Thursday, 18 July 2019

50 years of Research into the Life of Johann Bessler.

Over the last few years I have acquired a fairly thick skin and I try to ignore the unflattering comments that are occasionally aimed in my direction.  Some recent suggestions about my character are disrespectful and I feel that I should try to set the record straight.

I've spent all my spare time over the last 50 years or so researching the legend of Bessler's wheel.  As a result of my research I self-published a biography of Bessler, Perpetual Motion, An Ancient Mystery Solved?

I also published four books authored by Bessler complete with translations into English, they are, Gruendlicher Bericht,  Apologia Poetica,  Das Triumphirende and Maschinen Tractate.  I don't know any German so I had to have the translations done for me.

I obtained a large amount of information over many years from English and German libraries consisting newspaper reports, letters and other documents. Still no German language skills, so more translation needed.

My first website went up in 1998 and I had to teach myself about computers and the internet and book publishing, I was an aircraft engineer back then and there wasn’t much call for computer literacy, nor internet savvy or self-publishing back in the 1990s.  

I've published several websites disclosing my findings on Bessler's codes etc, my ideas about how Bessler's wheel worked, kiiking, the remain of his windmill etc.

My intention then was to put as much information about the legend of Bessler’s wheel, out there as I possibly could.  Nothing’s changed and all I wanted then, as now, is for someone to succeed, me if possible, but anyone would do. I have already said that if I was to succeed, I don't wan't to patent it, I would just publish the whole thing freely so that no one could patent it.

I made a commitment to publish on a certain date which seemed achievable, but I failed to make it.  I’ve apologised and I gave my reasons.   I won’t be making any more commitments to do something on a certain date.  I don’t think I’ve broken any promises other than one I just mentioned.  This project has cost a lot of money and in no way has it financed holidays to Spain etc, and I utterly refute all the unpleasant comments and suggestions posted here lately.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hhmmm, as usual Stephen you have lost me with your talk about pulling back the curtain, and what ladder?


  2. John, although I may not agree with some of your theories and discoveries, I greatly appreciate all your work towards the cause! I also believe you are a good man with integrity. Thanks to you, I greatly enjoy this hobby. I look forward to your reveal. Justsomeone

    1. Rick in Michigan20 July 2019 at 02:18

      I second the comment by 'justsomeone'. You may not achieve your goal and have promised to reveal your complete thought path towards your version of the wheel. You could not be more honest about your approach. I believe most folks here find 'mls' an intrusion and I encourage you to remove his useless comments. I know you welcome constructive criticism, but his comments are useless. Keep Calm and Carry On.

    2. Thank you Rick, I appreciate the support guys.


  3. Hello John, is it safe to assume that you might reject your original plans?

    1. Original plans? Do you mean the design? No my design is correct, I’m just stuck for time at the moment, I’m snatching the odd few minutes when I can. I have to drive to Sheffield and back three days a week for family reasons, and it’s 200 mile return journey, which was ok when I was younger but at 74 it gets bit tiring! You will see the end result as soon as I can finish the wheel.


    2. Your last sentence answers my question. So you're still willing to publish everything in case that...
      As you've said I, indeed, also do highly recommend not to announce anything again. It's better for all of us. When the day will ever come, simply let it happen suddenly. If not, nobody should hostile you again.

  4. Hi John. You have my respect. Keep it up.

    Best ØR

    1. Your kind words are reciprocated Øystein.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...