Monday, 27 November 2023

What Goes Around, Comes Around……Again and Again!

I’m aware that some people, (maybe more than some!) are disappointed by my ‘sharing information’ posts because they say that it’s all stuff I’ve shared before, but I don’t want to post anything which will give away the design I’m working on just now.  

As you’ll see from this post I’m reminding myself of some of the things I’ve shared, and I can tell you that there are some blogs which give a great deal of really useful information.  At the time I wrote them, I regretted writing so much, but as is often the case no one picked up on what I’d said and it was all dismissed as my ‘usual speculation’, and best dismissed or ignored. Having said that I note that in 2019 I wrote, 

Following a fair criticism in comments, I have taken on board the suggestion that I should at least have given away some of the clues I used to discover Bessler’s design for his wheel. I have posted several clues over a number of years but for those who missed them, here are some of the ones previously identified plus some I didn’t mention.  These are not necessarily in order.”

So still not revealing enough apparently!  Still, at the end of this year you will know most of what I think I know about how Bessler’s wheel worked.  I’d like to finish a working model before I publish what I know, because experience warns me  that without one, no one will take any notice again, and just dismiss it as speculation.

I recently noted that some of the subjects of my old posts, both here and on the Besslerwheel forum, pop up from time to time there.   I realise that there must be a lot of people currently exploring this subject who have not looked into old posts in either or both sources for obvious reasons.

Firstly, if they’re new to this subject, they think that only recent posts may have useful information in them and therefore there is no point in studying old posts.  Also maybe they don’t have the time to plough through huge numbers of posts without knowing exactly what to search for, or they can’t be bothered, and I don’t blame them for that.

A quick look at the stats on this blog shows I have posted 798 pages, which received 29,915 comments and 1,786,619 visits.  That’s a lot of words to search, so I thought I’d suggest some searches.

The number ‘5’ is my favourite and it goes all the way back to 2010, and is frequently discussed over the years.  ‘Pentagram’ too is a frequent presence on this blog. ‘Kiiking’ a subject which I introduced here and in the BW Forum and has been taken up in numerous other places.  ‘Parametric Oscillation’ is another old favourite, which I first discussed with the famous parapsychologist and electrical engineer, professor Hal Puthoff way back in 2004; and ‘drawings’ is another.

There are so many interesting subjects covered both here and at the BWForum, that I couldn’t do justice to them all, so if and when I think of them I may offer further searches.  



  1. OMG!!! John's been RIGHT all along!


    1. Hilarious!


    2. Awesome discovery you've made, Shemp. You just gave JC the nicest early Christmas gift he could ever receive! Lol!

    3. Keep looking, Shemp. I bet there's another twelve of them in the first portrait!

    4. KB has it ALL figured out !!

    5. @anon 21:18
      I think those glasses must belong to SoS!

    6. Here's how my numerological mentor might analyze that second DT portrait:


    7. Maybe those who are seeing pentagons and the letter Y everywhere are actually just suffering from "pareidolia"?

      Wikipedia definition:

      "Pareidolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none."

      Is there any kind of effective treatment for this?

    8. Yes, anon 05:41, there are currently two effective treatments for this unfortunate condition: success or death! Most pm wheel chasers will eventually be "cured" by the second treatment.

  2. JC wrote "I’d like to finish a working model before I publish what I know, because experience warns me that without one, no one will take any notice again, and just dismiss it as speculation."

    Right now all you really need is an accurate working sim made by someone who knows how to make sims. If you can manage that I can guarantee you that no one will be dismissing it as "speculation". That's because they will know that if that accurate sim works, then there's a 99% chance a physical model will also. With that sim revealed, the race will be on to see who will have the honor of completing the first working physical model. Next, once that is obtained, everyone will be trying to decide if it really is Bessler's wheel and we will see more discussion of clues than ever before!

    1. If he ever does get a working sim I think most will just dismiss it as having a glitch that makes it look like a runner or will just say it's a hoax. The only thing that will really convince people is if they can buy a small model online, set it up themselves, and see it spinning away nonstop on their coffee tables. This is what living in a world filled with scammers and unending internet hoaxes has led to. People don't believe anything they read, hear, or see anymore. They need to be able to directly experience things to accept them as real and, even then, some will think they are just hallucinating it!

  3. The narrative set forth by John is he will finish his real world build, and reveal it along with his supporting information and deductions. Following that process the simmers and replicators can have at it, and discussions will thrive.

  4. Holiday greetings to all,

    I make and collect copies of every image anyone puts on this blog and recently reviewed them. I came across this wheel design that was linked to by a member called "PM Dreamer" back in 2022. He hasn't been here in a long while and I hope he doesn't mind me resurrecting his design. I'm doing so because I'm amazed at how simple it is and because I'm also convinced it could actually work.

    How his quadruple spiral wheel works should be obvious. The lead balls roll around in spirals (which need to be logarithmic spirals) so that the center of gravity of the 13 weights is always off to one side of the center of the axle no matter what position the wheel is in. The result should be pm. I'm also wondering if his wheel could work better by replacing the lead balls with water or even mercury.

    1. Nice design which I never saw before. I can't think of any obvious reason why it wouldn't work. I'd skip using the rolling lead balls and use a liquid to help reduce any internal impacts that might damage those spiral parts. I think that 12th century Indian pm wheel inventor Bhaskara II would have loved this design.

      It's nice to see something like this here that's understandable instead of the tedious gravibabble I see on other sites.

    2. You’re probably right 13:06 too much gravity babble! I’ll be putting up some interesting pictures soon.


    3. @anon 13:06

      Interesting that you mentioned the Bhaskara wheel. IIRC, some of those who learned about Bessler's wheels theorized that they used mercury and probably thought he had just used Bhaskara's design. But, we know that's not the case because of all of those four pound cylindrical lead weights he removed during the Merseburg wheel demo. While he handed a few around wrapped in handkerchiefs for the witnesses to hold (as long as they did not touch their ends), he had enough left over to fill a sizable box. He had to have removed hundreds of pounds of lead from that wheel!

    4. @anon 18:38

      There was a guy who showed up here last year I think who was a big skeptic of Bessler's wheels and thought they were all hoaxed. He had an interesting explanation for all of those weights Bessler supposedly removed from the Merseburg wheel to lighten it up for moving during its official demonstration.

      He claimed that the wheel only contained eight small weights that slapped around to make eight banging sounds each rotation and Bessler put them into the wheel to fool people into thinking the wheel was weight driven. When he was moving the wheel and removed the weights he maybe passed a few around to the crowd in the room, but when he put the remaining weights in the box he used a magician's trick to deceive everyone present.

      He would look like he was putting a different weight into the box each time but would actually conceal the same weight up his sleeve once his hand was in the box so everyone would see him withdraw his empty hand. He repeated this act over and over with the same weight for maybe a half hour. No one was allowed to look into the box to see that it was actually empty!

      When it came time to create the illusion that he was putting the box full of weights back into the wheel he simply reversed the procedure by putting his empty hand into the box and slipping the single weight out of his sleeve so he would withdraw his hand holding the weight which he then put back in the wheel. When his hand was hidden inside of the wheel that weight was then carefully slipped back into his sleeve so it would be ready for him to use again when he returned to the box. He did this for half an hour and then said he was ready to continue with the demonstration with the wheel on different supports. This trick could have been done with just a single weight or maybe he even figured out a way to do it with two or three weights at a time.

      That skeptic never explained how Bessler hoaxed his wheels running, but I think he was pushing the idea that they were just wind up spring powered in some way. IIRC that professor Wagner also claimed the same thing and even built his own spring powered wheel to show it was possible.

    5. The official witnesses saw the box of weights and this was recorded. Do you really think all of them would not check the box actually had weights in it.

    6. @anon 23:25

      If Bessler was concealing his weights in handkerchiefs to keep people from seeing them, then it's doubtful he would have let anyone look inside of the box and see them.

      My problem in accepting that skeptic's hoax theory is how does it explain the ability of Bessler's Kassal wheel to hoist one heavy load of bricks after another up the side of Weissenstein Castle? He would have had to be quickly hand winding up all of the wheel's springs after each lift to get the wheel ready for the next lift and surely someone in the room with him and the wheel would have notice that. So, no, I don't buy the hoax theory. I notice that all of the scientists who dismiss Bessler's wheels as a hoax never mention that little detail. Of course that might be since they are generally ignorant of the Bessler story because they never took the time to study it.

    7. Lol! That Weissenstein castle brick lifting demonstration proves nothing, anon 01:30. It was just another one of Bessler's clever little tricks. His wheel wasn't lifting a different load of bricks each time. It was just the same load going up and down each time.

      All he had to do was fill up the box at ground level with bricks and then drop a rope down from the top floor window pulley that was then attached to the box by an assistant at ground level. The rope was then pulled tight and the other end was attached to the axle of the Kassal wheel. Bessler then kept tightening the springs inside of the wheel until the upward force from the rope just began to lift the box of bricks. At that point the assistant on the ground would remove a few bricks and the box would start rising.

      As the box rose, the springs in the Kassal wheel would slowly unwind and the lifting force applied to the box by the rope would slowly decrease. Bessler carefully planned it so the box of bricks would stop right outside of the window of the wheel's room. When that happened, he would just lean out of the open window, put some extra bricks into the box, and the extra weight would then send the box back down to ground level as the springs in the wheel were rewound again. Once at ground level someone would remove the extra bricks and that would then send the box up again.

      This impressive show would continue until Bessler's hidden supply of bricks in the wheel's room was used up. People in the castle's garden watching would have marveled at all of the work apparently being done by Bessler's miracle pm wheel. The reality was that his wheel wasn't really doing any work! The work needed to keep the show going was done when Bessler first wound up the wheel's springs and he had earlier secretly carried all of the bricks up to the wheel's room that he had to keep adding a few at a time to the box each time it rose up to the level of the window.

      When one knows how stage magicians create their illusions, all of Bessler's demonstrations are easily explained away as tricks.

    8. Over use and strange placement of the word "that" in sentences always jumps out in Anon 1:30 21:49 writing style .

    9. Anon 05:28 if you have all of the answers then how you explain the 58 day successful run test at the count's castle? According to Wagner Bessler's wheel could not run for more than a day or so even if it was filled with wound up springs. How could Bessler have hoaxed that one? Don't say his fired maid and wife were turning the wheel from another room because that maid was lying through her teeth and probably paid well to do so.

    10. @anon 10:44

      There was another skeptic here who explained how that alleged successful duration test of the Kassal wheel was hoaxed. He said that Weissenstein Castle was riddled with secret passageways and escape tunnels and that while installing the large wheel in its room, Bessler found the carefully hidden entrance to a passageway that allowed escape from that room which, IIRC, only had a single regular door to enter it.

      Right after Bessler started the wheel for the test and left the room with the others as they sealed the single door behind them, his brother who was hiding in the secret passageway came out and then stopped the wheel. Weeks later when it was time to enter the room to check the wheel, Bessler's brother was notified in advance of the time so he could come out of the hidden passageway to start the wheel up again just before everyone entered. That gave everyone except Bessler the false impression that the wheel had been running constantly for all of that time when it really had not. Bessler and witnesses then left the room, resealed the door, and came back again weeks later. As they left, Bessler's brother repeated his actions and weeks later again secretly entered the room and restarted the wheel just before Bessler and others entered it and finally called an end to the test.

      The unfortunate thing about the Bessler story is that it was possible for the whole thing to be hoaxed which is why most scientists today dismiss it as a hoax. Bessler was a very religious guy and it would seem unlikely that he would do something like that. But that argument can be countered by those who would say that maybe he was so delusional about being on a divine mission for God to spread a new form of Christianity (which was actually Bessler's version) throughout the world that God gave him special permission to do such a dishonest thing. If that was what happened, then Bessler probably wondered why God did not just make chests filled with 100,000 silver reichsthaler coins magically appear so Bessler could immediately use the money for his mission. Why bother going through the trouble of inventing a pm wheel and trying to find a rich buyer for it?

      Personally, I think Bessler had a genuine pm wheel because to think everything was all hoaxed by him just seems too improbable to me. Others however may think otherwise and say it is far more probable that it was just all hoaxed than that he had actually invented a genuine pm wheel which according to established science is absolutely impossible.

    11. @anon 05:28

      Nice explanation of how master magician Bessler faked those brick lifts at the count's castle in Kassal. I found this wood toy that uses a similar principle:

      But instead of bricks the toy uses marbles and the wound up springs in Bessler's wheel are replaced by the raised counterweight on the arm. I love watching this toy run. Those people at the count's castle also loved seeing Bessler's hoaxed wheel demonstrations. I feel sorry for the count who Bessler had to fool to get himself and his family moved into the castle and living like nobility while the count paid for all of it. Karl was actually Bessler's first fraud victim!

    12. So, anons 05:28 and 18:21, how long have you two been Bessler haters?!

    13. Anon's 05:28 and 18:21 must be direct descendants of Borlach, Gartner, and Wagner!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...