Sunday, 12 April 2020

Update April 2020

I have received a little criticism from time to time, about my apparent inability to produce a working Bessler wheel, plus my book describing the details of the decoded clues with a full set of explanatory diagrams and a video of the wheel.   It’s true that I haven’t produced any of the above, but I’m not going to share my deciphered clues before I’m ready.  The wheel will be ready when it’s finished as will the book. 

I have been so excited about the many clues I’ve solved so far, that I have been tempted, many times, to begin posting them on my blog, but my other half has a wise head and she tells me to be patient, don’t give anything away until it’s all finished and ready.  She said I’d only regret it if I began to share things now and I’d come to wish I hadn’t, later.

My work on the wheel is progressing slowly and I’m also completing the book, at the same time, and I keep going back to improve what I’ve written or drawn already.  The garage is warm enough now so in between working on the book, I’m in there every day, working on the wheel.  One of the reasons for the snail-like progress is the other commitments which engage my time.  I cannot, neither do I wish, to relinquish any of them, but I’m doing my best to cover all exigencies.  I don’t regret the delay in what should be a relatively quick project, but I do offer my humble apologies for keeping everyone waiting, (those of you who haven’t given up on me!)

I have been accused of the same things that I accused Behrendt of,  imagining clues and finding clues which don’t exist.  Fair enough, I have said many times that I know the secret and that I’m going to share all my discoveries, and yet nothing has been published yet.  But it will all be in the public domain as soon as I can arrange it.  However frustrating it may be for you, I can assure you it is just  as bad for me.  I’m brimming with excitement to reveal all,  but I know there is a risk that it will be ignored or dismissed unless I can show a working Bessler’s wheel at the same time, along with a video and a sim.  That will be the proof I need to publish and anything short of that makes a successful outcome less positive.

My personal opinion is that as soon as anyone sees the design, they will ‘get it’ and become convinced that it’s correct, even without a working wheel or a sim, but having seen the reactions to other ‘proofs’, I just want to make sure that my work is accepted as quickly as possible and people around the world seize the initiative and develop a fully functioning electricity generator along with other utilities that may become evident in time.  That requires the evidence of a proof of principle wheel.

Finally, I remain convinced that a patent is completely unnecessary and will have the effect of slowing the development of a practical gravity-enabled wheel.

Finally, finally! Many of you may recall that my granddaughter Amy, is suffering from PTSD and FND and has a crowdfunding page at

I thought I’d add a picture of the two of us to show how lovely she is....

She is a primary school teacher, a keen amateur dancer, and full of energy.  Since the onset of these diseases she had lost the ability to walk, sit up, hold her head up and had to be fed through a tube in her nose.  Thanks to STEPS rehab clinic she has recovered control of her head, she can sit up, eat normally and some of the side effects of these illnesses have significantly diminished.

Unfortunately, STEPS has been persuaded to take a number of corona-19 virus patients and all the non-urgent cases have been shipped out to other clinics.  Amy has ended up 200 miles away from home instead of 100 miles, but none of us can visit anyway because of the lockdown.  Amy is still making progress and has got some limited control in her legs and has made an attempt to stand, which was halfway successful.

Our major concern is what happens next and any donation to her crowdfunding site would still be gratefully received, and can I say a big thank you to the kind people who have already donated.



  1. whatever the reason, making a wheel cannot last more than 1 year.

    1. It depends on your family circumstances over the last two years. Mine have been quite traumatic.

    2. do you really think life is very easy for us? all of us have problems too John. believe me, life is also very hard for many of us here.
      but two years is a very very long time.

    3. I wasn’t saying life is harder for me than anyone else yellow, just saying my time for working on the wheel, has been very limited. JC

    4. even with half an hour a day at hand, for god's sake John, how long constructing a wheel would last?
      You are just finding excuse after excuse.

    5. If you say so, yellow. ☹️ JC

    6. how many more years dear John?

    7. This year because I’m getting too old to risk leaving it any longer. JC 😀

    8. @ yellow. It sounds like you are starting to lose faith in our fearless and infallible leader. He's probably already got a working wheel and will be announcing it this June 6th to celebrate Bessler Day. Watch out for those claiming to make no progress because they are usually making way more progress than they want anybody to know about.

    9. This is Corona year... Not very favourable...
      BW news will fade away in the background...

    10. I am pretty sure we will forget the Corona in two months.

      Not because it will go or we will find a cure, because to normalize events after some time is human nature.
      Look back, what major events we forgot. This Corona is no different.

      But, the economic collapse may remain.

  2. Its even hard to get materials in for building wheels because of the war on osama binvirus.

  3. The point is not about one year or two years... The question is has the mystery been busted?... Whether the solution has been found at last?... If found, the individual would be so excited and he would reveal a little bit, without leaking the whole thing,... Now and then... And, this is enough to convince others beyond doubt...
    Because, the mechanism is very simple and it is easy to fabricate it by a layman...

    BW mechanism cannot be achieved through codes or clues...
    The clues are there for verification after the actual invention...
    A person with engineering experience Will not risk by delaying the announcement...
    Because, there is that lingering fear that someone May build it first...
    Taking the simplicity of BW into consideration and also the technical background of the inventor the undue delay and excuses don't just fit the bill...
    It just indicates that the complete secret is not yet known....

    1. I've been over 5 years. It's not as easy as you think. Sam

    2. I never said that it is easy... The mechanism is simple... and, building it is very easy especially to a person with engineering experience.... provided he has cracked it already...

      You can't even understand simple English... I don't know how you are going to understand the actual secret... You are just here to play second fiddle...

    3. if your design requires 5 years of work, then something is wrong about your design. we have anecdotal evidence about how long Bessler worked on his wheels.

    4. You are right, I am screwed up; but then I'm not as smart as all of your are. Sam

    5. noone says you are not clever Sam. just you should refine your design or make it smaller.

    6. What can I say, Yellow, when you are you are right! It's not for the lack of trying--------------Sam

    7. I disagree Suresh, the clues were placed in case Bessler died without being able to sell his wheel. The clues are there for that purpose and anyway why would he need to verify anything after the invention was sold? You assume that I would be concerned if someone beat me to and built a successful wheel, but you are wrong, I have said several times, I don’t care who succeeds first as long as somebody does and soon.

      I am not like you Suresh. I don’t want to patent it, I’d prefer to give it to the world. I don’t mind who gets there first as long as someone does.


    8. JC sir... What I meant was the clues are not so helpful to us until the wheel is built by us first... Then one can compare it with the clues that it is indeed BW... I was not talking about bessler in this regard...
      And secondly, no true besslerite can say that he is not concerned about competition... Who doesn't want to become Rich and Famous?...
      Don't tell me sir you are not business minded... Let me explain it... There is a stage when one realises that he failed to find the secret and it is here that he tries to cover his failure and twists the topic by declaring that he isn't really concerned who really wins...
      I am sure that this was not your philosophy initially...
      First, you tried to learn the secret and when this failed you earned through publishing...
      Every would be besslerite is initially drawn into this world to become Rich and Famous...
      You can't even think of patenting it because you have not solved it yet...
      This is very much evident from your recent saying that you are not prepared to reveal it now...
      There are a few here willing to agree with you on everything you propose...
      But, there are some who can see beyond your veil...
      The last time you published it is clear on our memory... The clues based on your codes were not of use to anyone... And, this time, we can sense it is not going to be any better... and, this is largely understood by Yellow sir...
      I am not saying all that you achieved is a failure...Not at all...
      Your blog is great... Your books are great too... Your steadfast view that it is gravity that runs the wheel also seems to hold water... Your constant guidance for a decade or so through your blog is unmatched... You have worked very hard... throughout...
      Finally, it is a pity that you don't accept the fact that you don't hold the secret till now...

    9. John wrote "I don’t mind who gets there first as long as someone does."

      Which should have been more accurately written as:

      "I don’t mind who gets there first as long as he's ME and NOT Ken B!"


    10. I understand Suresh, and I wish I could accommodate your desire for me to accept your fact that you think I don’t hold the secret, but I cannot say that because it wouldn’t be true. I wonder how many of the doubters will apologise for not believing me, when I reveal the secret - all, I hope but I’m sure there will be some who slink quietly away, never to be heard from again.


    11. Actually, Suresh, unless you do truly know Bessler's secret and can prove it with a working model or sim and not just endless talk, you cannot make any valid comments about anyone else's approach especially if he has not revealed it yet. All you can do is guess.

      Maybe you and John both have the secret which means it's the same design! Maybe neither of you have it. Maybe one of you have it and the other does not have it. If either of you have it then eventually something real will come from it and if neither of you have it then nothing real will ever come from whatever you both have. Right now what each of you have is anybody's guess and what will come of it, if anything, is also anybody's guess.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    12. First Part:

      JC wrote above "My personal opinion is that as soon as anyone sees the design, they will ‘get it’ and become convinced that it’s correct, even without a working wheel or a sim..."

      Unfortunately the internet is overflowing with pm wheel designs that many people "get" and believe must work. But whenever someone actually tries to sim or build one of them they only get another time and effort wasting non runner.

      Based on JC's history of "revealing all whether it works or not" over the years I became fascinated in the last year with both the MLS 2029 and SoS 2029 prophecies which I believe now battle with each other to control JC's destiny as far as Bessler's wheels are concerned. Because of them I think that JC will continue along for the rest of this year making hit and run efforts to get his 5 mech wheel running. When that fails he will try to recruit some sim using friends to show his design does work if it's made better than he can do.

      If they are honest they will only tell him that it just does not work and they can see no way to make it work. Still convinced that they must all be wrong since he really does not like or trust sims he will then finally publish the various clues he thinks he sees in the Bessler drawings as additional webpages on one of his sites. A few fans will say that they do "see" it. Most will just dismiss them as imaginary especially since he will have nothing that works to back any of them up and they don't happen to agree with their own clues and their interpretations of them. Perhaps a few more will try simming what he reveals but they too will only report more negative results.

      By the end of this year he will like millions of others before him since Bessler be right back to square one with no positive results. All he will really have are the clues he thinks he's found and the design he's concluded they describe that should work but does not. He'll be hoping his faith in the design will be enough to convince people it's genuine and a few of his most devoted fans will agree with him since his beliefs are their beliefs when it comes to Bessler's wheels.

      (Continued in Second Part)

    13. Second Part:

      Then he'll have a choice to make. He can sit back and become another armchair Bessler wheel philosopher like dozens of others currently floating around the free energy forums and websites spouting their various opinions which the majority ignore in which case JC's distinction will then be mainly having provided some English language translations of Bessler's writings that were not before available. If he does that then he will just be letting the pessimistic outcome of the MLS 2029 prophecy be fulfilled. Or he can make one final grab at world historical fame! That will require him to actually successfully construct a working reproduction of Bessler's 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel which KB has provided instructions to do and which is predicted that JC will make by the SoS 2029 prophecy.

      That will be a serious problem for him though because by that time he will have lost most of his enthusiasm for building anything due to his bad experience with his previous 5 mech wheel and his advancing age. He will most likely secretly enlist the help of his few builder type friends in the construction of the various parts of the wheel and pay them something for their work and materials after they vow never to reveal their involvement and also agree to sign nondisclosure agreements which he will require of all of them.

      Finally when they send him all of the parts they've made for him he will assemble them into a complete and working wheel. Since he paid them for those parts and their labor the final assembled wheel will be considered to be his construction and not theirs. It's announcement will create big news around the world and he will then have the distinction of being the FIRST person to actually reproduce a working Bessler wheel in the last three centuries! That will be the crowning achievement of his life as far as Bessler's wheels are concerned and give him historical immortality. Like Bessler he will have the fame he secretly craves but does not want to admit to having.

      I'm not a gambler type but if I was I'd be putting my money on him to make the optimistic SoS 2029 prophecy come to pass. There's just too much for him to lose if he does not.

      PS For those who may still be inflicted with that KDS problem please know that I am not KB, MLS, SoS, or anybody else other than my anonymous self. Just someone trying to call it like I see it. Sorry if it ruffles a few feathers.

      End of the Second Part of My Comment

    14. Anon 21:01 said "...he will then finally publish the various clues he thinks he sees in the Bessler drawings..."

      I think you're confused about what the MLS 2029 Prophecy actually predicts. It says that John will NEVER reveal anything he's working on, whether it works or not, even to his dying day. Nothing! Nada! Zilch! It's quite clear about that. Other than that mistake of yours I think most of what your said makes some sense. John promised someone a few blogs ago that he would publish all of his clues before the end of THIS year. Now we all sit back and wait to see if that promise, like his many others, won't again be made false by the MLS 2029 Prophecy! We're all hoping it won't this time.

    15. Thank you for extremely long comment Ken. Time will tell if you and the others are right.


    16. I don't think that John has been cursed by that prophesy from MLS or Mr. Leopard Spots. That's total nonsense. But I do think there could be another reason why he cannot reveal anything. Maybe his unconscious mind so identifies with his hero Bessler that it is actually trying to make him go to his grave just like Bessler did but not by falling off of a windmill! Rather his unconscious mind wants him to die leaving a complete mystery behind him about whether or not he ever really did find out Bessler's secret of making pm. If this is the case then he is in the grip of some powerful psychological forces and overcoming them won't be easy.

    17. anon 21:26 wrote "That will require him to actually successfully construct a working reproduction of Bessler's 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel which KB has provided instructions to do"

      I think there's little chance of that happening since JC is now so convinced that his five lever wheel is "the" one Bessler had. But, if KB's version should finally prove to be "the" one and someone else makes the first working replica of it, then JC will probably spend the rest of his life regretting he had not done it first when he had the chance. Seeing someone else walk off with all of the fame one could easily have taken for himself can be very depressing.

      I've also become addicted to following this blog daily to see how all of these possibilities will eventually play themselves out in the future. I am more sure than ever that we'll see a solution to Bessler's wheels in the next few years.

    18. I think John Collins is wondering; what did I ever do; to deserve all this sh*t?????????? Sam

    19. SK to JC: "You can't even think of patenting it because you have not solved it yet...This is very much evident from your recent saying that you are not prepared to reveal it now..."

      Assuming he has found Bessler's wheel design why would JC want to then patent someone else's invention? Would you like it if someone took your idea and patented it as his own invention?

  4. John Collins, I sent Amy a donation. Can you use part of it, to send her a dozen red roses? Please keep up the good work-----------Sam

    1. Thank you so much Sam. You are very generous. I shall indeed send her the roses. JC

    2. Great!! Sam

  5. "If found, the individual would be so excited and he would reveal a little bit, without leaking the whole thing,... Now and then..."

    that would be very naive.

  6. 6th of June is coming up.

    1. That is now considered to be "Bessler Day" by many Besslerites. Like most holidays, we should be doing something special to celebrate it in honor of Bessler and his inventions. Anybody have any ideas how they will celebrate it this year?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. SG...I have just downloaded the PDF... It is 112 mb... How do I proceed further?...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I can't find anything in tab 8...

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. SG...Yes,I checked tab 8 figure 16 and saw the weight distribution on a crossbar... But, couldn't make anything of that....

    8. Anyone not knowing what "cross bar" in Tab 8, Figure 16 that SG and SK are writing about can see it in the lower right corner of this page from Leupold's "Theatrum Machinarum Generale":

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Word salad!

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Maybe you are right...SG...
      But, to me it is all very complicated...
      The problem is I am not that much educated...
      I always looking for an easy way out...
      I somehow feel your explanation and understanding is not easy to follow... You seem to have a superior understanding... You could be right in your own way...
      Actually, I think I have the complete secret with m but too lazy to build one... All my petty jobs are carried out by others around me All the time... I am too lazy...
      Your approach is different and my approach is different but both could be right...

    13. "word salad" definition: a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.

    14. SG... I couldn't understand anything... Can you make it simpler?...

    15. Are you talking about Atlas or some Greek god?... SG...
      How do we get to know the levert's shape?...
      I think you have found a real clue...

    16. I can make out something what you mean SG...
      It could be related to Zeus...
      You are a genius really...
      You can see what others normally can't see...
      You could spot good clues in mt drawings...
      Now I can understand a bit what you mean by referring to mt 138, 11 & 2...
      The meaning of curtain and ladder also becomes clearer gradually...

    17. Some people here don't really understand you property... And, all the while, you were trying to show something important...
      Some are even ungrateful... SG...
      But please don't mind all this at all...
      You are you... whatever others might indulge in...
      This blog has got good, bad and the ugly...

    18. "Some people here don't really understand you property..."

      You're right! We all write using English and he writes using a blend of Gibberish and Gobbledygook!

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. I only see Mickey Mouse.

    22. That "smiling ghost" he sees is just the small letter c at the bottom right hand corner of the page followed by a colon : or c: which he then turned 90 degrees ccw. He's experiencing a psychological effect known as "apophenia". According to Wikipedia:

      "Apophenia is the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things. The term was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia."

  7. No... not memory space in my device... Due to lockdown here I am unable to visit shop... Only 30 mb memory space available...

  8. Update. So far over half a million COVID-19 cases in the US and over 22,000 deaths from it (a month and a half ago we only had a single death). Also, over 13 million now unemployed. How many of them will have jobs to go back to when it's finally all over is anyone's guess. Also no one has seen their $1200 US Treasury check from the IRS yet. Small business owners applying for loans from their local banks are all complaining about long delays if anyone even responds to their applications!

    The cost of fighting this virus so far in the US is estimated to be about 2.6 trillion dollars and that will be on top of the trillion or more dollars per year that the US government now routinely borrows from the future incomes of its employed citizens to keep our country running while also policing the rest of the world. Most Americans aren't being told that a lot of the government's economic recovery package will actually wind up going to bail out foreign banks!

    There is growing pressure for the states to start opening up the economy again. Trump is pushing it to happen on May 1st, but the government virus expert Dr. Fauci said that would be too risky. He has angered Trump by not agreeing with him and will probably soon be disappearing from the scene and replaced by someone who does agree with Trump. Trump has little tolerance for those who question his superior knowledge of everything. But it's not up to Trump when America gets back to work again. It's up to the state governors and they are being very cautious so as not to start up too soon and trigger a uptick in the infection rate and a second wave of deaths. The idea of a quick startup is being dismissed as too dangerous and it will have to be done slowly maybe even county by county with only certain businesses and only after everyone returning has been tested to make sure they don't have an active infection. A quick 5 minute test that will be widely available to do that is still not here but is necessary before any full start up would be safe. Unless people are confident they can go to work and shop without risking infection, economic activity will be sluggish at best. We're learning that shutting down an economy is a lot easier than starting it up again.

    A bit of good news. The recent computer models of the pandemic in the US show that by August 1st the total deaths won't be over 82,000. They will just be over 60,000. That of course is still horrible. Why the decrease? The change is due to more accurate (we hope) information being fed into the models before they are run to make their predictions. Any predictions of course can change for the better or worse in the future.

    COVID-19 is highly infectious and there is evidence it is airborne. One woman and her husband attended a crowded "born again" church service in a southern Bible Belt state despite the stay at home warnings there. A week or two later both of them were dead from the virus and along the way they infected 23 other people! How many people are currently infected in the US and don't know it can only be guessed at. It's probably in the millions and each person can be spreading the virus to several others before he or she has symptoms if they are not using the recommended precautions. Every person who is infected can infect two or three others if they are not careful. It's almost like the chain reaction in an atom bomb!

    The FDA recently approved a process using hydrogen peroxide gas to sterilize those masks that hospitals are in short supply of so they can be reused. A little more good news.

    More good news from Europe. Boris Johnson, Great Britain's smarter version of Trump, is now out of the hospital after spending three days in the intensive care unit. He says that they saved his life. Unlike many he takes COVID-19 very seriously based on an almost tragic personal experience with it.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Update. Some very good news has come along! A computer model that the federal government is using to try to predict the COVID-19 pandemic's affect on Americans has just predicted that the LAST death from it will occur on June 21st! That assumes that we continue with present mitigation efforts and that those who recovered from the infection cannot be reinfected again to spread the virus. However, some experts are saying that prediction is far too soon. It turns out that currently less than 1% of the US population has been tested for the virus so the experts are saying that any predictions based on such a small sample cannot be reliable.

      The big question now is how to restart the economy assuming that this computer prediction is accurate. Do we all just show up for work on the same day pretending that the last 4+ months never happened? Do we all show up wearing masks and gloves and avoiding any contact with each other? Do only employees in certain businesses show up? Many questions have to be answered. One economics expert said we should not expect anything looking like normal until early next year.

      Trump gave a press conference yesterday to tell everyone how much he was doing about the pandemic in the US. He bragged about banning travel from China in late January but forgot to mention that the "ban" still allowed 40,000 people to return to the US from that country without being tested for the infection. Then he jumped to what he did in mid-March to bring in experts like Fauci to advise him. A female reporter asked him what he did during February. He tried to change the subject and when she got insistent on an answer he got angry and attacked. The truth was he mainly played golf down in Florida during that month while repeatedly making fun of the pandemic at political rallies and telling everyone it was not serious! He's hoping everyone will forget about that month.

      Turns out that the downturn in worldwide business has created an over supply of oil which has driven the price way down on the commodity markets. The oil producing nations don't like that and got together and agreed to cut production by 10% to help raise the price. That's called collusion to cause price fixing. It's illegal for companies to do within most nations, but on an international level it's just good business!

      There's also a sudden over supply of food in the US. With all of the restaurants shut down to walk in customers and no school lunches being served, dairy farmers are having to dump millions of gallons of milk. Why is the government not buying up that milk and turning it into powdered milk which could be distributed to all of the people waiting in long lines at food banks? Another good question in need of an answer.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    2. Update. US COVID-19 deaths are now 26,164.

      Yesterday New York state had to add another 3700 deaths to their count of deaths so far! Turns out they forgot to include all of the people who died of it at home or in hospitals who hadn't at the time been tested to see if the virus was the cause of their deaths. This makes me wonder how many other states have also under counted their deaths. If so then the current US deaths could be closer to 40,000.

      Trump is very annoyed that the state governors are ignoring his decree that everyone get back to work by May 1st. He is comparing them to the 1789 mutineers on the HMS Bounty which I guess makes him like Captain Bligh! He claims he has absolute authority to decide when everyone goes back to work in the US and they say he needs to read the US Constitution and he will realize that isn't so. Supposedly he's never bothered reading that document even though he is the US President. With its 27 amendments it's 7,591 words in length which is about the size of two large comments on this blog!

      Those $1200 US Treasury checks that were supposed to be mailed out to those that don't have direct deposit set up with the IRS might be delayed a little longer. That's because Trump has insisted that HIS name appear one every check on the left memo side! How he loves to put his name on everything. Apparently he thinks everyone will think he's responsible for the money they are getting and will then vote for him in November's upcoming Presidential election out of gratitude. Actually, he had very little to do with those checks but wants everyone to think he did.

      Another virus pandemic expert showed up on tv and said something a little disturbing. He claims that to keep any second waves of coronal virus infection from starting up in the US we will have to continue with our mitigation efforts from now to the beginning of 2022! For example, as they start to open restaurants up to walk in and sit down customers, they will remove half of the tables in each restaurant to put at least six feet between seated customers. No more than one person at a table. The cooks and waitresses will all be wearing gloves and face masks. Anyone showing up for work or food at the restaurant will be scanned with an infrared thermometer to make sure they don't have a fever and, if they do, they will have to be tested on the spot for the COVID-19 virus. This will be our "new normal" unless we develop a vaccine or treatment for the virus before 2022 which might not happen. They didn't do this over in China and there is some evidence that a second wave is starting up there.

      Now that everyone is stuck in their homes and trying to connect with each other digitally instead of in person, ZOOM is becoming more popular than Skype for video conference calls because it's easier and faster to use than Skype. If you haven't got your Zoom app yet it's free for one on one calls and you can get it at (if you want to have a conference with more than a few people simultaneously appearing on a screen then they charge you for its use). The app takes about a minute to install. Once you have it you set up a conference call and then use it to send an email invitation to the person you want to have the video call with. When he gets it he just opens the email, clicks the link in it, and is instantly connected through the zoom site with you in seconds which is why it's called "zoom"! Most conveniently the person getting the invitation does not need to have the app on his device. You can use the app on a cellphone, laptop, or tablet and with any operating system. If you have a camera on your device, it let's you video call anyone who also has a camera on his device anywhere in the world at any time and for FREE! Needless to say, the people who run Skype are not amused by all of this zoom activity they are seeing.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    3. Thanks for that info about zoom which I never heard of before. I'll give it a try.

    4. Update. US death toll from COVID-19 now up to 34,233.

      There was a really sad story from the state of New Jersey recently.

      Based on a tip the police received, they went to a nursing home and found that they had bagged and tagged 17 of their senior citizens who died from COVID-19 and then dumped them into a shed being used as a morgue. No evidence of any attempt to transfer them to hospitals for care. Sounds like they just let them die off and then dumped them like garbage. They never notified the county coroner's office or their relatives of their deaths. It looks like they could have had some sort of cover up in progress, but someone blew the whistle on them. I hope the families of the deceased in this incident sue the nursing home for more money then God has! Sh*t like this makes one wonder what going on in all of the other nursing homes in the US. Anybody with a relative in such a place needs to keep an eye of them and make random personal inspection visits. You might be surprised at what you see happening when they aren't expecting your visit!

      The deaths in the US continue to increase, but the number per day in the urban hot spots seems to be leveling off because of all of the mitigation efforts and masks everyone is wearing. Meanwhile, in rural areas where they don't think it's a problem, the cases are beginning to soar. They have smaller populations in those states but can still rapidly spread the virus when they gather in bars, churches, and stores. Most aren't wearing masks or using hand sanitizers.

      I went shopping this morning and they wouldn't let me into the store because I wasn't wearing a mask. Fortunately, I had one in my car that I could use. The supermarket is also tearing up the front of the store and it looks like they are getting ready to install little inspection stations where anybody entering the store will have to have their temperature checked and maybe even get a nasal or throat swab for a test before entering! That will make most shoppers run to any other stores that aren't doing that. I suspect these precautions are mainly intended to protect store employees who, if they get infected, can then sue the supermarket claiming they were not adequately protected. Wonder who the customer sues if one of the store employees infects him?

      The latest conspiracy theory about how the current COVID-19 pandemic got started claims that it came out of a government virus lab located near Wuhan, China. They weren't doing bioweapons research there but just looking for vaccines for the virus. Apparently, a female intern there left the facility without following the proper safety precautions and carried some of the virus with her. She then infected her boyfriend and they both attended a Chinese New Year festival and spread it through the crowd there. When the director of the lab found out about it, he tried to cover it up to make sure the government did not find out about what happened. That is why the Chinese government told the WHO that they had no evidence of the outbreak at the time even though it was spreading rapidly throughout the population near the lab. Trump is angry with WHO and wants to cut off all US funding to them. He's hoping that will take everyone's attention away from the month of February when his administration was doing nothing about the coming pandemic other than pretending it was either a hoax or just another flu. It wasn't and, so far, it's killed about 145,000 worldwide.

      When those refrigerated truck trailers parked outside of New York City hospitals get filled with bodies, they drive them over to a small island near the city and deposit them, ten caskets at a time, into long trenches they make. The funeral homes are overloaded with bodies and cannot process any more at the present time.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    5. update. Bizarre news from Great Britain! Apparently, their NHS or National Health Service spent a ton of money on 20 million COVID-19 test kits from China so they could try to get the pandemic under control more quickly. Turns out the test kits they paid for were fake kits and useless! Big uproar over it there. Boris Johnson is also being accused, like the US' Trump, of not taking action sooner to protect his nation against the pandemic.

      Meanwhile, the scammers are out in force trying to make a quick buck off of people afraid that they might have the infection. The scammers set up fake drive in COVID-19 test sites at different locations and then they charge people $240 for a quick 5 minute test to see if they are positive and should self-isolate for two weeks. They dress up in protective equipment and go through the charade of taking a throat swab and giving it the latest five minute test from Europe or China. As they are doing that they are taking the victim's cash if he's got it or his credit or debit card info so they can steal his money or sell the card number to others to use for identity theft. Then they tell the person the test says he's negative. They of course don't do any test at all. The person if he's actually positive may then go home or to work and infect others. After they run the scam for a few hours they quickly move on to some other site before the police start to notice them. Beware of these types of scams and it you see one you think is suspicious then call the police and let them check them out.

      They mentioned that in the last month or so over 22 MILLION Americans have lost their jobs and are desperate to pay their bills. Some paycheck protection program from the federal government that was supposed to pay them some extra money on top of unemployment benefits is now broke and awaiting Congress' additional funding. Congress however is still on a taxpayer funded Easter break and won't be returning for another week or so. They don't have to worry about losing their health insurance because that's also mostly taxpayer funded.

      Trump, his rich buddies, and those who support them are eager to get America back to work again. His people introduced a sort of three stage restart plan the other day but it's up to state governors when to use it if at all. It starts by letting only those who are the healthiest and who test negative for the virus go back to work first and then if the death rate does not increase they can let the next less healthy group which tests negative get back to normal and finally lets everyone slowly start getting back into larger and larger social groups again. It's a common sense approach but relies on a LOT of tests which the US does not have yet. Don't be surprised if all of them are eventually ordered from China as they make a ton of money selling the world test kits for the pandemic that started in their nation!

      The Chinese also have their own conspiracy theory as to how the COVID-19 pandemic got started. Some of them claim it actually started in ITALY and was brought to China by Chinese tourists coming back from vacations in Italy! They claim all of the cases over in Italy prove that and the first cases actually happened in northern Italy but were not recognized or reported to WHO or the World Health Organization. Like all conspiracy theories the lack of complete information gives them some possibility of being true that many will consider to be a probability of being true and some will consider to be a certainty of being true.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    6. Update CORRECTION. The Brits only bought 17.5 million of those COVID-19 antibody test kits from China and they weren't actually fake. They were just very unreliable and giving out way too many false negatives and false positives which made them useless. The British government is demanding a refund of their purchase money. Good luck getting that back!

      Those COVID-19 test scammers are also going door to door to do fake tests! Be wary of anybody showing up at your doorstep and claiming to be from some government health agency who MUST test you and at YOUR expense because it's a "new law". Don't trust any official looking ID's or badges they may flash at you. Their real goal is to steal your cash or identity. If they show up, then call the police immediately to have their identities verified. Try to make the call without them knowing it while they wait for you outside of your home. Make sure you lock the door behind you before you make the call. You'll know they are scammers when you see them running as a police car approaches your residence!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  9. this guy must have been inspired by bessler saying therre was something special about scissor mechs.

    1. I’ve known Tony for many years. He had a thing about the scissors mechanisms. Good guy, I hope is still around.


    2. FWEIW, The scissors, or storks bill, is just a combination of levers. Levers will not work. The only exception, is; when the fulcrum, of the lever is on the center line, or axle, of the wheel. But, don't take my word for it, try it and see-----------Sam

    3. working wheel......... single minded goal, pls everyone stay focused

    4. Too bad he had to put all that work into making those scissor arms to find out his wheel couldn't work. He could have simmed it and learned that in less than an hour. What he made could also be duplicated just using four metal balls rolling through plastic tubes which also wouldn't work. Yeah, there's something special about those scissor arms. They make nice toys for kids but are useless for pm.

  10. BRAVO Gravittea!! Just look at how much space is given to topics having nothing to do with working wheel mechanics and building results!

  11. YES! A working wheel by June the 6th! Save me from my torment---------Sam

    1. May I suggest pendulums------------------------------------Sam

    2. June 6 will come and go like any other day unless JC finally reveals something here. Half are betting he will and the other half are betting he won't. I'm in the other half.

    3. I’m in one half too, not sure which though. 🤔 JC

  12. Well if John says June 6, then June 6 it is. Gosh I am getting that tingly feeling up my leg like that one guy on the news. I can't wait, finally the time has come. John will show you once and for all that he has the design. Crow is going to be on the menu for a lot of you.

    1. I haven’t said anything about June 6th this year but seeing as people have mentioned it, I’ll consider publishing something. JC

    2. Last month someone predicted that if John does not reveal anything by June 6th then he probably won't reveal anything for the rest of the year. I'm also very curious to see what may be revealed if anything. Clues are nice but we want to see the actual wheel they lead to whether what he put together works or not. As soon as it's revealed probably a half dozen here will start simming it. If it's another nonrunner we'll soon know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him and his wheel.

  13. RAFORD, I'm becoming more and more convinced that there is very little interest, if any, in how Bessler's wheel worked. Apparently, there is much more interest in insulting, belittling, and or ridiculing John Collins, in every way imaginable.

    I just wish I could let it go-------------Sam

    1. Thank you for your support Sam. I must admit I’m disappointed at the reaction of some people here, but I guess, like me and everyone else, they just want to see the solution. I’m considering finishing the book and putting up for sale ASAP, before the wheel is finished, but no promises, I haven’t made up my mind yet.


    2. Good luck to you John Collins; I wish you well--------------Sam

    3. JC writes: "I must admit I’m disappointed at the reaction of some people here, but I guess, like me and everyone else, they just want to see the solution."

      He's disappointed?! Lol! Here's something else he wrote:

      "I know this has been intensely annoying to those who need more facts to establish exactly how Bessler's wheel worked, and I can only apologise and say that the wait will be worth it even though it has taken longer than it need have...I stated, some while ago, that I knew the concept of how Bessler's wheel worked and was confident of building a working model. That situation is still the same and since then I have worked out exactly why his wheel worked without conflicting with any of the physical laws...I have been unable to work on the wheel for the last two weeks due to family demands and before that it was too cold in my work shop... I hope to return to the wheel work next week."

      Sound familiar? Perhaps it's from a few blogs ago? From a blog earlier this year? From one last year? NO! It's from a blog titled "Book and wheel update" that was posted here back on March 23rd of 2009! That was just over 11 YEARS ago! The language is IDENTICAL now to what it was back then!

      Something to keep in mind while contemplating the Mr. Lepard Spots 2029 Prophecy which says that if he's still alive and this blog is up and running in the year 2029, then his language then will be exactly the SAME as it is now and was back in 2009 and you STILL will see nothing but his standard excuses!

      Wake up, everybody. If he had anything real, he wouldn't be playing this game with everyone from year to year for over a decade so far!

    4. "I’m considering finishing the book and putting up for sale ASAP, before the wheel is finished, but no promises, I haven’t made up my mind yet."

      A few blogs ago John said he had no interest in writing books and was focusing completely on finishing his wheel. That was his number one priority then.

      I think the real problem here is that John does not actually want to work on his wheel at all. But, he recently realized that he's run out of plausible excuses for not working on it. He's over his two bouts of flu, he cannot visit his granddaughter, a quick getaway to Spain this year seems out of the question, and it's warm enough to work in his garage on the wheel. If he does not work on it now when he's stuck in his house all day then WHEN will he work on it?!

      That book he is considering "working on" is the same one he's been "working on" since 2009 according to that blog anon 00:40 above mentioned! Now he's considering finishing that book FIRST. Why now? Because it will provide him with a convenient last minute excuse to continue doing nothing with the wheel which he's been saying for months now that he can't wait to finish. Maybe the real reason he does not want to work on his wheel is because he does not want to have to accept that he might not be able to get it to ever work? Better to avoid facing that unpleasant possibility by distracting himself and everyone else here with a book he has to "work on" and finish first.

      Include me in that group that believes we will see nothing from him on June 6th of this year just like we saw nothing from him on June 6th of last year. That past Mister Leopard Spots poster hit the nail of the head when he described John by saying "a leopard does not change its spots". It will soon be a year later and I think we will see all of his "spots" right where they were last year!

  14. The blog members here who contribute represent a cross section of all the Besslerites out there. At John's blog there appears to be an explosive level of anxiety around the subject, not present elsewhere. That's because expectations have been raised over a long time, also by a few false prophets who frequent here claiming superior knowledge, with little meat on the bones to show for it. The tinder is piled and dry and just needs a spark to ignite it. The exception is Ken B. who alas isn't able to build a working wheel or convince any key builder in the veracity of his claims.

    1. I think that Ken accomplished what he set out to do. He found a solution that he's convinced works, found the clues he's convinced Bessler left to verify it, and then made sure it was published and will be available forever to any who want to know what he found. I don't think he's particularly concerned about when his version will be built because he's confident it will eventually be built by someone. I also don't think he's concerned about who does or does not believe his claims as long as he believes them which he obviously does. It must have given him much satisfaction to finally find the answers he searched for. I think few of us will ever have that kind of satisfaction. My hat's off to him.

    2. All fair points and I’m embarrassed to read my predictions both fairly recently and from so long ago. I have no excuses other than overconfidence, false conclusions, procrastination and too many other interests competing for my attention. What ever I said previously, I am trying to finish both the wheel and the book and I will try to resist the temptation to answer questions about “when” with a new prediction. So all I will say is that when the wheel and the book are ready, I will publish, and owing to my age I must get a move on!


    3. "I will say is that when the wheel and the book are ready"

      Now there is also a book to wait? sounds you have found another excuse John.

    4. There’s always been the book, yellow. Detailing and explaining the coded information.


    5. Well, I see...
      Will there any useful information about Bessler again on this blog?
      I really liked Random Documents post.

    6. I’ll try and post more random documents, yellow. JC

    7. JC wrote: "What ever I said previously, I am trying to finish both the wheel and the book and I will try to resist the temptation to answer questions about “when” with a new prediction."

      Does that mean we should forget the TWO promises you made in the last month to reveal all before the end of THIS year?

    8. 11 years Trevor has competition.

  15. What I feel about JC sir after my 10 years of observation is that first he tried to find the secret and failed and then made some money by publishing about bessler and after this he started this blog to attract fans expecting some of them may contribute info to raise another book or possibly one of the commenters may blurp out the actual secret accidentally...

    This is very much evident from his own saying that of late he hit upon new insights and his confidence is high...

    1. Suresh is right. John is really not expecting to build a working wheel anymore. He had his chance, his time is over. But soon there is another book coming to squeeze some money out of it. A working wheel is not important, the book is his main objective. That is what he is working on, not on his wheel. And this blog has google adds so we all are just clickbait. He knows what he is doing.

    2. I’m sorry you feel like that guys, but I don’t blame you. It was never about money, good job too, it’s cost me more than I could afford. The wheel and book will be finished and the we will see what you have to say about it. JC

    3. Okay, so John made a bunch of promises during the last 11 years that he failed to keep. He probably made them at those times due to an excess of enthusiasm, a need to impress people, and to give himself motivation. Yes, he disappointed many but most of all himself which can be very painful. But, who of us can say we haven't done the exact same thing? As they say "There's a world of difference between talk and action." On the plus side he has provided us with a blog that pm wheel chasers, active or inactive, could come to daily to babble, debate, and rant on or to read the entertaining babblings, debates, and rantings of others for over a decade so far. For many this blog may be their only place to post each day since they don't "fit in" over at BW forum and don't comment on youtube or other blogs, forums, or sites. That's something of value too that should not be overlooked. If this blog were to suddenly shut down tomorrow, the disappointment many would feel would be a hundred times worse than John not revealing anything on this or any other June 6th! I know that and I'm sure everyone else reading this knows it!

      We have to face the possibility that he may never reveal any of his clues, the wheel he's been working on based on them, or get any further books done. He's 75 now and may be suffering from various health problems he doesn't talk about that will make all of that difficult or impossible for him to do. Many 75 year olds are challenged just to get up in the morning, clean themselves up, and get some food in their stomachs after which they down a handful of meds they need to keep their various health problem symptoms under control. If they get anything else done during the day, it can be a major effort for them. Handmaking pm wheels can be a tedious and frustrating process that most senior citizens will not be able to tolerate for long if at all. That's why many here have suggested he switch over to simming which is a lot easier and can still provide reliable results.

      Maybe the best he might be able to do in the future will be to just post a few quick sketches of his wheel design and then discuss the different features of it and the clues he thinks justify those features over the following months. It may or may not be shown by sims to be a runner. If it is, then great. If it is not, then so be it and he can spend the rest of his days reexamining the clues and maybe coming up with different interpretations of them and different designs as a result to provide more sketches to post here. At a minimum whatever he finds might give others ideas to try or warn them about things they shouldn't waste their time on.

      Hopefully, he will find the energy to keep this blog going until he's finally too disabled to keep it operating any longer which won't be for many, many years past 2029!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    4. Thank you AaPoi. Hopefully I’m quite fit for a 75 year old, I can still run up the stairs at home if I’m in a hurry although mostly I plod! I do 50 sit-ups every morning because I find it reduces the pain of sciatica. I hope to be around for many years, never know what’s around the corner. I really believe I have the solution and I don’t want to die without publishing everything first. I don’t want to die even then. Maybe I’m wrong about the solution, but I don’t think so, even though I’ve been wrong so many times before. This last two years I’ve made a lot of progress in deciphering Bessler’s clues and finally I think I’m there. The blog will continue for as long as I can keep doing it.


    5. Come on cheer up guys... ‘Lockdown shouldn’t knock down our spirits!... The master (JC sir) will deliver soon... He wasn't all that bad as we think... It is his shrewdness or cleverness that make people misunderstand him...

      This blog has been our domain for more than a decade... His words were like manna from heaven many times...
      Maybe his present financial condition has made him go back on his promises...
      The way he handled Amy's plight is laudable...
      We would have been miserable in that state...
      But, as Marinus put it, he knows what he is doing...
      It is a pity ofcourse that he let down some who didn't lose their patience for years...
      One of them being Yellow sir...
      Come what may but life has to yellow sir said... people have a tendency to return to normalcy... As the mysterical time
      People may change... Not our faith...
      There are some good ones too...
      Yellow sir, SG, Andre Sir and many such more...
      Though ones like Ken has displayed duality...
      But the most hilarious thing is him insisting that Henry is different from him...
      Good Day...

      Stay safe by maintaining social distancing...
      This year isn't good anyways...
      If we can make it through this Corona onslaught I can bet that BW mystery would be unveiled soon...

    6. @Suresh Kumar

      I have spoken in the past to both Ken B and Henry L on the phone and I can assure everyone that they are not the same person. They also live in different states in the US.

    7. p.s. paul r.

  16. For Marinus: Did my explanation to you : (8 Apr. 15:13 to 15:50) clarify my drawing of the mechanism ? I agree, there needs to be a (near) free fall of one weight on the upward moving side and specifically, just as that weight reaches the 6 o'clock,entering the third quadrant.This would give the maximum imbalance! As you said before, "timing is everything". Your comments most appreciated.Thanks

    1. Not really. But I must admit I have not looked really hard. I am completely hooked and busy with Algodoo. You should really give it a try.

    2. @marinus

      here's what another guy did with phun which they got algodoo from and which you might want to try making something like

  17. Then why is Henry appearing after Ken's banishment?...
    Where was Henry before this?...
    Did he take birth instantly?...
    Why Henry's style as same as of Ken's...
    Why is Henry always lauding Ken?...
    Why does Henry always react when Ken is in Firing line?...
    Why are you defending Ken and Henry?...

    1. Ken was banished? When did that happen? I must have missed it.

  18. Here's something that might be of use to a pm wheel builder.

    1. Now that is fascinating! Nice link. JC

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Incredible! The top piece is actually supported by the bottom piece with a single string and the top piece cannot fall over sideways because of the other strings attached to it. What's amazing is that it is sort of rigid and keeps its shape even if turned upside down.

      Maybe something like this could be used that would cause the pieces to fold up on one side of a wheel and then to open up on the other side and that could then keep the wheel overbalanced as it turned?

      Thanks anon 07:13 for bringing this to our attention.

  19. John,
    There's no wall of skepticism to break through. According to Bessler you either know and things are easy or you don't thus things are difficult. Trying to convince people without any experimental evidence is like selling snake oil or sugar pills or more so like ingesting those things yourself. Bessler, " For
    external wheels, weights etc. - all of this sort of stuff is not the real
    thing. The wheel's own inner force must come into being without
    external momentum being applied by such devices. It must,
    simply put, just revolve, without being wound-up, through the
    principle of "excess weight", as I describe in Part I."
    My point is I sincerely believe that I have the cure for what ails you but since you've seen so many concepts and not one of them fit the bill and since you're fully committed to your own ideas (as are many) and that again as in the past maybe this thing will never happen (what are the odds?) well I must suppose I can't blame you because you have the same type of skepticism that you seek to cure.

    1. I liked the final bit of your last sentence CW. Witty and definitely true! I think part of the problem of viewing someone else’s design idea is the fear that it might be the same as your own, and that works both ways. But that fear is illogical if, like me, you actually want someone, anyone to discover and publish the secret. Why would I be unwilling to look at another persons design? Maybe because in the end I’d like to be the one who discovered and published the solution, but preferably before Its too late.


    2. At some point there must be an admission,that the secret, (Bessler's Principle) insomuch as it is actually possessed by someone else now that he's not around (and so long as no one can think of or actually produce anything better),even if it is in now merely taking the form of a feasible explanation and an amateur-ish animation, that it actually could be and is possible becoming the very thing that Bessler imagined.

    3. Sorry CW, I accidentally deleted your second comment when I removed the two you had deleted yourself. If you can remember it please repost it. JC

    4. to continue: So if the world were given another chance to appreciate this device no matter who produce/s/d it how would it be received? All of science think it's a joke and Bessler went down in history as a con man. Then there's the issue of gravity and of being dependent on the earth's properties for it to function. Is this not a loophole which would enable all who have forbidden the device to be excused for their error?

    5. Thx for tidying things up JC. All I'm saying Is that like so many others I feel I have the answer although I will ad: Bessler's assertion that the weights were the PM device, IMHO was not entirely accurate. All we really know (besides a vague description of the weights) is that there were weights and that they were enclosed within the wheel.
      Considering that If someone including myself were to find the solution who exactly would be owed the credit. My conclusion is this: When we fail who takes the credit? By rights the same person should take the credit for failure or success whichever the case may be although the latter is a rare (if not unique) occurrence.

    6. Someone once said "Failure is an orphan, but success has many fathers."

      If anyone ever discovers Bessler's secret then many others will come forward claiming they actually had it years earlier. Some will show some vague description or drawing they did publish years ago and will try to convince everyone it actually shows the discovery and maybe even that the present discoverer stole the idea from them! Others will just make faked evidence to show off hoping to grab as much credit with it as they can.

      A real discovery of anything nowadays tends to activate as many nut cases as possible looking to get some attention for themselves. This is made a lot easier now that they have the internet to help them do that.

  20. Ultimately, Maybe, either I didn't understand what you meant or didn't follow your instructions properly...SG...

    But I did find something after climbing ladder... There's also something in tab 7... But not very close...
    My question is;
    How far do all this help us solve the mystery?...
    Are you close to solving?

    I agree with you that your approach is different from others... But it is not simple...

    I also find no one else here is any closer to solving... And, that includes Ken and JC sir...

    Finally, where does all this leave us?...
    When will be finally able to solve it?...

    My approach is natural... Design is simple but was hard to figure out...
    I don't have resources or all the parts and skill to build...
    I know the concept... But, I can assure that I am not fooling around with self or anybody else...
    I know very well that the wheel can be unbalanced and simply made restless...
    The internal parts will always remain in turmoil... They have to keep performing for they are designed that way...
    It is foolproof ofcourse...
    You got to be a little skillful in metal work...
    The measurements have to be accurate inside...
    The secret movement depends on it very badly...
    Once designed and arranged in a particular way it will simply go on and on...
    Ballbearings play a great role and ease the operation to a great extent...
    It is not all that mysterical it is usually made out to be...
    I have still not made up my mind whether to go ahead alone or join someone like you...
    There's that constant fear of losing the secret...
    Whom to trust?...
    This is the nagging question?...
    How to release the design or the build profitably?...
    This blog doesn't offer us that security or guidelines...
    Everyone here is up in his own lane eventhough most are not on the right path...
    Since there is no unity there's no progress...
    Can you tell me more about your plan?... And progress?...

  21. "I have still not made up my mind whether to go ahead alone or join someone like you...There's that constant fear of losing the secret..."

    YES!! You and SG would make the PERFECT team! You don't have to worry about him stealing your secret because it's the same one he already has. Maybe it was destiny that brought you two together on this blog? Maybe that was because of a lot of good karma you two earned in your past lives and that is now rewarding you two? With that app from mentioned above you two can now stay in regular video contact with each other and do so for free. With any luck you will both have your first working wheel in only a few months.

  22. Both Ken and JC sir have exhausted themselves and have nothing new to offer us... Except maybe some more publication... Which is not going to be free...
    Ken has finally taken up two New assignments...
    He will be busy this year updating on COVID-19....
    And, in the spare time, rummage through the comments to critisize in his own typical way... While his Wheel will remain in perpetual motion in his Sim in YouTube...
    We can expect to see how lines crisscross a circle as JC sir gives us his decoded info as he did earlier once... And many, who waited curiously, will understand nothing as before...
    This cycle will continue as long as breath goes on in their bodies...
    FWIW... Some people never change...

    1. I agree Suresh. John and Ken are two pathetic losers who have no answers and never did. Thank God you and Stephen are both here to finally provide us with some real information on Bessler's wheels for a change.

    2. OMG, this is John's blog. If you don't like what he has to say, leave. You guys are pathetic losers.

    3. "Thank God you and Stephen are both here to finally provide us with some real information on Bessler's wheels for a change."

      Lol! When are they going to start doing that?

  23. Rest easy SK. You have nothing to fear as neither you nor SG have the mechanical answer to PM. Guaranteed. Bessler's or any other PM solution. What you both share is a sense of entitlement. As if that were the catalyst to success. Delusion has no common sense. If you are wondering what direction SG's spurious clues are taking you worry your head no further. He said it was Calloway's design with one small change. And Calloway's concept doesn't and can't work, with or without changes. No disrespect to Calloway who openly shared his concept for discussion and is a work in progress for him. Good day dear.

  24. Anybody thinking the Ken B wheel is too complicated should check out what these other 18th century craftsmen were building.

    1. Compared to those guys Bessler was an amateur. But none of them ever came up with a working pm wheel!

  25. Is there any webpage that I can see some example mechanisms? Like a museum of mechanisms?

    1. Assuming that you mean pm mechanisms you could try looking through this huge book by Henry Dircks that has a lot of drawings in it:


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...