Friday, 31 May 2019

Bessler’s Wheel - The Future

When I first sought a publisher for my biography of Johann Bessler, I was asked to include a final chapter outlining the potential for Bessler’s wheel. I did add a short chapter on how I thought things might develop. This was over twenty years ago and things have changed considerably in that time, nevertheless my earlier suggestions are not too dissimilar  to my current thinking.

First we must establish the potential power from a wheel measuring, say six feet in diameter and less than one foot wide.  In my opinion turning in one direction is all that is necessary.  I cannot think of any advantage in designing a wheel which can turn in either direction.  I believe a bi-directional wheel would reduce the amount of power or speed available compared with a uni-directional device.

My research into Bessler’s connectedness principle has led me to conclude that in that particular feature of the mechanical arrangement there is much potential to re-engineer the design to increase the wheel’s power output.

Those who believe that the amount of power available from Bessler’s wheel  would be insignificant, seem determined to devalue the potential uses to which his machine could be put.   I on the other hand, see tremendous opportunities for such a device and I am certain that we shall see some amazing developments coming from the hands of those with more imagination.

Besides increasing the mass of each weight, Bessler implies that there can be more mechanisms, the reasons I think this, I will go into when I publish my forthcoming document.

There are many ways to increase the efficiency of the original Bessler wheel, indeed the inventor himself claimed to be able to make several wheels of differing size and power output and we have no reason to doubt his word. I can see possible ways of altering the kind of output obtainable and I look forward to seeing what happens in future.

I have discussed the potential for using a driven Bessler wheel to power an inertial thruster.  I have even debated it’s potential with some well-regarded people within the space exploration field and their final conclusion was yes, that would be of great interest, but first you have to prove it can be done.  An inertia driven space craft would undoubtedly be an attractive proposition.

The most immediate  benefit to be obtained from a Bessler’s wheel is in the urgently sought reduction of carbon emissions required worldwide.  If Bessler’s wheel can be shown to be a viable alternative to current energy production then I think the entrepreneurs, inventors and creative thinkers will run with it.

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  1. The countdown begins . . . 6

  2. With only a few days to go before the big reveal, I thought there might be more of a buzz about the place!

    1. that because nobody expect to see anthing excpet more excuses and no pictures or vids. got to be different this time if lepard to change the spots.

    2. Anon, better you force yourself to come out with a solution instead treating others with hostility!

  3. Despite all the evidence provided, the fact that nobody prior nor after has invented such a thing out of billions of people still has me highly skeptical. It's seems like crackpot science and to think that some oddball German guy 300 years ago figured this out? If he claims it was by a divine dream that it was revealed to him, then perhaps the spirit world doesn't want anyone to know. I still have to claim the entire thing is a hoax unless I actually see proof.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No Quarter,

      Maybe no one has found the solution because the secret principle is not of a material nature, but rather a type of motion or movement.

      Bessler said the mechanic would never find the solution - possibly a hint that the solution is not of a material nature, even though a mechanism is required to control the motion.

    3. "God would feed me even if a thousand artists, through their learning, should discover the secret of my work. But should they fail, please don't let them blame me! And they have all failed, despite much hard work...that much is true! Every single one of them has had something in his favour...plenty of grit or plenty of mathematical subtlety...but I'll spare you those details! It still goes on...they chisel away at it till the day they drop down dead!"

      Keep chiseling, guys! LOL!

    4. It is ok to be sceptical. It has nothing to do with the devine but everything with physics and common sense.
      You will get your proof. And you will be astonished by its simplicity.

    5. I've seen the Waenga wheel and even though people have said that's a scam, it's nothing impressive - just weights on tethers and springs yanking a wheel around. None of it really matches Bessler's clues. Here we are in this modern era with tons of inventions galore including internet itself and supposedly we are to believe some German guy and only one guy in the 1700s figured this out? It sounds like to me more like he liked the mystery so as to cement his name in history. It just defies all logic that something deemed impossible was supposedly figured out. You couldn't write a story like this and even have it be half-way believable. It would be fiction. I still don't buy it. I'll sit on the sidelines and watch, and in the end I know I'll be scoffing as I am now. LOL! I have no problem eating crow if I'm wrong, but I have 300+ years of people's inability to discover Bessler's trick behind my skepticism.

    6. Bessler may well have fooled them all. Nevertheless, the interesting question remains, HOW he did it. Even if it was just a trick, you have to admit that he must have been brilliant. Just to say that Bessler was a cheater is too cheap. Then you have to show how he did the scam.
      I doubted myself again and again, but came to the conclusion that his wheels were brilliant, no matter if they were a fraud or not. Assuming the wheels were a scam, how could he deceive highly respected scientists? Even Landgrave Karl who saw the mechanism, a man of integrity, not stupid and with a great understanding of mechanics, testified that the wheel really works and that the construction is so simple that even an apprentice carpenter could build it.


  4. The countdown continues . . . 4

  5. Anonymous posted this: Maybe no one has found the solution because the secret principle is not of a material nature, but rather a type of motion or movement.

    Bessler said the mechanic would never find the solution - possibly a hint that the solution is not of a material nature, even though a mechanism is required to control the motion.
    So we are to believe that building some magical gizmo suddenly summons powers of the universe into it and makes it run? Poppycock! If it's of nature or of nature, why don't we see little Bessler wheels running along creeks or on mountain tops? Give me a break. If this really did exist and a God that created us was looking for our best interests, why didn't HE reveal it long ago? I smell a big, fat, rancid decaying rat!

    1. Bessler's wheels could only work if they kept the same number of weights on both sides of the axle at all times, but had the descending side weights dropping a little faster than the ascending side weights were rising. The trick is to find the "simple" mechanism that does this and, obviously, Bessler did. Now it's our turn!

    2. No Quarter,

      The point I was trying to make in my original comment to you was, I don't think you will find the solution by simply looking at a bunch of parts (like looking at the drawings in MT). Rather, take into consideration non visible aspects of matter, such as inertia, and think how that be exploited utilizing linkages to produce an extra force. Your constant negativity only impacts your vision of the way forward.

  6. Only a wheel that is out of balance can turn....... simple

    1. No doubt about that. The wheel had to be out of balance, at least in the one-way wheels, otherwise they would not self start.

  7. It is very simple. You can't lift a weight up, drop it and get anything out of it. But, a wheel can be made to be out of balance by repeatedly moving a weight or weights along and or around it's circumference. This way you don't have to lift the weights, which is the secret to Bessler's wheel.

    Sam Peppiatt

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No Stephen, I don't have a clue. Perhaps you can enlighten me.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This will Aid you in your quest from a song that you should sung for surely it will guide you! Climb Every Mountain. May God bless you and keep you all and never forget your towel and the number 42.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. "...a wheel can be made to be out of balance by repeatedly moving a weight or weights along and or around it's circumference...This way you don't have to lift the weights..."

      What? You can't move weights along the circumference without raising or lowering them. You might want to rephrase your comment, or explain how you can move a weight from lets say, 10pm to 12pm, and not raise it.

    7. I can't wait to hear this one. Last time I checked, only at 12 or 6 are the weights not going up or down. Everywhere else the weights are either rising or falling. If they are all falling, then none are raising, and you can't have more falling than raising.

    8. Anonymous,
      The weights are on swing arms that pivot near the center of the wheel. When one arm is at or about the 12:00 position, (there are 4 arms and they have to work in pairs), most if not all of the weight is on the pivot point. It has to advance @15 degrees, this will cause the wheel to be out of balance, (OOB). At or about the 6:00 position this arm has to reset / retarded back 15 degrees. Please see BW MT-24. A toggle is used to shift the swing arms back and forth. A long link is used so that the toggles work in pairs.

      Sam Peppiatt

    9. Uh oh! JC is getting more attention than SG! Time for SG to switch to mystery man mode and start babbling about bells, curtains, and ladders to grab some of the attention he craves. Now he wants us to sing the words to "Climb Every Mountain"! That's sure to solve the mystery of Bessler's wheels! Lol!

    10. Let me back way up. If you have 4 equal weights at an equal distance from the center of the wheel, at the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 O'clock positions the wheel will be balanced. This is really easy, are you with me so far? It's NOT difficult, OK?

      Now; if you advance the weight at the 12:00 position 15 degrees CW the wheel will be OOB and will rotate down to the 6:00 position. At this point the weight has to reset; that is to say it has to rotate /retarded CCW, back to its balanced position. Sense it is balanced it will continue rotating.
      When the next weight approaches the 12:00 position the same thing happens, and so on and so on---------------------

      Sam Peppiatt

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Uh oh, again! SG's shifting into high gear now and adding elephant feet, shoes, hooves, and invisible hammers to his usual bells, curtains, and ladders. I'm loosing track of all of the "clues" he's giving us! He's really desperate for that mystery man attention he needs! Lol!

    16. Another supposed expert - SG - spewing out his glorious subtle mysterious clue-mongering yet absolutely no proof whatsoever that he has a running wheel. Kind of like Marty Feldman's character in Bride of Frankenstein. As the wheel is about to be revealed, he stands there in glee, clapping his hands, saying, "It's so simple" but has absolutely no clue about how it works nor any investment in thought that would bring about the fruition of said mechanism. He hopes to say, "See! See! I told you so!" while grabbing hold of the shirt tails of the inventor - trying to siphon off some glory for himself - while still giggling like a total madman. The end result is a simple truth - no matter what someone invents, it will not work - maybe spin a short time like a flywheel - but nature teaches us that anything that keeps running is totally dependent on outside sources - primarily the sun for heat which propels the elements such as the winds and flow of water. Getting something for nothing is simply the quest of fools. Having certain choice documents from the past that seem to prove the existence of a wheel is a convenient way to solidify your place in history, without ever once having to prove one damn thing. LOL!

    17. Well, No Quarter, you seem to know it all. Then answer this simple question; What drives the sun?

    18. Certainly not a Bessler wheel...

    19. That is not a correct answer. The answer is gravity. You knew that. You just did not want to give it. :)

  8. The countdown continues . . . 3

    (The excitement and expectation increase to near-intolerable levels! Hold onto your hats, it's going to be ein wilde jagt!)

    1. 3 2 1 zero! zero is all we see if lepard do not change the spots. lol!

    2. I suspect it to be an elaborate hoax. I'll eat crow if I'm proven wrong, but don't get your hopes up.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. i fear sixth come and john do hoax on all us by showing old vid of not working wheel and trying to make all think it new! then we see drip drip of old clues with no new ones. he do that to shut all up. beware everyone. we need to see new things. a lepard never change the spots so easy like he want all to think! beware!

    5. I won't have to catch a crow, because I won't be eating any. All you people on the sideline sitting around like a vultures over a kill, waiting for the pie in the sky to be dumped in your lap. No such thing will occur - rest assured.

  9. No Quarter, you are not a researcher, you have not labored over wheels looking for a solution. You come here and sound like a little whiner. No one really cares what you think, you are an outsider. A nobody.

    1. I've researched the wheel a good long time and even built several mechanisms according to the clues in the MTs. None of them work. You can't build any of the MTs nor a combination of them and have it work. It's why I've decided it's a hoax. The scientists are right - perpetual motion like Bessler claimed is an impossibility 100% Anything man-made simply cannot be made perpetual. I'm enjoying the 3 ring circus here. Whatever is revealed will no doubt be trickery using stop-motion video or a video loop of sorts. I can't wait to be proven right!

    2. Won't NQ be surprised if some independent sims of JC's wheel show it can work!

    3. In a way the scientist have been right all along, you can't drop a weight lift it back up and have it do any work. Apparently it never occurred to them, (or anyone else), that a wheel can be OOB by shifting weights along or around it's circumference, as I explained above.

      Sam Peppiatt

  10. Regardless, John has done a lot of work in the past to bring us the story and details of Bessler's work. He is to be commended for that. He is just like us, trying to find the solution. Even if he hasn't found it, he might just inspire others to look at the evidence a different way. Many of us were convinced we found it, only to fail. He is just like the rest of us.
    So thanks John. Ps I do feel tortured by all this at the same time!

  11. It is indeed commendable how JC kept the Bessler story alive. But he ignores the clues and sees code everywhere to decipher. He will never find it if he continues like this.
    The solution is simple and easy to understand. I don't think JC will present that to us. It will probably be a difficult story that is only supported by 'his' decoded code. Feed for a new debate that won't bring us any closer.

  12. TBH the solution is probably easy to understand, but it is obviously hard to imagine, and most probably hard to implement too.
    JB was a clock maker and an organ maker at the same time. These are two separate worlds of mechanical design. He could design both very delicate and very large mechanisms at the same time. This broad ability is what we lack.

  13. tomorrow sixth of june and the big day. lepard either have the new spots or no have them. i look for lots of new spots! will be very intersting day for all!

    1. Spots that when rearranged still equal no movement. Mark my words...when the curtain is opened, a big lump of inanimate coal will sit there basking in glory. Lol!

    2. AP page 245

      "To the prejudiced and blasphemous enemy:

      Dear Enemy...please continue to think that it is your duty to lampoon my work, because it leads in directions you may not wish it to go! You have the spirit of a slanderer. But Truth will triumph, and will reveal the confusion in your "thoughts". People of common sense have always been scorned, and it doesn't really matter who the scoundrels who perpetrate such untruths are, because, enemy, all you write comes from arrogance and envy and amounts to nothing more than slander and waste paper. Write as many lies as you like in your angry attempts to destroy my Wheel of Wonder! In its interior it gains...for how else does it grow out of balance?"

    3. So show me proof of a working wheel. You can't. So right now my words are true and will continue to be unless proven otherwise. All that matters is what is right at this very moment.

  14. I'll make one more attempt to explaining how Bessler's wheel worked. The weights are on swing arms, (see MT-24), equally spaced around the wheel. When a weight is at the 12:00 position it is advanced to about 2:00, for CW rotation. This makes the right side of the wheel heavy or OOB. Sense the right side of the wheel is heavy it will rotate down to the 6:00 position. At the six O'clock position it, the swing arm, is returned, (swings back), to it's balanced position. The swing arms are again evenly spaced, which means the wheel is perfectly balanced. The weight that caused the wheel to be out of balanced, then rotates all the way back to 12:00. At this point the cycle repeats.

    What's so difficult about all of that?

    Sam Peppiatt

    1. Evidently very difficult because nobody in over 300 years has done it yet.

    2. What you are describing sounds somewhat similar to the mirror image of this design, intended to rotate ccw, which is known not to work:

      In the cw turning design you describe, letting the 12:00 lever swing so its end weight falls over to 2:00 will shift the cg over to the right side of the axle's center. But, after the wheel has rotated 90 degrees cw to 3:00, the end weight will be at 5:00 and the cg will be located on the left and ascending side of the axle! The wheel must rotate cw to 4:00 or through 120 degrees before the weight at the end of the long lever will even begin swinging into a vertical position again and by that time the cg will be way over on the left or ascending side of the axle's center. While this is happening, other levers will, of course, be passing the 12:00 position and their end weights will be falling over to 2:00. But, you will find that the total cg of all of the wheel's weights will always be located directly under the center of the axle and no torque will be produced. If you had actually built or at least simmed this design, you would realize how unworkable it is.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymous,

      I have built a wheel. You are mistaken. When an arm shifts to 2:00 it will fall and gain momentum all the way to 6:00. It the wheel will continue turning almost all the way back up to about 8:00. Then it will fall back down. You are right in that it will eventually settle at some low point, if the swing arm isn't returned to where the wheel is again balanced. Also I have learned that the toggle that shifts the arms has to precede them. In other words the toggle should lead the arm.

      Sam Peppiatt

    5. Sam, please clarify a point for us.

      Lets forget about the weights at 3 and 9 for the moment and look only at the weights at 6 and 12.

      You say the weight at 12 moves 15 degrees CW making the wheel overblanced. Got it.

      Then the wheel rotates 180 degrees, right?, so the weight that was at 12 is now 15 degrees past 6, so it can slip slightly back down to the 6, and thus the wheel is now balanced again from the perspective of the weights on the same radial crossbar.

      Can you confirm this is correct.

    6. Yes Anonymous, you understand!! What has to happen, when the weight at the top swings forward the bottom weight should reset back to it's balance position. Remember Bessler said the weights work in pairs, I think that's what he meant. I'm not absolutely sure but the lower weight might not ever actually go passed 6:00 because it should be shifting back/ resetting. But have to admit don't know all of the details.


    7. Follow up, the two toggles are connected by a long link so that they shift in unison. Sam

    8. I missed something; the top weight doesn't go all the way to the bottom, because the weight at 3:00 is now at 6:00. They work in pairs.I'm nt making any sense-----------------------kind of 90 degree steps.

    9. Let me put it this way; the top swing arm and the bottom swing arm always work together. Sam

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Stephen, Please forgive me, I don't have a clue what you are talking about,Sam

  17. It is the 6th here in Australia!

    1. I assume this will be UK time. I can't wait for this. You guys kill me.

  18. To all disbelievers, also keep in mind that 0ystein also claims to have deciphered AP and learned the Bessler mechanism (for details see his posts on He is busy pursuing decoding discoveries which he believes is more important than completing the wheel at this time. This may not be definitive proof for you, but he is a highly regarded member and has the respect of many of the older researchers here and on

    1. Oystein has been "decoding" clues for the last decade and a half over at bw. He pushes a design with an internal tumbling octagon frame carrying eight rolling metal cylinders within separate cylindrical chambers that supposedly will keep falling over within an outer circular drum as it rotates. The carpentry work on his build looks impressive, but it has yet to do any continuous rotation. He never quite gets around to doing a definitive test on it for one reason or another and probably never will. Unlike JC, however, he has at least revealed what he has.

  19. In response to Sam's prior comment about his weight shifting apparatus.

    Initial wheel configuration:
    - Two weights spaced equally outward from an axle on a straight crossbar. One weight at 0 degrees, and the other weight at 180 degrees. (0 degrees being the vertical)
    - The CoM is at the axle.

    First movement:
    - The weight at 0 degrees drops to the 15 degree position.
    - The CoM moves slightly outward along a radial line of 97.5 degrees. The crossbar, now bent, has potential energy.

    Second movement:
    - The crossbar drops and has enough energy for the weight at 180 degrees to move up to the 345 degree position, and the weight at 15 degrees to move down to the 180 degree position. A reverse image of the bent crossbar before it dropped.
    - The CoM is now out radially along a line of 262.5 degrees.

    Results and Conclusion:
    For the crossbar to become balanced, the weight at the 345 degree position will need to be raised to the 360/0 degree position. There is no gain in energy from this type of arrangement/movement.

    1. No simple weight shifting will result in extra energy.

    2. Why do I get the feeling that you are a scientist!! Here I thought you were trying to help me, what a fool I am!

      Sam Peppiatt

  20. First you say it has potential energy, then you say it doesn't. It can't be both ways, can it, Sam

  21. Sure it will; it turns the wheel, that's all it has to do!

    Sam Peppiatt


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...