Sunday, 24 April 2022

UPDATE - Moving House Next Week - Workshop in Action ASAP!

We left our previous house 13 months ago thinking we could find our ideal house quickly and be able to strike a good deal as we didn’t have a house to sell.  Oops!  Almost immediately the number of desirable houses available slumped.  We had moved in with my daughter thinking it would only take a couple of months before we completed our purchase and moved in - how wrong we were, 13 months! Covid more or less closed the market down, but at last we’ve secured somewhere we like.

I’ve had no workshop in all this time and it has been sooooo frustrating! But as soon as we’ve moved in, unpacked etc, I’ll be able to get back to work, building what I think will be the solution to Bessler’s wheel.  As you all know I’ve been here before, more than once, but optimism is a vital ingredient in this game, and as long as I remain convinced that Johann Bessler’s claims to have built what he reluctantly termed a perpetual motion machine, were genuine, then I see little chance of ever giving up trying to find the solution.

I think this will work, but if it doesn’t I’m sure it will come closer than I’ve ever got before. I’m not going to say anymore about the design until I’ve tested it, but I don’t want to leave my work on this unpublished because we don’t know what lies around the corner and I can’t risk keeping it all to myself any longer.  The explanations I’ve got are being written and will be published as soon as testing has been finished, working or not. That way at least, if I can’t finish it, someone else will have the opportunity to use my work to complete the project.



  1. "The explanations I’ve got are being written and will be published as soon as testing has been finished, working or not."

    Let's all hope it doesn't turn into another "Bessler - Collins Gravity Wheel" of 2020!

    1. Trust me anon 18:36, there is some eye opening stuff in there, one particular part which is blindingly obvious but which I’ve never seen in any design, ever.


    2. Many of us don't even trust ourselves, when we think we are onto something, so asking us to trust you, is a bit much to ask of us.
      It would be very interesting if you have found a particular aspect, which has never been tried, by anybody on the planet Earth over the history of humanity's existence.
      If we analyse the situation objectively, we have two principal theories.
      1; Nobody has actually tried it, so it has a high probability of being, hopefully, a step in the right direction to finding the solution.
      2; Loads of people, over the last few hundred years, have tried it and they spent hours, days, weeks, months or even years trying to exploit it, and they come to the conclusion that it wasn't as exiting as they initially thought it was.
      If we knew what it is, we could either share your enthusiasm, or share our experience, depending on which is the correct answer. The only thing we can do at present, is patiently wait until you decide to tell us what it is you are talking about.
      It is far easier to hope you are onto something, than it is to believe that you are. I sincerely hope that you are.

    3. JC intrigues us with "...there is some eye opening stuff in there, one particular part which is blindingly obvious but which I’ve never seen in any design, ever."

      This is really great news! It promises that JC will continue to posture away here for years to come always claiming he has special clues that no one else has! But don't expect him to ever share those clues with anyone else. They are only meant for Bessler and him alone to know and control. Then years from now, after jerking everyone along for all of that time, he will suddenly announce that he's shutting this blog down because he's "too old" to keep it up and has finally decided not reveal all of those special clues he claims to have because the world has proven to him that it "is not ready for them".

    4. I tend to agree with you anon 19:06 that although we'll occasionally hear him bragging about never before known clues he's found, he won't be revealing any of them to us.

      I think John's in no hurry to go through what he did here back in 2020 and now realizes that it's far better to conceal one's clues and be thought to be delusional than to reveal them and risk removing all doubt.

  2. If you are working with translating weights, you are half way there. Like it or not, it's the only way to return weights back to the top of the wheel--------------Sam

    1. I understand and expected the reactions I got and even so, I still wrote what I did because I believe I’m right. But I won’t close this blog until I publish the solution and that will happen when my wheel works - or it doesn’t and I explain what the unique feature is that I found, this year.


    2. "...THIS YEAR" !!!

      Great! So we can all now look forward to your secret Bessler clue being revealed sometime in the next 249 days! Be patient everyone. That time will fly by before we even know it.

    3. Lol! By the end of this year everyone will have forgotten John's latest time limit in this blog for revealing anything. He's counting on that. Then, come next year, he'll be making the same promise again for that year!

    4. Oh, such sarcasm! I hope you’ll be more courteous when I reveal my design this year.


    5. Don't let guys like anon 00:22 ruffle your feathers, John. He's just jealous because he doesn't have a clue as to how Bessler's wheels worked!

    6. Over the years I’ve developed the skin of a rhinoceros and I’m relatively immune to the barbs of my critics but I’d prefer not to get them. But this is the price for putting your head above the parapet!

    7. There's an old Japanese saying that translates as "The nail that sticks out above the others is the one that gets hit by the hammer". I would add that the farther that nail sticks out, the harder and more often it will be hit by that hammer!

  3. There are a lot of pr*cks with hammers too------------------------Sam

  4. Once one gets past all of the distracting discussions, there's one painfully obvious fact that cannot be denied. We have a huge oversupply of analyses, builds, clues, designs, simulations, and theories, but STILL no working wheel! Nothing has changed since the days of Bessler. What makes anyone think they are going to somehow magically change for us? Are we really any different than the thousands of Bessler pm wheel seekers that lived and died in the centuries before us? Do we have some advanced knowledge of mechanics that they didn't have that can make any difference?


    1. If you are asking me; I don't-------------------------------------------Sam

    2. You’re right Jason, and yet we continue to pursue our dream of clean free energy as found by Johann Bessler., against mounting odds. There is no advanced knowledge of mechanics that we might think we have that will make any difference. I keep reminding myself of two things; Karl said it was extremely simple and he was surprised that no one had thought of it before.; and Bessler was afraid that once people knew how it worked they would not think it was worth the money was asking. It was an easy to understand design.


  5. Hello everyone. I've been following this blog for the last few weeks and decided to finally make a comment.

    I recently saw a suggestion made by a poster who calls himself "Calloway" over on bwf. Basically it's a method using a torsion spring to force a normally vertically hanging pendulum weight to swing to one side of its pivot. Here's a link to a drawing he supplied on bwf:

    If such a spring loaded pendulum is attached to a wheel so it is free to rotate about its pivot as the wheel turns, then it looks like the spring would ALWAYS prevent it from hanging vertically no matter where on the wheel the pendulum's pivot was located. Next, imagine a wheel with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, maybe up to 8 pivots for pendulums placed evenly around its rim. The cog of the pendulum weights would be located below the wheel's axle, BUT the torsion springs acting on all of those pendulums push their weights toward one side of the wheel and that would force their cog to swing to one side of the wheel's axle and STAY THERE as they remained constantly out of balance. That would result in a steady torque that would made the wheel accelerate. However, I suspect that like Bessler's wheels cf would put a limit on the top speed of such a wheel which we can call a "torsion spring imbalanced pendulum wheel" or TSIPW for short.

    IF this works, then it is a VERY simple design. Now I'm wondering if this is what Count Karl saw when he was given a look inside of one of Bessler's wheels.

    Opinions please because I'm thinking of trying to use this torsion spring idea. I'm thinking of using some wind up clock mainsprings.

    PM Dreamer

    1. It's a very interesting idea PMD and I can't see any obvious reason why it wouldn't work. But, most likely someone we've never heard of tried it years ago and it didn't work. But, then again, maybe no one has ever tried it before. It certainly is a simple design without needing any gears, ropes, or pulleys. Maybe it's too simple?!

    2. @PM Dreamer
      I'm simming the mechanism now and should know in a day or two if it has any potential. It's a most impressive approach to keeping a pendulum away from its "punctum quietus" that I've not seen before. If it works the guy who came up with it should have gotten a patent on it, but it's too late for that now.

    3. @PM Dreamer
      I have some good news for you. I simmed a pendulum today and used Calloway's approach to see if I could keep it out of a vertical orientation as its pivot traveled around the axle of a wheel. I attached my simmed pendulum's pivot to a wheel and then used a motor to slowly rotate the wheel. The pendulum automatically remained out of the vertical as its pivot traveled completely around the wheel! I only simmed a single pendulum, but I can see no reason why this would not work for any number of pendulums placed around the center of a wheel with a horizontal axle.

      However, I did not use a spiral type torsion spring as Calloway shows in his drawing. I simply attached one end of a long, lightweight flexing beam to the pendulum rod near the end to which the weight was attached and then bent the top end of the flexing beam out away from the pivot that attached the end of the pendulum's rod to the wheel. I also attached a large pulley to the pivot against which the top end of the flexing beam was allowed to press when it was released.

      I recommend using the extra pulley on any real world build of these types of pendulums to increase the amount of flexing which will increase the lateral forces applied to their pendulum rods. Instead of a flexing beam which is just a flexible, flat steel strip, one can also use a steel rod. The rod is probably better to use because it can ride inside the groove of the pulley. It's important to make sure that the sliding contact between the rod and the pulley is well lubricated so there will be next to no drag on the rod as the pivot travels around the wheel and the rod slides around the groove of the pulley attached to the pivot.

      The only problem I can see for any wheel using this approach to offset its pendulum weights' center of gravity is that center is only offset horizontally a very short distance onto the descending side of the wheel. That means that, like Bessler's wheels, the torque will be low. But, the design is nice because of its simplicity.

      I now have one working simmed pendulum and will try making a duplicate of it to place on the other side of the wheel. Then I will remove the motor and I should see the wheel continuously turning and keeping the center of gravity of its two pendulums always on the wheel's descending side.

      I hope this information will be helpful to anyone considering building a Calloway spring imbalanced pendulum wheel.

    4. @anon 04:28

      I think you just revived my hope of pm finally being achieved in my lifetime! If that sim you made is accurate, then it shouldn't be too long before someone is constructing one of those Calloway pendulum wheels.


    5. P Dreamer, I tried it. Couldn't get it to work. What am i doing wrong---Sam

    6. Thank you so much for the effort you made, anon 04:28. Even though you only simmed it, I think you've adequately shown that a pendulum's weight can be constantly kept out of balance and that means a number of them attached to a wheel will keep the whole wheel out of balance. To keep my build as simple as possible, I'll try just attaching two pendulums to opposite sides of a wheel and see what happens.

      I didn't like the idea of using clock mainsprings and I will try your suggestion of replacing them with stiff steel rods and well lubed pulley wheels attached to the pendulum pivots. I think the goal with this design is to make the pendulum weight swing as far away from its equilibrium location as possible. If that can be done and friction can be kept as low as possible, then it should work.

      Once again, thanks a lot!

      PM Dreamer

    7. Sam wrote "Couldn't get it to work. What am i doing wrong"

      Try following the advice of NOT using a spiral torsion spring like Calloway showed in his sketch. Do like anon 04:28 says and use a stiff metal rod attached to the pendulum arm near its weight and have its other unattached end resting on the oiled rim of a pulley that is attached to the pendulum's pivot. That will then make the rod flex as much as possible and it will apply a lot of tangential force on the pendulum arm which will then push its weight horizontally away from its normal equilibrium location. Once you successfully make a single pendulum do this you can then make another identical one of them and mount both of them diametrically opposite each other on your wheel. You will then have your first WORKING pm wheel!

      This is so simple that, like Count Karl, I'm wondering why no one ever thought of it before!

    8. @PM Dreamer
      You're welcome and I'm glad I could help. I also have some more good news for you now.

      I finally managed to put two identical imbalanced pendulums on opposite sides of my simmed wheel. When released the wheel showed steady acceleration. In less than a single rotation it reached a speed of about three rpm's before the model became unstable and started to fly apart. I tweaked as many of the accuracy settings on it as I could, but was not able to get it to run faster than that speed. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but I don't think it's with the pendulums. It's probably due to accumulating errors in the calculations of the sim's frames that cause instability at that speed.

      Imo, these pendulums should work if attached to a real wheel. But because of the low torque, their pivots need to be carefully placed on the wheel and the rods sliding in the pulley grooves need to be well lubricated to reduce metal on metal friction as much as possible.

      Good luck with your efforts to use them in a real world wheel!

    9. The Calloway pendulum sounds interesting. Maybe it will finally lead to a runner? Let's all keep our fingers crossed for that.

      But I don't think John or Ken B will ever accept a wheel using them as being what Bessler invented. That's because such a wheel would be almost silent as it turned and all of Bessler's wheels put out a lot of noise. Those thumping sounds from the Kassel wheel had to be due to weights landing on wooden boards inside of its drum. In a Calloway pendulum wheel the weights never touch anything. They are all free to completely rotate about their pivots as the wheel turns.

      When you think about it, they really aren't pendulums since all their weights do is orbit around their pivots as a wheel containing them turns. True pendulums swing back and forth, but don't rotate completely around their pivots.

    10. On page 348 of John's translated version of AP, Bessler wrote:

      "Even according to the ideas my enemies express in their writings, my Wheel is the true device, and is indeed, per se, a genuine Perpetuum Mobile. None better will ever be found upon this earth, for without the principle that I alone possess, there can be no real perpetual motion. Whoever seeks another method is deceiving himself, for my device does not need winding; it runs according to "preponderance", and turns everything else along with it; so long as its material shall endure, it will revolve of its own accord."

      IF the Calloway pendulum wheel works, then it will PROVE that Bessler was 100% WRONG when he suggested he had the only design for a pm wheel that would work! That's because, assuming that the Ken B wheel or something similar to it is actually Bessler's design, the Calloway wheel works in an entirely DIFFERENT way. It does not use some of its own descending weights to move other weights back toward the outside of the drum. It does not need levers with multiple arms. And, it does not need ropes to coordinate the swinging motions of its levers because each lever automatically adjusts its orientation relative to the direction of gravity..

      Each of the Calloway wheel's pendulums will be completely isolated from and independent of all of the other pendulums in a wheel. It's far simpler than Bessler's design, again assuming the Ken B wheel or a similar design is what Bessler used, and that means builders will be more likely to try building it. However, it does share one thing in common with Bessler's design. It also works by "preponderance" because the center of gravity of its weights is kept on the wheel's descending side as it turns.

      I'm also hoping that the Calloway pendulum wheel can be made to work even if it only has low torque and power. If so, then it suggests that there may also be other ways to achieve pm and that Bessler did not have a monopoly on such a wheel. It's also nice to know that some preliminary simming shows it can work.

      Right now it looks like the building of Calloway pendulum wheels will be the next "big thing" in the field of mechanical pm research!

    11. @anon 19:37

      The more I think about a wheel using Calloway type pendulums, the more I agree with you that it could become the next big thing for pm research.

      Such a wheel should be able to run nonstop for a very long time because there are no coiled springs or ropes inside of it to break. All that would be necessary is routine lubrication of the lever arm attachments to their pivots and the pulley grooves. Since the rigid rods, once initially flexed, don't continuously flex and then straighten out again, they should not be prone to metal fatigue and breaking because of that.


    12. FYI everyone!

      I just made about a dozen sims trying to get one of those Calloway pendulums to work and could not do it! I tried various flexbeams and torsion springs, but none of them actually made the pendulum's weight swing away from its equilibrium location.

      I found that I only got a small amount of displacement when I neglected to consider the weights of the flexbeams attached to my pendulums. It was really only their extra offset weight that made a pendulum weight swing away from its equilibrium location and not the tension in the bent beam itself. The same applied to the torsion springs which I used to make long thin arms come together or separate to try to push the pendulum weights around and keep them at a new offset location.

      Unfortunately, based on the results of my simming I consider that this Calloway pendulum is unworkable . It looks good in a drawing like many designs do, but cannot work in practice. I suggest that anon 04:28 check his sims and see what happens when he makes his flexbeams almost massless like only 0.001 lbs each. Then go to View and turn on System Center of Mass in its drop down menu. Make your pendulum weight transparent so you can see the CoM marker behind it and then run your sim again. If you do, you will see that the CoM stays right at the pendulum's equilibrium location. It will also stay there if you attach the pendulum to a wheel and make the wheel rotate using a motor. He claimed he put two of the pendulums on opposite sides of a wheel and it accelerated. Sounds impressive, but could have been due to a glitch in his sim. I've seen this occasionally happen with other pm wheel designs. Usually increasing the accuracy of the sim makes the acceleration effect go away.

      I hope I'm wrong about this, but, right now, I don't think the Calloway pendulum will be the next "big thing" in pm research, but just the next big blunder! Trying to make it work will most likely just be another wild goose chase that leads nowhere. If so, then it means that Bessler was 100% right when he said he was the only one who had ever found a pm wheel design that actually worked and none finer than his would ever be discovered.

    13. Thanks a lot, anon 20:13

      Just as my enthusiasm balloon for that Calloway pendulum was getting fully inflated, you had to come along and stick a big pin it in! But to be honest, I also wondered why someone else hadn't discovered it centuries ago if it was so simple and actually worked? Maybe the answer is that someone did and, like you, found it was a dead end?

      But, if Calloway's approach does not work, then maybe some other way of keeping a pendulum pushed out of its equilibrium position can be found?


    14. There's actually a very simple reason why Calloway's self unbalancing pendulum cannot work.

      In order for a pendulum's arm and its attached weight to keep their same orientation as they travel around a wheel, the pendulum weight must be CONSTANTLY lifted. That requires that the weight be constantly supplied with energy. But, a tightened torsion type spring can only deliver so much energy to do that lifting before it is unwound and no longer providing any torque. Unless the spring is constantly being wound up as it travels around a wheel, which does not seem to happen to a torsion spring attached to a Calloway pendulum, then the spring is not taking up any energy to use to lift its pendulum's weight as it travels around a wheel.

      This means that no Calloway type pendulum can ever actually work in practice. Anyone getting a sim of one that shows it working needs to very carefully check his sim.

  6. Right. I think Calloway did it. I hope so, anyway----------------Sam

  7. A few blogs ago I warned that the world was closer to World War 3 now than it has been since the US' "Cuban Missile Crisis" back in 1963. That warning would have been labeled as "alarmist" when I made it.

    Now, however, Putin is STARTING to make threats to use NUCLEAR weapons against NATO and anyone else helping the Ukrainians to resist his invasion of their country. Here's an eye opening little article just published which gives some of Putin's latest threats and mentions the new ICBM missiles he's recently developed that will enable him to carry out those threats.

    As he gets more desperate to win in the Ukraine, he may begin using low yield, tactical nuclear weapons in that country just to prove to everyone that he is a serious dictator and not to be messed with. He's already cut off all fuel exports to Poland and Bulgaria to get even for their support of the Ukraine and for the economic sanctions placed on Russia that are starting to hurt their wallets. A NATO spokesperson said they think the war between Russia and the Ukraine could continue for YEARS!

    I dread where this story will be a month from now as the Ukrainians start to hit Putin's army with their newly delivered weapons from NATO countries and the Russian losses begin to escalate. The US is pouring tens of billions of dollars into funding the Ukrainians while doing everything it can to cut the flow of billions of dollars into the Russian economy. As the economic pain level in Russia increase, Putin will become angrier and more mentally unstable. Will he live long enough to launch WW3 or will he be assassinated before that? Only time will tell.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. What I'm wondering is how far the West is prepared to go to support the Ukrainians. If Putin fires a tactical nuke missile and wipes out a Ukrainian city killing thousands people, is the West prepared to supply the Ukrainian army with a similar missile to use to wipe out a city inside of Russia and kill as many Russian citizens? And if they are, then what will that lead to?

    2. Anonymous28 April 2022 at 18:35

      "He's already cut off all fuel exports to Poland and Bulgaria to get even for their support of the Ukraine"
      This is not quite correct, russia cut gas supply only, the reason it did it is refusal to pay bill in rubels, oil is still flowing.
      Nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, however check the information twice before you post it.

    3. It's a good thing that Russia cut off the gas to those countries. Let's hope it doesn't resume. That will help wean them off of Russian gas and hopefully soon off of their oil. The US can probably supply those countries with the gas they need since the US now has plenty. But, that will tend to cause US prices for gas to rise. We use a lot of gas for our electric power plants so expect the cost of electricity to also rise. This is all part of the cost we have to pay to make sure Putin's invasion of the Ukraine fails.

    4. There's a video showing a missile emerging from the Baltic Sea and flying off toward a target inside of a Ukrainian city. Apparently, the Russians are now launching missiles from submarines! Right now only the US and Great Britain have the kind of weapons that can be dropped down from the air and will travel underwater to blow up submarines. Something tells me we're going to be giving the Ukrainians a lot of them to use. The Ukrainians might be doing the actual fighting and dying, but this is starting to look like a "proxy war" between Russia and the West. No telling how many will lose their lives before it's all over.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...