Sunday, 24 April 2022

Amy Pohl, my Amazing Granddaughter’s got 2 Million Followers!

My apologies for inserting this item into my blog, but I’m so proud of my granddaughter, I couldn’t resist.  Normal service will be returned as quickly possible 

Following over two years of trauma caused by the insertion of a dirty cannula at a large teaching hospital, Amy suffered from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, which subsequently developed into complete paralysis of the lower body, this is known as Functional Neurological Disorder.

She has fought through PTSD and other mental disorders and despite it all she has become an inspiration to thousands of people around the world.  

On TikTok she has over 2 million followers, but the numbers on YouTube are mounting faster and will overtake TikTok

You can see her account of her life to date on YouTube.

Just put amy e pohl into google and YouTube and follow the links.

Also on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram.

NB She has Seven year old Hungarian Vizsla called ……..Bessler! Amy named after Johann Bessler because she believes that I’m right about him.



  1. Hi John, Yes, A.A.P., Amazing Amy Pohl!! Did she ever try to fix her wrist with a rubber band & bracelet; or is it a bad idea-------------------Sam

    1. She’s having surgery on her wrist on 3rd May, without anaesthetic, just numbing her arm as she’s now allergic to anaesthetics thanks to that #*…& hospital!


    2. Poor baby! I hope-------------------I hope it works-------------Sam

  2. Congratulations to Amy on all those followers!
    All the best to her with the surgery. She is very brave.


  3. Zhyyra, Right! Too bad there isn't more people like her in this world-------------Sam

    1. I love just looking at her--------------------------------------------Sam

    2. Make it 2,000,000 and one followers-----------------------Sam

    3. Ah, thanks Sam, JC


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...