Friday 22 May 2020

After a PoP Demonstration, Peer Review and Acceptance.

I think that when Bessler’s wheel actually works and is developed into what ever is proven to be its best evolution, it will confirm the opinion of many of us, that it will herald the future of a world with greatly reduced pollution; very cheap electrical supply; all-electric cars, trains, electric boats and ships.  Not sure if electric aircraft would benefit, but I understand there are some efforts being made in that direction.

Conversely, the cessation or severe reduction of the manufacture of all fossil fuel burning vehicles, boats, aircraft and generators etc, may eventually happen, and not necessarily because of Bessler’s wheel, but because pollution, global warming, rising sea levels - not to mention the increasing cost of pumping oil - demands it. But what a welcoming opportunity for the entrance on to the world stage for Bessler’s wheel.

I know that many here doubt the effectiveness of Bessler’s wheel as an electricity generator, but it seems to me that, in the simplest terms, a rotating device, powered only by the effect of gravity on weights, which can rotate another connected device, no matter how weakly, is capable of being scaled upwards to the point where it can be an effective replacement for all electricity generators. It may appear large or cumbersome, but compared to the many solar panels covering much of the roofs of houses in the U.K. it will seem invisible and far more effective!   But I do not believe it will prove to be as weak as most people predict.

What about all the alternatives means of producing electricity presently in use if the above scenario should happen?  Windmills, tidal generators and nuclear energy, can all be proscribed.  But there are others that I think may still have an important role to play.  Hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy and solar power seem likely to have long term use, but all of the above will benefit from the ongoing development of cheaper and more effective batteries or other electrical storage devices in which to store excess power, or as a backup utility.  Biomass is regarded as renewable energy but still produces CO2 when burned, but there are other ways of extracting energy from it, some of which can be directly converted into electrical energy via electrochemical oxidation reduction reaction (redox).

But above all these, in my opinion, Bessler’s wheel triumphs for its simplicity, cleanliness,  low cost, low technology and therefore reliability.


The Real Johann Bessler Codes part one

I’ve decided to include in my blogs some of the evidence I have found and deciphered which contain  the real information Bessler intended us...