Friday, 31 March 2017

After the Construction of Bessler's Wheel?

When Bessler's wheel finally materialises and the accompanying furore has died down, the world will be looking for ways to use it.  We have discussed many times the potential for energy generation and there are as many doubters as proponents of the potential for useful electricity generation.  For me it's simply a matter of scale; if you can produde a tiny amount of electricty from a small machine then a bigger one will produce more.  How much bigger the wheel would have to be remains to be seen, but as I have often said, several wheels on one axle obviously has a much larger capacity to produce multiple amounts of power than a single wheel could.

I'm interested in other possibilities for its use.  In third world dry climates there is the potential to pump water from wells, irrigation of crops, greening of deserts, air-conditioning and refrigeration units.  In cold climates I suspect a way may be found to produce low level warmth into suitably insulated buildings. But what of the actual mechanical design, might it be adaptable for other mechanisms?

I mentioned many years ago that as a device for changing linear motion into rotary motion there could be potential for using the Bessler mechanism in a similar but alternative way.  I'm thinking of an inertial thruster but not a reactionless drive.  It has to be open, not a closed system. So the mechanism is driven in reverse by, say, a small electric motor which rotates it, creating a linear force on one side of the rotating mechanism.  Such a device mounted on wheels should cause it to move in the direction of the force.  It might even offer a space drive. Who knows if it would work, but logically if Bessler's wheel worked then so should this.

Once the technique Bessler invented is known, better ways of achieving the same thing may well  be invented and his design relegated to the history books, but that is progress and highly desirable. I'm working on an idea I've had for some time which I believe could be the solution to Bessler's wheel; it's what somone called 'a workaround'.  It doesn't conflict with the usual well-known problems and if I'm right then there are probably other ways to achieve the same result.

Curiously just such a thought was posted on my previous blog, and such coincidences can make your hair stand on end (those of you who have hair!).  Is someone reading my mind? I hope not! I've wondered if there were alternative ways of making a gravity-enabled wheel for some time, because although I have tried to follow Bessler's clues in my design, fitting it in with my own thoughts, perhaps I've misunderstood the clues and I'm trying to achieve the same result as he did but in a different way, and not deciphering his clues correctly.  In the final analysis the path doesn't matter as long as the desired end is reached.



  1. I would go to portable first; some kind of power adapter/unit for laptops or mobile phones/tablets... Since we really love our mobile devices, the society would adapt itself quickly to this new technology.


  2. A number of toys, show pieces, etc., Is also possible...

  3. Hi John,
    Been a while since i contributed.
    To johns comments first. To power a vehicle could be possible but i think it would not be practical, to have the power to go up hills ect, ti would have to be large and therefor not practical. Electric vehicles are obvious, but, hydrogen seems a better choice. Make hydrogen from water, release the O2 and compress the hydrogen. You could then stop and fill up and be on your way, instead of waiting 4 hours to charge. It is a way to store and usr the electrical energy made by the wheel. Rotary engines such as the "Wankel" in the Mazdas work great with hydrogen. There are several new designs that are several times as efficient and they are scale-able for different vehicles. Turbines such as jet engines work great with hydrogen as well and could be used as power-heads for generators on trains and boats. Simply bring in the oil companies, they have the money and infrastructure, license them to make and distribute hydrogen for fuel. When you burn it it you get water, still green.

    As for the wheel it's self, sure it would be totally scale-able, 80' tall with 10 ton weights turning at 30 RPM, I think your looking at 2-4 Megawatts. a 500 acre field would yield enough for a medium city.

    I have been working on this for over 10 years and believe i am real close and hope it goes as planned. I am currently waiting on some specially designed parts to complete my wheel and have gone so far as to buy the electrical equipment necessary to prove its viability. We shall see. I have other inventions, one of which I sell online (EBay), but I think this will be the biggest by far, I think the license approach is the best way to get it out there.

    Thanks for letting me vent, Bob

    1. By Viability I mean to make electricity, I am using home windmill components.

    2. Good luck with your wheel CheaterBar.


  4. Hi John, ref a working wheel, having just watched the gravity documentary on BBC(Gravity and me: The Force That Shapes Our Lives), to summarise they examine the different strengths of gravity depending how close you are to the hemisphere as well as altitude etc.
    If I heard correctly it was mention that Granite rock, reduces the effect of Gravity due to its density(admittedly not by much) therefore my obvious question , theoretically could a ‘standard’ (rotational ,fixed weights)wheel be placed in a location half over granite(a lot of granite), and a less dense material and rotate?
    I’m not for one minute suggesting that Besslers wheel was based around this thought, or even that a wheel (if it was to work) could be used to create a ‘reasonable’ amount of energy, more that it would prove that some limited energy can be created from gravity, and may encourage further research?
    Just a thought (and apologies if I’m going over ‘old’ ground)….
    I agree with CheaterBar – Hydrogen, especially with expected rise in sea levels!

    1. Yes I watched it too. Curious that work they did to find the lightest spot in the UK. Newton himself suggested in his notes that a PM might be possible if a wheel was mounted half over a gravity-shielding material, which is in effect the same thing as you described, I don't mean to imply that such a material is possible.


    2. Yes, but no. We know the effect of the Moon when it reduces the gravitational effect on earth, but still it's not a gravity shield. If you place yourselves beneath a Granite rock, you will weight slightly less, but it is not because gravity is shielded, nor can the effect be tapped for energy. Just like an assymetric placement of a magnet will not continiously turn a wheel. All mass attract each other, thus gravity can also pull upwards. This will happen if you are placed below some mass (Granite rock, lead or the moon etc.). The energy released when entering the field and the energy needed to escape the same field is still equal (Sum=0). Just my two cents :)

    3. Yes Øystein, I agree. I was just mentioning Newton's idea which he never developed, probably because he realised the impossibility of a gravity shield material, and the basic concept was flawed.


    4. This is a good read on the subject;


    5. Depends whether you veiw gravity from an Einstienian or Newtonian point of view, Does Gravity push or pull?

  5. One of my dreams is to build a wheel, have it on a stabilized mount, and have a decent sized boat that would circumnavigate the earth. Stopping to promote the technology and have a wonderful life experience. I am glad to hear about folks with so much confidence in their designs, even though they are not yet working, to get ready for the next step.... absolute, irrefutable documentation of the validity. This is going to be really great.

  6. Hi everyone!

    I posted a comment but now, I can't find it.

    Anyway, I had a thought the other day and I noticed that, in some MT drawings, there's a picture of a wheel that fits just inside a rectangular box. Now maybe some of you already took note of this, but I thought it was interesting.

    Could it be that Bessler was reviling an important clue in plain sight.

    Any thoughts on this?



  8. Hello Perpetualman,

    We were wondering where you are, we have all gone to visit Ken.

    1. Oh, well that explains a lot. What happened to Ken? I was wondering if everyone had left this site. As for myself, I've been tinkering around with a new idea for a gravity wheel. It probably doesn't have the pizazz like John's wheel, but it seems promising.

      Anyway, I'm glad to hear from you :)

    2. Hi Perpetualman, we are all here judging by the stats, just that no one sees reason to comment. I note that the besslerwheel forum s almost dead at the moment. As for the drawings in MT, I've come to the conclusion, as I said a few weeks ago, that most of MT is a build up to Bessler's revealing the secret and therefore those pages which come before the 'Toys' page probably don't contain anything other than hints to be discussed in a future classroom full of eager apprentices. That's just my opimion and I may be wrong.


    3. Hello John. I have been a lurker for some time, and the MT is one of your books I have that I look through all the time. After many builds, I ask myself- how do levers, weights overcome themselves? I found a few interesting things I'd like to share. I'm not very good at finding clues, although they are obviously there. MT 22 for instance has the cord going around the left side of the upper pulley lever where it should go around the right side. The way it is drawn, the large inner levers will pull the rim levers towards the rim, rather than away. I'm sure you knew about that already, but I find it interesting.
      John S.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello John,

    Thanks for the reply. So, if no one is really going to comment on this forum, maybe I could ask you a quick question.

    I said before that I've come up with a way to shift the weights at the 12 O'clock position and just before the 6 O'clock position. Does your the weights on your wheel do the same?

    1. Hhmmmm - sort of, but I aim to move the weights just after six o'clock, and the same just after twelve o'clock, otherwise the weights are moving too soon and their positions would be slightly counter oroductive in my opinion.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...