Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Save Time and Money, Don’t Patent.

There has always been a question which haunts the back of the mind of the majority of seekers of a solution to Bessler’s wheel, and it is this - how do I earn some kind of financial reward if I succeed in designing and building a working version of Bessler’s wheel?

I know that some think it’s somehow immoral to seek to earn money for their work but it’s no different to earning money from any discovery.  Many researchers believe that a patent is the way to go, but I urge you to think again.  Patents are time-consuming, expensive and they don’t cover the whole planet.  They require policing to try to control patent infringements and these also have time and money costs.  So how do you get any return on all those years of trial and error?

My personal preferences is to make a reasonably good video of the wheel explaining how it works.  Post it on YouTube and select monetise it.  You need at least 10000 hits before you start to earn some money, but a video of this nature could swiftly get into millions of views. I won’t go into how you monetise a video, there is plenty of advice out there, but it is the way to go.  It takes a little effort to accomplish, but it’s much easier than getting a patent and it costs you nothing.

The result is that you have given away the secret to the world at large and made it impossible for anyone else to patent the design.  Someone will always find a way to improve a design and apply for a patent on the improvement, but that can happen even if you have already got the patent on your design.

Forget the patent route just finish a working proof of principle wheel then do the video.  Tell the world that you have significant potential improvement to the problem of climate change, pollution from fossil fuel burning and an alternative means of generating cheap clean electricity

Same instructions to self!



  1. That sounds gloomy... having spent more than 30 years of dreaming big there must be something bigger...
    BW achievement is no less a task...It has taken more than half our lifetime pursuing it... How many sleeplessness nights...

    1. Not gloomy surely Suresh, fame and fortune could still be yours.


    2. Seams to me it would require a large corporation to produce a sale-able product. My concern is; who would develop it, without patent protection? Sam

    3. Why this obsession with patents? You don’t need them. JC

  2. John, Maybe you are right. Anyway, don't want it to be buried for another 300 years. Sam

  3. I agree with all that you've said there John.
    That's why my version of a PM wheel will be called the Freewheel. It will be free for all to build and develop. That way we can clean up the planet and make it a healthier environment much quicker than if it were patented and restricted to licensed manufacturers. There are also reasons why I think patenting won't work anyway.


  4. even with a video noone will believe. look at youtube. there are hundreds of PM videos. you will be no different than them. another guy who claims that he designed a PM.

    call people to your presentation. may be some scientsits too. it might help.

    1. Yes, good idea yellow. I do have a couple of top scientists who would attend. JC

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Only if it isn’t in the public domain Stephen. JC

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes Marinus, Moment of inertia is very important. This is provided by the swinging weights. The inertia must be constantly changing as the weight pairs move inward and out but as there are a number of crossbars( A.P,page 355 ) ,this allows for smooth, not erratic rotation.

  7. Also Marinus, Bessler puts great emphasis on the system being able to cause a 4 pound weight to suddenly fly upward as a one pound weight falls ( 295) My build does this (see drawings at in which a 23 gram weight suddenly levers up a 92 gram weight. Your comments please.

    1. RADFORD, A falling weight lifting another weight won't work. In this regard the scientist are right, as much as I despise them. FWEIW Sam

    2. I don’t know how to cause a 4 pounds mass fly upward with only one pound. Not even with a 4:1 lever. The best I can think of is a kind of slingshot like a trebuchet. Bessler has pondered the question how to get the mass over the axis. Swinging might be a solution to do that but maybe they just fall over the axis.

      If you have a build that does that, then that sounds promising. But even with a single crossbar it should be able to turn albeit with great effort. I find it very difficult to interpret your drawing. I have made numerous drawings of which I was certain they would turn. The problem is that as soon as the mass is over the axis the wheel will turn back and balance. Therefore I think the secret lies in the timing of the fall instead of finding torque. In my theory torque will build up as the speed of the wheel increases. Bessler’s bidirectional wheels did only had torque after a push. He also tells us to look for a wheel that cannot balance. If the wheel cannot balance in any way, then it must keep moving.

      A flywheel is commonly used to smooth out erratic rotation. Since not all mass in Bessler’s wheel is in motion the fixed mass will act as a flywheel with a given MOI. How that relate to the moving mass (MOI) I don’t know. But there has to be a relation.

  8. Back to patents. Just to develop and improve the wheel will require a great deal of work. It has to have a governor to control the speed of it under load. It would need a specially designed generator because of it's inherently low speed. Maybe a gear box to step the speed. And like every thing now days, a computer to control it. Which means software. You have no idea how difficult it would be. I estimate 4 to 5 years and from 10 to 20 million dollars. So I say again who is going to do that? No corporation would touch it--------------Sam

  9. Follow up. John, For an individual I agree with you. But, to develop it, a company needs patents. I'm concerned that a free wheel might mean no wheel. Sam

    1. Yes Sam! patents are for companies not individuals. JC

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You didn’t offer me anything Stephen, just a load of gobbledygook. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but you did not seem to be doing more than offering tantalising hints which never materialised into anything. I tried to understand what you were saying but there was nothing for me to work with. I am open to enlightenment, but I have found my own enlightenment quite successfully, or so I believe.


    2. "...but you did not seem to be doing more than offering tantalising hints which never materialised into anything."

      And John should know because that's exactly what he did to everyone here for all of last year!

    3. I think up you must be mistaking me for someone else, I only said I would share what I know once my wheel is finished working or not. You can read so much of my code breaking if you looked, or the others listed on the right. I have provided books by Bessler plus translations, and soon I’ll provide all my latest work on the wheel.


    4. JC says "...and soon I’ll provide all my latest work on the wheel."

      The "Mr. Lepard Spots 2029 Prophecy", however, says NO that won't ever happen! It is indeed a powerful prophecy and won't be easily overcome as you and we all learned last year. Good luck finding the inner strength to finally overcome it.

  11. When I started my research into gravity wheel back in 1989 I was under the impression that it would be some original groundbreaking discovery cum invention... because of involvement of two distinct elements...
    a) the idea that gravity force could be
    directly converted into energy...
    b) and an invention of an equally fascinating
    mechanism in the form of a wheel to realize
    this idea...

    I used to daydream mostly expecting great recognition and reward... Equivalent to the Nobel Prize...

    Who thought it would end up so cheap like JC sir puts it... Post it in YouTube... just to be treated like another fraudster... or like Yellow sir said... another PM claimer...

    Now, I realize that all my dream has gone up in flames... At the mercy of YouTube hits...

    I feel that it is better to take it to the grave... hoping someone would revive it at a future ripe time...

    1. Wow Suresh, I cant believe you have become so depressed and it’s all my fault. There are plenty of ways you can earn some financial rewards for discovering Bessler’s secret, so don’t give up, it could be you! JC

    2. Suresh, At the very least; you could hold your head up. No one could take that away from you! Sam

    3. Your selfishness has no bounds SK. Pity really.

    4. SK: "Now, I realize that all my dream has gone up in flames... "

      Welcome to the club! All free energy blogs, forums, and websites are eventually choked by the smoke coming off all of the dreams of their failed pm chasing members that went up in flames.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If you want people to take you seriously GG, which I actually doubt, then do as Oystein did and start a discussion topic where you can load pictures ect. to explain the connections you see and present yourself professionally and lucidly. You come across as a drooling ignominious village idiot with less than zero cred.

    1. I seem to have upset you Stephen, for that I apologise. You are the most frustrating person to deal with, you hint, but no explanation follows. Even your last comment is too vague to understand. I have been familiar with Durers work for many years in particular melancholia, the bell, ladder etc. For me there is still no connection with Bessler. If you want people to work with you, you have to be more forthcoming. JC

    2. Keep in mind 0ystein only showed information related to coding and nothing about the wheel design. The fact that mankind is in desperate need of alternate energy makes no difference to him. Pity really.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. From Wikipedia:

      "Melencolia I is a 1514 engraving by the German Renaissance artist Albrecht DĂĽrer. The print's central subject is an enigmatic and gloomy winged female figure thought to be a personification of melancholia. Holding her head in her hand, she stares past the busy scene in front of her. The area is strewn with symbols and tools associated with craft and carpentry, including an hourglass, weighing scales, a hand plane, a claw hammer, and a saw. Other objects relate to alchemy, geometry or numerology. Behind the figure is a structure with an embedded magic square, and a ladder leading beyond the frame. The sky contains a rainbow, a comet or planet, and a bat-like creature bearing the text that has become the print's title.

      DĂĽrer's engraving is one of the most well-known extant old master prints, but, despite a vast art-historical literature, it has resisted any definitive interpretation. DĂĽrer may have associated melancholia with creative activity; the woman may be a representation of a Muse, awaiting inspiration but fearful that it will not return. As such, DĂĽrer may have intended the print as a veiled self-portrait. Other art historians see the figure as pondering the nature of beauty or the value of artistic creativity in light of rationalism, or as a purposely obscure work that highlights the limitations of allegorical or symbolic art."

      Here's an image of the engraving:

      Henry L.

    5. Thanks Ken... for the image... YES...I think SG is trying to open our eyes to something wonderful... We fail to spot it due to our ignorant nature...
      There's more in the image that meets the common eyes...
      If you are discreet enough you can't miss a certain secret...

    6. SG... my hats off to you Atlast... I can spot it in your image provided by Ken... Now, I can proudly say you are really on the right track... You are really great man...

      Tell me how many years it took for you to learn it?... when are you going to implement the same...

      I don't want to talk more about the is in the image... only those on the right track can visualize it...By
      discussing more on it may cause loss to you...

      You have enlightened me... I am on the same page... I understood this way back in 1989...

      Pls forgive JC sir for being a bit harsh with you... I too faced it... You know one thing... He is biased...

      SG... You have been right through all along...

      Shall we join together and bring it into this world?... Whatever you wish... But one thing is certain... The secret stands unveiled...

      Great man... You are...

    7. I don't interpret Durer's engraving as a depressing one at all. On the contrary, the bat thing holding the banner reading "melencolia" is fleeing in panic from the light to its right. That is the light of creativity which chases away melancholia or depression. The large female angel is designing something hidden in her lap using the dividers and dictating it to the smaller angel who is engraving it on a tablet of some sort. The female angel is not bored or depressed, she is deep in thought and being creative. The various symbols of the professions around her show that they can all involve much creativity.

      Most interesting to me as a numerologist is the magic square in the upper right corner. Notice that the four numbers in each of its four rows and four columns as well as its two diagonals all add up to 34. This can be rewritten as 3 + 4 which equals 7. 7 is a lucky number and associated with the 7th Heaven where God dwells. The magic square is located above the female angel's head and suggests that all of her creative thinking ultimately comes to her from God. This is also something that Bessler suggested when he attributed his discovery of a working pm wheel to God. The number 7 appears many times in the two DT portraits (and this is another reason why I suggest that JC should be wearing a talisman of this particular numeral!).

      Sayer of Sooths

    8. Great analysis, SoS! Makes complete sense.

    9. SK: "But one thing is certain... The secret stands unveiled..."

      It does? Strange no one else but you and SG seems to "see" it.

      @JC. You better be really nice to SG so he will do you the favor of giving you the big secret he knows about Bessler's wheels and also stop thinking that you are a "freaking idiot" who is "so self-absorbed" in himself and "so very very dull"! How could you ever get a good night's sleep again knowing that is what a "really great man" like he thinks of you?!

    10. @SoS. I'm sure you also noticed that the top bend in the female angel's right wing points to the numbers 15 and 14 in the magic square and putting them together gives 1514 which is also year that the engraving was done.

  14. OR I present a rather more pragmatic plan...tell noone sell the energy...then of course everyone will call you an evil person...that would be bad I guess.

    If the "secret" is as simple as Karl said, it is impossible to hide!
    Even today, with patent laws, they can easily copy any mechanical device with ease and sell them without any porblems.

    So, if you are in this for the money, my best bet is; borrow some money, found a company, manufacture wheels and sell them. The initial orders SHOULD (not certain) earn you a sufficient amount.

    Bessler faced a similar dilemma. Unfortunately, money makes everything more complicated.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. " enable you to have whatever you needed"

      without money how is this even possible?

  16. I appreciate everyone here... you are all doing a great job... some less and some more... some try to steer us to the right path while some make us take a detour...

    Investigating bessler mystery is a very interesting thing...a few years back, one individual from an Indian University published the mathematical equation that clearly explained that a gravity wheel can rotate and produce surplus energy... but unfortunately, I forgot his name and also lost the two copies of that magazine that carried his papers...
    I remember the name of the magazine... Invention Intelligence... from the Indian council of scientific research...
    I couldn't understand mathematics and so didn't show much interest... But the man talked about the wheel being one side heavy always... As per his equations, such a gravity wheel is possible... As per him, you only need a distance manipulator... And, I feel he was referring to the lever weight system...
    I could understand a lot from his paper...
    The lesson here for us is never ignore a hint or a suggestion or a clue contributed by it SG or anybody else, for that matter...
    Clues of all sorts should be welcomed here... and the person giving a clue must be honored... For example, Yellow sir is doing a great job... while we know what direction JC sir is currently heading... he almost drove me to a state of underestimating BW prospects...
    I bet he didn't have this notion when he was young while he was inspired by bessler...

    What I like about JC sir these days is that he has calmed down a lot... Earlier, he used to be more obsessed with his pentagon theory...
    He is more open now and that is good for all of us... Perhaps, the ravages of advancing age is dawning..., Because without him we couldn't have this lovely community...
    Please don't hurt anyone or abuse anybody... try to take it in the stride...
    Yellow sir is trying to open our eyes to the ground reality... He has lost his patience seeing us proceeding on the wrong path... certain things he says is nothing but fact...

    But I feel that there is one field where he is wrongly treading... He simply can't believe what Karl saw... And also, he miserably fails to understand that it is not at all necessary that one should be a very smart and an intelligent scientist with a versatile experience to successfully build a PM... This is his greatest blunder you can say...

    BW mechanism is simple... If only we come out of our pet obsessions miracle would happen...
    You need to device a distance manipulator... You need to list out that all which can reduce weight on the ascending side...
    I am yet to go through what SG is may take a month... but, I am a bit sceptic when a crossbar is discussed...
    Wishing you all a Corona Free life... keep up the good work and be happy...and, as for me, I remain a bit disdained and despondent... After reading this post... my dreams may really remain dreams...
    Good day...

  17. What a load of codswallop SK! I do not revere anyone who drops hints like dandruff, and just as useful. What worth in heavens name is a 'clue' without a reasoned explanation and application to the mechanical solution. None whatsoever! They are dime a dozen, on every street corner.

  18. Have patience dear... Don't spoil the show...

    Things are opening up...

    1. Suresh you do seem to take the wrong impression from things people say. For instance I didn’t underestimate BWs potential, I was offering a simpler strategy to avoid patenting. I note other examples of your inaccurate impressions of people’s words but it is up to them if they wish to correct you. JC


  19. Finally a working magnetic motor! Maybe Bessler used something like this?

    1. 2:09 minutes, the wheel speeds up when the magnets are furthest apart. Would expect it to speed up when the magnets are closer together! Suspicious.

    2. At 2:09 his hand is still touching the wheel so I can't tell much about its speed because of that. I'm suspicious of all of thick wood pieces in this model because there would be just enough room in them to hide a small electromagnet and a battery to power it. They would make it work like those perpetual motion spinner desk toys you see. I would have felt better about this motor if everything outside of the wheel especially that thick wooden base was made of clear plastic so we could see nothing was concealed in them. But, who knows, maybe he's got something real.

  20. Invention Intelligence postulation article and Sam's pendulum can easily work together by the natural action of a pendulum...

    1. Now the question is not if we already have a working is how do you monetize the secret...

      The idea of posting it on YouTube should be shunned...

      What next?...
      Contact the local government research and development department and take them into confidence before revealing the secret...

      That way atleast national award and prize is assured... And, govt can do the patenting...

      Really, as far as I am concerned, finding the secret was not such a big headache but selling the same is...

      We have disbelievers right here in this blog... If JC sir truly desires he can stand guarantee and take up the issue of selling it on behalf of the inventor... He is capable of it... But I bet he would do anything so because he wants to invent the wheel himself and reap the prospects...
      This is obvious and he just can't deny it...
      That's ok and understandable... every besslerite dreams so... but dreaming so without having the real secret is just a waste of precious time and utter folly...

      Now, who among us looks promising?... Who has the real secret?... Who can build a working wheel at short notice?...
      It is being discussed that only occasional clues are being discussed and no one has a working wheel...
      You all should know one thing... The mechanism is so simple and it is very difficult to release a more revealing clue... There's really a high risk of revealing too much...

      And, this point is not at all being understood in the right spirit...
      Ultimately, this only contributes to the rising disbelief...

  21. John .. I wonder if we could think about the problem of financial recompense to the inventor differently. My observation is that when it comes to a working mechanical gravity wheel we tend to quickly box ourselves in. It's overwhelming to some extent. The same way clue droppers just have to drop clues yet don't actually have a working wheel. My question is can it help to change the model (the way we think about it) so to speak. Make it more objective and less subjective. Let's say you had a small box about 2 foot by 2 foot which fits in any spare space. It has radio shack electronics in it. Your invention, which is a recombination of well known parts, does something special like take energy from the earths magnetic field or ionosphere and output it as useful free energy. Everybody could, with some practical ability, inexpensively build one in a week or two. They could then supplement their monthly energy costs by energizing things like air con units and water heating etc. Ok .. now it sounds like a working rare earth magnetic motor technology. What's the practical way for the inventor to monetize his invention ? Already he has the ability to reduce his reliance on the national grid (providing he keeps it dark so laws aren't passed outlawing it) but that is a saving and not a revenue stream. He could hook up fake solar panels on his roof etc and be more overt about it but that wouldn't work for everyone.

    He could go to a major power utility company, investor, oil exploration company, or university etc, who are always heavily reinvesting profits strategically into infrastructure to keep the lights on and sell them the technology. He could also approach the government with the same proposal ? He could monetize a You Tube video as you say but what would be the less risky and most financially rewarding for him ? Yes, I know all the conspiracy theories about things being deliberately shelved and buried etc, bumped off, national security etc. He could for instance have a non performance clause it his contract i.e. if the product is not rolled out nationally within a certain time frame he will be paid (or nominee) 'x' amount of $ and regains exclusive ownership of his machine to do what he will with. As a back up I'd have a back up plan to publicly release as extra insurance to ensure everyone plays nicely together in the sand pit.

    The magnetic motor model is not too far removed from what we are considering here in your topic. Does anybody have any other novel ideas on how the inventor should proceed, if he can be bothered with the drama ?


    1. There was an inventor named William Skinner who developed a "torque amplifier" machine during the 1930's that appeared to be producing free energy. He notified his local power company of his device. They ignored him for months but finally sent engineers to his workshop for a demonstration. They confirmed that his claims were genuine although they could not explain how that should be possible. He had no patent on his machine and did intend to get one. He simply wanted to give his invention to the world for free. Result? Absolutely nothing came of any of it! Here's a short Pathe newsreel about the device that was shown to the public in movie theaters at the time:

      Henry L.

    2. Interesting thinking fletcher. I’m not a believer in the conspiracy theories you alluded to but there is a slight concern. How do you prove to an investor that you have a real working wheel? I’m not confident that an NDA would protect you although I guess you could ensure that the investor was honest, but even then you need to persuade him of your own honesty. I do have a couple of top scientists who are definitely on side who could introduce investors. More later when I’ve thought more about it. Thanks for that.


    3. Elon Musk type of an investor might be interested. He looks like a decent guy whou would pay you.

    4. I wouldn't go to an oil company. It is heavily competitive with their profitable product. If you want to go for a patent, you need to find a strong financial partner who benefits directly. Such as an energy company or a windmill manufacturer. If you prove the idea/design is viable then they might decide a patent is viable. Of course you have to show the secret. But if you do that in the presence of a notary under strict conditions then the idea is still yours.

      Don’t borrow money for financing the patent on your own.

    5. JC wrote : "How do you prove to an investor that you have a real working wheel?

      I’m not confident that an NDA would protect you although I guess you could ensure that the investor was honest, but even then you need to persuade him of your own honesty. I do have a couple of top scientists who are definitely on side who could introduce investors."

      So lets keep with the magic box analogy. How do you prove it is the real deal ? You don't walk in to an appointment with and investor alone. You take your pet scientists (of some repute) with you after convincing them it is genuine by showing them the inner workings and parts (using an NDA and Confidentiality Agreement etc). This is where a university is useful as they're usually full of academics wanting to make a name (even by association) and can do with a share of royalties for patenting, licensing, and scale of production opportunities. N.B. this is why I like the straight to government approach with your non partisan scientific support.

      Of course whilst the scientists get to see the inside of the box (and understand why it works, and swear on a stack of bibles by it (reputation protection)) the investor does not. You run the box and prove its validity by its output driving various appliances etc over an extended time. You have in your back pocket the scientists sworn testimony. N.B. where Skinner went wrong is that he didn't loop it back to his 1/8th hsp motor IINM. THis would have proved it was self sufficient and able to drive the lathe etc. This is why there were doubts about his 1200% claims.

      Marinus wrote : "I wouldn't go to an oil company. It is heavily competitive with their profitable product.

      If you want to go for a patent, you need to find a strong financial partner who benefits directly. Such as an energy company or a windmill manufacturer.

      If you prove the idea/design is viable then they might decide a patent is viable. Of course you have to show the secret. But if you do that in the presence of a notary under strict conditions then the idea is still yours.

      Don’t borrow money for financing the patent on your own."

      All good advice Marinus with which I substantially agree. Another reason I like straight to government. Convince them you have the technology to make them (your country) the new Saudi Arabia of oil. Everybody needs big cajones to work thru it and withstand the political pressures of fair trade partnerships etc. Not to bad if you form alliances with other governments under license to produce and sell.


    6. P.S especially those that import all their oil and energy needs, at the whim of OPEC, and at great cost. Share the benefit around to lessen the risk and maximise the return to you the inventor. And make sure you are recognised as the inventor and discoverer of the technology.


    7. Error. I wrote above "He had no patent on his machine and did intend to get one." That should have read "He had no patent on his machine and did NOT intend to get one." Sorry about that.

      Henry L.

    8. I think western governments won’t burn their hands on it. In Europe they are creating legislation to prevent countries to interfere with the “free” market. Besides, whatever you do, they will tax it and have their share anyway. However, I have been thinking selling it to China. :)

  22. Thanks fletch, plenty to think about but it clarifies things for me. JC

  23. Dear Sir John. Write still what would you do?
    I know you don't believe in miracles but if it turns out ......
    It is generally known that in order to make an invention, one must discover the principle of its operation.
    Assuming that if Bessler's invention uses an unusual phenomenon unknown to science, would you also make a video and upload it to YouTube and just make money?
    As you know, Bessler loved his God and the wheel was not his god.
    Now please respond to the possibility of a new situation. How would you act then?
    I think that this possibility should be taken into account.
    I think this might be the topic of your post.
    I apologize for my boldness. Please - no offense.
    Best regards.

    1. I would contact a couple of scientist I have been corresponding with for many years to see if they are still interested in finding investors to develop the machine. If I hit a wall, I’d still consider the YouTube video, but who knows what the future holds.....wait and see I guess. JC

  24. Thank you for your answer. Let me ask you again. Do you think that only the scientific side is responsible for the operation of the circle?
    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    1. Just saw this, sorry, but not sure what you mean. JC

    2. You once wrote that you are an atheist.
      I wanted to ask you so that I would not violate your lack of religiosity.
      That's all.

      Best regards.

  25. Update. The US is once again a world leader! But it's in total corona virus cases! 277,607 total cases and 7,406 total deaths so far! Back on March 1st, about a month ago, the US only had one death. Many of the millions of Americans who have been laid off from their jobs in the last month are wondering why they are losing their health insurance in the middle of a pandemic? Good question. It's being predicted that April will be a very bad month over here.

    In the last two weeks about 6.6 MILLION more Americans filed for unemployment benefits. Know those $1,200 checks everyone is supposed to get from the IRS? If you have direct deposit, then you MAY get one in 3 to 4 more weeks. If you don't have direct deposit and are waiting for the check to be mailed to you, you may have to wait another 4 to 5 MONTHS! Hope your landlord is the understanding type.

    Over in Great Britain 8% of the healthcare workers are now infected. Despite all of their precautions, healthcare workers around the world are getting infected and dying. In Italy, however, there's a bit of good news. Their death rate has dropped from 900+ down to 700+ per day. Complete shutdown of their country seems to be helping.

    There's still a critical ventilator shortage in the US. Units that previously cost $25k each are now $40k each...if a state can get them! The governor of New York state says he will need another 400 ventilators every day to meet the increasing demand for them. Most people aren't being told that if one gets sick enough to be on a ventilator to breath, there is only a 20% chance it will save his life. Those refrigerated truck trailers in the hospital parking lots are for the other 80%! They are starting to install shelves in them to keep the cadavers separated.

    A lot of "red" states still have not ordered people to stay at home and shut down any businesses that make people gather in large groups. Many churches in these states are still holding Sunday services with thousands attending and sitting packed together. One woman driving out of one of them was interviewed and said she's not worried because she was "washed in the blood of Jesus". When told she might have no symptoms but could infect others she said that was their problem if they were not also so washed!

    More evidence that just talking or breathing by an infected person who still has no symptoms can send out corona virus into the air and infect others. No real evidence that those often homemade "non medical grade" masks everyone is wearing will make any difference in protecting the wearer. Even if they offer a little protection, virus could still land in a person's eyes and infect him. Adjusting the masks also makes one touch his face more which is the worst thing one can do after touching any surfaces in public.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Update. 1,244,562 COVID-19 cases so far worldwide. Total deaths due to them are 67,865. That means that of the known cases about 5.45% resulted in the death of the patient despite treatment. This is more than double the 2% that the US health authorities claim the actual death rate is. Someone's using the wrong numbers!

      Meanwhile, all 1.34 billion citizens of India are under a total lock down. They have only reported 99 deaths so far but they haven't really tested that many for COVID-19 and many others who died from respiratory failure could also have been COVID-19 victims only they were not counted. "Social distancing" in their packed cities is very difficult.

      More focus being placed on Trump's initial inept response to the corona virus pandemic. Some are referring to it as a "9/11 type failure" that will actually cost more American lives than that terrorist attack did! Apparently it took a full 70 days from the first announcement in China of a very serious problem until the Trump administration began to take serious action. He initially claimed it was all a big hoax and joked about it in his tweets and campaign rallies. Now he's claiming he's a "wartime President" and was on top of it from the very beginning. The actual facts however do NOT support that claim. He of course quickly labels any news he does not like as "fake news" and hopes his hypnotized supporters will all quickly agree which they usually do.

      A Nobel Prize winning economist recently said that he thinks the unemployment in the US will be worst than the 25% during the Great Depression of the 1930's and this time the "Corona Virus Depression" will be worldwide. He says it will take years to get back to normal again if that is even possible and will require the cooperation of every country on our planet. Right now a lot of countries like Italy are going broke trying to managed their share of the pandemic. This could eventually lead to collapses of global bond, currency, and stock markets. Many businesses will be going bankrupt and no longer in operation when it's all over and everyone is ready to go back to work again. It will change the economics and politics of the world for years.

      Governments can keep pumping borrowed money into the system to keep things running at a minimal level and then just run up enormous national debts or they can begin to let things slowly collapse as everyone's standard of living is greatly reduced worldwide. That will be rough for those living in the western world because they are used to comfort and convenience. They could wind up finding out what living in a Third World country is like!

      The doctors are starting to treat the sickest patients with drugs not actually approved for viral infections and even antibodies extracted from the blood of those who recovered and are now supposedly immune to another infection. No reports yet on whether or not any of these desperate measures are working.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    2. Update. Total US corona virus deaths now over 10,000 and still climbing up the slope toward the apex. Whether that will be a sharp peak that rapidly drops off within a week or a flat plateau that continues for several weeks more is anyone's guess.

      Sad news from Great Britain. Their Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now in an intensive care unit battling his COVID-19 infection. He had been sick for about ten days with a fever and cough that just would not go away. They decided to move him there to keep him near a ventilator just in case he needs it. Russian intelligence has been circulating rumors that he's already on a ventilator, but there's no proof of that. Hopefully, he won't require one because, if he does, there's about an 80% chance he will die on it.

      Some disturbing patterns are being seen in people with COVID-19 infections. They will appear to be getting better and then, all of a sudden, they take a turn for the worst and die! There are patients who went to their hospital to be checked out and were told that they only needed to go home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. They died later that day! There's a theory this sudden turnaround is being caused by something called a "cytokine storm" in which the patient's immune system is over stimulated by the virus. That then causes hypersecretion of mucus in the tiny air sacs of the lungs that so block their passing of oxygen to the blood that even a ventilator supplying the lungs with 100% oxygen cannot compensate for it. Without sufficient oxygen in one's blood his organ start shutting down and then he dies.

      However, despite that I still intend to take those 500 mg of vitamin C per day to keep my immune system strong. I did some research and found out that while vitamin C strengthens the immune system it also helps the body produce its own anti-inflammatory chemicals to counteract the excess inflammation caused by infections. I read that intravenous vitamin C is now being given to some seriously ill COVID-19 patients in an effort to keep them off of the limited number of ventilators that are available.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    3. Update. Another 24 hours have passed and another 1,000 Americans have been killed by COVID-19. The governor of New York state, which currently has the most number of cases and deaths of all of the states, says that the number of deaths per day there seems to be leveling off. But you can't tell much by a day or two's numbers. The death rate might level off for a day or two or even decrease a little and then more than make up for it in the following days. It also looks like the pandemic is spreading out east of New York City to the towns in Long Island as more and more people in them are winding up in hospitals.

      Another bizarre story is emerging in the US national news.

      In late January a trade advisor in the Trump administration wrote an official White House memo in which he warned that the COVID-19 epidemic in China could spread to the US, kill one million Americans, and cost trillions of dollars to the economy. Apparently Trump either saw that memo and ignored it or it never reached him because those handling it realized it did not fit in with Trump's "It's all just a hoax by the media to ruin my reelection" conspiracy theory! That then resulted in the two month delay in preparations by the US to handle the soon coming cases here and would be responsible for thousands of extra and unnecessary deaths! As the story is pursued by the media look for Trump to push more and more of the blame onto others and away from himself.

      The latest news on Great Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson, is that he is not yet on a ventilator, but is stable with just standard oxygen therapy which involves a small loosely fitting plastic tube, a "cannula", that delivers oxygen into one's nostrils as he breathes normally. It does not interfere with one's speaking or eating or drinking. He's temporarily handed control of their government over to their Home Secretary who is normally only responsible for the internal affairs of England and Wales and for immigration and citizenship in the United Kingdom.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  26. Marinus, Occasionally I see where some one has removed a post. Do you know how to do that? Sam

    1. You can only do that if you have an google or blogger account. Since I have my google account I can delete posts. I cannot modify it but have to delete and re-post it.

    2. OK, Thanks , thanks for the information, Sam

  27. Important news for all burned out, alcoholic pm wheel chasers. The latest medical research shows that vodka over ice can cause kidney failure, rum over ice can cause liver failure, whisky over ice can cause heart problems, and gin over ice can cause brain problems. Apparently, ice is really bad for you! Warn all of your friends!

    1. LOL! Good one, anon 17:35! I'll be drinking mine "neat" from now on. Don't what to risk any of those health problems caused by ice!

    2. Thank God life essential businesses aren't being closed down during this pandemic like doctor offices, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, super markets, and, most important of all, the liquor stores! I wonder if staying stewed throughout the next couple of months can protect us from Covid-19 virus? I intend to find out!

  28. i have a contact that works inside of Elon Musk's organization with credibility to the organization. He is a trusted friend and< I believe will be able to make the direct contact with a video of a working wheel without getting into a verification process. I believe he (Elon) has the vision and need for a device exactly like this.... with his solar roof panels electrical storage system and the controller. Yes, I think he is a great option

    1. Sounds good, now all you have to do is make a working whee. 🤔. JC

    2. Gravittea, Are you working on pendulums? If so; Bessler's wheel must have used pendulums. Nothing else will work. Just, have to find a way to swing them out on the down side. Don't get me wrong; I still haven't found a way to do it; but not for the lack of trying. Sam

  29. John .. I think a graduated response is probably most practical for you, and your family needs etc ... If you are not able to get your wheel to work, for whatever reason, be that your workmanship is not up to the task thru to an unworkable design, then a monetized YOUTUBE video is an option. It would have far greater public reach than a book from you. That said I favour the book option from you because you are in a unique position of history and credibility within the PM community and people would pay, especially for a digital copy I should think. You might even link the book to a shortened video presentation to maximise your leverage opportunities. If it is the former reason then having a well known scientist like Hal Puthoff etc endorse your design would further enhance credibility factor and sales of the book. If it is the latter then it is unlikely that any renowned scientist is going to endorse your wheel which reduces the leverage possibilities.

    If your wheel 'works' then these points are somewhat moot. Your scientist friends should be able to introduce you to investors, including preeminent universities like Stanford etc. They can develop it further and protect your discovery with patents etc, in order for them to commercialize it (for a share). And they might also handle all the contractual arrangements of inter country licensing etc. They have the clout with other universities, the scientific community, and governments. And the financial where-with-all to defend the patent internationally. That is a market and production risk they'd have to assess. Risk and reward analysis to protect a simple mechanical arrangement that doesn't break any Laws of Mechanics. That's all going to take at least a few years to put together as development continues behind the scenes. A private investor would do much the same with more of a commercial risk focus. SWOT analysis : Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats. All businesses do this continually.

    Others like Perpetualman as an example probably don't have the community clout you do. So their options are probably more limited than yours to monetize their invention, one that is easily and cheaply copied around the world.

    Just as an aside. If you where previously prepared to monetize a YOUTUBE video of your working wheel what about adding a link to a Go FUND ME page ? I'm sure that people like me would watch the video presentation (where you earn add revenue) and also donate some amount. A lot of small somethings adds up to a lot of something if enough people contribute what they can, connecting as it were with the human story behind it. Doubling down ! You need a marketing company/department involved to pitch it properly.

    That's why I find I have more clarity to think of it as just a magic box, that the inventor may require a commercial return on. How might he do it ? Just another potential commercial idea that could become a ubiquitous household item if done well. Albeit having very low barriers to entry which is not desirable in most instances.


    1. Thanks again fletch. I must return to the wheel in my garage but it’s so cold here and I’m just over flu ( ordinary flu!). Currently trying to finish my book, but there are so many illustrations.


    2. @John Collins. Don't worry about your number of book illustrations. That Ken Behrendt guy loaded up his book with about 60 of them! The more you have the better especially of the clues you found in Bessler's drawings. But you have to be fully prepared to NOT have a working wheel to show. Ever. You can always claim you don't have the skills or tools to build it. Nothing wrong with making such an admission if it's true. Just being honest. Hopefully that Fletcher pal of yours can make a working computer sim out of what you have and preferably before any book is released about it. Without that you will just have another design that others with different pet approaches will only sniff at and then quickly say is all in your imagination. If they start to make sims showing it does not and cannot work then you wasted all of your time writing the book and it will be completely ignored. You definitely need at least a working sim. That will get everyone's attention and give those with better skills and tools motivation to try to build it for you. If they are successful who knows where it will lead!

    3. John Collins, How cold is it in your shop? The first night we were in England, it snowed in Cornwall; and that was in the middle of August! Sam

    4. Hi Sam, not sure of the temperature in my garage, but it sure is draughty! And having just recovered from two bouts of flu in the last three and a half months (neither were covid-19) and at 75, my wife insists I make very sure I’m warm enough. So I’m waiting for some warmer weather, but getting impatient. JC

    5. To anon @ 16.22. I’m confident I can finish this wheel, but as you say, I good sim would go a long way to proving it, with or without a working model. JC

    6. Yes... Yellow sir is right...
      If you try out the MT drawings, one by one, you may spot a movement...

      Bessler has scattered the clues among these drawings... They are strewn all over...

      Some talk of crossbars, some of pendulums and others suggest levers and weights... But what exactly bessler could have used ?... How simple is the simplicity itself?...
      Why is it so elusive to us?... What can dodge gravity?... How to raise the weights effortlessly and still have enough force to keep the cycle going?... what really is the key to success here?...

    7. Suresh, I disagree with you. The MT drawings are useless! But, then I lack your superior brain power----------Sam

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I wish you all would explain it to me; so I would know----------Sam

    10. Sam, this higher knowledge is only meant for SG and SK to comprehend at this time. It is not meant for the lowly likes of the rest of us. You must continue to patiently study all of the MT drawings and meditate on them daily like they have done and then, after many years and only if God is pleased by your devotion, you too may some day be permitted achieve the same level of enlightenment that SG and SK now have. How happy you will be if that day finally arrives for you! Meanwhile you must follow every thing that SG and SK write here and mediate on it daily as well. We are all so very lucky to have them posting here because without them we would never find the secret of Bessler's wheels. God bless them for so favoring us all.

    11. 16:51 Yes, I see; I should be counting my blessings!! Sam

    12. Follow up; MT drawings. Maybe I shouldn't say they are useless. But, at the very least they are not very help full. For example. Pendulums. About 16 drawings show pendulums but little or nothing on how they were used, if they were used. So, I say, forget them--------- Sam

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. If I done that, built a working model, do a pdf explaining how it works and videos on youtube, could I also build models and sell them on maybe ebay. I am thinking for a few hundred each, but could I also do that without having to patent, build and sell working models ?

  32. SG...I am yet to rectify my mobile phone and laptop... It is a total lockdown here... So I haven't looked at Tab 8 figure 16... Corona cases are increasing here... My own survival is in question...

    You are right about mt drawings...... It is like searching a needle... But if you know what to look for then the possibility is more... But it is there in the MT...

  33. That is one way. Whom ever you decide to team up with has to have the horsepower to protect your incredible invention. I believe that I have enough folks here is Texas to purchase 20 of your working models. Keep us all updated as you move forward, and please hold up our leader, John Collins, as a principal contributor to this great accomplishment.

  34. But our leader is not on the same page... He has his own pet theory and design which doesn't seem credible to us... This was proved earlier already... When he published then... Our memory is clear... In that regard, Ken's design is far superior...
    But who will listen to us?...
    There's the fear of outcasting anyone who protests?...
    BW mystery investigating is not like that...
    An open mind is mandatory...
    Matter is serious... 300 years elapsed... Yellow sir has lost faith in us... This should be an eye-opener... And there is this Ken nuisance... Corona is more threatening than global warming and pollution...

    Since we lack the seriousness... The future seems grim...

    1. Suresh, I confess your comments about me are a constant mystery. How can you suggest that my theory and design are not credible? You know nothing about my design because I haven’t told anybody.

      Ken’s design is utter hogwash and is way too complicated anyway. He includes 40 cords in it - come on, Karl said it was simple. What is simple about Ken’s design?


    2. JC sir... Your design is based on pentagon... The yellow lines connecting five points of the wheel suggest so... It is perennially displayed at the top of every blog... And, as long as this remains there every one is bound to misunderstand... Suggest correction of the same at the earliest...
      You are supposed to be the authority of Bessler information... But this five point connecting yellow line superimposed on the original BW image is highly questionable...
      Pls don't take all this as offensive...
      Everytime, I comment this way, it is instantly followed by an anonymous chiding asking me to leave... Hope it is not you...

    3. John wrote "Ken’s design is utter hogwash and is way too complicated anyway. He includes 40 cords in it - come on, Karl said it was simple. What is simple about Ken’s design?"

      Ken would probably not agree. He would just say that the design he found only has eight weight carrying levers inside of a one way wheel's drum and some neatly arranged cords to coordinate all of their individual motions during drum rotation. If you divide 40 cords by 8 levers you have 5 cords per lever. But, if I understand his design correctly, only 2 of those cords actually control the swinging motions of their lever around its metal pivot rod attached to the drum. The other 3 cords are very short and just connect the lever to the ends of two stretched springs and to the drum to limit the motion of the lever as it swings about. They are just extras that a slightly different design might be able to eliminate which would then mean only 16 cords would be needed. He claims that these cords are critical to the wheel maintaining its overbalance during rotation. Without them there can be no pm.

      How simple one considers something to be really depends on what he compares it to. Compared to a mechanical clock, a sun dial is simple. Compared to a sun dial, a stick in the ground casting a shadow is simple. Compared to a stick in the ground a stone on the ground casting a much shorter shadow is simple. It's all relative. If Ken's design is "the" one Bessler used and Count Karl compared it to some complex mechanical clock in his collection, he might well have thought Bessler's wheel was simple by comparison.

      John's insistence on five separate uncoordinated weight lever mechanisms in his wheel will probably make most reject it as being Bessler's design unless he has some very convincing clues to verify it which we have not seen yet. He may be rejecting Ken's approach now, but later, if he ever reveals what he's found and does not have at least a working sim shown in a video to back it up, he may have to deal with far worse rejection.

      Of course, at that time he may just declare that he KNOWS he's found Bessler's design based on HIS interpretations of the clues HE'S found even if he has no working model, no working sim, and no one else agrees his clues are valid except a few of his fans. It's kind of like those who insist God is real although they have no real physical proof of his existence. What they have is called "faith" which does not require any real proof. John could actually go to his grave continuing to have faith that he actually did find the secret of Bessler's wheels and convinced that after he's gone someone else will finally build an accurate and well made model based on it that will work. His design will then get posthumous acceptance from all. On his gravestone he may even leave a large blank space that his descendants can have the words "See, I told you I really had Bessler's design!" inscribed on. I wonder how many others may have done the exact same thing during the last three centuries?

    4. John Collins, All I have to say is; this guy is relentless!! Sam

    5. Anon 22:32 makes a good point. Simplicity is something that is really in the eye of the beholder. What one person considers simple another may consider complicated. We cannot use how simple some wheel design looks or doesn't look to decide if it is Bessler's original design or not. We have to use the fact that it works and that it fits the most obvious interpretations of the various clues we have or think we have. If the clues are translated descriptions by Bessler or others then we have to make sure the translations are as accurate as possible.

      I also applaud John's and Ken's efforts to finally solve the Bessler wheel mystery, but we have to keep in mind that neither has a real working wheel yet despite all of the talk. And the year is still young. We may see several others come forward during the remainder of this year pushing their different wheel designs as the original one Bessler had and even providing their interpretations of new clues we've never before seen as proof of their claims. I think that this could be a very interesting year in the history of Bessler research.

  35. John is on the page of FINDING A SOLUTION BASED ON CLUES.

    He said he found the clues and has the right to build a wheel based on those clues. End of discussion. SK stop your ranting and whining and build. Until you become a builder of many wheels, you won't be taken seriously. Seriously, maybe you should go create your own blog and leave this place to the doers.

  36. Even 16 cords doesn't make things simple...
    A single spring on each lever will suffice for the control...
    Ken has desperately failed and there's no doubt in it... There's nothing original or any innovation visible in his design...
    All that can be lauded about Ken is that he has been candid enough to reveal everything he had eventhough, it isn't worth even a dime to us... Total Ken style speculations... Boring to even go through the excerpts...

    The problem here is a very common one... Understanding bessler mystery takes a different approach and dedication altogether... Yellow sir has put it very nicely... A wide field of practical experience combined with a very genius mind is involved... If bessler could prevent prying eyes into his secret for 300 years with simple clues laid out in a clever manner that itself is not a mean achievement...

    He was a serious guy... He didn't behave like a joker... He didn't play any role of second fiddle like some still do here... stable mind as far his secret mechanism... It is like greedy distractors present now that prevented him from selling the secret...

    1. Suresh I never comment anonymously on this blog, or any other. The pentagon displayed at the top of my blog is there for all to see. It is there for very good reason but that will have to await publication of my book and video.


    2. Anon.22.32, aka Ken, writes at length as usual. You make some reasonable points, but calling your design simple is stretching the truth considerably. I don’t think Bessler would have been so concerned about people thinking his wheel wasn’t worth the money once they found how simple it was. I don’t think Karl would have said he was surprised that the secret had not been discovered before.I never said my weights were uncoordinated.

      The evidence I shall produce, derived from Bessler’s clues will be very convincing. Have no doubt Ken, Bessler’s design is much more simple and easily understood than the complicated design you have published, and once seen no one will have any doubts.


    3. Suresh wrote: "There's nothing original or any innovation visible in his (Ken B's) design..."

      I was told by Ken a while ago that he sent a link to his youtube wheel video to a retired physics professor who runs a website dedicated to debunking perpetual motion machine designs. After months of waiting he finally got a reply and the professor said the design was unique and that Ken should get a patent on it even though the professor thought it could not work. When Ken asked why he thought it could not work, he could not get a straight answer out of the professor. Their communication eventually ended when it became apparent to Ken that the professor had lost his objectivity when it came to Bessler's wheels and could only keep saying that they had to be hoaxed in some way and that's how he continues to describe them on his website. Ken said he sent him a Bessler quote to consider but got no response. That quote was a message that Bessler had for one of his main detractors named Christian Wagner:

      "Because Wagner is incapable of inventing such a device as mine, he thinks no one else in the world can. He's the cleverest man of all who live on this earth. But, if only he could thoroughly cleanse his
      ears of the wax of hatred which is blocking them up, he'd soon realize, as many honest people do, that the world of mechanics is one that no one can fully fathom. This being the case, why shouldn't the great Perpetuum Mobile have a place in it somewhere?"

      If I had sent the professor a quote it would have been something that the fictional Chinese detective Charlie Chan said in one of his movies:

      “Mind like parachute...only function when open.”

      Henry L.

  37. Guys I love the fact that Ken may have found a solution. I think my solution is also not a Bessler design. All this means is the possibility of PM exists in different ways. Why are we fighting over this - it is a good thing.

    1. Ken definitely has an interesting design. I've looked at many designs over the years and haven't found any like it yet. But until he or someone else makes a real wheel based on it then it's still just speculation. Simulations are nice but they can give false results at times. I don't think anyone chasing a design that does not look exactly like Ken's should stop what he's doing and start chasing his design. There could be many different designs that will work and maybe work even better than Bessler's. Anyone who finds one of them won't just be copying Bessler's wheel. He will have something original and he will actually be another Bessler and maybe with a better wheel. That would be big news too.

  38. THIMC,
    I think it's a mistake to build something until you understand the principle that Bessler alluded to in his writings:
    " Once more I will humbly extol the virtues of this passage to my next worthy reader. Even Wagner,wherever he is now, will have heard that one pound can cause the raising of more than one pound. " He also said that ingenious ideas of adding extra weight/s "here" and "there" would make you wheel heavier. He asked if people would ever understand what he was getting at. He tried to sell it as he saw fit. He died without selling it and now he's gone... and as for questions I have heard/read that he answered lots and lots of them.
    Everyone has vague notions from time to time about aspects of the machine in question but no-one apart from Bessler himself has ever came forward with so much as a public demonstration. Could it be that our dear Newton among countless other great minds just didn't have that special something that it requires to get this thing into the world? Could it be that our eminent scholars just don't get the true mechanics and laws that govern our cosmos? Could it be that Bessler had one up on everyone who has ever came to play in this particular ballpark? I say yes he was more clever and more of a craftsman because regardless of how simple the device might end up to be the process of inventing/understanding it could take more than a lifetime as there are many examples of this in history. So sit tight my fellow mobilists and fear not that the thing will never be. It may not be a John C. or a Ken B. who has the right idea or some other fellow who has accomplished much else, but rather it COULD be someone of ill repute and tarnished reputation who has accomplished nothing special but perhaps has put himself to the task with an open mind and a true desire to know the truth of this albeit well documented and group-involved mystery that finally solves it. So fellows take my advice and don't hold so fast to individual notions... If you keep looking and not pass what you already know by the wayside the Mobil' will reveal ITSELF.
    Christo4_99 aka cwforshort aka Chris W. aka Todd

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. A dog wags its tail...

    What does Bessler mean?...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Let us see what others have got to say...

    1. SK wrote "A dog wags its tail...What does Bessler mean?..."

      That may describe the motion of a lever as it moved from the drum's 6:00 to 9:00 and swung its weight closer to the axle. After 9:00 the lever reversed its motion and swung its weight back toward the rim of the drum again. It did not make contact with a stop in the drum until it passed 3:00 and then it made a thump noise. The lever's motion reminded Bessler of a dog wagging his tail. Unlike everyone else Bessler would have been able to see his wheels running with the sides of their drums uncovered so he could better see the wagging tail motions of the levers.

    2. Let us wait for others also to try...

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Google revealed dog Chuck...

    Let us see how JC sir explains it...

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When my friend Mike Senior translated AP he said that as far as he could tell, the words used in the passage beginning with, Greed is an evil weed/plant..’, included many examples of jargon, i.e., words or phrases commonly used by trades and professions.,So when they were translated into English, they became meaningless. I think I discussed this in my book about Bessler and did some research into organ maker’s slang and gave examples of English words used in that craft.

      My point is that trying to make sense of the whole passage might require someone to study 18th C organ making and find the German words from the passage in question and then try to find an illustration of the mechanism in question.

      But......we don’t know which words might have been jargon. I did a lot of research myself and corresponded with several organ restorers, chiefly in the USA, and they were unable to help me, but they did confirm that with so many components in an organ, they all had trade names. Somewhere some expert can probably give the answer.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Well, I must admit everything revolves around weights and levers... The inner mechanism...

    And, this time Ken won it as his answer is the closest...

    Congrats Ken...

    Remember the key to BW is its simplicity...

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. SG... Ken is not always foolish as we often consider... This time he is absolutely right... The problem is I am unable to describe the movement due to fear of giving away too much...
    Levers and fro...
    I am not saying Ken design is correct but his answer is...
    If I describe the movement openly then the secret will not be a secret anymore...
    A lever is made up of two sections and there are two types of movement involved...

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. It takes too much intelligence to understand what you mean SG... Many times I fail to completely understand... You may be right...

    But, it is always better to keep things simple... For simplicity is the key...

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I'm 57 years old and female. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I've been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled in just one inch away from my spine, resulting to underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately my smoking just caused more damage to my already under developed lungs. The problem was having is that I enjoy smoking and don't want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don't want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my husband and children's eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solution on their own to help my condition.I am an 57 now who was diagnose COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of  Dr Akhigbe   total cure herbal medicine. my husband saw his testimony on the internet he used his powerful medicine to cured different diseases. we contacted his email   [}   He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and others diseases, will cure you totally and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
    God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life.

  53. To john Collins Are you looking for a answer to how the Bessler wheel possibly worked or did you solve it?
    In 2001 I gave a demo of how it worked with water, and offset air in two wheels this was never shown on the internet I never studied Bessler's project this was from my own research solved in 2 days because I needed something to show at the free energy convention of 2001 in seattle. by somebody named kileynet or something like that.
    I did not want to show the real free energy project that is magnetic power But I did anyway, This device was a linier motor that traveled 18 inches on a magnetic track the car had 6 wheels that in the travel turned 1 1/2 rotation time 6 = 9 rotations
    note: over 1 rotation is free energy. Unlike some people I am willing to show how this technology works in simple terms. do you want to see how these thing work?
    Give me a text also unlike some I am not hiding - location - Vashon island Washington state USA

  54. Sorry the Email is - Tom Wlazlak -
    Do you want to see something possible that may work or not I should leave that open in case I may be over zealous.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...