Sunday, 1 January 2023

The Difficult Takes Time. The Impossible Takes much Longer. I don’t know about you but I think it’s been Long enough!


                                       HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

I’m back!

Once again we approach the New Year full of optimism that this time we will succeed in replicating Bessler’s wheel. I think that in 2023 the wheel will finally be revealed.  My new workshop will be ready for me soon, to begin building my latest and probably my final configuration of Bessler’s wheel.  It has been more than two years since I had anything resembling a workshop and it has been a time of utter frustration given that I broke through Bessler’s numerous obfuscations and obtained a clear view of the design just about two years ago.

I struggled to decide whether to build a model as soon as possible or publish the details first but I was advised to build it first as any details published before I had a working model, would suffer from critical analysis from the traditionalists, resulting in confusion and dismissal, with a positive reception lost amongst the angry attacks from the objectors. So I will build it first, as soon as my workshop is ready and then publish all the details. 

We have workmen in at present but they are almost finished and soon I will be able to install my work bench and get building immediately - I’m so excited at the prospect of constructing a new working model! As the build proceeds I will give updates on my progress and share some of the new information. 

I mentioned the traditional objectors above, and I have encountered some every single day since I first shared the idea that Bessler might be genuine, about 60 years ago!  Any method used to describe in detail, on paper, a machine which has been definitively proven to be impossible meets with a brick wall of scepticism.  Our arguments are scornfully dismissed as the crazy ravings of a  nympholeptic, (wild frenzy caused by desire for an unattainable ideal.).  

But Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw. This quote relates to an old French proverb, To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.”

There are numerous examples of over-reactions and total rejections to new ideas generated by lots of amateur researchers, and not just in this field. There are many historical precedents, but many of these so-called impossible dreams are said to be due to imperfect knowledge or inaccurate assumptions, but inevitably some of those dreams have been realised and those who have been unjustly maligned will have the last laugh. 

But those who shared their ideas were attacked in the meanest and most offensive way. Some of those so-called “experts” attacked those who dared air their views, ripping into their theories and calling them lunatics, despite the support many received.  All of us in this field have suffered the same reactions since we began. We have been told so many times that Bessler’s wheel is and was impossible and therefore he was a fake and a scammer, do they really think we don’t know the current and past information being taught about perpetual motion?  I understand their reaction, but there are many people who have considered the very convincing circumstantial evidence that Bessler’s wheel was genuine and have accepted it, yet are consistently derided for their delusion. But it isn’t a delusion and I hope to prove it in 2023.

Offering written evidence and drawings simply won’t be accepted; nothing short of a working model will gain credence, and even then a thorough examination of the device by an accepted expert of impeccable reputation will be demanded. I hesitate to use the  word “expert”, because, how can anyone be an expert on something which is believed to be impossible?

It brings to mind Aristotle’s famous quote, Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities”.  I think as Bessler’s wheel was believed to be impossible, it will turn out to be a more than probable impossibility.

When I first read that Bessler’s wheel was impossible I thought, but….maybe, just suppose it was possible.  How delightful to picture all those dumbfounded “experts” back peddling as fast as they can!



  1. A very good and successful year.

  2. Nice to see you back and as enthusiastic as ever! Some were probably beginning to think that you were gone for good. Their mistake! My faith in Bessler's wheels has always been based on the official testing of them by skeptical independent observers who declared them to appear to be genuine. If there was a simple explanation for how they could have been faked, we'd know it by now. There is no such explanation which further increases the probability of them having been genuine.

  3. John for some reason having trouble signing in. This is Christo4_99 or Cwforshort. I just want to say that I think you are sometimes too concerned with the politics. Just get it built friend. Glad to see your blog is back.
    I recently went WAY back to one of my original ideas. Someone asked me "what's that?" and I said, " I think this is what he (Bessler) discovered." I think I was actually correct in saying this at the time but I hadn't enough experience to "complete the concept".
    I'll give you two examples of why I think I have the design: There were always two things that stood out to me in Bessler's riddles. The first is from DT when he talks about the weights "coming together" and then "one or the other applying it's weight at right angles top the axis". I just could not ever get my head around that statement. The second is his mentioned "principle of excess weight" which he contrasted with "adding extra weights here and there (here and there also seemed to be a sort of catch phrase or a prod to "would be mobl'sts"). I am confident that I now have crystal clear knowledge of these two prior mysteries.
    For this last thing we can put two things in the same nutshell. The fact that Bessler didn't like to answer questions about his device and the statement by Karl concerning the simplicity of it. I think the very simplicity of answers both of these points. I lost just one night of sleep over this one... but I know, I know I have to build it so I am. I am building it. Wish me luck.

  4. Sorry you had trouble signing in cwforshort, I set comments back up the same as before so I don’t know why it would present a problem. I agree I do worry about the politics, but only because this will be final my effort to build a working model. If it fails I shall simply post here any details of designs I think could help someone succeed.


    1. May the ghost of Bessler gently massage John's brain and stimulate it to find the secret of his pm wheels!

    2. Thank you anon 11:05. I think it’s working! 😂


  5. Maybe it's an issue with Chrome


  6. So John have you figured out the ancient knowledge yet that Bessler rediscovered?

    1. I guess not SG, I do have a good grasp of how Bessler’s wheel worked, but which/what ancient knowledge are you referring to, and how ancient is it?


    2. After decades of intense study, John finally ascends to 7th heaven and achieves complete understanding of Bessler's PM principle! SG was stunned because he was confident that only he would ever have such understanding!


    3. John unbelievable stories in history which most call mythology or religion hold great knowledge and have connections to this technology. This attempt at humor by Shemp where he shows this enlightenment jpg is relatable to this understanding in multiple ways. Johann Bessler was a ingenious in how he left his Clues especially in the manuscript that was not published by him you know the one you published and called Maschinen Tractate. The information in that manuscript was designed to help clarify the way in which we think of motion it shows everything but the prime mover however it does hint on where to find it and what it's operation is in the machine. By the way one of those remote viewers did quite a good job of a remote clue it did astonish me I would have very much like to have had a conversation with that one. I hope one day he will pull back the curtain for you. I think the best way to make this technology known is to incorporate it into a toy. Children learn best through play don't you think?

  7. Hey John I just thought I'd ask again if you'd like to meet and discuss this technology I am sure we could arrange a virtual meeting.

    1. Yes, sounds interesting Stephen, when?

  8. Happy New Year to you, John. I wish you a complete success with your last wheel. Let's say it's a prophetic announcement! — Michel Gaillard.

    1. Thank you Michel, I hope so. Happy new year to you.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...