Friday, 29 October 2021

Conspiracies, Misinformation, Legal Quagmires? Give It Away!

It’s difficult to think of something to write about every week, except when I explain how Bessler’s wheel worked….and that may be a while yet!  But it’s also difficult to restrain ones self from revealing new ideas and pieces of deciphered code which are so much more meaningful and revealing.  Not that I’m revealing anything I think I know until I’ve built something that actually works.  I’ve been there, done that and proved nothing.  It simply has to work and demonstrably so.

There has been discussion about how to obtain financial reward, without losing control of the secret.  There has even been the suggestion that patenting it might be open to theft, either by a trusted patent lawyer, or he or she sharing the information, or selling it, or the government, under the guise of protecting national security, burying it.  If any of those possibilities, however remote, concerns you, there is only one option. As someone said here recently, spread the design world wide, freely and without restrictions, so that anyone and everyone can make it, sell it, share it or even go into manufacturing it. It would be better to be acknowledged as the one who succeeded after Bessler and earn nothing rather than not be acknowledged because some else stole it and you still earned nothing.

However, you can either ignore the above paragraph and get a patent or, if it worries you, you can ignore it because you believe, as I do, it’s just a load of conspiracy theories without foundation.  Actually the easy way through all the hassle, worry, costs, time-wasting, legal jungle, …give it away freely, as I would.



  1. "Not that I’m revealing anything I think I know until I’ve built something that actually works."

    I guess that means that we may never learn what you think you know. It sounds like you are afraid of being wrong. You said that the best thing for a pm chaser to do is just give his invention away to avoid the hassle of today's patenting process. Fine. If that is okay, then why is you giving away what you think you know now not okay? What difference would make if either you or someone else used what you think you know to find a working pm device? Isn't what really counts that it IS found by someone?

    1. Fair question anon. 09.45. The reason for my reluctance to share, pending confirmation of a working model, is just because I want, if possible, to be the one who reveals a working model. If it gets to the point where I can’t build it I will share what I have found. Don’t forget I did share some of my ideas last year and they were quite rightly dismissed and that makes me more cautious about sharing without some evidence that I’m right.


    2. This is the way I see it. No one will be able to patent Perpetual Motion ever, (at least in the form of "self powered wheel") because it was invented very long time ago, the only confirmed working model so far was built by Bessler.
      Everything he used to make it run was also invented very long time ago. What the PM chasers do today is, they search for how he did it. In other words they're are looking for an arrangement of certain componets (already invented) in a certain way, to make the thing turn. If someone will find it, it will fall in to discovery category, and you can't patent a discovery. Period. So if you're in it for the fortune, I suggest find different hobby. I could be wrong but I could be right.

      Have fun

    3. Can you patent scientific discoveries?

      Even if you make a new and useful scientific discovery that no one else has ever thought of, you cannot get a patent on it because you did not actually create the fact you discovered. ... However, if you can come up with an invention that makes use of that fact, you can patent the invention.

      You can not patent a previously undiscovered Law of Nature - you can patent a wheel that is a runner that uses this now discovered Law of Nature i.e. give it technical effect.

      Whether you should or not is another matter.

    4. I do agree with you 100%. However it seems you leave yourself a little bit of room for hope, that there might be some undiscovered Laws of Nature, or maybe existing laws of physics can be "adjusted" or "corrected" some how. PM and Bessler’s wheel work according to existing laws,(eye witnesses accounts clearly confirm that fact) they do not violate any of them, ther is no conflict of any kind. There is nothing inside that wheel you can patent. Once the solution is out someone will squeeze tons of $£€ out of it, but it won't be you. You will never face that dilemma should I patent it or should I not. Because it is un patentable.

      Have fun

    5. BNR said "... that there might be some undiscovered Laws of Nature, or maybe existing laws of physics can be "adjusted" or "corrected" some how. PM and Bessler’s wheel work according to existing laws,(eye witnesses accounts clearly confirm that fact) they do not violate any of them, there is no conflict of any kind."

      Of course there must be some undiscovered Law of Nature. A mechanical circumstance that allows a runner to gain momentum once given a slight push start for the two-way wheels to operating speed. Or to complete a full revolution and then build up momentum to operating speed for the one-way wheels. That is gain RKE with no known "usual and non-negotiable" energy input source.

      Newtons' Laws do not allow for this possibility. The formulas used are circular and self-referencing making them water tight for all intents and purposes. Conservation of Energy Law is derived from f = ma. This means for a runner to exist at all the Laws are not absolute for ALL mechanical operations. And that is the essence of the undiscovered Law of Nature in-waiting. The Thermodynamic Laws sit above the Mechanical Laws.

      The witnesses did not see how it worked (except for Karl and he wasn't telling). Therefore they could only offer observations (they could not vouch for non-violation of existing Laws today). Many thought it was entirely genuine. But they could no more explain its behaviour than we can presently. If that is not a conflict then I don't know what would be.

      If you think Bessler built genuine excess impetus wheels then how did they mechanically build momentum, and not violate Newton's Laws? If you think they were clever fakes then how did he fake the load test performances etc?

    6. So far Ken B has the only explanation for how Bessler's wheels put out mechanical energy that makes any sense to me. There was no violation of CoE when they did that. The energy came from the masses of a rotating wheel's shifting weights and levers. Those parts had tremendous energy in them and even after a wheel ran for years the decrease in their masses would have been too small for the scientists of the 18th century to measure even with their best equipment, but today we might be able to do it. In that century they also had no idea that energy and mass were the same. That was not known until the beginning of the 20th century. Remember that E = mc^2 equation that Einstein promoted?

      Even if Bessler had revealed the parts inside of his wheel drums, they would have been unable to understand how the wheels could run except that they just kept overbalanced as they turned. That is obvious but it does not explain where the energy came from. You need a finer explanation for that and Ken B found one and has repeated it for years now. It's really a very simple explanation when you think about it and it does not even require gravity for a wheel to run because it could also run in a spinning centrifuge out in space where there is no gravity.

    7. KB's sim is a non peer reviewed HOAX. His mechanical method of continuous rotation from sustained overbalance is deeply flawed.

      His theory for the energy supply to B's wheels is HOKUM.

      His theory is that because the wheel turns it components lose more mass over the ages than other things made of the same material here on earth beside it. Yet they all have the same atomic number. If it were true then after 4.5 billion years here on earth, the elements that made their way here after forming in stars would show a slight variation depending on whether they were at the equator or the poles etc, and the route they took, and spin etc, to get here. But they don't.

    8. @anon 01:32
      I wouldn't be too sure about that. As I understand what he claims, matter only loses its mass at a very gradual rate when it is part of the active mechanisms inside of a turning overbalanced wheel that stays overbalanced as it turns such as a Bessler wheel did This doesn't happen to the mass of other parts of such a wheel that just rotate around the center of the wheel's axle but don't shift around as they do so and contribute to the wheel's overbalance.

      This mass loss also doesn't happen to any of the matter in the crust of the Earth as it rotates around our planet's axis of rotation either regardless of if it is located at the equator or near one of the poles. That is to be expected because our planet is not a giant overbalanced pm wheel!

      Ken B has a unique explanation that can be tested once we finally reproduce Bessler's wheels and let them run continuously for a few years. The real "hokum" is everyone else's "explanation", if they even have one, which tells us nothing and usually turns into techno babble showing that those proposing them are really clueless when it comes to explaining how Bessler's wheels managed to apparently produce energy out of nowhere. They didn't. They carried their energy supplies inside of them and they were enormous amounts of energy. But, only Bessler's wheels could tap that energy.

      I am definitely a fan of Ken B and a believer in his version of Bessler's wheels.

    9. Then build it idiot fanboy.

    10. You anon's may be Ken B fans, but I bet you don't have your official Ken B fan club tee shirts yet!

    11. I want one of those to add to my collection, but how do you order it? All he does it show it on his website.

    12. @anon 03:04. You can't order one from Ken because he does not stock and sell them. Also, he does not have an "official" fan club.

      I emailed him a few weeks ago because I also wanted one and he replied that he made up the tee shirt and put it on his website's gift shop page as a gag to pull on a friend of his. Then he was surprised to begin getting emails from people who saw it and actually wanted to buy them! He just tells them to send a copy of the tee shirt's image to a site like this:

      and they will make up the shirt for them. Of course, one will pay more it if he only buys one shirt than if he buys a dozen of them.

      He said it's a good idea to order one size larger than you think you need because these shirts can shrink a little after the first few washings. He also said that he selected a green color for the shirt because he's convinced that the cloth coverings on the sides of Bessler's 12 foot diameter wheels were dyed a dark green color. That had something to do with keeping daylight coming through windows from shining through from one side of a drum to the other side which would have acted like an x-ray to show how a wheel's parts were shaped and placed. Of course, you can order your shirt in any color you want, but unless it's green it won't have the "Ken B approved" color. Lol!

    13. Dying the linen cloth he used makes sense because linen is normally almost white in color and can act like a movie screen for shadows. Bessler also oiled the dark dyed cloth and there is another obvious reason for that.

      After the cloth was dyed and stretched to cover the sides of drums, he must have noticed that after he oiled the various parts like lever bearings inside of the drum, some of the oil was leaking out and staining the dyed linen. That immediately revealed where the parts were located. That would have been unacceptable to someone as paranoid about secrecy as Bessler. To hide those oil spots, he just soaked the rest of the linen with oil.

      But with all of that oil in the linen, I wonder if, when a wheel was stationary for a long time, some of it would have been drawn by gravity to the lower part of the drum and start dripping out of the cloth and onto the floor under the drum? Something like this happens every time I wring out some wet clothing and then hang it up dry. I wouldn't be surprised if Bessler slid a small metal pan under the drums of his 12 foot diameter wheels to catch that oil and then would recycle it by using a brush to paint it back onto the cloth faces of the drum again after he had collected enough of it.

      I think there must have been a lot of messy details involved in maintaining his wheels that he conveniently forgot to mention in his books. That was so he wouldn't turn off anyone thinking about buying his invention. But this is the case with most of the commercials we see. Advertisers usually don't mention the negative features of what they are selling and only talk about how much good they will do for the buyer.


    14. Anon 01:32 wrote "KB's sim is a non peer reviewed HOAX." Right now there is no proof it's a hoax and he gives very detailed instructions in his book that will allow anyone to sim the design he found. If they decide not to make those sims that it is their choice and no fault of Ken B.

    15. Wrong! Parts that should collide in his sim do not, and one moves through another when it should not and should transfer its kinetic energy to a stop. This is a naive novice error that he claims he did not notice, yet hasn't corrected. The sim continues on with no change in velocity from this mammoth construction blunder. He shows the sim in a steady state rpm as though turned by a motor. He does not show it accelerating from a standing start to working rpm and then maintaining that speed to supposedly replicate Bessler's first one-way wheel. There is no information about the accuracy settings used in the sim or overlap error settings etc which are adjustable sensitivity parameters to test the reliability of any sim. Lastly his overbalance method of weighted Y levers, ropes, and springs in concert produces no self-moving torque conditions as the spring assistance also needs resetting which takes energy from the system. Deliberate hoax!

    16. I see no convincing evidence of it being a "deliberate hoax".

      I've looked at Ken's wheel video many times and its hard to notice the lever to stop collision error unless you view it full screen and at high resolution. I've made many sims of my own in the past and only later discovered I forgot to set some collision parameter for two of their parts. The fact that his accidental omission, which he admitted and even tells a viewer how to find, did not affect the wheel's performance shows the resiliency of the design. He probably didn't correct it in his uploaded video because it was almost unnoticeable and did not seriously affect performance.

      His wheel turns at a steady speed which he said he slowed down "greatly" to allow lever action to be easily observed. Possibly his model wheel had already reached its maximum speed and was no longer accelerating. He only shows a single wheel rotation. If the wheel was turning at 60 rpm, then we're actually only seeing one second of its motion that Ken then stretched out to about 30 seconds for his video. Even if the wheel had been accelerating, it would be difficult to notice in his video.

      I don't think his Y levers needed any energy to reset themselves. That is an automatic feature of this unique oob design. Most of the levers are only balanced against each other when the cog is on one side of axle. As the wheel turns it causes the cog to drop and move under the center of the axle and the active levers then automatically respond by returning it to its starting point. I think he's finally found an oob wheel design that actually works!

    17. You keep believing your narrative Gumby!

      I am an experienced sim user too. I'd be embarrassed to own up to that video and it demonstrates at the very least his incompetence, and probably his dishonesty.

    18. @ anon 09:38
      If you are so "experienced", then you shouldn't have any problem making a sim of Ken's wheel based on those precise details he gave in his book. What is really important is not whether he goofed a bit on the sim he used for his YT video, but whether he's found the secret of Bessler's wheels and right now about 70% of those viewing his video believe that he has. Count me in that 70%. Everyone else talks endlessly about finding Bessler's secret, but Ken got to work and did it...with a lot of help from Bessler, of course.

    19. Rubbish! I wouldn't waste my time. How did your sim replication go for you? He built thousands of sims over many years of Bessler's "simple wheel" concept he found in the tea leaves until he miraculously got one faulty one to 'work'. And no one has replicated it with the mistakes fixed. Don't make me laugh! Gullibility doesn't even come close to describing you and your 70 percenters fanboy club!

    20. In his book Ken claims that he constructed two thousand sims over the course of about a decade while constantly looking for clues and the proper interpretations of them in mainly the DT portraits. That was because he was convinced that if Bessler actually recorded his secret anywhere, it would be in those two portraits. Ken was close to calling it quits about a dozen times, but something always kept him coming back to give it another try.

      None of the sims he made worked until the very last few when by an incredible stroke of luck he managed to stumble upon some clues in the DT portraits that gave the correct places to attach certain of the cords between the levers and also the exact lengths to use for those cords. Those cords provide what Bessler called his "connectedness principle" which is critical to making an overbalanced wheel using weights on levers work.

      When Ken used that information, he was suddenly getting constant torque out of his simmed wheels and they started to complete full rotations. This was something he had never seen before and he mentions that he then knew exactly how joyful Bessler must have felt when he first got his 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel to run continuously. If he had not seen that happen, then he would not have written his book which gives the details of his rediscovery of Bessler's design. At some point the constant frustration and failures would have become too much for him to take and, like all others eventually did, he would just have given up and declared it a hopeless cause and even possibly that Bessler's wheels had somehow all been fakes.

      His goal was never to actually start building replicas of Bessler's wheels himself, but to make sure the details of the rediscovery would not be lost and would always be available to those few who might want to attempt making working reproductions of Bessler's actual wheels. He has certainly achieved that goal.

      I think all of those who are skeptical of his claims should obtain a copy of his book and actually read it carefully. I think if they do they will see that what he's found is for real. It required an incredible amount of effort and he must be admired for having hung in there long enough to complete the project successfully. Many thousands before him failed to find a solution to the Bessler wheel mystery because it was one extremely hard nut to crack. In his book Ken mentions that he is not a religious person, but he considers his rediscovery to be a genuine miracle because of the enormous amount of luck he needed to make it.

    21. I didn't ask about KB's sims, or his history and book - I already know it is a faultily built sim and is a disingenuous hoax of his imagined Bessler runner, for his own purposes.

      I asked you how YOUR sim replication of his sim, with the aid of the book detail, had gone for you. Which you conveniently do not address in your enthusiasm to promote KB and his book.

      If you are genuinely and objectively interested in the facts and the truth of matters then start with some glaringly obvious faults with the KB narrative of discovery and his sim development and performance characteristics based thereon. His convenient "facts" incorporated into his sim which are not the witness reported but are readily available recorded observations. He obviously did not attend investigative journalist school.

      You can research these for yourself. Wagner First Critique - Wagner says Bessler's first wheel was the Gera wheel at 2 1/2 ells diameter. Bessler himself says in AP his first successful revolving wheel was the Gera wheel. The prototype was an experiment that showed promise but was not a runner bthat KB say was. Wagner says he built a wheel that could duplicate Bessler's performances. And Wagner's could raise a similar load the same height with no noticeable slowing of the wheel (this is contrary to KB's insistence that the Merseburg lift test slowed the wheel to a near stop) as his YT videos promote and show. Wagner in chapter XXIX also said categorically that "a load hung from it does not weaken the rotations noticeably" when talking about the Merseburg load test.

      KB says the wheel slows from a lack of internal power and a loss of Angular Momentum to an almost stop to complete the box of bricks two levels lift test. Because it fits his blinkered narrative and sim model that he has committed to!

  2. John, may I ask if you still have the "Time capsule" in place, in case (God forbid) you are called elsewhere, before you have shown us the working "Collins wheel"?

    1. Yes it’s safe but I’m modifying it and I’m also encoding the text and I plan to place it on my blog, as a separate page, it will be difficult to decipher but easier than Bessler’s.


    2. All such internet based "time capsules", webpages, and hidden codes will eventually be ground up and used for road fill over in China when the server drives they are stored on break down, are written off a irreparable, scrapped, and shipped away to help keep the rubbish piles in our dumps from getting too high. Publicly releasing one's information in a timely fashion, however, saves it from that miserable fate and puts it into the minds of many others.

      If it is valid information, it will be put to use and will not be lost forever. Unless one is carving his information into the walls of megalithic structures like the pyramids over in Egypt, that is really the only way humanity preserves its knowledge...from generation to generation...from mother to daughter...from father to son...from teacher to student. Did anyone here learn how to tie his shoelaces by watching it done in a youtube video or reading about it on a webpage? Never underestimate the power of "word of mouth" preservation and transmission of information.

      John, seems concerned about getting credit for his discoveries. Imo, he's a hundred times more likely to get that credit if he discloses what he currently thinks he knows then if he hides it away and waits for the magic day to arrive when he finally has a runner and he can then release it publicly. That day may never come and all of what he thinks he knows could wind up just disappearing like the morning dew.

    3. There are more ways than one to preserve information for the future.


    4. JC wrote: "I’m also encoding the text and I plan to place it on my blog, as a separate page, it will be difficult to decipher but easier than Bessler’s."

      Didn't you have some pm principle based on the sport of kiiking that you "encoded" years ago into a long string of letters and numbers that you placed on every blog page so you could preserve it for posterity? Everyone was mystified by it and tried to crack the code without success. You were quite satisfied about that at the time.

      Then a few years later we noticed that the code suddenly disappeared and you had to then sheepishly admit that you had FORGOTTEN how to decode it! Lol! If you stop trying to play the role of Bessler with all sorts of secret codes and just state your pm principle in plain English you won't have to worry about forgetting how to decode it again!

    5. To respond to your points; yes the principle still relates to the kiiking action. Yes I did lose track of the code I used, although I found it later, but by then the coded passage had dropped out of sight, and the plain text, as relating to ciphers, had been significantly altered as more Bessler information revealed itself.

      I’m satisfied that I have enough to build a model, and our house move is actually happening at last. My plan is to move in as soon as possible, hopefully in January, but just possibly before Christmas, then I can start the build.

      I understand the frustration I cause by not sharing yet, but in my experience, it’s better to publish physical proof rather than what appears to be unsupported speculation. I have written a complete description of the whole wheel and it’s mechanisms, complete with drawings and how the whole thing correlates with Bessler’s information. I have more drawings to add and others to improve and there is more text to add and the whole thing runs to over fifty pages but I shall try to reduce it. The drawings considerably add to the length and the project needs the attention of a professional composited. Once it’s done I can publish it. When that time comes, I expect to have finished and proved or failed to prove my design, and will go ahead with sharing and publishing everything.

      I’ll be 77 next February and even though I’m fit I don’t want to risk losing the chance to share everything before I’m unable to do so through physical or mental incapacity - or something more permanent!


    6. 77? If that Sayer of Sooths guy was here he would probably be telling you that age is the luckiest time of your life and those double 7's guarantee that you find your runner in 2022! Didn't he tell you years ago to carry some sort of lucky charm with you shaped like the number 7? He was very serious about that as I recall and claimed he carried such a charm and others with him. On a superstitious scale of 0 to 10, he registered about 73! Lol!

    7. It's all hoax and specifically designed to subjugate and reduce the population.

    8. Trevor, you sound like you are watching too much of the Fox "News" Channel. You need to switch over to CNN to get back in touch with reality again.

    9. Thank you for your encouraging comment 06.22, I’ll be 77 in 2021 And it’ll be 5th of second month, so 77 on 5.2.21 and of course everyone knows I believe Bessler used 5 mechanisms and weights in pairs. I don’t claim to be superstitious but I could conceivably fit what happens in with those dates. Would that be ‘luck’ or good planning?


    10. I was walking in my forest, wondering how Bessler managed to find the secret. I noticed that there were three trees that created a triangle.

    11. JC wrote "I’ll be 77 in 2021..."

      Don't you mean that you will be 77 in 2022?

    12. Oops! Thanks, I’m sure I hit 2022, but my fingers are a kind of large!


    13. Hi RH46, I would hope I had more reason to believe Bessler’s wheel had five mechanisms than your implication that I had no more reason than your three trees created a triangle.


    14. Yes, John certainly has more reason to believe that Bessler's wheels used five mechanisms. John was walking in another and bigger forest and noticed five trees forming a pentagon!

      Maybe you guys need to stay out of forests?

    15. And the other 99.99% of Bessler pm wheel chasers must have been taking walks in yet another and even bigger forest where they found eight trees forming an octagon! Lol!

    16. I don't believe that one bit. I just checked all of my trees, not one octagon and not one pentagon, just triangles, and loads of the bloody things.
      curiously enough, there are also two trees, that if i extend the line created between them, it lines up, exactly, with the right ear of the sphinx. And the two trees in question also make a triangle with another tree.

    17. John keeps promoting his five mech wheel idea every chance he gets.

      But, ask yourself there a single wheel shown anywhere in MT that has five mechs in it? If there is, I can't find it. The big problem with a five mech wheel design it that, as it rotates, during the first 36 degrees you have three mechs on one side of the axle and two on the other side. Then during the next 36 degrees the situation switches and you have the three mechs replaced with two mechs and the two mechs replaced with three. This switch takes place EVERY 36 degrees for a total of ten times per wheel rotation. Does that sound like it could lead to a design that keeps its center of gravity on ONE side of the wheel as it rotates? Of course it doesn't.

      I think John needs to get over this pentagon obsession of his if he ever wants to make any serious progress. If Bessler actually used five mechs there would be some evidence of it in MT, but there isn't any. Also, is there any evidence of five mechs used in any of his other drawings? Again, if there is I can't find it.

  3. Will there be anyone left in the world to use it, billions have taken the lethal shot.

    1. That "lethal shot" has probably saved millions of lives so far! A lot of people still think that Covid-19 is either a hoax or it's just another flu. It is neither. It has so far in the US killed about 766,000 Americans and that is more than were killed by the famous Spanish Influenza pandemic back in 1918 and they didn't have viral vaccinations, oxygen therapy, and ventilators back then. Before it is finally over with, the US could lose over ONE MILLION citizens. The exact number killed worldwide so far is still not certain, but estimated to be around 5 million! That figure could double in the coming year because in many of the poorer countries only a few percent of the population is vaccinated and they tend to be the richer ones.

      I would strongly urge anyone out there who is not yet vaccinated, but qualified to be, to get their vaccination and do it as soon as possible. Don't be one of the last to die from this killer because of the right wing media nonsense you are being bombarded with. Right now there are thousands of people on ventilators in the US wishing that they hadn't been so stupid to believe the anti-vax propaganda and had gotten their widely available and free vaccinations during the months they could have prior to their infections. Some of those people are referred to as the "living dead" because their lungs have been so damaged by the virus that they can only breath and stay alive when they are on the ventilators and having pure oxygen pumped into their lungs. God only knows what will happen to them in the future...a few will be lucky enough to get lung transplants that may allow them to return to almost normal lives again.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    2. The shots are soft kill weapons. There is no virus, it was never isolated.

    3. Is it the lizard people, who live on the flat Earth or aliens, that are responsible for all the recent deaths around the globe?
      I have a job keeping up with all this nonsense, I think i might have to ask Q anon, at least we can count on him to give us e reasonable explanation of all the goings on in the modern world.

    4. Anon 22:41 wrote "There is no virus, it was never isolated."

      I guess all of those microscope photos they have of freshly made corona virus particles bursting out of human cells were all faked then?

    5. I want proof that covid-19 is real . Otherwise I will have to continue regarding it as heresay, because that is the only logical thing to do if its existence has not been proven scientifically.

    6. If covid-19 was not real it would not have killed millions around the world so far and they wouldn't have developed vaccines to protect people from it. It is 100% real as many finally realized who got infected by it, had to be hospitalized, and landed on ventilators wondering if they would live or die from it. Right now in the US about 2.4% of those in hospitals from it are much for the right wing media bs that kids are immune to covid-19.

  4. People are dying
    and its not aliens or lizards or flat earth, it is real. They want the poplultion reduced to 500 million - to save the environment and they are carrying out the genocide, its happening right now.

    1. "They want the poplultion reduced to 500 million - to save the environment and they are carrying out the genocide, its happening right now. "

      Actually the capitalists who own the world couldn't care less about saving the environment and they want as many people competing with each other for jobs to keep the wages as low as possible. That helps the rich get even richer by cutting labor costs. No, covid is really a capitalist's worst nightmare.

      But while this pandemic rages, you can be sure that the rich will also be trying to figure out ways to get even richer off of it. The vaccine makers, hospitals, funeral homes, and coffin manufacturers are raking in the money faster than they ever thought possible!

    2. "Actually the capitalists who own the world couldn't care less about saving the environment and they want as many people competing with each other for jobs to keep the wages as low as possible."

      No captalists are not the top tier of the world, those at the top do not even use the same money as w do, they actually use gold coins to pay each other with,if they need ordinary money they can type in the amount to their computers and it appears in their accounts from thin air, they want depopulaion for a smaller more controllable herd of sheeple, they do not need humans as they can now build AI robots to do work for them for free, so many humans are no longer needed, the lethal injections are to kill the population off within a few years, there is no virus, 5G causes the same sysmtoms as the 'covid' - which does not even exist, it was never isolated in any lab.

    3. I wish they would tell me how I can type an amount into my computer and make the balance in my checking account go up with money that appears out of thin air!

  5. Hi John,
    I'm toying with an idea at the moment that fits all the visual clues,but the wheel of fifths. I don't understand it properly, maybe someone can help.
    The only way I can see it fitting in is like so :-
    Take a pentagon, with a point at the top, then impose another over it, 36° turned around, giving 10 points.
    Turn the whole thing until the next point reaches the top, and that's 1/2 a turn for the 5 points of the first pentagon.
    I believe the wheel of fifths is something to do with 5 half notes between each point.
    To me 1/2 and 5 seem to correlate in some way.
    Anyone have any thoughts?


    1. Hi STEVO,
      Forget 5, (sorry John), weren't you working with pendulums? If so, they have to work in pairs. One pend. lifts the other one then it drives the wheel. Supposedly Bessler stated that the weights, (pends.), worked in pairs. If you are looking for clues, this one is a biggie, maybe one of the biggest-------------------Sam

    2. Hi Sam,
      yes, I was working with pendulums,but after making a few models that didn't work, I decided to start afresh.
      Like I said, two pentagons will give eight taps.
      My idea links all the visual clues.
      Bessler on his swing
      Toy page
      Apologia Wheel
      Wheel of fifths, maybe
      With all those coming together, it seems worthy of further investigation.


    3. And, I nearly forgot, two weights will over balance the wheel, it also works out that one weight will move four.


    4. Good luck with it STEVO!! Sorry; can't help you with the fifths------------Sam

  6. PS,
    The reason I ask is, although my idea may work with one pentagon, two would give eight taps on the side per rotation.


    1. How about uploading a sketch somewhere so we will understand what you are trying to describe and how it is supposed to work?

    2. It's only a half baked idea, scribbled on a note pad at the moment.
      I'll get some bits tomorrow and have a dabble.


    3. Hi Stevo, good luck with your idea. I’m on a different path but who knows, you could be ion the right track.


    4. I've knocked up a model out of cardboard for quickness, the idea seems sound, don't know how the springs will interact with each other as I don't have any at the moment. I can get some tomorrow, they won't be the curly logo type, but I think I can use helical ones.


    5. I knocked up a model once...I'm still paying her child support...

  7. Let's see the skeptics explain away this one!

    1. To be honest I can't see any easy way to explain this one away. It looks like a variation of that flipping magnet motor wheel we saw in the last blog only this time there are two magnets at the ends of a rocking beam that power the main wheel. He explains how it is supposed to work but the youtube auto translator does a bad job of translation on this one and I don't understand Portuguese. To me it looks a little like a magnetic version of a Stirling engine.

  8. Near the end he cuts away and then comes back into a new frame. It is stopped and he examines it and explains the components. He turns it around. The first thing I notice is that the rocker shaft doesn't appear to have any spacers, allowing it to move laterally a little by the looks. Generally it appears that precision is not that important. The questions start coming thick and fast. Why doesn't it begin accelerating of its own accord when he turns the flywheel through it paces? It passes the apparent rocker button magnets (the gate) and if there was a push/repel force it should give it a kick to the next station if well balanced, to continue on and through, or not have enough RKE to get past the next gate (the hump) and is impeded. It doesn't appear to do this at any gate and rolls on through. Many experimenters have tried variations of this approach. The common problem encountered is that if a magnet is strong enough to attract something and accelerate it it is also strong enough to no let it go once pulled closer. Unless it is theoretically magnetically shielded or is an electromagnet arrangement.

    Lastly, in the same continuous shot, he doesn't restart it again once placing it back on the table top.

    1. It's most likely just another hoax.

      Don't assume that those magnets at the ends of the lever are actually magnets. They are probably made of nonmagnetic materials and have no effect at all on the real magnets on the disc. The disc's magnets are actually being powered by a reed switch controlled, battery powered solenoid attached under the wooden tabletop and right below where he carefully places his "enchanted disc" pm wheel.

      Why didn't he use a table with a glass top? Why didn't he pick his invention up about a foot off of the tabletop to show it wasn't powered by the pulsing electromagnetic field of a solenoid attached under the tabletop? The answers are simple. He couldn't do that without giving his hoax away or causing the disc to stop turning.

    2. His wrinkly hands show he's an old man. Some elderly, burned out pm chasers can turn into hoaxers out of a growing need to finally get some attention for getting something amazing working after years of failure. That need gets stronger as the grim reaper approaches them and they get to the point where they can justify their hoaxes by thinking they won't do any real harm since pm is probably possible anyway and, who knows, maybe someday they will actually get something running.

      That day, however, never comes and whatever they show never leads to anything real. Their videos are just more eyeball attracting, free content for sites like youtube that load them up with ads. They tolerate them, aside from respecting everyone's freedom of expression, because they bring in ad revenue and that's ultimately what video hosting sites are all!

  9. He's back with another optical illusion solution to pm!

    1. It's amazing what can be done with computers nowadays!

  10. Hallo nochmal an alle meine guten Bessler freunde. Hier ist ein weiteres geschenk von Bessler:


    1. That looks like it could work! It reminds me a little of MT 26. Someone needs to sim this one.

    2. The CoG is on the descending side and below a horizontal line through the axle's center which should produce clockwise rotation. What I find interesting about this design is that the weights sliding on the wheel's spokes rise vertically through the same distances that the weights with the two arms attached to them drop vertically as they shift the sliding weights. I'm assuming that the two types of weights have the same mass, but maybe the slighting weights are lighter? I've haven't seen a design with this particular feature before. This certainly looks like something Bessler could have come up with.

      But like everything else Bessler ever showed us, it looks like it might work and then, if you actually build or sim it, you find out how deceiving looks can be when it comes to pm wheels.


    3. Typo alert...substitute the word "sliding" for "slighting" in the third sentence above.


    4. I wonder if Bessler ever tried building this one. It doesn't look like it would be too hard to make. Then again we don't know exactly which of the ones in MT he built. Making drawings of pm machines is one thing, but actually building them is something else.

    5. @JEEB1717

      Thank you for sharing another one of Bessler's early drawings with us. We look forward to seeing anything else you may decide to share with us in the future.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    6. JEEB1717 is sharing with us some material from a notebook containing early pencil drawings Bessler made of pm machines which JEEB1717 claims he paid a high price for and now owns. Fine. I can accept his claim as valid at this time and I do sincerely thank him for sharing them with us.

      But here's something that occurred to me.

      What if Bessler actually had a runner in one of those early designs he sketched, but he never knew it because he never got around to actually building it to see if it worked?! If that happened, then, possibly, one of the drawings JEEB1717 will be showing us could actually be capable of pm!

      Something to keep in mind if and when we see more...

  11. The pivot points are clearly shown in this diagram (some of Bessler's MT's are not so clearly defined). IMO, regardless of the relative differences between the articulated masses and the radial slider masses there will be no excess CW torque to cause a self-moving long term.

    What the diagram does show is an idealized shifting (lifting) arrangement before reaching the 8-2 o'cl radial. Both lifts, bottom left and top right, require a 'Work Done' ( f x d ) Input i.e. an energy injection. And in the representation shown it would then have an abundant COG/COM displacement to the right and down of axle to continue rotation.

    The resetting of the arrangement (as shown) is unachievable and unrealistic without further intervention to provide the assist required.


    1. Whether this alleged Bessler wheel design can work will, as you suggest, depend on what happens as a pair of weights travels from 6 to 8 o'clock and also from 12 to 2 o'clock. If their shiftings are delayed then it probably won't work. But, if their shiftings are prompt then? I agree with anon 21:49 that this wheel needs to be simmed.

    2. Way too much friction and the transfer of position would be too slow

    3. No problem, SG. Bessler just had to make sure everything was well oiled up. I think the weights that slid along the spokes were probably cannonballs that had holes bored out of their centers. Bessler could have just made the holes slightly larger in diameter than the spokes and they would have fit the spokes loosely to help reduce friction.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...