Saturday, 25 April 2020

Maschinen Tractate 137, and Some Important Numbers?

The subject of this blog might seem a bit unusual but perhaps it might spark some new ideas?

Some of you may be aware of the work I've published on  Three of the pages refer to the dodecagram on MT 137, which precedes the 'Toys' page, MT 138. 139. 140 and 141. I wrote that Johann David Heinichen, 1683-1729, a German musician, introduced the concept known as the ‘circles of fifths’ in 1711 (he called it Quintenzirkel). I suggested that MT 137 being similar to his quintenzirkel was designed to point to the circle of fifths, thus being another pointer to the number 5.

That has all been discussed before, here. This time my interest was directed to the MT number itself, written clearly on the bottom of the page - 137. I know Bessler was fascinated by the history and the relationship between numbers and letters and their hidden meanings and of course all the popular codes of the era, and it seemed to me that he had included the number quite deliberately, even if it was somewhat roughly executed. We know he had to add the Toys page in a hurry due to a possible impending arrest, and replaced the existing pages which gave the secret of the wheel. My guess is that he also added the MT 137 at the same time. As it had no mechanical resonance I think it was a deliberate inclusion along with in the Toys page.

MT 137, is the only illustration in the MT which doesn’t appear to show any mechanisms. One reason for this was, as I suggested above, to provide a hint towards the circle of fifths, but as Bessler usually included two or even three pieces of information in each of his clues I felt there could be something additional, that was invisible to me. A Google search of the number 137 for anything connected to his work produced the following information, but I’m still not sure if it’s relevant. Hopefully you will find it interesting, and in particular my final piece. Most of what follows is way over my head, but I include it because of the perceived importance of this number, both now and historically.

So, in the world of physics, it has been suggested that the number 137 could lie at the heart of a grand unified theory, relating theories of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and gravity.

There is something called the ‘fine structure constant’, a physical constant with no dimension is approximately 1/137, and it’s reciprocal was said to be the integer 137, although later work suggested it was closer to 137.036.

Richard Feynman wrote the following about the number 137.

‘It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and Pauli famously quipped, “When I die my first question to the Devil will be: What is the meaning of the fine structure constant?” Unfortunately Pauli died without accomplishing his goal in the Red Cross Hospital of Zurich in Room 137—and he was aware of that synchronistic irony before he died. Theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.’

In the Hebrew Kabbalah, the word has a Gematria value of 137, symbolically, this word indicates the threshold between the physical dimension and the utterly spiritual dimension. In other words, at the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality.

Here are some quotes from some web sites.

In his Nobel lecture delivered in Stockholm on 13 December 1946, Pauli expressed his goal was to establish a theory “which will determine the value of the fine-structure constant and will thus explain the atomistic structure of electricity, which is such an essential quality of all atomic sources of electric fields actually occurring in nature."

Cosmologist Robert L. Oldershaw argues that “137 is the relationship of the strength of the unit electromagnetic interaction compared with the strength of the unit gravitational interaction. That sounds pretty fundamental to me.”’

In the Bohr atomic model, the innermost electron of a hypothetical atom with atomic number 137 would be orbiting just below the speed of light, and the next heaviest element would be impossible because its electron would have to exceed c. Atoms close to the theoretical limit of 137 are unstable and not found in the universe’.

The following is skimmed and abbreviated from my forthcoming book, which will be published later this year.

I was intrigued by the possibility that the number 137 was recognised to have special properties in Bessler’s time. There are websites devoted to such things as the properties of the three main pyramids which allude to the number 137, plus the Kabbalah, numerology, Freemasons, etc.

But I discovered that Bessler was hinting at the relationship between 137 and the golden angle or the golden mean, well known to the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks who called it phi, after the Greek sculptor Phideas. Phi, the golden ratio, is equal to 1.618, plus an unending succession of numbers. Plato discussed the subject at length in his Timaeus and of course there are the Leonardo Fibonacci series of numbers, and the laws of nature also dependant on the gold mean!

In geometry, the golden angle is the smaller of the two angles created by dividing the circumference of a circle according to the golden ratio, thus creating two arcs so that the ratio of the length of the smaller arc to the length of the larger is the same as the ration of the larger arc to the full circumference of the circle.

This provides two radii with angles of two particular degrees. The golden angle is 137.508. I suspect that using the number 137 for his dodecagram seemed like a good idea to the inventor, but he couldn’t name it MT 137.5, that would be too obvious. Bessler used the golden ratio routinely in his drawings and it was more commonly integrated in works of art than it is today. A search for the subject on the BW forum throws up many links.

Why did he add this page? Much of the work I have done on finding and interpreting his coded work was useful, but not a first sight and it was hard to explain when out of context. 

Bessler’s clues, if solved in isolation, get the confirmation of their validity from solving other related clues. This clue of the number MT 137 is an example of this. I have found, subsequent to the investigation of this clue, confirmatory examples of at least two precisely executed angles of 137.5 within his drawings. The connections I pointed out in my web site also a showed a heptagram within the dodecagram, which, as well as the pentagram, includes numerous examples of the golden mean or ratio.

But there is a further mystery - or am I becoming even more paranoid than before?

The Toys page is numbered at the bottom as 138, 139, 140, and 141, but why? The page is labelled with A, B, C, D and E, and these five letters were obviously on the page before he added his four handwritten numbers. So four page numbers for five labelled itemss? It has been suggested that the Toys page replaces four pages which were burnt or buried, but why did he need to remind himself by numbering the page in this way?  He could just dig up the ink blocks he buried when he needed them. Maybe he decide to add MT 137 at the last minute so he could use the number 137 with the do-decagram and add a pointer to the golden angle, there rather than on the Toys page? But if he then added the other four numbers to the Toys page why not end with 142 to cover the five items on the page, instead of number 141? Perhaps he needed to end with 141 and he had already used 137. He had a record of including more numbers than necessary to reach a significant total.

141 is the product of two prime numbers 3 and 47. Coincidentally (maybe) there are 141 bible references in chapter 55, within the 55 verses of his Apologia Poetica.  The number 47 brings to mind Eulclid's 47th proposition but which can exhibit the properties of the golden ratio with some additional extras.  It describes the 345 right triangle with its accompanying squares. That particular figure was adopted by the Freemasons a while ago, so perhaps he is demonstrating his knowledge of the craft. Apparently the Euclid’s 47th proposition is discussed in the Freemason 33rd degree, and a Masonic publication, Anderson’s “constitutions”, was published in 1723, it mentions that “ the greater Pythagoras provided the author of the 47th proposition of Euclid’s first book“

In 1723 Bessler was well established at Kassel, a centre of Freemasonry, and I’m sure he was familiar with the “Constitutions”.  The history and use of the 345 right angle is described in detail and a number of its additional features described which I was unaware of.  One of the angles produced in the additional features is 108 degrees which looks uninteresting but 360 divided by 108 equals 3.3333, the 33rd degree? 108 is the largest angle in the pentagram, all the angles in pentagram are multiples of 18, the smallest angle in the pentagram 18, 36, 54, 72, 90 and 108, so I’m sure that there is a golden ratio in there. The Kepler triangle also exhibits the golden ratio.

I prefer to think that although Bessler was using the language of Alchemy he was actually disguising mechanical processes. It makes more sense than him going off at a tangent and talking about things of a magical nature.

All comments welcome.



  1. John,
    It's my opinion that although your search for codes within Bessler's work is interesting I wonder if you've ever considered the fact that Bessler himself never had to solve any codes left by someone to find the device. In the end what are we discussing? The powers and properties of motion and substances/matter are known. So Bessler's assertions of "art" within his device refer to the fact that he was using "known" forces to create an unusual or "unknown" force that exists but is generally unfamiliar.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. People beg for the response "Put a big wheel where your big mouth is!" There are pages and website dedicated to Bessler, highly respected conversationalists, people who purport themselves and their friends/associates to be experts on the subject of Perpetual Motion and yet none exists. So for all the trouble the result is still nothing. One ends up in a spot where although success seemed apparent at one point failure was the rule. So continue to be sure of yourselves and "blah, blah and blah."

    3. @cwforshort. So far the closest I've seen to an expert on Bessler's wheels is Ken Behrendt. He's provided us with a novel wheel design he claims works in sims and is described by the DT portrait clues he's found. Still he does not have a working physical wheel and I don't think anyone who claims to have found Bessler's secret will be believed until and unless a working physical wheel comes from it. Until then it's just a lot of talk and speculation. But, at least it can give us some ideas to consider and makes for entertaining reading.

    4. Bessler: "No. 2: Almost unanimously the mobilists for whom the spheres were the main principle have chosen a figure for the most part like this one; such a figure has already been encountered in various books on mathematics and mechanics, and from the figure the mathematicians generally showed the impossibility of perpetual motion, just as though one could not bring forth a better figure as evidence."

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. cwforshort quotes "No. 2: Almost unanimously the mobilists for whom the spheres were the main principle have chosen a figure for the most part like this one; such a figure has already been encountered in various books on mathematics and mechanics, and from the figure the mathematicians generally showed the impossibility of perpetual motion, just as though one could not bring forth a better figure as evidence."

      That was just Bessler's way of saying that any conclusions about the impossibility of pm that are based on designs having metal balls rolling around inside of a wheel are meaningless. To me that means his design did not use such rolling balls. But, when he gets to MT 9 his tone changes suddenly and he says:

      "No. 9 Because one has learned that little is to be accomplished with the sphere-wheels like those just now seen in the figures and diagrams, one speculates on another principle, namely: on weights! In all places where I have found weight-figures, these weights are seen to be simple and nothing is attached to the belts or chains. Such is the case with Leupold, but nothing is to be accomplished with his thing unless one acts out of my connectedness principle; but here I do not yet wish to show or discuss the figure for the time being."

      This means to me that Bessler's design DID use weights at the ends of levers that had to be connected together with "belts or chains" for the overbalance of the wheel to continue as it rotated. I can't see any other way to interpret this. He states that he does not want to "show or discuss the figure (either MT 9's or Leupold's) for the time being" which to me means that he DID show and discuss the use of weights on levers that were connected together in several drawings at the end of MT that he unfortunately decided to remove and destroy. That correct use of the levers and their connections had to be in those missing drawings because we don't see it any of MT's remaining drawings.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. The note for MT11 is "This figure is doubled, as one can see, and the form does not involve much, but there is more in it than meets the eye, as will be seen when I pull back the curtain and disclose the correct principle at the appropriate place, as mentioned previously."

      Bessler shows two wheels in one drum. That's a hint about how to make a wheel two directional. You need two one direction wheels in the same drum. But one won't be inside the other as shown in MT11. The real arrangement was to be shown at the end of MT, but was destroyed. The wheels would have to be side by side and arranged so they would each want to turn in the opposite direction from the other. That can't produce any motion so you need some way of locking up the levers in one of the wheels so its CoG goes to the axle center when the drum is given a push in either direction. Probably done with latches of some sort. Not an easy problem to solve except for Bessler, of course!

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. @anon 04:16

      What you are describing is close to what Ken B says in his book is the method Bessler used to make wheels bidirectional. But Ken carries it a step further and actually gives the shape and dimensions of the latches that were used. According to him each two directional wheel's drum had to house two separate one direction wheels that were next to each other on the axle and back to back. They would then spontaneously try to turn the axle in opposite directions but couldn't do that because their torques cancelled out. Each of the one directional wheels contained eight levers with weights at the ends of their arms and each lever had two latches near it that could lock it down against a wood stop in the drum when its particular one direction wheel was forced to rotate opposite its normal "preferred" direction of rotation. This would always happen to one of the one directional wheels when the drum was given a push in either direction.

      Both the Merseburg and Kassel bidirectional wheels each had to be equipped with 32 of these latches for its 16 levers. The latches were small and made of steel. It was the actions of these latches that produced the clattering sounds that these wheels made when running. He shows how they are represented in the second DT portrait. He calls them "cat's claw gravity latches" because their action when contacting a lever reminds him of the action of a cat's front paws when he catches hold on a mouse. I think this image must also have occurred to Bessler because he also placed tiny mice into the portraits, but you have to really hunt around to find them. Ken shows you where they are located though. I looked at those portraits for years and never noticed the mice but they are definitely there. I think that line in the AP poem translated as "The cunning cat slinks quietly along and snatches juicy mice" might have been Bessler's way of poetically describing these latches and the way they worked.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Yes, SG, that is what you seem to be full of as you make each additional worthless hint dropping comment on this blog. So far we've learned nothing of any value from you and probably never will.

    14. TBCH,
      What is the status of this mystery? It doesn't matter what John is doing or what anyone else is doing. This art is so rare. Talk and talk and entertain yourselves with codes and numbers. Pick your friends and defend them;pick you enemies and attack them... meanwhile I'll attempt to build a facsimile of the machine I have imagined believing wholeheartedly that it's the same machine. The description was sufficient... now it's time for some hope and some sweat.

  2. Those crosssing lines MT137 seems to be ropes tbh.

  3. Hi John .. it is my opinion that Bessler's wheels have a connection to Euclid's geometry (Pythagoras) as proposed by Oystein and the RC Mason connections. And that will probably encompass the golden ratio and number 137 in some deeper manner. I base that opinion on the fact that B's. wheels internal structures and weights had to follow a predetermined path, which repeated. Therefore there is very likely a geometrical element to those paths taken when drawn with compass and square on a grid. And it is my contention that those paths shapes bear some uncanny resemblance to the 3-4-5 triangle and the isosceles right triangle (45-45-90). Hence the importance of Bessler's connection to ancient geometry and God, and the importance of the RC and Masons to him.


    1. Thanks fletch, I agree, some of what I posted was highly speculative, but for me, it has some basis in truth, in particular the Greek, RC and Masonic pieces.


    2. Yes, and I might add to my speculation that while the triangles may appear in the static drawings the superior overbalance path the weights take is stylistically and loosely represented by Bessler's signature feature at the top of your blog. The Circumpunct (circle dot) representing both Deus Ex Machina (God from the machine - his wheel), and the sun/son; with the R's for Rath and ORfyree left and right signifying a bi-directional wheel capability.

      FWIW MT13 is important in numerology etc as Oystein, Ken, and others have speculated and written about, and is therefore important to Bessler. Each of us is free to speculate on the reasons for that importance from the mechanical to the mystical. Also my opinions !


  4. Of course anyone who read my comments in the last blog will immediately understand the significance of the number at the bottom of MT 137.

    The 13 refers to MT 13 which was the wheel Bessler tried to build that did not work but which, after his dream, led him to the design that finally did work. The 7 refers to the earlier illustration MT 7 which, aside from pointing the reader to MT 13, gives important information about the number of levers in his working wheel (8) and how those levers were connected together (5 always connected together by ropes at any time). Both 7 and 13 are considered lucky numbers in numerology and associated with God. Bessler claimed his finding of a working wheel was a gift to him from God.

    The dodecagram of MT 137 could represent a clock dial with each of its 12 points representing an hour of the day. Each point could also represent a month of the year. The arcs between the points could also represent the 12 houses of the zodiac which Bessler as an astrologer would have been familiar with. But I think his main intention was probably for the dodecagram to represent a clock dial because he wanted those pursuing the secret of his wheels to keep such a dial in mind as they hunted around for clues in the figures in his other published books.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Thanks, SoS. I did read your comments in the last blog and I also see how they can be applied to this figure.

      When I first saw MT 137 I had trouble trying to determine how many lines it contained. It's very confusing. I then traced them one at a time and found there were 12 straight ones that formed the points. Then I remembered what you said about MT 13 in the last blog. I forgot to include the biggest line of all which is the curved one that forms the outer circle! That then gives 12 + 1 = 13. I agree this figure is intended to point us back to MT 13 like you say. I think that black circle in the center could be like the black wheel marked "B" in MT 13 and represents the wheel Bessler found that worked. MT 137 looks unfinished to me. I wonder what else he planned to add to it but never did?

    2. 24 straight ones that formed the points Ken.

  5. But made up of 12 individual lines, as drawn when making a dodecagram.

    Ken B.

    1. you're not THE Ken B because he only posts here using his google account. but you are right about the number of lines. if anon 05:58 thinks it's 24 he needs to get his eyes checked or cut back on the booze because it's giving him double vision!

    2. Ken B is all over the place, talking to and praising himself.

      Anyway, I don't see how this discussion will bring us closer to the secret. It will only make it more cryptic.

      "All things belong to one of three kingdoms and you have the evidence before you."

      "Still, don't you see?"

      Just ignore these clues and concentrate on finding and making up your own that suits your needs. The only thing perpetual coming from this is the discussion.

      Anyone ever wondered why we have 3 phase electric power? (hint)

    3. Hmmm...Three kingdoms...Are they the spokes? May be...OK, If you look at the MT137 wheel it has 4 apologia types of wheels but the triangles (arcs) are inverted. May be, there are 4 Apologia wheels and each wheel has 2 weights acting in pairs. Then that would be 8 weights in total. just an idea...

    4. Ken B. often replies under Anonymous.

    5. @anon 20:17. When he posted here years ago as well as most recently last year he flatly stated that he would only post using his google account and never anonymously or pseudonymously. He also warned everyone to ignore any anonymous posts with his name used on them because they would be by impostors trying to imitate him, embarrass him, or twist what he was saying.

  6. Power density and efficiency.

  7. Hi ,

    I'll give you my point of view on the MT 137 if you don't mind.
    Bessler said the weight swing each other ( right ? ) and there is an interaction between 2 weights ( always right ?) .
    I think that the MT137 represented the principle , rather what weights had to intergae between them for the swing.
    you just have to transpose the drawing with 8 or 5 weights according to your own design.The MT 137 "contains" 12 weights for obvious reasons ... not to show the solution too easily.

    After discovering which weights swayed together, we still have to find the mechanism allowing this, and that's another story ;-)

    Good luck ,

    Robert. . .

    1. "Bessler said the weight swing each other ( right ? ) and there is an interaction between 2 weights ( always right ?) ."

      What he actually said on page 295 of AP is:

      "These come in pairs, such that, as one of them takes up an outer position, the other takes up a position nearer the axle. Later, they swap places, and so they go on and on changing places all the time."

      That doesn't necessarily meant there was some sort of direct mechanical connection between the two weights. Their motions could have been independent of each other but just synchronized by chance due to the design he used.

    2. Hello ,

      thank you anomyme for these details.

      Also, I don't think it has anything to do with it, but I'll quote it anyway, the drawing "137" is perhaps numbered like this because: "1" "3" and "7" are prime numbers. The famous "5" is therefore missing.
      But I think it is a false track that will delight numerologists ;-)

      Robert. . .

  8. Update. The US had another 2,821 deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours to bring the total up to 54,357. Only 3,863 more deaths to go to match our soldier losses after a decade over in Vietnam. Spain, Italy, and France had none in the last 24 hours. Unlike the US, the citizens in those countries are taking their lockdowns more seriously. They complain less because they know it is saving lives.

    Several US states are relaxing their lockdowns and trying to "get back to normal" because of public pressure. They are now the canaries in the coal mine other states are watching to see how that affects their daily death rates. Expect them to rise, but by how much? Also, that "normal" we will be getting back to will be the new normal and it won't look like the old normal everyone is eager for. You won't be allowed in any public area unless you are kept 6 feet away from others and are wearing a mask. Everyone entering a building will be scanned to see if he has a fever whether its from COVID-19 or anything else. How to handle the new normal in schools with crowded classes and hallways is going to be a nightmare!

    New York state is doing a lot of random testing now and found out that 14% of their population is positive for the antibodies to the virus! The problem is they don't know if that means they have antibodies from a past infection that the person recovered from or from a new infection which they recently got with no symptoms yet but which still makes them infectious. Anyone positive is told to self-isolate for 2 weeks and has their name and address recorded for future "contact tracing". Testing for the virus' genetic material to see if there actually is a current infection is still inadequate.

    They want to give those who test negative for the antibodies an "immunity passport" so they can enter public areas without being tested again. The problem is that they don't know if they really are immune to a second infection and will then be able to infect others again.

    Some health insurance company claims that only about 25% on ventilators will die, but New York state's governor gave a figure of about 80% who die. A new symptom is appearing in younger victims. Apparently, the inflammation caused by a COVID-19 infection can cause various types of strokes due to blood clots in the heart, lungs, and brain!

    Trump's popularity is slowly sliding downward in the polls and he's now looking for someone to blame for the US' sluggish early response to the virus. He's found one! No, it's not himself as it should be. It's the head of the pandemic task force he appointed months ago. Expect to see him fired soon. Also expect to see government virus expert Fauci fired too. He made the mistake of disagreeing with Trump about the seriousness of the virus. Trump always needs to have some fall guy around to pin the blame for his own incompetence on who he can then fire to make it look like it's his fault. That takes attention off of Trump. Meanwhile, Germany's female chancellor, Angela Merkel, is rating 79% in her popularity poll. That's because she has unified their nation to fight the virus effectively and they've only had 5,880 deaths so far.

    In my own town we've already had several COVID-19 deaths. They are mostly older people. Over in Italy the average age of a victim is 79 years. That's rough for the Italian people because they tend to be family oriented and love and respect their senior citizens. Unfortunately, in many other countries seniors are considered useless tax money spenders who need to be dumped into nursing homes to be warehoused at minimum expense and that includes not getting them tested for COVID-19 and treated in a hospital if they catch it due to a nursing home's incompetent safety precautions. It's really sad.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. What is this movie called ?

    2. Update. 57,065 COVID-19 deaths in the US so far. Only 1155 more to go to equal the US losses in the Vietnam war.

      27 million Americans unemployed in the last five weeks. A few states are trying "limited" reopenings of their businesses, but few people are actually showing up at them. Most people are staying home until the media, not a state's governor, assures them it's safe to start going back to things as usual. Many of the meat processing plants are shutting down due to the high number of positive tests in their employees. That will eventually lead to meat shortages and higher prices at the supermarkets which still remain open. The only real benefit of the pandemic is that the air in our cities is unusually clean. Getting rid of all of those exhaust emitting vehicles makes a noticeable difference.

      The corona virus is proving to be one of the most unusual viruses to ever come along. There are young people showing up in emergency rooms with stroke symptoms. They all test positive for the virus but have no other symptoms of it. Only about 10% of regular strokes are fatal, but these young people's strokes are about 50% fatal. It's being blamed on the severe inflammation the infection causes in some which can impair blood flow to the brain, intestines, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. There is also the weird effect of people whose breathing problems improve enough for them to come off of a ventilator only for them to rapidly go downhill and die within a day! The doctor's still don't know exactly what to do to help someone. It's largely guesswork at this stage. Many that decide to stay at home and just sleep it off are found dead the next morning.

      In my own small town we've already had over 20 deaths from COVID-19. Those who died were generally healthy only a week before they died. My own partner has already lost two acquaintances of hers around her age. She's afraid to leave our home and I do all of the shopping. I wear my mask, use plenty of hand sanitizer, and take my vitamin C every day.

      There are basically three types of tests for the COVID-19 virus. There's the PCR test which analyzes the RNA of the virus by making a "genetic finger print" from fragments of it after the sample has been processed with various chemicals. That test can take days to complete. Second there's the serology test for protein antibodies a person's body makes against the virus. It requires a blood sample that has to be centrifuged and takes hours to complete. Finally there's the antigen test. This is the fastest test that only needs a swab sample from a person's nose or throat. It tells if he has proteins from the virus in his mucus or saliva. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete but unfortunately the current tests still have high rates of false negative and positive results. They are trying to make a version that is more reliable.

      Most likely we will see everyone being supplied with an improved version of that antigen test. Enough for maybe 100 tests will be sent to everyone in the mail each month. You will have to test yourself every morning to make sure you are negative before leaving home for work or shopping and you will still have to wear a mask when outside your home and in a crowd while also trying to stay six feet away from others. If you are positive, you must stay home until you finally test negative. This will be our "new normal" for a long time to come. The hope everyone had weeks ago of everything getting back to normal in a month or so is starting to look more and more unrealistic as the weeks go by.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    3. Thanks for the COVID update Ken.

    4. Update. The latest COVID-19 deaths in the US are now 58,640 and the official US deaths in the Vietnam war were 58,220. We have now lost 420 MORE Americans in about two months due to the virus pandemic than we did in that past war in about ten years!

      The government's most trusted computer model's predictions of how many Americans will be dead by August 1st is being revised again. It's being revised upward to a figure higher than the previous one of about 68,200 deaths but I still don't have the new figure.

      There is a new plan being seriously discussed by the governor of New York state to help stop the spread of the virus. People will be randomly tested at public areas by first scanning them for a fever. If they have one, they will be given a test for the corona virus antigen on the spot which only takes five to ten minutes to process. If that shows they have the corona virus proteins in them, then they will be IMMEDIATELY taken to a state quarantine facility and held there until they test negative again which could take up to two weeks. They are not allowed to first go back home again before being quarantined. No talk yet of what happens if they have a partner, kids, seniors, or pets at home waiting for them. Most likely dept. of health people show up and then test all of them. Any with the active virus in them shown by an on the spot antigen test will also be whisked off to a quarantine facility until they test negative. I wonder if our pets can get this and it transmit to each other and also their human owners? If so we'll see quarantine kennels for cats and dogs!

      This is just being discussed at this time. Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    5. update. The US COVID-19 death toll shot past 60,000 today and I finally found out that the trusted US government's pandemic prediction model now says that there will be 74,000 deaths by August 1st. But, my own gut feeling is telling me that we'll actually be closer to 100,000 deaths by then!

      There is some good news to report though.

      US virus expert Fauci is now pushing an antiviral drug left over from decades ago when we were battling the out of control HIV-AIDS epidemic in the US. It's called "Remdesivir" and some recent tests show that it definitely interferes with the corona virus' ability to replicate itself in human least when they are in a Petri dish. Fauci says that, since it was previously tested and shown to be safe for humans, it can be given to patients with the worse cases because it MAY help their immune systems better fight the virus and should help lessen their recovery time. Look for this drug to be mentioned more and more in the coming days.

      Also, even more good news.

      There are over 70 vaccines being tested right now around the world to give humans immunity against COVID-19, but one of them is producing truly amazing monkeys. This vaccine is made by putting some of the COVID-19 virus' genetic material into another relatively harmless virus and then vaccinating a monkey with that second very weak virus which doesn't even make his sick. But, that second weak virus then causes the monkey's immune system to make the antibodies against the actual COVID-19 virus. As an experiment they tested the vaccine on 500 of those Rhesus macaque lab monkeys and then injected them with big doses of the COVID-19 virus a few days later. Not a single one of the monkeys got infected by the COVID-19 virus and the monkeys didn't seem to have any ill effects from the vaccine! It's possible that this vaccine could be tested and ready for human use in only two months instead of the year to 18 months for the other vaccines being tested.

      There are now several Indian pharmaceutical companies that want to begin producing and distributing millions of doses of this new vaccine even though it hasn't yet been tested and shown to actually work in human beings as well as being safe for them. Right now the official corona virus death toll in India is only 1,079 but so far they've only tested 559 per million citizens so their actual death toll will be much higher and, possibly, even several times higher than in the US!

      They and the rest of the world need this new vaccine as soon as possible after it's shown to be safe and effective for humans. Expect to see EVERYONE in the US REQUIRED to be vaccinated with it. It offers us some hope of finally getting back to the "old normal" again.

      I wondered in the last update if our pets could get COVID-19. Now there's proof they can! A pug dog named "Winston" suddenly started gagging and choking and wouldn't eat. He was tested and shown to be positive. There have also been at least two house cats that have tested positive. These pets are apparently catching it from their owners and in the case of dogs may be able to transmit the virus from dog to dog when their owners are taking them out for a walk and two dogs come into contact with each other. Expect all of the cats and dogs in a household to have to be vaccinated along with all of us humans!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    6. update. Only a few items to report today. Russia's prime minister just got diagnosed with COVID-19 and I wonder if the UK's prime minister, Boris Johnson, who just recovered from it, has given him a call yet to express sympathy.

      The UK recently announced that they are revising their death toll figure from the corona virus...revising it upwards that is! Turns out that they, like in many parts of the US, have been under counting their cases.

      The US death toll is getting ready to pass the 62,000 mark. A few months ago a computer model predicted that wouldn't happen until August 1st. The latest computer model prediction is now 74,000 by that date. But I'm sticking to my prediction of a much higher figure while also praying that I'm very wrong. Another disturbing statistic has become obvious in the last day or so. It turns out that HALF of all almost 62,000 US COVID-19 deaths occurred in just the LAST TWO WEEKS! That's about 31,000 people gone in only two weeks. Makes one wonder what the next two weeks will look like!! Something to keep in mind when someone tries to tell you that this virus isn't really that serious. Right now, if they were still alive, about 62,000 Americans would be disagreeing with him!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    7. I thought your numbers had to be wrong and decided to check them out myself especially the half dying in the last two weeks. As usual, you are spot on accurate. Those numbers are truly scary.

  9. MT137 begs the question why those lines do not cross the axle if they are ropes or wooden planks. It's a pretty large axle.

    But I have to give the code chasers some credit, this is a weird figure.

  10. I wonder what the arc angle is on the jolly woodsmen toy?
    Also, 2 arcs back to back would make "mysterious X".


  11. Amazing how close this 1884 US invention is to that Buzzsaw wheel everyone was so excited about years ago on BW forum. The inventor, G. H. Furman, uses metal balls instead of cylinders and, although he calls it a "motor", he says he rotates the outer drum by hand to raise its metal balls up to the top of the inner drum to make the inner drum rotate. The inner drum is fixed to the axle while the outer one is not. There is no mention of any gearing between the two drums as with the Buzzsaw wheel. To get the patent Furman seems to avoid claiming his invention would be self-running.

    You can also find this invention mentioned on pages 36 to 38 in the 1914 book "Perpetual Motion" by Percy Verance. Could this have given the inventor of the Buzzsaw wheel the idea for his invention?


    1. It's hard to describe the Besslerites as a cult because they all tend to disagree with each other's view of what the true nature of Bessler's wheels were. As a general rule all distrust the opinions of any sort of experts either from the outside scientific establishment or from inside of the free energy community whose "experts" are usually veteran pm chasers who think their experiences over the years somehow make their opinions on Bessler's wheels and other pm machines more valid.

      Many pm chasers become Besslerites out of admiration for Bessler because he is the only historical figure who ever invented a pm wheel that the testing at the time indicated was genuine. If so, then that proves it's possible to make such a wheel and that is the goal of most builder type Besslerites. The other nonbuilder types usually become armchair philosophers who enjoy offering their unsolicited opinions on every design that comes along and explaining as best they can why it cannot possibly work. Very few take any of their negative opinions seriously and will only accept failure if they personally experience it. Even then they will try to explain their failures as only temporary setbacks due to poor workmanship or lack of proper tools and materials. They tend to cling to some design they've come up with for years, decades, even an entire lifetime even though it never gives any hint of working. They tend to be very resistant to change and actually can become comfortable getting no results after years of failures.

      However, all Besslerites are bound together by one common trait. None has ever produced an actual working wheel! Of course, they are all convinced that will soon change and each hopes it will be he that makes it change with a design that works. Besslerites have actually practiced their belief for three centuries so far, but we only know about how widespread they are since the rise of the internet in the late 1990's.

    2. I like your description of we Besslerites, even though I recognise myself in much of what you write. I haven’t clung to a particular design for years and years, although I do go on about Bessler’s apparent obsession with the number 5, it hasn’t stopped me from trying out more designs than I could ever have dreamed of back in the beginning. I agree that no one could describe us as a cult seeing as no two members ever agree whole heartedly with another’s design. I think it would be a good response if anyone described us as a cult. Thanks anon at 17.43. JC

  13. Cos 36 = 1*phi / 2 = Sin 54
    Cos 72 = 1 / 2*phi = Sin 18

    1. Thank you Many Leaves, for drawing my attention to the golden ration aspect of those numbers I had to revise my schooling in maths to jog my memory. I was helped by this link



  14. An interesting twist on lockdown: see James Demeo's OBRL-news blog.

    1. Looks like he's been blogging since 2006 yet I've never heard of him or his blog. Nice blog with interesting topics but no one ever comments on any of them! I think he needs to make his blog look more like this one and set it up so people can comment anonymously without leaving their email address which they don't want published so it can be harvested by spammer robots.

  15. Some really BAD news for John Collins!

    It looks like a member over at BW forum who calls himself "Robinhood46" has recently been uploading images of wheel design he is working on and which is looking like it might work. It has FIVE lever mechanisms and looks like it's basically what John has been secretly working on and decided not to reveal here. Now someone else is publicly revealing the design and will get the historical credit for the design if it is a runner.

    You can see the page of the BW forum topic where he's uploading the photos of his five mech wheel here:

    This should be a lesson to everyone about being secretive too long with your design. While you think you're protecting it from being stolen, someone else comes along with the same or a very similar design and then steals the priority to having found it first right away from you! It is for this exact reason that Bessler hid all of those clues in his drawings that describe the design he found that worked. He too was very secretive and knew the danger of playing that game too long. His hidden clues were intended to prevent him from losing the credit for prior discovery in case a rival inventor suddenly appeared with the same working wheel design that Bessler had.

    Poor John...whatever will he do now?

    1. Oh no! This is serious. Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. It's really John's own fault. For the last year or so everyone here has been telling him to reveal what he was working on. Actually they were almost begging him to. But he decided to keep everything hidden and now someone else has suddenly come along with something that is probably very close to what John has.

      Here's the path of one of the five weights in robinhood46's wheel (you may have to rotate the image 90 degrees CCW so its properly oriented):

      Now here's the path from one of the five weights that John shows on his website for his "Bessler-Collins Gravitywheel":

      JC describes the motions of his weights by saying:

      "So, in a clockwise rotating wheel, each weight has to be raised at six o’clock and pushed out again, sideways at or BEFORE the three o’clock at each revolution...He (Bessler) said that his weights worked in pairs, which implies that when one weight fell, let’s call it the shifter weight, it shifted its paired weight, the primary weight, into an overbalancing position causing the wheel to turn."

      By comparing the primary weight paths of the two designs I think robinhood46's design will actually put out more power!

    2. I wouldn’t feel sorry about anyone else designing and building a working model of Bessler’s wheel, if it happened, but it hasn’t.

      The design may have five pieces in it, but it bears no relationship to mine, so I shall continue with my build..

      I must say I found the style and flavour of anon. 23.35’s post a bit too gleeful and sarcastic. Are you so pleased that in your opinion some else might best me to the finishing line?


    3. To anon.04.47, your link to my besslerswheel site was a reasonable comparison with Robinhood46’s picture of the path of one of the weights, but I published that document ten years ago and I have moved on from there. As I said above, my build doesn’t resemble what I wrote back then. I considered removing the pages which were not commensurate with my current thinking, but I preferred to leave what was speculation until I had something validated to replace it with.


    4. Don't be fooled - Kerry Waenga is alive and well on your blog.

    5. I’m not sure it’s Kerry, his faulty English usually gives him away. JC

    6. Of course John has to claim his design is different from RH46's which is preferable to him having to admit someone else has "bested" him to the finish line. But is his design really that much different than RH46's? John's linkage between a shifter weight's lever and a prime weight's lever may vary a little and he's probably thrown in a spring or two here and there, but the basic concept will be the same. If Robinhood46's wheel works he will be able to rightfully claim that he's the FIRST to make a five weight design work and no one will really care what the particular mechanical linkage is in John's nonrunner. I think the appearance of RH46's photos has shaken John up a lot more than he's willing to admit. The important point here is that RH46 has published his design openly and John has not published his. You can all bet that John will be following that bwf thread VERY intently in the coming days!

    7. To anon 14.19. I think you are trying to wind me up, but it won’t work. Think what you like, I’m happy with my design and I really do not mind if Robinhood46 makes a wheel that works, but my opinion was asked and I said I thought it wouldn’t work. I think the idea behind anon’s comments is to try to force me to go public with my design now, but I don’t want to follow Ken’s path, publishing a design with no working model.


    8. Since we were discussing it, I’ve just had a look at Robinhood46’s photo and I found it extremely difficult to work out what the design is. From what I can see the design really doesn’t seem to be anything like mine and the reason is because It Is clearly designed to operate on a different principle, which I can say with certainty because it is missing some key components which mine has.


    9. KW has upped his game but also appears as MrLS in the old style.

    10. You really can't tell much by looking at the path of a single prime weight moving around the axle as a wheel turns which is all Robinhood46 shows. You have to look at what's happening to the CoG of the prime weight and it's shifter weight. If that center does not spend more time on one side of the wheel's axle than on the other side as the wheel rotates, then that wheel will just be another nonrunner. If that can be done though then one should be able to make an overbalanced wheel with as few as two of the prime/shifter weight mechanisms. In every design I've ever seen that CoG would spend the same amount of time on both sides of a wheel's axle and it didn't matter how many prime/shifter weight mechanisms were used. They were all nonrunners. This is the reason that all of those wheels and flip over type machines in MT won't work and why Bessler left them in after he destroyed the drawings of his design that did work. Everything he left in MT is a nonrunner as well as any variation of it.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The problem is that there are thousands of designs that won't work. Good luck studying them all before you know where else to finally look!

  18. Yeah Yeah, we listened to you. Like you said, it's just like Calloway's wheel with one small change.

  19. Greetings John! Is there any part of your post of ten years ago (the mechanisms theoretically) that you have retained in your current thinking? Also ,do you feel that the Robinhood46 is a non-runner? Thanks!

    1. Hello Richard, I was trying to describe the mechanics of a swing. It wasn’t necessarily describing how B’s wheel worked unless the action of a swing was involved. I don’t see the involvement of a swing in his wheel now. So it isn’t part of my current thinking, and yes I do feel that RobinHood46 is a non-runner.


  20. I like the interactions of MT 11. There is interesting word that accompany it as well.

    1. Yes, also what about MT10 comment "correct handle-construction".
      Is that a correct translation I am not sure but that translation suggests his wheel has weights attached to some "handles". MT9-10-11 suggests some handle thingy going on in the wheel.

    2. Ken B claims that the "correct handle construction" is a lever with three arms on it that looks like the letter "Y" with its pivot at the forked part and that's what the note for MT 10 is actually referring to.

    3. Tell Ken B he is wrong

    4. I suspect that in the end after all other attempts have failed that wheel design Ken B. found will be the one that most will consider to be the actual one Bessler discovered. It's just a hunch I have based on his youtube video. As I view it, it just feels "right" to me. I don't get that feeling with any of the other designs I've seen. I can't put it into exact words except to say all of its parts seem to work together just right. There is something special about it, imo.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. mt 11 points to mt 2? okay. but if you add 11 and 2 you get 13 whcih points you right back to mt 13! i'm keeping focused on mt 13 cause i liked the analysis sos did of it last blog. bessler said it was very good for running if so much resistance was not present. that resistance he was talking about was i think the mental resistance to believing it could be where he finally found his solution. when you overcome that resistance you will start to get results for a change.

  21. John, would you mind removing all the COVID posts from your blog. They have no place here, and the author doesn't see to comprehend the topic of this blog.

    1. Actually I look forward to those almost daily Covid-19 updates. If you don't like them, then just don't read them. No one is forcing you or anybody else here to read them. His info is 100% accurate and most of it never even shows up on the tv news that I'm seeing. He's giving us the info everyone else is overlooking. Trying to pretend that all is normal in the pm community while there's a plague going on out there in the rest of the world is ridiculous. The pandemic is affecting all of our lives whether we like it or not.

    2. I understand your irritation at the Covid posts, anon 22.48, and I have considered deleting them, especially as they seem to be growing longer and longer. I’ll wait to see if anyone else wants me to delete them, and then make decision. I have tried over the years not to delete anything without a good reason, which is why I suffer the disparaging remarks about me, but I always warn the writer if I’m considering deleting their comments.


    3. I agree with anon 02:34. If someone does not like the comments by anyone here then don't read them. For example, I can't stand SH and SG's babblings and don't bother reading them anymore, but I don't want to see them deleted because there might be others here who don't share my opinion and actually do want to read them. Those covid-19 updates are a little off topic, but that could describe about 50% of the other comments here as well. At least we're learning something from them.

    4. Dear Sir John.
      If you are asking for a comment:
      According to my observation it is not number 137.
      In my opinion the correct meaning is: "and 3. 7." it directs to the beginning of his work.
      Designations: i = information; and points to Figures 3. 7. it's supposed to inspire. These are pure tips.
      To my knowledge, this must be a multi-stage solution on levels is indeed difficult, so it did not require coding. The proof of this is 300 years of downtime.
      Bessler has left secret paths for those who like to walk on them endlessly.
      It is true that saving one life saves the whole world, while one life is not the whole world.
      You wrote that the search for mystery continues.
      Similarly, with Bessler's secret, he said that everything would come at the right time and the chosen man would do it with the right amount of free time.
      Best regards.

    5. I am not irritated by the posts, they just don't have any place here. Why doesn't the author create his own blog and post those there. This blog should be limited to comments related the topic raised by John C.

    6. @anon 17:35. Why don't you create your own blog so you can complain about everything you don't like on it? If John deleted every comment here that didn't related directly to Bessler or PM or a current blog's topic, he'd have to delete half of the comments of every blog!

  22. There is heavy censorship on the internet of Doctors and Nurses speaking out, their videos have been banned, censored and deleted. The posts on this are mainly from an anonymous poster about mainstream view of this, the orginal anonymous poster has even called for censorship of alternative views from a real Doctor on the internet.
    I would suggest not going down to their level of censorship and letting them continue posting here the mainstream news that is being fed to us all anyway by the PTB .

    1. Whenever a crisis hits humanity you will see a range of responses to it. Some will say there really is no crisis. Others will say it's the end of the world. Each will claim they know that for a fact because of personal experience or inside knowledge. The reality is usually somewhere in the middle of the extreme views. On the internet we tend to only see the extreme views because they make good click bait. There's no denying that in New York City the virus spread like wildfire because they weren't aware of its presence and taking any precautions. That led to overwhelmed hospitals and too many bodies for the funeral homes to handle. The same thing could easily happen to the rest of America unless precautions are taken and maintained long enough. It's a sacrifice we all have to make to keep that from happening and to save lives. Eventually it will be over with and we can get back to normal again. Meanwhile we have many blogs, forums, websites, and videos to keep us distracted, entertained, and informed. Thank God the internet is still working.

    2. This talk of censorship is a joke. This blog is for comments related to PM. If we want to hear about COVID, we can check any one of the news outlets.

    3. You know, I think this blog is a good place to post poetry. Effective later today, I will begin posting extensive works. I hope no one censors my posts.

    4. You guys must have missed the last line of this blog which says "All comments welcome".

    I've read it now. That's a good catch. After the read, I've also started to think MT137 is probably that Pentacle. Bessler seems to be that kind of a guy who could put some esoteric images in his writings. It probably points out the next page.
    But a part of a full blown code that explains the wheel? I don't think so.

  24. One reason why a direct gravity based PM didn't take off well with the mainstream lot could be due to the fact that waterwheels proved beyond doubt that a constantly flowing or falling medium is a must for using up gravity...

    But, being crafty, Bessler found a way out...

    He discovered that weights could be mechanically made to constantly fall like water in a waterfall...

    Eventually, this led to the BW...

  25. I've noticed something. There is also one strange thing about this figure. But it is not displayed in the image on this post. There is a blacked-out part at the top of the original page. and it is extremely wide. It is as wide as the wheel. It seems Bessler blacked out more than numbers.

    1. You’re right yellow, I cropped the page to make sure I got the number 137 in. He has done this before in MT, but this is a large block, but what might it contain? I considered it might have read, “Quintenzirkel”, or circle of fifths, or “ Quintenkreis”, or “heptagram, septagram”, both of which are nearly the same in German. Or something else?


    2. Probably something else. Because if that was a part of a code, then it should be visible.
      At first, I thought it may be the top view of the MT137, but there is no similar example where the top view is shown in the book.

      Is this a wheel or not it is really hard to decide. there are no letters on the figure, but there are letter-less figures in the book.
      What do you think? Is there a pattern/reasoning for his usage of letters in his figures? I can't see one.

    3. I don’t know yellow. I don’t think the blanked out bit at the top of MT137 covered any mechanism drawings, which leaves letters or numbers. Perhaps he covered it because it gave either the wrong information it it was too specific and obvious. Not much help there. I did post a bit about the numbers and letters in MT on, but it probably won’t help.


  26. There are several "default" observations from the Zodiac or MT 137, or Platon and Pythagora's circle of fifths (5). What is missing in this number sequence 1-3-_-7? Namely the number "5". Many MT's has a hidden "task" of finding the missing "5". The internal cross-bars are connected at each 5th step. There is also a secret about how to construct it in MT. If this is viewed as the Zodiac of the Rosicrucian profession of Tarot and astrology (Seeing). "A seer sees". The axle is the Sun. The once secret center of our planetary system! Once described by da Vinci..forbidden by the catholic church.

  27. I have been starring at the enlarged image of MT 137 and just noticed something I did not notice before. Look at the point that is at 12:00. Now drop down to that first X shape inside of it made by the crossing of the lines from the right side of the 11:00 and left side of the 1:00 points. Finally look a little to the left of where those lines cross. What do you see? There's a tiny DOT placed there! What on Earth could that dot represent? I don't think it's just a random ink blot. It looks more like a tiny rolling metal ball weight. Is it possible that MT 137, although unfinished, was intended to be Bessler's version of that da Vinci wheel as shown here:

    da Vinci's pm wheel was made up of four separate ball channel sections mounted inside of a drum. Each section had the tips of its three half lobes touching the drum's outer rim. Each of the sections contained one metal ball. The idea was to always keep the CoG of the wheel's four metal balls on one side of the drum's axle.

    Maybe Bessler intended to show an advanced variation of da Vinci's design using a wheel with 12 metal balls rolling around inside of 12 interconnected point shaped channel sections that somehow kept their CoG on the descending side which for MT 137 would have been the left side? To make it work the balls would one by one roll out to the tip of a 9:00 point and then immediately start rolling back toward the 4:00 point but would not be able to reach it. They would have been stopped under the large black circle, made to change channel sections, and then rode up to the top position shown by that dot in the 12:00 point. If it worked then there would be a lot of overbalance in the design. Maybe Bessler actually build it and found it was unworkable which is why he left it in MT? Maybe he purposely left the figure unfinished to make those reading MT strain their brains trying to figure out how to interconnect its 12 point shaped channel sections so it would work?

    1. My mistake. In da Vinci's design each of its four triple half lobe channel sections only contained two metal balls so there was a total of eight metal balls in the entire wheel.

    2. There's definitely some sort of little dark spot there that seems to be sitting on a track. If it was a sphere weight it would start to roll out to the end of the 9:00 point before it actually reached the 9:00 position. The sphere could then have dropped through a hole in the upper track to the other track that formed the other bottom side of the point and rolled back toward the wheel's center again to get into position on a different track for the next time it would be released. The wheel would then always have one sphere near the tip of the 9:00 point and the other 11 closer to the axle. To work the wheel would have to be able to rotate through at least 30 degrees between the releases of the spheres. Doesn't look like it could work to me. I agree the figure is incomplete because he should have drawn in the locations of the other 11 spheres to make what was supposed to happen clearer. Maybe when he started to cut the image on the wood printing piece he realized it would be too complicated and then decided to just use what he had anyway?

    3. I doubt if it's supposed to be metal balls rolling around inside some sort of DaVinci style pm wheel. Bessler says early in MT that such designs are useless. Why would he then show one at the end? That dot might be some sort of marker to draw attention to that top point for some reason. But I haven't the slightest idea what it could be.

  28. Thank you Sam, your generosity overwhelms me. JC


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...