This post contains some of my ideas about where and how Bessler intended to reveal the workings of his perpetual motion device, or what is generally referred to as Bessler’s Wheel. Without a working model this is speculation, but I believe it is based on some sound interpretation of the many clues and hints he scattered throughout his documents.
I’ve written several blogs about the ‘Toys’ page so this is my latest and best attempt to explain all of it.
The figure below is from the original Maschinen Tractate, which is a name I coined for it because I originally thought that Bessler was referring to this collection of drawings in one of his letters but I think now he was talking about another project.
Underneath this original picture is the same figure cleaned up which is the one I’ll write about and explain what I believe is the true meaning of all the separate figures.

Notice first that items A and B can be split into five equal parts. This signifies that there are five mechanisms. Notice each figure in A looks similar to the two items C and D, this is to provide a hint that their actions very roughly mimic the actions of the actual mechanisms. Each part of A is linked to the next part with a length of rope.
Items C and D are each labelled twice. Both sets of figures show two figures working in pairs, which agrees with a statement to that effect by Bessler. The two C’s have arms but the two D’s don’t. The two C’s show two of the figures working in pairs before they have acted; the two D’s shows the same two figures after they have acted. This implies that C did the work so was active but D was acted upon and was passive. C lifted it’s paired mechanism and thus D was lifted. Item D has spirals which indicate that the figure is at a different angle to C, because if, for instance, C operates at the six o’clock radius the D is lifted from a different point on the edge of the circle.
It’s worth pointing out that he drew one of each mechanism but then added two D’s and two C’s to stress that the two figures were the same mechanisms working in pairs, but at different points in the rotation of the wheel.
Item B is an interesting one and I only understood why it was drawn in this way a few months ago. The answer lies partly in item E. You can see in B that it consists of five straight vertical lines with one dot alternately on each side or, if you ignore the five separating lines, it’s a straight vertical line with those dots on alternate sides.
I’ll return to B in a moment, first let us examine item E. The items on the page are numbered 1 to 5, yet there are six, if you count the hand drawn spinning top. This looks like a late addition to me which might explain why he wrote 5. next to his scribble note. But as someone pointed out to me many years ago, the number 5. with its clearly drawn full stop or period indicates not five items, but the fifth item - the letter E. The scissor mechanism or storks bill.
Remember Bessler’s frequent use of alphanumerics, in this case his scribbled note in the Toys page, “5. Children's game in which there is something extraordinary for anyone who knows how to apply the game in a different way”, applies in particular to the scissor mechanism labelled E.
Now in another drawing which I’ll discuss in a later share, it indicates
that the scissor mechanism should be applied in a different way which looks like this one:-
In the above picture I have extracted items B and E because B shows which part of E you need to use. Notice the same dots are there in E but in B half of them have been removed leaving a single line. This shows the alternate swivel pins or joints holding the short lengths of metal at each end together. The middle of each piece of metal shows a pivot which allows it to rotate. If the figure B is accurate, and I’m sure it is, then there is one of these mechanisms in each fifth segment.
This is similar to the picture below which shows a simple mechanism used widely in organ building in Bessler’s time.
Also remember Bessler’s comment in AP, “ A crab crawls from side to side. It is sound, for it is designed thus.” This comment is a hint that this mechanism will work best in a horizontal position where there is no lifting required just side to side action.
The two short lines at the top end of the original version of B will be explained later but they indicate two positions of a short lever attached to the end of the zigzag line.
That’s all for now. More later.
It looks like this blog contains a lot of old clues from your various websites. The only thing that actually looks new here is that "Z" lever you think Bessler put into each of the five mechs you are convinced he used.
ReplyDeleteBut, I think that you have missed the central and most important clue that Bessler hid in the Toys page. It's so important that he actually repeats it multiple times to emphasize it. You really need to know that clue if you want to make some serious progress.
You're wasting your time hinting about some "most important clue" in the toys page that John overlooked, anon 00:28, because John is only interested in the clues that HE finds. Those found by anyone else will be ignored by him and he may actually resent anyone revealing them here because he will automatically assume that they are trying to derail his approach which he is 100% convinced is correct and cannot fail.
DeleteI don't know about JC or anybody else but I'd certainly like to know about that "central and most important clue" JC supposedly missed in the toy page. Imo, the more clues we have the better. As jim_mich over at bwf used to say "leave no stone unturned".
Delete@Anonymous25 November 2023 at 00:28
Delete"You really need to know that clue if you want to make some serious progress."
Please show us your serious progress.
Seems like there's enough interest here for me to make the effort to reveal it although I'm really surprised no one noticed it before because it's so least to me it is. I haven't used ms paint in a while or uploaded anything either but I'll try to have a drawing done and provide a link to it later today. I'm no Picasso so it will be crude but it will show you where this very important clue is located. Actually I should write where the important CLUES are located because it is repeated about SIX TIMES in the Toys page! Consequently I have no doubt about its validity.
DeleteI was "anon 00:28" above, but I guess I should have a name for any future comments I might make. I'll just call myself "Paul".
The "most important" clue in the Toy page! Now you've got my attention, Paul! I shall be looking forward to seeing this or these clues you claim to have found because when I look at that page all I see is a jumble of toys with Bessler telling us we can somehow get a pm wheel out of them. Maybe he could, but I'm clueless as to how to do it.
DeleteIt's amazing how many clues we have yet they never seem to result in a runner. Maybe they are all just purely imaginary no matter how real they might seem to us at the time?
Delete***FIRST PART***
I think if you were aware of this major clue in the Toys page that I'm referring to then you wouldn't be pursuing a five lever design now but rather an eight lever one. Imo, these clues very strongly indicate Bessler used those Y shape levers that SoS kept finding clues for in other MT drawings and that shape is most likely intended to work best when there are eight levers in a wheel as someone mentioned in the last blog. I'm also very surprised that SoS did not find them in the Toys page. After he found that severed head clue earlier this year he just abandoned further research into MT and I think that was a mistake.
I've studied his comments for years now and decided to try applying his methods myself to the Toys page. When I did that I found some new clues which I'm sure he would have found if he had not quit so soon. Anyway, here's the drawing I made to show their locations. Basically as he has suggested, whenever you find the number 25 in one of MT's drawings, it's a reference to the shape of his levers which were like the letter Y. It's amazing how many times that number 25 can be found in the Toys page.
Here's the ms paint drawing I made using the Toys page image on this blog. It's a little cluttered but I will explain where to look in it to see the many Y shape lever clues it contains:
Start in the upper right corner of the Toys page where the three tiles in the top two levels of the view of the Jacob's Ladder labeled B form the letter Y. If you then count the number of levels in B it is 10 and if you count the number of vertical pieces in the view of the Jacob's Ladder labeled A it is 15. Add them together to get 10 + 15 = 25 which represents the 25th letter of the alphabet or Y.
Now look at the top left hammerman. His two arms and the handle of his hammer form the letter Y. His hammer is basically a lever with a metal weight at its end!
Next go over to that oversized letter E near the bottom of that scissor toy on the left side of the Toys page. That E is located between two scissor sections that look like the letters X. E is the fifth letter with an alphanumeric value of 5 and X is the Roman numeral with value 10. Add them all together to get 5 + 10 + 10 = 25 which again stands for the letter Y and the shape of Bessler's pm wheel levers.
DeleteDrop down to the spinning top (it must be spinning or it would not be standing vertical like that) at the bottom of the Toys page and notice that its pivot point is actually the letter V which Bessler uses for the Roman numeral with value 5. Now look at the large Arabic numeral 5 at the beginning of the note for the Toys page in the lower right corner of the page. It has a period or point immediately to its right. We are supposed to put the pivot point of the top there which means putting a letter V with Roman numeral value 5 there to give us 55. In a past blog SoS said this can be written as 5 x 5 = 25 which is again the letter Y and the shape of the levers Bessler used.
Go up to that severed head that has just been chopped off by the lower right axeman's axe. The head seems to be looking down and to the left toward the axemen toy's lower left joint pieces. Do the two crossed joint pieces form a + or x sign in arithmetic? Their orientation makes it confusing and according to SoS it can be either arithmetic sign and was Bessler's way of telling us we must do some additions and multiplications of the alphanumeric values of some letters in his drawing.
Let's do that with the two letter C's and two letter D's near the hammermen and axemen:
(C x C) + (D x D) = (3 x 3) + (4 x 4) = 9 + 16 = 25 = Y
Yet another clue that Bessler's levers were Y shaped.
Finally take a close look at the axes of the two lower axemen. They are actually letters! The left axe is the letter T with alphanumeric value 20 tilted to its right by about 45 degrees and the right axe is a cursive letter V which again must be used as a Roman numeral with value 5. Adding their values gives T + V = 20 + 5 = 25 which again stands for the 25th letter of the alphabet.
So here we have the number 25 numerologically hidden five times on the Toys page and the Y shape actually shown twice. I have to consider this very strong evidence that, as SoS has claimed for years, Bessler did use levers that were shaped like the letter Y.
There is most likely much more information hidden in the Toys page that I'm not seeing. It needs much further study, imo, and I hope SoS can revisit it someday.
DeleteExcellent and easy to understand presentation. What convinces me that you found something important on the toys page is how those axes being held by the two lower axmen are actually the letters T and V whose numerology values add up to 25 which stands for the letter Y. What is the chance of that? I've studied that toy page for years and never noticed that until now. Thanks!
This is great info, Paul, and I can see that you must be a serious student of SoS to find something like this.
DeleteAfter reading through your analysis I even found another hidden sum of 25 = 25th letter of alphabet Y = lever shape clue on that Toy Page. Just take the letter B which has a value of 2 and multiply it by the number of levels in the side view of the Jacob ladder toy which is 10. That gives 2 x 10 = 20. Next look at the letter A on the frontal view of the toy. When you play with one of these toys (I had one as a kid) the tiles actually flip upside down one by one as that action continues from the top to the bottom of the toy. So use that action to justify flipping the letter A over to turn it into the letter V! (It will still have the little horizontal bar inside of it but just ignore that or think of it as an axis of rotation.) Since Bessler liked to use the letter V as the Roman number 5 just add that to the 20 to get 25!
I agree with you that Bessler would not have loaded that Toy Page up with so many letter Y clues if they were not important for some reason. Maybe the reason is that once you understand the details of his Y shaped levers you will understand almost everything you need to know to build one of his wheels? Could it be that simple?
It's believed that Bessler stuck the Toy Page into the collection of MT drawings as a substitute for the drawings at their end that revealed his pm wheel's secrets whose pages he had removed and destroyed in a fit of anger and paranoia after being arrested on bogus fraud charges. But, he may have had second thoughts about his actions later and then decided to still reveal the secret but to do it using numerology methods that would make it impossible for the average reader to understand. Only a skilled numerologist could do it. Maybe when SoS is not around you can fill in and show us any new clues you might find? Your two comments and drawing showing us these new clues are just as well done as anything he's showed us in the past. No intention to put him down. Just calling it like I see it.
@Paul wow we cant wait for your wheel build to prove it all !
DeleteThanks anon's 00:25 and 04:48 for your kind remarks. I appreciate them. I should say that I do not consider myself on a par with SoS. He's still the master numerologist and I am only his humble pupil.
DeleteI decided to take another look at that Toys page at the place where I said that the severed head was looking at that lower left joint pivot and wondered if it really wasn't just the head's pointy nose that was pointing to the joint instead of his single eye looking at it. That's when I noticed that the hammermen toy placed above the axemen toy has a similar joint on its lower right side. Was the left side hammerman's nose pointing to it? Answering that little question revealed even more clues to me!
I found that if you draw a line from the tip of the left side hammerman's nose to the pivot of the joint, the line just touches to edge of the hammerhead on that hammerman's hammer. That's when I decided to see what would happen if I drew another line from the tip of the right side hammerman's nose to the tip of the left side hammerman's nose. That line also just touched the edge of the hammerhead on that hammerman's hammer.
Here's a quick drawing I made to show what I found:
Notice in the drawing on the left side that the line between the tips of the two hammermens' noses is nearly perfectly horizontal. Those two yellow lines which I made then formed an angle. When I measured it on my laptop's screen with a protractor I found that the angle was exactly 55 degrees! There was that number again which SoS claims you have to multiply its digits together to get 5 x 5 = 25. So this hard to find clue in the MT Toys page could be yet another way Bessler stressed the importance of that number which again represents the Y shape of the levers he used. The right side hammerman has his little mouth open in an expression of surprise. This find certainly did surprise me!
But I got an even bigger surprise when I looked at the mirror image of that left side drawing which is shown on the right side of my linked image. The two yellow lines then become the number 7 that SoS claims is the luckiest of all of the numbers. But, you don't have to stop with that one number.
Notice that the stick that the surprised hammerman's body is mounted on in my right side drawing is inclined away from the yellow number 7. To me it looks like it could represent the diagonal symbol used to indicate a division is to take place. So, I was supposed to divide the 7 by some number. Immediately behind the surprised hammerman is the part of the Jacob's Ladder labeled B. I has ten levels so I divided 7 by that number to get 7/10 = 0.7. Next notice the two reversed letters C near the large number 7 made from two yellow lines? What if that was Bessler's way of telling us to add an extra six 7's to the 0.7 we just found? That then gives us 0.7777777.
In case nobody recognizes it, this happens to be that Lucky Ratio that SoS first found years ago. Bessler wouldn't have put it into the Toys page unless he considered it important for anyone trying to build one of his wheels. SoS has suggested that in all of Bessler's wheels you could always determine how far away from the center of the wheel's axle the lever pivots were placed by just multiplying the wheel's radius by 0.7777777. SoS also claims this number had religious meaning for Bessler but I won't go into that because I'm not a religious type.
Paul, I have to congratulate you, you have put a lot of work into your analysis of the Toys page. Your discovery of the angle in your picture is actually very interesting to me, because that is the number that Bessler obsessed about more than any other. But in my opinion it has nothing to do with Y shaped levers nor the lucky number 7. I believe it refers to the same fact that he repeats so often. There are five mechanisms working in pairs, 5 and 5. Or see chapter 55 in his AP, FIR 141 Bible codes.
DeleteThank you for that Paul, you’ve made my day!
DeleteI found your analysis to be very interesting. If you haven't done so already, I would highly recommend that you see the book on Bessler's wheels by Ken B (aka Kenneth W. Behrendt). He does not treat the MT drawings in it other than giving a very detailed analysis of the Toys Page which he considers to be the most important drawing in MT. I think you would find his numerological analysis of the Toys Page very interesting. SoS mentioned last year that he had read the volume and approved of Ken's numerology analysis.
It’s up to you if you want to waste your money. This massive tome of 804 pages is crammed full of highly speculative assumptions and invisible clues. Thankfully he’s dropped the price from £80 to £9.57! He kindly sent me a digital copy which I struggled to review honestly, but if insomnia is your problem this just might be the answer!
I don't think that Ken B has control over those prices, John. They are determined by Amazon and other distributors and intended to maintain sales. Regardless of the price, Ken will still make the same royalty per book sold which is usually a fixed percentage of a book's full retail price and not its discounted price.
DeleteOn the US Amazon site listing for his book, they reduced the price of the hardcover version from $43.99 USD down to $27.69 USD and that now makes the hardcover version selling there less expensive than their paperback version which is $32.99 USD! This is a good time to get the hardcover version if one prefers that kind of cover.
You make it sound like you were bored by his book, but the 5 star reviews it's getting show others apparently have a different opinion. Ken makes the claim that the design he found for Bessler's wheels is the only one in existence that is clue based and has been verified by simulations. I think a lot of people are so hungry for a solution that they will accept his wheel design as the actual one that Bessler used unless something more convincing comes along. Whether or not it is still remains to be seen though. I have to admit that I found his design answered many of the questions I had about Bessler's wheels.
Yes, it's certainly a big volume because he's probably written more about the technical details of Bessler's wheels than Bessler, Dircks, Gould, Edwards, and you combined! I guess he felt that he needed to produce such a monumental work to adequately treat the subject.
There was precisely one 5 star review which said, “Great Deal - Great read and on time“.;
DeleteThere were just 4 ratings including one from Japan which Amazon translated as
“ a long, long story style, and there is no theoretical analysis or analysis..
Reviewed in Japan on 5 January 2022
Verified Purchase
Drawings of the internal structure of the wheels in the early days were somewhat intrigued, but no matter who thinks, they do not move on this.
It is questionable why there is no theoretical analysis or analysis related to that.
Hardly a wealth of five star reviews!
"Ken makes the claim that the design he found for Bessler's wheels is the only one in existence that is clue based and has been verified by simulations."
DeleteYou do not verify a working wheel with simulations , you verify a working wheel with a build .
@anon 9:01
DeleteThanks for the recommendation. I've heard of that huge Ken Behrendt book, but have not read it yet. Now that I'm seeing the prices are down I'll probably get the hardcover copy. I'm interested in any and all numerological type analysis I can find of Bessler's drawings. If it's got that in it then I'll be happy to see what he's got especially if SoS liked it.
I bought the book through amazon, though I really wish I'd saved my money, lol ;) Was a real disappointment. It's a monument to the man's self deception.
DeleteThanks JC for your Z lever clue. This is new fresh clue.
ReplyDeleteThank you CP Khatri, it’s nice to get the occasional expression of gratitude.
DeleteI am reluctant to give much a way until I’ve tested my own attempt at a solution.
@Paul. Maybe I’m paranoid and delusional after all? 😂. This obsession with the ‘Y’ shaped levers smacks of our old friend KB!
DeleteSeriously though, I admire your ingenious analysis of the Toys page but in my opinion it’s completely wrong, misleading and the real clues misunderstood.
I’ll leave it there for others to consider and I’ll get on with my own work which is fast approaching completion.
You are probably getting paranoid and delusional. We've seen that happen in the past whenever anyone new shows up here and tries to show us something he's found. Maybe you don't like any competition or anyone subtly suggesting that you are heading down the wrong trail in search of Bessler's secret pm wheel design?
DeleteHowever, I don't think that Paul is Ken B. While Ken B does use "Y" shaped levers in his version of Bessler's wheels, it was really SoS who started seriously promoting them years ago as a result of his numerological research into MT. It was also SoS who discovered the so-called Bessler "Lucky Ratio" and also that bizarre severed head clue on the Toys Page that shook people up here last March, IIRC. As a disciple of SoS, it's to be expected that Paul would also be looking for evidence of that lever shape and that ratio.
So far I've found what Paul has shown us to be most interesting and unexpected. I too was impressed by how Bessler used the letters of "T" and "V" for the lower axmen's axes. I can't think of any other obvious reason to do that other than to highlight that number of 25. Maybe it doesn't refer to the 25th letter "Y", but maybe it does. Time will tell.
JC wrote "...I admire your ingenious analysis of the Toys page but in my opinion it’s completely wrong, misleading and the real clues misunderstood."
DeleteBut that opinion is only because JC did not discover those clues himself! He will immediately put such a label on anyone else's new clues about anything related to Bessler and his wheels that JC does not personally discover. If he had discovered them, then he would have immediately promoted them as the most important clues ever found!
@JC It is always the same person with a different sign off , one name becomes stained with negativity he switches to another.
DeleteI dont know if all the clues people find leads to something , but I do know that whether they are real or not , people find inspiration by looking or pondering over clues , so i think whether clues are real or not , they seem to be positive in some regard to the some people , and some people like looking and exploring for clues only , others like building more than being caught up in the words and images , to each their own.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the severed head clue and who is/was SoS?
ReplyDeleteWatch out everyone. JC is back to playing his little game of deleting comments here to try to erase truths HE doesn't like! He deleted one in this blog that was an answer to anon 21:24's questions and told about SoS or "Sayer of Sooths" and all of the various NEW clues he's provided us with over the years. JC does NOT like anyone else giving clues here because he's delusional enough to think only HE has valid clues. He's also VERY envious of the fans that SoS has gained because of all of the new clues he's provided us with over the years which is something JC rarely does! All we mostly get from JC are recycled "clues" that are now over a decade old and proved worthless as far as learning anything about Bessler's wheels was concerned.
DeleteHe also deleted about twenty comments in the last blog that were reports by members who had actually seen a blog that JC must have accidentally posted, but then quickly deleted when he realized it revealed way too much of his REAL plans, but not before several had read it and one even commented on it! JC denies it ever existed, but we know different.
In that blog, which was called the "Bloggate Blog", JC admitted that he has NO plans of sharing anything about his wheel with anyone here and that he's trying to get a rich friend of his to build his wheel for him! That means all of his recent happy talk about serving us "pudding" by the end of this year is just more of his pure BS. His biggest problem right now is not building his wheel, but how he can come up with a plausible explanation for why he won't be "revealing all whether it works or not"!
He will quickly delete this comment as soon as he sees it, but not before many see it and know the truth! What's important is that HE knows his deletions aren't preventing the truth from getting out!
OK found it: and Sayer of souths. Peoples ability to delude themselves never ceases to amaze me.
ReplyDeleteHis name is "Sayer of Sooths" and not "Sayer of souths"!
DeleteYou have to keep in mind that often one person's truth will be dismissed by another person as a delusion and vice versa. There is only one ultimate test of the validity of one's beliefs. With testing they either lead to expected results and are therefore true. Or, they never can lead to such results and are therefore delusions.
Unfortunately, in many cases one never actually tests his beliefs either because it is not practical or is impossible so he can actually go to his grave not knowing if they were true or just delusional. I think a lot of pm chasers secretly prefer going to their graves not knowing the actual validity of their beliefs so they can continue to believe they are true.
That is far more preferable to them than testing them and risking finding out that they were only delusions. If that happens, then they have nothing and are like empty drums. If they don't have the energy to quickly whip up another batch of beliefs that they can assume to be true, then that would mean they would remain empty and depressed for the rest of their lives. A rather dismal future which is best to be avoided.
I've said it many times before on this blog, but what those drummer boys are hammering on are the ends of columns. If you read up on the ancient construction techniques used in Greece and Rome, there were 3 main types of them: Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian. Some were round on the ends and some were square. One of Bessler's clues was: Children play with heavy clubs among the broken columns. So these are the ends of the columns being hammered on with heavy clubs. The relevance of this I don't know, but that's what this is.
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% wrong about that. They are not stone columns and the little men aren't holding clubs. The two hammermen are hitting pounding on an anvil which might have a piece of hot metal on it that they are shaping and the two axemen are chopping away at a log...or as some believe a chopping block during the decapitation of someone.
Delete@anon 05:26. So you’re back spouting your usual lies. Why you find it enjoyable to do this is beyond my understanding. Go away and play on someone else’s blog, probably you are, it’s how you get your kicks.
He sounds angry! Do you think I sound angry? Yes? I am.
DeleteOK I’ll respond this time despite being warned not to get into debates about negative comments.
It’s true that I deleted a number of comments. There were some comments of a extremely negative nature which made assumptions about my intentions and claiming to know what I was going to do. This provoked a stream of additional presumptions all baseless but once seen in print so-to-speak, all deserving of deletion.
The problem is that these negative comments attract further offensive comments, so there is little point in deleting the first ones without the deleting the others, otherwise they are left without any reference to the initial ones.
The other thing is the ridiculous claim that I posted a blog and then deleted it immediately because I’d admitted something I shouldn’t have. Apparently it was because I admitted planning to do something that was the total opposite of what I publicly said. Why on earth would I even consider doing something like that? Such a stupid claim. That blog never existed except in the mind of the weirdo that posted the comment to that effect.
The person who also claimed to have seen it is most likely the same one. Two different people can’t surely have shared the same illusion!
I have tried over the years to avoid deleting comments but sometimes it’s better to remove them ASAP. In the last year or so there has been an increasing number of comments that I’ve deleted, not my choice but foisted on me by trolls.
Well rationalized and actioned John .. -f
DeleteThanks mate, much appreciated. JC