Wednesday, 11 January 2023

The Reason Why Johann Bessler Left Behind So Many Clues.

Why did Johann Bessler leave so many unanswered questions? Why so many clues?  What do they mean? The detail within each clue and the sheer number of them confirms for me at least, the determination in Bessler’s mind, not to let his secret out too soon, but also not to have it lost after his death - he said he would rather receive acknowledgement for his invention after his death than just give it away.

Many of the clues are designed to have two and even three methods of deciphering them, which conveniently confirms if you’ve got the right solution. To my certain knowledge there are at least eight completely different types of cipher used by Bessler and that’s the ones I’m aware of.  More may appear once the secret of the wheel’s construction is known, and professional code breakers get to work.

There can really only be one of two possible reasons for including a variety of coded texts, drawings - and the hints that interested people should study his books..  He hoped that one day, maybe after he had died,  someone would succeed in deciphering them, revealing either how he had deceived everyone - or how the machine worked. 

Despite the traditional view as formulated by Herman von Helmholtz in 1847, that perpetual motion machines could not be possible, there is extensive evidence that Johann Bessler genuinely designed and built a continuously rotating device, with no discernible energy source, capable of lifting a heavy load, 70 pounds for example, driving an Archimedes screw for pumping water and able to run for at least 54 days under lock and key, as was tested.

Of course many people have tried to prove he faked the demonstrations but they failed to show how, though they tried every trick under the sun.  But it isn’t just that which convinces people of his sincerity, the one outstanding piece of evidence against him, apart from the said impossibility of the device, was the statement by his serving girl, which described the most unconvincing means of faking the machine, and other equally ridiculous suggestions when questioned.  This plus Karl the Landgrave’s statement that the machine was genuine and quite simple, as he had insisted on being allowed to satisfy himself by examining the workings of the wheel before certifying that Bessler was no cheat. 

Read the full story in my book, Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?  That and all four of Bessler’s books, with English translations available through the panel on the right.

Having spent many years studying Johann Bessler, I am satisfied that his claims were genuine, and that his machine can be replicated again, and now is as good a time any as the global warming increases.  One thing is certain, his machine was enabled by gravity, make of that what you will. What better way to reduce pollution from burning fossil fuel than by bending the action of gravity to our needs, and those of the planet? No more fossil fuels, no nuclear, none of the other sources which are all limited in some way.  Gravity is ceaseless and everywhere. 



  1. Society back then was very different, superstition was rampant, people were routinely being burned alive.

  2. Yes Bessler got involved in a treasure hunting group using black magic but when his future mother-in-law was accused of infanticide and black magic, he withdrew his interest. She was protected from arrest by her husband, town mayor and chief physician!


  3. Clues that lead to a runner are real. Clues that don't lead to a runner are just delusions. The heads of Bessler pm wheel chasers have been filled with delusions for centuries and still are.

    1. Watch this space anon 14:48


  4. Yes definately watch this space. All the planning is finished... an understanding has been arrived at. And guess what... It most defiantly (actually I mis-worded that but I'll leave it be) is not an overbalanced wheel.


    1. Good luck cw


    2. Bessler's reply to cw would have been:

      "But if anyone should presume to say that my wheel is definitely such-and-such without having seen it, he is a fool and a fantasizer of the first order. He deserves to have a donkey's tail affixed to his lying rump." (AP p. 341)

      To prevent there being too many tailless donkeys running around out there, Bessler wheel researchers convinced they've finally found Bessler's secret should just order this:

      The donkeys will thank you!

    3. Bessler assumes that his codes, clues, etc had not been deciphered, hence the suggestion that if anyone claimed to know how his wheel worked they must be a liar etc, but maybe it won’t be necessary to see his wheel given that he left all these codes just waiting to be decoded.


    4. Some things never change it's amazing when I come here to read what's going on it is so coincidental. All the speculation and the comedy it all mirrors the toy page also might I add the perfect atmosphere for trolls hiding under a bridge in the Mist camouflaged by anonymous what is hilarious is the things you say sometimes come so very very close and yet I know you don't have a clue you all look for deception in Bessler's words and images you call them codes John you come so very very close but at the last turn you skip out in a New Direction A Million Miles Away and the train of thought gets derailed. Johan Bessler had good reason to leave the answers the way he did it is most unfortunate that we live in the world of cowards/ anonymous who truly don't believe but just in case will give a discouraging word whenever possible. For proof there is an example everywhere you turn everything is commercialized propaganda is the norm. That is not to say that there is no hope there are those individuals who have answers the problem is they stand alone or separated by a great distance. By the way Bessler left a way to verify the design the funny thing is it was touched upon. I say it's always surprising and very interesting just like a train wreck you can't turn your eyes away hopefully they'll be survivors.

    5. If you don't like analogies you shouldn't be studying Besslers work of course if you like wasting time and not accomplishing anything have at it!

    6. SG wrote "...what is hilarious is the things you say sometimes come so very very close and yet I know you don't have a clue..."

      Hopefully, when JC begins having his virtual meetings with SG, SG can use his superior knowledge to help guide JC toward a working solution especially now that JC is setting up his new workshop so he can get to work constructing his last wheel. I look eagerly forward to seeing the new "Bessler / Glorioso - Collins PM Wheel" finally being revealed!


    7. I’m happy to talk to you Stephen but I won’t be sharing what I know yet. I read what you write and you give the impression that you know everything about Bessler’s wheel, and you keep suggesting that I come close and then veer off in the wrong direction. But I haven’t given out any information about my work for more than two years so I don’t know how you can suggest that. Anyway perhaps I’ll surprise you soon.


    8. John when you say things like "One thing is certain, his machine was enabled by gravity" that is enough for me to know you do not know! I thought by now you would have already figured that out. As far as surprises go I most certainly am.

    9. Uh-oh...looks like the possible collaboration between SG and JC is coming to a swift end! I guess JC just cannot accept that SG's knowledge of B's wheels is far superior to JC's. Please JC...don't let foolish pride stand in the way of you getting the help you need from SG. He is only trying to give you the benefit of his advanced knowledge.


    10. Ah Stephen, did you imagine a slightly antagonistic tone in my response? It wasn’t intentional, and yet it seems present in yours. Surely you’re not suggesting that Bessler’s wheel wasn’t enabled by gravity!


    11. AH! John! Yes that is exactly what I mean! The search for a gravitational machine brings you to the understanding and the gravity can play a part in a design it is not necessary. I thought you understood by now when Bessler said it could turn in any direction what did you think was indicated. obviously you don't! As far as my imagination goes I don't have to imagine it it's not necessary anymore.

    12. AP, pg. 363:

      "Even according to the ideas my enemies express in their writings, my Wheel is the true device, and is indeed, per se, a genuine Perpetuum Mobile. None better will ever be found upon this earth, for without the principle that I alone possess, there can be no real perpetual motion. Whoever seeks another method is deceiving himself, for my device does not need winding; it runs according to “preponderance”, and turns everything else along with it; so long as its material shall endure, it will revolve of its own accord."

      Certainly sounds like his wheel needed gravity to cause the "preponderance" that kept it turning.

    13. Anonymous 6:29 you put up a quotation and then insert an opinion to it. It has nothing to do with your opinion nor does it even pertain to the force of gravity.

    14. Just because the word preponderance is used does not infer gravity . It might serve you all to look up the etymology of the word preponderance when it comes to researching Bessler work you must understand his understanding as it pertains to words and what they mean.

    15. Here's a word for the day serendipity I had previously mentioned this to John quite some time ago. It is based on a tail of three princes from Serendip I believe it's a must-read for anyone who seeks knowledge!

    16. I’ve been familiar with the word serendipity since my school days and for a serendipitous experience resulting in finding a successful solution to Bessler’s wheel, we should be looking elsewhere, for no discovery of a thing you are looking for comes under this description.


    17. Under What description are you speaking of

    18. I agree with anon 06:29 because when Bessler uses the word "preponderance" he's describing an overbalanced wheel meaning the cog of its weights is on one side of its axle which becomes the descending side during rotation. He even said mt13 would be a very good runner "if..." and that wheel was an overbalanced one. Overbalanced pm wheels need gravity to work. There's no way around this. The real question is how do you keep a wheel overbalanced as it turns. Bessler found a way to do that. Nothing I ever built could do that.

    19. The description of Bessler’s wheel, Stephen, but I was kidding, serendipitous or not, what ever works will do.


  5. Anonymous 14:56 you of course are entitled to your opinion and in point of fact if you seen the machine running you would still assume that if you didn't know better which obviously you don't. I suggest you do a little bit more research into that translation and the definition of the words involved. And it will still wind up being ambiguous and why you're at it tell me how many times you see the word gravity in any of his writings.

    1. Using the words "wind up" in this setting is strictly forbidden


  6. I’ve commented on this more than once before but here goes again. Sir Isaac Newton published his “Principia” which described his theory of gravity. The book was written in Latin, as were most such books at that time.At university all classes were taught in Latin. Newton used the word gravity derived from the Latin “gravitas” or “heaviness”. He did not invent the word, but was the author of a crucial "shift of meaning": previously "gravity" denoted a quality, then it became known as a force.

    So you won’t find the word “gravity” in Bessler’s books, but you will find words of similar meaning such as, “weight” “ponderous”.

    “ Gravity meant weight or heaviness before Newton. Thus Newton writes: “That force by which the moon is held back in its orbit is that very force which we usually call ‘gravity’.” (Principia, Book III, Prop. IV.)”


  7. God and SG got into a perpetual motion machine contest...God said,, " Get your own gravity..."

    1. Cwforshort...

    2. If SG says that B's wheels didn't need to use gravity and weren't OB, then that should settle the matter once and for all time. SG is, after all, a true expert on this subject because of his years of studying ancient mysteries. Hopefully, JC and others will finally "see the light" and heed SG's advice on this matter or they will never find a runner.


    3. Are you a Bible student, Shemp? Your use of the phrase "to see the light" is most interesting. It comes from the experience that the Apostle Paul, then named Saul, had as he journeyed along the road to Damascus to arrest some more of Jesus' followers.

      Suddenly a blinding light came down from the sky and knocked him off of his horse. A voice then told him to become a Christian which he obediently did. The light was so bright it caused his blindness to linger for three days until it was restored by the laying on of hands. Here's some artwork depicting the event:

    4. @anon 17:40
      Paul probably only witnessed a large meteor that hit the lower atmosphere and exploded giving off a blinding light and a powerful shock wave that reached his location. His horse then reared and threw him off. He was probably in shock or maybe even hit his head on the ground and had a concussion. Both of these can trigger audio and visual hallucinations.

      The arrests by this "saint" are estimated to have resulted in the executions of up to 5,000 men, women, and children. His guilt must have been enormous and could have made him hallucinate that Jesus was telling him to stop and become a Christian which he did. He never met Jesus while he was alive.

      Paul was probably flash blinded and, even without the "laying on of hands", he would have recovered his normal vision in a few days. Skiers who become snow blinded often have the same problem caused by the noontime sunlight reflecting off of snow into their eyes if they don't wear dark sunglasses.

      Holy book "miracles" like these have simple scientific explanations, but they've been used for millennia to sell the nonsense of religions to the ignorant masses. It's still being done today and will no doubt continue well into the future. Many people don't want science, they want magic and invisible gods up in the sky who will protect them and grant them their wishes if they just keep praying and keeping their money flowing into church coffers. Well, let them have them as long as they don't insist on pushing their fairy tales on those who don't want them and don't want to pay for them.

  8. JC,
    I must be one the right track. Today I smashed part of my wheel. LOL. No I hadn't realized that a spacer for a roller bearing wasn't driven in all the way. It was not flush to the inner race, when i tried to make it flush by driving the nut with a hammer and a socket it broke the shaft loose from the wood and the wood with it. That particular piece is toast.


    1. Maybe it wasn't an accident? Maybe you subconsciously dread the final test of your wheel that will only show that it is just another effort wasting nonrunner and you actually subconsciously sabotaged its construction to delay that approaching final test?

      Such failures then result in crushing depression which can only be relieved in one of three ways...immediately coming up with a "new" approach, quitting the chase permanently (or until boredom drives you right back to it again), or getting stinking drunk. Most older Bessler pm wheel chasers tend to use the last method. But, be careful because a guy back in the 18th century named Dr. William Kenrick, who had become obsessed with finding the secret of Bessler's wheels, used that method and finally drank himself right into his grave.

      Here's how Bessler described his bitter experiences in AP:

      "I was perpetually devising new ideas in secret, and these I would boldly incorporate into yet another new wheel. This one just had to work.....How nicely it stayed put! How much I regretted the time and, especially, the money I'd put into it all! It would have been difficult, in the face of all this, for anyone to pluck up the courage to make new efforts. The net result of it all was sure to be the same as last time. But I doubt if anyone, in any country, has ever had the patience and diligence I showed in my obsessive fancy. While other people were being carefree, I'd be tearing my heart out. I'd discover something wonderful, on which I'd staked everything, only to be heard loudly lamenting, a few days later, at the thought that the years of work had been fruitlessly expended. I'd be overcome by great sorrow, would go to my bedroom full of anguish and weep bitterly, till finally God took pity on me, showed me his love, and blessed with good fortune my ensuing labors."

    2. I'm no NEWB Mr. Freud. I'm well aware. I'm sure you're just here for moral support. Are you familiar with the symbology of the portrait of Bessler with the gord,skull and book? It seems to me there are people (and yes I am saying that I think you are one of these) who are just seeking an opportunity to listen very little and speak very much. To quote Bessler, "does the shoe pinch?"


    3. Actual words (DEEPL) Alas! The shoe presses thee here,
      Thou dear enemy?

  9. Been there, done that myself! It’s a bit if bad luck but I hope you can continue with your work, good luck.


    1. THX... Yes I can.


  10. Here Is an article about Gartner and Bessler , I don't know what its about but perhaps John knows.

    It start at article VII page 1260 ,ends on page 1262.

    1. I was able to roughly translate parts of the beginning. It talks about Gartner exposing Bessler as a fraud and how Gartner has built his own version of a pm wheel that has metal balls inside of compartments near the rim. As the wheel turns, the balls hit ramps that lift them toward the axle near the bottom of the wheel and away from the axle toward the top of the wheel. Of course, designs like this are useless as Gartner would eventually have found out.

  11. forgot link .

  12. Thanks for that link. I did read it many years ago before I wrote my biography on Bessler. There were very many small articles around back then, all more or less repeating the same details, and one of them included that account about Bessler and Gärtner It’s like today, someone says something about some celebrity and it gets repeated and it seems like the truth. Gärtner freely,admitted his machines weren’t PM but only after he had exhibited them for his ruler’s amusement for a while and then tried to bring Bessler down by revealing his were fake and then accusing him of cheating - until Karl put a stop to it.


  13. I get it , so Gartner made some fake PM wheels and thought he is the authority on how to fake it ,and tried to uncover how Bessler "faked" it.

  14. I think he left a lot of clues so as to confuse people. And the clues can be interpreted so many different ways, they almost cause more grief than they ever help solve this puzzle.

    1. Those clues didn't confuse Ken Behrendt and he was able to finally successfully reverse engineer Bessler's wheels. You need to see this computer simulation Ken made showing how Bessler's wheels actually worked. It's fascinating to watch and based on additional clues Ken found in the Bessler literature that were previously unknown.

    2. Until there is an actual build of the working wheel, then I do not consider it solved. I bought Ken's book and quite frankly, I feel it's a bit of a stretch. I can appreciate if others believe Ken solved it, but until there is a real-world build, there is nothing tangible in my opinion.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...