maybe his invention is part of God's plan to save humanity from Climate Change? If so, it arrived just in time!

    3. Rotflmao! Anybody who thinks this character has something real that actually works needs to lie down in a darkened room until the feeling passes. He's not the next Tesla. He's the next Keely! If you are stupid enough to send him any money, the only thing you will be 100% guaranteed of is never seeing any of it again!

      It's fascinating to see how a kook like this can get documentary makers desperate for exciting content to put him into their videos and then give him a wider audience containing more suckers that he can then rob because they thought that his hoaxed demonstrations were genuine. If you listen to his explanation of how his revolutionary free energy technology works you will realize it's just a bunch of pseudoscientific babbling. The poster above with the $10k to invest will actually have more chance of making a profit on it if he runs out and buys lottery tickets with all of it!

    4. Here's a five year old article on him that claims he's only importing technology from other countries, making small improvements to it, and then declaring that they are his inventions. Sounds to me like he's a scammer.

      What really counts is whether or not his claims to having a free energy machine that puts out 500 kw are the truth or not.

    5. Here's an interesting short interview with Foster Gamble who made the documentary featuring Chikumbutso and his Greener Power Machines. Gamble had a professional engineer examine his free energy machine and test it. The next morning the engineer said that he thought that he "had just witnessed the end of fossil fuels"!

    6. Before everyone just dismisses Chikumbutso's Greener Power Machine as a total hoax, they might want to consider that there was another genius inventor that was also demonstrating how he could extract usable electrical power "right out of the air".

      His name was Dr. Thomas Henry Moray. After twenty years of research and spending $200,000 of his own money, he was able to construct and demonstrate a device in the early 1930's that was outputting large amounts of electrical power from something he called "radiant energy" which was a kind of cosmic energy that his device was able to tap into. His device even came to the attention of then US president Franklin D. Roosevelt who ordered the government to cooperate with Dr. Moray in its further development.

      You can read more about his interesting story here:

      It's possible that Chikumbutso has stumbled upon the same technology that Dr. Moray had and managed to refine it further.

    7. If Chikumbutso's "Greener Power Machine" free energy electrical generator is for real, then why is this blog the first time I've ever heard of it or him? He's been around now for at least five years and so far I don't see anyone actually regularly using any of this GPM's. One would think if they were real then, after five years, shouldn't we expect to at least see some of them in regular use somewhere? Why are they only appearing in youtube videos and independently made documentaries?

      I don't like to be too negative or too positive about anything based on only partial information, but there's something about all of this Chikumbutso free energy stuff that does not seem quite right to me. If I had a car that could run forever without gasoline by using some revolutionary gadget I invented, I'd probably be trying to negotiate the licensing of its use to the Chinese so they could mass produce and flood the world with them. That licensing fee, btw, would be $10 billion USD per year! However, I'd give our US auto manufacturers a break on the licensing fee. Only $9 billion USD per year for them.


      Btw, if Chikumbutso does have a genuine free energy machine, then that 7th grade dropout will be on his way to receiving a Nobel Prize in physics!

    8. I'd love to get one of his 5 kw GPM's and install it in my house. That would get me off the grid permanently. But, where is it and how much does it cost? Does it come in a kit form so I could build it myself and save some money?

      I'd also want one of his no fuel cars. Again, how do I get one and how much?

      I think if he could put some prices and delivery dates on that website of his that would help build people's confidence that he's for real. How about a video of someone now using a GPM in his home and driving that car?

      Unless and until that happens, then imho this is just another free energy pipe dream being promoted on the internet to generate views on monetized youtube channels and sales of documentary DVD's. Next year we'll be seeing some other "genius" pushing his miraculous free energy technology. Reading about the latest free energy device announcements is like being in a theater where the show never stops. Every few minutes there's another act on the stage to keep the audience from getting bored.

  16. the part of Bessler's description that I can't get my head around is when he says "and when they come to be placed together"

    1. He was just referring to putting the weighted levers together inside of the drum of one of his wheels. IF he used eight levers as most think, then their pivots would have to be every 45 degrees apart around the drum.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm not our John Collins, but here's a bio on that John Collins which you are researching:

      He lived from March, 1625 to November, 1683 and died when Bessler was only three years old. There would be no mention of Bessler in any of the correspondence he had with Leibniz.

    2. There isn’t any connection as far as I know Stephen, but the name did catch my eye during my research. Actually my father was a Polish Count with a different last name. His ancestors can trace their line back to before William the Conqueror and there is no mention of a Collins, unfortunately. I did have a relative who lived not far from Bessler in the late 1600s but not necessarily any connection!


    3. If you're father was a count, then that makes you a count! But how could his name not be Collins and the same as yours is? Did he change his surname for some reason?

    4. He was my biological father and liaised with my mother during WWII! After my non-biological father died, I got in touch with the Red Cross who were able to find my half-sister in Gdańsk in Poland, and I flew over to meet them and my uncles, aunts and all manner of relatives. It was a wonderful experience!

  18. John, Back to your springs comment (26 Nov. 07:08) Besides springs encouraging a weight to fall, springs are needed to make the primary weight suddenly fly upward at the 6 O'clock position . Bessler's movement doesn't have time to dilly- dally waiting for a weight to fall. In my build,flat springs work well; spiral springs don't as they flex up and down and in and out.

    1. I have another idea about that, but you may be on the right lines.


    2. I am skeptical of the translation that the weights must "in a flash" fly upwards. That implies hi speed, and hi speed means energy. There is a difference between lifting a weight at a slow steady pace, and making one accelerate to a high speed then lift at that speed. I trust you are versed in physics and calculus and are able to determine the consequences of such a actions/movements.

    3. Look in BW forum there have been several attempts to ring something different out of the original German, but the truth is what you read, the weight shoots upwards very fast.


    4. anon 21:38. You have to remember that translation of the AP line "...the weights which rest below must, in a flash, be raised upwards..." is from a line of poetry because AP is just one giant poem. Bessler probably only meant that at some place on a clockwise turning wheel's ascending side the weights at the ends of the levers inside of the drum were rising faster than they did at other places on the ascending side. That doesn't mean they were moving as fast as lightning. Just that they were moving faster than average.

      Poetic language often exaggerates things for a dramatic effect. You have to be very careful when you start taking as literal some poetic description of some part or action inside of Bessler's wheels. That mistake has sent many a Bessler pm wheel chaser down the wrong path to only more frustrating failure.

    5. The spring works like a toggle,the specially shaped weight is lifted slightly just after the 12 O'clock position,then SNAP! it flies over into place, the reverse happens at the 6 O'clock position.


  19. Take a look at (the mechanisms theoretically ) to note that the primary weight flies up near the 6 O'clock position, (not the 12 O'clock position) so as to be nearer the axle and thus UNDERbalancing the wheel. Springs are needed for this sudden shift upward !

  20. This guy is manufacturing and selling his own "prime mover" wheels right now! You can buy and put one of them on your bicycle to make it easier to pedal it since the free energy his wheel provides does some of the work for you. But no reason why all of you frustrated Bessler pm wheel chasers out there can't also start using them to give your latest nonrunners the little extra torque they need to finally become runners. Bessler would have loved this invention!

    1. Sounds like something John could have used last September!

    2. He said his wheels currently supply 30% of the energy needed to accelerate a bicycle and he plans to make one that supplies 50%. If he can make one that supplies 60%, then you could use two of them for a bicycle's front and back wheels and you'd have a perpetual motion bicycle! Just sit on it, release the brakes, and take off. No pedaling needed. But, why stop there? He could make a small, lightweight car and put four of those wheels on it to make a perpetual motion car. Look out, Chikumbutso, you've got some serious competition coming! And unlike yours his version won't need an electrical motor or batteries in it.

  21. The inventor may not have wanted to say his device is PM knowing all the upheaval that would ensue. I read a bit on the site and in his patent application. I don't remember the exact wording but he said he was utilizing an unused force (something like that), which kind of suggests the device does create OU. When I have time I will have to re-read, and I suggest others do the same. He may have something here.

  22. Please give more details on this prime mover bike so we can find it. What is his name, etc. Thanks

    1. You can place an order here:

      I think he's having trouble keeping up with the demand so you might have a delay before your receive any you order.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...