Saturday, 18 April 2020

The Search for the Secret of Perpetual Motion Continues.

The search for the solution to perpetual motion has occupied the mind of man since the earliest times. Two questions; why has it been such a magnet for us?  Why hasn’t anyone produced a working model? Johann Bessler said it was because no one had ever been able to devote as much time, every day, to searching for the solution as he had.  He also said that he had acquired more experience in different trades than anyone else, before or since which gave him a unique advantage.  Both the claims ring true, because we all have to work to earn money these days and time is therefore restricted, and I doubt if there are many people actively researching this subject who have as much ‘hands-on’ experience as Bessler had.

That is the answer to the second question, but why have we spent what must amount to trillions of hours over the centuries, looking for this pot of gold?  Leaving aside answers to do with the more mundane pursuits such as irrigation, grinding flour and corn, draining mines etc, there seems to be something at the back of our minds that informs us that such a device, driven by or enabled by gravity, could turn continuously and do work and do something really clever. It’s something we all know instinctively.  Perhaps it’s in our DNA.

How do female pigeons know that they need to build a nest to lay their eggs in?  How do male pigeons know that they must supply hundreds of twigs for the female to construct a nest?  We are told it’s instinct, but instinct is defined as an ‘innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in response to certain stimuli’.  Wikipedia says instinct is genetically hard-wired behaviour that enhance our ability to cope with vital environmental contingencies, so it is in their DNA. Our innate fear of snakes is an example.  A fear of snakes is understandable, but what stimulus made the male pigeons gather twigs for their lady friends?

So if it’s in our genes, but who or what put it there? Experience and survival of the fittest would account for the fear of snakes, I suppose, but why do so many people instinctively ‘know’ that Bessler’s wheel was genuine and knew it hundreds of years before he was born that such a device was possible?

Despite being told, taught, informed, harangued that it is impossible, a very significant part of the population believe it might be possible, but unfortunately the majority of those accept the word of the experts and either dismiss the idea or give up too soon.  It is down to we optimistic researchers who, ever hopeful, persist in  seeing the glass half full instead of half empty.

We are irrepressibly optimistic, overconfident and always have an alternative design we have to try. My own optimism often gets the better of me, but I still think it is a trait that we need to maintain and nurture. 

I’m sure we have each endured the scornful reaction that many people have to our belief in Bessler and we have learned to keep quiet and not discuss it with anyone outside our circle. But when the secret is revealed and has become accepted, maybe some of those who dismissed us as nuts, loonies etc, will revise their opinions of us and congratulate us on our amazing and perceptive thinking and determination.



  1. A new born baby has no instinctive fear of snakes... Why so?...

    It is not due to lack of time that this great invention is evading us... That's another excuse... It is due to lack of that passion...

    Even while in toilet the wheel thought should go on... Remember Archimedes and his bathtub?...

    Bessler had a human heart... He had a goal for the larger interest... In such cases, the cosmos intervenes and provides the necessary instincts....

    These days men are more greedy...also selfish... And, too clever...
    And, these ingredients aren't favorable...

    Another main thing is that since there's only one unique design or mechanism that can work many don't even reach near to it...
    They think like novices...

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  3. "Two questions; why has it been such a magnet for us? Why hasn’t anyone produced a working model?"

    For the first question.

    We all heard someone else did it years ago and we want to do it so we can know how its done and get some fame too. Also, it's a very unique invention. While all other machines need some energy source to operate a pm machine would make it's own energy. That immediately makes it unacceptable to today's scientists and they will always discourage anyone from looking for such a machine. Then there's also the money angle. Such a device if it was small and powerful could revolutionize the world and that would make the inventor very rich like into a multiple billionaire.

    But I think it goes deeper than that. The search for pm was one of the three big intellectual quests of the Middle Ages with the other two being the search for the Elixir of Life and for the Philosopher's Stone. PM would allow a machine to move forever, the EoL would prevent a person from aging, getting sick, and dying, or even bring him back to life if he did die, and the PS would turn worthless lead into valuable gold. They were all ways of overcoming the decay that everyone noticed was constantly occurring around them and always countered and made futile the constant rebirth that they also saw. These processes were all very natural of course, but everyone wondered how nice the world could be if they could somehow be prevented from ever happening. I suspect the pm chasers were all unconsciously motivated to try to find a way to stop these natural processes at least for machines.

    For the second question.

    Not finding a working pm design is not for lack of trying because the number chasing it since Bessler is probably a hundred times more than during or before Bessler. The simple answer is that finding one of the working designs is extremely difficult. Maybe only one in a billion designs will work and other than Bessler no one else has hit upon one of those designs yet (unless JC or KB has!). Sadly the history of pm is filled with many who were sincerely convinced they found one only to have it proven later that they were deceiving themselves. Others knew they had nothing but then made fake machines to deceive investors out of their money.

    Because of this anyone trying to make a pm machine needs to read as much as possible about all of the past attempts that failed so he does not waste years just building another version of one of them that also will not work. It's amazing how often that has and is still happening. Someone dreams up a design that looks like it has to work on paper, sacrifices his effort, time, and money to build it and then the day arrives for a crucial test of it and it refuses to work. He is usually unaware that his design was build in various forms a century ago and none of them worked either. All of his happy fantasies during the construction are immediately replaced with feelings of failure and hopelessness that can turn into a deep depression that lasts for months and affects other parts of his life (many may actually avoid ever finishing a machine they are working on so they can avoid having those feelings). Then after a while he thinks up some change in his design or even a completely new design that should work and is off chasing that one only to have the same sad experience again later. For every pm chaser who does that maybe dozens will give up, drop out, and join the agnostics or skeptics rather than admit he was forced to quit because he wasn't as smart he thought he was so he could solve this problem on his first try.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "So the facts are the facts if have the design it has to be released to as many as possible otherwise you run the risk of disappearing."

      John, you better reveal what you have as soon as possible before you become a dead hero and disappear!

    3. That has occurred to me SG and anon 4.13, but I’ll risk it. JC

  4. John said "But when the secret is revealed and has become accepted, maybe some of those who dismissed us as nuts, loonies etc, will revise their opinions of us and congratulate us on our amazing and perceptive thinking and determination."

    Don't count on that ever happening. They will first say it's all a hoax and then when it's shown not to be they'll just quickly switch over to mocking others trying to make progress in other subjects. They really have a desperate need to put others down to make themselves feel superior because inside they know they're not. They won't ever give anyone who pursued pm the satisfaction of admitting they were wrong and apologizing in anyway for their past often insulting comments. That's why it's important to completely ignore them now as much as possible. Don't even give them an angry response. Just treat them like they don't exist and keep on looking for your pm.

    1. Bessler had something to say about those types in AP.

      "For, after I have gone public, you'll be able to hear the wretches say: "Just look at the thing properly, and you'll see that there isn't much artistry to it." Silence, idiots, stop mumbling, and listen to the truth of the matter!"

      But he never did reveal his design to silence them and he had a lot of trouble ignoring them. Most likely they knew they were annoying him and kept it up as a way of punishing him for achieving something they could not.

    2. Thank you guys, for those excellent comments. It makes writing this blog so worthwhile. JC

  5. I wonder how much the wheel will cost? I guess for a durable wheel with 30kW output power, the cost would be around a high end generator.

    1. The cost of the wheel would come down drastically on mass production...

    2. There have been many small companies over the last twenty years or so whose websites claimed they had revolutionary new free energy generators that they had perfected and which predicted that the companies would soon be manufacturing ones that would put out 5 kilowatts or more of power. Some of the companies were even taking advanced orders for them and looking for investors to help fund their continuing research or to set up a factory for mass production of what they already claimed they had. How many of those promised generators have ever actually been delivered to anyone?

      Here's a typical example:

  6. JC wrote : "Two questions; why has it been such a magnet for us? Why hasn’t anyone produced a working model?"

    Because at the level of instinct we interact and learn of our physical world in terms of forces, action and reaction. We learn to stand up and walk and run etc. We use tools and leverage to accomplish tasks. We observe that rivers run down hill creating a force of water. We also quickly grasp that moving air does the same if we are in its flow. As we get more technology savvy we understand that these 'flows' are made up of discrete objects with mass interacting with you. We associate mass and momentum transfer with the force and movement created. Then we note that smart people have found ways to use technology to move against the current. To travel uphill in effect. Sails and keels for boats in water and air for example. It is possible to travel against the flow.

    We note that gravity keeps us on the ground and returns us there. We see that magnets appear to have the same sort of force generation in one direction. But it does not escape us that their are no intermediary objects (a medium of transmission) to enable that force transmission. We conclude that a medium of transmission or momentum transfer mechanics is not always required to move an object in a field with potential as evidenced by gravity and magnetism.

    We wonder how, like our forebears, we could find a technology to travel 'uphill' against the forces of gravity and magnetism.

    We haven't produced a working wheel since Bessler because most don't appreciate Bessler's Law of PM. It doesn't involve already known about momentum transfer mechanics. Whether he found the mechanical answer first and then discerned the PM Law is moot. Probably.

    At the instinctive level we all know that gravity acts as a force, and like all forces we should be able to harness it to do Work (tick) and then perhaps two more technological objectives. Travel against the flow "anti-gravity" (work in progress). Self sustaining rotation from continuous imbalance mechanics (work in progress).


    1. "Travel against the flow "anti-gravity" (work in progress). Self sustaining rotation from continuous imbalance mechanics (work in progress)."

      That would be one way to make an overbalanced wheel. Figure out some way to temporarily reduce the pull of gravity acting on the weights on one side of the wheel and then restore it when those weights went up and over the top of the wheel from the ascending to descending sides. Assuming there is some kind of gravity shield that could do that it will probably use electrical power. You'd have to hope the power to neutralize gravity on one side of the wheel did not exceed the power that the resulting overbalanced wheel put out. Next question is where does the power that kind of wheel output come from?

    2. Thanks fletch, I like your description of the logical progress through observation of the other ways we humans have found to use the movement of air and water and the subsequent deductions. It is helpful to understand why we continue to seek Bessler’s solution against the flow of negative reactions, if only because we know he found it.


    3. Good luck with your work in progress, anon 02.50. JC

  7. "But when the secret is revealed and has become accepted, maybe some of those who dismissed us as nuts, loonies etc, will revise their opinions of us and congratulate us on our amazing and perceptive thinking and determination."

    They may reverse their opinions of us as complete fruit cakes and loonies, and accept that they were wrong to be outright dismissive. However this is not a team sport and they will only congratulate the successful person. And when they hear the backstory begrudgingly admire his amazing and perceptive thinking and determination to see it through against the odds. We who share this hobby will congratulate ourselves for being in the foot race.

    1. Yes, I like that, we share the congratulations among our own runners. JC

  8. There is so much more at stake..... Our lives will never be the same, for the rest of our lives this single invention will define us and the amazing ability for the mind of our creator to direct us to this secret. No ones life on this planet will ever be the same and our climate will be so much better we simply cannot imagine it. That is why I have made a pledge to myself that I do not care how many times I fail for in each failure is the seed to the success we seek..... No Task is too great and we owe John a great deal of respect and credit

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself, Grav. JC

  9. "Johann Bessler said it was because no one had ever been able to devote as much time, every day, to searching for the solution as he had.

    He also said that he had acquired more experience in different trades than anyone else, before or since which gave him a unique advantage.

    Both the claims ring true, because we all have to work to earn money these days and time is therefore restricted, and I doubt if there are many people actively researching this subject who have as much ‘hands-on’ experience as Bessler had."

    We've always had to work to earn money to house and feed ourselves. Or spend time foraging, farming or hunting. Or being someones slave. Free time has always been restricted. Today we have more competing activities for our leisure time, like your smart phone. Who is disciplined enough to put the 10,000 hours plus required to get proficient at anything? Bessler took 10 years to find his answer without a smart phone.

    1. Will any of us live long enough to find the answer? I hope so. JC

    2. Going by the current trend... It is quite possible that we may not be very lucky in our present lifetime...
      When 300 years could whizz away like that it is just anybody's guess...
      The problem is we are not thinking like bessler...
      Newton's incredible finding must have impressed and inspired Bessler very much then... He was quick to grab the idea that gravity could perform work...
      He started from the scratch and not with clues and codes...
      The key to success is in understanding how to make the same gravity aid in raising the weights...
      This is the one and only critical point and this is also the least discussed topic...
      This is that mechanism not seen in even Ken's design... He talks so much but even he cannot comprehend such things...
      I will repeat... A special designing is mandatory which can use gravity for raising the weights...
      Well, that may sound a bit weird but it's a fact...
      I am not referring to cords or springs...
      No one seems to focus on this...
      Hence, the great delay...

    3. This is so true. I couldn't even think about the wheel for a couple of years due to my obligations.

      I agree his hands-on experience is the key. Think about there are absolutely no equations in Bessler's books. no equations, no physics laws, a completely open-mind with extreme practical abilities. that's the formula to reach the goal.

    4. Suresh wrote " The key to success is in understanding how to make the same gravity aid in raising the weights...
      This is the one and only critical point and this is also the least discussed topic...
      This is that mechanism not seen in even Ken's design."

      Any successful overbalanced wheel design has to use the maintained leverage of the descending side weights to keep lifting the same number of ascending side weights which are always a little closer to the axle. So far the only design I've seen that actually does that is Ken's design. You talk much about special designs and give vague clues and hints about them. But where is YOUR design? We have yet to see anything from you but long rambling comments that put down John, Ken, and others but really tell us nothing of value while you continue to pretend to have some real answers which you obviously do not have.

    5. If Ken's wheel is what Bessler used then it looks to me like it was a variation of mt 13 which he described as a "new invention" meaning one of his latest just before he found his working wheel design. In mt 13 he uses a small wheel above the axle attached to a pendulum riding on the axle to raise the levers traveling toward 12 o'clock. He says it won't work because of too much "friction" but I think that's a bad translation. The real reason is because as the little wheel raises a lever the pendulum's heavy half moon weight is also raising and the ccw torque from that on the wheel cancels the cw torque of the overbalanced wheel so you get no net torque to drive the wheel. He had to eliminate that pendulum to find success and that is exactly what he did. Look close at Ken's design and you see how. Bessler uses the weight on the lever at 6 o'clock in place of mt 13's axle pendulum weight to start lifting the levers from 9:00 headed toward 12 o'clock. But that weight at 6 going to 7:30 is not rising but actually falling. There is no ccw torque on the overbalanced wheel as a result and its dropping actually ADDS cw torque to the wheel! This must be why Bessler said in a working pm wheel there must be nothing hanging from the axle and everything must go around with the wheel. I think it makes a lot of sense and is either what Bessler used or very close to it.

    6. 16:49, Are you saying; Bessler copied Behrendt's wheel? Some how I don't think so ----------Sam

    7. I think you brought up something important, anon 16:49.

      In numerology the number 13 is considered a lucky number and is associated with God. Bessler who claimed that God actually gave him the secret of a working pm wheel would not have given that particular number to any of the drawings in MT unless the wheel design it showed was special in some way. Look at these words from the note for that drawing:

      "This invention would be very good for running if...someone was available up by D to always lift up the weight with LIGHTNING speed."

      Now look at another quote from page 341 of AP where Bessler makes a slip about how his wheels work and writes:

      "But the weights, which rest below must, IN A FLASH, be raised upwards, and it is this, that Wagner cannot force himself to accept. But, crazy Wagner, just note that that is indeed the case with my device."

      In both quotes Bessler is comparing the time it takes for a wheel's ascending side weight to rise to the very brief time that a lightning flash lasts which means the ascending side weight would rise up very rapidly. This rise of the weight was actually due to the sudden swinging of its lever about its pivot. These are the only two times he makes such a comparison in all of his writings that I know of. I think it shows a definite connection between the wheel design in MT 13 and the actual final working design Bessler found and used.

      MT 13 and 15 are the only two wheel designs in MT that use levers inside of a drum with more than one arm on them. The extra arms on the MT 15's levers only act like stops and do not actually help to lift the wheel's weights as that wheel turns CCW. Ken's wheel design has two extra arms on each lever which make it look like the letter Y and both arms help to lift a lever's weight as that wheel like MT 13 turns CW. I think those seeking to find Bessler's design need to focus their attention on MT 13 as much as possible and I wouldn't be surprised at all if that is exactly what Ken did on the way to the design he found which he claims works.

      Sayer of Sooths

    8. Ken... I am sorry but mt 13 & 15 have nothing to do with the raising of the weights I was referring... It is something entirely different... We don't come across this mechanism normally anywhere and that is why it doesn't comes to mind...
      This is not known to any of us here and this is the actual secret in BW...
      You are not that serious about it and you act like a troll... So, I don't think it will make any sense to you...
      Since you believe that bessler got this under divine intervention you should know very well how much sincere one should be...
      You are still indulging in deception... Everyone here very well knows that Ken, Henry, Paul and SoS are one and the same...
      And, it is you fooling your own self...

      If you really want to bust this mystery you should know whom and what to trust...
      Stop misguiding others...

    9. Since I mentioned the importance of MT 13 above, I've decided to reveal some more information about it that I hope will convince many of how important that figure is to finding the secrets of Bessler's wheels. First, here's a link to an image of MT 13 for reference:

      Notice anything unusual about it? A numerologist would immediately see it. How many levers with weights do you see? If you said 12, then you are WRONG! There are actually 13 levers because you must also count the largest lever and its weight which is the one riding on the axle with its heavy crescent weight at the bottom end. Note that of the four letters shown in the figure, C, C, B, and D, the three letters C, C, and D form the corners of a triangle. Multiply the two C's to get C x C = 9. Now add the value of D to the product to get 9 + 4 = 13! There is something else Bessler did with MT 13 to make it stand out. It's the only figure in all of MT in which the number of levers equals the number of the figure! He made it special in that way because he wanted to draw attention to it. And I think he wanted to draw attention to it because the design he eventually found that worked was, as I mentioned in my comment above, derived from MT 13.

      Is there anything else in MT that Bessler used to direct attention to MT 13? Of course, but again only a numerologist would notice it. Bessler shows the number 7 multiple times in his two DT portraits because it was his way of telling everyone that he was given the secret of pm by God who, according to the Bible, dwells in the 7th Heaven. 7 is also considered to be a very lucky number in numerology and one would expect to find some lucky information in MT 7 because of that. Now look at MT 7 which you can find here for reference:

      Notice anything unusual about it? Count the number of those rolling ball metal weights in it. There are 13 of them which were intended to direct you to MT 13! There's more though. The horizontal track has 5 of the ball weights sitting on it. Meaning? I think it's Bessler's way of telling us that 5 of the levers and their weights inside of his wheels were connected together at any time. But what was the total number of levers used in one of his wheels? This time count the number of those curved chambers in MT 7 and not the number of rolling balls in them. There are 8 of those chambers so this means 8 levers. Of those 8 levers, the previous clue in the figure tells us that 5 of them will be connected together by his connectedness principle at any time and most likely by cords or ropes. Btw. Add the 5 and the 8 together and you get 5 + 8 = 13!

      I think there are just too many coincidences in both MT 7 and MT 13 for them to just be coincidences. Bessler put these details into the two figures on purpose and they should not be ignored.

      Sayer of Sooths

    10. SOS .. Oystein would give you a very different account of why MT13 is important.

      Points to note : There are 5 letters in MT13 .. A , B , C , C , D and substituting as numbers we have 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 13.

      In MT7 there are 14 balls (13 inside the wheel rim + 1 on the horizontal outside the rim).


    11. @SoS

      Once again I can only say that your numerology is amazing! I never noticed any of that in MT before until you pointed it out. Nice work.

      @ -f

      Oystein using the letter A on the axle pendulum with all of the rest of the letters also adds up to 13. Just too much of a coincidence. Bessler wanted to put everyone's attention on this particular drawing. I agree with SoS that it is a special drawing in MT and has to be related to the final working design Bessler invented. He tells you MT 13 does not work (which to me means he actually tried building it) and that would have been to get some to try to figure out how to make it work without that pendulum hanging on the axle. He must have spent a lot of time to do just that and then finally found a design that worked. If he didn't use any gears in his wheel then he had to use cords between the levers to connect the levers together. There's no escaping that conclusion.

      I only count 12 of the balls inside of the drum and not 13. I don't think you are supposed to count the dot in the center of the axle which is just an axle pivot. That then keeps the total count of the balls down to 13 like SoS says.

    12. I might also point out that the original drawing turned C.C.W., if that means any thing-------------------Sam

    13. I'm pleased to see my analysis of MT 7 and 13 caused some serious consideration of these figures. Here's an extra little something for those who want to know more about MT 13.

      Draw a horizontal line to connect the two letters C and then a second vertical line to connect the letter A and the letter D on the axle lever. Notice they form a cross. Then put the two alphanumeric values of the letters C next to each other to get 33. Finally just put the letters A and D after that number to get 33 AD. AD happens to be the abbreviation of the Latin words "Anno Domini" which mean "Year of Our Lord" in English.

      33 AD is the year that most Christians believe that Jesus was crucified outside of the city of Jerusalem. So, Bessler actually placed the major symbol of Christianity and the death year of Jesus into MT 13! This is yet another way he is telling you that he considers the wheel in that figure to be VERY important.

      But what about the letter B?

      In this symbolism the letter B represents Bessler and is located where Jesus's head would have been on the cross. It's Bessler's way of saying that he was trying to live a very devout life by following the teachings of Jesus.

      Sayer of Sooths

    14. Thanks for your excellent analysis SoS which I haven't seen anywhere else. I agree MT 13 is important and maybe should be the beginning place for anyone looking to duplicate Bessler's wheels.

      In looking at the figure and keeping what you wrote in mind, I think I've found a few more interesting religious symbols in it.

      If you add the alphanumeric values of B, the two C's, and the D, then you get 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 12. What happened at 12 noon on the day that Jesus was crucified in 33 AD? There was the start of a total solar eclipse which lasted from noon until about 3 pm. Maybe Bessler used that black wheel at B to represent the Sun at noon and the crescent weight labeled A to show the exposed edge of the Sun as the either the moon moved in front of it from one side or away from it toward its other side? The letter A looks to me like an arrowhead pointing upward to take our attention to the black wheel representing the Sun.

      Also many numerologists are convinced that Jesus' crown of thorns contained 72 thorns. There are 12 of those small levers around the MT 13 wheel and they do look like a crown of thorns! They have 12 arms with weights outside of the inner circle that has their pivots and 12 smaller arms inside of that circle. 12 + 12 = 24. Notice that one of the inside "thorns" almost stabs into the left letter C just like a thorn in Jesus' crown would have stabbed into his scalp. Multiply the 24 by the alphanumeric value of C and you get 24 x 3 = 72!

      You said that the wheel at B was where Jesus' head would have been on a cross made from the C to C and A to D lines that cross each other. Notice how two of the "thorns" are touching that "head" at B!

      I don't think I'm imagining all of these religious symbols and I'm pretty sure they were intentional by Bessler. He definitely thought this was a very important wheel design and all of the religious symbols in it make me think that was his way of saying that God led him to that design which then led him to a final working variation of it.

    15. I'm not as smart as you guys when it comes to this numeralogy stuff. But when I look at mt13 I can see a face. The two C letters are the eyes. The pendulum on the axle is the nose. The curved weight on bottom is the mouth. I looks like a smiley face and not like face of someone with thorns sticking into his head who wouldn't be smiling. Maybe that smiley face was Bessler's way of saying that wheel made him happy because it helped him find another wheel that worked? Whatever I also think it's a very important figure in mt.

    16. Your simple analysis is actually a very good one anon 07:49. MT 13 does look like a smiling face. And right above the nose where the brain and mind would be located you see that small wheel labeled B. It's like we're supposed to see the thought of that wheel in the mind of the person whose face we see. Maybe the smiling face is supposed to show us the expression of joy on Bessler's face when he finally saw a pm wheel design in his mind that he knew would work and it did when he built it? That little wheel then represents the final working design Bessler found. Or maybe Bessler is telling us that if we start with MT 13's design like he did, then we will finally find the same working wheel design he got from it and that will also make us as happy as it made him?

      I think that as your analysis shows there is a lot of symbolism in MT 13 that is not just alphanumerical.

      Sayer of Sooths

  10. If you set aside 8 total hours each and every work day for a year to build PM wheels you'd spend about 2000 hours a year at it. It'd take 5 years to amass 10.000 hours of experience and some expertise. Bessler was skilled at organ craft and carpentry as physical skills. His mental skill set was even greater which he learned at the same time. All within say 20.000 hours available to him in those 10 years to find the solution. He said the solution was simple. And could be knocked up by a skilled tradesman in about a month, that which took him 6 months. And that an ounce here or there made not a jot of difference to its performance. While having many advanced manufacturing skills must be a bonus it was not the fundamental reason for success. It was what he learned about physics and mechanics during the 10 year journey. The same opportunity to learn we have.

  11. Interesting questions! There are a lot of variables that have to match, multiplied by luck to achieve the secret solution to PM. Several close to impossible criteria have to be met. Very high IQ and schooling, combined with great hands on experience and at the same time NOT taught that PM is impossible (Already here we can see why it seems impossible..because close to all that have a great enough potential has learned that it's impossible) and lastly enough time and resources at hand, spending close to their whole adult life. Then: "Perhaps it’s in our DNA??" Plato said that all knowledge is inherited in us..we just have to dig it up ourselves.. That is what the story of the slave boy "Meno" is about. And that is the basis for the secret symbol and methods of the Rosicrucians..

    1. I'd like to add a corollary to your thoughts Oystein .. that resilience and imagination are probably important, if not the most important, characteristics. Resilience in the ability to put aside that you are taught it is impossible and keep going back to the coal face for another shift. Imagination to keep tilting at windmills.


  12. The multiverse is real, there are parallel worlds that are similar to each other, there is a parallel Earth in the multiverse where the Bessler wheel was never lost, on that Earth very few people were interested in the historical Bessler wheels during the late twentieth century and twenty first century, there were a number of people around that world who used to build them during that time period, there were pictures of the mechanisms from Bessler wheels in history and library books. Our dopplegangers in that world are the ones who used to build historical bessler wheels, they even had the same names as us here.
    Is it that we somehow know from our parallel lives in that world that its possible.

  13. FWEIW, I agree; MT-13 is very important. But for totally different reasons. Forget the pendulum in the center. Try to think of the 12 hanging weights around the rim as pendulums. If they were to flip out on the down side very quickly, as shown, the wheel will turn.

    But then I'm a dumb ass, with an IQ of an orangutan, a retarded one at that-------Sam

  14. I think Behrendt, (SOS), is right; there is a definite connection between MT-13 and the actual final working design that Bessler found and used. He does have a high IQ, right? So, how could he be wrong-----------------Sam

    1. I also think Ken Behrendt has the high IQ to write book but I seen no evidence that he is Sos or anyone else here. I agree that mt 13 is very important maybe most important one in mt. Even Bessler say it would be very good for running if not have too much friction. I think he would have tried to make it work. Get rid of big weight on axle and then cut down number of rim levers from 12 to 8 to make some space between them to put in the ropes to connect them.

    2. I disagree, i don’t see any connection between, mt 13 and Ken’s design, neither do I believe it has any connection with Bessler’s wheel. JC

    3. Ken's wheel is probably what mt 13 turned into after Bessler got rid of its axle's big hanging weight, reduced the number of the outer levers from 12 down to 8, and then added the cords between the lever arms. But Ken had to add a third arm to each lever to make its cord system work. Maybe the values of those letter C's near the two levers extra arms are supposed to tell us that each lever actually had three arms?

      I agree that mt 13 is very important and all those clues in it SoS points out can't be an accident. I don't think Bessler would have loaded it up with all of those clues unless it was related in an important way to the final design he found that worked.

    4. where can i find a picture of the ken's wheel?

    5. @Anon03:05 You can try googling Ken's Bessler wheel.

  15. I've noticed something fun you may like.
    You know we have witness account about 8 weights hitting the side.

    There are few MT machines with 8 weights. And one of them is MT1 !
    And look at the weights. They work in pairs. One of them is closer to the axle while the other is away. Weights are hitting the descending side. And it is absurdly simple. A perfect fit for the description.

    I don't think so but what if Bessler's wheel is based on MT1 :D

    1. Bessler's wheel is not based on MT-1...
      It is not that simple either... mt-1 is too basic...A little more modification is required... the weights have to be attached to levers... And, they have to swing...

    2. Of course it is not. How do you know there is some swinging involved?

    3. The banging sound tells us so...

    4. what about "throwing"? it can give "banging" sounds.

    5. Weights gained force from their own swinging. - Bessler

      A bow twangs...

      A dog creeps as far as it's chain allows...

      To have a complete control over the weights it is of Paramount importance that they be fastened to the levers...

      And, to maintain such rapid revolutions as 50 rpm the movement of the weights need to keep pace...

      And, this is made possible by the involvement of swinging...

      Time gain occurs due to swinging action...

      There has to be quick descent to ensure quick ascent...

      A normal fall coupled with a swing is double advantage...

    6. "Weights gained force from their own swinging. - Bessler"

      I remember this is rather a questionable translation. Moreover, "Bow twangs" is closer to throwing in terms of meaning.

      I am not saying throwing is the key but even with throwing you can reach those speeds. You are mistakenly assuming everything must happen sequentially, one after another.

    7. Well, I'd wish I could tell you more but not at this stage...

      After realizing the entire secret movement it is found that swinging does have its position in the scheme of things...

      Throwing would create much chaos... But while swinging the weights remain in total control...

      You would need to wait a bit for proof...

      Suppose the weights get thrown what would happen as a result...

      The internal secret movement is such that the ascending weights are lifted faster than the it counterparts...
      To keep pace swinging is necessary...
      It is difficult to explain more clearly at this stage...

      I would suggest you please hang on a little longer for the revelation...

      Things I usually say Will then become crystal clear...

      I am waiting for the lockdown to be lifted...
      I remember your earlier challenge...
      I want to somehow prove to you everything I stated...

    8. "I would suggest you please hang on a little longer for the revelation...Things I usually say Will then become crystal clear..."

      OMG! Now he's starting to sound like JC! Lol!

    9. "I am waiting for the lockdown to be lifted...
      I remember your earlier challenge...
      I want to somehow prove to you everything I stated..."

      Well my dear Suresh, everyone was there for numerous times. You will see when you build the wheel why it won't work.

      Generally speaking, most of us forget about Newton's 3rd law. I mean "laws" are not that important but what it states is always ignored by PM designers until they try to build their wheels.

    10. Yes he has a surprise waiting for him, and not in a good way. And you are right, the translation is "Weights gained force from their own movement. - Bessler"

    11. Really, I can't blame you for non belief...
      It's not your fault...
      There has been too many speculations...
      Too many failures and misunderstanding...
      Great people have had miserable disappoint...
      People like JC sir, have also let you down...
      Ken's book has flopped.,.
      Others here so far have not succeeded too...
      It was always failures, failures and failures...
      See how Ken behaves now... Very funny... He has gone more hysterical after authoring a book which didn't create any sensation...

      Well, I am different... I had decided to face the challenge head-on in 1989 end...
      I took a different approach... That's why I am so confident...
      I don't believe in fooling around like Ken...
      Not make empty promises like others...
      When I bring out a point you say it is questionable...
      Somewhere, you have got to agree...
      The matter is such unless you have a peek inside you are not going to believe...
      Just take bessler's instance...
      He had a working wheel...
      Yet there were non-believers...

      There has got to be an end to all this...
      This mystery can't go on and on...
      Someone will definitely solve it soon if not one of us...
      But who is the most promising one?...
      Time will decide...
      You can't conclude everyone to be the same...
      I agree with you all PM chasers so far ended up in failures...
      But it has all been for the good...
      We are lucky to learn from their mistakes...
      They were unlucky for they treaded on the wrong path...
      They couldn't understand simple clues left by Bessler...
      Bessler was paranoid... He was always worried... About losing the secret...
      The wheel's simplicity is the reason...
      And, when it is so simple it can't remain a secret for long...
      Someone out there will outsmart it...
      You believed JC sir so much that no amount of convincing will change you now...
      Everything depends on path taken...
      Even if one starts off on a right note he eventually beers off on a different route...
      You are right... A sequent action is involved... It begins with a swing then falls a bit and then gets carried or lifted and this cycle gets repeated...
      A working wheel alone is not going to convince you... You will insist on seeing the inside and still try to raise objections...
      If I try to convince you with words you will not agree and say that the translation is questionable...
      And, building one isn't easy...
      You need to find another way of believing anybody...
      You just can't and shouldn't label everyone the same...

    12. Please read it as " veers off on a different route..."

    13. "Ken's book has flopped..."?

      That's news to me. I communicate with about a dozen friends interested in pm around the US by email and phone and almost all of them mentioned that they had purchased a copy of Ken's book and were reading it. When Henry L. was here a few months ago he said that Ken told him in an email that his book on Bessler was the best selling of all of the books he had written and that was a surprised for him. I recently Googled his book's title and now it's selling on dozens of internet sites some of which are in other foreign countries where English is read and spoken. I also recently ordered a softcover copy for myself from one of the many US amazon sellers selling it. Flop? I don't think so.

      "I don't believe in fooling around like Ken...Not make empty promises like others..."

      Lol! So far, Suresh, you've added nothing here but long rambling comments filled with vague hints about you knowing the secrets of Bessler's wheels. As anon 19:07 pointed out, now you've switched to a new method to hide your ignorance of Bessler's wheels. You now want everyone to be patient with you for not revealing anything and we have " wait a bit for proof...hang on a little longer for the revelation...". How disappointed you must be that your hint dropping so far didn't create the "sensation" here that you hoped it would.

      If you are still commenting here a year from now, then all we will be seeing from you is the same nonsense and no real "revelation" of any kind. Meanwhile, imo, more and more people will be turning to Ken's book for some real answers which neither you nor Stephen can ever give them. Ken has an entire volume dedicated to the detailed secrets of Bessler's wheels. All you have are your rambling comments here that few even bother reading anymore. That's a BIG difference!

  16. Well Yellow, I disagree with you, but what do I know, maybe you are right-----------Sam

  17. I am still very interested in The John Collins drawing of the 5 circles that he posted way back when. If at the center of each of the circles are such that these 5 items are discs, where holes can be placed and a single, heavy weight, is places on each wheel... the circles keep turning with the weight pointing down. This is essentially a pendulum and obviously John has a strong feeling about his design and those 5 circular areas.... My evaluation is that there is 8 of these circles

    1. You mean this thing?

    2. It’s only part of the solution. JC

  18. It seams like my ideas are always ignored or ridiculed. A long time ago Fletcher told me I should keep my mouth shut. I wish I had taken his advice---------------------------Sam

    1. What do you expect when you describe yourself as "a dumb ass, with an IQ of an orangutan, a retarded one at that"?

    2. Hi Sam, don’t be unkind to yourself, you are just as intelligent as everyone else here. Often when I’ve posted on other forums, people either ignore my post or ridicule it, of course some are very positive. Even here on this blog there have been comments relating to me which I could feel were unfair, but over the years I’ve developed a thicker skin and I like to imagine the offending words falling off me like water of a ducks back.

      All ideas welcomed here Sam, keep them coming and don’t take offence. JC

    3. @Sam. All you have to do is say you've found clues that 100% prove that Bessler's wheels must have used exactly FIVE pm lever mechs in them and then John will love you and proclaim that you are the most intelligent person who's ever commented on his blog!

  19. JC wrote: "I’m sure we have each endured the scornful reaction that many people have to our belief in Bessler and we have learned to keep quiet and not discuss it with anyone outside our circle."

    Here's something I found in the 1861 pm book by Dircks:

    "There is something lamentable, degrading, and almost insane in pursuing the visionary schemes of past ages with dogged determination, in paths of learning which have been investigated by superior minds, and with which such adventurous persons are totally unacquainted. The history of Perpetual Motion is a history of the fool-hardiness of either half-learned, or totally ignorant persons."

    He had a really low opinion of pm chasers.

    I do agree with him that most today are actually working away on designs that were discarded as useless many years ago but they don't know it because they are "totally unacquainted" with them.

    1. Yes I agree, but I have always retained a very small suspicion that Henry Dircks was a closet perpetual motionist! Why else would he devote so much time and effort to search out and describe every single PM claim or attempt he could find in the history of mankind? Perhaps he hope to find one successful machine which he could publicly acknowledge.


  20. I agree John; From 1861, when Henry Dirk's first book came out till 1870, his conclusions on P/M went thru a great change: what did he see during those 9 years that caused him to use the name PERCY VERANCE a clever hint to us that the builder must PERSEVERE to be successful!

    1. "Great change"? You'd never know that from the last two paragraphs of chapter 10 of 1916's "Perpetual Motion" by "Percy Verance" (I think this was a pseudonym picked by the book's editor and never actually used by Dircks himself) which was just a revised and rearranged compilation of Dircks' 1861 and 1870 volumes made 43 years after Dircks' death in September of 1873. Here are those two paragraphs from pages 254 and 255:

      "The author of this book has known many Perpetual Motion workers so confident and so enthusiastic that unhampered with extreme discretion, they announced that they were near enough to the solution of this ages-old puzzle that they were certain of success. A little less discretion, with the slightest disregard or even carelessness about the absolute truth could have easily led them to announce that they had such a working machine. The author has indeed known a few such announcements. It is therefore, not surprising that in the history of Perpetual Motion labors, instances can be found where the tireless, but enthusiastic worker being full of confidence, and not secretive, and with the least bit of human carelessness about the truth have announced the actual discovery and successful operation of the machine. We will undertake to say that there have been thousands of just such instances during the last three or four centuries, probably tens of thousands. It is probable that such an instance could be found in every township in the United States. It is not, therefore, surprising that two instances can be found in persons of sufficient personal eminence to give credence and weight to their stories. Such we conceive the facts with reference to the Marquis and the Councillor. Each thought what he told when telling it to be a harmless stretch of the truth, and felt sure that he could protect himself by a very little added perfection to his device. How many many Perpetual Motion devices have been perfect and ready for successful operation except for "one little thing," which the inventor felt sure of finding.

      The Marquis and Councillor by their little indiscretion, and their puerile carelessness about the truth, each made himself neither famous, nor infamous, but ridiculous in history."

      Dircks describes both Henry Somerset, the 1st Marquis of Worcester, and our Councillor Bessler as well meaning, but delusional pm chasers. Not exactly crooks, though. Dircks certainly doesn't seem to believe Bessler or anybody else actually ever had a working pm machine.

  21. Update. Total world COVID-19 deaths now 177,286. Total UK deaths now 17,337. Total US deaths now 45,226 and almost one quarter of world deaths. Only another 12,994 deaths needed in the US to equal the total number of soldiers we lost in the Vietnam war from 1965 to 1974!

    There is a lot of talk about how very important random mass testing of the population is to identify those who are infected so we can get the pandemic under control as quickly as possible. So far the testing in the US is only around 1% of the population and nowhere near the 10% to 15% recommended by experts to get accurate results. The federal and state governments are still not adequately responding to this need for testing and seem to be confused about how to even start doing it. There's talk of a home test kit that can be mailed to everyone. They then take their own sample and mail it back to be tested. If you test positive, you will be told to self-isolate for two weeks and given other precautions to follow so you don't infect everyone in your family.

    Despite that, everyone in the US is getting cabin fever and wants to get back to normal again. The rich are also missing their usual high incomes. This has all got to stop! People are even beginning to defy the "stay at home" orders and are protesting in large groups while not wearing their masks. The problem is that the experts are recommending not to start the economy up again until and unless a state has at least two weeks of decreasing hospital admissions. But there are state governors who are starting to ignore that advice and beginning to open public beaches, allow religious services, open beauty salons and gyms, etc. If the result is a second wave that sends the hospitalizations and deaths per day up again, look for a big uproar and the partisan blame game playing to begin. The virus however does not care what one's politics or social status is...just ask Boris Johnson over in the UK about that.

    They are starting to learn that COVID-19, aside from producing the symptoms of severe double pneumonia in the worst cases, also causes inflammation of the heart and kidneys of those infected. About 10% of those who wind up in hospitals will have some reduction in kidney function due to kidney damage.

    Someone calculated that the big drop in world oil demand due to the economic collapse has resulted in the cost of a barrel of oil actually being less than that of a barrel of beer!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Damn...why can't it be the price of beer that's dropping?

    2. Be careful with the boozing Anon 05:13. On the news a few days ago they said that alcoholics are more susceptible to getting the corona virus infection and if they do the symptoms are more severe.

    3. They want everyone 'vaccinated'.

    4. NWO, Agenda 21, Bill Gates. Eugenics, bioweapons, controlled msm, crisis actors, overpopulaTion. Tainted vaccines, wuhan biolap. WAKE THE **** UP.

      The virus is a scam, the economy is wrecked, hundreds of million are going to die of starvation this year because of the lockdown.
      And you could not be bothered to research what is really going on!

    6. Update. Some bad news to report.

      The latest computer model is forecasting that, because of premature relaxing of mitigation efforts in some US states, the estimated number of deaths by August 1st will be increased by 10%. That works out to another 6,200+ Americans dying or about twice the death toll caused by the 9/11 terrorist attack!

      There are some recent autopsy results that are showing the corona virus was actually spreading rapidly in the US in early February and not in early March like everyone previously thought. As testing is very slowly getting underway, it's becoming apparent that there is a much larger percentage of Americans infected than previously thought.

      There's a scary new medical situation also showing up. Many people who are going to hospitals for other medical problems are testing positive for the COVID-19 virus yet they don't have any symptoms other than having usually VERY low blood oxygen levels like down to between 50% and 70% yet are not gasping for breath as one would expect. Normal blood oxygen should be around 95%. It's like they are breathing the thin air at the top of Mount Everest! If one was to suddenly have his blood oxygen lowered to that percentage, he would black out within a minute. That's why they have those emergency drop down oxygen masks on airliners in case the cabin suddenly depressurizes when they are at an altitude above about 15,000 feet. But, apparently, if the decrease in blood oxygen happens slowly as is caused by a worsening corona virus infection, the body can adapt to it and keep the person conscious for a longer time.

      The doctors think that the virus, aside from interfering with the lungs' ability to pass oxygen into its victims' bodies, is also interfering with the effects that the build up of carbon dioxide in the blood due to low oxygen would normally have which is to make someone breath rapidly to increase blood oxygen. The doctors are saying that this new condition, which they are starting to call "Corona Virus Pneumonia", can continue until the patient's blood oxygen is so low that he then suddenly crashes from the chronic hypoxia and needs to be immediately placed on a ventilator if he is to have chance to survive. Sadly, only about 20% placed on ventilators will survive. The best treatment is prevention by following the recommended mitigation procedures.

      A lot of people are quietly dying at home from their COVID-19 infections because they are afraid to go to a hospital. Many have no health insurance or are undocumented foreigners afraid of being deported. How many of these uncounted and corona virus untested deaths have occurred is anybody's guess, but they could actually raise the current US death toll from COVID-19 by up to 50%!

      Those who are not collecting Social Security checks or Veterans benefits or having filed federal income tax returns for 2019 and 2018 with the IRS may have to wait MONTHS to get their $1,200 stimulus checks IF they get one at all! If that describes your status then you should go to the IRS' website at and follow the instructions there. They will allow you to file a quick "minimal" return with the IRS that confirms your address and they will then send you your check in the mail or direct deposit it into your checking or savings account. BEWARE of any UNSOLICITED emails you may get claiming to be from the IRS and asking for your personal information. They are all from scammers looking to steal your money or identity and hoping to take advantage of those desperate for their promised stimulus checks.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    7. I watched that video Anon 16:03 gave a link to and immediately reported it to youtube admin for removal. It's made by someone claiming to be a surgeon working over in Great Britain who is trying to tell everyone that there is no such thing as the COVID-19 virus! It's all some big scam by the rich of the world he says. That kind of dangerous delusional conspiracy theory by someone who is not an infectious disease doctor might start making people think there's really no pandemic so they can just stop taking precautions which will only cause even more lives to be lost in the US. That video has already been removed from Facebook and I don't think it will be on Youtube much longer either. Hope my flagging it is responsible!

    8. @AAPOI:

      Thanks for keeping us up to date on the corona virus mess in the US. This whole thing is showing everyone how really inept our federal and state governments can be when a real emergency comes along.

      I saw on the news today that over half of the 1600 deaths in Pennsylvania have taken place just in nursing homes and long term care facilities. I think their owners were more concerned with their profits than protecting the weakest and sickest citizens in our nation by making sure the workers and visitors there used the proper precautions. I'm glad that the media is finally shining a big spotlight on the situation to make people aware of what their parents and grandparents are being exposed to. It's unfortunate that's how problems have to get solved in the US nowadays.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. for depopulation

  23. Maybe instead of wasting his time trying to impress everyone by swinging pendulums, hoisting bricks, or running stamping mills and water pumps, Bessler should have used one of his wheels to make something like this so he could revolutionize ground travel.

    and here's one of a 4 year old kid who beat the guy above by eight years to being the first to pilot one of these!

    If Bessler had build one of these and demonstrated it, everyone in Europe would have wanted to own one. One hundred thousand thalers? No he could have made MILLIONS of thalers!

    1. Cute kid in the second video. At one point he drives through some horse manure on the road, but keeps right on going.

      Since Bessler's wheels had their "perpetual motion structures" installed near their outer rims, it should have been possible for him to make a wheel in the form of a large ring with an open center and no axle. Instead a wheel would have been mounted on rollers held in a base frame so it could rotate when allowed to or was pushed if it was the two direction kind. But then it would have no axle to attach ropes to.

      It might even have been possible to construct a monocycle like those in the videos using such an ring shaped wheel, but if it was very heavy then steering it might have been difficult. In those videos it looks like the steering wheels are only there for the driver to hang onto as he leans his body to the side of the wheel that he wants to steer the wheel toward. The steering wheels themselves don't do the steering. If he put enough effort into it, Bessler probably could have made something that would have worked. But, I think he just wanted to sell his invention, get his money, and let the new owner worry about applications. Bessler had different plans and they didn't involve starting an automobile factory.

    2. "The steering wheels themselves don't do the steering."

      That might be true for the handle bar of the little wheel that the kid rides in the second video, but I think the inventor in the first video is using the steering wheel to change the direction his wheel turns in. When he turns the wheel it causes the engine, his seat, and him to lean to one side or the other of the plane of the wheel to change its direction. This is very obvious at time 0:23 in the video. Notice while making sharp turns he has to put his foot out to prevent his wheel from possibly falling completely over on its side. His wheel is more complicated than the earlier one the kid drives.

  24. It's a question asked before. Why did his wheels have to be in one place? Why couldn't he have built one onto a cart with a belt drive to the rear wheels and replace the horse? Surely he recognised the importance of self locomotion. Especially if the wheels had a slip clutch or capstan arrangement to control the belt traction.

    So today how could somebody market their PM wheel other than as a PM wheel or toy? We all know we could attach a generator and produce electricity, or drive a saw mill, pump etc. We could also make the self moving mobile, a true automobile (novelty value). It'd probably be too big and heavy to power a light plane, or too big to drive a submersible with a screw. Same for light boats I guess. There must be some application that everyone would want it for? Any ideas?

    1. Imo using B's wheels for a car is fantasy. Their torques were much too small. You could make a transmission to compensate for that but it would take forever for the car to get up to enough speed for serious travel. Maybe a B wheel could be used in a side paddle wheel type boat like the one Fulton designed. Even then I don't think it would be that impressive. B had low power wheels and a high price tag for them and that's why no one wanted to buy one. People want power supplies that are as small as possible and deliver as much power as possible. B's wheels could not provide that. Steam and then gas engines could and that's why we are using them now and will until we finally switch over to full electric powered engines.

  25. Bessler wanted to make quick bucks, that was the reason.
    He probably wanted to move on something else after selling the wheel.

    1. Yes... He wanted to do some service to society... For a good cause... He wanted to impart something...

    2. Bessler was not a saint nor we. We have money in our minds.
      He could disclose the wheel freely.
      Do not sactify anyone. We are all human.

    3. This type of invention doesn't come that easy... It almost takes more than half of ones life... A lot of effort, sacrifices and expenses is involved... The very inspiring crops up from underlying desires for becoming Rich and famous...

    4. You would probably have a better chance of getting rich playing a lottery than with Bessler's wheels. The only real value to them is that they might lead to different designs that put out much more power. Maybe that's possible and maybe it's not. If it's not then at least we will eventually know what the design he used was. I see them selling as pieces of handcrafted artwork. Like kinetic sculptures only self powered. Right now there are probably many rich collectors out there that would be willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to own a quality handmade replica of one of his wheels. That will probably be the main reason craftsmen will start building them. The rest of us will have to settle for some cheap plastic replicas made over in China. But that's okay with me. I'd like to have one to put on my coffee table and use as a conversation piece when friends visit.

  26. (ANON 06:08): The ideal use would be the DOUBLE Ferris wheel. It gives the longest interval of weightlessness of any ride!! Quite enthralling and very gentle!! I rode one in 1964 and treasure that memory.

  27. a nice wheel on a sailboat for a leisurely trip around the Mediterranean sounds great to me. There a number of systems that would allow the wheel to stay upright in most conditions....

    1. I think one of his wheels would still be able to run if its drum's plane was not perpendicular to the earth's or ocean's surface. If the plane was at a 45 degree angle then the wheel should still have been able to produce 70.7% of its full torque. Even if the plane was as low as a 30 degree angle the wheel should still have been able to produce 50% of its full torque. Unfortunately, if the plane was horizontal at 0 degrees then 0% of the full torque would be produced. Bessler always kept the planes of his wheels' drums at 90 degrees to get 100% of their maximum torques and also because that was easier to do when mounting a wheel on its axle supports.

  28. A long non-stop conveyor belt type mobile footpath platform powered by BW should solve transportation problems...

  29. In the tropics seaside villagers who don't have mains electricity supply catch fish each day. They can't keep and sell surplus because they have no way to stop them spoiling. A Bessler wheel could drive an ice maker. As far as using it as a form of engine for locomotion most know that compressed air engines are far more efficient than combustion engines. The wheel could charge the compressed air tanks.

    1. Desalination of water, turning CO2 into fuel, at no cost to the consumer.

    2. At a commercial level provide the energy to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Mine Bitcoin for free.

    3. It is said we live in an energy hungry world, however that energy consumption costs you money. You'd think that a mechanical gravity wheel producing free energy would be a valuable resource to each owner of one. Churning out kinetic energy to be used to do work in various forms. We know it could replace or augment existing household energy needs so that would be an individual cost savings. However recognizing an opportunity to produce a revenue stream for each individual owner seems to be beyond our psych. Perhaps if we were King Midas and all it took was free energy to convert base metals to gold then suddenly its perceived value would rise immensely, as well as the interest in the technology.

      Figuratively speaking what is the 21st century equivalent of turning lead to gold that we could all do from the comfort of home ? Difficult isn't it !


  30. A small BW can directly run a small fan effortlessly in a small house continuously... And, that itself would be a great boon to the poor of the poorest...
    BW can light up small homes in remote areas...
    Small toys can be powered by BW...
    For pumping work... For running Ferris wheel... Can assist windmill in non-windy periods... Can enhance water wheels...
    BW can be incorporated into all types of machines to share the workload and reduce other fuel conceptions... Can run various conveyor belts...
    The list is long...

  31. Slightly Off topic:
    The website suddenly has stopped to exist.
    This website by Sjack Abeling, promised free energy from a "Gravity windmill" design since 2006 and claimed to have a construction deal in co-operation with a local energy company.

    Looking for more info, I stumbled upon an Italian website: on which the same BlaBla was promised since its founding in 2019.
    This Italiën website is showing pictures (Of the device?) identical to the ones that were on the removed Dutch website.

    We can only guess What´s going on here.
    Link to John Collins original article about Sjack Abeling:


    1. He probably has lots of debts.
      I always thought he was a naive guy who prematurely announced that he found a PM device.

    2. I think he is similar to people in this blog, probably thought he had a good idea. From the media coverage, I assume he collected some money before building a wheel. Once he built his device he probably saw his error.

      Abeling case shows, it is really important to design the wheel physically and test our ideas before moving on to announcing.

  32. It is not really important to design the wheel physically and test our ideas before moving on to announcing...

    We are fortunate to have clues from bessler...
    If one gets the right design in mind a quick matching with the clues is all it takes...

    Yellow sir... You don't believe all the clues left by Bessler and that is the biggest problem with you...

    Bessler wheel internal mechanism is extremely simple...
    There are some clues in the poem that simply clarifies instantly if the concept is right or wrong...
    No rocket science here...
    The main problem is no one has hit the right idea so far...
    It is like God realization...
    Suddenly, one fine day it dawns on you that you have reached your goal after all that meditation...
    You can't understand this and that is why you don't believe anyone...
    There are a few few factors that is mandatory...
    It is like all the pieces of jig-saw falling into place after and years of mental work...

    You must have heard of Einstein's thought experiments...
    He achieved what many couldn't... Just by imagining things...
    BW concept is similar...
    It can be achieved through intense thinking...
    Most cannot do this...
    You need to be an oddball...
    You don't accept the fact that swinging is involved in BW mechanism...
    This is where you go offcourse...
    Ninety nine percent clues out there are true...
    It is a shame that most, if not everyone, has not succeeded in perceiving this simple secret so far...
    It is yet another shame that one failes to identify when a success story is presented...
    It is people like this due to which many possibilities are lost...

    1. Ah Suresh, what can I say?...
      May be you are the one who is misinterpreting the clues?...
      What you are not getting, for hundreds of years, thousands of people designed what you are suggesting. All failed.

      Build your wheel and see...

  33. All long time PM chasers are delusional even though they don't know it. They read about various PM attempts over the centuries and begin to think of ways to finally make one of them work. Eventually, after much thinking about it, sometimes for years, they become convinced that they finally have a design that MUST work if only it is built. They get so worked up at how simple and logical their design is that they even sometimes want to apply for a patent before having built anything. They usually do eventually attempt to build something which unfortunately does not work, but they will quickly dismiss that failure as due to their poor workmanship or materials and not due to anything wrong with their basic design. They will do the same no matter how many changes they make to it that also do not work.

    Often they will tell friends of their big discovery but usually without the details by only dropping a few hints here and there. They are fearful that even their closest friends will try to steal their idea or will accidentally discuss it with someone else who will then steal it.

    Most will actually go to their graves chasing their no hope designs and remaining convinced that they are only one small improvement away from success. That success never comes for them. But they have become addicted to the feeling that success is surely around the corner for them if they just keep trying to find it. I think that many have actually given up hope of any real success, but they just like the feeling that it might somehow be possible for them. They are like the people who, after watching a televised lottery drawing and realizing that once again they did not hit the jackpot with the tickets they bought, must then run out the next day and buy some more lottery tickets. That lets them keep dreaming about all of the millions they will have to spend if they win the next time the lottery numbers are picked.

    The pursuit for many long time PM chasers is actually an obsession. I often wonder if any of them have ever been given professional treatment for their obsession by a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist? They now have medications to treat OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Maybe one of them could help an obsessed PM chaser overcome his addictive behavior so he could spend his time more productively?

    1. I thank god for my pm chasing obsession. Without it I'd probably stay drunk all day long. It's helping me fight my alcohol problem so I don't empty wine bottles as fast I would without it.

    2. What you say is correct anon, 18.05. But I wouldn’t have missed the many hours of silent consideration, with the occasional moments of intense euphoria, and the anticipation when I’m building a mechanism, playing with it, trying out different actions, making subtle changes or suddenly seeing a new path to success, imagining the triumph of succeeding, or the confronting all those who said it couldn’t be done - there is so much to be had from this obsession, worth every minute and every pound spent, and when failure happens, the thought thst I can dismiss thst design and start over. I love it!


  34. What I am trying to say is that for hundreds of years thousands have wrongly designed BW...
    And that is why they miserably failed...
    The core idea is not seen anywhere in the unworkable devices list...
    This itself suggests that no one has hit the right design...
    There are some five critical improvisations or design ideas that goes into BW making...
    Not even one of these is seen in any past attempts...
    Now you can imagine why so many failures so far...

    1. You will also fail. Do you want to make a claim?

    2. @yellow. Don't embarrass him by asking if he's ever actually tried to build anything.

  35. The workshop of the soul is our imagination.


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