Sunday, 19 November 2023

Further Update on Bessler’s Wheel Model.

Building this prototype has made me realise how clever Bessler was to squeeze all of these mechanisms. into such a thin wheel.  His first wheel was only four inches thick and even allowing for very thin coverings there wasn’t much room inside. On the plus side, in my version none of the mechanisms overlap so there isn’t a problem of them taking up too much room within the internal depth of the wheel.

I’ve placed ten pivot points, two per mechanism.  The levers are a little complex and getting their configuration right requires a small amount of trial and adjustment.  I deliberately did not say trial and error, because that is not the case; it is necessary to find the optimum arrangement and this can only be defined accurately by trying slightly different adjustments to each part. I know exactly how they are supposed to work.  Once the exact proportions of one lever is correctly determined, the others can be made in the same manner.

Although none of the five mechanisms overlap in their actions, they are connected in pairs so that as one weight falls another is lifted.  There is no requirement for one pound to lift four pounds as I have explained many times. Yet, although doomed to failure,  people still try to design a system thst can do that.  This is what Bessler said, “as one weight falls 90 degrees it’s paired one is lifted suddenly just 30 degrees.”

The next and final part is designing connections between each pair of mechanisms.  At first I assumed two pulleys per mechanisms would do the job, but I’ve discovered that that won’t work because they get in the way of the action  of the levers.  It’s quite likely that the configuration can be altered to include the pulleys in their most effective position. But for now I’ve had to make alterations to the positions and even the use of the pulleys and for this prototype I’m not using them.  The alternative is to replace the pulleys with a simple eye from a hook-and-eye fastener.  This would be fine for a short demonstration but not for long term use.  The cord I’m using slips easily and smoothly through the eye.

My five weights are small and roughly equal to about 2 ounces each. Each one can easily lift another weight a short distance quickly.  Larger weights would produce more speed and overcome the friction inherent in my home-made bearings but I’m only trying to prove the design and not make a 50 rpm wheel……yet.

I’m not posting pictures until I’ve tested this device to see if it works, before I share anything more informative. Someone commented that no one could simulate the design unless I included a picture but I don’t want anyone to simulate it yet, not until I’ve tested it as a working model.  What I can say is the designs were completed by studying several drawings in AP and DT, plus the ‘Toys’ page and hints from a few others.  Even then I had to have a much needed kick up the backside by means of a sudden revelation about a drawing in the ‘Toys’ page which linked with another drawing which I thought I had understood, but I hadn’t considered for long enough all  the potential variables possible.

Anyway, slow progress but creeping progress at least.  Quite a lot of careful assembly necessary to get the levers working correctly.  As I’ve said many times, I will share all of it once I’ve tested it, working or not working, because I believe I’m very close to what Bessler designed, so my efforts might be enough for someone else to finish it. I’m aiming to finish one way or the other by New Year’s Eve, if not before.


GB Grundlicher  Bericht

AP Apologia Poetica

DT Das Triumphirende

MT Maschinen Tractate.


  1. "This is what Bessler said, “as one weight falls 90 degrees it’s paired one is lifted suddenly just 30 degrees.”" Where exactly did he say that?

    1. Bessler never said that! It's John's INTERPRETATION of the hidden meaning of the English translation of the German "great craftsman" verses in AP. If the English translation is inaccurate or John's interpretation of it is wrong, then any design based on it won't work. It's also possible that those verses have nothing to do with Bessler's method of getting pm.

    2. For newbie's here's what is considered to be the best translation of those AP "Great Craftsman" verses which was done by a guy named Stewart over at BWF years ago:

      He/One shall be called a great craftsman,
      who can easily/lightly throw up a heavy thing,
      and when one pound falls a quarter,
      it shoots four pounds up four quarters. &c.
      Who of this can speculate,
      will soon the motion perpetuate,
      who however [does] not yet know this,
      all that industry is in vain,

      Bessler is saying that a very skilled craftsman would quickly achieve pm if he could figure out a way to make a dropping mass cause an even larger mass to rise through a distance even greater than the smaller mass drops. The problem with Bessler's suggestion is that, while it would be true IF it could be done, it is not physically possible to do. I'm sure he was well aware of this and, imo, it was his way of saying that this method was NOT used in his wheels and, possibly, it was also his way of getting his rivals to waste their time and resources looking in that wrong direction for a solution.

      However, he found some other way to achieve a similar result. I feel he was telling his readers to think about some other method and if they did, then they too might find a working pm design like Bessler did. But, he also tells us that unless we do find that other method that he used, then we will get absolutely nowhere with our research.

      Bessler wasn't going to give anyone his pm secret on a silver platter for free. The secret is definitely in his writings and drawings, but you will have to dig harder to extract it than you ever thought possible and he made it all too easy for those looking for a quick solution to be digging in the wrong places for the rest of their lives. Good luck digging it out of the right place. You will need that luck and plenty of it. I recommend seriously considering those good luck charms SoS mentioned some blogs back!

    3. Divide the wheel into 4 quarters, from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock is the first quarter
      second quarter is 3 to 6 o'clock, and the fourth quarter is from 9 to 12 o'clock.

    4. In AP (see p. 245) Bessler wrote:

      "Write as many lies as you like in your angry attempts to destroy my Wheel of Wonder! In its interior it gains - for how else does it grow out of balance?"

      I think he tells us here that just as soon as one of his overbalanced wheels began to turn as it tried to move its CoG to a location under the exact center of its axle so as to become balanced, it would "grow out of balance" which means its CoG was immediately raised back to its starting location to maintain the overbalance.

      The question is how did his wheel mechanisms do that? That requires a constant supply of energy since that CoG would have to be constantly rising against the pull of Earth's gravity to remain stationary if the wheel's torque was steady. Where did that energy come from? It couldn't come out of nowhere. It had to have a source.

    5. @Anon 22:56
      In mt 13 Bessler said it was a good design which would work if someone lifted the levers up at 12:00. SoS is convinced that mt 13 was the last design Bessler worked on before he found his successful runner. I think he figured out how to raise those levers using contracting springs. I only very occasionally see anyone using springs. Maybe that's why no success? It was the contracting springs in Bessler's wheels that kept lifting their cog up while they turned. Makes sense to me.

    6. @anon 05:35

      Like you I also think there's some way to make MT 13 work using springs. I have a rough design in mind and if I can find the time I'll try to make a paint drawing of it to show here.

      Bessler mentioned that he found his runner working with the same designs everyone else was using at the time. But, most of them were building those rolling metal ball or gravity only weighted lever type designs with no springs involved. I think that was their big mistake and the one Bessler avoided by using springs. IIRC there are three drawings in MT that use springs, but Bessler only wrote positively about one of them which was MT 18.

    7. Several experts on free energy websites have already declared that springs don't make a difference and are worthless for pm wheels because all they do is store energy temporarily. They don't actually make any new energy. Those experts can sound authoritative, but I think they can only speak from their own limited experiences with using springs. Maybe there's a way to use them that makes them critically necessary to achieve pm? Bessler tends to avoid discussing them which makes me think that they were the secret sauce in his recipe for pm and he didn't want to encourage anyone else to use them by discussing them.

      @anon 08:00
      By all means please do show us your design for turning MT13 into a runner!

    8. I managed to produce this drawing of how I think MT 13 could be made to work by using springs. I started by reducing the number of levers from twelve down to eight to make the design simpler and easier to draw. Each lever has a torsion type steel spring near its pivot with one end attached to the wheel and the other end attached to the lever. The springs apply some clockwise torque to the levers even when their end weights are in contact with their stops attached to the wheel. Ropes connect the levers together as shown.

      In the arrangement shown the center of gravity of the eight weights should be to the right side of the center of the axle and below that center. If, as the wheel turns clockwise through forty-five degrees, the levers at 9:00 and 10:30 can both be swung a little clockwise about their pivots by the tensions in their attached twisted torsion springs so that, when they finally reach 10:30 and 12:00, they have the same arrangement as show in my drawing, then the center of gravity of the eight weights should stay on the right side of the axle and the wheel will stay overbalanced as it turns.

      It will take some experimenting with different weight masses and spring constants to make that happen if it can be made to happen. Bessler wrote something about the weights in his wheels rising in a flash and I think this design could do that.

      Bessler's wheels also made impact sounds on their descending sides and this design as it speeds up should start to do that too because the impacts of the rising weights against their stops will be more and more delayed. I'm not sure if the number of levers could be reduced from eight down to five and still result in a working wheel. It might be possible or might require a different shape lever to make it possible.

    9. I just noticed an error in my drawing. The torsion spring that is the tightest should be the one on the 9:00 lever and not the one on the 10:30 lever as shown in the drawing.

    10. Nice wheel anon 09:30. It's just levers, weights, springs, and ropes and looks like something that Karl would say was so simple a carpenter's assistant could build it. I think it will be low torque though. It needs to be simmed to see if can work. Good luck with it.

    11. It looks good, but I think it's too simple. That design has probably been tried many times in the past and if it worked we'd know about it by now.

    12. Agreed. Where are the simmers? The lever at 12 won't rise up vertical because of the rope connection to the lever below which has a greater torque about its pivot and rotational spring. Then when rotating Cf's will hold the levers outwards even at low rpm.

    13. @anon 02:47

      The 12:00 lever might be able to become vertical if the three torsion springs at 9:00, 10:30, and 12:00 provide enough clockwise torque to their levers. My concern is with that lever at 9:00 and the shallow angle the rope makes with the length of it. I can see from this design why Bessler would have been using those Y shape levers that SoS insists on instead of just straight ones. The extra fork arm of the lever would help to increase the angle between the rope coming down from 10:30 to the 9:00 lever to make it easier for the rope to pull the 9:00 lever up and clockwise.

      Another major problem with this design, if it can be made to work, is that it would have very low torque. I did a quick graphical analysis to locate the CoG of the eight weights and found that it is below the center point of the axle and only VERY slightly onto the descending side of the axle. In this MS Paint drawing, the CoG is approximately located at the yellow dot where the two blue lines cross:

      This design has so many problems with it that I doubt if anybody will waste his time simming it especially since using torsion springs in wm2d is a real pain. But, it was nice of anon 08:00 to share it with us and maybe with some changes it could become a runner.

  2. I think some time if mechanism is so simple as Carl said why it's difficult to explain?
    And one more thing in what drawing we could find easy clue of mechanism.

    1. We must be patient. John has promised to reveal all of that by the end of this year.

    2. Thank you anon 05:16.

      I will share everything by the end of this year, but I fear that my many clues which I’ve previously shared and which have already have been dismissed indicate that the same fate will meet any new releases. We’ve already seen in the above comment that some people will dismiss my work yet again.

      However I will have to go ahead and offer my full explanations. I’m highly sceptical about my reader’s reactions, which is why I’m hoping to prove that I’m right by building a working model…..yes of course then it can be simmed.


    3. I confess I'm confused, either you've got something we all don't know and you're about to share it, or you're still guessing and we're probably in the dark.
      Silence is GOLDEN, and at this stage it's the only thing to do. Only the construction of your prototype will give you the feedback you need.
      Even if it doesn't work, you'll always be the one who did the most about the Bessler affair. Respect...


    4. I'm not that concerned about clues because several people can look at the exact same drawing or read the same translation of Bessler's writing and come to several completely different conclusions about what it means...if it means anything at all!

      If JC has a working overbalanced wheel like Bessler apparently had, then it must be overbalanced in ANY position so it will self-start from any position. That means it has to always keep the center of gravity of its weights on one side of the wheel's axle no matter what position the wheel is turned to and started from. If whatever he comes up with does that, then it will work.

      I will leave it to the clue experts to decide if JC's wheel is the same as Bessler's or not. If there is only one way of making such a wheel, then it must be. However, if there are a dozen different ways, then JC will only have a 1 in 12 chance of it being Bessler's wheel.

      Yes, it would be nice if it could be conclusively proved to be the same as Bessler's wheel, but if it works and provides some usable power, then most of humanity won't give damn if it is or not. Eventually, they will call it "Collins' Wheel" and Bessler and his mysterious pm wheel story will just be a few paragraphs on a history of mechanics website somewhere.

    5. @anon 19:44
      But he will also dismiss their clues as "delusional nonsense" because they are not the same as his or their interpretations of his clues are different. Since everyone is convinced he has "the" solution to Bessler's wheels, that proves to him that others without that exact same solution must be delusional. You cannot really admire or respect someone who you consider delusional (unless maybe he is rich!). You can only pity him and be glad you are not him!

    6. “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”


    7. And most here are hoping that you will serve them a tasty pudding come the new year!

    8. Try not to be too surprised if that "pudding" gets jerked away from you at the last minute! Lol!

    9. So negative! How can this commenter possibly be optimistic about his own search for a solution?


    10. He probably gave up his search a long time ago and now spends his time disparaging the efforts of those who have not given up. His comment is just sour grapes from yet another failed pm wheel chaser. Pay it no mind.

    11. Thanks anon 18:57

      Anyway there’s another share coming up soon.


  3. Mmmm...yummy pudding for the new year. I can't wait! Actually, I'm so hungry for it after the last year that I think I'll be happy even if it's not so yummy!

    Also, happy day of thanksgiving to all those in the US who will be sitting down to stuff themselves with those 200 million turkeys they pay others to slaughter for them every year. (Turkeys, however, do not call this day "Thanksgiving Day", but rather "Turkey Holocaust Day" and recommend switching the traditional meat to a fish like trout.) A few years ago they found a list of the foods used in the meal that the surviving Pilgrims had with a friendly local Indian tribe to celebrate their first bountyful New World harvest in 1621. It only mentions "water fowl" which does NOT include turkeys because they are not water fowl. Yes folks we've all been scammed by Big Poultry!

    Humor aside, this is a good time to actually be thankful for the many blessings in one's life and, especially, for still being among the living. No one in a cemetery is searching for the secrets of pm anymore...

    1. Just the smell of turkey roasting makes me gag but we've all been carefully programmed to think we're not really Americans unless we eat that foul fowl every year. I wish we could change the traditional meal to something more modern like, for instance, three cheese pizza! If you have to have some meat then just put some pepperoni or those little meat balls on it as a topping.

    2. Now that everyone in the US has recovered from the stupor caused by all of that turkey they downed yesterday, it's time for some exercise! Go to the gym? Jog around the block? Heck NO! We now all run to our nearest stores and buy a lot of overpriced things that we really don't need and can't afford! This day is unofficially called "Black Friday" because it's the beginning of that part of the year when most retailers actually start to make a profit for the year.

      Stores will be jammed with shoppers desperate to get the next generation of digital toys that, in reality, are only slightly more advanced than the ones they already have. They will be fighting with each other to grab the last one available and the shoplifters will be at maximum activity stealing what they can while looking for any unattended purses to snatch. Expect a couple of lethal shootouts to be reported on your tv news. The number of "fender bender" accidents in parking lots will soar. But, all of this is just practice for the upcoming Christmas shopping season which is like the Olympics for shoppers!

      Too feeble, crippled, or sick to compete in the shopping frenzy today? No problem! This coming Monday is "Cyber Monday" which is another unofficial holiday invented by the retailers. It allows you to flop back on your couch and shop your brains out over the internet! Sales at sites like Amazon and eBay go through the roof on that day. Don't worry about the prices because everything is on sale and you can put it all on your credit cards and pay them all off next year...sometime...hopefully...

      How do Americans justify these days of unabashed greed and materialism? Simple. They follow the principle of "He who dies with the most toys wins!" It was not invented by Americans, but by ancient pagan cultures like the Romans. After all, if the gods truly favor you, then they should be showing it by making you as materially rich as possible. Are you wearing a new solid 18kt gold Rolex watch yet? Better get one soon since you have to wear one to prove to people that you've "finally arrived" to a life of luxury and prosperity because you are loved by the gods of wealth! Keep in mind that there are no poor gods. They all live in marble palaces somewhere and sit on golden thrones!

    3. A lot of retailers are playing a nice little mind trick with buyers this year. They jacked up their prices over the last few months so they could now pretend to be giving us big discounts on Black Friday. The only thing I've actually seen being cheaper this year than last is consumer electronics like laptops, tablets, and big screen tv's. The reason is that most bought these things in the last few years and won't be buying more for years. That drop off in demand is bringing prices down. So this is a good time to be buying them if you really need them.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...