Saturday, 4 November 2023

What Was the Purpose of this Blog? To Inform.

I think sometimes that people question the purpose of this blog.  My approach has always been to try to interest everyone who happens to drop in on this blog and I’ve tried to maintain an ethical standard in my writing, not knowingly including false information but occasionally offering speculation. 

I have from time to time got carried away with an optimistic view of my ongoing research and made promises I was unable to fulfil.  I understand how frustrating this can be, and I humbly apologise.  Usually I try to curb my enthusiasm, but from time to time I fail.  A quote from Top Gun seems appropriate;” “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash”.  I must apologise if I seem overly optimistic, but in my defence, I know that optimism is a vital ingredient in this field of research.

When I began this blog back in February 2009, I never dreamed that I would still be writing it 14 years later. and yet here I am.  I’ve described numerous clues and codes I’ve found that Bessler inserted into his publications over the years and they actually amount to a lot of information.  

As time passed I imagined in my naivety that some people would see and understand the interpretations I was giving away freely and do as I have done.  I have continued to search, find and interpret clues and codes, hoping that people would continue my work, possibly getting to the solution before me.  But no; they haven’t!  I realised fairly recently that nothing else would change this but a working model and a full explanation of how Bessler gave us the clues to solve this puzzle.  This laissez-faire attitude among my readers is possibly because everyone wants to be the one who finally finds the solution to this 311 year old mystery, using their own interpretations of Bessler’s meaning.

Be that as it may, the moment of truth is fast approaching.   The solution to Bessler’s wheel might well be a simultaneous discovery or invention.  Given that so many people are engaged in this pursuit, it’s quite possible, even likely, that two or more will announce the solution within hours of each other. I don’t mind if this happens, I welcome it, let’s let the genie out of the bottle, that’s the most important thing.

My chief aim over the life of this blog has been to try to keep the story of Bessler’s wheel alive in the mind of the countless numbers of people already engaged in seeking the solution.  It has also been my self-appointed task to try to bring the story to the younger minds who are not perhaps au fait with the legend, and of course pursue my own research whether through building models - and when that failed to materialise successfully - continue to look for new clues/codes which still awaited deciphering.

I have to admit that after so many years building experimental models that did not work, I stopped and concentrated on finding the solution without the bother of building, but since I recently came to the conclusion that only a working model would ever convince anybody that my interpretations are correct the thought of starting to build again was a little daunting, but having begun again I am enjoying it and am hopeful, finally, of success.

This has been an expensive exercise.  I originally ran 10 websites but I had to let some of them go which was a painful decision for me.  The only income I had that I could use to keep this thing going came from the sale of books which is why you will see the occasional blog promoting the legend of Bessler’s wheel. It’s getting harder to cover the expense and I can see a time not so far off, when I’ll have to let them go, but I’ll keep on while I can.

I have latterly found a few new clue/codes and reinterpreted old ones, and this information which I have been able to add to that which I already have, has enabled me to at last believe I’m almost there. My current build will be my last one, if it doesn’t work, I think I will know why, and it will then be my pleasure to release all that I know, and some that you don’t know I know! 

People often ask me if I would patent the device if I was able to build a successful one - well the answer has always been no.  Patents are not for likes of us, too expensive to get and too expensive to watch over and defend.  Besides you’re never going to stop random people and companies elsewhere in the world, building and selling their own Bessler wheels, where such niceties as moral and legal systems are overlooked. So no patents.



  1. "My current build will be my last one, if it doesn’t work, I think I will know why..."

    If it doesn't work the reason why will be very simple to understand: it doesn't work because the design does not keep the CoG of its weights on the wheel's descending side as the wheel rotates. That's it in a nutshell.

    You previously stated that you would be making the determination if your current wheel is a success or a failure by the end of this year at the latest. Is that goal post firmly planted or will you, yet again, be moving it down the field because you can't finally let go of all of those pentagon / pentagram "clues" you think you've found?

    1. Ah, the enigmatic "Y" lever! This peculiar contraption within the AP "wheel" drawing has fueled our imaginations for far too long. The elusive secret to perpetual motion, they say, hidden within a shape that looks more like it belongs in a game of hangman than an engineering marvel.

      But wait, there's more! According to some, this "Y" lever is not just any old lever; it's imbued with mystical powers of luck. With a magical ratio of 0.777, it supposedly holds the key to winning every lottery, roulette game, and competitive rock-paper-scissors match. Yes, you heard it right, 0.777, the luckiest number since the invention of four-leaf clovers!

      So, here we are, dissecting the "Y" lever as if it's the secret formula for turning lead into gold. We've charted its angles, measured its length, and consulted numerologists to decipher its cosmic significance. Some even claim that rubbing the "Y" lever on your forehead while humming "I Will Survive" will guarantee you good fortune for a lifetime.

      But let's face it; this is getting a tad absurd. If this "Y" lever truly held the power to bless us with 0.777 luck, we'd have billionaires buying "Y" lever-shaped pendants and good ol' Y-shaped levers popping up in Vegas slot machines. The world would be a chaotic place, with people worshiping at the shrine of the "Y" lever, hoping to hit the luck jackpot.

      In reality, the "Y" lever is just a mechanical component within a machine, not a mystical charm. And the lucky ratio of 0.777? Well, it's just a laughable notion we've concocted in our quest for eternal luck.

      So, my fellow believers in the absurd, let's take a step back and acknowledge that sometimes, a "Y" lever is just a "Y" lever, and our dreams of becoming professional lottery winners might be a tad too ambitious. But hey, at least we've had a good chuckle along the way!

      Sayer Of Spoofs

    2. @Sayer of Spoofs

      Actually that lucky ratio of 0.777 is not anywhere in the Y shaped lever that SoS talks so much about. He always says that whenever John finds the number 55 anywhere in Bessler writings or drawings it means you have to multiply the two 5's to get 25 which is a reference to the letter Y because that letter is the 25th one of the alphabet whether it's the English or German alphabet.

      IIRC this clue pops up in MT 10 where Bessler's note for the drawing hints that we need a specially shaped lever to achieve pm. SoS claims that lever must have a Y shape to it.

      The ratio of 0.777 was also gotten from other various clues SoS found in the MT drawings over the years. It apparently had special meaning for Bessler. It had the 7's which in numerology are the luckiest of numbers and that number also refers to the 7th heaven where God is supposed to live. By using that particular ratio in the construction of his wheels, Bessler was trying to give himself luck for various things like actually building something that worked and also being able to sell it once he got it. He was also praising God possibly hoping God would send him a miracle that would let him be successful.

      Well, it must have worked because here we all are 300 years later talking about Bessler's miraculous invention even though the world of formal science dismisses him as a fraudster with a fake pm wheel. I can understand why anybody would want to carry a talisman with that ratio on it and why SoS said he always carries several of them whenever he leaves his house. Better safe than sorry because one mistakenly thought he had all of the answers and such things were nonsense. They weren't nonsense to Bessler!

    3. We will have to wait and see SoS's wheel , after all he is going to have to build it to proof his clues leads to a real solution that he and you like talking about so much , what do you think people here would say if he does not build it , i guess you can imagine what they would say after all those long written explanations of clues and no build or solution comes from them .....

    4. Anon @11:20
      Not to mention the countless responses that try and validate SoS's clues from everyone who supposedly know they are facts and not fiction , I agree SoS will have to put up just like his followers wants Collins to do , so shall they have to do too out of just and fairness.

    5. Lets see SoS build his wonderfully clue fueled wheel before J.C can shall we !

    6. @ Anon 11:30
      The only thing you are going to see from them are excuses , the type and amount they proclaim JC delivers , but I see that JC delivers more than words ,more than they ever did !

    7. Nice to see some JC fans finally speaking up here.

      I think you guys are forgetting that SoS is a professional psychic. He's not trying to build anything but just trying to use his gifts to uncover some clues that can help others build something. His work with MT was impressive especially his numerological analysis of MT13 which he claims is the design Bessler managed to modify that made it work.

      As far as JC is concerned, he wrote above "My current build will be my last one, if it doesn’t work, I think I will know why, and it will then be my pleasure to release all that I know, and some that you don’t know I know!"

      My prediction is that if we actually see any photos from JC of his five lever design before the end of this year (I give that a 1 in 100 chance) and it does not work, he will quickly explain away the failure as due to his construction being too shoddy because of a lack of his crafting skill and/or inadequate equipment. AT NO TIME will he ever even consider the possibility that his five lever theory is wrong and his clues are only delusional "clues" and worthless. All of the new clues discovered by anyone else will not in any way change the course he is on because he has become emotionally and mentally locked into it.

      Unfortunately, if he is on the wrong path this will guarantee that he can never find success and will know nothing but frustration for the rest of his life. Imo, he needs to become a lot more flexible in his approach and stop putting down guys like SoS who are just as sincere as him in finding a solution.

    8. My prediction is that SoS and his pathetic "followers" would not be able to produce one single real world verifiable result from all their babbling about their so called flawless factual useless "clues" .

    9. You want to talk the talk then walk the walk.

    10. @ anon 18:54
      I think the people here should learn not to judge JC with their constant silly remarks , when they themselves can't be bothered to act on a fraction of the gobbledygook they cook up and present as pure gourmet cooking.

    11. I can also make a prediction of what will happen if John ever actually shows us anything he's built by the end of this year "whether it works or not" (which it most likely will not unfortunately).

      When a few here and on bwf actually sim his design and report back that, even if it was precisely constructed, it is still just another dead duck design, he will immediately dismiss their sims as being unreliable because the simmers don't know how to make an accurate sim. He may even get paranoid and think that they actually found that his design worked, but are lying about that to sabotage his success and prevent him from receiving the fame he so justly deserves!

    12. You might unfortunately be right about your pessimistic predictions anon 20:44.

      But eventually someone whose simming abilities JC trusts (like Fletcher, for instance) will sim his design for him. If that simmer says there's no way it will ever work, you can bet JC will still insist that it CAN work with just a few more small changes which he's already got in mind. But even before he makes those changes and tests to verify they give him a runner he will proudly proclaim that he has finally at long last found a "99% solution" to Bessler's wheels which he is convinced is destined to soon become a 100% solution!

      If another pm wheel appears while all of that is going on that does NOT use five levers and that actually works, JC will simply declare that he knows FOR A FACT (based on additional clues he has not revealed yet, of course) that it is NOT Bessler's wheel! At that point most will not really care about his objections because they will be too busy playing with the new pm toy and saying how it must be Bessler's design.

    13. With the exception of Bessler the history of pm is loaded with guys who had 99% solutions. Most of them finally bitterly gave up but a few struggled on hoping to get that extra 1% they needed but which they never got. Destiny can be so cruel. It cares nothing for how much effort one makes, how smart he is, how great is his need for success, or how noble is his purpose. I go along with those who say luck is the critical factor and luck is something one can count either get it or you don't. Bessler obvious had a lot of it at least up to where he tried to find a buyer for his invention.

    14. Make that "...and luck is NOT something one can count on..."

    15. I make another prediction , SoS and his supporters who claim his "clues" are flawless facts , will continue to mumble words of high praises to themselves , and will have no positive real world outcome , and so they will continue to spread their false message of fake positivity about pure dust in the wind , they will never have anything to show for their supposedly clues they claim Bessler's work yet Bessler's work was a real wheel and not a bunch of muble jumble.

    16. @anon 00:00

      Interesting that you commented at exactly midnight! I don't think I've ever seen that happen before on this blog.

      Anyway, if JC's last build of his five lever wheel fails to work by the end of this year, I'm sure he will immediately vow to continue trying to make it work for the rest of his life. Eventually his building days will be permanently over and he'll then have to concentrate on trying to get others with better health, skills, and equipment to build it for him. If he lasts long enough to make it into a nursing home, no doubt he will still be looking for more clues to help others make his five lever wheel work and prove to the world that it really is the design Bessler used. Without such a final 100% solution though he won't be making it into the history books other than maybe a brief wikipedia article on him.

      If he never gets beyond a 99% solution, I can imagine them carving a large pentagon into his gravestone with "99%" placed inside of it to honor his vain efforts over the years. But, it would be so much nicer for him if that pentagon could contain "100%" instead.

    17. that you guys have all of John's future figured out right up to his burial there's no need for him to buy a crystal ball or have a Tarot card reading!

    18. Anon 19:20 wrote "I can imagine them carving a large pentagon into his gravestone with "99%" placed inside of it to honor his vain efforts over the years."

      Some however might think a design like that would mock JC's failure to find a 100% solution, but one can also look at it as a way of paying tribute to his efforts over the years even though they were not successful during his lifetime. Here's a quick photoshopped image I made to show what the gravestone might look like. His name would be across the top with the birth/death dates to the left and right of the pentagon:

    19. Now you're designing a gravestone for John! What's next...a casket?!

    20. That's not a bad idea, anon 04:57!

      To keep with the theme of pentagons, John might consider having a sturdy oak wood coffin custom made which is actually a pentagonal prism that is stained to make it look like mahogany. Perhaps the percentage "99%" in polished brass numerals can be attached to the centers of both of its pentagon end pieces? I would also attach metal discs to the top pieces that have the AP wheel drawing engraved into them. For extra luck in reaching the afterlife, attach Bessler's lucky ratio of 0.777, also in polished brass numerals, to various place on the coffin.

  2. @anon 07:37 I wrote that the reason it might not work could happen if I was unable assemble everything including the cords in their correct positions without them coming into conflict with actions of the mechanisms.

    In Bessler’s and my design, which are the same, the CG of its weights is indeed kept on the descending side of the wheel.

    When I know the result I will post photographs of the wheel as it is at that time. A simple picture of the layout will confirm that it will work, and a picture of the concept is very simple and easy to understand.

    YES, I will know the result before the end of this year and will post the result as soon as I can, before the end of this year.


    At that point I will welcome a multitude of sims all showing the solution.

    1. " A simple picture of the layout will confirm that it will work, and a picture of the concept is very simple and easy to understand."

      If I had a dollar for every "simple picture" that I was convinced HAD to work when built but never did, I'd be a millionaire by now. Well, let's hope your last simple picture finally results in a real world runner or at least a sim that is a runner. If not, then you might want to consider beginning a regimen of daily antidepressant medications...strong ones!

    2. Maybe he's already on a daily regimen of antidepressant medication that comes in a convenient and easy to ingest liquid form? Lol!

  3. JC wrote "It has also been my self-appointed task to try to bring the story to the younger minds who are not perhaps au fait with the legend..."

    YES! It's time for a fresh, younger generation to take up the challenge of solving B's wheels. Here's a recent photo of a group of these dedicated newbies discussing their future plans to find the secret of B's wheels:

  4. Hey John just letting you know, not sure if it's intentional but your gravitywheel blog doesn't redirect to the blog part unless the full URL "" is typed out (WWW is needed)

    1. Thank you anon 19:06. I know what to do, so thanks for reminding me.


    2. All those negative comments about how they think I’m going to react are what psychiatrists call ‘projection’ . Their problem with me is inside their heads and is actually about them, and nothing to do with me.


    3. Yes, John, they are so negative and think they have your entire future all figured out. I think however that they are neglecting to consider that the curse on this blog was recently eliminated and now that we've all seen that blessing clue SoS found in the AP wheel, we're supposed to have triple the luck we would get from just a single Bessler lucky ratio!

      I think you are going to be experiencing the best luck of your life in the next few months and just in time for you to finally find your five lever runner! Ignore those negative types and keep your eyes on the prize. Also, make sure you keep as positive as possible. You might want to consider SoS's advice of placing an image of the AP wheel near where you are working on your five lever wheel. It may even increase your luck further!

    4. I think SoS was right in the last blog when he used the analogy of positive and negative electrical charges to explain how blessings and curses work.

      Each of us must have some sort of balance of these charges in our lives that determines our destiny. When we have good luck some extra positive luck charge comes into our lives or negative luck charge is removed and that makes random events work in our favor. When we have bad luck some extra negative luck charge comes into our lives or positive luck charge is removed and makes random events not work in our favor.

      Blessings and curses however allow humans or gods to direct this flow of luck charge for certain persons or groups of people for some purpose.
      Lucky charms are objects which for some reason can add positive luck charge to our lives while keeping out the negative luck charge. Will there ever be scientific proof of any of this? Who knows? Maybe someday. I think SoS's explanation of this is really just a variation of the concept of "karma" from Hinduism and Buddhism.

      I don't ridicule those who carry lucky charms because they probably wouldn't do it if they did not notice that they seemed to have worked in the past for them. Many a soldier on a battlefield gets comfort from knowing he's got his lucky charm with him.

    5. I believe in curses and blessings? Let's see now.

      In early March of this year SoS shows up and reveals the "severed head clue" in MT. It creates a lot of controversy that quickly gets ugly and triggers one of JC's occasional hissy fit shutdowns in early April! Some insist that was due to the clue being cursed and cursing anyone who saw it!

      This blog then goes into a coma for seven months with no one reporting any progress until JC has yet another hissy fit shutdown in early October. Then SoS shows up again in late October and reveals a "blessing clue" he found hidden in Bessler's AP wheel drawing that he claims will neutralize the severed head clue's curse and even bring everyone here some extra luck for the holidays. Now this blog seems to be back to normal with many making interesting comments again and JC is on the verge of revealing his solution to Bessler's wheels.

      So after all of this do I believe in curses and blessings? HELL YES!

  5. The problem, JC, is that you're sowing the wind, let's hope you don't reap the storm.
    You're performing your play in front of the crowd and you'd like the audience to applaud before you've performed your play.


    1. Well thanks guys, plenty of advice. So I may be in for the best luck of my life….or I’m going to reap a storm! I think people are hedging their bets, you’re either right or your wrong!


    2. You’re wrong not - Your wrong!

      If, as I believe, I will produce a working wheel, some people will say that would be sheer blind luck. Maybe, but I don’t think so, there have been over 50 years of no luck before this, and anyway I worked it out from Bessler’s clues - no luck involved!

      If I fail that wouldn’t be Bad luck, just the way things happen or don’t


    3. Thx4 wrote: "...and you'd like the audience to applaud before you've performed your play."

      So far instead of applauding him they seem to be hurling a lot of rotten tomatoes at him. But that is to be expect whenever someone is bold enough to stand up and say "I have THE solution!" It's really due to all of those frustrated and clueless types out there being extremely envious and expressing their anger at him for filling them with that burning envy.

      So let them all burn up with their envy. When John finally reveals all we can expect their anger will fly even higher!

  6. I honestly don't have much faith in John's build for a few reasons. First and foremost, I don't think John has calculated the exact COM of his wheel. Why not??? I wish him the best and really appreciate everything he has done with this endeavor!

    1. Calculate?! No, John doesn't need to do any damn fool calculations! He can just look at a design and immediately know to nearest mm where it's CoM is located. Calculations are for amateurs and not for John!

    2. Considering the amount of information I’ve passed onto people over the years either via my books or my web sites I find these negative comments about me very disrespectful.

      A while back many of you demanded and pleaded for me to post a picture so that it could be simmed I wasn’t ready at that time but I reluctantly posted the only one I have ever posted. The result was as I anticipated, very negative, so I decided not to post any more images until I had a working model. So how come you all know so much about my abilities as an engineer?

      I’m capable of knowing if this current design will work, and perhaps some of you will also understand why I’m so confident when you see it.


    3. FYI, I spent five years as an airframe fitter in the RAF followed by three years at BA working on the Concord, followed by five years at Rolls Royce Engines, so I think I have a more than basic grasp of engineering!


    4. You have to expect to be insulted, ridiculed, and accused of all sorts of nefarious things, John. Anyone who claims to have found a working PM machine must endure this treatment. It comes with the territory as they say. Bessler had to endure it and so will you.

      The "intellectuals" of Bessler's day had been taught that a falling weight could never lift the same amount of weight to a greater height so that a machine using that simple principle could keep running perpetually while doing useful outside work. Therefore, anyone who said that he had a machine capable of doing that HAD to be a liar and deserving of contempt because his machine was an impossibility. Obviously, any machine he exhibited that displayed PM HAD to be a fake that was intended to deceive people and steal their money.

      Those "intellectuals", led by the likes of Professor Christian Wagner, were convinced that these judgements also had to apply to Bessler and his wheels. The idea that his wheels might use a completely different principle of operation never occurred to them because they knew of no other principle. BUT, Bessler did!

      Btw. For those who are clueless as to what an "airframe fitter" does, see this website's description:,15.htm

    5. Thank you anon 09:00. Sound advice.

      Just to clarify, my job in the Royal Air Force involved “As an Aircraft Technician (Mechanical) your job is to carry out maintenance and repair work on the airframe and propulsion systems on RAF aircraft”. In my case it was the old Hastings DC aircraft and then the Hercules Lockheed C-130.


    6. anon 09:00 wrote:

      "The idea that his wheels might use a completely different principle of operation never occurred to them because they knew of no other principle. BUT, Bessler did!"

      What "different principle" could there possibly be? A weight dropping on a wheel's descending side cannot lift the same weight higher on the wheel's ascending side. There is no way around that unless Bessler found some way to temporarily reduce the mass of the weights on the ascending side or temporarily increase their mass on the descending side. That cannot be done. All of this is why skeptics say Bessler was just a clever scammer who was lucky enough not to get caught. He was such a good magician that he even fooled the count who was an expert mathematician and well familiar with the science of his day.

    7. @ anon 09:00. You wrote, “There is no way around that unless Bessler found some way to temporarily reduce the mass of the weights on the ascending side or temporarily increase their mass on the descending side. That cannot be done”.

      No indeed that can’t be done, yet the evidence is compelling that Bessler was not a “clever scammer”, Karl said it was very simple and he could not understand why no one had thought of it before. In fact I too cannot believe that no one has discovered the same principle, in fact since I found it I can’t believe it’s taken me more than 50 years to get to this point! Yes I understand it now and I also know that absolutely no one will believe me until I show a working model and a diagram.


    8. @anon 17:37

      That "different principle" is just "preponderance". When you have a wheel that stays out of balance as it turns, you always have more mass on the wheel's descending side than its ascending side. That means the torques working on the opposite sides of the wheel are always unequal and the wheel must keep turning in the direction of the greater torque which will be around the bottom of the wheel away from its descending side and toward its ascending side. But for this to work a wheel has to stay continuously out of balance AS IT TURNS. 100% of the overbalanced wheel designs that failed could not maintain their overbalance.

      JC's five lever design will also fail if it cannot maintain its overbalance and it does not matter how obvious he thinks it is that it should. Every past failed overbalanced pm wheel builder was also convinced that his design had to work because it was so simple and obvious to understand. After he struggled to build his wheel and finally tested it he found out the hard way how really deceptive his impression of a "simple" design could be.

      JC wrote "...and I also know that absolutely no one will believe me until I show a working model and a diagram."

      You may never get a working model finished. Drawings and photos of your design are fine, but if I was you I'd concentrate on getting a working sim first made by someone who knows how to make accurate sims. With that you may find a lot of others willing to do the actual building for you while you sit back, relax, and monitor their progress which you can report here. When one of them finally gets a runner, you won't get credit for building it, but you will get credit for finding its design which Bessler so carefully hid from the world. Having credit for that second thing is really the most important of the two.

    9. JC you may go to working model with progress you achieve with photo.I think.

    10. @anon 00:17

      There's a problem with that "different principle" you described.
      If a turning overbalanced pm wheel always keeps its CoM on its descending side, then that means that CoM must always be rising relative to the wheel and against the downward pull of gravity. A CoM that is always rising needs to be constantly supplied with energy to do so. Where is that energy coming from? It has to have a source unless you believe it can just come out of nowhere.

    11. A pm wheel builder who has no idea where the energy his wheel is supposed to put out comes from is like a man who plans to open a restaurant to serve people food who has no idea where that food is going to come from!

    12. Let the scientists worry about where the energy comes from. All we should worry about is making sure it keeps coming because the wheel stays out of balance. Without that happening everything else is just idle speculation.

    13. @anon 02:36

      No, an overbalanced pm wheel's energy can't "come out of nowhere". It has a source and it's easy to determine.

      If you have more mass falling on an overbalanced wheel's descending side than is rising on its ascending side, then the wheel is losing more gravitational potential energy (or "gpe") from its descending side than it's regaining on its ascending side as it rotates. That excess loss of gpe by the descending side of the wheel then immediately used to increase the whole wheel's rotational kinetic energy increase and it speeds up or causes the parts in some machine attached to its axle to speed up and the wheel then does outside work.

      The formula for gravitational potential energy is gpe = mgh = mass of weight x acceleration due to gravity x h or vertical distance weight drops through. Near the Earth's surface g can be considered constant (and about 32.174 ft/sec^2) and h at most will be the diameter of the wheel and constant. Since those two factors don't change, all that's left that can be reduced is m or the mass of the lead weights in the wheel.

      Because of this if one of Bessler's wheels was running constantly, then any gravitational potential energy it lost by increasing its rotational kinetic energy or doing outside work could only come from the mass of its lead weights which over time would very gradually become less massive. The energy from those weights is given by Einstein's famous equation E - mc^2. Since Bessler's wheels contained hundreds of pounds of lead, they could run for a very long time if they only doled out the energy of those weights at the rate of a maybe 50 watts. Most likely, an unserviced wheel would break down from wear and tear long before its lead weights lost even a fraction of 1% of their energy.

      @anon 08:23

      I consider the above sound science and not "idle speculation", but I agree with you that the priority of the overbalanced pm wheel builder is to get a design that stays OB as it turns and does that without having to use up all of the wheel's outputted mechanical energy to do so. His wheel must just naturally be out of balance and automatically slide back into that state whenever it starts to turn. Sounds like it shouldn't be that difficult to do, but the three centuries of failure since Bessler's success prove otherwise.

    14. JC wrote at 19:09:

      "In fact I too cannot believe that no one has discovered the same principle, in fact since I found it I can’t believe it’s taken me more than 50 years to get to this point! Yes I understand it now and I also know that absolutely no one will believe me until I show a working model and a diagram."

      If you don't reveal this unbelievable principle by the end of THIS year, then that title of "John the Great Disappointer" will be permanently stuck to you like tar for the rest of your life! We are all VERY eager to find out what it is. If it's real, then you will be famous. If it's not real, then you will be scorned and pitied. Let's hope it's real and makes you famous!

      We don't need a "working model" to know if it's real. A few independently made and accurate sims will suffice.

  7. Ah thanks anon 17:38! So pleased to be reminded of that old Hastings. When I was 18 I flew to Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in a Hastings. We stopped three times and it took 8 hours! The Charlie 130 probably only took less than half that time.


  8. John, do you happen to have a contact for David Brown? I'm trying to find information about his Asa Jackson wheel book.

    1. Unfortunately David and his wife passed away 26 July 2020.

      He gave me a copy his specially printed book and CD about the ASA Jackson wheel which has detailed drawings of every part. It was a limited edition but I believe he placed the majority of the remaining books.

      I’ve found an email from him dated 7-12-2018 it says,

      “ John,
      I gave the rights to the book and CD to the Museum of Appalachia where the wheel is located. I don't know any of the prices but they do sell them. Their website is and their contact page is

      I hope that helps. I’d let you have my copy but Dave was a good friend and I treasure these items.


    2. Hello, Anon 00:18

      There was someone who showed up here years ago and claimed to be an expert on the Asa Jackson pm wheel. IIRC, he said that only the large outer red ring gear turned and it was powered by the inner diamond shaped part which was actually a rocking beam type pm machine that moved independently of the outer ring gear. As it rocked from one side to another around the suspended axle, those "pads" at the bottom that touch the inside of the ring gear would lift up on one side of the ring gear, swing over to the other side of it, drop down, and then grip and turn the ring gear through so many degrees after which the process would be repeated. Because of that, the ring gear would have a pulsing torque applied to it instead of a continuous one like what was applied to Bessler's wheels.

      There were several attempts in the past to get Asa Jackson's wheel running, but they all failed. Some claim that what they have at that Museum of Appalachia is only a small part of a much larger machine and even it is missing a lot of its parts. Just looking at what is left in its exhibit case shows that a tremendous amount of work must have gone into building it.

      Here's a nice photo of the wheel at the museum:[postimages]/0

    3. Anon 00:18 here. Oh goodness I'm so sorry I had no idea. My condolences.

      I only recently discovered about the Asa Jackson wheel as well as the Buzzsaw wheel. I realize I'm about 15-20 years too late from when discussion initially happened so I'm trying to dig up what I can. Thank you to John and Anon 09:02 for the info.

    4. You’re welcome. It’s never too late for a fresh pair of eyes. Dave made an extremely detailed study of the machine and included top quality photos as well as engineering drawings of every part. It’s an amazing record.


    5. @anon 13:27
      I wouldn't waste my time with the "buzzsaw wheel" if I was you. There were several sims made of it in the past that showed it was unworkable because the amount of weight dropping in it per second was always equal to the amount rising. Apparently the guy who first built it could only make it run by attaching an electric motor to it. During one test a cylindrical iron weight flew out of it and damaged a nearby wall. Good thing it didn't hit him in the head!

    6. @anon 20:28
      They did not use the secret principle in those sims.

    7. @anon 00:26

      In a way you are right because the buzzsaw wheel really has nothing in common with Bessler's wheels other than they are both wheels.

      A guy named Preston Stroud spent 3 years making an exact replica of the original 1909 buzzsaw wheel and could never get it to self-run. Family members of the original builder swore they saw it powering a sawmill, but none of them actually saw the wheel running by itself. All they saw were drive belts coming out of a barn that the wheel was kept hidden in. That, of course, proves nothing. I also think the original was powered by an electric motor that the family members were not allowed to see.

      I suspect that a lot of pm wheel builders decide to fake that their wheels are working because they get delusional and then truly believe that they will only have to do that for a short time until they actually get it running. When that does not happen, then they have to cover up their embarrassing mistake by doing a disappearing act along with their invention, claiming some rival inventor in a fit of jealously or greed stole the wheel from them or destroyed it on them, or by just announcing that it was destroyed in an unfortunate shop "accident". Failure in the field of pm machine research is a difficult thing to forces one to face the fact that all of his years of sacrifice and struggle led to nothing of any real value except more junk to deposit in his scrap bin.

      Here's a nice video showing Stroud demonstrating his replica which he painted the same colors as the original:

      They used to have some photos of the original 1909 wheel over on bwf, but who knows what happened to them. Anyone got some copies that they can link to here?

    8. Thank you for above several excellent comments.


    9. @anon 00:26
      The original buzzsaw did have springs .

    10. The original Abeling gravity wheel also had springs.

  9. Found this interesting JC quote circa 2011:

    "John Rowley was Master of Mechanics for King George 1 and a contemporary of John Harrison the inventor of the Marine chronometer. He was regarded as the finest mechanic in England and made clocks and watches and mathematical and scientific instruments for many, including Sir Isaac Newton.

    Rowley visited Kassel and examined Bessler's wheel and was convinced that it was genuine. He didn't write to Bessler as far as I can tell but did some research among the libraries of London searching through books on PM. He became famous (or infamous) for declaring that Bessler's wheel was real and was probably responsible for the establishment of the fund to buy Bessler's wheel. Unfortunately the stock market nose-dived at that precise moment, otherwise we would probably not be here discussing the wheel but using it and its descendants!

    There is no record of what Rowley actually saw, only circumstantial evidence that he was there and he saw the machine and spoke passionately about it."

    1. I bet that Rowley had a long conversation with Newton about Bessler's Kassel wheel. How would Newton have reacted when he was told just a gentle push of the wheel made it accelerate up to 26 rpm's? That would seem to violate all three of Newton's laws of motion! While Rowley would have been saying he was certain that the wheel was genuine, I think Newton would have suspected a hoax. It's interesting that now three hundred years later the opinion of most scientists hasn't changed much.

    2. Newton never showed any interest in Bessler’s wheel, at least not in any of the extensive records of his writing. I’m sure he dismissed as fraud. Nothing’s changed.


    3. It's too bad that Bessler could not have revealed the secret of his wheels to Newton and, like Karl, sworn him to secrecy. With the aging Newton verifying that Bessler's wheels were genuine (while emphasizing that they did not violate any of Newton's laws of motion!), it would have made it a lot easier for Bessler to find a buyer for his wheels.

      But, Bessler's 12 foot wheels were not easily portable and the aging Newton probably wouldn't have wanted to travel out to Saxony to see and test Bessler's wheels and also have their interior mechs revealed to him. Bessler could have traveled to London to see Newton and brought his little tabletop wheel along with him for the reveal.

      Bessler might have relied on Leibniz to set up the meeting, but by that time Leibniz and Newton were hurling insults at each other over who really invented the calculus. very luck in some ways and so very unlucky in other ways!

    4. That would have been a good result. Newton died at 84 in 1727 but Leibniz died in 1716 aged 70 and only just survived long enough to see Bessler’s wheel.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...