Saturday 4 November 2023

What Was the Purpose of this Blog? To Inform.

I think sometimes that people question the purpose of this blog.  My approach has always been to try to interest everyone who happens to drop in on this blog and I’ve tried to maintain an ethical standard in my writing, not knowingly including false information but occasionally offering speculation. 

I have from time to time got carried away with an optimistic view of my ongoing research and made promises I was unable to fulfil.  I understand how frustrating this can be, and I humbly apologise.  Usually I try to curb my enthusiasm, but from time to time I fail.  A quote from Top Gun seems appropriate;” “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash”.  I must apologise if I seem overly optimistic, but in my defence, I know that optimism is a vital ingredient in this field of research.

When I began this blog back in February 2009, I never dreamed that I would still be writing it 14 years later. and yet here I am.  I’ve described numerous clues and codes I’ve found that Bessler inserted into his publications over the years and they actually amount to a lot of information.  

As time passed I imagined in my naivety that some people would see and understand the interpretations I was giving away freely and do as I have done.  I have continued to search, find and interpret clues and codes, hoping that people would continue my work, possibly getting to the solution before me.  But no; they haven’t!  I realised fairly recently that nothing else would change this but a working model and a full explanation of how Bessler gave us the clues to solve this puzzle.  This laissez-faire attitude among my readers is possibly because everyone wants to be the one who finally finds the solution to this 311 year old mystery, using their own interpretations of Bessler’s meaning.

Be that as it may, the moment of truth is fast approaching.   The solution to Bessler’s wheel might well be a simultaneous discovery or invention.  Given that so many people are engaged in this pursuit, it’s quite possible, even likely, that two or more will announce the solution within hours of each other. I don’t mind if this happens, I welcome it, let’s let the genie out of the bottle, that’s the most important thing.

My chief aim over the life of this blog has been to try to keep the story of Bessler’s wheel alive in the mind of the countless numbers of people already engaged in seeking the solution.  It has also been my self-appointed task to try to bring the story to the younger minds who are not perhaps au fait with the legend, and of course pursue my own research whether through building models - and when that failed to materialise successfully - continue to look for new clues/codes which still awaited deciphering.

I have to admit that after so many years building experimental models that did not work, I stopped and concentrated on finding the solution without the bother of building, but since I recently came to the conclusion that only a working model would ever convince anybody that my interpretations are correct the thought of starting to build again was a little daunting, but having begun again I am enjoying it and am hopeful, finally, of success.

This has been an expensive exercise.  I originally ran 10 websites but I had to let some of them go which was a painful decision for me.  The only income I had that I could use to keep this thing going came from the sale of books which is why you will see the occasional blog promoting the legend of Bessler’s wheel. It’s getting harder to cover the expense and I can see a time not so far off, when I’ll have to let them go, but I’ll keep on while I can.

I have latterly found a few new clue/codes and reinterpreted old ones, and this information which I have been able to add to that which I already have, has enabled me to at last believe I’m almost there. My current build will be my last one, if it doesn’t work, I think I will know why, and it will then be my pleasure to release all that I know, and some that you don’t know I know! 

People often ask me if I would patent the device if I was able to build a successful one - well the answer has always been no.  Patents are not for likes of us, too expensive to get and too expensive to watch over and defend.  Besides you’re never going to stop random people and companies elsewhere in the world, building and selling their own Bessler wheels, where such niceties as moral and legal systems are overlooked. So no patents.


The Real Johann Bessler Codes part one

I’ve decided to include in my blogs some of the evidence I have found and deciphered which contain  the real information Bessler intended us...