Friday, 20 November 2020

The Mystery of Johann Bessler’s Codes

To us, Johann Bessler’s thoughts and actions seems to suggest he was slightly paranoid, but given that his invention of the amazing gravity wheel, or perpetual motion machine, was the end result of more than ten years of intensive research, experimentation and trial and error, it’s not surprising.  He was obsessively determined to keep the secret of its construction to himself until he had been paid in full by anyone who wished to buy his machine. 

But the  negotiation was fraught with difficulty.  He told prospective buyers to put the cash on the table and they could take the machine away.  They insisted on checking that the machine was genuine by viewing the interior.  Bessler could not allow this because they could note the design and then walk away and build their own.  Despite the evidence of the only person ever allowed to see inside the wheel, the highly respected Karl, Landgrave of Hesse, who validated his claims, no sale was ever finalised.  Bessler designed a number of tests which he hoped would prove his claims and even though we cannot imagine how he would have managed to fake it, without an internal inspection no one accepted the evidence presented.

Bessler would not have wanted to die without having sold his machine; and thus his claims dismissed and his books forgotten. But....he implies more than once that if he fails to sell the secret he would rather die than give his secret away.  He also says that if the reader has questions he should study ‘this little book’, Apologia Poetica.  His suggestion on the front of Maschinen Tractate to study ‘more than one drawing’  which will eventually lead to the answer. He says he was given much information of an esoteric nature and was taught, for instance ‘the language of angels’, which was an occult language used by John Dee in the 16th century in Prague, where Bessler lived for a time.

This led me to conclude many years ago, that Bessler intended right from the beginning, probably before he even found the solution to his wheel, to plant information about his wheel in future publications and had already learned about a number of ways of hiding it. So once I suspected that there might be information to be found, it became obvious that it was there but disguised behind a veil of innocent looking, uninteresting and easily dismissed pages of text and drawings.

Bessler’s first clue was the strange pseudonym, Orffyreus, achieved through use of an ancient and well-known cipher.  This simple code was so obvious that one might wonder why he used it. It led one to look for other different codes but also equally well-known. This feature was developed extensively throughout his books and letters but the significant fact about all of them is that none of them seem to be helpful towards understanding his secret, which begs the question why?

The work done by Øystein reveals additional layers of mystery, Rosicrucian and Masonic codes. I have my own ideas about why this was done.  If we accept that Bessler planned to hide instructions for building his gravity wheel in his publications, but deliberately hid it within an exceedingly complex code, so that it was very unlikely that anyone would manage to decipher it during his life, how could he be sure that someone would eventually find the code and decipher it?  The answer would seem to be that only those people steeped in the subject of codes, such as the practitioners of Øystein’s Rosicrucian and Masonic codes, and perhaps some acquaintances of the Jesuit priest and the Rabbi, in Prague.  They would be attracted into studying his books by the presence of apparently purposeless codes, recognise and decipher them.  The knowledge that the more complex codes might be heralded by the simpler more obvious codes would attract the attention of certain members of semi-secret societies, the acknowledged experts on ancient codes.

Aside from the many graphic codes to be found in the Apologia Poetica book, there are the 600 plus ‘etc’s, previously identified as ‘x’s, but later revealed to mean ‘etc’ in Fraktur font.  There are far too many of them to make sense other than being part of a code and there are none in his subsequent books. Then there are the 55 rhyming couplets in chapter 55 of Apologia Poetica, containing 141 Bible references, the same number as used in the Toys page, also numbered 141. Some Bible references are repeated, others cannot be found. Bessler also exhibited an apparent obsession with chronograms, providing numerous examples both in his private documents  as well as his  annual panegyrics to Karl. All of this suggestive of hidden information.

Bessler sought and received permission to build a tomb for himself and his family in the garden of the house he occupied during his final years in Karlshafen.  It was an unusual request at the time and it is interesting to speculate on the possible reasons why.  If we accept the two kinds of coded information I have surmised is buried within his publications, then it could be that Bessler left additional clues on his tomb. I think there might be some curious people who would like to visit his tomb and there they might read an inscription giving some extra information either about the wheel or the codes which lead to a description.  Sadly the tomb has long since been destroyed.  There is now a tarmac carpark covering what used to be part of his garden.

There is so much more, too much to go into here, but plenty to occupy the mind of a cipher expert. Perhaps we need the help of the Bletchley group from the Second World War, or better still, some modern equivalent.

I think this explains the reasons for the simple codes as well as the more complex ones.



  1. Bessler may have left a lot of codes in his writings and drawings. But how can we be sure, once they are found, if they pertain to his pm wheels or to some other religious or philosophical beliefs that he had? I'm not interested in his particular religious or philosophical beliefs, I just want to know any codes that have to do with his wheels and by that I mean the mechs inside of his wheels.

    1. I agree we don’t know what was hidden in the codes that we can see, but I’m not convinced it would be anything religious, although it could relate to his discussions with the Jesuit and the Rabbi hermeticism and other esoterica.


  2. John,
    I disagree with a few of your thoughts on this.
    The way i see it, is that Bessler, who knew exactly how his wheel worked, would have seen blatantly obvious clues in the MT drawings.
    We all believe that the mechanism was simple, Bessler wouldn't allow anyone to look inside, because of it's simplicity.
    When we finally know how it worked, not only will we be able to see clearly the clues in the drawings, they will be lit up with fluorescent lights. I think Bessler underestimated the difficulty, others, who do not have the answer, would have at seeing the clues.
    He knew we were blind, but he didn't think we were that blind.

  3. Don’t forget the MT was never published, it was, in my opinion, intended to be a teaching tool to be used with his apprentices in his ‘fortress of wisdom’. So presumably this would happen after he had sold his wheel and founded his school. So the secret of the wheels construction might have become known.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ah now that is a question! There are three possibilities - one it was an accident, two it was suicide and three he was pushed. Personally I’m doubtful about the suicide option because it was and is condemned by most of the religions and Bessler was devout even if he admitted he slipped occasionally.. I doubt he was murdered, for what reason? I know he could be annoying and bad tempered but I doubt he deserved to be killed, which leaves accident. We know from his letters how hard up he was and his family were starving, he had insufficient funds to fulfil his contract to complete the windmill. Illness, poor health was the most likely cause of his fall.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm not JC but if that "oval shaped object" you refer to is the one to the right of the blacked out rectangle at the top of the page, then in the past it was thought to be the shirt sleeve cuff of an unfinished hand whose fingers would have been holding the top of the Jacob's Ladder to the right that is labeled "B".

    4. No Stephen, but there are many marks and scratches on some of the number blocks, such as on MT137 which look interesting but I’m unable make sense of them. Do you have an idea?


  5. Okay, here's quick numerological type clue from the second DT portrait for everyone to consider. First, however, here's a link to that portrait for anyone who has not seen it yet:

    Look at the lamp with the large cone shaped top cover and tripod feet (only two are visible) in the lower right corner. That heavy top piece on the lamp represents a weight attached to the end of one of the levers in Bessler's wheels. The cone points straight up indicating that the weight is making a vertical rise and the large size of the cone indicates a rapid rise. But where does that rapid rise occur?

    Look at the two tripod feet that are visible. They form an upside down letter "V". "V" is a Roman numeral with the value of 5. Next, notice the four little lead ingots to the right of the lamp which are symbolic of the lead weights Bessler used in his wheels. The smallest of them on the left actually touches one of the lamp's tripod legs indicating some sort of connection between them. That little ingot also forms a "+" sign with the fourth and largest horizontal ingot in the group of four ingots. "+" indicates we must do an addition. But, what do we add? We must add the value of "V" which is 5 to the number of ingots in the group which is 4 to get 5 + 4 = 9.

    What is Bessler telling us with this very obvious (at least to a numerologist!) clue? It's really simple. He is telling us that the weights inside the clockwise turning drums of his wheels were rising vertically and very rapidly whenever their levers reached and then passed the 9:00 position of the drum. He acknowledged this took place in AP when he let slip (see page 341 of JC's version):

    "But the weights, which rest below must, in a flash, be raised upwards, and it is this, that Wagner cannot force himself to accept. But, crazy Wagner, just note that that is indeed the case with my device."

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Thank you for your numerological type clue, SoS, but I don’t buy it. Having said that it was an interesting exercise to interpret the contents of the picture. It is my opinion that the portrait in question, the one with the hole in the head position, is a much older style than the main Bessler portrait. I think that Bessler obtained the ink block for it and then had his portrait done with his head lined up perfectly with the holey one so that he could appear to be looking through the eyes of whatever the subject is doing. Consequently I can’t see that the holey one could hold any clues from the contents since it was probably made before Bessler ever made his wheel.


    2. @JC. Are you saying that the original man in the second portrait was not Bessler?!

  6. John...a couple of things..

    First, didn't Bessler adopt the pseudonym early on? If so, it seems to me that the pseudonym was not related to his encoding of clues, as he probably believed the invention WOULD be sold in the coming years.

    Second, I am of the belief that he did NOT want anyone to eventually decode the secret. This seems to fit the personality I see from his words and the words of people who knew him. I think we was leaving coded evidence that he could point to (reveal) if later someone else figured it out on their own ("hey, I did it first").

    I think all of us (too often) want to find reason or rationality in the acts of others (or at least the motivation behind it). It is fair to say that this approach often leads to the wrong conclusions. If we accept that Bessler's invention WAS real, what do we do with the fact that he never revealed it having reached 65 years of age (and apparently in financial hardship)? There is a stubbornness to this that borders on vindictiveness. Perhaps he foresaw notoriety from future generations as his ultimate reward: The only man EVER to do it! If his design was indeed a simple one, it would have quickly been universally and adopted. His name likely would have vanished into obscurity. Who invented the pencil?

    I was not aware of the request for a tomb in the final years of his life. These are the kind of VERY interesting facts that would be shared in a formal Q&A session (ready when you are John).

    I know there are some skeptics here (half of me is one of them). I would also like to Q&A with THEM. For example:

    The final test of the wheel was held in a room specifically designed to prevent entry (like a panic room for royalty), so believing there was access from outside during the many weeks it spun is certainly the bigger leap of faith. Also, during the test there were guards posted outside the door. A small window in the door would have been ideal, but this "noisy" machine would have been heard (or not) by the guards 24/7. Right? These being the facts (?) how IN THE WORLD could that final test have been faked? HOW?!

    The only two ways for an internal fraud would have been weights slowly falling (like a grandfather clock) or springs wound up REALLLLLLLLLY tightly and their energy dispensed evenly over a long period of time. Were springs like that a thing back in the 1700s? These few points kind of put the burden on the skeptics. I think.

    1. Anon 18:43 asked "These being the facts (?) how IN THE WORLD could that final test have been faked? HOW?!"

      I'm still not John, but here's some info you might find interesting.

      There was a hard boiled skeptic guy who showed up here years ago (IIRC, he called himself "The Realist") and he had what seemed like a logical way for the Weissenstein Castle wheel test to have been faked and that fraud undetected.

      Basically, it had Bessler's younger brother, Gottfried, gain access to the wheel's room through a secret passageway hidden inside of the thick walls of the room just a few minutes after and before Bessler, the count, and others were in the room.

      When they left after first starting the wheel, the brother entered a few minutes later and stopped the wheel so the wound up springs of its overbalancing mechanism would not rundown and waste their limited amount of stored energy. Then weeks later, just a few minutes before the group entered the room, the brother, entered, started the wheel rotating again, and then quickly left through the secret passage again. He would have been told in advance by Bessler the exact time that the group would be entering the room and could have heard them outside the locked and sealed door before they came in and that would have told him to leave the room quickly. After they examined the running wheel and left, he would then have reentered the room and stopped the wheel again to conserve its springs' energy.

      It's technically possible that this is how the test could have been faked. But, it seems unlikely that those who examined the room before the wheel was started would have missed the door to the secret passageway. But, then again, if it was cleverly concealed enough, that might have been possible. Most Bessler believers dismiss this as impossible. But was it? The skeptics will cling to explanations like this so they don't have to accept that Bessler really did have a working pm wheel.

    2. Yes I do understand your point about the use of his pseudonym early on, but I would just say that as a teenager I had already read the story of Bessler’s wheel and imagined/daydreamed of reinventing it myself. I had already read of the use of his pseudonym before he had discovered the secret, but I’m convinced that he had planned in his mind how he would proceed once he found the solution. I too planned how I would act once I had discovered the solution, and had already thought about Bessler’s use of the pseudonym, and in my naive way as a teenager, I speculated that perhaps it was a clue to further coded information. So I was prepared for presence of codes more than 60 years ago!

      So although I agree it might have been designed to serve the purpose as you suggested, to prove his priority, indeed that is what I wrote in my biography of him, and I also included the information about the vault in his garden, I also retain the possibility as I described in my blog.

      I agree he was very stubborn and had a bad temper and I suspect he could be vindictive which opens other possibilities for the codes.

      Interesting comment, thanks, JC

    3. Anon 19.37
      With a bit of imagination we can find a few plausible ways he could have cheated and with a lot of imagination, we can find even more maybes, could bes and might of beens. Unfortunately many knowledged people, when confronted with a valid argument that puts doubt on their knowledge, don't have any problem accepting a could have been this, or could have been that, as sufficient proof that they are not wrong.
      This sort of behaviour is fine from "some bloke at the pub", but totally unacceptable from the scientific community. Either find real proof he was a fraud or put the question back on the table, is PM possible or is PM impossible?
      There is absolutely nothing scientific about "that bloke was a fraud, but we are incapable of proving it".
      How many nay sayers were prepared to risk their own head if he wasn't a fraud?

    4. Anon 19:37 - You are spot on.

      There are two possible explanations. Either Bessler spent years and years of research and hard work with no believers, or his brother made or used a secret passage way into the room to manipulate the wheel.

      If we apply Occam's Razer to this question, we would conclude that more than likely Bessler was a fraud.

    5. Hmm...did Occam ever make a pm wheel? Didn't think so. He was too busy making razor blades!

  7. Thank you Anon 19:37.
    Everything you said is certainly possible, and there is absolutely no way to prove or disprove any theory 300 years later. But it IS stimulating to exchange ideas and questions. For Anon, or anyone else who enjoys pointless bantering:

    Two things about the secret passage idea...first, it seems almost certain that Karl would know about the secret passage and want to control for the possibility. Then again, if he was already a "believer" he may not have seen any risk of fraud and therefore chose to keep the passage a secret for other reasons (if it actually existed that is). I'd enjoy a counter view related to my earlier point about the sound made by the wheel. Many accounts of previous demonstrations describe the sound and bessler even addresses it (it was directly related to the wheels internal workings). Imagine the guard(s) standing outside the door late at night. They've already discussed the days events, problems with their kids at home, and the rising cost of schonebrot. Then, in the silence do the (or don't they) still hear that clattering/scratching sound behind the door? For many weeks.

    Another point i would a skeptic-ish person to address..
    In one of the other demonstrations, the wheel was stopped and then moved to another set of posts. Many believe this was to show that the posts and bearings were not rigged. This may be. But there is another point..the six men who carried it to the new location had limited strength. Whatever weight six men could lift was the limit to the wheels energy (if internal falling weights were the secret source of power). We read that this wheel went on to lift a 75 pound box over and over.

    Thanks John. I have been at this most of my life too. But still half skeptical (actually it is 49.9999213%). If I can't figure out how he did it I want to at least find a good theory about how and why he could have faked it at the risk of his life. He sought out the certification of leaders and noble thinkers. And achieved it.

    1. "But there is another point..the six men who carried it to the new location had limited strength. Whatever weight six men could lift was the limit to the wheels energy (if internal falling weights were the secret source of power). We read that this wheel went on to lift a 75 pound box over and over."

      Before moving either the Merseburg or Kassel wheels to new vertical supports, a lot of their lead cylinder weights were removed from them and only reinstalled after the move was completed. Also, you can't just use the weight of six men to determine how much weight a wheel could lift since these wheels had to run freely for a while to build up maximum rotational kinetic energy before a lift was made. Ken B. made an interesting youtube video earlier this year of a computer simulation of the Kassel wheel hoisting up a 200 pound load of bricks to the top floor of Weissenstein Castle which you can watch at:

      A loop at the end of the hoisting rope was suddenly attached to some sort of pin on the 12 foot diameter wheel's axle when it was turning at 26 rpm's and it then takes almost 100 seconds for the load to be raised through a height of 48 feet at the end of which it stops rising right outside of an open window because the wheel had gradually used up all of its accumulated energy and finally slowed to a complete stop.

      Bessler Curious

    2. I don’t know where you got the idea that there were six men used to move the wheel to a second set of bearings, Bessler only mentions his brother, and he said they couldn’t have moved with the weights inside.


    3. I will defer to your expertise John. I don't remember where I read the "6 men" description, I just remembered forming in my mind an image of 3 men on each side holding their side of the axle, and considering it a clue as to how much the whole thing could have weighed. The examination at Mersberg mentions moving the 11 foot diameter wheel to "another support". That would have taken more than just Bessler and his brother.

    4. If the Merseburg wheel weighted about 350 pounds after its weights were removed, then two men lifting it off of its bearings would have had to each lift about 175 pounds. Since the axle pivots would have been about 7 feet off of the floor, each man would have had to push up over their heads on the axle to lift its steel pivots off of their opened bearings. They couldn't then just lower the axle to their shoulders because then the 6 feet diameter drum would probably have hit the floor. Holding about 175 pounds continuously over one's head and then walking the axle together over to the new vertical supports would be next to impossible, imo. I don't think they would have rolled the wheel along on its drum's rim because its weight might have damaged the drum.

      But if six men were involved, three on each side of the drum, then each would only have to hold about 58 pounds over his head. Still not that easy, but probably possible. With eight men, four on each side of the drum, each man would only have to hold about 44 pounds overhead. Much easier but each side of the axle was only about six feet long so those four men would have had be placed very close together.


  8. I guess knowing about the codes and being able do decipher them are two different things. 0ystein had his shot and failed years ago, now JC. I hate saying this but it looks like only KB has been successful thus far.

    1. Don't forget SoS who has done a lot of great numerological and symbol analysis here in the last few years. His numerological analysis of the religious symbolism in MT13 is probably the best I've seen anywhere.

    2. "I hate saying this but it looks like only KB has been successful thus far."

      He is definitely a skilled numerologist, but he is only interested in the two DT portraits and convinced that everything we need to know about Bessler's wheels in detail is solely contained in them. He has little interest in other of Bessler's works such as MT. If he is right then those portraits are a huge store house of unsuspected information that has been completely overlooked for three centuries now or at least until he showed up.

  9. 10 Inch Table Top Model :

    Hotzenpltoz wrote : By the way I discovered some announcements in a 1745 newspaper, afaik not known till now. In february we are told, Bessler is now in Fürstenberg and is going to build a PM there, if his weakness ist not going to prevent this. He also announced to build some "Feuer-Spritzen" of a very special kind, so it is not a usual device we were talking about above. He also is looking for a publisher to publish pictures of his machines, drawn in copper (!) by his own hand.

    In May the PM is ready, and although it's just a model, driving two hammers, with a diameter of 10 Zoll, he is willing to sell it for a good price. This public offer was published one month after the "last letter" was written.

    1. Your BW forum topic starts off with "I've found the answer. Orffyreus did NOT die by falling from the windmill. This story is an invention of JC, born from a combination of mistakes in translation and interpretation of Orffyreus' last letter from April 25th, 1745." John must have loved reading that!

      Later in the topic an announcement in a 1745 NEWSPAPER is quoted as saying "In May the PM is ready, and although it's just a model, driving two hammers, with a diameter of 10 Zoll, he is willing to sell it for a good price."

      A "zoll" was 1/12th of a fuss and about the same as an English inch or, in metric, about 25 centimeters. Still seems way too small to me. Maybe it was a typo made by the printer of the newspaper? He could have gotten distracted or was drunk at the time and forgot the extra 0 in the measurement. That would make the actual diameter 100 zoll or 100 inches or 250 centimeters. That's a wheel about 8.3 feet in diameter. That seems far more reasonable to me.

    2. Now who's drunk! You love your speculations and give them with such authority. The newspaper was correct.


      The origin of the six men to lift the wheel thought. Jim_mich's 2011 opinion!

    3. "The newspaper was correct."

      There's really no way of proving that though. I tend to favor anon 04:40's interpretation. I doubt if anybody would be willing to pay "a good price", meaning a high price, for something only ten inches in diameter. If it was actually that small, then those two hammers it was driving must have only each been a few inches long! But they would have come in handy say for cracking egg shells open. Lol!

    4. Duhh , an 8.3 foot wheel is hardly a table top model as described, which you conveniently ignore to fit your 'speculations'.

    5. @anon 08:40
      I think you got that wheel confused with Bessler's first prototype wheel built in Gera in late 1711 which was 3 feet in diameter and could be easily put on a table. That wheel described in the 1745 newspaper announcement and which anon 04:40 thinks was 8.3 feet in diameter was supposed to be made for sale to the Royal Society over in London but something went wrong with the deal. Most assume that wheel was the one Bessler's second wife found smashed to pieces when she gained access to his workshop after his death.

    6. To anon 04.40, you quoted from the BW forum about Bessler’s fall to his death. “ This story is an invention of JC, born from a combination of mistakes in translation and interpretation of Orffyreus' last letter from April 25th, 1745." you neglected to post details of my correction to that statement where I provide a scan of a German newspaper located in Furstenberg which provides the account I quoted from dated many years before I even thought of writing a book. If you must introduce items please ensure they are accurate and complete.


    7. I agree with JC. Bessler did fall to his death and considering his debilitated condition and his age, an accident seems most likely. Even if in fine condition, a man his age, 65 at the time, had no business being on top of a windmill doing any sort of work on a cold November day, imo. He really had a choice of selling his wheel invention for a lower amount and feeding himself and his family or starving himself and them as he held out for the full 100,000 reichthalers he demanded. He stuck to his demand and paid for it with his life leaving a family behind that was dependent on state welfare for its survival. Unfortunately, he was unable to accept the reality of his condition at the time. If he had been a better businessman years earlier his tragic ending might have been avoided and we'd know how he did it. But, if that had happened, then this blog might not now exist!

    8. Anon 8:40 : Stop making things up, just because a last very small wheel readied before JB's death would completely blow KB's wheel theory and spring sim out of the water.

      "The name of our Malsburg - the man who obviously confiscated the last of Orffyreus' PMs (that had been finished only in May 1745), is not given in the papers, neither in the one discussed here nor in the letter accompanying the "inventory after death". Seems to me his signature is Fr. W. Malsburg, which would suggest that he's a Friedrich Wilhelm von der Malsburg. He is referred to as "Oberamtmann in Karlshafen" but also as "Regierungsrath"

    9. @anon 19:45. So we're supposed to believe that the members of the Royal Society would pay Bessler his 100,000 thalers price for a 10 inch diameter pm wheel? Lol! That's ridiculous. He'd be lucky if they paid him even 1,000 thalers for it.

    10. Idiot! That wasn't the deal for 100,000 thalers or the contract. It was with his landlord and not the Royal Society of London. Do some homework!

    11. Here's the beginning portion of the letter written April 26th, 1745 from Bessler's home in Karlshafen where his last wheel is mentioned:

      "Sir, Baron and Highly Respected Court Councillor,

      I have written often and many times to you, Highly Honourable Sire, but I have not received any answer. Meanwhile, I lack strength and will, through hunger, grief, frost and chill, because for a long time I have not received a single piece of wood from the District Magistrate. Indeed, I have often had only dry bread to eat and water to drink. However, at last, thank God, I have had the good luck to finish preparing the model of perpetual motion which was commissioned from England, as demanded by the Senior District Magistrate, von Mannsberg. It was ready at midnight on April 14th, and on the same day I had travelled to Karlshafen, borrowing two gulden from the Rev. Pastor."

      Apparently, von Mannsberg was acting as an agent for others in England who, IIRC, were members of the Royal Society. That last wheel was finished on April 14th, 1745 but von Mannsberg never saw it because he was in England at the time. That last wheel was not assembled at the time of Bessler's death and would have been the one his widow found the pieces of in his workshop. I can't find any evidence that he was willing to sell it for less than 100,000 thalers. I also think the estimate of a 100 zoll wheel diameter is more accurate than 10 zolls or 10 inches. If it was that small his widow may have missed it when she got into his workshop!

    12. Bessler said "I have had the good luck to finish preparing the "MODEL" of perpetual motion which was commissioned from England, as demanded by the Senior District Magistrate, von Mannsberg."

      The 10 zoll model as reported in the newspaper. There is no evidence of what price he negotiated or how he was to be paid. He was in desperate circumstances. I am amazed you can think that your 100 zoll estimate is more accurate than the reported 10 zoll of the newspaper in combination with Bessler stating it was a "model" he had prepared.

      "If it was that small his widow may have missed it when she got into his workshop!"

      Your fantasies are without limits, or sense. You think he never discussed his "model" with his wife? Never showed her or discussed with her once his creation in progress, long after the last public wheel so many years earlier? Even though their impoverished existence and salvation from hunger, cold, and misery lay with its completion and delivery? Why do you think there was official interest in Bessler's inventory after his death? And why only a small portion was released to the widow of the estate? Perhaps because a small perfectly formed model could be quickly disassembled and assembled, and it parts separately hidden away until brought back together. Which apparently never eventuated.

    13. When else were Bessler's wheels described in zolls? Large measurements were in ells and zolls. If a reported unit of 10 is correct then 10 ell rather than 10 zoll seems more plausible. That is if a drunken mistake was made for ells. But that is the end of the plausibility. 10 ells is as much ridiculous as is a fabricated 100 zolls.

    14. Bessler said "I have had the good luck to finish preparing the "MODEL" of perpetual motion which was commissioned from England..."

      Bessler often dismissed the lack of power by his largest wheels as being due to them being only "models". That word did not mean they were small like you could put one on a table. It meant that the wheel was for demonstration purposes and would be a prototype for a much more powerful version after someone purchased the model.

      anon 09:18 also asked "Why do you think there was official interest in Bessler's inventory after his death?"

      Bessler died in poverty and was in debt up to his eyeballs. Most people wouldn't lend him any more money! Those he owed money to would have wanted to know exactly what he left of value in his estate so it could be liquidated and any money raised used to pay them off.

      By November of 1745 he probably knew that those over in England who had "commissioned" the wheel were only going to give him one excuse after another why they wouldn't be paying him the 100,000 thalers he demanded. They probably knew he was desperate for money and were giving him the stall to try to get him to lower his selling price. They grossly underestimated how stubborn he was.

      He needed that money the most at that time because he and his family were in very dire shape. Once they betrayed his trust, he would have freaked out and used his ax on that 100 zoll wheel. When his widow got into the shop I don't think she found all of the parts of that last wheel neatly arranged and ready to be assembled into a final wheel as some may think. She probably found a pile of the finely chopped up wooden pieces swept into one of the room's corners. It was Bessler's final way of saying "f*ck you" to all those who had tried to cheat him out of his just compensation for all of the work he did to find a working pm wheel design! It was winter then and his widow and their kids were cold. Those pieces of his final wheel were probably used in her fireplace to provide some badly needed heat!

      Great people often have tragic endings...RIP Johann Bessler...

    15. Yes, it was a model for demonstration purposes, of low torque and power. Even though he had said he could make them big or small, and make the resulting power small or big as he chose - there were limits. It also had to be shipped to England, perhaps in secrecy, and the sender possibly wouldn't be there to receive it and assemble and demonstrate it. So sending it assembled ready to go might be preferred. Whatever, Bessler died a few months later. A small diameter of 10 zoll also kept transportation costs down, whomever would send it onward to England.

      You really should write a novel, where your imagination isn't constrained. Impartial and objective detective work, and probability analysis, is not for you.

      The independent corroboration IS the 'newspaper' article. Where it says 10 zoll, not 10 ells, or 100 zoll as you convince yourself and hope to convince others. One can only speculate that a 10 zoll wheel as reported throws your mind into utter confusion.

    16. Unfortunately, newspaper articles aren't always accurate especially when it comes to technical matters and reporting numbers that end in 0's. A 10 zoll wheel is so small Bessler could have assembled it, packed it in a small hat box, and then mailed it over to the Royal Society!

      For a far more powerful 100 zoll wheel intended to impress them and make them think they got their money's worth, he could have just assembled its parts over in Karlshafen, wrapped it up in canvas to conceal it, tied it down in a horse drawn wagon, and then taken off for England himself with it to make sure nothing happened to it in transit. Bessler was an experienced equestrian and knew how to handle horses. With 100,000 thalers already paid to him that little trip would have been a minor extra expense and inconvenience for him. He probably spoke some English which would come in handy. Once there, he would have set the wheel up for those of the Royal Society that had purchased it, showed them it worked, wished them well with it, and then returned to England with the empty wagon and horses. Mission accomplished and he'd be ready to use that money to found his "Fortress of Wisdom" school.

      Sadly, that was not meant to be. If it had happened that way, then we'd know today exactly how his wheels worked. What might 300 years of further technical development of them have led to? Right now we might have self-motive, pollution free machines providing all of Earth's electrical power needs and there might not be any Climate Change disaster in our future.

    17. You are a dummkopf.

      Was it 10 or ten. Was there anything else said to indicate size.

    18. Apparently about a month after he completed the parts for his last wheel on April 14th of 1745 when the guy from England, Baron Anton von Mannsberg, did not pay for it as promised when he commissioned it, Bessler offered it up for sale to anybody locally who could meet his price, but, as usual, it still did not sell.

      Then in November of 1745 he has his fatal accident. Bessler would not have left a finished wheel sitting around in his shop in Karlshafen while he was over in Furstenburg working on a windmill. That wheel would probably have been disassembled and its parts hidden in various locations around his shop or property. After his death his widow could have found the destroyed remains of what was left of it after Bessler had another of his frustration relieving, wheel destroying rages and reduced it to unrecognizable pieces of wood or she could have found some of the intact parts. I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

      There's a letter from Malsburg to King Frederic dated December 13th, 1745 that says "O. died recently while building a special kind of windmill in Fürstenberg. Thought it could be a good idea to take care of his papers and did so. Waiting for further instructions." There's no specific mention here that he had Bessler's last pm wheel or even parts of it. If it had been chopped up into pieces, he probably would have left it for Bessler's widow to use for firewood.

      King Frederic replied to Malsburg on December 15, 1745: "Well done, my friend. Please take care that nothing of the letters, the machines and other apparatus will get to any other's hands until you get another instruction." Again, no specific mention of Bessler's last pm wheel.

      Another letter from King Frederic to Malsburg on December 15, 1745 says: "The widow and the children made a petition to release the furniture and other legacy. Now we want you to separate the letters, the machines and the apparatus from the rest, take good care of it until you get another instruction and send me the inventory. But for the rest as the furniture and so on, we want you to restitute it immediately to the heirs." Again, no specific mention of Bessler's last pm wheel.

      I tend to lean toward the "he destroyed it in a fit of rage" theory for why specific mention of it disappears from the historical record incomplete as it may be. However, I definitely don't think it was only 10 inches in diameter. If it was that small, he could have hidden the whole wheel anywhere in his home in some small recess and for all we know it could still be sitting there intact if that portion of the original structure still exists after 300 years!

      IIRC someone mentioned there's a book shop there now and a parking lot over where his garden burial crypt was located. It would certainly be nice to find his coffin and open it up. Maybe we'd find that 10 inch wheel had been put in there with him if it was actually only 10 inches in diameter. That would indeed be an incredible historical discovery!

    19. Such weaving of stories I have never seen. You did not translate the newspaper article did you.

      Did your mommy do your homework for you when at junior school so you could get a 'C'?

    20. Anon 04:40's explanation of Bessler's last wheel being 100 zolls in diameter makes more sense then one that is only 10 zolls in diameter especially since it was supposed to be powering two hammers.
      There was a reason that Bessler's first wheel was 3 feet in diameter. It contained small levers which someone here determined from Ken B's computer sim of that wheel to only be about 5.5 inches in length. If you assume a wheel diameter reduced to 10 inches from 36 inches that would reduce those levers by a factor of 10 in / 36 in = 0.278. That would then make each of its eight levers only 1.53 inches in length. They would be so small that it would be very difficult to attach cords to them to coordinate them. The 3 foot diameter wheel Bessler first made could barely turn itself. A 10 inch diameter wheel would have such low torque that it probably wouldn't be able to turn at all let alone drive two hammers.

      I think you've allowed yourself to be deceived by what clearly appears to be a typographical error in a single newspaper announcement. Your case would be strengthened if there was another reference to Bessler's last wheel that also said it was 10 zolls in diameter but there aren't any. It's risky to jump to conclusions based on a single reference.

    21. LOL Ken. And where is there another reference to the last wheel in 1745 being 100 zolls and not 10 zolls? Or that it powered two hammers? Or that the fee was 100,00 thalers for the model? Or that the wife didn't know its size? Or that Bessler smashed it up and the wife used it for firewood?

      You are the one deceiving with your speculations wrapped up as facts. Because it makes your Bessler wheel design impossible at 10 zoll diameter!

  10. This is from my book about Bessler published in 1986!

    ‘According to Bessler ‘

    “ ‘. the empty wheel was so heavy that it could hardly be lifted to its new bearings. With the weights it would have needed the Devil to lift it'.
    If the wheel took a great amount of strength to lift when it was empty of the weights, it gives us an idea of its weight. Examining exactly how the translocation of the wheel was effected gives us further information. Two men would be needed to lift it, one on each side, and due to the height of the wheel they could not see each other. They would have to be guided by a third man, probably the inventor. A twelve foot wheel would obviously have an axle at least six feet off the ground, so the men lifting the axle on their shoulders, would need to stand on some kind of sturdy platform on each side of the wheel, but within the wheel's supporting posts. This platform would have to stretch from a point before the centre of the wheel when it was mounted on the first set of bearings to a point beyond the centre of the wheel when it was mounted on the second set of bearings. One witness reported that the wheel was carried five or six steps to the second support. Orffyreus would stand by the bearings to guide the journals into the second set. The reason for the length of the axle being six foot becomes clear. The two men lifting the wheel would need to be between the supporting posts and the wheel in order to lift it and carry it to the second set of bearings without having the supporting posts getting in the way. The platform, itself would have been a necessary part of the equipment anyway, because without it, the many examiners would have been unable to inspect the bearings and journals closely, as they would have been at least six feet off the ground, and probably nearer six and a half feet, to allow a clearance of six inches between the rim of the wheel and the ground.”

    I hope that answers some of the points raised above.


    1. I forgot to mention that it could be done without the platform by using a kind of yoke. This would have a Y shaped feature to hook under the axle and the the lower end which fitted on the men’s shoulders, one for each side.


    2. If as Jason assumed the Merseburg wheel weighed about 350 pounds without its weights, then each of those two men would have had to carry about 175 pounds on his shoulder. That's a lot of weight whether one has a platform or not. Maybe even with the platforms they still would have used three or even four men on each end of the axle. Your idea of Y shaped yokes on the guys shoulders sounds dangerous!

    3. I don’t know where Jason got the weight of 350 pounds for the Merseburg wheel, we have no documentary evidence of the weight of any of the wheels, but I did a fairly detailed assessment of the Kassel wheel and it came to no more than 300 pounds and it was roughly the same diameter as the Kassel wheel, but only half the thickness. It’s all in my book!


    4. He most likely got it from KB's book. In it he gives an estimated weight for the Merseburg wheel of 550 lbs with its weights installed and 358 lbs. minus the weights. He gives an estimated weight for the Kassel wheel of 1,100 lbs. with its weights installed and 716 lbs minus the weights.

    5. 716 KB’s! Thank you but a ridiculous estimate. If you look in my book I drew a skeletal framework as a basis structure. Calculated the weight of the all the pieces assuming North German pine, but using the known weight of this wood per cubic foot and resulted in approximately 300 pounds, without weights but including axle.


    6. "716 KB's"? Don't you mean 716 LBS for the Kassel wheel without its weights? You must have KB on the brain! Lol!

      Anyway, Ken's estimate is probably higher than yours because he includes things like the two steel axle pivots, the weight of the drum's linen side coverings, the weight of a two directional wheel's 32 steel springs, the weight of its 40 steel pivot pins, the weight of the wheel's 80 coordination cords and their steel attachment hooks, etc. All that extra mass drives his gross weight figure up even for an "empty" wheel.

      The truth is that all of these weight figures floating around are just estimates and we won't know what the gross weights of these wheels will be until we actually start building them. Even then the same size wheel built by two different craftsmen may vary significantly depending on the materials they use and any changes they make to the basic design. It's best not to get too hung up on their weights. What really counts is their internal mechanics. If they are not right then all you get is another nonrunner. We've had way too many of them over the last three centuries.

      Imagine what it will cost to hire professional tradesmen to make a working reproduction of Bessler's Kassel wheel at today's prices! If one hires them to do the fabrication and assembly, I think the final cost could well be in excess of $30,000 USD. Then throw in a few more thousand to transport the wheel to one's private residence for display. Maybe the interior of the room the wheel will occupy will have to be modified. Throw in more thousands for the carpenters to do that. When the smoke finally clears, you may have your handmade working Kassel wheel replica, but the final cost might be close to $40 to $45 thousand USD. And, of course, there will be additional maintenance costs over the years.

      This isn't something for the average person to get involved in. He'll be lucky if he can afford a cheap Chinese made plastic model to put on his coffee table! But for those that invest in the larger handcrafted reproductions of the 12 feet diameter two direction wheels, there might be some sort of collectors' market for them with the prices slowly going up over the years. Kind of like we see for old comic books and baseball cards and jewelry like Rolex watches.

    7. Wow, that is a severely over estimated figure! I’m not even going to bother to explain why, it must be obvious to anyone that you Ken, are living on another planet.


    8. I don't know about Ken's estimate being "severely over estimated", John. My calculation of the weight of a 6 foot long oak axle that is 8 inches in diameter is about 100 lbs just by itself. If we assume about three times that amount of wood was used in the frame pieces of the Kassel wheel's drum and the wood sheets around its rim, that quickly brings the total weight up to 400 lbs. Then there are the levers without the weights attached to them inside of the drum. Ken claims that each of Bessler's bidirectional wheels contained 16 levers. If they weighed, say, 5 pounds each, that's another 80 lbs. bringing the total up to 480 lbs. The two steel axle pivots were probably about 20 lbs. for a total of 500 lbs. Then there's the extra weight of all of the steel springs, metal pivot pins, brass bearings, ropes, etc, etc. 716 lbs. seems like a reasonable "ball park" figure to me.

      At that weight there is no way that only two men could lift that wheel by its axle and move it after its lead weights had been removed. It had to require either a small group of movers using that platform you suggested or some sort of lifting machine like maybe some sort of cart that could be wheeled under the drum and that would have two large and strong screw type jacks on its sides that could then lift and securely hold both ends of the axle at the same time. After the axle pivots cleared their bearings, the cart would be slowly pushed along the floor by several men and would be used to position the axle pivots over their bearings in the new set of supports which they would then be slowly lowered down into.

      Moving a mass that size would be a very risky maneuver and it would have to have been very carefully planned out in advance. I wish that Bessler had given us more details about how his big 12 foot wheels were moved from one set of supports to the other, but he didn't. Maybe he thought if he did that a buyer would consider them to be a nuisance to install so he just kept quiet about the details of the moves. He didn't want to ruin a possible future sale by revealing too much.

      Bessler Curious

    9. Bonjour,
      Pour info: l'ensemble de mes 8 mécanismes pèsent 50kg, la roue et les montants je l'estime à 20kg, l'envergure est de 2,50m.
      L'ensemble est construit, j'attend toujours le complément de poids.
      Je vous donne des nouvelle dès que j'ai finalisé le montage.
      Joel Boniface

    10. Joel wrote, “ For info: all of my 8 mechanisms weigh 50kg, the wheel and the uprights I estimate at 20kg, the wingspan is 2.50m.
      The whole is built, I am still waiting for the additional weight.
      I give you news as soon as I finalized the assembly.”
      Good luck Joel


    11. Great news, Joel!

      If the total mass of your 8 mechanisms is 50 kg then that's 110.23 pounds or 13.78 pounds per mechanism. Your wheel (without the 8 mechanisms I assume) is 20 kg or 44.09 pounds. It's diameter is 2.5 m or 8.2 feet.

      It sounds like it's almost the same size as that 100 zoll or 8.3 feet diameter wheel that anon "21 November 2020 at 04:40" mentioned above which was the last one Bessler finished building in 1745 but still could not sell.

      Let's hope it's a runner the first time you let it start up!

    12. More propaganda! It was reported as a 10 zoll (10 inch) 'model' you dolt! Do your own research to confirm it before spouting fake news.

  11. Many a time i nearly lost the sale of 2M long solid oak dining tables, when i sold them for a living, among other things.
    The buyers refused to believe that a small built man of 1.63M could lift it alone on to his shoulder, weave through the warehouse, in and out of all the other junk, and place it gently in the carpark next to their vehicle.
    "I want my money back, that's not a solid oak table" they would say.
    When they struggled to lift one end, they understood that it was a solid oak table. What they couldn't understand is how i brought it out of the shop.
    The human body is incredibly strong, this is why we hear of people lifting cars, and stories alike, to save other people/children. I wouldn't be surprised if Bessler knew where to find that force within himself, and could turn it on and off at his demand.
    300 years ago we were generally, not as "snowflaky" as we are now. I don't think comparing what 4 or 6 men could have done then with what 4 or 6 men would be happy to do now, is a good comparaison.

    1. When som people have a target in mind they adapt the information they are using to hit that target, but they are ignoring some things and assuming others without confirmation and very often they miss the real target.


    2. I'm sorry that I mentioned the 6 men John. Wow.

      It would have been better if I had just pointed out that the wheel was able to lift more than it's own weight and therefore the only possible "internal fraud" method would be springs. Such springs would have to have been wound up in advance by incredible force and with some way to regulate an evenly dispensing of force over and extended length of time.

  12. Look out Muammer Yildiz! There is a new guy in town claiming his "Earth engine" can use "asymmetric magnetic propulsion" to create free energy without using any fuels. He's ready to start selling 25 kw generators now! Where are those dinky 5 kw generators you promised to produce years ago?

    Information on how you can start investing now in this revolutionary technology at bottom of their website page.

    1. That asymmetric magnetic propulsion sounds interesting. Bessler's wheels could be considered to use asymmetric gravitational propulsion. You can see the advantage of using magnets though in that video they have on their website. The axle or rotor of his Earth engine is vertical instead of horizontal like all of the Bessler wheel axles were but the Earth engine should be able to run with its rotor at any angle to the Earth. If that one he shows is putting out 25,000 watts then it's certainly way more powerful than the Kassel wheel that many estimate only put out 50 to 100 watts and the Earth engine is only a fraction of the size of the Kassel wheel.

      I do think there is a lot of potential in using powerful permanent magnets to make free energy machines, but so far all we've seen are a lot of promises and nothing real coming out of any of them. Hopefully these Earth engines won't be another one like those. I'm always suspicious when I see a link on a revolutionary free energy device website for "investors" to use. If they actually have something that works, then why would they need investors to keep develop it? Shouldn't the invention now be selling itself to various businesses that want to "get off the grid" and save on their electrical power costs?

    2. Remember that Zimbabwe Africa inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso from the last blog that had a car using his revolutionary new energy generator that never needed any fuel? Well, here's an interview he recently gave on tv where he "explains" how his new technology works. He says he has a new machine that generates 500 kilowatts! He says it uses radio frequencies that it harnesses and suggests that the machine somehow gets microwave frequencies from outer space. Also "scientists from America" have already tested this machine and verified that it is genuine! Someone else wants to put him and it into a documentary so the whole world can learn about it!

      He says that he started "hearing voices" as a teenager which he interpreted as God telling him to start making certain types of inventions which then led to his incredible discoveries. Unfortunately, the narrow minded examiners in the Zimbabwe patent office keep rejecting his patent applications. Don't those morons realize that they are holding back his revolutionary technological discoveries that the world is in desperate need of now?!

    3. His explanation is nothing but a bunch of techno babble! Amazing how any nut case can pick up some junk electronic parts from his nearest scrap yard, put them together, and the say it's putting out 500 kw and that "American scientists" have verified that. The next thing he knows he's being interviewed on tv shows and they want to make documentaries about his big discovery.

      This character has all of the telltale signs of being a scammer. But I think he's looking to really rake in the cash on an international level. Nowadays the internet makes that easier than ever to do. Eventually he'll be looking for "investors" in a newly formed free energy company. What will happen to their investment money? The same thing that happened to the money of those that invested in the John Keely's inventions! They will never see it again, but unlike Keely this dude will just disappear with it instead of winding up in prison.

    4. @anon22:40
      I agree. That Chikumbutso is your classic con artist. When they start explaining how their revolutionary inventions work they can rave on for hours without actually saying anything that makes sense. They drop all sorts of technical sounds terms as they do and will appear to be struggling to make it all seem logical. They want you to think that what they've discovered is so advanced that it's difficult to explain in "layman's terms". They figure most of the suckers they are trying to get to "invest" in their invention won't have any real technical background and will swallow whatever nonsense they feed them.

      Next are the "demonstrations" of the invention. Today those will usually only be online videos that will be produced solely by the inventor. You'll see parts of the machine spinning away, meter needles flying over to the ends of scales, big changes in voltage readings on digital meters, rows of light bulbs lighting up, and hot plate coils glowing orange. What will be carefully hidden out of view will be the wiring to nearby batteries or electric outlets that are powering their fake free energy devices. Many people looking to get rich quick by getting in on the "ground floor" of some new revolutionary technology will quickly be hypnotized by such fakes. They tend to believe in anything they see in a short video because they think no one would go to the trouble of making a video if the invention was not real.

      The only thing the investors in these kinds of inventions are 100% guaranteed of is never seeing any of the money they send in again. Scammers don't give refunds and even in the extremely rare case where they wind up in court, the victims will be lucky if they get back a penny on every dollar they "invested". In most cases the scammer never even goes to jail since it was a "victimless crime" only involving fraud and theft of money and no one was actually physically injured or killed. Then maybe a year or so later the scammer can appear somewhere else with a new identity and a changed appearance. Coincidentally, he'll also have some new sure fire, get rich quick invention or scheme he's peddling and will be looking to attract new "investors" for it.

    5. Here's another video of the amazing "Earth Engine" spinning away at a facility in Las Vegas and cranking out up to 25,000 watts while only needing 700 watts to spin its heavy flywheels:

      Supposedly the inventor, Dennis Danzik, discovered a way to make "polarity modified rare earth magnets" that makes this possible. That means that the two poles of each magnet don't have equal strengths which according to Maxwell's famous equations is impossible. His generator also obviously violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.

      They haven't even filed any patents on this revolutionary machine because they are afraid someone will try to steal the design using patent counterclaims! Most likely they know the patent would be denied unless they handed over a generator to the patent office for them to test. If it's a hoax, then that would quickly expose it and they wouldn't want that to happen.

    6. If those Earth engines are actually overunity, then why do they require an external power supply to make them run? Should not that 700 watts of input power they need be easily supplied by the machine's 25,000 watts of output power so that there's still 24,300 watts of power left over to power outside devices? If it cannot do that I would dismiss it as just another clever hoax intended to empty the bank accounts of naive investors. But, at least they are US based which will make lawsuits against them by ripped off investors easier to file.

  13. Albert Einstein is supposed to have said that the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant...
    I read this somewhere...

    When on a journey of creative quest it is the intuitive mind that comes to help...

    Normal thinking, experiences, knowledge and guidance by our intellect and even our instincts are just enough for everyday survival...

    But it is the intuition that helps solve problems like BW mystery...

    And, intuition suddenly arrive from Cosmos and certainly not from within us...

    It takes an open mind dedicated in focus or total meditation like attempt to garner intuition...

    At the moment, we are not realising this and so always end up at a closed Wall...

    And, definitely, BW mystery can never be solved by simming and other normal approaches...

    Let's get into intense mental efforts keeping the above in mind while trying to solve BW mystery...

    Good day...

    1. "And, definitely, BW mystery can never be solved by simming and other normal approaches..."

      100% WRONG!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. More ramblings from a madman who does NOTHING himself to ease the plight of the poor and oppressed he defends. Just more charades and hand waving from his soapbox!

    5. The world's stock markets have next to nothing to do with the actual economy of a nation. Their stock prices are only fictions that go up and down depending upon how well the masses perceive the economy to be doing. Unfortunately, those perceptions are usually delusional.

      Right now the US is in debt up to its ears and the chance of that debt ever even being kept the same let alone being reduced is next to zero. The people in the US Treasure are well aware of this fact. Meanwhile, the rich continue to make money on stocks whether they go up or down, the brokers make money on trades and don't care if stock prices go up or down, those newbie investors that fall for "sucker rallies" and jump into the stock markets to make stock purchases then usually lose the most when the rally ends. That usually ends their playing the stock market for good, but meanwhile most of their investment money is in some richer and smarter guy's bank account!

      The average person who continues to invest in the stock market during his working years has been sold on the promise that, on average, the stock market goes up 10% per year. His goal is to retire, sell off all of his stocks, and then buy "safe" US bonds and live comfortably off of their quarterly dividends for decades to come. But, he is in for a rude awakening in the coming years.

      As the US economy continues to contract and unemployment rises due to COVID-19 without any real help coming from the federal government, more and more people will be cashing in their stocks to get money to buy food and pay rent and property taxes. As a result, the stock market will continue to drop in value and wipe out the investments of those hoping to finally sell the stocks to buy bonds for their retirements.

      At some point there will be a massive socialist revolution in the US which will take the form of only Democrats being elected to political offices. Most of the wealth of the rich will be confiscated through taxation and used to provide money to tens of millions of unemployed Americans for food, housing, and medical care. Eventually, some politician may decide that all of the US's problems are due to the massive and growing industrial base in China. Solution? Get RID of it! That will involve some sort of "limited" nuclear strike against that industrial base justified by some invented reason. The Chinese KNOW that is coming and that is why they are now spending more on defense than ever before in their history. They are primarily interested in building up their supply of ICBM's most of which are targeted on US cities!

      Such a "first strike" by the US could be successful, but only if none of the Chinese "second strike" nuclear missiles can reach US targets. Right now we can be sure that the US defense industry is busily at work trying to come up with a high tech system that can assure that. It will involve many anti-missle launching orbital space platforms. They will be able to use hypersonic missiles to shoot down incoming Chinese ICBM's while they are still out in space and on their way to US targets. The cost of this system is in the trillions of USD, but not even the US Congress is aware of its existence or that they are actually passing the funding for it every year in our yearly federal budgets.

      When will all this unpleasantness happen? It could happen as soon as before 2030. But it WILL happen, imo. When everyone's investments are dropping to zero value only one thing will be going up in value...GOLD! Make sure you have a nice little supply on hand. Gold jewelry, coins, bars, whatever. Don't put it in a bank. Use a hidden home safe that only you and a few trusted loved ones know the combination to. That gold stash could make the difference between you and your loved ones eating or starving to death.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    6. Sound advice AAPOI. But, while stashing your gold away don't start bragging to anyone that you even have a stash. Also get some guns and ammo. Those guns will help protect you, your loved ones, and your gold from others with guns who will be eager to steal it all and do so over your dead bodies if they have to! Unemployed is one thing, but unemployed and hungry is something else that could quickly turn some of one's normally well behaved neighbors into very dangerous killers.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. While SG is starving the AAPOI's of the world will be using their hidden stashes of gold to buy food to survive. SG then will quickly discover how his guru philosophy is no substitute for a hot nutritious meal! But maybe if he's lucky and they feel sorry enough for him they will give him a few scraps from their tables to keep him alive.

  14. Nothing in life is free, the governments already took care of that, neither will be "free energy". Hypothetically speaking, let's say someone will build a working wheel, there will be a lot of pissed off people and of corse governments which will loose a lot of $ in tax. Don't get rid of your electricity meter just yet, production of energy might be free but its usage will not, why not? Because they will tax it, at first 5¢/kwh then 10 an so on so for. Just my 5¢, damn inflation, it used to be 2¢.

    1. Air is still free. But in the future expect to see some company eager to pump fresh, pollution free air into your home for a low monthly fee. It'll sound like a great idea with all of the polluted air out there loaded with virus. After they get you used to breathing their nice fresh air for a few months, watch the price per cubic foot of it steadily rise month after month until your monthly "air bill" is higher than your monthly electric bill!

    2. Very Inspiring SG, but we need to have you show us your working model. Until then, the atmosphere is heating up dramatically with all this HOT air

    3. As this blog's current reigning TOP GURU, SG does not need to have any working models or sims or even rough drawings of Bessler's wheels. All he really needs to do is keep dropping hints that he has superior knowledge of the secret of Bessler wheels and could reveal it at any time IF chose to do so.

      He will not do that however because he does not consider anyone here to yet be worthy to receive that information. However, with his guru guidance over the years to come, he will help to lead this blog's followers to the ultimate solution to Bessler's wheels and he expects them to be eternally grateful to him for doing that. Those wanting that guidance faster will probably have to have ongoing and ego stroking telephone contact with him off blog.

      Even then, SG will have to receive a lot of calls from the Bessler wheel secret seeker to convince him that the seeker is indeed worthy of learning the BIG secret. But, that will never actually happen because eventually the seeker will reveal in some way that he's really unworthy and then SG won't want to bother with him any more.

      Why should a TOP GURU like SG lower himself by doing something like that with someone who has proven himself unworthy? All gurus want loyal and unquestioning followers. NOT anyone that starts asking too many questions requiring detailed answers. They reject them as quickly as possible from their inner circle of followers (not that SG actually has any yet!) so their critical thinking does not infect those followers and make them start asking questions requiring detailed answers.

  15. Remember JC's last topic "Why Do We Keep Trying To Solve Bessler’s Wheel?"

    When I first saw the topic I thought, yes finally a topic where we can openly discuss our ideas and why we don't need to Pigeonhole our ideas and designs into what we think should be a Bessler Wheel, as if that is the only design that matters or has any significance.

    But then I read on and found the usual blog filling fodder. I know you are saying this is JC's blog, it's all about Bessler, and that's what we discuss here. True, but JC also has other websites such as .

    For the life of me I don't see why we place such an emphasis on finding a Bessler Wheel "only" solution. All I see is constant bickering about what is or isn't a Bessler Wheel, and why someone's design isn't a Bessler Wheel. I have to wonder how many potential working designs have been lost due to researchers throwing out ideas because they don't fit the mold.

    1. There seems to be two distinct types of pm wheel chasers: the Bessler type and the non-Bessler type. Most here are the Bessler type. You will find "bickering" among those in either type. Those of the two types each has his own pet theory as to how pm might be achieved and tends to think everyone else is wasting his time and effort going down the wrong track. Ultimately, however, only a working REAL wheel can ever finally prove who has a design that works. Obviously we are not yet there. Everything you read on the internet concerning pm tends to be just posturing, wishful thinking, and often delusions of grandeur. But that all comes with the territory. One wonders how everyone's behavior will change if and when an actual working wheel, Bessler or non-Bessler type, shows up someday!

      The Bessler types want to know, as closely as possible, exactly how Bessler did it. The non-Bessler types admit that Bessler had a genuine wheel, but they are not obsessed with finding out its exact details. They will be happy with a different design as long as it works.

      Bessler seems to have been convinced that his wheel was the only one that would work. However, most think that other designs can also work. If you are seeking information on non-Bessler pm wheels, then you probably won't find much of it here. However, you should keep in mind that if the secret of Bessler's wheels is finally learned, then it might be important in making other non-Bessler pm machines work as well.


  16. Bessler deduced his generic Law of PM. From it flows his mechanical Principle of PM. Once the Principle of PM is known then the 'principle' can be applied to many 'false' PM wheels, that do not have asymmetric torque, so that they may become runners. That is why so many of the MT's, of very different mechanical types, get a favourable mention in tandem with the addition of this or that components.

    So the quest is to find ANY wheel that could be a runner! However it seems mindful to also seek Bessler's mechanical PM principle, and by association extrapolate his Law of PM. IMO. It just might reduce the volume of the haystack to a manageable size!


    1. Bessler has already told us what his general pm "principle" was. It was just "preponderance" which means that one side of his wheel, the descending side, was always heavier than the other, the ascending side. That really just means that a wheel's center of gravity always stayed on the descending side and not that the number of weights on the descending side was greater than the number on the ascending side.

      If his wheels used eight weights, then there would have been four on each side, but those on the ascending side were always a little closer to the axle than those on the descending side. I don't think the ones on the ascending side were that much closer because the torque of his wheels was too low. They were just a little closer, overall, than were the descending side ones. All we have to do is figure out the mechanics that achieves this effect.

      I keep looking at MT13 and I agree with others that there is something special about it. Bessler loved that design even though he couldn't make it run at first. He would have concentrated on it, obsessed about it, changed it again and again, and finally did turn it into a runner. Now the question is what do we have to do to MT13 to turn it into a runner? Solve that problem and we'll have the wheel design he found and used. Also notice that the number of weights is the same on both sides of MT13.

    2. What then was Bessler's Law of PM?

    3. @ Anon 06:47,
      MT 13 is important, all you have to do is have a large hanging weight to activate each individual mechanism, in the same way as the small box in MT 30. It's the shape of that box that counts.


    4. For anon 09:47. Probably the same as his principle of preponderance. If a wheel stays OB it keeps turning. If it doesn't and becomes B then it stops.

      Bessler's one way wheels were OB for the themselves when they were not turning and their weights and levers were also OB for themselves when a wheel was not turning. You got two different things here that are both OB. Then when a wheel was let go it turned to try to become B for the wheel. But that turning then made the weights and levers inside become OB for themselves and those all shifted around fast to the become B for themselves but that then made them OB for the wheel again! This went on all the time in turning wheels to make them stay pm. Loss of B by weights and levers along with wheel's loss of B then weights and levers get B back again but lose it again over and over while wheel stays OB all the time. It's like man walking. First he loses his balance then catches it, then loses it, then catches it, then loses it, over and over. Result is he keeps moving forward. For Bessler's wheel it doesn't walk just keeps turning.

      Only ropes connecting levers some special way can make something like this to work. Look at MT9,10,11,12,14,15,16 then 24,25,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,41,42 and 83,87,89 and you see plenty of ropes. Now look at first seven drawings with ropes. 7 was lucky number for Bessler. Notice that only one in those seven has no ropes and is drawing 13. Maybe Bessler was saying that if you work on the wheel 13 design by adding ropes to it you will get lucky like he did?! How many following that advice from Bessler? No wonder no success in 300 years!

  17. I beg to say that mt13 has no relevance...

    Every mt drawing only offers a minuscule hint... That's all... And still we'll be no closer... take my word... We may just be able to make out vaguely a movement... And yet, there's no guarantee... So it is not very wise to totally rely on these drawings... They sort of misguide more than offer any help... IMO, the drawings are failed attempts... You need to be a bit clever to make out anything at all... how can anyone zero in on one promising drawing?...

    You really need to know how a needle looks like before you even start looking for it in a haystack...

    Saying that so and so drawing is the one that needs improvement just makes no sense... It's not the right approach... Once the core Idea is formed in mind then these come into play...

    1. "I beg to say that mt13 has no relevance..."

      Forget about MT 13 for a moment, SK...the big question on everyone's mind here is do YOU have any relevance as far as Bessler's wheels are concerned?! Most think not.

    2. Ignore these fools, Suresh. They are just jealous because they know that you really do know how Bessler's wheels worked. They are only trying to make you angry so you will then tell them what you know to prove you know it. DON'T fall for that trick! Also, YOU should be the top guru here and not that steven glorious guy. He knows nothing compared to what you know. You know more about Bessler's wheels in your little finger then he knows in his whole body! He only became top guru here because you weren't trying that hard to be that. You are more humble and spiritual than him and everyone knows that even him.

  18. SK, don't mention the clever arrangement of pendulums again. You said too much the last time. Everyone will try them now. Probably even SG will start including them in his spruiking. Oh darn, he already beat you to it when he said it was Calloway's pendulum pusher concept with a small difference. I guess he's still top guru because he got in first with that little gem.

  19. Interesting Zimbabwe newscasts showing Maxwell Chikumbutso's "Green Energy Machine" made in 2015 that harnesses natural radio waves and converts them to electrical power using "microsonic electronic technology" that you can't find anywhere else. Amazing invention considering that he has zero training in electronics. But all of his designs came to him from God so they have to work.

    His machine puts out 50 kw and was recently used to power 10 homes at once. In September of 2020 a documentary about him started showing in California. Engineers and scientist all over the world are amazed and excited about his discoveries which are being described as some of the greatest in science!

    Now that he has made his invention, there's no real need for any of us to keep chasing after Bessler's low power wheels. They are relics from the past. Chikumbutso's Green Energy is the wave of the future! It won't be long before we're all traveling around in no fuel needed electric cars and small helicopters powered by his new free energy technology.

    We live in amazing times!

    1. The online Zimbabwe article about Chikumbutso linked below says he was "...snatched by the US". Guess the US just can't do without geniuses like him. He's now 42 and living in California where he's running a free energy company called "Saith Holdings" which he founded and serves as "Chief Technical Officer". I wonder if the US has an extradition treaty with Zimbabwe so if he takes off for there with the money he loots from American investors he can be snatched back to the US to be prosecuted for fraud and embezzlement?

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...