Sunday, 21 July 2019

Johann Bessler's Wheel and the Orffyreus Code

The Legend of Bessler's wheel.

On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine.  For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine it.  Following advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, he devised a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.

After more than thirty years he died in poverty.  He had asked for a huge sum of money for the secret, £20,000 which was an amount only affordable by kings and princes, and although many were interested, none were prepared to agree to the terms of the deal. Bessler required that he be given the money and the buyer take the machine without verifying that it worked.  Those who sought to purchase the wheel, for that was the form the machine took, insisted that they see the secret mechanism before they parted with the money. Bessler feared that once the design was known the buyers could simply walk away knowing how to build his machine and he would get nothing for his trouble.

This problem was anticipated by Bessler and he took extraordinary measures to ensure that his secret was safe, but he encoded all the information needed to reconstruct the machine in a small number of books that he published. It is well-known that he was prepared to die without selling the secret and that he believed that post humus acknowledgement was preferable to being robbed of his secret while he yet lived.

I became curious about the legend of Bessler’s Wheel, while still in my teens, and have spent most of my life researching the life of Johann Bessler (I’m now 74).  I obtained copies of all his books and had them translated into English and self-published them, in the hope that either myself or someone else might solve the secret and present it to the world in this time of pollution, global warming and increasingly limited energy resources.

It has recently become clear that Bessler had knowledge of the history of codes and adopted several completely different ones to disguise information within his publications.  I have made considerable advances in deciphering one of his codes.  Due to unfortunate family circumstances I am currently struggling to find the time to complete the build I have undertaken but I shall return to it as soon as possible and I sincerely believe that 2019 will see the reconstruction of Bessler’s wheel.

Johann Bessler published three books, and digital copies of these with English translations may be obtained from the links to the right of this blog.  In addition there is a copy of his unpublished document containing some 141 drawings - and my own account of Bessler’s life is also available from the links.  It is called "Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?"  Bessler published three books; "Grundlicher Bericht", "Apologia Poetica" and "Das Triumphirende..."

I have also published Bessler's collection of 141 drawings and I have called it Maschinen Tractate, but it was originally found in the form of a number drawings of perpetual motion designs. Many of these have handwritten notes attached and I have published the best English translation of them that I was able to get. Bessler never published these drawings but clearly intended to do so at some point.

For some ideas about Bessler’s code why not visit one of my web sites at
One last thing.  Perpetual Motion machines have been utterly proscribed and Johann Bessler’s claims ridiculed - however, it seems that more than a handful of scientists have now come to the conclusion that it might theoretically be possible to design a mechanical system which is continuously out-of-balance and therefore will turn continuously using the repeated fall of weights for energy.  Gravity but not directly.  These open-minded people remain tight lipped for now, awaiting proof of their hypothesis. 

And on another matter: 

My granddaughter Amy is in a rehab clinic trying to recover from a series of diseases which suddenly afflicted her about eighteen months ago.  They are CRPS, FND and EDS.  Sorry for the alphabet abbreviations but you can google them if you are curious.

Please share the following link and/or donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.



  1. JUST TO BE CLEAR HERE...... without your efforts most of us would not have been exposed to this remarkable device Thanks to you John

    1. Thanks Gravittea, you have been a loyal supporter.


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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stephen Glorioso:

    Have you now asked TWO QUESTIONS? They seem to be that or, might they be instead merely exclamations? I am confused but I am sure that I, myself, have just now asked of yourself here . . . TWO QUESTIONS!!!

    By no means am I a grammar nazi but, one does have one's limits to requisite, gentlemanly patience! After some while of it's being tried, tried and tried again, it all RUNS OUT!!! This precise same applies equally to CLAIMS made that do not prove to fruition, and, aggregate to stressing generally, that can be born no longer.

    Than that, could one be ANY clearer?




    1. Stephen, I’m sure you understand, I can’t share their names, their support awaits confirmation of their potential hypothesis. They would be unhappy to say the least if I were to make their identities public.


    2. Hello James, it’s probably my paranoia edging into consciousness, but do I detect the merest hint of criticism for my having the temerity to publish a commitment to reveal all on a certain date and then fail?


    3. You're not being paranoid, John, and it's not a "hint" of criticism either. A while ago that bizarre Mr. Leopard Spots character revealed a secret which was that James was actually number two on your "butt kicker enemies list" right below the top position occupied by MLS himself. MLS also said that to get back onto your "butt kisser friend's list" again, James would have to do much butt kissing in the future. Apparently, he's not ready to pucker up yet and get back onto that second list! Lol!

    4. Thanks anon, I suspected as much.


    5. Hello John,

      It was and mere, just as you supposed. What drives it is a combination of amusement, sad disappointment and resignation - all three at once and as separates, depending but, it is dissipating rapidly.

      Noted here and by all, is your most excellent resolution to not repeat the tiny faux pas, this because, as I assume, it caused reputational harm and much expectant angst within others. C'est la vie!

      I really do hate being horrid. It is not my nature to be-so, really. Also, by no means am I an enemy of any excepting for a very few residing at and operating out of The BWF. Those are Satan's minor minions, no question!

      (Being TWO in particular, to which I refer above. There will be settling-up done. Believe it! Taurus/Gemini is not easily amused by such malevolence, and does seek to root-out causes that have preceded wicked effects, as put once upon him. Other sorts forget. One - the rotund one - has not shown his devil horns recently. He already may be dead, leaving but one miscreant for any grinding to be done.)

      Your resolution was good enough, and is well-settling of the now forgotten matter.

      Now, of course I "reserve the right to be wrong" (Jim_Mich) but, I'd betcha dollars to dough-naughts that Leopard Spots IS . . . drum-roll . . . cymbal crash . . . our very own KB! Yes! He is one tricky character and is with us still, I believe. (As "Technoguy" before - ha!)

      It is interesting to me, the fact that KB is now going to actually make the Bessler Wheel pay $$$, by means of his book issue. Fortunately or not, I think he'll sell plenty. At once it is both horrifying and amusing! (There would be no factor of horrification IF he were describing within the tome, a working B-W. Rather, only amazement and relief.)

      "He laughs best who laughs last."

      In the very Final Cut, which IS to??? (I won't tell.)


    6. Thank you for the quick response James. I’ve never found you to be horrid (at least to me) and of the three causes I hope the amusement wins, and that I can dispel the sad disappointment and the resignation. Despite this set back my confidence remains high but I’ll put it no stronger than that lest my friends fear that I may be returning to my former state of delusional prescience!


    7. James to John: "Noted here and by all, is your most excellent resolution to not repeat the tiny faux pas...I really do hate being no means am I an enemy...your resolution was good enough..."

      Ah, a bit of belated butt kissing at last! However, still does not seem quite as intense as it should be considering the magnitude of his offending butt kicking done post June 6th last when he temporarily allied himself with John's nemesis, MLS.

      John to James: "Thank you...I've never found you to be horrid..."

      Butt kissing accepted!!! James is now back on John's "butt kisser friend list" again. Congratulations are in order! He got back on that list fairly easily this time. But, will he dare to make the same mistake again?

    8. A most amusing analysis, cher anonyme, but you have the actual happening action here proposed reversely.

      I maintain what I term a "Naughty and Nice" list. Search over at The BWF for "creepy lists," and likely-so you will become enlightened and amused for your effort.

      This list contains two columns only, one on the left being marked Sinistral, t'other Dextral. The left hand column is loaded-up with names of living, vile miscreancy as I have judged it to be from distance according to experiance, whereas the one right handed sports but very few, those consisting mostly of the sadly recently deceased such as Doc, Jim_Mich, & etc.

      The very few living ones are not to be disclosed 'till it is time. As for just what this creation's use might be, I'll leave to your own unknown, fecund mind to imagine. It's cheeky perferviditiy seems a feature boundless so, I'm sure you'll manage, whoever or whatever you might be.

      (Why not give-up the cowardliness bit and come forward, showing yourself to a curious impressed world, instead if hiding in the shadows like some stealthy creep? Hmm? Usually I do not condescend to speak to the furtive Anonymous class rustling always in their beloved dark but, in YOUR case I am making an exception, as I think you are really something special.

      Let's see . . .

    9. I'm not "Anonymous 22 July 2019 at 14:56" above that you seem to be addressing, but as you suggested to him, I searched "creepy lists" on BWF and, on page 7 of 12, I found Fletcher's post of 8/19/2015 wherein he writes:

      "I may be stupid James but I am not the nasty verbose asshole that you have proven yourself to be, both here and in John Collins blog."

      Ouch! I guess it's safe to assume that he's on that "Sinistral" or "Naughty" list you keep. But, then again, he was only responding to your previous comment in which you referred to him as having "...most unappreciative, ignoring / ignorant hands", a comment which would not exactly endear you to him. I further assume from that now almost four year old thread that Ed, Mr. Vibrating, and Ovyyus are on the same list.

      It's a real shame that such unpleasant feuds break out on various blogs and forums. Hopefully, you have "mended fences" with all of them by now if that is possible. Ideally, one's life should be filled only with people who are all on his or her "Nice" list. Easier said than done, unfortunately.

      One of the problems with chasing the secret of Bessler's wheels is that everyone tends to ignore / reject others solutions and that leads to painful feelings of rejection since, in each pm chaser's unconscious mind, his wheel symbolically represents his personal essence or very being. Having one's very being rejected by his fellow humans can, indeed, be unpleasant. Next, the constant failure one experiences in one's own building efforts exacerbates the stress. I have found that many of those pursuing PM tend to be angry people on the verge of snapping at the slightest offense, real or imagined, that they perceive and then doing and saying things they often regret later. This situation also tends to prevail in various high stress occupations with which I have had some regretable past experiences.

      I'm hoping that once either John or Ken's solution to the Bessler wheel mystery is finally undeniably verified, all of these tensions will go away and we can get down to the business of actually building working duplicates of Bessler's wheels and trying to improve them in various ways. Let's all hope and pray that will happen before the end of this year or the end of next year at the latest. The big cosmic clock keeps ticking away and none of us are getting any younger as our personal clocks each continues to run down. Every minute that passes carries us all one minute closer to the end of our lives and the chiseling in of that second date on a gravestone. We need to see those working replicas as soon as possible! I am feeling very positive about this happening in the near future.

      As for me, I prefer to remain anonymous for the present.

    10. Right, there are a bunch of hate full people, (pricks), on Bessler's Wheel; but at least on BWF, you always knew, WHICH prick you were talking too.

      If you will for give me for saying so. Sam Peppiatt

    11. Anonymous 23 July 2019 at 13:28

      Well done! Thanks for doing as I suggested.

      Yes, that was fine quote of Fletcher's. It may or may not have been one apt. As to it, I'll leave it to others to judge. In the Fletcher Dispute Case, it is possible that it arose from misunderstandings and/or errors of communication. It might deserve reviewing, even after all this time as passed.

      As well you wrote: ". . . I further assume from that now almost four year old thread that Ed, Mr. Vibrating, and Ovyyus are on the same list."

      Whichever or whatever you may be, cited Anonymous, you've done your homework. Very good but, what puzzles me is how you might also have factored-in the name "Mr.Vibrating" or "Vibrator?"

      And also, a very finely done: " It's a real shame that such unpleasant feuds break out on various blogs and forums. Hopefully, you have "mended fences" with all of them by now if that is possible. Ideally, one's life should be filled only with people who are all on his or her "Nice" list. Easier said than done, unfortunately. "

      I couldn't agree more! That said, in all honesty, I could not characterize the disputes I have endured as being simply those. They were and are more ones as having been fed and nurtured by concerted (and likely KNOWING) ill-intending wickedness.

      One of those names you listed constantly JABS at individuals with one-liner needles, intending obviously to harm or to hurt. This guy is SCUM, and yet goes-on unchecked, and is supported, even, by his approving-by-silence cohorts. For ONE at very least: I am not amused nor forgetful of the old fact that goes on unabated to this time.

      Relatedly, to us The Law instructs thus:

      "By our silence we approve" or, as statutorily/rigorously stated "Silence connotes assent." The first is a law maxim the second black-on-white law or lawful definitions for it. (It might benefit ALL that they were to learn these WELL. They are of greatest utility in the effort to regulate better behaviors between antagonistic disparates, as well as friendly fellows.)

      Your long paragraph as beginning "One of the problems . . ." I can find no fault-with however, it absolutely does not apply to myself as I have never ever offered one single proposed solution (or anything near to it) regarding the Bessler Wheel puzzle.

      True, of more recent, here-and-there, in some few instances I have left generalized "clues" relating to The Great Subject but, never (if I might recall correctly?) were any of those to be addressed, much less challenged or refuted. Silence only was to their their just reward and so, this was per se never a problem for myself. From the very onset of my presence at BWF, this was to be set policy. I work alone and always will, needing NO input, as regards mechanics/theoretics from any!!!

      Now . . . on the other hand, as relating to matters artistical/historical, I certainly have engaged and contributed some few things of tangible worth (so I believe), only to have presently "No Reputation" as payment for the efforts. This being of course due to the concerted niggardly efforts of the keepers of the Greenie Upstart Control Device - a most select and elite bunch of the same old tired names - ALL struggling-still to come to realizations of secrets for which they've NOT A PRAYER of ever attaining! (Best believe it!)

      How was it that brother Bessler put it? (as here only loosely paraphrased) "That is one nut that you'll not soon crack, Wagner!" (If John might like to correct that to perfect accuracy, it would be appreciated.)

      And as for your finely-spun last, these are sentiments/observations with which I can have no quarrel.

      Mathew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

      And too, WHAT for the stirrers of rancor and division might the foregoing Truth imply??? The answer, true-and-correct, stands up high on it's own legs.

    12. Anonymous23 July 2019 at 18:01 (Sam Peppiatt)

      Well, ditto that here Sam, that is as excepting for the rampaging low-level terrorism that IS the allowed, stealthy gang of cowardly Anonymous posters.

      They (we) that sign or use known handles/avatars, are in fact put by such Anons to VERY GREAT DISADVANTAGE by them. It is a burden to handle such confusion as the situation generates.

      The policy of-present allowing for such, for the very life of me I cannot comprehend as-to what sort of logic (if it be that at all) might account for it. It is purest mystification.

      Also, you say "(pricks)" which of course is apt-to-perfection, and to which I might add here if allowed - "stinking, terminally frustrated s-o-b's."

      (You see, their so-sought-after beloved NUT refuses to crack! Deservedness Herself dictates that in no way is it ever-to, so I assert! Either one is the Select of the Three Fates, or he/she is not. In-between, nothing else exists.)


    13. If Bessler came back to life today and joined BWF, he'd probably accumulate his four dreaded red dots and be banned within three weeks because the "keepers of the Greenie Upstart Control Device" would quickly declare him to be a rude, assertive, know-it-all who just did not "fit in" there.

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    1. On the bottom left of the Toys page, there are four numbers, 138, 139, 140 and 141. I think Bessler wrote them. I have always believed that he added them to replace those he burnt or buried. I know there are two three other drawings in MT, but to me they are not intended to be included. Also we know that the MT drawings were originally filed loose in a box


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    3. We look forward to you educating us about all of that! When can we expect that to happen?

  5. John, I'm seasoned enough to know the 'doings' of forums/boards and the flaming, shilling, baiting, etc. etc.
    So my approach from day one is to set my own 'filters', never rise and have the 'ignore/move on' filter at 9, engage with the good, and just take away positives. My whole interest in this thing is/has been inspired, encouraged, and informed by yourself and I have never found you other than entirely reasonable (so what if you made a date 'promise' [on one occasion ..] you thought possible and missed, the person that never made a mistake never made anything). I'm a supporter of the reasonable and your in that bracket. Jon

    1. Congratulations! Your comment immediately takes you straight up towards the top of John's "butt kisser friends list"! No doubt James will now be most envious. Watch for his next post to be even more effusive than yours as he tries desperately to rise higher than you on that list! The race is on! However, the smart wagers will be on James to win in the end!

    2. Thank you anon at 23.30.


  6. RAF Greetings John, Can give Mr. Bessler's statement regarding five mechanisms being needed?? Thanks!

    1. Hi RAF, as far as I know Bessler never stated that five mechanisms were needed. My own opinion is derived from the clues and codes.


    2. Maybe Bessler was hinting that at any time only five of eight mechanisms inside a wheel were active or balanced against each other in some way? That would allow the number five to be important yet also explain the eight impact sounds counted per wheel rotation.

    3. I know I’m repeating myself yet again, but the eight impact sounds relate to the Kassel wheel, a two-way wheel, much larger than the original one-way wheel. Double five impact sounds with one in each direction sound deadened to hide the importance of five.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...