Friday, 20 January 2023

The Toys Page - 138, 139, 140 and 141

This is a brief return to the Toys page.  In past blogs I’ve speculated on the reason for the four numbers which are attached to the bottom of this page, suggesting that they referred to four pages removed, but I doubt that that is the reason, so here is another.  Why are the numbers 138, 139, 140 and 141 written on the bottom of the page?  

The number of Bible references in chapter 55 of his Apologia Poetica also totals 141. MT 47 contained the number 47 plus a mirrored image of the same number making 3 versions  The only factors of 141 are 3 times 47. The number 47 brings to mind Eulclid's 47th proposition but which can exhibit the properties of the golden ratio with some additional extras.  It describes the 345 right triangle with its accompanying squares. But apart from the golden ratio what has this to do with Bessler’s wheel?

Well, 138 + 139 + 140 + 141 = 558.  Knowing of the ubiquity of Bessler’s use of the two number 5s, 55, and the inclusion of hidden pentagrams in several drawings, I suspect it was another kind of off-the-cuff allusion to his favourite numbers.

5+5+8=18, the basic number in the pentagram from which every other one is a multiple of it, that is, 18,36, 54,72, 90 and 108.

JEEB, (his initials), J 10th letter, two letters E, 5th letter.  He added the J and one of the Es to his forename when he succeeded in building his first PM wheel.

JEEB using the Caesar shift becomes WRRO.  R 18th letter.  W 23rd letter which may only be there for the following reason, W is composed of two Roman numerals, V meaning 5.

He often, (dozens of times) hand wrote the letter W as shown below, as two Roman numerals linked together, and twice in the accompanying passage, 

“A Gärtner is a breaker of fences

A Waggoner leaves ruts

Meanness is the root of evil

Bessler seems to have used any opportunity to point a veiled reference to these numbers.  I should also point out that the 2Gs, refers to his enemy in chief Andreas  Gärtner.  The 2 Ws refers to another enemy, Christian Wagner, the two Bs refer to the third enemy, Johann Gottfried Borlach



  1. If that numerology expert SoS was here I know exactly how he would interpret that letter W made from the two overlapped V letters.

    Like you he would say that the V was the Roman numeral for the number 5. But then he would quickly point out that their overlap forms the letter X which is the multiplication sign in arithmetic.

    Then he would say that the letter W really stands for 5 x 5 which equals 25. What is the 25th letter of the alphabet? It's the letter Y of course!

    SoS is 100% convinced that the levers used inside of Bessler's pm wheels were Y shaped and that shape was critical to making them work. He'd then probably tell you that if anyone's wheel design isn't using those Y shaped levers then it's not the design Bessler used. SoS was quite confident about this detail of the lever shape and repeated it practically every time he showed up here.

    None of the wheels I built ever used Y shaped levers and none of them could even complete a single turn. Maybe he's right?

  2. Mind if I ask who sos is ?
    And welcome back John. RK

    1. SoS stands "Sayer of Sooths" and he is quite a character. He claims to be a professional astrologer, fortune teller, numerologist, and even a psychic. He maintains that Bessler hid all of the secrets of his wheels in the form of numerological clues in his drawings since Bessler was also a very skilled numerologist. SoS specializes in the many clues hidden in the MT drawings.

      I first thought SoS was just another random nut that shows up here and on bwf from time to time to babble away, but after reading his comments over the last few years I realized he was a very serious Bessler wheel researcher. His analyses of the numerology clues in the MT drawings are probably the best I've ever seen. Every time I read his past comments they actually turn me into an amateur numerologist for a few days afterward!

      For example, using his method of analysis, look at that abbreviation for Bessler's name, "JEEB". The two "E's" in the middle have alphanumerical values of 5 each so they can represent 55 and SoS would immediately multiply them together to get 25 which is the value of the letter "Y". His conclusion? Obviously that Bessler used "Y" shaped levers in his wheels.

      SoS would probably then add the values of the "J" and "B" together to get 10 + 2 = 12 and say that tells us that Bessler first discovered the secret of making a working pm wheel with "Y" shaped levers in the 12th year of the 18th century which would have been in late 1711 using a small model wheel he worked on (only 3 feet in diameter, IIRC, so it could be put up on a table's top).

      When SoS showed up here last year along with others to say farewell to John, he said that all of the mechanical principles Bessler's wheels used could be found in five of the MT drawings which were from MT 9 to MT 13 whose drawing numbers coincidentally add up to 55! He also said we should add drawing MT 18 which is five drawings past MT 13 and shows how springs were used to lift the weights on the descending side of a wheel. So, all we need to do, if SoS is right, is study those particular six MT drawings and make overbalanced wheels using their mechanical principles.

      I do give serious consideration to SoS's comments and analyses and I also hope he shows up here in the future again.

    2. I'm also a fan of SoS. I decided to take a closer look at those six MT drawings he says we should focus on (MT9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 18) particularly MT13 which he says is the last wheel design Bessler worked on before he figured out how to turn it into a runner. That's when I noticed something interesting. Here's the original MT13 drawing Bessler made:

      Of the six drawings, only MT13 shows a wheel that, if it worked as shown, would turn ccw while the other five wheels all turn cw! Bessler even reversed the letters B, C, and D in the drawing to make us aware that he reversed the rotation direction of this particular wheel (letter A did need to be reversed because it was already its own mirror image). Why did he do something like that?

      The only reason I can think of is that he wanted to draw our attention to MT13 because it was special in some way. I agree with SoS that it looks like a smiley happy face and that could have been Bessler's way of telling us that if we could find a way to make it run like he did, then we would be very happy too.

      The two reversed C letters do look like little eyes that look toward the right or ascending side levers so I think he's telling us to do something with those levers. Maybe make them Y shaped like SoS thinks they were? Elsewhere Bessler tells us that "nothing is stationary on the axle" of a "true" perpetual motion wheel. That means that big crescent weight hanging below the axle and wheel B above the axle have to go. But, then what? You must have to connect certain levers together with ropes in some way to lift the lever weights as they approach 12 o'clock in the wheel. MT13 is also the only one of the six SoS mentioned that uses two arm levers. But a Y shaped lever would have to have three arms arranged around a common pivot.

    3. The above two comments, anon 16:38 and 23:58, demonstrate speculation gone wild. They also seem fixated on Ken B’s hallucination that he had found proof that ‘Y’ shaped levers were a vital ingredient. I suspect collusion at least, or the man himself. Best ignored.


    4. Sounds like John's paranoia is flaring up earlier than usual this year. That happens whenever others present clues here that John never realized existed before and the truth is that SoS guy showed us a ton of them over the last few years and many consider him the leading expert on MT numerology. John, however, wants you to believe that only he has valid clues. The problem is that, like SG, he never tells us what they are but just keeps hinting that he has them.
      Many here think he dares not reveal them because he's not as confident in them as he likes to pretend he is and fears they will be quickly dismissed as nonsense. Saying he will reveal all AFTER he finally gets a working wheel is really just a way of delaying their release forever. Like SG, he's playing a very clever game with us and intends to keep right on doing so until he finally drops if necessary.
      He says he's back here to keep us informed of his progress after he finally gets his new workshop set up. That informing will most likely consist of occasional mentions that he's working on parts, putting parts together, testing this and that part, etc. He'll never show us any drawings, photos, or even get around to a FINAL definitive test of a COMPLETED wheel. If you don't believe this, then see what you learn about his "progress" with his "final" wheel by the end of this year. All you will know is that he claims to be working away on it and nothing more. Watch and see!

    5. You might be right, anon 17:59, but I have my own theory about why John started this blog up again and, like you, I think that it has little to do with keeping us "informed" about his progress on his last wheel.

      I think he restarted it because, aside from being totally bored, he quickly discovered when he stopped it last October that his Bessler book sales dropped down to almost nothing. He realized that to keep selling them, he needs to have an active blog with a lot of comments being posted by people who do more than just prattle on about nonsense (the exception being Shemp who has apparently become our unofficial clown) and can provide interesting content to intrigue newbies coming here who will then purchase books so they can prove how smart they are by solving the Bessler wheel mystery after a quick reading of them. There's little chance of that ever happening, of course, but a book sale is a book sale and no refunds if they give up a month after starting which probably 99% of them will do.

      Because of these needs, he should really be grateful for guys like SoS who has provided us with so much interesting content over the years. SoS has given us plenty of new clues to ponder while John only continues to give us nothing new since his failed gravity wheel of September 2020. Who knows how many copies of John's version of MT sold because of SoS openly sharing with us the numerology clues he was discovering in MT. We could use a few more like SoS on this blog, imo.

    6. I'm happy to see this blog has fired up again.

      I guess when John said last year that he was putting up his "last blog", he actually meant it would only be the last one for 2022! (Also, just to get this out of the way before I continue, I'm not Ken B and I'm not in "collusion" with anyone else here.)

      @anon 16:38
      Like you, I initially thought there was something a little weird about SoS especially when he announced that he never left his home without wearing several lucky charms. He even urged John to begin wearing a charm that would contain the number 7 so John could have good luck finding a working pm wheel design.

      That initial opinion of mine quickly changed, however, when SoS revealed a very interesting clue he had found hidden in MT. It became known here as "Bessler's Lucky Ratio" and was equal to about 0.777 (the actual value is an unending fraction or 0.777777...). Suddenly, I and others on this blog were finding this ratio in all of the wheel drawings Bessler had put into DT! We definitely were not hallucinating. Had Bessler used it in the drawings just to bring himself more luck in finding a buyer for his invention? Was it meant to be a tribute to God in his 7th heaven whose divine intervention Bessler believed allowed him to achieve success?

      SoS didn't deny any of those possibilities, but he had another interpretation. He claimed that the radius of a Bessler wheel, when multiplied by that lucky ratio, would tell one how far from the exact center of a wheel's axle the centers of the lever pivots were located inside of the wheel's drum.

      For a wheel with a 12 foot diameter whose radius is 6 feet or 72 inches, all you have to do is multiply the 72 inches by 0.777777 to get 55.999944 inches which you can then round up to 56 inches and this is how far from the center of the axle Bessler placed the centers of the wheel's lever pivots.

      If SoS is right about his interpretation of this ratio, then this is a very important clue that Bessler left us about how he designed his wheels. However, while he may have actually used this precise ratio to place the lever pivots within his wheels' drums, he may not have done so for actual mechanical reasons. Personally, I don't think using a ratio of 0.8 or 0.7 or some other ratio would make that much difference in the construction and performance of one of his wheels. I tend to think if it was done, then it was done solely for luck and to honor his God.



      And notice that line A goes from the center of the axle to a line drawn through the PIVOTS for that pendulum thing. Thx SoS!

    8. Thanks for that drawing you made anon 05:18. The line through the pendulum's pivot shaft that you measured to from the wheel's axle center is labeled "P" in Bessler's drawing. "P" is also the first letter of the Latin word "punctum" which means "point" in English. I'm wondering if the letter "P" was used for that pivot shaft by chance or if Bessler purposely arranged it to be there to tell us that we had to measure up to a point on a line along that pivot shaft so we could discover that lucky ratio Jason mentioned. Seems like too much of coincidence to be one, imo. I agree that Bessler had some sort of obsession with the number 7.

    9. "Seems like too much of coincidence to be one, imo."

  3. Thank you for your interesting analysis anon 00:07. You might be right.

    Also nice to be back, RK. I’m not sure who sos is, but he often commented here last year. Perhaps he will drop in and give us his view?.


  4. Thanks John for telling us about the MT 47, I have been working on it from for about 6 months. It is for me the only model capable of approaching the MP, indeed the energy is already there, you just have to distill it. It's not easy to imagine this model suspended on the main axle of the B wheel. But with heavy enough cylinders instead of balls... it's not impossible.
    Since my construction will be completely free you will see in a short time if it is conclusive.

    1. Looking forward to seeing it THX4


    2. I have good news John. I had a bad day yesterday. What a difference a day can make. Yesterday I knew nothing and PM wasn't at all possible and Bessler, well... let me just say I still couldn't figure out how he pulled off all those demonstrations and tests! I thought I must be an idiot for wasting all this time on something as unlikely as this search. But I got back to it and made a few changes to my design (in Blender of course). Firstly I can honestly say I believe I have a grasp on what the man created. Secondly It's nothing I hadn't thought of before. I guess the issue is I lacked confidence, guidance and also may have had some incorrect influence and perhaps a little too much imagination (often in the wrong direction). Today is defferent than any other day has been since I even read the name Johann Bessler on overunity board all those years ago when someone was pleading with another "big brain" to come over to the Besslerwheel forum and help out. Today is no day for regrets, rather for gratitude and an appreciation that someone in the past troubled themselves to no end (probably literally) and provided enough written testimony and evidence to convince others that it was not so foolish to search for and ponder and try and create such as a thing. Thank you JEEB. Thank you JC.


    3. JEEB:
      Everybody thinks as he likes
      Why this little book is written?
      It is true, who will also be heard in himself,
      Will understand ORFFYREUM.
      Plug the ear, beloved reader,
      From the unchristian blasphemer,
      If the evil spirit's play
      This book in the ground want to stain. x.
      If an enemy stabs at spiritual writings
      How will he seek to poison
      The verses here with ignorance.
      But no one will turn to this.
      The truth gives the best witness;
      Best of all, who can keep silent
      Always calls himself impartial,
      And waits with patience for the end.


    4. Thank you for your inspirational comment Chris, and your kind words. Your verse has encouraged me to think about posting my own poetic efforts. I’ve written several over the years and although I’m sure they’re not good, I’ve enjoyed writing them.


    5. I recently realized that I'm also a poet and didn't even know it. Oops, there I go again! Here's my first (and probably last!) Bessler poem:

      "Orffyreanum Poetica" by Shemp

      Roses are red and violets are blue.
      As far a B's wheels go I haven't a clue.

      Was it weights, mercury, or a spring?
      I can't seem to figure out anything.

      All my wheels refuse to turn,
      even though for dazzling success I yearn.

      I've joined all the sites and read all the books.
      This damn B mystery is far harder than it looks.

      Back in my shop I saw and cut my skin.
      Surely my latest wheel will finally spin.

      Late at night I release its brake.
      A quarter turn it begins to make!

      Then it comes to a sudden stop
      and my spirits just as quickly drop.

      All my calculations said it had to work.
      Now I'm feeling like a total jerk.

      Back into my bed I slowly creep,
      Along with a full bottle to help me sleep.

      I dream of wheels, money, and lasting fame.
      But I know tomorrow will just be more of the same...


    6. I liked it! It expresses the same experience we all share, well done!


    7. Yes shemp your poem is unique in that it expresses the feelings of most everyone who has failed to discover the secret. I especially like the last part that recognizes the problem of why it has remained a secret for so long truly Shemp you're irony is masterful you are truly one of the great Stooges not just a bit player for a season! What an ingenious way of pointing out the problem through empathy I laughed so hard picturing you drinking into a stupor and passing out and then going into a dream sequence where Mo Larry and Curly play along with your delusion until you were fully suckered in to Your Ego trip and then they pulled out the Crowbar the mallet and of course the whipped cream pies then finally the bucket of water in the face waking you up and then the end with the theme song Three Blind Mice.

    8. Your absolutely right, SG. All those Bessler pm wheel chasers out there can't find a solution because they are all pathetic drunks looking for the solution at the bottle of a liquor bottle...after they've personally drained it's contents, of course! Thank goodness you don't have that problem which is why you finally solved it.

    9. Make tthat " the BOTTOM of a liquor bottle..." Started my drinking way too early today and seeing double...but at least I'm happy now.

    10. Anonymous 20:59/21:12 you read but you do not perceive you mischaracterize do to your presumption of superiority. In Shemps poem he touched upon the factor that makes his search so much more difficult in which that trait is shared i by you! It is what blinds most everyone that searches for the answer it is their ego! He tells a story of effort into a design that didn't work then throws his effort away by getting drunk instead of trying to figure out why it didn't work he throws his hands up and surrenders to failure. Another lost opportunity I would have thought by now some of you would have understood the benefit Johann Bessler gave you he gave you examples that didn't work in Mt to guide you to what does!

    11. SG wrote about Shemp "He tells a story of effort into a design that didn't work then throws his effort away by getting drunk..."

      Nowhere in his poem did Shemp say he was "getting drunk" by drinking an alcoholic beverage! That "full bottle" that helped him sleep could have been filled with warm milk for all you know! I often consume a glass of warm milk before bedtime to help me fall asleep. Yet, you took delight at insulting Shemp and everyone else here by insinuating that we are all drunks.

      Do you have a similar habit of quickly jumping to conclusions based on unverified assumptions in your own Bessler "research"? If so, then it's probably very faulty and your belief that you have all of the answers to the Bessler wheel mystery is just another DELUSION whether you reveal it here or not.

      I think it is YOU who has the biggest ego problem here, SG!

    12. Anonymous 00:13 if you want to be a stooge like Shemp you ought to have a handle giving your lack of understanding I think the proper one should be Joe Mo Larry and Curly seem to be out of your league and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be put above Shemp are esteemed poet.

  5. When I reveal it will be to those individuals that are capable of understanding not only the principal in which it works and the responsibilities that comes with it in order to disseminate it to the world. If a individual is incapable of understanding what I just said. obviously they don't have to concern themselves with anything I say especially for Anonymous! with no imagination! Shemp is capable of being the stooge he is I would think it would be an insult for him to be defended by just another no-named bit player!

  6. IO che procedo con esperimenti pratici confermo che le leve a forma di Y sono la chiave del funzionamento del meccanismo che lavora su tre piani, Peso più Forza Centrifuga che raggiunge il massimo ad ore 6 della ruota, più una Forza inversa che aiuta il peso a salire dovuta a una certa disposizione delle leve, pensavo che la numerologia non poteva aiutarci invece debbo ricredermi.

    1. Translating from Italian to English:

      "I proceed with practical experiments confirm that the Y-shaped levers are the key to the operation of the mechanism that works on three planes, Weight plus Centrifugal Force that reaches the maximum at 6 o'clock of the wheel, plus an inverse force that helps the weight to rise due to a certain arrangement of the levers, I thought that numerology could not help us but I have to change my mind."

    2. PG wrote "...experiments confirm that the Y-shaped levers are the key to the operation of the mechanism..."

      SoS and Ken B will be overjoyed to read that!

    3. Yes I thought that too. Such a shame.


    4. Ken B the chameleon just another lizard and is never ending pursuit of the letter Y which has absolutely no connection with the machine as a lever close but no cigar you don't win the Kewpie doll. in physics there is only one recognized motion of a lever in circular motion and it is not centrifugal by the way there is a particular shape of course of the prime mover and for that matter all of the parts and their particular shapes in the machine is accounted for and furthermore this information is in a language that can be called upon to prove it is the design Bessler used. John I thought you did understand and figured it out my mistake obviously I made a big mistake believing you did and to answer your concern from past statements I'm not interested in what your design is I never was and I wouldn't even ask you to tell me I wanted to share with you what Bessler's was unfortunately you have only one thing on your mind it's pretty obvious now and there'll be no mistaking it any longer just like ken B it's just Fame and Fortune and nothing to do with Bessler's design!

    5. John, I also go along with Bessler having used those Y shape levers in his wheels. Look at MT 13 which SoS keeps telling us was the last wheel Bessler worked before he finally managed to turn it into a runner.

      How many levers in MT 13? 12. Next add up the alphanumerical values of the five letters in that drawing and you get A + B + C + C + D = 1 + 2 + 3 +3 + 4 = 13 which just so happens to equal the number of that drawing in MT.

      Finally, add the number of levers and the sum of the values of the letters in MT 13 and you get 12 + 13 = 25.

      What is the 25th letter of the alphabet? Well, you and everyone else here knows the answer to that question by now. Bessler in that drawing literally screams at us that he used Y shaped levers to make MT 13 into his runner!

      Let those who have eyes see what he shows us...let those with ears hear what he is telling us. Sadly, many will remain blind and deaf to the information Bessler has given us...ignorance can be least until one has to finally face reality...

    6. "Bessler in that drawing literally screams at us that he used Y shaped levers to make MT 13 into his runner!" comedy at its finest

    7. @anon 23:49

      The eyes formed by the two reversed C letters in that original MT13 drawing appear to be looking toward the right side of the wheel. In a youtube video Ken B made back in 2021 he claimed that in the first DT portrait Bessler's eyes are looking to the right side of his face and toward the part of his wig there. Ken then shows how you can get a Y shaped lever by connecting the bright spots on his eyes with the ends of some of the wig curls!

      I'm wondering if, when he engraved the wood printing block for the original MT13 drawing, Bessler remembered what he had done with the eyes in his portrait in DT and then decided to use a reversed printed image of the MT13 drawing so its reversed letter C eyes would also be staring to the right side of the wheel in that drawing? I guess it's a possibility and maybe his way of pointing future readers of MT back to that DT portrait where they would find the hidden Y shaped lever.

      Here's a image capture from Ken's video showing the lever hidden in the first DT portrait:

    8. That's a very interesting theory you have there anon 23:49. If Bessler was hiding a Y shape lever design in that first DT portrait, then how can anyone doubt he used it? I will find that Ken B video and watch all of it. Thanks for sharing.


    9. 1st of all , let me show you how preposterous that is , the face is on the 1st page is only a hole , the face you see on the image comes from the page beneath the 1st page , so any slight misalignment of the 2 pages can and will be possible , imagine just how mathematically messed up Ken's analysis is.

    10. Next consider just the size of the actual portraits , that being so much smaller than the images Ken is drawing on top of and making mathematical nonsense measurements on.

    11. Dont forget to include 300 years of time passing by , and many people browsing over and touching the pages , consider now how warped the originals are.

    12. Now consider how the pages were glued in place , that being inaccurate placement and page alignment , another point that shows how dreamed up the mathematical alignments and lengths and lines are.

    13. @anons 10:24 to 10:28

      I think you are confused as to what is the 1st and 2nd portraits in DT. That "hole" is in what is usually called the 2nd portrait which was a fold over flap showing the workshop table and carpentry tools hanging on the wall in the background. The 1st portrait is the one showing Bessler wearing the wig and with the books and curtain in the background. Ken B used the 1st portrait for his youtube video. It was the face from that 1st portrait that would show through the hole in the 2nd portrait when the flap it was printed on was folded over the 1st portrait. Because of this, there can be no misalignment between Bessler's face and the wig he is wearing since they were printed on the same page of the 1st portrait.

      Here's a close up of Bessler's eyes in the 1st DT portrait:

      I placed red lines under the centers of his lower eyelids and, if he was looking straight head, his pupils should have been lined up with those red lines. But, they are not and his eyes are definitely looking to the right side of the portrait just as Ken B says they are.

      I did finally view all of Ken B's video that anon 21:44 mentioned and I agree that there is a Y shaped lever hidden in that 1st DT portrait. I cannot believe Bessler would do something like that if it wasn't a very important clue. I have to consider this a major discovery and I'm surprised no one noticed it before Ken B did.


    14. it makes no difference what the 1st and 2nd is , the point remains

    15. I think your confused with what is real and what is not.

    16. Just scroll to the top of this page where I have placed a portrait of Bessler. He is looking directly at you the onlooker. He is sitting side on which might make some people think he is looking to the right, not most people just Ken and his sock puppets!


    17. I should also state for the record - there is no Y shaped lever in Bessler’s wheel. It’s just a figment of Ken’s imagination.


    18. "Here's a close up of Bessler's eyes in the 1st DT portrait:" I dont mean to be mean , but i am going to sound mean , his face is tilted to his right , his is looking towards the artist , not off in to the distance on his left , no why ? its impossible too turn your eyes to look left as you discribe WHILE facing at an angle off towards the right.

    19. @Anonymous27 January 2023 at 16:51 Let me prove the above comment for you , you are looking at the left side of his nose , hes not facing the front , im laughing so hard

    20. @Anonymous27 January 2023 at 16:51 you are also looking at the left side of his face and cheek hahahahha

    21. I think I go along with Mark on this one. If you look at the image he uploaded, you can plainly see that Bessler's right eye is looking much farther to the right of his face than it should be. It looks like Bessler intentionally did that to call attention to the wig on the right side of his head in the portrait.

      Last year SoS, even though he specializes in the numerology clues in MT, showed up here and excitedly told us about a VERY unusual clue he had found in the two DT portraits. This clue actually involved placing BOTH portraits side by side and then one is able to draw a single line from the hand holding the eyeglasses in the second portrait that went right over to the bridge of the nose in the first portrait! SoS concluded this precise alignment of the drawings was created purposely by Bessler to indicate that the eyeglasses in the second portrait had to be put on the bridge of Bessler's nose in the first portrait.

      Well, that would not seem so unusual because that's where one logically places eyeglasses. But, then SoS mentioned that eyeglasses are meant to allow one to see things clearly and to STUDY them closely. What are we supposed to study in that first DT portrait? According to SoS it was Bessler's two EYES! Why would Bessler want us to do that? SoS said it was so we could find that Y shaped lever he hid in the first portrait!

      Sometime ago, IIRC, someone here referred to clues like this as "micro clues" because they are so subtle that they can easily be dismissed as printing or drawing errors or even due to the imagination of the viewer (like in the psychological phenomenon of pareiolia). Ken B, however, specialized in zeroing in on these micro clues which others missed over the years. He eventually found about two dozen of them that described the wheel design which he promotes in his book and videos.

      I suspect that those who don't like such micro clues are either envious that they did not find them or are upset because they don't agree with whatever clues they think they've found. But, when it comes to those micro clue deniers actually using their clues to produce even a single working sim, all they can do is make excuses or disappear for a while.

    22. You are confusing left with right

    23. If there is any chance that those micro clues can solve the B wheel then we should be looking for them instead of pretending they don't exist. As someone over at bwf used to say "Leave no stone unturned". So why leave these little stones unturned? I want as many clues as possible.

      A guy here years ago gave a good comparison. He said if you want to solve the B wheel and don't have enough clues you are like a guy playing a poker game with a deck missing the picture cards who is expecting to be dealt a royal flush! It ain't gonna happen.

    24. Maybe Bessler suffered from a condition known as "strabismus". Here's an example of it:

      About 2% of children are born with this and it can be treated with a combination of eyeglasses, vision therapy, and in extreme cases surgery. Maybe those eyeglasses Bessler holds in that second DT portrait were specially made to help him compensate for such a vision disorder assuming that is what he actually had?

  7. If you guys want to approach the Bessler Wheel in a different way, start focusing on off-center rotation where any movement of weight causes them to go into balance on one rotation and then out of balance on the next. That is an area not often explored and where I suspect the answer lays.

  8. Anonymous 21:54 just another suspect another anonymous just what you need John another anonymous seriously there is no serious research being performed by anyone who is anonymous just speculation you're all lazy

    1. I'm currently doing builds and learning a lot. I don't post much since when I've done so, I get attacked. The reason it is anonymous was I was at work and couldn't be logged in under my normal account. Then you judge me lazy. Typical.

    2. If one believes SG, then only the nonanonymous posters here, like SG, are actually doing any "serious research" (however, SG is SURE that nonanonymous JC is totally clueless when it comes to B's wheels so his research apparently isn't "serious" according to SG!). But, oddly enough we never see any proof of that claim from SG. Just the same posturing and hint dropping from blog to blog.

      Any idiot can show up here and use the same tactic and just say "I finally found it, but it's just too big a discovery for you dummies to understand so I won't waste my time showing you anything. You'll just have to take my word for it." I only respect those, anonymous or not, who actually show me something like an SoS style numerology analysis or a drawing or even just a link to an interesting video. Anything other than just more irrelevant babblings from the SG's of this world.

      If one is a "serious researcher" he should not be afraid to reveal some of the main details of what he is working on so others will better understand what he's talking about. That can help stimulate meaningful discussion that can lead to more progress with B's wheels.

      Those making mysteries for us all tend to just be bs merchants by the end of the day. I've seen them on dozens of other sites and blogs. This place is no different.

    3. I’m puzzled by SG’s assertion that I “hadn’t figured it out”. What possible reason could he have for coming to that conclusion? I’ve not shared any of my information with anyone, as many people will confirm and are understandably annoyed about. SG you have no idea what I know. Also, despite your suggestion that I offered or wanted to share my design with you, I have a never offered to share my current design with you or anyone else ever. I have rejected numerous offers to see what other people’s designs are, in case they shared similarities to mine. I work alone, always have, always will. But when I’m ready I’ll tell the world for free.


    4. @JC
      In the last blog SG wrote "John when you say things like 'One thing is certain, his machine was enabled by gravity' that is enough for me to know you do not know! I thought by now you would have already figured that out."

      Your comment told him that you were working on an overbalanced type wheel design which he thinks was not the type of wheel Bessler used. He must have concocted some theory that Bessler wheels were activated by something like the spin of the Earth or the motion of the tides instead of the simple preponderance of their weights on one side of the axle. He probably thinks he's seen this described in the Bessler literature and other non Bessler esoteric drawings somewhere. But, all of Bessler's vague descriptions of how his wheels worked point to them being the overbalanced weight type.

      Consider this quote from AP page 295 - 296:

      "So then, a work of this kind of craftsmanship has, as its basis of motion, many separate pieces of lead. These come in pairs, such that, as one of them takes up an outer position, the other takes up a position nearer the axle. Later, they swap places, and so they go on and on changing places all the time. ... At present, as far as I’m concerned, anyone who wants can go on about the wonderful doing of these weights, alternatively gravitating to the center and climbing back up again, for I can’t put the matter more clearly."

      Bessler is clearly describing an overbalanced type wheel here. If SG disagrees with this, then let him explain why IF he actually can!

    5. Thank you anon 17:53. Your explanation seems the most likely one. Most people seem to believe gravity has something to do with Bessler’s wheel.


    6. Anon 17: 53 and John you know the old baited question that some people use to gain the upper hand in a conversation which I'm sure everyone is acquainted with and it starts something like this! "you mean to tell me you think you know better than everyone else." Now I ask you if that person that is being asked the question answers in any way but No! Isn't he usually faced with the following demand!" prove it." This response is obvious manipulative and just to add insulting and I am always amazed on how many people fall for this pathetic attempt to gain knowledge in such underhanded way. This kind of thing goes on all the time and people of sufficient intellect and knowledge no there is only one way to describe the person who asks!” The you mean to tell me question.” John I thought you were your own person and couldn't be let around by your nose but I was wrong. You proved it John You chime in right after Anon quotes from Bessler and then he biasly gives an opinion of Bessler's statement and even uses the word clearly to enforce is bias which he thinks is such a neat thing stroking of his own ego. How utterly ridiculous read the statement John by Bessler first before giving your opinion that you agree with Anon. Now I will use the word clearly in a proper manner without any bias clearly the quote that he uses from Bessler does not clearly describe and overbalanced wheel clearly it was composed in the way to indicate something different. This is not the time and place whatsoever to discuss such an important understanding it would be irresponsible to go any further on my part. Now to the answer to the proverbial question posed it is easy without a doubt you are incorrect

    7. SG wrote "This is not the time and place whatsoever to discuss such an important understanding it would be irresponsible to go any further on my part."

      This is just more evasion by SG as he tries to change the subject by playing the victim and looking for sympathy here. Notice that this lame excuse of his allows him to avoid answering anon 17:25's simple request to him to explain WHY that AP Bessler quote does not describe an overbalanced wheel.

    8. SSSSHT He knows too much , you cant talk about it , he is going to get approached by secret agency's if he talks to much.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. A question for everyone I'm very interested to know is it when you thought first about calling yourself anonymous or afterwards that your brains fall out of your proverbial! Or do you just become anal retentive to avoid such a catastrophe and merely regurgitate what other anonymous have stated? by the way I'm sure there's a Stooges marathon this weekend Moe Larry curly Joe Shemp cheese will be served. I'm sure you will conduct yourself with the proper etiquette I believe in the intermission between features you can rest assured that you will be entertained by Ken B and his magic extravaganza that he learned at the Y and then the Magnificent Feats of anon where he shows off his comprehension of the written word in his ventriloquist Act the suspenseful anticipation of which dummy he'll use will be left up to the throngs of patrons then back to the show where Shemp will narrate with his best Howard Cosell the blow by blow descriptions in the documentary version throughout he will be tabulates the scores by hospital bills it'll be a knock down drag out hell of a good time coming to a couch potato like you don't miss it!

    11. Everyone will know how delusional you are by your name though , we just don't care about being known like you do.

    12. Oh no it's the local B A from the anonymous Union he wants to know why I haven't paid my dues sorry anonymous the union I belong to has a better pension program and we actually vote for our officials who represent us we don't have business agents we have BMA agents if you have a problem with that they're slogan is you can KISS it.

    13. Yeah, SG is definitely avoiding giving a straight answer to anon 17:53's simple question. It looks like he prefers to keep playing victim.

      In the last blog SG wrote to John saying "I thought you understood by now when Bessler said it could turn in any direction what did you think was indicated. obviously you don't!"

      Maybe SG thinks that Bessler was saying that his wheels could turn with their drums having ANY orientation relative to the Earth's gravity field? But, that was not what Bessler meant. He just meant that his larger wheels could turn either clockwise or counterclockwise as viewed from one of their sides. His wheels had to have the planes of their drums always vertically oriented relative to Earth gravity field to work. That orientation is required by ALL overbalanced type pm wheels that need the Earth's gravity field to work.

      Maybe SG believes that Bessler's wheels were some sort of "motion machines" which are thought to use differences in angular momenta on opposite sides of the drum to produce torque? Such wheels could actually run with the planes of their drums having any orientation relative to the Earth's gravity field or even without a gravity field. Unfortunately, there is zero evidence that any of Bessler's wheels could work like that. If this is what SG believes, then he is only making a big ASSUMPTION here and false one imo.

      A long time member, now deceased, over at BW forum chased after motion machine designs for years and died without ever finding one. They are generally considered to be a dead end approach.

    14. Are you talking about jim_mich?

    15. @NQ. Yeah that was probably jim_mich. He never revealed what he was working on either publicly or privately yet he was always there on bwf putting down the revealed designs of others. IIRC he went over to some professional engineering blog once and started talking about his motion machine ideas there in general terms and they laughed him out of the place!

  9. I've been working really hard on this Bessler Wheel puzzle since 2018, but I first heard about it back in the early 1980s in elementary school in a weekly reader. I never forgot about it and found it fascinating. Just this week, my thinking and contemplating led me to discover the secret. There is no way I would have ever discovered it without the help of some insightful posters online who also claimed to have discovered it. Gravity powered for sure and a unique arrangement of weights I've never seen featured anywhere before - either online or for real because nobody in their right mind would even venture to lay them out like that. Bessler used a bunch of double and triple meaning clues that were correct, but purposefully designed to send people down the wrong path. I totally get why people don't want to just blab the secret - it's because of the mental torture and sleepless nights one must endure while on the path to discovery. The unique motion creates a situation where there is hardly any back-torque or resistance to forward motion. It allows the wheel to not have much if any back-torque during the reset phase of the weights and that is what it's all about! Once you can reset without the penalty, you're on your way to the rediscovery of perpetual motion.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. No Quarter you should have learned if you truly rediscovered it exactly where Bessler got it from and where it can be found as far as why you would never state it here would be obvious considering the knowledge!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I decided to re-edit my comment. What I had said was: Knowledge of how it works should be common, but once discovered you dont feel like handing it out because its hard work getting there. It would disrupt the big money moguls for sure.
      Further, I wanted to comment on what you said about if I had truly rediscovered where Bessler got it from, then I wouldn't state it here. I thought it up myself with clues I read online and Bessler's toys page. Nobody gave me the idea and ordered me to be quiet about it. Elsewhere I have left the clue about off-center rotation. Years ago I even posted the basic idea on another site, but I didn't see the relevance of it then. Perhaps I have not discovered it, but using clues from a poster whose last post online was 10 years ago, he indicated there was one fundamental piece of knowledge you must start with. Off-center rotation is that start. From there, you follow the road map. Asymmetry within symmetry - it's possible. There really isn't anything too special with the layout. People want to mystify it all up, but really - start with an off-center mechanism and work that to your advantage. One might argue that Bessler's wheel wasn't asymmetrical - it appeared that way - but there are ways to simulate off-center rotation. Start with that and work your way up. :)

    3. Further, I wish to add that if you really want to trace paths of weights, look no further than planetary orbits - the one of Mars is the one I find the most telling as it more close resembles Bessler's signature and the little scrolly things he did. If you build the wheel correctly, the path of weights is a lot like planetary orbit stood on edge. I might be wrong, but in my mind it just makes sense because it could leave the wheel permanently unbalanced.

  12. The quickly approaching end of this blog seems like a good place to summarize all of the Bessler wheel chasers who have finally discovered how his wheels worked!

    Let's see, there's JC, KB, and SG, of course, but now we must add THX4, CW, PG, Anon 21:54, and NQ. Oh...I almost forgot good ol' Shemp who solved it in his past life before he was reincarnated into "our" Shemp in 1955. In a past blog he even linked to a photo of the machine he had built in that past life! It was a most impressive build.

    That's NINE announced solutions just on this blog! But, who knows how many other solutions are out there conceived by those who still don't have the ego gratifying need to publicly announce their brilliant success? However, despite all of these wonderful "solutions" there is still no WORKING physical wheel available today that you can put on your coffee table, let spin continuously, and then proudly proclaim to your party guests "'s real and I was right all along about Bessler! I wasn't wasting my life chasing after a nonexistent solution like you all privately thought I was doing." as they look at you with faces filled with amazement and admiration...if only they had been wise enough to believe you all along and trust your gifted insight about the subject. Shame on them.

    This painfully obvious little detail has persisted now since Bessler destroyed his last working wheel back in 1745. One would think with all of the "clues" we have that the situation should be completely different today, but sadly it is not. Maybe we just need some more clues? But we shall have them as SoS continues to shower us with them and we look forward to JC's planned book of new clues!!!

    Keep digging boys...there's got to be pm gold buried somewhere on this vast continent of vague Bessler data and clues we're least I hope so! If not, then this pursuit will surely eventually be recognized as one of the biggest wastes of time in the history of human civilization! It will be a monument to human folly that will be laughingly remembered for millennia to come. Well, if so, then at least it will give future generations some amusement and laughter is supposed to a healthy thing to do.

    1. I'll add some more clues for you all. Remember the 2 mechanisms of the hammer guys? What if I told you the top one never flip flops side to side and is permanently locked in the position it is in throughout rotation? It rotates, but never flops back and forth. The bottom one does flop back and forth. How does that affect balance and rotation? These are some of the most powerful clues ever given on the Bessler Wheel ever that you will find online. Supercharge your pendulums and watch it complete rotation after rotation...

    2. "What if I told you the top one never flip flops side to side and is permanently locked in the position it is in throughout rotation?"

      I'd say that you are imagining things!

    3. No Quarter so how many ghosts Do You See on that page!

    4. Anonymous 18:37 wrote "...there is still no WORKING physical wheel available today that you can put on your coffee table, let spin continuously..."

      100% WRONG! Here's one that anyone can make in a few hours with a five magnets, some wire, and some wood:

      It's probably not the method Bessler used, but it is genuine and a larger version could most likely put out just as much power as Bessler's big Kassel wheel did. We have to keep in mind that Bessler really does not have a monopoly on pm. There are many other approaches that will work just as well.

    5. anon 18:37 wrote:

      "That's NINE announced solutions just on this blog!"

      How negligent of you to forget including "mryy" in your list whose "ballistic wheel" has small ball weights flying around and always staying on a wheel's descending side to keep it overbalanced. Last year he showed the basic design to us and it was one of the most innovative designs to come along in years on this blog. He based it on that quote of Bessler's where he mentions the weights in his wheel having "speedy flight". mryy is over on bwf now peddling his approach there, but they don't seem too receptive to it for some reason which is surprising to me since it should be easy to sim.

      PM Dreamer

      (PS It's nice to see this blog back again. I thought it would be gone forever.)

    6. "Oh...I almost forgot good ol' Shemp who solved it in his past life before he was reincarnated into "our" Shemp in 1955. In a past blog he even linked to a photo of the machine he had built..."

      Thanks for the mention anon 18:37, but that photo of a pm invention attributed to me was a fake made last year by someone else. I've had some ideas about pm over the years, but never built anything.


    7. @ anon 18:37

      I hope you will add me to your list of pm seeking heroes! Here's how I think Bessler did it:

      I call it my Grip and Slip PM Wheel. The 20 lbs weight at 3 o'clock is inside of a rubber tire that makes contact with the inside of the wheel's drum, can grip it, and pushes it down. As the drum begins to turn cw the rubber tire weight, which is held inside of an arc lined with little wheels, drops and is then immediately pushed up by the 50 lbs half moon counter weight and also begins to turn cw inside of the arc as the rubber moves easily over the arc's little rolling wheels. As a result the drum constantly feels a 20 lbs weight pushing it down at 3 o'clock and should perpetually turn cw.

      I agree with Wagner that those impact sounds coming out of Bessler's wheels were just being made by eight little extra weights he added inside of the drums. They did not drive the wheels but were intended to fool anyone trying to figure out how Bessler did it.

      I don't have the materials and tools to build this wheel but anyone who thinks it can work can build it if he wants. Good luck but please don't forget to mention my name as the inventor. Thanks.


    8. Thanks Jeff. I haven’t had a proper look at it yet but it looks interesting and maybe unique. We’ll see if any more comments appear.


    9. @Jeff
      Very impressive design you have there. I can't see any obvious reason why it won't run.

      Yes, you are now added to the list of illustrious "pm seeking heroes" for revealing your interesting grip and slip wheel design on this blog.

      All those on the list may now feel free to wear this specially minted gold medal which honors their outstanding contribution to Bessler pm wheel research. Wear your hero medals with justifiable pride gentlemen!

      @PM Dreamer
      You're right. I forgot all about mryy's amazing ballistic wheel design and do humbly apologize for that error. He hasn't returned yet, but he too is now on the list and also entitled to wear his hero medal.

      Sorry Shemp, but you are now off of the list of pm seeking heroes until you contribute some ideas here about how Bessler's wheels worked so no medal for you. However, if a medal is ever minted for best blog comedian, you will surely be awarded it.

      Anon 18:37

    10. @Jeff it would act a little like how a ratchet locks up in a ccw direction and do nothing for the wheel in a cw direction.

    11. @anon 20:14
      But it's not a ratchet.
      My first automatic negative thought about it was that the 20 pound tire weight would just get wedged between the inner curving drum wall and the little wheels on the arc so that no drum rotation could take place.
      But, that can't happen if the 20 pound tire weight starts rotating CW as it should do if it begins to move along with the drum's inner wall, drops, and is then forced to immediately rise by the arc connected to the slightly shifted and raised crescent counter weight.
      To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what this thing would do!

    12. It wont do anything , it is a pendulum with a lot of friction .

    13. John should love his pm seeking hero medal because it has a big pentagram on it! Lol!

    14. DAMN! I want one of those hero medals too! I'll try to come up with some design for Bessler's pm wheels as soon as I can. It's such a beautiful shiny gold medal. I'd wear it while showering and even to bed!


    15. Okay, so if one is on the "pm seeking heroes list", then how does he get his hero medal? Is this just a virtual thing or does he get an actual medal to display or wear? If it's a real medal, how does he claim it?

    16. @anon 06:48
      The pm seeking hero medal was originally intended to be a "virtual thing" and a way to inspire people visiting this blog to share some of their ideas and drawings of possible solutions to Bessler's wheels. Sharing such an original design immediately qualifies its creator for consideration to be added to the list. However, it should be a design we have not seen a thousand times before and at least look like it has some chance of working. Jeff's recent contribution certainly meets those requirements.

      For those pm seeking heroes here who recently made the list and actually want to proudly wear PHYSICAL hero medals, you can!

      That hero medal was originally used in a video game called "Wreck-It Ralph" and was a much sought after item by the game's main character (there were also two Disney animated movies made featuring the same character). A very faithful replica of the medal is available on Amazon at:

      It looks like it is silver tone metal in the photos and the seller describes it as silver tone, but many of the people leaving reviews there say that it is actually gold tone which is what you want. However, if you get one and it's not golden enough for you, you can make it more golden by applying this to it:

      You can also actually gold electroplate the medal yourself, but that will cost more (some jewelry stores that repair jewelry can do it for you for a small fee).

      Of course there's nothing to keep you from purchasing your own hero medal now and wearing it while showering or sleeping. But, it won't fully count until you make the list here by coming up with some original idea as to how Bessler's wheels worked and preferably show us a drawing of it. Most here prefer drawings over vague word descriptions because, as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

      Anon 18:37

      (Just in case anyone is wondering, I'm not associated with the Amazon sellers of these products in any way.)

    17. Thanks for that info, anon 18:37. I collect items like this and just ordered one of the hero medals, but it says it takes 1 to 2 months to ship! Anyway, I'll post a photo of it when it shows up and, hopefully, by then I'll come up with some unusual Bessler wheel solution drawing so I won't feel guilty for wearing my hero medal and you can put me on that list of yours. If the medal is not gold colored enough for me, then I'll also order that gold leaf coloring pen you gave the link to.


    18. I'd like to get one since I'm now on that list (thanks anon 18:37!). The seller just says it's 100% metal but doesn't say what metal. If it's pewter then it's mostly lead and toxic! Could be dangerous for skin contact or for a kid if he chewed on one.


    19. @Jeff
      I don't think its pewter because that is too soft for a medal and most jewelry. Most likely, it's an alloy called "German silver" or "nickel silver" which is a cheap substitute for silver. That alloy contains no silver and is a mix of 60% copper, 20% nickel, and 20% zinc. It can have either a silver or gold color depending on the percentages of the different metals in the alloy.
      It is a hard, corrosion resistant alloy, that melts at a temperature of about 1900 degrees Fahrenheit and can be die cast to make cheap jewelry, small toys, and even musical instruments.
      It is safe for skin contact unless you are allergic to nickel. Food should not be prepared or stored in any containers made from German silver, however, because there have been rare cases of people who did that and developed skin rashes and even liver problems from too much copper leaching out of the alloy and into their food.
      I wouldn't be afraid to wear a bare alloy hero medal on my skin, but you can make it completely safe by putting a coating of clear fingernail polish or a clear artist's acrylic sealer on it or using that gold leaf stuff anon 18:37 recommended. Gold plating it is another way to make it completely safe for skin contact.

    20. Am I the only one here who recognizes that "pm seeking hero medal" everyone on anon 18:37's list is supposed to so proud to wear actually looks a lot like this Soviet KGB medal given for 15 years of faultless service minus the word HERO?

      Sorry, comrades, but I'm not interested in getting or wearing one of those medals!

    21. @anon8:47. yeah it was probably designed by some commie. could have been worse and had a swastiga on it!

    22. Thanks for pointing that out anon 08:47.

      I noticed something interesting when I compared our hero medal with that Soviet medal. The Soviet medal has 11 rays shining out between each of its five points (not all are visible on bottom of the star) which makes the total number of rays 55!

      Our hero medal, otoh, only has 5 rays shining out between each of its five points (some are partially hidden by the letters h and o in the word hero) which is a total of only 25 rays.

      If SoS was here he would probably approve of our hero medal and say that the number of rays in it stands for the 25th letter of the alphabet which is Y and describes the shape of the levers Bessler used in his wheels! This could mean that the designer of our hero medal was a very serious student of Bessler and chose to hide his discovery of the correct lever shape in the design he came up with for the medal.

      Of course JC would immediately claim that the pentagram on the medal proves the designer knew Bessler used exactly 5 mechanisms in his wheels and not 8 like everyone else believes.

      Looks like there's something for everyone in our hero medal. I'd also like to have one for all of the nonrunners I made in the past, but I don't have anything new to show off now. Like Shemp, I'll try to cook one up in the future.

    23. Shemp and anon 23:40...maybe someday you two will feel like Ralph did in this scene from the video game "Hero's Duty" where he finally gets his hero medal?

      Looks like a nice feeling (except the end part!). But then again that's what awards are all about.

  13. I never thought I'd see this blog return to its former glory, but here it is with ONE HUNDRED comments for a topic! Amazing. Seems like old times again. Apparently it fills a need people have to discuss topics in a more casual way than happens on other blogs and forums. Glad I checked back in again.

    I found the end here with all of the talk of a "pm seeking heroes list" and that "hero medal" most interesting. Seems some could not care less about making the list or obtaining their medal while others seem absolutely obsessed with them. I wondered why. I suspect a lot of the difference may have to do with one's family and educational background.

    Those obsessed with the list and hero medal probably came from homes that stressed high achievement in our educational systems and that required them to produce a steady stream of good grades and strive earn official recognition in the form of trophies, medals, awards, certificates, diplomas, etc. Most of these people would also have some amount of higher education if not a completed degree. They would have been subtly programmed to only consider themselves "worthy" after obtaining the approval of various authority figures or institutions.

    Then again, some of those obsessed with the list and hero's medal may not have come from such homes or, if they did, didn't do well in our educational systems for some reason and may seek to be on the list and get a hero's medal in order to compensate for their past less than impressive academic performance.

    Those who could not care less about being on the list or getting the medal probably feel it has no real meaning and only shows how desperate someone is for the ego trip of achieving an elite status. Rejecting the list and medal is their way of saying that they are "above all of that nonsense". But, when you think about it, they are really saying that they consider themselves to be part of an even more superior elite group! It's a group that considers itself freed from the need to play the approval seeking games of society and win them. They are marching to a different beat.

    Anyway, just some things to ponder.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    PS Not being a builder type, I won't ever be on that list or earn the right to wear that hero medal. But, I think I would like to if I could.

    PPS Nice to be back! I really didn't think I'd be commenting here anymore.

    1. It’s good to have you back, AaPoi.


    2. Hi, AAPOI!
      I always enjoy your comments here. As for your latest I think I agree with most of it. From the grammar, spelling, and incoherent comments of some here, one wonders if they even made it as far as the sixth grade! Yet they seriously expect others to believe they have finally found the secret of B's wheels. Lol! But they need some place to babble away on and JC's blog provides it. They would be moderated out quickly on most other blogs or forums as they probably found out long ago.

    3. That's some really scary stuff you are talking about AaPoi! Let's just pray that none of it happens. I think that if we can make it to the beginning of 2024 without all hell breaking loose we'll be okay.
      But, I think that the next couple of months are going to be tense. Putin's your classic dictator type and they will do anything not to look weak just so long as they can get others to do the dying for them. So far he's managing to do that by feeding the Russian people a steady stream of propaganda through their state controlled media.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...