Thursday, 16 May 2019

Bessler's Wheel - the Moral Issue.

Occasionally some people on the forum seek opinons about protecting their invention in the event that they succeed in designing and building a working Bessler's wheel.  Usually the focus of such research is on patenting their design.  As some of you may know, after some soul searching as well factual research as I decided against patenting the device.  This was not wholly a moral decision although that formed part of the consideration; no, I could see little of advantage and plenty of disadvantages in following that path.  I won't go into the arguments for and against  patenting again, it’s all here in old posts.

In fact if the main reason for patenting the device is the potential financial reward, I doubt if a patent would provide any significant difference in the amount of money obtainable, in either case, other than the immediacy of such reward.  Patenting is a relatively slow business whereas an announcement of success along with details of the design could generate immediate financial rewards.

Returning to the moral issue, some people have suggested that a patent could not be obtained if the  current inventor had obtained the design via the interpretation of a number of clues; this of course could apply to me, if I succeeded, but it does not seem very likely to me that such a conclusion would be valid.  But it wouldn’t matter if no patent was sought.

Also it has been suggested that a patent taken out on the design would be morally unacceptable because Bessler had the original design and should have profited from it himself, and because he was unable to apply for a patent in those early days, he forfeited what should have been his reward.  It will be over three hundred years too late for Bessler to receive his just recognition, but perhaps he suspected it might take this long before he won due acknowledgement for his ingenious invention.  Better late than never.

I am against patenting anyway because I think the planet earth needs free access to the design without any restrictions due to patenting laws, not that I think that they would stop anyone ignoring the patent restrictions making their own devices.

Despite the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change having set the world a clear target that we must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to net zero by the middle of this century to have a reasonable chance of limiting global warming to 1.5C., nothing much has happened, hence the many demostrations in support of the IPCC's report.  The chief reason being that no one has come up with the answer to electricity generation by a clean, free energy source.....yet.

When I originally decided against applying for a patent if I was fortunate enough to reconstruct Bessler's wheel, I thought I would be content with a small amount of money.  But circumstances have changed so dramatically for me and my family in the last eighteen months. My granddaughte Amy Pohl's health requires a large sum of money just to keep her at the new facility in Sheffield.  Amy suddenly acquired two awful diseases; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, which is the most painful affliction a person can get. 24/7 intense pain, super sensitivity to even a soft breeze.  But as well she has Functional Neurological Disorder which causes the loss of use in her legs and digestive system.

You can read about her at

The unit she is in is a private facilty offering treatment which is not available anywhere else in the UK, and it costs £5000 a week.

Amy is an amazing person with tremendous strength of spirit and she will recover if she can complete the treatment and return to her job teaching young children.  If you wish to donate or share her plight please visit her pages above.



  1. I cant even imagine what Amy is going through. It breaks my heart. Poor love.
    John with absolute respect, do you think your age has changed your view of the possible rewards from the wheel? Is time running out for you. What if in your lifetime it is never discovered.

    My dream is just to see it spin, to be the first. Maybe a Nobel prize. A short stint on Sixty Minutes. And revealed to all, for free. But likely the discoverer would be forgotten very quickly. It will all be about Bessler, not about the multitude of poor souls who had toiled away in their sheds, sleepless nights, excitement, failure, perseverance, for some abandonment.

    1. Thanks for your kind words DrWhat, I’m not quite sure what you meant but granddaughter is on all our minds and the need for money for her ongoing treatment has suddenly shifted my focus. Her deteriorating health has spurred me into action with regard to Bessler’s wheel. Somehow I must go all out to finish it and hope that it works.

      Originally I planned to give everything away but at the moment I’m considering publishing my deciphering efforts via kindle which can be almost instant. So I need to also finish a full explanation in the form of a document, so that when I announce what ever I do announce the book will be available as we’ll.

      If the wheel fails to turn, I think it will be something minor like bad workmanship, or an error in some detail, but the design is really quite simple, but not so easy to build given my age and lack of the proper tools etc. In which case the book will serve as a blueprint for someone else to Bessler’s wheel.

      I shall still make a video etc and I will try to get it all done for 6th June 2019.


    2. I don’t know, perhaps it will be you DrWhat? I have no objection to anyone else succeeding where I failed, but I firmly believe I have all the information to either build it or show some else the design.

      There is such a clamour for some way of reducing greenhouse gas and if only we can reproduce Bessler’s wheel I am sure that it will prove to be an excellent electricity provider.


    3. "and I will try to get it all done for 6th June 2019". lol! now the excuses start to come. like I say aat end of april come sixth of june we see nothing. you watch!

  2. The U.S. changed the patent laws to keep companies/inventors from sitting on ideas and keeping them locked up. Below is what I found from a Google search:

    The America Invents Act, signed by Barack Obama on 16 September 2011, switched U.S. right to the patent from the previous "first-to-invent" system to a "first-inventor-to-file" system for patent applications filed on or after 16 March 2013.

  3. I remember reading a post on BW a few years ago about how solar panel manufactures were not allowed to patent panels that had an efficiency greater than 10%, and someone either attached a gov document or had a link to the document that showed this. I believe the thought was done by the oil/energy industry to stay relevant. If this is correct, and they have the same influence, the same thing would likely happen to any patent for a gravity wheel. Something to consider.

  4. A gravity wheel based on the Bessler principle cannot replace conventional energy sources. Gravity is by far the weakest force of the known basic forces. Besslers wheel had such a low energy yield, that its utopian to assume, that with rediscovery anything could change at the energy economy on a large scale. The value of rediscovery lies in the fact that it can be shown that school physics is wrong and that something can develop on this basis.
    Let's assume that the efficiency of the wheel could be increased by a factor of 3 or 4 with today's materials (which I think is very unlikely). What a monster would have to be built to supply only a single family house with energy.
    In order to earn some money with the rediscovery a patent is unsuitable. It costs a lot of money and nobody would buy it, because any hobbyist could copy it. Coal-fired power stations or nuclear reactors cannot replace it.
    Either you go the way Bessler went and try to sell the secret, or you write books and sell blueprints. I don't see any better possibilities.


    1. bessler wheel is dead end for making electricity. but is nice to know how it worked anyway.

    2. Gravity seems to work just fine when it's being used in a hydroelectric power plant!

    3. Did you any calculations to confirm your assumption? Without a heavy housing, build with modern materials, there's a lot of potential. I see no problem for a narrow wheel with a diameter that fits into any standard room to power an entire household (flat).

      Imagine a triangular steel frame supporting the main axle. On this axle there's a single bar and a pair of weights at each end. Nothing more, no shape of a wheel because we don't need it. The mass displacement is almost half the diameter of the whole assemly and the path of these weights completely circular. By using the optimal weight/strenght ratio of the structure, this would lead to great power output.

      No doubts about this!

    4. The wheel did lift a basket of bricks weighing 70lbs (I think). I know it probably moved up slowly, but if multiple wheels were ganged together, who knows how much power the wheel could create. Certainly enough to turn a generator to charge batteries.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Stephen, unless you release what you know before John or someone else does, any claim of advance knowledge cannot be believed. Do yourself a favor, come clean now while you still can be the first to discover.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It is good to get a number of comments guys. Obviously I must make sure I get it all out on view on 6th June, if only to prove to that very sceptical anon, that he’s wrong! But perhaps that is his crafty plan, to goad me into sticking to my promise?

    I also disagree that Bessler’s wheel won’t produce enough useful electricity without being of monstrous size, but time will tell.


    1. I agree with you 100% John. At minimum, his wheel should be able to charge batteries.

  7. Actually ovaron’s comment about gravity being the weakest of four forces is a fact often stated. The implication that it’s very weakness denies the possibility of being of practical use in Bessler’s wheel to generate useful electricity, is one of assumptions which a little consideration can be rejected.

    I will post something about the subject soon. Thank you ovaron for bringing the thought to our attention. I know you were only making a point but there is potential in my opinion to disregard the learned opinion.


    1. John, I did't say that it's not possible to produce a usable amount of energy by gravity. Best example are tidal power plants, which use gravity. But the idea, the Bessler wheel could replace common sources of energy, is extremely unlikely by present knowledge. In my opinion, the benefit of Besslers wheel is, that it shows a completely new way, how energy can be produced. As soon as the principle is understood, there will be possibilities to use that principle in other ways.
      The Bessler wheel by itself, with 4 meters diameter and only 30 Watt power, has no potential to be used as electric generator in private households. For a drilling machine with 900 watts of power alone, 30 wheels would be needed, what a monster. Yes, it could be that you can reduce the whole thing to 10 wheels (which I don't believe), which would still be much too big.

      Another way to earn money, if you have a working wheel, would be to have a limited edition of models made, and sell them at a good price. The problem is that you have to pay in advance or need an investor.
      If you consider that in every school and every university such a model belongs, it would be worthwhile to patent the wheel as a model.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Patenting the design will cost a lot of money and time. I doubt if it will be worth the effort. I think too that writing a book will be the wisest way to go.

    When Bessler wheel is revealed it will show how to extract energy from a gravity field. Once that insight is understood it will be possible to do the same with a magnetic field. Magnetism is much more powerful then gravity. Gravity is indeed the weakest force in nature and I said it before; it would be a medieval way of producing energy.

    Using magnets you would be able to put a big device in your electric car and it would run forever. Build a smaller device and put it in your phone and you never need to charge it again. Every electrical device, computer, radio, lamp, will have its own magnetic energy source. No need for wires and plugs anymore. No more sockets on the wall, no need for a high voltage distribution net. No more power plants, nuclear, biological or fossil, no more windmills or solar panels.

    The revelation of Besslers wheel will be an enormous turning point in the history of mankind.

    1. As soon as the working of the wheel is understood it will make itself redundant.

    2. " I think too that writing a book will be the wisest way to go. " This guy have same idea! I think we see more books to come!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have been thinking publishing my theory. But it would be just another book with a lot of mumbo jumbo and fantastic promises. Even if the validity of the theory is undeniable. No one would believe it or even give it a seriously thought. You must accompany the book with a working prototype. Publishers will be in line if you can do that. The working prototype will sell the book. Otherwise only a handful of “believers” will buy it.

    5. @ marinus
      whoever has a working prototype will be denounced as a fraud in this scam weary world of ours just like bessler was in his day. nothing ever really changes because people never change.

    6. The prototype should be uncovered so that everyone can see what Carl saw and convince themselves that there is no fraud. The book will be a bestseller worldwide.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Especially if you are going to market that there are forces that don’t want to reveal what is in the book. That you are publishing because your very life is at stake. You show the disclosured wheel as a safety measure and that the content of your book is genuine.

      Man.., I can’t wait until my next wheel is finished. :))

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  12. For an energy source, the most important parameter is cost per joule or cost of the energy. In that regard, BW's cost is almost 0, hence it is the ultimate solution for energy production.
    Some people here is confusing power with energy.

    1. "BW's cost is almost 0, hence it is the ultimate solution for energy production."
      That's absolutely not true. Bessler's wheel of 4m diameter and 30 Watt power cannot be built for free. It will even be quite expensive per watt of power.


    2. This figure of 30 watt power is pure guesswork, we have no idea what potential power the wheel would have. We don’t know anything about the weights other than that the ones Bessler allowed to be held were about 4 pounds and quite small. We don’t even know if they were all the same or even if they were the ones from the wheel under examination. We don’t know how many there were. We don’t know whether the one way wheels were more powerful than the two way ones. Too many questions to make even an educated guess at their potential power.


  13. Ovaron, you are making the same mistake I mentioned. Here is the reasoning;
    Energy is power multiplied by time. Yes of course wheel will cost something. That initial cost of the wheel is nothing when you think its energy output in the long run. If you build a very durable wheel, the energy output will be extremely-extremely high. So the cost per joule (cost/Energy output) will be almost 0...

  14. I wouldn't be too quick to sell Bessler's wheel short. You would not believe the amount of Iron you could pack into a 4 foot wheel. As far as gravity being a weak force; that's bull shit!!
    Sam Peppiatt

  15. Hi John,
    Your new wheel design will it need a little push to start rotation

    1. Hi Uneqk, no it will begin to rotate as soon as the brake is released.


  16. I’m happy for you
    Good luck

  17. Hi John,
    An important question, once moving will your wheel be noisy?
    There is a specific reason why Bessler had noisy wheels.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No Stephen, I aim to get the design out there where it can do some good.


  19. The basic principle will have applications in so many areas of our lives. Once the super computers get their computational power in sync with the basics, the advances in efficiency and power will be exponential. This is all about math, and those number crunching megaliths will set a level of understanding and we will all benefit. Its walking thru the thin veil that changes everything. Once the veil was moved aside on flight, the advances just kept coming. This veil that shields our eyes is so thin, but yet it still there are so many areas that are a mystery that our minds can achieve greater achievements once the veil is pushes aside. Brain surgery is a great example Let us all make a commitment to make sure this discovery is a common fixture on earth.

  20. I agree Gravittea. Even without any energy output, a machine works with only gravity forever changes everything. It will be paradigm shift.

    It cannot be stated how important discovery it will be.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...