Thursday, 12 November 2020

Why Do We Keep Trying To Solve Bessler’s Wheel?!

I ask this question because a discussion on the Besslerwheel forum touched on it. I know when I first encountered R. Gould’s account of the legend of Bessler’s wheel, I became certain that the maid had lied describing her part in a deception designed to convince people that Bessler’s wheel was faked.

In a court of law the defence tries to discredit an important witness i.e., the maid, and proving that they lied might lead to the case being thrown out.  Add to that the word of a just and reputable witness for the defence, i.e., Karl the Landgrave,  who saw the interior of Bessler’s wheel, and it becomes certain.  Generally one adds the support of a respected character witness, i.e., Gottfried Leibniz, and huge damages might be awarded too the accused,

So my first thought was, how wonderful it would be to prove wrong, all those complacent teachers who dismissed my questions about the possibility of building a perpetual motion machine with scorn and laughter. Later, once I had added absolute certainty to my earlier naive self by researching the history of the inventor, I began to think in terms of financial reward, and add to that the enormous enjoyment in proving the experts wrong, plus acknowledgement that I was right and they were wrong.

Latterly the need for high financial returns have been mitigated by two things, firstly the growing need for something which will reduce the effect of climate change, pollution and the lack of any realistic economic solutions to the energy crisis. I think that is far more important - and secondly my granddaughter, Amy’s need for strong financial support once she comes home from the neurological rehab unit, although she’s an extremely determined young woman who won’t be tamed by a waist-downwards paralysis!

Returning to the emotive term which we all use, ‘perpetual motion’, ever since I started on this journey, my questions, ideas and beliefs have been met with instant dismissal, scorn or laughter or sometimes I think they are humouring me out of politeness.  This reaction can generate mild paranoia in your mind and you get so you don’t want to mention it for fear of an unwanted response.  But of course they may not be humouring me, perhaps they are really interested, but we all want to be liked or respected and we tend to play safe and say nothing.

Bessler seemed unhappy with the term, (I’m calling it PM to save me time) calling his wheel self-moving and arguing that it couldn’t be perpetual anyway because nothing lasts for ever, wood rots, metals corrode, wear and tear and break downs occur.  The word, perpetual, implied infinite and without end, whereas, continuous, does not.  

We refer to steam engines, petrol engines, diesel engines, water wheels etc, because those names refer not to the energy source but to an important ingredient without which they cannot function.  Electric cars rely on stored energy from their batteries.  They each depend on something which is not an energy source but which can be used to create an energy source and which they use to produce motion.

The engines I’ve mentioned use fuel which has to be converted into an energy source. Wood, coal, oil, petrol, gas all kinds of fuel which need to be burned to produce heat, hence the term burning fossil fuels.  Other kinds of fuel provide energy in different ways but all of them require an intermediary, such as fuel ignition system, hydroelectric and water wheel systems need flowing water, courtesy of gravity, in fact they rely on it.

Which leads us to the Bessler wheel, which in my opinion relies on the presence of gravity without which it cannot function. It’s intermediaries are the weights. The logical name for it is either gravity wheel or gravity engine.

My answer to the question in the title of this blog...I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW HE DID IT!



  1. Gravity Engine or Gravity Turbine sounds good lol. And so do I !

  2. "Why Do We Keep Trying To Solve Bessler’s Wheel?!" That's a great question.

    They asked Sir Edmund Hillary why he decided to climb Mount Everest. His answer was "Because it was there!" We are trying to solve the Bessler wheel puzzle because it is there and a constant challenge to us. We all have no doubt that he did it and it wasn't a hoax. Whoever finds the answer will probably do so through much work, insight, and pure luck just like Bessler did. I'm not a believer that he got the secret from ancient texts or God. He did it the old fashioned way which is a lot of hard work. The kind that put his physical and mental health at risk and probably interfered with his family life and other money earning occupations. He did a lot of real suffering and we should never forget that or think we can somehow avoid it.

    His smallest wheel was only three feet across and four inches thick. Assuming that Karl was accurate when he said it was "very simple" and Bessler wasn't lying when it said it didn't involve much "artistry", one can spend hours a day trying to imagine how that could be. My best guess is that it was basically MT 13 with some simple little trick or two added to it that no one has yet stumbled upon or imagined possible. Once someone does the mystery will be solved.

    Then it's on to other things. Can Bessler's wheels be made much more powerful so they can do useful amounts of work? Can they do that while being kept small and reliable? How can one get electrical power out of them? What would be the best applications for them?

    Both Bessler and us are still only at the beginning of this story. I'm confident though that we'll see much progress in the coming years. We have to stay positive and tune out the negative noise of the skeptics. They quit the chase long ago and really aren't qualified to give advice to those who haven't quit. When the secret is finally found they will all just fade away and hope no one remembers their negative criticisms that were wrong. Critics can't stand being proved wrong.


    1. Well said Jason. You’re right this just the beginning and the future looks bright.


    2. Jason wrote: "My best guess is that it was basically MT 13 with some simple little trick or two added to it that no one has yet stumbled upon or imagined possible."

      I couldn't agree more with you. There's something special about MT 13. Bessler probably actually built it and quickly noticed that before that 12 o'clock lever's weight was raised it was another nonrunner. Then he manually assisted the rise of the 12 o'clock lever and its weight and he saw his wheel take off for about 30 deg of strong rotation until the next lever's little inner arm hit that little "B" wheel. That's when he realized he had to find some other way to lift that lever. MT 13 is the only one in all of MT that he said "This invention would be very good for running if not so much friction were present". That "friction" only showed up when a lever's inner arm hit the "B" wheel though.

      That "B" wheel had to go and he eventually tells us that he did that when he wrote in AP that "In a true Perpetuum Mobile everything must, necessarily, go round together. There can be nothing involved in it which remains stationary on the axle" and that would definitely include that heavy half a moon shaped ballast weight hanging off of the axle in MT 13 and the little "B" wheel attached to it. But, what to replace it with? Bessler found something and I have no doubt of that. You can call it the "prime mover" if you want. But that something is the "trick" he used and it was "simple". It wasn't anything attached to the axle. When someone finds that Bessler trick, then and only then will we start to get runners instead of stay putters!

      I recommend that Bessler pm wheel chasers put all of their attention on making and simming variations of MT 13 because, imo, it holds the key to finally finding success.

    3. Bessler stated that nothing hangs from the axle.

    4. @JSO. Anon 09:38 agrees that nothing can be hanging on the axle. When he said something needed to be found to replace that big axle pendulum in MT 13 I don't think he meant that it would also still be hanging off the axle. It was something different that would not be hanging off of the axle if I understood him correctly.

    5. jason wrote "His smallest wheel was only three feet across and four inches thick."

      That's really small and the parts inside of it must have been very cramped. I think most of us would agree on at least two things. Whatever the mechanism was inside of the drum, it didn't involve rolling metal balls and if it had weights swinging around at the ends of levers then they had to be swinging in the plane of the drum.

      If he was using levers that were swinging around in there then they would have to be even thinner than the drum to prevent rubbing. They had to be less than 4 inches thick. Maybe only 2 inches thick? I'm surprised there would have been any room left over in the drum for anything else! I can see why thinking about the difficulty of making something like this would encourage the skeptics to write it all off as a hoax.

    6. @Anon 15:42. That wheel you mentioned is what Ken B shows in his youtube video and claims is "the" one Bessler used. I measured its various parts off of my laptop screen with a tape measure and the distance from the center of its axle to a lever's pivot looks like it is exactly 14 in. or 35.56 cm. The distance from a lever pivot's center to the center of one of its end weights is exactly 3.5 in. or 8.89 cm. The levers in it are small and only about 5.5 in. or 13.97 cm total length from the ends of their inner to outer arms. As you say the levers would have to be less than 4 in. or 10.16 cm. thick or actually wide. There was enough room inside of Bessler's 36 in. or 91.44 cm. diameter drum to put eight of those Ken B "Y" shaped levers inside of it without them hitting into each other. I think if you make your parts small enough like he does you could just fit them into such a small diameter drum that is not that wide, but it wouldn't be easy. We have to remember that Bessler was an apprentice clockmaker at one time and was used to doing that kind of precise work inside the tight the spaces of clock movements. If he wanted to he probably could have made a working wheel only a foot in diameter!

    7. Anon 3:31 : He did! JB's last wheel was a table top model runner for his landlord, finished just before his death. If you take KB's scale dimensions and downsize to the very small scale of a table top model then there are problems. We don't know its diameter or width but it is plain that there is not much room for your fingers. Let alone the rope and spring connections in the Z axis that KB uses so they don't interfere which each other. Friction would also be a big barrier for a table top model because KB's wheel supposedly has very little torque from a barely displaced CG, made smaller at the small scale. If KB had trouble finding the exact spring constants to use in his sim imagine how that would be for a real, and smaller, table top runner.

    8. @anon 3:31
      I don't recall reading anywhere that Bessler's last wheel was a "table top model runner" for his landlord and we can't be sure how big it was. Ken B's 3 feet diameter sim wheel is the same size as the one Bessler said he first got to work. It did not have much torque but it did have enough to overcome friction and slowly accelerate itself up to over 60 rpm's. That was the fastest that any of Bessler's wheels ever turned!

      The levers in Ken's wheel are small, but not too small to work on, imo. I have his book and he says that the springs attached to the levers in Bessler's first 3 foot diameter wheel must be no less than 1 inch in length when unstretched and have a spring constant of 1.25 pounds per inch. There are two springs attached to each lever according to him (but his video only shows one spring since one is hidden behind the other) and they are both stretched exactly one half inch when a lever reaches the drum's 9 o'clock position. Any more stretching of a 1 inch long spring could damage it permanently. That means that the total spring contracting force at that position from the TWO spring together was only 1.25 pounds. He says that tension in the springs will perfectly counter balance a lever and its attached lead weight at that location.

      As far as making a smaller wheel that is only 1 foot in diameter is concerned, I wouldn't even attempt that! But a 3 foot diameter wheel could certainly fit on top of a table and would be easy to work on from a standing position. I think the tables they had back in those days were a lot bigger and more sturdily made than the flimsy ones in our homes today. If you put a 1 foot diameter wheel on one of them it would probably get lost behind the beer steins! 3 feet in diameter seems like a better size to me.

    9. You need to get up to speed. It was 10 inches.

    10. "It was 10 inches."

      Do you have a reference for that? Seems way too small.

  3. John, i can't say enough how much i admire the efforts you have put into this and i can assure you that i am not "humouring you".
    I do think that your answer to your question "I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW HE DID IT! is not entirely accurate.
    There is a part of your that JUST wants to know,unfortunately there are other parts of you that don't JUST want to know. They put the "knowing it is possible" very low down the list of priorities.
    When you find it within you to tell them to shut up, the part of you that really does, JUST want to know, will have a much greater chance of knowing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Interesting find Stephen, I could have done with that several years ago!


    2. Here's a link to get a free open source download of Tesseract OCR 4.0 for Windows to help you read Fractur text:

      The problem with it is that it won't do anything to translate the text for you. Online translators might do that acceptably for modern German text but for Bessler's early 18th century text you will be on your own.

      Bessler Curious

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. fletch, Can you bring the MT25 simulation to John's blog for everyone to see and comment? I cannot view it via BW forum.Thanks! MT25 cannot work AS IS;that would be too easy. I have proved this by building it. BUT, using A.P. page 355 as our guide, we see a single crossbar, pulleys and weights mentioned. The rope does not go THRU the axle but around the small central pulley.(see my updated drawings and texts for this.) Mounting the levers and weights on the crossbar greatly simplifies the mechanism . The crossbar gives an impressive vigorous torque when the primary weight suddenly flies up at the 6 O'clock position. Without the two springs, the movement is "dead", it lacks FINESSE,but with springs the movement comes alive. Keeping the design simple is needed to put the smile on the proverbial "carpenter boys" face!

    1. For those who don't know what RAFORD is talking about, he shows his version of MT25 on his website here:

    2. @RAFORD
      So when you built it and used two springs to make that primary weight at 6:00 suddenly fly up did it become a runner? Did the results put a smile on your face? If not then what actually happened?

    3. @ RAFORD .. no, I'm unable to comply with your requests. Here is the link to Wubbly's MT-25 analysis post, and a pic of his sim.

      John's blog format is not well suited to discussions of designs, whereas is imo, because it is set up for discussions purposes and you can load and download files, pics etc, and attach them to your post in a Topic. So discussions have flow, detail, and continuity. And a wider audience.

      Wubbly posts mainly in General Discussion Forum which means you can view the discussions as a 'guest'. If you are a 'member' you can post to the thread etc. Community Buzz Forum requires you to be a member and many post there. Some of us who are members or guests also check in here at John's blog from time to time to see how he is going with his POP, and what he is discussing atm. If I want to discuss something in detail with drawings, sim files for upload etc, and expect some feedback, then I would use the vehicle. If for some reason you don't want to visit (like KB) then I can't help you.


    4. When it comes to MT 25, Wubbly like others here just finally says:

      "I still don't know what the good qualities of the MT are. To me, it's just another non-running MT like all the others. He says to "study the diagram extensively." Not sure what there is to see here."

  6. Why do we keep solving the BW?...
    Because it is not solved as yet... We want to be the first and grab all the benefits...We want to be able to do some good service to the planet in general... We also want to solve it because the BW story is very intriguing... And we want to experience that thrill after solving... We want to solve it because it appears to be the easiest... We want to solve the same because we haven't been successfull in any other field... We want to satisfy our unquenchable ego... We want to taunt others with it... We want to enjoy life more... We want to bask in the eternal glory it would provide...

    Well, Bessler couldn't reap all this even after really inventing it... The same challenges still faces us... So the topic of discussion would be appropriate if it touches how to face the challenges that Bessler faced... Not to mention the current trend of discussion which relates to Ken's YouTube video or drawing numbers 13,25., Etc.. which would only lead us to a dead-end...
    Any sober minded person will quickly assign to flames this YouTube video as utterly useless... But, having already failed and getting criticized yet he is harping in its possibilities... What can be more foolish than this... As long as as such diverting ideas exist we can comfortably rule out success in this field...We haven't even begun in the right direction in my humble opinion... God bless us in this regard because it is not humanely possible to root out such a character like Ken... He can appear in different forms... What is so funny is that he appears as different anons and keeps on the self discussion going...LOL... Quite a character...

    As described by someone here a mechanical workaround is the key... We need to find that unique mechanism that makes things really go fast... Ropes and pulleys would break... So they shouldn't be considered...

    Till that feeling of success can be instantly felt after hitting upon that mechanical twist before even considering the simulation part we should only keep making mental efforts... This is more hard work on the mental side than of the physical nature... It will appear as a bubble burst... Like achieving that bliss...

    Good day...

    1. "We want to solve the same because we haven't been successfull in any other field... We want to satisfy our unquenchable ego... We want to taunt others with it..."

      Also you need to solve it to help you feel better after having just LOST the race to SG to become this blog's TOP GURU! The pain of such a defeat must be almost unbearable for you now. But it was your own fault for being too "scientific" and then admitting your ignorance about how Bessler's wheel really worked. A master guru never makes such mistakes and that is why SG is now officially the TOP GURU here and not you. Of course you do have our sincere sympathies, SK. But there can only be one TOP GURU here! Hail to SG!

      Good day...

    2. Suresh is quick to tell everyone else here all of the time that they are not on the "right path" to make Bessler's wheel. Yet he has admitted he doesn't really know how his wheels worked! So how the hell would he know if any of us are on the right path or not?! In the years that he's been posting here has he ever once produced a single wheel drawing that he gave a link to or that he sent to John so he could post it here? If he did I don't remember ever seeing it. When I read his rambling posts I'm reminded of an old saying which is "It is hard to create but easy to criticize". A lot of people spend so much time criticizing others that they don't have any time left over to create something of their own. I think he's definitely one of those sad types!

    3. You don't seem to get the point Ken... A small gesture or a casual hint can give it all away... Under such a condition how can you say I post a drawing of it?...

      Bessler posted so many drawings and we still haven't been able to figure it out... The actual secret design is so simple and if you publish a simple drawing of it that'll be the end of your dream... Others would be immediately in the race to build and claim ownership...

      Is that a wise thing to do?...

      Infact, the actual inventor would be the real loser... You don't seem to like any good guidance from anybody... for whatever reason that may be... you only want your propaganda to flourish... It only goes to expose the extent of your jealousness... if your real intension is to solve this mystery then you really wouldn't be behaving like this... Rather you may even appreciate it... Well, can't blame you for this entirely... For no one else here shows appreciation...

      Maybe, the best thing for me would be to ignore your criticisms... There's just no use in trying to rationalise with someone who is not ready to listen anything...

      Bessler had a tough time finding the secret and tougher situation in selling the same...
      The same obstructions faces us now...

      You have published your drawing because it is not at all confidential... No one can gain anything from it... And this is very much evident... Show me any good comment on it... You will not believe if I do it things won't be the same again... And, certainly, I would stand to lose everything... You talk and react this way because you are not aware of the real mechanism... And it's simplicity and it's uniqueness... Component designing is not being discussed... And this is very critical to the wheel operation... Their arrangement is another mysterical thing which is largely being ignored... I always say that simming has no role here and no one is listening... IT has to be a total mental effort... And a very intense one at that... I struggled a lot in the beginning... I was totally clueless... I am not so educated like you all... But, once again I reiterate I won't and never will misguide anyone... And, that's a soldier's promise...

    4. "IT has to be a total mental effort"

      If it needs a "total mental effort" then it needs someone who is totally mental to do it! Your are perfect for the job, SK!

  7. Imagine what this guy could be making after he finally gets a design for a pm wheel that works!

    1. He makes beautiful kinetic sculptures. He said he has training in physics and then says pm is impossible. I wonder if he did start out looking to make a pm wheel and when that failed he decided to just make his kinetic artwork to hang on walls instead. No mention of how much they cost but they can't be cheap because they are all hand made and one of a kind needing a lot of planning. I was impressed that he says he has some that can run for up to two days! They are all spring powered.

    2. Nice work and he's been at it for forty years now. But Roy doesn't make all of the parts himself. He designs everything with an old computer program called "Working Model" and then sends the files for them to a professional woodworker who uses a CNC machine to precisely cut them out for him. Roy then gathers all of the parts and does some minor machining of them before the final assembly. They are fascinating to watch, but I wonder if he ever thought of adding some color to them instead of leaving the wood unfinished or just stained and varnished? Maybe he lets the customer paint them if he wants to?

      Well, he's not building pm wheels, but his wheels do have one big advantage over ours. They actually WORK! At least for a while.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thanks for that revelation, SK. No wonder you became this blog's "Top Guru"! How very envious SK must be!

      Actually I'm looking forward to sailing under these three stars. Why? Because they look like a slice of pizza up in the sky and that might mean that's being served for dinner aboard my ship! I need a minimum of two sometimes three slices to satisfy my ravenous pizza hunger. Besides, who would want to have whale burgers? They are loaded with blubber and hard to chew! Plus whales don't approve of being used for human food!

    6. CORRECTION! That first sentence above should have been: "Thanks for that revelation, SG."

  8. This guy has filed for a patent on some sort of gadget he invented which he claims will power a car for 50,000 miles without using fuel! He sounds like he's got something real!

    1. Based on his patent claim, the USPTO is going to insist on a working version that they can test. That's when his patent will be denied. However, he might have some system that greatly improves gasoline mileage in a car which could be patented and it would certainly be nice if it could get a hundred or more miles per gallon from the gasoline used in an average size car. But we've all heard of these miracle inventions many times in the past. They get some media attention for a while and then it stops and no one hears anything more about them again. That is probably exactly what will happen to this one.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. About a decade ago the free energy sites were all buzzing about a revolutionary invention by a retired Turkish policeman named Muammer Yildiz. It was a permanent magnet motor that was putting out hundreds of watts of power without any fuel! He gave a demonstration of it at Delft University in the Netherlands to a crowd of amazed students and professors. At the end of the demonstration he even took the machine apart and passed the pieces around to everyone to examine. All it contained were little disc magnets (about 1200 of them!), some nylon pieces, aluminum housing pieces, and a steel rotor. No evidence of a hoax could be found. Here's a ten minute video of that demonstration:

      Yildiz later gave other demonstrations in Europe and was talking about how he was going to set up a factory and begin manufacturing more powerful motors that could generate 5,000 watts of power to power homes and even small automobiles. It sounded like an incredible breakthrough in free energy technology.

      Then in the following years only a few short videos appeared showing half completed generators with different shapes in some sort of workshop. Today it seems Yildiz is no where to be found, there is no more talk of his permanent magnet motors, and no one knows what happened to his motor that was demonstrated at Delft University. Was he assassinated by Big Oil and his invention stolen? Was it all a hoax and he just took off with a suitcase full of his investor's money? Something tells me we'll never know for sure. It'll just be another interesting story in the history of perpetual motion machines. Kind of like the magnetic version of the Bessler story!

      Bessler Curious

    4. Here's a site that provides more images and videos of Yildiz's magnet motor along with the full German patent for it.

      How it is supposed to work is a bit vague. It has something to do with the rotor making an alternating magnetic field that interacts with a static magnetic field. If it just needs permanent magnets why are there WIRES coming out of the back of the motor?

    5. It's hard to believe that Yildiz was hoaxing his permanent magnet motor considering all of the demonstrations he gave and his going to the trouble and expense of getting a German patent and later world patents. Of course, I guess it's not impossible.

      Bessler also went to a lot of trouble to get people to accept that he really did have a working pm wheel. He continually made them bigger and more powerful. Gave demonstrations to probably thousands of people. Published books describing his wheels and tests done on them. Even modified his design to make it turn in two directions to prove they did not contain windup spring powered mechanisms like clocks. Had honest people of good reputation state that his wheels were genuine. Yet most of his day dismissed them as hoaxes and even more people do that today!

      Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that IF you finally get your runner that your battle to get it accepted is over. No, it will just be starting!

    6. From anon 07:58

      "Was he assassinated by Big Oil and his invention stolen?"

      If that was the case would they have left the German patent behind so others could duplicate Yildiz's motor?

      From anon 13:41

      "Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that IF you finally get your runner that your battle to get it accepted is over. No, it will just be starting!"

      Next to the constant failed attempts that is probably one of the most depressing parts of the search for pm. The masses have been so programmed by our "educational" systems to dismiss the idea immediately that they won't accept it until you literally slide a working wheel under then noses and then push their faces into it! But once that's done and they see how mistaken they were they will learn to start trusting their common sense more and ignoring the nonsense put out by our science "educators" concerning the possibility of pm.

    7. Anon 12:15
      Maybe after they stole Yildiz's invention they then replaced his original patents with bogus ones for a design that does not work! With enough bribes or black mail all sorts of disinformation can be promoted nowadays while genuine information is taken away. Many people unfortunately will believe anything they see in print or on a tv screen. Intelligence agents know this and regularly use it to their sponsor's advantage whenever possible. They are experts at making forgeries using the latest high tech digital techniques. Basically you can't trust anything you see, hear, or read nowadays. This creates paranoia in many and is the reason there are people out there that believe that the Apollo moon landings never happened, that the Earth is flat, that JFK survived his assassination and lived for decades on a Greek island, etc. You really never know what source of information you can trust today.

    8. Yes anon 12.15, I agree. Who ever builds a successful wheel will probably need to do what Bessler did, find a person of absolute integrity with acknowledged qualifications as an expert in this field, to examine the device and announce his opinion in public ....and wait for his peers to shoot him down!


    9. I think internet will have played a huge role in helping the successfull runner be found. Internet will also play a role in getting the runner accepted. Obviously, internet cannot help a runner covered by an oil cloth, but a working wheel clearly showing the mechanism it can. There are plenty enough seekers who have the skills of a carpenters lad, they just need to know what to build. Once runners start popping up all over the world, the naysayers will have no option other than to stop naying.

    10. Yup, agree with you too, Robin. JC

    11. Maybe he got a 50,000 mile long electrical cord.

    12. We haven't quite heard the last of Muammer Yildiz and his fuel free magnet motors yet. This video appeared in July of 2019 claiming that his motors were being used in electrical generator units and talking about a 72 hour live stream demonstration of one of the generators operating something. Yildiz does not appear in it though.

      I keep asking myself if this is real then why aren't they being sold to anyone? Why are they not now being discussed on the major cable news networks? Sounds like a great way to fight Climate Change.

    13. Here's another.

    14. Thanks for that link anon 21:12.

      I never heard of this Zimbabwe Africa guy Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso before. But if he dropped out of school at age 14 and got the secret of pm from God then he's got to have something real! He supposedly has some rich guy over in Africa pouring millions into his inventions who thinks its time to start selling them around the world. Here's a youtube video I found about him. He's also got a car that runs forever without fuel. Who couldn't use one of them?

      Before I invest some serious money in his inventions however I'm going to have to wait until I get that crate of gold bullion bricks some Nigerian prince promised to send me after I sent him $5,000 to cover the shipping costs to the US. It's worth several million US dollars! The shipment is a few weeks overdue but should be arriving any day now. I can hardly wait!

  9. @ Anon.13 Nov.17:43 : No, it is not a runner, but I still can wear a smile ! At the 6 O'clock-12 O'clock position the connected weights shift, the crossbar has a vigorous momentary torque ending about the 4 O'clock position with a weak back torque. If I give the crossbar a very slight, (gentle) push, the crossbar will swing through the second half cycle and torque appears again. Here,the crossbar sweeps approximately 270 degrees. (~the 9 O'clock position). The principle is momentary UNDER-balance in the 3rd and 4th quadrants. This M.T.25 design movement is not spoiled by increasing centrifugal force, because of the connecting cord.

    1. Sounds like all you have to do to get your runner is just add another pair of mechanisms at right angles to the first two! Hope to hear of your success soon!

      Anon 13 Nov 17:43

  10. Thanks fletch, the BW guest forum (seems) to be invasive to guest privacy.How can we be anonymous and still see simulations?

    1. Ahhh - if joining as a member you can use a pseudonym or your real name, a guest doesn't need either. I think RAF has other 'problems' with that he is not telling you.

    2. Power from wet clothes... Innovation prize awarded...

      Shankha Subhra Das, from Khedabari in Sepahijala district of Tripura, in India used a cloth cut to a particular size and inserted it in a plastic straw to fix in a half-filled water container. He attached copper electrodes to both ends of the straw. “The water is transported to the top after some time, due to capillary action, and around 700 millivolts are registered in the voltmeter,” Das said.

      To increase power, Das and his team connected a series of 30-40 such devices. According to Das, this generates 12 volts, enough to charge mobile phones, microchip, mini gadget, medical diagnostic kits and even light a small LED bulb.

    3. Once again SK provides material and gives no reference for it. He "borrowed" most of his comment above from the Hindustan Times here:

  11. "Invasive" OMG seriously. Take a hike millennial.

  12. Finally a guy who knows what he's doing when it comes to building a perpetual motion machine!

    1. It's a beautiful animation with really dramatic music and must have taken him days to make. Too bad it doesn't have a chance of ever working!

      Bessler Curious

    2. @BC
      I think your wrong. It has got to work cause you always got 8 eight weights coming down while only 4 goes up. That keeps 4 weights always making it run. I'm surprised no one built it yet.

    3. BC is right, anon 06:01. That machine does raise four weights as eight weights fall, but what's really happening may not be obvious to some who watch it. You need to watch the video in slow motion. The four weights rise the full height of the machine, but the other eight weights only fall HALF of the height of the machine. That means that the amount of GPE lost by the eight falling weights exactly equals the GPE gained by the four rising weights. There is no excess GPE being lost by the eight falling weights that could power the machine and the electrical generator it is attached to.

      If this machine could be built, put into a perfect vacuum, had no friction in any of its moving parts, and no electrical power was taken from its generator, then if it was first manually put into motion, it would be able to continue that motion forever. But, in the real world friction always exists and that friction would eventually drain away any kinetic energies given to the machine's parts and make them all eventually stop. The friction would slowly convert the machine's kinetic energies into thermal energy in the air surrounding it.

      But, it's certainly interesting to watch as it runs. I like the part where your view actually moves through the inside of the machine while its parts keep moving.


  13. fletch, Would you comment on Dr. Davis paper given at Intractance-4th Law of Motion site and the point he makes about Newton's 2nd law? Thanks.

    1. I'm not fletch but let me say this …

      Dr. Davis admitted the motion effects are not detectable in the macro world. Further, his research centered around explaining the deviations of rocket flight from calculated trajectories. This may actually be explained by the rotation of the internal stages, something that was a mystery during the early days of NASA. I think you are wasting your time looking for some hidden or useful movement here.

    2. I agree with anon 18:22 and I'm also not fletcher. There are only THREE Newtonian laws of motion, not four! It's amazing how pm chasers are forever looking for new laws that will allow them to draw energy out of nowhere.

      When a stage magician pulls a bunny out of his empty top hat most common sense people in the audience know that the bunny was previously hidden in a secret compartment in the table that the hat was resting on. The bunny does not materialize out of thin air. One wonders what the pm chasers in the audience conclude when they see this trick performed?!

    3. RAFORD did find an interesting bit of information. I just think Dr. Davis was wrong in his assumption that jerk (changing acceleration) changed the inertia of an object. We know from early NASA work, and from another scientist that I can't remember, that fast spinning objects are lighter when moving against gravity, and heavier when moving with it (something like that). So the effects Dr. Davis was seeing were related to spin and not simply from jerk, IMO of course. There is an excellent YoutTube video on this phenomenon, and if I can find it, I will post it.

    4. Anon 20:05 wrote "The bunny does not materialize out of thin air. One wonders what the pm chasers in the audience conclude when they see this trick performed?!"

      Most of the pm chasers know that the bunny did not just materialize out of thin air. That would be ridiculous. They quite reasonably conclude that the magician was able to use his magic wand to teleport the bunny from the nearest pet shop into his top hat before he pulled him out of it. When the show is over and it's time to feed the bunny, the magician just teleports him right back into his cage in the pet shop again. If that cannot be done for some reason, then the magician has hasenpfeffer for dinner!

  14. @ Anon:18:22,20:05,21:51: Yes,a fourth law of motion is a bit much but Davis' tweeking the 2nd law to include (rate of change) in acceleration is needed. Sadly, Jerk Physics has been focused on passenger comfort and not on other applications in dynamic system transients, i.e. Bessler's wheel.I am saying that novel motion effects ARE observable in the macro world with Bessler's being our best example. Anon 21:51: I don't see that Dr. Davis says that Jerk "changed the inertia of an object". Comments?

    1. IIRC Bessler did say that if someone behind his back gave one of his wheels a sudden shove, that could cause some sort of internal problem that would prevent the wheel from running. It makes me think that the sudden jerking acceleration of the drum could somehow cause any ropes or cords being used to connect the levers together to break and once that happened they could no longer maintain the overbalance of the cog as the drum turned. It would just sink to the bottom below the axle and stay there. Anyone who did that probably got promptly thrown out of Bessler's house!

  15. For me, it's the "WAIT, WAIT,.. DON'T TELL ME!" attitude. Yes, I desperately want to know if/how Bessler made it work. But even more importantly, I want to figure it out on my own (For reasons other than recognition. Although, that's kind of a big deal too). I remember that John has asked over the years that people NOT send him their design ideas so there could be no unfortunate claims later about authorship. Has this policy changed?

    1. John has posted the designs of others here in the past few years and right now he's between designs since his last one that he worked on for years turned out to be a nonrunner. Good luck finding your own runner but the odds are greatly against you. I gave up a while ago after dozens of tries over the years and now consider Ken B's wheel to most likely be the that one Bessler found. It's based on new clues he found in those DT portraits and is the only one backed up with working sims but they are only his sims at this time so maybe they just have glitches in them that make them look like they work.

      Chasing after pm, whether it's Bessler's or someone else's, has a way of wearing one down after a while. You keep straining for success but only get one failure after another as a reward for all of your efforts. I think maybe 99% of those seeking it finally drop out and just move on to other hobbies where they can find some immediate success. Of those that remain, I think most just keep "going through the motions" with their latest brainstorms and builds year after year, but in their hearts they don't really expect to find success. Maybe I'm wrong about that though. They have been doing it for so long they don't know how to do anything else.

    2. I disagree anon 18.46. After around 60 years of chasing the PM solution, I don’t feel worn down at all, just the opposite in fact, I feel on the brink of success!

      It’s true I prefer not to receive other people’s drawings in case they concur with mine.

      I also again dismiss Ken’s design, it’s way to complex, even more than mine was! Karl said it was a simple design, so that’s what we should be aiming for. I would also like to tell you how confident I am about the clues I’ve found and deciphered, they completely nullify all of Ken’s clues. On that subject I think his clues supposedly found in the Bessler portrait are entirely the product of his imagination and are unsustainable to proper examination.


    3. Everyone tends to think that his clues are the real ones and will lead to success while everyone else has discovered false clues that will only lead to failure.

      As far as his design being too complex is concerned, complexity is a relative term. His design is certainly more complex than the early ones in MT, but far less complex than Wagner's fake spring powered pm wheel imo. When Karl said Bessler's design was "simple", he did not tell us what it was simple compared to. He could have been comparing it to a complex clock movement for all we know.

    4. @18:46
      What impresses me about Ken's wheel is how smoothly all of the levers work in it. The lever arms with the weights on them move most rapidly toward their drum stops as a lever leaves 9 am and then keep gradually slowing down as they travel around to 3 pm and get closer to their stops. Finally after 3 pm they are moving so slowly that they don't really smack into their stops but just gently land on them. I've never seen any other design do that.

      Some may think the arrangement and number of cords are "too complex" but as someone else pointed out there are really only 16 cords needed to coordinate the 8 levers which is only 2 cords per lever. Seems like a small price to have to pay to keep everything out of balance as the wheel turns, imo. The headache with such a design is making sure none of the cords rub together as the wheel turns. That would make energy wasting friction plus damage the cords. IIRC Bessler wrote somewhere that his wheels were build in "layers". I think he had to do that so the cords in one layer would not rub against those in another layer.

      I think if Bessler pm wheel chasers continue to have nothing but failures with their many approaches, they will find themselves turning more and more to Ken B's wheel for hope. It could just wind up being like a single lifeboat floating out in the middle of the ocean waiting for them to swim toward it as they abandon the sinking ships of their own failed Bessler wheel designs. At that time they just may thank God that lifeboat is out there and waiting for them.

    5. If you continue to post here Ken I wish you would sign in as yourself, and give a proper explanation of the clues you found in Bessler’s portraits and how you derived such precise information from each one. But I know you won’t. Why? Because you know the clues and your interpretation won’t stand up to logical examination, but I hang on in hope that you will do as I suggest.


    6. @18:46 writes "Ken B's wheel... could just wind up being like a single lifeboat floating out in the middle of the ocean waiting for them to swim toward it as they abandon the sinking ships of their own failed Bessler wheel designs."

      Lol! Something tells me that John should start putting on his life jacket now! Most the long time Bessler pm wheel chasers will, like traditional sea captains, just go down with their sinking ships. One by one, they'll drop out of sight for many months at a time, a few will finally notice their absence and ask where they are, and then we'll be reading an obituary for them on some the free energy website forum. If we could interview them on their death beds a few days before they expired, they would all be telling us of changes they plan to make to their wheels when they get out of hospital that they are sure will finally turn it into a runners!

      @07:30. You mentioned that quote about Bessler building his wheels in "layers". If you search GB, AP, DT, and MT you won't find the word "layers" anywhere in them! Those words come from this quote:

      "My machine is exceedingly force greedy or selfish or you may say 'thrifty' if you prefer in that it greedily draws force to itself. It works in layered parts but it fights force-loss-friction at all places possible, so as not to lose any of the precious force which in greedy fashion it sips out of the force-rich raging river of gravity. My machine moves under influence of out flowing river of swirling force that we call gravity."

      This "translation" was done on the AP's "little book" chapter by Alden Park of "Orffyrean Roller Bearing" fame. It is NOT a real translation, but just a kind of pseudo religious / techno babble interpretation he did of the words there. I would completely ignore it if I was you.

      However, that doesn't necessarily mean that there was not some layered structure used inside of Bessler's wheels. If the wheel did use a lot of cords as Ken B claims to coordinate the motion of its levers during rotation, then I agree that they couldn't be allowed to rub together and fray. If they did, they would break prematurely and mess up the coordination among the levers. I wouldn't use the word "layers". I would just say that certain cords were kept in one plane and others in other planes.

    7. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve said this, but here I go again! I don’t mind who discovers the solution to Bessler’s wheel as long as some does...anyone! But Ken Bz’s is not a solution or the solution. It is a non-runner, it won’t work, it’s all in his mind. Now if Ken comes forward with convincing proof of a working wheel, I will be among the first to congratulate him, yes, really! But it hasn’t happened yet!


    8. JC wrote: "But Ken Bz’s is not a solution or the solution."

      There is absolutely no way you or anyone else can claim that unless you actually built a replica of it or simmed it to the exact specifications he says he found coded into the two DT portraits. In your own case, no one could tell, just by looking at that last wheel design you posted, whether or not it would work. It needed to be accurately built, which you were unable to do, or accurately simmed which Wubbly of BW forum did do. Unfortunately, when he did that it became obvious that it was a nonrunner.

      Will the same fate befall Ken B's wheel design? At this point no one can tell for sure. But, he claims that he already has a working sim for it. Maybe he's seeing things or his sim is full of glitches. That's possible. But, then again, maybe it is accurate and the Bessler mystery has finally been solved after three centuries.

      I think I'd be depressed if his design does turn out to be just another nonrunner like yours did because I want to see this thing finally solved so we can move on to other matters. Things like making the first working replicas of all of Bessler's wheels, improving the power output of those wheels, getting the scientific world to finally acknowledge that Bessler was not a scammer with faked wheels, and seeing if the principle used in them can be used in other types of designs.

      But all this cannot begin until and unless we get a genuine solution to the secret of Bessler's wheels. I do not put down Ken B because it's obvious that he's made a tremendous effort to achieve that goal which is what we're all chasing after. Someone had to eventually be the first to find Bessler's design and it could have been him who was lucky enough to find it. Apparently that was only possible because he concentrated almost exclusively on finding clues in those two DT portraits while everyone else was largely ignoring them. If one is digging for buried treasure, then digging in the right place can make a big difference when it comes to finding it!

    9. No one doubts that KB put tremendous effort in. He had a brain fart with his decoding of the mechanics and his sim construction. Anyone can look at the design and see straight away that it is a non-runner. There is no excess torque in any direction. Springs do not change that realization. It keels and will always keel. His sim is bogus and so is he.

    10. I will go one step further. No one can claim someone's wheel is or is not a true Bessler Wheel until one of Bessler's documents is decoded and there is a clear description of his wheel. We all know about the clues, but unfortunately they are interpretations of old German, and the meaning then may not be the meaning taken from the English translations today. Sorry folks.

    11. "Anyone can look at the design and see straight away that it is a non-runner."

      Totally untrue! His design does keep the center of gravity of its eight weights on the descending side of the axle at all times during wheel rotation. That is what Bessler's "preponderance principle" was all about. No one else's design has ever been able to do that!

      "No one can claim someone's wheel is or is not a true Bessler Wheel until one of Bessler's documents is decoded and there is a clear description of his wheel."

      That decoding has already been done by Ken B. and involved finding and correctly interpreting several dozen previously unrecognized clues in the two DT portraits. Without those clues, he never would have been able to make the working sim used for his youtube video of the wheel.

    12. I don’t doubt that Ken’s picture apparently shows CoG on descending side but I doubt if that can be achieved in reality, in fact I’ll state that even if it did it still wouldn’t work because the principle is not the one in Bessler’s wheel.


  16. That's why I treat it as an intellectual puzzle. A hobby, like a massive Sudoku, only it's the same Sudoku each day (that's how I explain it to my wife et al). And like a Sudoku it has a logical solution. I do expect to find it and to solve it, if given enough effort and time to complete it. Maybe others can fill a corner in or two. Perhaps more than a lifetime and not 10 years like Bessler. That way I try not to live and breath the roller-coaster of unrealistic hightened expectations and bitter lows of disappointments that trash your life. This makes the process no less enjoyable, and manageable. And should I one day complete my Sudoku then it won't be a complete surprise but will be an extremely satisfying day.

    1. Will you be using the slow as molasses hands on building approach or the warp speed simming approach to complete your Sudoku?

    2. "I do expect to find it and to solve it, if given enough effort and time to complete it."

      Hmm...TEN lifetimes should be enough for you to finally solve the Bessler wheel mystery! But don't worry, Big Pharma is sure to develop an immortality serum before you finish your first lifetime so you can keep right on working to find that solution!

  17. No brainer - warp 10 lol - the Sudoku is the size of an A3. I can investigate hundreds of concepts and thousands of variations of sims in the time I can build 1 physical wheel. This is the 21st C. It's a bit like lining up for the 100 meter sprint. The gun fires and I'm at the finish line with the sound still wafting in the air, while the other guy isn't out of the crouch. The limitation is number of good ideas to investigate, whether you sim first or build first. If you don't have many good ideas then molasses might be the least of your problems.

    1. How can one seriously believe to find something unknown with a simulation that only depicts known things? Would Columbus have discovered America sitting at his desk if he had used the maps of that time?

    2. No, a sim uses the Laws of Newtonian Physics. Bessler's wheels were continuously OB and obeyed Natures Laws aka Newtonian Laws. Therefore a sim which is truly continuously mechanically OB, with asymmetric torque, will do the same. It can not do anything else.

  18. Someday soon, I hope to show you why I think a sim of the design may require a more expensive and sophisticated piece of software than currently advocated. The design I’m working on is relatively simple, but it has some features to its actions which I cannot see how one could include in the examples of simming which I have seen to date. Having said that I have virtually no experience with simming so I’m probably wrong!


    1. PERFECT! With any luck it will be a design that cannot be disproved with either a build or a sim. Then you can go on claiming to have actually found Bessler's secret for the rest of your life and no one will be able to challenge that claim. It's like claiming in the 19th century that there was a giant mountain made of solid gold on the back side of the Moon. Since no telescopes on Earth could see that side and there were no rockets that could reach it, then maybe there WAS such a gold mountain up there. Sounds like the kind of stuff religions can be made out of!

      We look forward to seeing "someday soon" what you've come up with, John.

  19. I agree with JC sir... Ken's design makes no sense at all... It doesn't provide a lifeline as being suggested by Ken... I can blindly vouch for it... Let's just see if anyone here supports Ken's ideas... I am very sure no one would other than Ken's replicants...

    I can understand how much effort Ken has put in... There's just no doubt in it... But, things are actually entirely different when it comes to the ground realities... What Karl saw and what is perceived by many of us differs a lot... When we confront the actual truth we can realise how much correct Bessler and Karl were... The real fact is that BW mechanism is unbelievably simple... See how protective was... How to much paranoid he was... We keep forgetting all this... Just one peep inside is enough... That's how simple it is... It also has to be artful... How nice it is to observe a drinking bird pm machine in action... It must be quite elegant too... There's no artfulness or elegance visible in Ken's design... Bessler's design is actually something out of this world... It is equally enchanting while in motion... Very graceful movement... Only one of its kind in all the machinery available in this world... One after another, as each mechanism perform, it becomes all the more interesting to watch... At that time, our only thought would be repeating the same question... Why it didn't occur to us before?...
    I am very sorry to say that Ken's present mission is only going to keep us out of the above realities... We will never be able to view or even imagine the real grandeur of BW at this rate...

    Thanks for the consistent bombardment of fake news by Ken...

    Good day...

    1. SK wrote "It must be quite elegant too... There's no artfulness or elegance visible in Ken's design..."

      But Bessler wrote in AP on page 309 of the JC's version: “After I have gone public, you'll hear the wretches say: “Just look at the thing properly, and you'll see that there isn't much artistry to it”."

      So it's actually a good thing that Ken B's design is not artful or elegant because if it was then it most certainly would not be the one Bessler found! I continue to be a believer in Ken's wheel and I'm not a "Ken replicant". I'm just someone looking for a design that agrees with the clues and can work. Right now I think Ken's wheel could definitely be that design. I just wish some others were working on sims of it so we'd have more than just Ken's claim of a working sim to verify it.

    2. Anon 14:42 you are on point, and again SK you don't know what you are talking about.

      SK -> "It also has to be artful... It must be quite elegant too..."

      JB -> "After I have gone public, you'll hear the wretches say: “Just look at the thing properly, and you'll see that there isn't much artistry to it."

  20. In the first place, Ken would have built the wheel itself had he known the secret... That didn't happen...

    Secondly, someone else would have done it had Ken's book contained the secret... That too didn't happen...

    Thirdly, his book would have become a bestseller soon... Sadly, this too couldn't happen...

    Fourthly, there would have atleast been a lot of hustle and bustle among Bessler community about Ken's book... Well, all he is getting is no attention or reference to it even... In fact, mostly he is being asked not to promote his book on this blog... Quite pathetic... Ken is too shy and is garnering support by referring to simming his design...

    BW runs on basic classic Newtonian mechanics using weights and pendulums arranged in an unique way... A lot of sratching noises would occur with banging sounds... It would be have to be heavy on one side and the basic wheel would be ready to rotate when unlocked or on the release of the brakes...

    The very thought of amazement feeling should occur to one when shown the secret... And the observer would pose the question why it didn't occur before...

    There would simply be too praise for the inventor or intense deliberation on the matter...

    Well, all That Ken's is drawing is flak... And I am sorry about it...

    Good day again...

    1. As usual SK only shows everyone here his deep envy for anybody who tries to solve the Bessler wheel mystery by mocking them and minimizing the value of their efforts...He does this regularly to JC and KB...That is because SK is not capable of actually solving it himself and never will be...The truth is that SK is just as clueless today about how Bessler's wheels worked as he was when he arrived here years ago...He is truly a pitiful character...He recently lost the race to become Top Guru on his blog to SG and he's still very angry about that...But he will continue to desperately try to convince anyone here who wastes his time reading his comments that he really does know how Bessler's wheels worked...He doesn't know and never has...He will never produce anything of value as far as Bessler's wheels are concerned...He knows that and so does everyone else here...

      Good day again to him...


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...