Monday, 8 November 2021

Stating the Obvious About Johann Bessler’s Wheel.

I usually prefer to ignore the discussion about the term ‘perpetual motion’, because it has become confusing and the definition has altered between Bessler’s time and today.  I think we all know what we mean by the term, the wheel that speeds up to a certain speed and maintains it indefinitely. Even Bessler questioned the use of the phrase, he said it could not literally be perpetual, because the materials of which it was made could not last, and there would be wear and tear etc.  He called it ‘Perpetual Motion, as they say’ or ‘as it were’, implying that it was called that by habit but was not correct.  His exact wording in AP, ‘Perpetuum mobile per se’, which translated is, ‘by or in itself or themselves; intrinsically.’  In reality I prefer terms such as , ‘continuous or sustained or constant motion’, which doesn’t imply that it’s perpetual, but is non-stop or continuous at a particular moment. 

I think that we have to stop looking for any other source of energy, it’s clear to me that however you look at it, gravity lies at the heart of Bessler’s wheel.  We have endlessly argued that gravity cannot be the source of energy for the device, but there isn’t anything else.  I myself and others have researched, studied, experimented, built models, right from the start, myself for over 50 years, but there is nothing that fits in with what we know of Bessler’s wheel, as he described it except using the force of gravity.

We know gravity is a force, an attraction between objects of mass, for instance, and it gives weights their……weight.  When motionless they retain their gravitational input as potential energy, when dropping they are expending that same energy as kinetic energy.  We also know it isn’t a source of energy, at least not in the literal sense.  But it does supply a continuous force which we routinely use, via streams of water for instance. Water is the connecting medium between gravity and say a water mill and the weights are the connecting medium between gravity and the mechanisms in Bessler’s wheel. 

We work with formulae that can predict the work done by gravity and it sometimes seems as though the weight is inherent within the mass, but it’s not, it’s the force of gravity giving it that weight.  In gravity-less conditions the weights become weightless.  In space it is the attributes of mass which provide it’s amount of inertia or resistance to being moved or being stopped moving. That inertia is acted on by gravity, and the greater the mass the greater the affect of gravity.

In the end Bessler’s wheel used weights to make it turn continuously, gravity caused the weights to fall, the right configuration of the weights allowed the fallen weights to rise to their pre-fall position. It’s perfectly possible and it cannot act contrary to the established laws of physics no matter how much we are told it must.  

One more thing; the wheel was able to do work as well as simply turn.  A distinct gap between the energy generated by the falling weights and that expended in returning each one to its pre-fall position must have been present, sufficient to provide a mechanical advantage .  This extra energy was enough to not only drive the wheel round but also continue to do extra work, i.e. lift heavy weights, drive an Archimedes water pump etc. This is a logical outcome of the inclusion of weights reacting to the force of gravity.  Within the gap the heavier the weights used, the more powerful the wheel; either lifting heavier loads or turning faster. This additional work could be modified by alterations to the internal configuration, while retaining the continuous rotational ability.

So the energy Bessler’s wheel used to make it turn continuously was derived from the falling of the weights, and their subsequent placement prior to their return to their pre-fall position.

The energy was generated by each falling weight, but the particular configuration in Bessler’s wheel, allowed it to raise the weights at less cost in energy than that generated in their fall, hence the supplementary energy available for turning the wheel and doing work.




  1. John wrote "I think that we have to stop looking for any other source of energy, it’s clear to me that however you look at it, gravity lies at the heart of Bessler’s wheel."

    Maybe on Earth, but not out in space. One idea I read about had two Bessler wheels out in interstellar space attached to the two ends of a long ladder shaped frame that kept flipping end over end to provide the CF needed to keep both wheels running. This did away completely with the need for a planet to provide gravity and even a rotating space station to provide the CF. The two wheels and their common frame actually became their own space station!

    If this would work then it also implies that the energy gotten from those wheels isn't being supplied by a planet's gravity and I don't think it could be supplied by the weak gravity field of each wheel. There has to be another source for that energy unless you think it can just pop into existence because of some magical mechanisms Bessler used that supposedly also did not violate any of the laws of physics or mechanics.

    1. The second paragraph contains the concept you suggested I used in my blog, “ you think it can just pop into existence because of some magical mechanisms Bessler used that supposedly also did not violate any of the laws of physics or mechanics.”. Oh the irony!


    2. John wrote: "We have endlessly argued that gravity cannot be the source of energy for the device, but there isn’t anything else."

      Not true! Those who have accepted Ken B's view (I'm one of them) would quickly point out that there would be plenty of energy in each one of those four pound weights that Bessler used in his Merseburg wheel. Just use that E = mc^2 formula Einstein pushed and calculate how many joules is in just one of those weights and then compute how long it would take one of Bessler's big 12 foot diameter wheels to slowly output all of that energy at the rate of say 50 watts. You will be amazed at how long it would millions of years! Not really perpetual because eventually the weights would have no mass left and the wheel would then have no offset COG to make torque so it would have to stop. The weights would not disappear then though. They would still be there and look like they originally did but they would have no mass and no weight. If removed from a wheel and released they would just float right up to the top of our planet's atmosphere and probably get blown away by the solar wind. To get the wheel running again you would have to load it up with fresh lead weights.

      When you say that only gravity could power Bessler's wheels you are making a big assumption. Gravity only helps release the energy from the weights, but nothing would happen without the mass in the weights. You could also release that energy using centrifugal force, magnetic force, and maybe even by attaching long stretched springs or rubber bands to the weights to pull them to one side of a wheel's drum. I think any serious physicist would tell you that if Bessler didn't hoax his wheels (and I think we all agree he did not), then any energy they put out could only have come from the mass of their lead weights. In that way they could run and put out energy for very long times without violating the first law of thermodynamics and also without having an obvious conventional energy those running chickens mentioned in the last blog!

    3. I had a feeling it was you again Ken. I don’t know why you continue to promote your improbable solution here, I have asked you numerous times not to do so but you persist. I would have thought that if you really believed it you would make a genuine sim, and built a working model. But you don’t, you just promote your book. That tells me that you know your solution won’t work, so please just leave us alone.


    4. As far as his solution or wheel design being improbable I can only ask does anyone else have something that looks more probable? If so I haven't seen it yet. I read a lot of words online about what pm chasers plan to do but nothing ever comes from it and only a few actually share anything.

      Ken hasn't shared the sims he's got that he claims prove the design works but that does not necessarily mean those sims are not actual working ones. I think he might have several reasons for doing that but the main one would probably be to get people to buy and read his book so they can then get the measurements for the parts Bessler used which would then allow them to make their own sims. But I can tell from that video he made of his sim of that 3 foot diameter wheel that anyone trying to make his own sim of it had better be an advanced simmer because it is not a design for a beginner to try making.

  2. Hi John,
    I didn't have much luck with my model of Bessler's Wheel, it was too crude, but I have just noticed that Bessler left a perfect picture of my idea, I'm now 100% sure I have discovered the secret, if you knew my thoughts you would agree.
    I would like to share this info, but what is the best way to be acknowledged as the person who worked it out?


    1. Good question. You could call it the Bessler-Stevo wheel, or what ever name you might wish to be known as. I could publish the design and acknowledge you as the designer both here and on the BW forum. But it has to be a working model other wise no one will care. Good luck!


    2. You said that your idea matched one of Bessler's picture perfectly (not in those words) so really Bessler worked it out. What type of acknowledgement do you expect for pointing out which picture shows a working wheel?

    3. Bessler said something like "no illustration by itself contains a description of the motion; however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

      So either Bessler was lying or you are chasing another false lead.

    4. STEVO wrote: "I would like to share this info, but what is the best way to be acknowledged as the person who worked it out?'

      Simple. Just do like that "JEEB1717" guy from Germany did a few blogs ago. Make a drawing of the design of your "100% sure" design, upload it to a free image hosting site (I think he was using but there are many others), and then put a link to the image into a comment here. If you cannot do that then just send a copy of the drawing's image file to John and he can stick on this blog somewhere. That will immediately establish your credit for having discovered Bessler's secret.

      Of course, as soon as the image appears you can expect the armchair philosophers that visit this blog because they are bored by the nonstop dribble over at bwf to immediately begin shooting as many holes in it as they can. So you better be prepared for your design to be used for target practice until someone sims it and shows it works. And if anyone sims it you have to hope they know what they are doing when making accurate sims because only few do.

    5. Bessler's drawings and written clues are sort of like those ink blot tests that psychologists use in their experiments. Everyone will see something different in them depending on his background and be convinced that he's finally got his wheels all figured out. Probably a dozen or more of these types show up on alternative / free energy sites all over the world everyday. What comes of it all? Nothing that actually works.

      Some may make a sketch or two and then smugly sit back feeling like they really solved it. They will carry the sketch around with them for years and occasionally show it to someone they meet in an effort to impress them. A few of them will post a sketch online and when everyone shoots it down they go off in a huff regretting that they made the mistake of "casting their pearls before swine" and swear never to do that again. Even fewer will actually make an effort to build something and that can drag on for months and even years. Nothing ever runs but they all inevitably become convinced that their contraption can be made to work with the next little change they make to it. About 99% finally just give up and float off to pursue other interests. In anger for having wasted their time they may even join the crowd that says Bessler's wheels like all pm machines were all hoaxed and start warning others not to even try solving them.

    6. That is unfortunately so true, anon.05.21.


  3. Okay John,
    The only workshop facilities I have are at my place of employment. I'll have to make it gradually, and assemble it at home.


    1. Take your time Stevo, I don’t think there’s anyone else any nearer.


  4. Hi John,
    I feel that I must clear up some misunderstandings about my comments.
    Firstly, as you have stated on numerous occasions the solution to Bessler's Wheel is on the toys page. It shows the mechanism, and what has to be done to it.
    Secondly, what I erroneously called the perfect picture, shows how the activation is achieved.
    If you take the toys as separate illustrations, one shows the mechanism, one shows what has to be done to the mechanism, two show indirectly what the mechanism has to achieve, and one shows that the wheel is put out of balance by being top heavy.
    How the operation of the mechanism is accomplished is shown in the " perfect picture " elsewhere.
    The " activated position " of the mechanism can be seen many times in the portraits.
    All the components can be mounted on a single crossbar, a rim is not necessary.
    If I recall correctly, the covering on the early wheels was a flimsy frame, holding an oilcloth sheet, so as to hide the internal workings.
    I hope this clears things up.
    Finally, who wouldn't want to be acknowledged as the person who solved the mystery?
    I have a feeling John would.


  5. @STEVO
    Thanks for your description of what you think Bessler's secret was based on the toys page. It sounds like you've come up with some sort of flip over design that uses SB's to pull a weight up at 6:00 while pushing one up at 12:00 as pantographs attached to the two SB's activate them. Then when the wheel rotates though 180 degrees the action is repeated so the wheel keeps turning. The problem with designs like this is that for the SB's to raise the weights attached to their ends other weights attached to their other ends must drop and that then causes the CoG of all of the weights to stay where it started. I'd recommend you sim what you think the design is before you actually build it because SB's are a b*tch to work with.

    You mentioned the toys page and I've always been fascinated by it. I've concluded that the usual translation for the note with it is really bad. Imo, it should have been translated as:

    "Five children's toys where pivots do some amazing things when used by those who know how to properly apply them."

    I'm not convinced that the toys shown have anything to do with the actual mechanisms in Bessler's wheels aside from maybe giving a general idea of their motions and being connected together. BUT, Bessler is definitely calling everyone's attention to the PIVOTS in those toys, imo.

    I think he hid some information in them somehow. Certain of the pivots have letters next to them. Has anyone tried drawing lines to connect together the pivots with the letters. For example, I found that if you draw a line from the pivot to right of the E to the pivot above the A, that line will pass through the middle of the second C. That makes me think that there must be some sort of clue there that involves the letters ACE. Maybe it's part of a German word for something inside of his wheels?


    1. Hi Stan,
      no storkbills, they just show the action required. The mechanism operates between 3 O'clock and 12 O'clock.


    2. Hello again Stan,
      John has gone into the details of the toys page several times, the last one June 2020, I think. He gives an explanation of the lettering, which on my re - reading ties in with my idea.


  6. Hallo an alle meine guten Bessler freunde!

    Ich wollte dir dieses Bessler geschenk im letzten blog machen, aber es endete, bevor ich konnte! Hier ist es also jetzt.


    1. I’m curious about the origin of these drawings. They look old in style, but I note that they have the same curve distortions visible in MS paint, around the twelve, three, six and nine o’clock positions. Perhaps JEEB1717 can share their origin?


    2. Nice gift...thanks! It reminds me of MT50 and MT113 only he's using those weird hexagon pulleys in this one. Would they work?

    3. @anon 21:15

      Those hexagonal pulleys would work just fine as the flat pieces with the flip out levers traveled around them. However, I don't think this design would actually work if he constructed it. But it does have that kind of simple and reliable design we see in most of the MT drawings.

      He shows a belt from the top pulley to the wheel's axle which would probably be made from leather and tightened to prevent slipping. It looks like Bessler was anticipating some counterclockwise backlash of the vertical piece riding on the axle that has the two hexagon pulleys on it so he placed a heavy ballast weight at the bottom to stabilize everything.

      Yes, this is a very interesting design. Thanks for sharing it, JEEB1717!


    4. John, those drawings are probably made using something like MS Paint. JEEB1717 said they were done by a friend of his using photocopies of the pencil sketches in his book so we're not seeing the actual pencil sketches themselves. If the original sketches are in bad shape, then his friend is probably enhancing them to make them easier to view and understand. Imo, he's doing an excellent job because I could not make a drawing like that if my life depended on it.

    5. Für die, die es wissen wollen, diese zeichnungen stammen von meinem künstlerfreund Hans. Er schuldet mir viele gefälligkeiten, also ist es an der zeit, dass er sie zurückzahlt, indem er die zeichnungen für mich anfertigt. Ich schicke ihm eine fotokopie einer bleistiftzeichnung aus dem Bessler buch, das ich gekauft habe, und er macht eine schöne Bessler geschenkzeichnung, die ich Ihnen schicken kann. Er hat ein gutes sehvermögen. Mein sehvermögen ist schlecht.

      Die bleistiftzeichnungen im buch sind sehr verblasst, aber die seiten sind in gutem zustand. Mein buchexperte sagt, dass das buch kein billiges papier verwendet. Es ist aus leinen! So etwas habe ich noch nie gehört, aber es soll besser und teurer sein als papier aus holz. Bessler hat nur das beste verwendet!


    6. As I said before I would like to see photos of the originals, or scans, before I can consider them as legitimate. I’m as capable of understanding a pencil drawing over 300 years old as the person who is ‘probably enhancing them to make them easier to view’. This book is undocumented anywhere other than here and I must treat any claims with some scepticism without being given details of its provenance.


    7. Translation of above German.
      “ For those who want to know, these drawings are from my artist friend Hans. He owes me a lot of favors so it is time he paid them back by doing the drawings for me. I'll send him a photocopy of a pencil drawing from the Bessler book I bought, and he'll make a nice Bessler gift drawing that I can send you. He has good eyesight. My eyesight is bad.

      The pencil drawings in the book are very faded, but the pages are in good condition. My book expert says the book doesn't use cheap paper. It is made of linen! I've never heard of anything like it, but it's supposed to be better and more expensive than paper made from wood. Bessler only used the best!

    8. Why not send me a photocopy, photo or scan?


    9. I can post the image here so we can all see the original.


    10. Actually even if he did provide you and others who are strangers to him with photos, photocopies, and scans of the original book's pages, that would not eliminate the possibility that they had been hoaxed from your minds. Then you would want to personally handle and examine the originals. He certainly wouldn't send the book in the mail to any of you and he probably wouldn't want to reveal his identity and location to anyone so they could visit him. So I think all such requests for proof are probably just a waste of time. I think we should consider ourselves lucky that he's decided to share what he has with us so far and I hope he will continue to do so.

      The story that he has told us about the origin of the book sounds plausible to me and I can understand why he's not giving out complete information about this rare and unique item because of a desire to keep it secure and prevent forgeries from being made. I also doubt if he's even slightly concerned about proving to you or anyone else at this time that the book he has is authentic. The only thing that would have mattered to him was that its authenticity was proved to him prior to him paying so much to the family that previously owned it in order to acquire it.

      When he dies and that rare book library he mentioned takes possession of the work, they will no doubt vouch for its authenticity to the whole world at that time. I assume that they will announce their acquisition in the media and make online and in person access to it available to serious researchers. I just hope nothing prevents that transfer of ownership from taking place. If he's keeping the book in his home now, he's running the risk of it being stolen or lost in a house fire. Something like that belongs in a bank's safety deposit box vault and not in a private home. At least that's what I would do if I was lucky enough to own it.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

      @JEEB1717. If you are reading this comment and have that book in your home, then PLEASE consider doing what I recommend and place it into a bank's safety deposit box as soon as you can.

    11. No AaPoi, I don’t agree. Sending a copy of the original drawing would be extremely useful, but I suspect there isn’t anything to see. Why is the date made to look like a printed date if it’s a pencil drawing? Why would he even pay so much for the item? You have only to look into antique book sellers to see that the price he says he paid is ridiculous and I don’t believe it.

      My highly sensitive scam detector is issuing alarm bells.


    12. So far what I'm seeing from JEEB1717 is impressive and, imo, as good as anything in MT. I definitely want to see more. Those years given in the drawings were probably added by the artist to give some sense of when the original pencil sketch was made in the book. I think that little letter "c" before the year stands for the Latin word "circa" which means "about" or "approximately" when used before a year. Bessler probably just wrote the year at the top of each page and did not attach a month and date to individual sketches.

      At least we've gotten a little more information from JEEB1717. We know his artist friend is named Hans which is a German name so the both of them are probably located in Germany. Apparently, he does trust Hans enough to provide him with photocopies of pages from his book. Maybe they have a friendship that goes back many years? Nowadays you really can't trust anyone you haven't known for at least a year or two. I was wondering why he would be using photocopies, but it's possible that he does not have a scanner (I don't), a digital camera, or a cellphone with a camera. Many older people like my parents are still only using landline phones that don't have cameras built into them.

      I also looked up that linen paper he says the pages of his book are made from. It's called "rag paper" and it's almost like cloth. It is very durable and used for such things as legal documents, diplomas, and even for currency notes which get a lot of handling and have to hold up. It's no longer used for books because of the expense compared to paper made from wood pulp, but it was used back in the early 18th century.

      Whether or not the price he paid for his book is excessive or not is really a matter of opinion. There are probably rare book collectors out there that would gladly pay ten times as much for a genuine one of a kind item like that so they would consider him to have almost stolen the work at the price he paid for it.

    13. I think that JEEB1717 realizes how dangerous it is to have that rare book in his home and providing us with some enhanced drawings of its pencil sketches as "gifts" from Bessler could be his way of insuring that at least the early mechanical pm principles Bessler explored will not be completely lost in case the book is somehow actually destroyed. Also, JEEB1717 might feel guilty about having sole access to these early pencil sketches at this time.

      In any event I'm sure he has his reasons for picking this particular blog to use as an outlet for the drawings. Maybe he knows that many here will be copying the image files he's linking to so that, even if his book is destroyed and this blog disappears someday, the drawings will live on. Now I'm wondering how many he intends to reveal to us. FAWK, he could have dozens of those gifts planned for us. Needless to say, I will be visiting this blog far more frequently than I have in the past and will also mention it to my friends who are interested in pm.

  7. All JEEB1717 has to do is scan any original into MS Paint and put a transparent watermark boldly over it. That will allow readers here to see the state and style of an original. Then things can move on with some degree of confidence that an old drawing exists.

  8. Hi john,
    for some reason I couldn't view the first picture, but I'm sure I've seen the second one online a while ago, it somehow looks familiar.


    1. It reminds me of Murilo’s avalanche drive.


  9. I have a suspicion that there is more than one person posting here who is actually Ken Behrendt and I’ve put up with it for too long. From my next blog I shall be requiring commenters to sign in and perhaps it will reduce the number of anonymous posters with their own agenda, from posting here.

    I shall reconsider removing the sign-in requirement after a while but I know from the statistics that far more people read the blogs than comment, but I shall regret having to remove the free-for-all nature of the anonymous comments. I’ve always enjoyed the ideas and comments but the very few who abuse the facility spoil it for the majority.


    1. If you do that some will say that your own "agenda" is to really keep JEEB1717 from giving us anymore of those Bessler gifts that he has hinted he would. They will say that you are burning with envy that such a valuable source of information was found by someone else and that he is apparently not concerned about getting your approval of the information. IIRC you tried this tactic in the past and it was a disaster then for this blog. Do you want to risk repeating that past mistake?

    2. Hmm, I think that if you Ken, or your alter ego JEEB1717, wish to post more pictures all you have to do sign in as you need to do with most forums and blogs.

      I did try it in the past and no it wasn’t a disaster, but I felt I owed to the honest commenters to open the blog up to comments again, without having to sign in.

      I really can’t see why you are so desperate unless of course you need the cloak of anonymity to keep your identity secret.


    3. I think if any kind of sign in is required here, then that makes tracing the identity and location of a poster possible and that is something that JEEB1717 looks like he wants to avoid at all costs to maintain the security on that rare Bessler book he claims to own. He probably won't be doing it and will immediately cut off the supply of those future "Bessler gifts" he's promised us. Many here seem eager to see more of them. I know I do. Is it worth it to kill the goose that's laying golden eggs for us just because you have some paranoid feeling that Ken B is secretly posting here anonymously? From what I've heard about him, he's convinced that he's already solved Bessler's wheels. If so, then why would he need to come here or to any other pm site to make posts? That makes no sense.

    4. I guess JEEB1717 wouldn’t wish to sign in here, we’d find out that it was Ken and that’s his rare book a scam.

      What he doesn’t seem to get is that I recognise his writing style, he can’t hide it, so deny all you want Ken, I know you are hanging around here like a bad smell.


    5. John needs to be careful that he does not offend "JEEB1717" too much with his constant and unfair accusations of him being a hoaxer, a liar, and a scammer. There is no proof of any of that. I think if he does take offense like many others would, then he may decide not to give us any more of those Bessler gifts whether he can provide them here anonymously or not. He may decide that he made a big mistake in thinking this blog was the best place to begin releasing that new information. That would be a real tragedy and all due to one person's obvious and irrational paranoia about someone who hasn't been here in years.

    6. I think JC should apologize for all those offensive things he's been saying about JEEB1717 who really didn't have to provide us with any new information about Bessler. I'm sure if the situation was reversed and JEEB1717 was calling JC a hoaxer and a scammer he would be offended too. I agree with anon 08:42. There's some sort of envy thing going on here.

    7. If JEEB1717 is for real and not a translation program he will have no problem signing in. He has always had other choices about where to share information if he doesn't like this one.

    8. If JEEB1717 (aka Ken) really believed in his design, he would have created his own blog or website. Further, if he had any followers willing to listen to his theories, they would be. Instead, he squats here living off the notoriety of JC hoping someone will take interest in his wheel, but we know that is not going to happen.

    9. Yes, he is the clown in the circus he created.

    10. I think JEEB1717 is way too smart to even start playing the "I'm not quite convinced it's real yet, so please send me even more information game" with John and others here. He seems to have put a strict limit on what he will show us and how it will be shown and we have decide whether or not to respect that limit. If we do, he will probably continue the flow of "gifts" to us and if we don't, then he'll probably stop it.

      Ultimately, it is up to each of us as he unwraps one of those gifts to decide if it's genuine or not. Yes, all that glitters is not gold, but if one is in a hurry to throw away what he believes must be brass, he might actually be throwing away some gold with it!

      So far I've read nothing in JEEB1717's description of how he obtained those previously lost Bessler sketches that could not have happened exactly as he said it did. Also, the two drawings based on two of the sketches in the book he claims to now own certainly look like something that Bessler would have made. I think anyone wanting to be fair should be willing to see what other gifts JEEB1717 may have for us. If they are genuine, then this is a once in a century opportunity to obtain additional information about a big blind spot in the life of Bessler which is what kind of pm principles he was thinking about around the year 1705 or seven years before he finally found his runner. Throwing such an opportunity away because of the paranoia of ONE person here would be a real shame, imo.

    11. Give up Ken, you’re not fooling anybody with your nonsense. If you don’t stop I have a several options. I can simply delete everything you write - I can require that everyone sign in- or I can stop all comments. Now go away and take your fake personas with you. You are just a troll


    12. @anon 20:36
      Some think that John suffers from a kind of seasonal delusional disorder that they call "KDS" which stands for "Ken Derangement Syndrome". It usually flares up in the second half of a year. When it does, John begins imagining that anyone posting here anonymously who writes more than a single intelligent sounding sentence is probably secretly Ken B. If his post mentions Ken B, his version of Bessler's wheel, or his book on Bessler, then that greatly increases the probability of him being Ken B in John's mind. If he then says anything even slightly complimentary about any of those, then that confirms 100% to John's mind that the poster must be Ken B!

      KDS causes John to start accusing anonymous posters of being Ken B, start deleting posts that well meaning people have spent their time creating, removing the comment sections from the blogs, requiring sign in, etc. all while saying insulting things about Ken B behind his back. Apparently, these immature reactions give him some relief from the disorder. But, there's no need to be too concerned about him because, like a fever, the flare up eventually passes and he gets back to normal again.

    13. Case in point John .. whether it is KB or someone deliberately attempting to wind you up do not empower them any longer. Take control of your blog and instigate the sign-in requirement, imo. Ask yourself why these Anon posters MUST incessantly turn the topic back to the one-who-shall-remain-nameless. He, or they, have agendas and its not your agenda. Just about every topic gets polluted and goes off track which is what they want.


    14. @anon04:26 What exactly is John's agenda? If he has one no one here seems to know what it is. Right now the possibility of those drawings from a lost Bessler book being genuine and delivered to us as gifts is probably the most interesting thing to show up on this tired blog in months. Like others I want to see more of them. Why are you encouraging John to try to sabotage that? What's your agenda?

    15. Thanks fletch. I’ll set the sigh-in requirement, at least we’ll have a better idea of who is commenting.

      Anon 04.26 or Ken, your constant use of the word ‘gift’ betrays you. Fletch’s support for signing-in does not mean he is trying to sabotage anything, other than your attempts at being anonymous


  10. Good decision John .. any bona fide person will have no problem signing in to increase the integrity of your blog.

    1. Hey, anon 19:18, you didn't sign in. I guess that means that you are not a "bona fide person"! Lol!

  11. This bog has been the domain of the haters and the liars where the loonies run the asylum. JC legacy deserves better than that.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. An alle meine guten Bessler freunde hier.

    Ich mache denen keinen vorwurf die an meiner geschichte uber das buch zweifeln. Manchmal kann ich es selbst nicht glauben. Aber dann halte ich das buch in den handen und sage ja es ist echt! Wenn ich mit dem Buch im selben raum bin habe ich das gefuhl dass auch der seele von Bessler im raum ist. Es ist ein magisches gefuhl das ich bekomme. Vielleicht wird der seele von Bessler verlorenen buch angezogen? Ich weiss nicht viel uber solche dinge.

    Wenn meine geschenke von ihm nachsten monat hier noch willkommen sind dann habe ich fur euch alle ein ganz besonderes weihnachtsgeschenk von Bessler! Um die zeichnung fur dieses geschenk anzufertigen muss Hans viel arbeit leisten. Ich hoffe nur dass er nicht aufhort mir zu helfen wenn er sieht was ich von ihm will!


    1. Translation of above. BTW why can’t he do his own translation via google, this is an English language blog?

      “ To all of my good Bessler friends here.

      I don't blame those who doubt my story about the book. Sometimes I can't believe it myself. But then I hold the book in my hand and say yes it is real! When I am in the same room with the book, I have the feeling that Bessler's soul is also in the room. It's a magical feeling that I get. Perhaps the soul is drawn to Bessler's Lost Book? I don't know much about such things.

      If my gifts from him are still welcome here next month, then I have a very special Christmas present from Bessler for you all! Hans has to do a lot of work to do the drawing for this present. I just hope he won't stop helping me when he sees what I want from him!”


    2. Clearly JEEB1717 is reading the comments, how else can he know some of us doubt his story about the book? So he can read or translate when he wants to.


    3. @JEEB1717

      Although some are doubtful of your claims about the book, I'm sure that most here do want to see more of whatever you are willing to share with us. It is easy for others to criticize you because they are not you. I'm sure that you have your reasons for how you are presenting the information about those early Bessler sketches that are important to you and I respect your reasons whatever they may be.

      Yes! We could all certainly use a nice "special" Christmas gift from Bessler...even those here who are not Christians or only celebrate the holidays in a secular way. I'm sure that holiday was a very special one for Bessler. But, hopefully we won't have to wait a whole month for that next special gift and you can send us one or two more before Christmas? That would really be nice, but it is, of course, up to you to decide what and when to send anything to us. Whatever you decide to do, most of us are grateful for what you have shared so far. Thank you!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...